Pacific Blue (1996–2000): Season 3, Episode 1 - Inside Straight - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

the landlord says to me forget it it's a

condo as of September 1 but I'm free to

stay as long as I buy the thing for a

hundred and seventy-five thousand

dollars free little apartment that's

what I said

two bedrooms since I'm peeling paint

gets 175 in Santa Monica well my offer

still stands oh yeah I could bring my

dates home Adam meet my roommate teasing

doesn't he look cute in his underwear by

the way he's got a gun too hi hey took

under that Stallone movie no yes she

bought dinner she picks the movie well

people wrapped around the block so if

you want to make that 10 o'clock you

better get in line or flash your badge

yo yo yo

if I say we're gonna make it to the

movie alive we're gonna make it look

once you get in line I gotta hit the ATM

at the pier you don't have enough cash

for the movies not for two tickets a big

giant buttered popcorn three sodas in

your midnight favorite Milk Duds in Red

Hots you better get going




so drop the gonna turn around




six shots fired on the parking lot

officers responding

one maybe six we need an ambulance over


okay he drew me kill me


he's a cop










hey bro what's up today you have that

money we talked about yeah thanks for

front of me it's Jill's birthday I'm

getting her Tiffany watching this guy

he's getting divorced he wants cash

Eddie you don't have to tell me what the

moneys for you know okay I'm a little

distracted it was involved in the fatal

shooting last night shot somebody not

just someone killed the police officer

oh my God look today I gotta go

is everything all right with chilling

the kids everything's fine I'm more

concerned about you I'm all right do me

a favor don't tell Dad okay it's not a

woman to worry you seem a little worried

yourself I'd be lying if I said it




what the hell have you been we've been

playing for an hour get stuck in traffic

routes $5,000 to buy in my young friend

able to meet Part C ain't no surprise

you're still playing good to see you


mosha hope you haven't won too much yeah

fat chance gentlemen

Texas Hold'em Oh Eddie up I'll open for

20 min man see you 20 MOA g60

I fold take your time Gary huh I got a

feeling he's thinking about calling his

divorce attorney I fold

and you I hate but I love you all right

burn and turn hate all that matter well

bet 200 us American dollars

good boy makes it easy for me I think

you want me to think you got an ace

under there DW so we say we make it four

on hang on away hello

King I'll check gonna go see 500 see if

I'm John the truth boy what do you say

we make it a thousand partner checking

race huh

hot car

three you really have to bump it up

another thousand Oh uh-huh

show me

I got a full boat aces over whoa good

hand no good well done very well nobody

move no one gets hurt

wait a minute steady boys give me the

money you're a toad aww

watches injury to who that had another

engine cowboy you're gonna lose it

come on come on let's go Thank You


nice Cuban party again I'm Harrison

representing the Department of Criminal

Investigations this is Rob Martin from

the liability assessment team shooting

review board will conduct interviews as

well you're willing to waive your right

to an attorney during this preliminary

yes yeah you're where the instant is on

videotape from security cameras appear

yes officer Calloway you've never met

officer David Blaine no I haven't never

worked with him made him at a department

function I said I didn't know but you're

where you work are copies I only know

that because I've been told that

sentence officer Kelvin you approached

officer Blaine did you identify yourself

as a police officer

I'm not sure you're not sure I told him

to drop the gun I'm not sure if I said I

was a police officer had you been

drinking officer Callaway I had a beer

with dinner the waitress said you and

officer Kelly had a pitcher I only had

one beer and I didn't finish it if you

think it's a bad shoot Harrison just say

it TC the guy drawed me I didn't say it

was a gun


Pop's calories suspended until further

notice tenant Palermo will take your

shield and gun finish a report Pepitone

his desk by 5:00

hey come out let's take him out right

now give me the Yankees 652 win five the

Braves 802 win five give me the Cowboys

- two three over the Falcons for a dime

Thanks you're betting exhibition


look I'm down thirty thousand over the

last sixty days please don't lecture me

about the Atlanta Falcons Big W but just

call it a loss it's enough already

don't weigh no sir look this ain't just

about money anymore folks if it gets out

that DW McQueen you got taken down at

gunpoint then it becomes open season on

every little casino owner like me a

little casino I got plenty of your

hard-earned cash

Riley Carl gentlemen I think I know a

way to get our money back yeah so do I

