Pacific Blue (1996–2000): Season 2, Episode 10 - Cranked Up - full transcript

While competing in an "Eco Relay" bicycle race through mountain terrain, the Bike Patrol must save Chris after she's kidnapped by a group of crystal methamphetamine ("crank") dealers.

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pvp 4-h

I told him coffee was mistake I don't

know if I'm ready for this what's your

problem Chris I'm totally psyched I

can't wait to tear up that mountain

second wire you guys aren't getting cold

feet are you what you kidding me press

up the chance to race over 80 miles of

the most rugged mountain terrain in the

county me how wishes races today liars

just keep up okay hey what's that but

those things were allowed in national

parks so none hahahaha it should be



two girls going trail riding what's the

chia kind of dangerous up there you know

real easy to get lost yeah how about we

take you for a ride and show you the lay

of the land you guys know that these

ATVs are off-limits in this area you

sure about that I didn't see any Sun

you're looking at a pretty big fine what

are you two UH Park Rangers no Jim Joe

there Rangerettes oh well uh sorry girls

so we got to go you to stay on the trail

now cuz I get real scary up



you see this cream shall we report him

or you can park rangers handled explode

and get a race direct







if I












okay your team can set up camp anywhere

you'd like where he starts at

oh-six-hundred sharp all right teams are

entered 22 so far who's your team

captain here in SS man I need the names

and addresses and next of kin and where

you want the body set me a lot of

traffic on that mountain tomorrow oh not

so did you notice that's a big mountain

with a lot of trails costly you've done

this before yeah my buddies and I ride

it every weekend you know just for fun

too should join us sometime I'm Greg by

the way I'm Cory this is chris my

partner Steve he knows this mountain

like it was his own backyard

fraternizing with the enemy I see listen

these guys only trying to put the psyche

on you really i thought it was the make

see on the hill

we're some guys checking out the

competition all right let's keep our

focus here I'll trying to make new

friends after the race you guys started

loading I'll be right back

excuse me Santa Lambo Santa Monica PD

Jim Williams are you competing tomorrow

lieutenant yeah that's our team over

there listen we're back at the rest stop

he ran into a couple idiots turn around

ATVs white males early 30s long hair one

was the big our tattoo see the guy was a

scrawny redhead just let you'd want to

know appreciate it i'll check them out

good luck tomorrow x la will need it so

is it very deserted straight and there

was a full moon out just like tonight

and Jim please get nervous now canals

and 10 minutes as he's being with Nets

out of the car and still as governor

hasn't come back from the bushes yet

Victor I swear I've heard the story and

then there's no way you could have heard

the story this happened this is true so

he comes out and looking Debbie are you

all right Debbie are you there happy hey

you're missing that you should go story

and probably heard before bro what you

doing I'm looking at the stars and i

flew night flights in the Navy the sky

looks just like this it's pretty

spectacular makes you wish you could

always see it this well yeah when we

make a choice stars or bright lights big

city when you have two of your choice

what do you mean you still want to go to

metra I suppose someday I mean we all

have to move on right can't write her

back forever true

but until then until then so he hears a

noise coming out of the bushes but she's

covered in blood she's bleeding

everywhere she's got something in the

hand but he can't let me tell what it is

it's closer it's still beating she opens

her mouth this isn't funny okay I mean

this really happened okay folks now

listen up first off I want to

congratulate you all for entering the

echo relays this is one of the most

challenging endurance events in the

world over seventy-five percent of you

will not finish this race nothing like a

good pep talk to start the day I could

have been a drill sergeant fungus this

one here with menacing both members of

each team must complete each leg and

tagged in at the half-way checkpoint

before the next team can take off lose a

man or leave that teammate behind and

you are DQ'd this is an eco race that

means no radios no weapon no electronic

navigational aids use one and you are

DQ'd it's just you and your bikes

against the mountain

good luck all right short straw stays

behind it work support show you haven't

read this I came and pick I go with left

I hate this I mean I always get stuck

behind I'm James that's right Victor

keep that positive attitude how do you

wanna do it one of the time we're all

together all together let's get this

thing over with Humphrey ready 123

