PMTA (2018–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - Episode #1.5 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
What do you need to make a deal?

A name

Gilbert Atias.

i met with a new client.

He bought a villa in Herzliya Pituach.

He put the villa under his wife's name,
Natalie Khalfon.

I understood they knew Bergman.

What's your connection with Gilbert Atias?

I am exercising my right to remain silent.

You went to Harvard?

For a semester. Student exchange.

Getting a recommendation from you

would be a dream.

Write down this number.
-Whose number?

A friend of mine called Shosh.

I want you to tell her what you told me.

He asked me to call you.

I have to say, I think that at this point

the fewer people are involved, the better.

I'm not people.

Don't play games, Elisha.

What do you want?

Yes, Meri.

If he doesn't approve Yerushalmi's
turn to state's evidence, then...

We'll have to think of another strategy.

So I understand our conversation
was fruitful.

We're waiting
for the State Attorney's approval.

Sounds serious.

They found his face in footage from May 17th.

There he is. Gilbert Atias.

She's on the mortgage file. Look.

The villa is under her name.

Hello, Gil?

Honey, I was so worried. Where are you?

But where is the boat going?

A far away country called Malta.

Yerushalmi talked.

About you and Gilbert Atias,

how you've been squirreling away money
and how you've extorted her

I'm not stupid,

and I won't talk to you without Kaminsky.

You think you're smarter than everyone here?

A dramatic development
in the mortgage affair.

We've learned that Rachel Yerushalmi

has signed an agreement
to turne state's evidence

What's going on, Cohen?

Rachel is gone.

She and her husband Yoel
have both disappeared.

Are we sure?
They really crossed the border into Jordan?

Yes. They crossed together
at the Arava border crossing.

At around 6:00 PM.

But there was
a stay of exit order against them.

They used foreign passports.
We're still figuring out which ones.

Anyone else crossed with them?
Do we have footage from the crossing?

No. It always takes time with the Jordanians.

Ben Yami says they're outside the villa.

They're asking to break in.

You hear me, Yaron?

Go in carefully.

We think there are
women and children in there.

Roger that.
-Did you get the suspect's photo?

Affirmative, I have the photo.

Great. Be careful, he could be armed.

What happened?
-Take her.

Is anyone else at home?

The Filipino maid is the only one here.

We found documents and a wall safe.

Have them open it. The warrant covers that.

Crack it open and bring the contents here.

Roger that. It'll take a while.

Nati, we have information
from the Jordanians.

Rachel and Yoel Yerushalmi
boarded flight number 452

from Amman to Buenos Aires at 8:30 PM.


We're going to question
the Filipina we found in the villa.

Is she legal? Does she have a visa?

I don't give a damn.

What about the safe?

Working on it.

I demand to see my client.

Kaminsky, stop whining. Do me a favor.

Your client is being questioned based
on your agreement to further investigation.

An agreement obtained under false pretenses.

Don't make me remand him
until the end of proceedings.

You know that if I ask for it now,
I'll get it. -What for?

Your state's evidence skipped the country.
The whole case is falling apart.

What will it take for you
to accept you've lost?

Bergman proved he's a risk.

A witness who was about
to testify against him

was abducted and perhaps eliminated
by your client and his people.

His people? What are you talking about?
Give me a break.

My client is a clerk.

A senior one, but still a clerk!

I know you're crazy,

but my client isn't
mob boss.

Watch it,

or I'll arrest you
for insulting a civil servant.

Have a lovely day.

Is there something going on
between you two?

He's just being dramatic.

Why are you lying?

You know where they went.

I told you. Mr. Gilbert went abroad

10 days ago.

After he paid my salary.

Where is Ori's father?

Ori doesn't have a father. Only Mr. Gilbert.

Why didn't Natalie go with him?

When did she leave?


Yesterday the missus told me

to help her pack one suitcase
for her and Ori only.

She said that they are going for vacation.

Vacation where?

I swear, she didn't tell me. Really.

What would you prefer? To go to jail

or to be on the first plane to Manila?

No, please. I don't know.

Ori told me that he is going on a boat.

A boat where?


Try and remember.

I don't remember. Maybe Malaga?

Malaga, Spain? Try and remember.

Ma... Malata?


They are going on a boat to Malta.

Nitzan, check all ships
from the last 24 hours

which left either Haifa or Ashdod port
on route to Malta.

Nati, Natalie is on her way to Malta.