give me that phone March don't order no

bringing in a couple of Nevada Cowboys

with sawed-off shotguns is not the


Dale it's not they'll get our money back

and they'll teach those clowns a lesson

please I am the host of this game it is

my responsibility

let me bring in my own muscle Joe you've

been out of the outfit for a lot of

years with all due respect

what kind of muscle can you rely on to

solve this problem so you think it was

an inside job

it had to be I mean we buried the day in

the time of the game and they knew one

of our players was packing any idea who

might have set you up I got a hunch

nothing really there go on you know

problem is I don't want to see anybody

get hurt yeah here of DW McQueen you

have from Las Vegas does those corny

commercials with the cheetah yeah he and

that cheetah push 100 million bucks a

year through that Palomino Hotel and

Casino well he's not a very patient a

forgiving man you know mr. d'Italia how

come they're not just handling this

yourself I am handling it myself I come

to you like a good citizen all right

come into the firehouse file a report

tell me about the players mm-hmm I'll

put a couple of my people on it all

right all right give me the descriptions

Oh what can do it personally okay may I

help you

yes I'm looking for TC Callaway he's a

little busy right now just tell him that

mrs. David Blaine is here to see you

he's right over there

TC Calloway I'm Diana Blaine yes I know

mrs. Blaine I want to tell you how sorry

was Bo


that's right I want Trager McCall on a

plane today

somebody gear up for trouble they can

reach me at the beechwood Hotel I'll

fill them in when they get here okay hey

ladies have some bikes what in the hell

is this world coming to you come on

Chris it's no big deal I have an extra

bread room I never even use it was a big

deal last time we stayed together we

nearly killed each other well you know

you're not gonna find another place in

Santa Monica because of rent control and

I also know we said we never lived

together again for the sake of our

friendship well I'm willing to risk our

friendship for half the rent spoken like

a true mercenary oh man do me a favor

let me clock us out oh you finish I need

to run some errands and go CTC you want

some company no let me go see him first


door was open thought you might like

some company sure what are you doing

staring at the ceiling do you ever think

about what you do for a living if they

took away your badge don't talk that way

I'm serious what are we really trained

to do be a security guard the night

watchman TC yeah my resume is gonna look

great reason for leaving last employer

killed fellow worker well you could

always go back to the family business in

Newport rather be a rent-a-cop just

gonna sit here until they decide to toss

out of the department I must have said

the words I'm a police officer a

thousand times why didn't I say him last

night is gonna say because you had half

a beer

maybe they're right

I killed her husband Chris thank guy

with a badge just like us no not just

like us he was wandering around a

parking lot with his gun out a moment

before that he had a point at some guys

chest we don't know who his friends were

what his department mental jacket looks

like none of that is gonna change the

fact that this was a bad shooting and

they have it on tape come on TC in the

past 12 years you've been in 15

officer-involved shootings all of them

clean and by-the-book how'd you know

that I looked it up and I also think

that we should do some checking I'm

David Blaine where'd you get this I

found it in a locked file cabinet

anything in here not a thing but that

doesn't mean that you're gonna sit on

your butt until it's time to crawl back

to Newport


David Richards to pick that up and I

think they're going to go for two

damnit Trixie extra points I got a huge

bet to practice the two-point



what about front me mm excuse me what am

i Bank of America put on your plastic

maxed out we're taking out cash advances

to pay off my bookie I need to get chill

a birthday gift and I have to pay my

brother back and loan you a thousand

great put on a Hollywood Park turn this

into for you better what's up I need to

go through these files officially you're

a sign of these files they need to be

alphabetized unofficially I want you to

look at the skinny man the guy Davey

Blaine was arguing with just before he

was killed

got it I knew you would

you want to see me lieutenant you find

anything interesting in David Blaine's

jacket sir

page it's okay officer Kelly I know what

you did just surprised it took so long

this is a copy of the tape from the

security camera on the pier ticket of TC

let him look at it see if there's

anything he missed yes sir

did I miss anything in Blaine's file

it's very clean Blaine was a good shot

TC is lucky to be alive

convince some of that baby Blaine was a