strong guys 23 huh no way state change

the rules that way that's bad for morale

does it means that Victor and I had a

first-leg Senate I yet quarry in the CC

you can have a second leg hey it's not

that bad not every astronaut got to walk

on the moon there's always one guy who

had to stay behind the command module

may never could have done it without

good plan we got a race to let's go

buddy go



oh my god

ready go together see the midway point








okay so I need a drink so where are we

about halfway to the check-in point you

know I did an outward bound up here a

few years ago I think of a number of

shortcut it'll save us two hours of the

game it's such a great shortcut how come

no one else is taking her huh because

it's kind of special ha special well it

kind of starts out like a rule trail and

then it sort of Peters out a little bit

point to what into this deep thingy no

big deal I mean we'll have to walk our

bikes for last mile but that's not the

special part and what's a special part

this killer downhill okay nights got

this sharp rock in this loose gravel

sure it could kill you but it will shave

off about 15 miles will build up such a

lead no one will catch us you know I was

never sure about this before but now I

really am you're insane who are the best

riders in this race all right I have two

words for you Donner Party relax it will

not get to that and if it does I promise

not to eat you in fact you can eat me





I hate you Victor you'll love me what we

win come on oh no it wasn't that worth

climb yeah it's beautiful now which way

down that were the phrase we say that

she's both




damn it

thank you all right yeah I think so boy

that was really stupid still you're not

dead a gorilla thrash you think they

know when I'll route to bring any tools

I'm gonna have to try to fix it by hand

we smoked allegedly do we have about two

hours why I can go ahead to the

checkpoint and bring back with your

[ __ ] no you don't know these moms like

I do hey hello Navy pilot survival

training remember give me the compass

and a map


so why don't we just leave the stuff in

the trailer insurance Marylou's likely

to blow herself up might as well stash

what we got






oh my god


where the hell you think you're going

nowhere I just what the hell is that





I don't get garlic hang on hey is it

tough to navigate out there oh yeah it's

really easy to get lost I got off the

trail on this leg last month and two

flats before I got back on track yeah I

take this weight around our guys aren't

back yet either don't worry they'll show

up thanks man good luck guys do hey

whatever about here for you said let her

out there with that Ranger hey shut up

now why'd you say that her foot her

besides Mary Lou she drew on us we had

no choice I don't care you take her back

out there you make her an accident too I

wouldn't be nice yeah I'm gonna show a

little miss your hospitality first no I

won't have it I will not have that woman

in my house relax we just want to have

the fun you got me for that hail Mary

Lou you've heard of a right yeah it was

strange ever nobody just wrong take her

out to the woods and you show her right

now just wrap forget the fun boys I'm a

cop she's been on to this way chat

sometime now this whole mountain is

crawling with law enforcement you're all

out here looking for you she's bluffing

we saw her and her buddies down at the

rest stop we're in any of them in

uniform it's an undercover operation you

think you let you know we were coming

shame bluffing look at this had the way

she's mine you shoot that cannon don't

know exactly where you are give me that

we ain't got time for this we got a

delivery tonight they can wait I ain't

doing jack till I know it's clear yeah

if she's up here with a bunch of cops

then where's your gun huh back with my

bike at the bottom of the ravine I lost

it when I

crash isn't lyin she's just trying to

save herself well then how come she's so

far off the regular price oh we can't

afford to screw up right now Mary Lou

you keep an eye on we're gonna go see

what's up you just bought yourself a

little time but if you're bluffing we

get back we're gonna party on you I'm

never gonna give you Mary


hey where's Chris he ever show no way

Tom and I really screwed up this time

what happened Victor I talked on the

ticking this gnarly shortcut tenda my

front tire hit a rock and then I flashed

my derailleur lieutenant I mean I don't

get it she said she'd write in to bring

back a spare me should have been back by

now how long ago she leave you about two

and a half hours ago whoa that's a long

time besides Chris would not get locked

tenish we call search and rescue has two

sous-chefs been missing longer and if

she was what I were to run into her on

the trail okay look at Corinth you see

the first aid kit a radio go look for

okay checking every half hour we're

gonna wait here in case she shows up

please the radio will get this qualified