The Filipina started talking.

is that from the raid? The villa?

Yes. All of this was in the safe.

He was running one hell of an operation.

Stamps, adhesive machines.
Professional equipment.


11 different passports.

All those were his?

This is the only one that looks authentic.

The French passport.

Arnault Dubois.

Two ships left Ashdod for Malta.

One transport, one passenger.
They've already cleared immigration.

They're looking through
the passenger list now.

I'll have an update soon.

They could also be travelling
with fake passports. -For sure.

Have them look for a woman matching
Natalie's description with a four-year old.

And send her photo
to the maritime police unit.

don't feel well.

I have hig lood pressure

and they won't giv me my regular medicine.

You know re's an easy way
for you to ge our medicine.

Tell me where you transferred
the money Gilbert got

from the phony mortgages.

I'm not kidding

Call a doctor.

You don't have a fever

Your pulse seems fine.
-Does it?

What medical school did you graduate from?

I'm telling you to call a doctor.

Check the international division
for details about a French national

named Arnault Dubois.


Whether he's wanted in any country,
charges against him, everything.

How long will that take?

They got the wife and kid.

They're bringing them in now.

Is Gilbert with them?
-No, just Natalie and her son.

Kaminsky. Good morning. Still here?

My client is still here.
Where else would I be?

He just asked to see you.

But he's busy feeling unwell, the poor guy.

So we've moved him to the infirmary.
Such a shame.

Tell me, what zoo did you crawl out of?

The man is unwell. Is that any way to talk?

And you think it's okay
to talk to me this way?

What way?

Like I'm your friend.

I don't know what makes you think

that anything could happen between us.

Couldn't it?

I wouldn't date a girl like you

if they paid me.

Really? Seems like
you'd do anything for money.


I'm not available anyway.

I'm dating someone new.

A Brazilian model named Gabriela.

She's here shooting some lingerie campaign.

feel like this could be it.

You're full of shit.

I'm afraid that's all my learned friend
will allow right now.

Kid? Sweetie?


Where's your mom?

Good, he's here.

Come here a moment.
-Who is that?

It's Natalie Khalfon's son.

I'm supposed to watch him
until the social worker arrives,

but I have to question a suspect. Take over?
-Sure. -Thanks.

Who's Natalie Khalfon?

Hey. What's your name?

My name is Marcelle. Are you hungry?

You want some chocolate, or a snack?

Say, aren't you the superhero they sent here?

Because I heard there was a superhero here

who forgot his cape.

And it turns out...

that his cape

gives you superpowers.


You want to see?

The moment you put it on..

you're no longer afraid of anything.

You want to try it? Yeah?

Come on.

Like that.

You can fly now, too. Look.


What's in Malta?

I promised my son we'd go on a boat.

In the middle of the school year?

To a tax haven?

Do you even know where Malta is?

It was the cheapest cruise I could find.

Why would someone who lives
in a 20-million shekel villa

look for a cheap cruise deal?

Natalie. We know
Gilbert called you yesterday.

Where is he? Waiting for you in Malta?

No. Gilbert went to Belgium
on business a week ago.

He isn't joining us this time.

He's a crook!

And you're his accomplice.
Do you even realize what he’s done?

What you're liable for?

I didn't do anything!

Gilbert is a good man.

He didn't do anything.

What is that?

That's Gilbert and his wife.

She's pregnant now. Due any day.

They live in Sweden.

Apparently your Gilbert
is also ultra-orthodox.

A Chabad adherent.
Lives between here and Uman.

You want me to go on?

I have eight more Gilberts at least.

t can't be. I know him.

Natalie, your Gilbert
is an international con artist.

He uses fake identities.

He's wanted across half the European Union.

And you're telling me
you knew nothing about this?

Gilbert Atias doesn't exist!

t can't be.

Xauoiu Mejp oi_| piQ

He told me he was travelling for work.

He always takes out money before he leaves.

I don't know anything. I swear.

I know nothing.

Has my brother picked up my son yet?

-So who's watching over him?

Can you let me see my son?

I'm begging you. Please.

Natalie. Try and help us
with the things you do know,

and I'll make sure you see your son
as soon as possible.

You see that man?
The one shaking hands with Gilbert.

Do you know him?


Natalie, try and remember.

Gilbert ever mention a bank manager
who was helping him?

Gilbert didn't talk to me about his business.

Natalie, I'm trying to help you.

But you insist on digging yourself in deepe

Sit here a moment.
I'm going to get you a form.