model police officer a 10-year veteran

with an unbelievable conviction record

who never took a dime from anybody

wouldn't even take a free doughnut ask

around all we want to know is who is

arguing with the night he got killed

killed by your friend in the bike shorts

excuse me but your partner shot first

he didn't identify himself as a police

officer look TC Calloway he's a good cop

who could just have easily been the one

dead we're very sorry about your partner

but we're just looking for some answers

here no you're not you're trying to

clear the name of a cop that had too

much to drink made a mistake and shot my

partner dead I'm sorry ladies I'm not

gonna help you do that

and you could tell you buddy Calloway

he's got very few friends left in this

department and I don't mean on the

shooting Review Board



thank you

how you doing not bad considering my

life's over wrap back the money I

borrowed Thanks

what happened you didn't buy the watch

from that guy are you talking about just

same how did I give you the other day

how would you know that

a couple of these bills see the red

stains I noticed them when I picked them

up from the bank it means they were cash

from a bank robbery with a dye bomb went


no kidding serious let me take a look at

that you know something I think you're

right I think these were used in a

robbery at the game what are you talking

on - you owe me some same with are

barred from my brother in red ink um

okay maybe I did so what so I won my

5,000 back can't give it to you where

they are not is that used to pay my

debts in Las Vegas the 28,000 you will

the Palomino yeah and the rest went to

Mikey the bookie so you robbed a poker

game with DW McQueen just so you could

pay your markers at DW Zone casino

pretty clever huh it's pretty stupid you

finds out he'll kill you that man's

crazy the only way he's gonna find out

as if you tell him and you're not gonna

do that right I don't know what I'm

gonna do


I'm trigger this is McCall would work

security at the Palomino

you know we'd like to know what you know

about the incident at the poker game I

know I got robbed like everyone else

yeah five grand 13 what was that baby to

tell you're treating everybody like this

I happen to be a close personal friend

the DW done all your ride this man is a

gentleman and customer that's right pal

I'm a full combat the Palomino it would

notice you're paid off all your markers

mind telling us where you got the money

follow me around

you think the tag lee is the only game

in town you squeezing the wrong man guys

I'm not a crook I'm a real estate broker

all right let's not split hairs the

point is I didn't do it it's just that

the design thing you'd like to tell us

now would be a good time we find out

lady weren't being entirely truthful

you're really disappointed

all right thanks Peter hey that was my


mark right was telling the truth Davey

Blaine was a straight arrow like working

narco because it didn't really believed

in the war against drugs not about his

charming partner well Peter said mark

bright was a tough cop but didn't think

he was on the take either he would know

sorry you're right my brother was an

expert I think that's the skinny guy the

one that was with Davey Blaine can't

believe it that's him



she threw this twisted









we say


where the hell does going


- like five hours by plane

two and a half if you had an f-16

give me five minutes at the most


you were working as an informant for

baby bling I did not give a little

something every once in a lot of it he'd

help me out oh you know little cash to

help me get by nothing epic what were

you arguing about the night he got shot

look let's just say that he was

extremely disappointed that I hadn't

come through some info did I promised

help me out here Morgan

a straight arrow like detective Blaine

pulls a gun on you because he's a little

disappointed in your work he was a moody

guy man what can I say why'd you run

this afternoon because I'm a two-striker

and I was carrying so I dumped it in the

deep blue sea can I go now you know

because I got some appointments and all

yeah I get out of here I'm tired look at

your face dude well get your stuff the

process you wanna take about 20 minutes

your precious time hey look guys I'm

real sorry about Davey he was a good guy

for being a cop and all you know I'm

sure to appreciate this eminence process

him slowly call Victor tell him to

follow Morgan he's gonna run to someone

I want to know who got it




normally I wouldn't do this you're a man

I respect go on

I know DW brought some guys into town

and I would never rat on anybody that's

why I'm in a quandary about this but I

think I know who robbed the poker game

I'm listening

I don't feel too comfortable about this

oh you can trust me I'll protect you

Teddy Callaway and I feel terrible about

it because I'm the one who brought him

in he's been losing his shirt football