personnel can you just go lieutenant I

really like to go with

sits down

came up here to get away from people

like you shoulda left us alone you're

not going to light that in here are you

not allowed out in here are you let's

matter you worried about your help be

long dead for any of the smokeless you

I'm talking about the chemicals all the

ether fears in here this place is a bomb

I've been cooking Frank since I was 15

and irony no dolly girl telling me how

to run my trade keep lookin at nothin

shut you're so smart I don't know why

Jim Joe and Barger want to mess with you

you know how to treat for keeps Mary Lou

anything happens to me you're buying

yourself a timeshare in death row I know

what they like hey really you know

listen to me if you let me go I can help

you out look at you with your your cutie

pie little hairdo and Jane Fonda outfit

I know what you got you got nothing you

know I can't really blame those boys

Mary Lou just took a bath once a month

it won't be so hot to trot with me stock

on it




Peter yet we got to be close bend it

could they got very far okay here ear

Lee how'd you find me I found your buck

a few hours ago so any of her clothes I

mean I heard you see you think TVs so

they don't I spotted oh man you guys are

serious because the park ranger

yesterday I was next what if you for

dealers crystal meth they had a lab back

in the woods I blew it up last night

well no wonder paranoid okay no TC and

chorea waiting for us at the bridge

we've been looking for you all night


there they are


and when they get out at the bottom well

then we'll beat them down there


I the box right here uranium he has it

well doesn't work in these hills did I

get to high ground for help hey gimme

your anything for my team they've all

disappeared oh I love this race any of

them ever done it before now all right

that's what I thought Nuggets now

they're all experienced writers there's

no way they could all be lost don't

worry they usually turn up anybody other

words radios I could check with hey bud

this isn't a boxcar Derby it's the Eco

relay it's about survival you worried

about your team you call search and

rescue you'll be disqualified of course

I don't care about that listen friend

don't feel bad most people don't even

finish this race it's that tough tough

is your skull


hey you guys okay we're here Chuck yeah

suppose we saw those ATVs and a meth lab

I stumbled on it you killed a park

ranger how'd you get away i hit them him

all night pep talk to some will come out

and checked at a park ranger take it a

bit a while sometimes those Rangers

don't check in four days lucky to be

alive man I knew those guys are wrong I

destroyed their labs did all their

products in a shed we're talking a lot

of weight here they'll be I'd make that

stuff if the strange and the delivery

slip the last night I think I made a

misfit any luck on that radio no too

much interference for details okay so

let's just write back to the checkpoint

I'm already for a helicopter so I

delivered by then they'll be long gone

sweetie let that happen come on hold on

a second I guess suggesting we take a

couple of homicidal paranoid speed

freaks with just a mountain bikes are

good lucks yeah okay I'll just check it


Here Come attract yourself




















I do it not so good you see my team

can't say that I have what they all lost

I don't know maybe you okay now really

soul race has been a disaster Steve and

I got separated in the dark been looking

for him all night come daybreak realize

I've been riding around in circles here

their quest nah winning is out but I'm

still going to try to finish how about

you and your partner had to complete the

wave together we planned for this

supposed to meet at hole in the wall if

we got separated where's that it's a

landmark at the halfway point good luck

you too hope you find your people oh you

lucked out the bullet went right through

Queen get her to a hospital before it

gets infected I'm all for that thank you

so when's the delivery boys I get it not

much for talking huh you got nothing to

say yeah I guess not you're in so deep

now why bother right attempted murder on

a police officer possession and

manufacturing narcotics not to mention

the dead park ranger I'd say you're on a

fast track to death row well I wouldn't

count on it hey cuz got you went out of

the woods yet

see the drug can wait Mary Lou can't

move on without the students we need to

get Corey to a hospital before she was

into shock all right you take her on a

TV and you get down there radio the

sheriff to come up and get the crank

pick don't I'll file with Dumb and

Dumber sounds like plan not one that's

going to happen drop the shotgun do it I

put another one in



why muzzle hurt now wait we don't got

time for this I'll get you another one a

double-wide I promise first we got

business to take care of all right

you've gotta let me kill her you gotta