Wait here and don't talk to anyone. Alright?

Thank you.

They'll call for you in a moment.

-Be quiet.

Be quiet? You ruined my life.

Where is he?

Are you... Leave me alone.

Do I know you? What's your deal?

Psycho. Excuse me!

Can I get help? She ripped off my IV.


She made me nervous.
Started accusing me of things.

It's a classic interrogation trick
They planted her there.

The fact that she claims to know you
doesn't mean anything.

They have footage from the bank

of. me shaking her hand at some branch.

I don't even know where or when it happened.

Is there anything else besides that footage?

You sure you don't know her?

Ophir, if they look into it,
will they find anything?


Then it's fine.

What's wrong with you?

Stay away from me. Do I know you?

What's your deal? Psycho.

Excuse me! Can I get..

What's that?

It's a admission confirming
that you've met Mr. Bergman before.

We know you know each other, Natalie.
It's obvious from the video.

No point in lying.

Sign it, and I'll bring in your kid.

Bergman and Gilbert screwed you over.

Why protect that son of a bitch?

Wouldn't you rather take care of your kid?

Uncle Meir will come very soon.

Wait with him until Mommy comes back, okay?

I'm giving you a ticket.
Put it in your pocket.

It's a ticket for a boat ride.
Give it to uncle Meir.

Don't let anyone see you.

Hide it in your pocket.

It'll be our secret, okay?

Okay, my love.

I found out about the trick
you pulled on Bergman.

So he admits he knows his straw woman?

Talking like that doesn't make you right,
you know.

So how come she knows him?

It's not surprising
after you've plastered his face

all over the news for the past two weeks.
As if presumption of innocence isn't a thing.

Come on.
-You can "Come on" me all you want,

but facts are facts.

Bergman is an honest clerk
who has and continues to cooperate.

-You don't care that there's a clerk in debt

and an international criminal.
You're still at it.

I'd love to continue this conversation,

but I have to go.

Have a wonderful day.

Rock, paper, scissors

and... shoot!

You beat me.

You're Natalie's brother?

You're okay? I'm going to go. Okay?

-Did you see Mommy? Did she say anything?

She said to give you this.



I can't believe we're still here.

We can leave as soon as the meeting's over.

No time. I'm meeting some
friends at the Titanic.

I have to go.

Yes, my love?

Where are you?

Did you get to the village?

No, I'm still at work.

If anything comes up, text me.

Hold on. I'm stepping out.

Of course I love you.
don't see the connection.

We agreed to decide
after the internship, no?

I don't know what to do.



Marcelle just arrived.
I think we should go down

in case they call for us.

I have to head back. I'll call you tonight.

No, another intern who works with me.

Don't worry.

Okay, bye.

Is that your girlfriend?

You have a girlfriend?

Not a girlfriend? Are you just dating?

Is it a boyfriend?
You're gay, right? I knew it.

You're gay.
-It's personal.

Fine, don't tell me.
t's cool. Don't overreact.

Be quiet? You ruined my life.

What did you do to me?

What's wrong with you?

Stay away from me. Do I know you?

What's your deal? Psycho. Excuse me...

it establishes an MO.

Natalie Khalfon and Gilbert
initiated the scam,

and Yerushalmi and Bergman
were in it together.

Look, I'm no longer in charge of the case.

I'm only here
because Meri asked me to advise.

Yerushalmi isn't a straw man or a victim.

She simply used your inexperience,

pulled a fast one and ran.

Yerushalmi isn't the issue.
-Why not?

We have a hearing tomorrow.

We signed a state's evidence agreement,
she disappeared.

What the hell do we tell the judge?

We can have Natalie Khalfon testify.

I hope you didn't promise her a deal, too.

With all due respect, how can you compare

Natalie's value to YerushaImi 's testimony?

She can link Bergman o Gilbert.

Gilbert tricked her,
she learned he has multiple identities,

so now she'll give us the full picture.

I feel like we're teaching
Intro to Evidence Law.

It makes for a nice story.

But you have no
positive evidence against Bergman.

Even in the arrest footage,
he didn't recognize Natalie Khalfon.

She recognized him.
-He's a liar!

This isn't a case for vicarious liability.

There's no large-scale scam here.

It's certainty no reason to continue
the mortgage ban.

So why won't Bergman talk?

Because you scared him!

And if I may,

it's also why Yerushalmi ran off.