and baseball I think he took down the

game to get even that's quite an

accusation what makes you so sure the

robbers with the masks I was in Teddy's

warehouse he's got a family business

down a Newport and I recognized the

voice of one of the foreman working down

there even said steady boys


the problem here is someone came into my

house and pulled guns in my world this

can never happen and of course it can

never go unpunished


I don't understand the man who came to

you was the robber man who whispers in

your ear that he knows the rat is the

rat himself how do you don't forget I

don't want to know

it's not a light when Tesio goes to

Michael Corleone E The Godfather movie

to arrange a truce with the Barzini

family Oh

a realistic and wonderful performance of

testing of my apricot I might add well

Brandon warm Pacino that the tree would

be the one who came to him with the

offer but who was he trying to set up

not Tessio the player came to see you a

nice kid from Newport Beach with a bit

of a gambling problem

his name is Teddy Callaway cowboy from

Newport works for his father in the

family business I think I know I think

you do that's why I brought it up by the

way you have a lousy poker face




I appreciate you come to me with this

Tony it's not the best time I think you

should talk to Teddy right away I will

so how'd you interviews with the

shooting Review Board go they're ready

to clip my badge everybody working every

angle I killed the guy Tony you know I

feel like my life is spinning out of

control and there's nothing I can do

about I just hang in there TC something

wrong with this whole mess I can feel it

I just can't put my finger on hope

you're right you see anything new on

that surveillance that just that I'm

lucky to be alive

baby Blaine missed me by about a foot oh

you should say that supposedly he was an

excellent shot really


come on in it's open

what's your big emergency

remember what dad used to say about

poker if you can't spot the sucker in

the first 10 minutes and the suckers you

it's not a problem I can handle it I can

always stop then why don't you hey it's

not like I'm gonna run out of money know

how much you lost I know in the last

year Teddy I don't keep track then

you're definitely losing how many times

you pay the bookie whenever it's over 5

grand how many times he pay you all

right I probably lost about 60 thousand

over the last year

don't tell Dad listen to you don't tell

dad you're 30 years old Teddy I can

handle it I don't think you can you know

that friend of yours had knocked over to

Talia's game how do you know about that

he's blaming you what apparently he used

a couple of guys from dads warehouse to

pull off the job just in case he needed

a fall guy

look I just spotted the sucker I think

you did great week both of you think a

Louie's kids have screwed up I think he

always expected me to maybe you had more

to prove because you left the family

business but I'm the guy he's get his

eye on every day maybe but I want you to

take a look at my screw-up

yeah sure what do you think that is

right there in the reflection in the car

looks like you know right there in the

window no it's just a shadow but I mean

there's definitely a guy there yeah

skinny guy

not only you take the game down you try

and pin it on me

get them a little tired of your old

petulance my friend quit the act Riley I

know the whole story how do you think

you're gonna get away with this but to

tell you the truth I don't think you

were smart enough to figure it out


I didn't figure it out he did


you guys okay fine as well as I planned

this is one pb6


this is one pb6 responding they just

blue bias





because you're here trying to kill me I

wanted to kill you you'd already be dead

oh that's got to be very painful it

definitely looks like Morgan was

standing right behind me when Davey

bleeding started shooting sir you're

saying he was trying to kill Morgan and

not you he's an expert marksman one of

the best in the department if you're

shooting to me I'd be dead yeah but he

missed Morgan only cuz I spooked him

okay accepted but why would he want to

kill the drug dealer I don't know

I saw them argue and then Morgan split

but Blaine was nervous about something

because he never put his gun away all

right Chris fine Corey go back an

interview Dino Blaine sure about

everything you Victor saw at the house

did you steal mark Frank try smell the

guy from here

this is Blaine

that's wonder if we could have a word

with you I'm really very busy then maybe

you can just tell us what detective

Mayer bright was doing here yesterday

are you watching me no we're watching

detective Marc bright my god what is it

with you people he came by to see if I

was all right

and that's why I stayed till midnight

three hours after you sent up Chinese

food I don't have to listen to this how

much more explicit do we need to be mrs.