give me there you gotta think she likes

you shut up it's just an observation why

don't you and your friends go sit and

observe by the shed what about her you

too princess uh no why we had to haul

him all the way back up here I still

think we should have shot him and buried

him out on the trail you stick to

cooking crank your thinking's what got

us here to begin with hey there's no

call for you to talk to us like we're a

bunch of what idiots is over 100 races

out in those hills and you want to start

firing your guns you want to be chased

of these woods by dogs and helicopters

sit down sit down

why don't we just tie them up real good

and leave them you know like let nature

take its course what if it doesn't we

got four cops at our trial trying to

send us to the death house all right so

what do you want us to do wait till dark

race will be over by then that'll give

us enough time to get rid of them and

get out of here what do you think is

going to happen when four cops disappear

up here looks like we're going to find

out you'll have every police agency and

stony up here at home in these woods no

no what you did not if we do a good job

murders a big step up from dealing drugs

why risk it I'm a two-strike ER next

one's life without parole so it's you or

me guess who I choose it's still life

you kill us you won't even have that I'm

not going to kill anybody hey give it

here wait your turn yeah

hey yourself

has it gone how are the race looking for

my team sorry I haven't seen any way

yeah yeah by the way I saw your partner

my partner on Mars why is that hey

pretty anxious to hook up with you when

Justine about an hour ago heading south

what the hell was he doing going south

mentioned something about meeting up at

hole in the wall that's two miles north

of here they wrote themselves all the

time talking was riding eat a won this

race all by himself how so he lagged

behind the whole time claimed that he

had food poison tonight by it and he

just sort of fell back he disappeared so

you're all done before no I regular guy

had his bikes don't have his garage two

days before the race Greg just showed up

the last minute and offered to fill the

spot nor do me a favor bring you to the

checkpoint call search and rescue tell

lieutenant Palermo made the request

Santa Monica PD should have been out of

here last night couldn't be helped yeah

stuff happens all right I'll leave it's

dark what about them you wait for an

hour after i leave you bury them deep I

want the rain to wash away any shallow


Cory how you doing still here she need

some water hey we got some water for her

please oh and worried about her she

won't be full of anything pretty soon so

humorous no harm in letting its remember

going to live you you you real quick you

I'm going to take my time you haven't

killed anyone yet Mary Lou be smart you

only do some time when this whole thing

is over those boys over there never see

the light of day again I buried a dog up

here one time and I dug them up a month

later just for fun everyone's down

Hammurabi I don't think we can wait for

the cavalry Chris lean up turn towards

me I'll piece of glass to try and

country you know if we're able to give

free Corey's not gonna be able to help

us it'll be us three against their gun

at least one I'm was going to buy it

probably yeah we got on fight night no

one for that what says and done without

trying anyway




what's gone

the ropes are so thick that can't tell

Corey darn ya silly you can't get rid of

it easy hang in there I want to get you

out of here we're going to take this man

I go to the watterson trees Mary Lou

what do you think we go and find some

burger I ain't in the mood side you know

how Jim Joe hates it when we leave mouth

so where the hell is e let's go get him

then how should I know Jim jail



hey buddy where are you Jim Joe




hey hey where you going here take this

why you do the cops now Barger and Jim

Joe they might be in trouble well look

for them you just finish off the cops

then I want him to watch there's no time

for this Hey look at the blonde she's

laughing at you yeah

hey you think I'm really funny huh I'll

laugh at this say goodnight blondie my

turn Mary Lou suck on Miss correct you

all right yeah fine great he's a fire he

went that way









sorry to have to tell you this but you

are all disqualified what do you mean

we're disqualified we finish a race

didn't we you broke so many rules I

don't even know where to begin for

starters you use the radio that gave you

an unfair advantage you never actually

used it and it never worked that's not

the point what are these everybody had

the pedal under their own power you

cruised in here on these received and

who are these people and why is she

gagged it'll look at us it was their

idea yeah we also devote an agreed wait

a minute there's something else going on

here man this guy doesn't miss a thing


and you r DQ