Blaine one of our officers get a good

look at the two of you through your

bedroom window Elizabeth look last night

I never thought anything would happen

he's just one thing led to another I

just needed someone to hold me you

telling us you guys aren't having an

affair an affair no I mean two years ago

when Davey and I were separated for a

while Jackson and I saw each other but

only once

and Davey never knew about it I'm just

trying to get to the truth and seeing

you with Mark bright makes him a suspect

my husband is dead and your officer

Calloway he killed him he is the man who

should be in jail

why won't you just accept it


well I feel just great how about you



those white cops came to see me just

trying to protect their own they know

about last night

they said you're a suspect in David's

death I don't want to feel like I took

advantage of you

point is TC Callaway killed David

they have it on videotape just tell me

one thing tell me you had nothing to do

with David getting killed

I promise you Diana had nothing to do


hey didn't looking all over for you hey

man I've been a good soldier man well

not exactly

dude it worked itself out let's take a

walk come on listen man I really don't

think you want to be doing this do what

I chased you cross the bridge you

tripped and went over the railing

come on you think you know I didn't say

anything to anyone we had a deal you do

Davey you walk on that third strike you

never fulfilled your end come on then

the cop on the pier did it for me man I

mean come on what am I supposed to do I

guess you're right Morgan said as it is

your life's been reduced to a loose end

all right man look I'll leave town you

know I've been thinking of relocating to

San Diego I know this girl down in there

you know oh you relocate all right

no we're all set you can move in anytime

just give me one more day to find a

place any black and white or PB unit in

the vicinity report of a body under the

pier Bridge ambulance on the way this is

- baby boy responding with three bucks

in there




hey let's see late for another swim huh

Morgan tell me who did this to you

spark right

let's check the tree or in Morgan


you Calloway that's right you'll

understand if I don't want to shake your

hand what do you want I want to give you

a chance to turn yourself in for

attempted murder is some kind of joke


not according to a drug dealer named

Andy Morgan Morgan's daddy fell off a

bridge last night I heard he was pushed

yeah by who by you according to Morgan

what'd he do speak to you from the grave

no he gave a dying declaration to two


nice try beach boy must be tough to get

any words out of a dead man there were

only three one was your name the other

two were strike three what was the deal

huh you had him on a drug bust but if he

kills Davi blamed for you then he

doesn't spend life in prison you know

that's a wonderful story you got there

too bad you don't got any proof DEA says

it's enough Morgan's on that tape Yeah

right let me ask you something this is

the only way you can get a date you

can't win them you can't win them so you

have their husbands he was never good to

her he never appreciated what he had all

those years we were together he


so what's the plan now run away with

Diana sorry but we told her you try to

have Davey kill


let it be good therapy



you okay


I got twenty eight thousand dollars in

cash here that's the exact amount that

Riley Karl took in the highest Kalfas

market to paddle me now I think it's

only fair that the money be returned to

the remaining players and equal shares

JW has agreed that the Palomino will

absorb the losses Karl be incarcerated

for more than a year after which time he

is definitely banned from this game no

way this blazing poker Teddy what hell

are you going I can poker a rest for a

while ah yeah manage these five players

ain't no poker game


I still say you're a glutton for


we're gonna be just fine welcome home

yeah but you must feel better have a

thing behind you I feel a sense of

relief I'm feeling better

why is that still killing innocent men

irony of it is Davy Blaine didn't do

anything wrong here did Diana maybe if I

hadn't gone to that ATM he would have

killed Morgan before Morgan killed him

but see see you can't cure that around

with you over time I know that still

doesn't change the fact that it happen