You're accusing me of Yerushalmi's escape?

I'm not accusing you of anything.

I'm stating a fact.

This case as managed aggressively,

and mistakes were made
at every point along the way.

When you say mistakes,

do you mean your leak to the press
about Yerushalmi's deal?

Or does that not count?

I've had enough of this.

We'll work with the evidence we have.


Meaning, we'll indict

and request the extradition
of Yerushalmi and Gilbert,

or whatever his name is.

We have nothing on his partner right now.

Elisha, you prepare the extradition requests.

We need a superior to sign them

You'll appear in court
and follow Elisha's instructions.

What about Bergman?

You submitted the statement against him,
you retract that statement.

You'll go to that hearing

because none of your colleagues
should have to humiliate themselves

because of your negligence.

I hope you've learned your lesson.

This meeting is over.

Sadeh, you heading out?

Yes. Marcelle let us go.

Sorry to stop you on your way out,

but could you stay for a few minutes
and help me with something?

Of course.

I can also stay if you...
-No, no need.

Ya'ara worked with me,
so she knows the details.

Good night.
-Good night.

Under these circumstances
we hereby request an extension of time

in order to facilitate the extradition
of Rachel and Yoel Yerushalmi

from Argentina to Israel,
according to the relevant treaty.

But we don't have
an extradition treaty with Argentina.

True. Which is why
this is an extradition request

from countries with which we have no treaty.

There's a template
in the "International" folder. Look.

That one?

Why make the request,
if they won't extradite her?

Sometimes we need to follow protocol.

It's important the public believes
we're doing everything we can

to get her back.

I don't even understand
how she managed to run away.

Wasn't the police there to guard her?

There's always a risk with state's evidence.

They are criminals, after all.

I thought Yerushalmi
should have been indicted,

but they decided to count on her to testify.

I wonder who leaked it.

Maybe it was her lawyer,
trying to make a name for himself.

Could be. In any case,

you take the form,

drop it into the "International" folder
and print.

Of course, we need to attach
all the relevant documents.

Everything is here in this file. Go ahead.


Do you need anything else from me?


Don't you have somewhere to be?


I made plans with friends,
but I canceled them.

So I'm not going anywhere.

Poor friends.

And there isn't some..

young man waiting for you at home?


What about Mommy Sadeh? Won't she be mad?

Mommy Sadeh doesn't get mad
about things she doesn't know.

Didn't take you long
to get here from Tel Aviv.

Yeah. Is it too late?
-Of course not.

I'm waiting for the quarterfinal anyway.
Scramento vs. Phoenix.

It only starts at 2:00 AM.

Do you like basketball?

I'm more into soccer, to be honest.

How can you compare the two?

Come in, make yourself at home.

I liked how assertive you were.
It was very...



just don't mention this in the letter.

What letter?

Your recommendation.

Excuse me?

The registration deadline
is the day after tomorrow.

I need to send in my application.


You know Harvard is no joke, right?

Of course. What...

I graduated summa cum laude.

Undergraduate studies are not a PhD.
Consider that.

i know.

Well, I

I've already sent in a recommendation
for judge Duckman's son.

I don't think it's a good idea for me...

to give two recommendations this year.
It wouldn't look right.



Let me get this straight.

What just happened between us,
was that an attempt...

-You thought I'd write a recommendation

because you..

Well, you've created
a very uncomfortable situation.

Elisha, you...

If I knew things were headed this way,
it wouldn't have happened.

And although Gilbert Atlas' partner

confirms his connection with Bergman,

I'm supposed to retract
his indictment tomorrow.

Does Nahmias think that's not enough?
What else does she want?

She wants positive evidence.

She didn't suggest you use
Yerushalmi's testimony?

I tried. It won't happen.

Have you thought of invoking
section 10A of the Evidence Ordinance?

How can I do that? Yerushalmi's gone.

That section allows the use
of filmed testimony

only in the case of the witness' death.

That's not accurate.
Do you have any proof she wasn't kidnapped?

t wasn't in her interest to run.

She was about to turn state's evidence, no?

That's just what I told them.

It's for cases like these
that the law states

that a fearful witness,
driven to desperate action,

can be considered under that section.

You could argue that Yerushalmi ran

not because she was intimidated,
but because of the sentence she was facing.

That she's a criminal.
That's what Nahmias and Bar On think.

That's why you need external
and objective evidence

as an assist.

Natalie Khalfon's admission.

She confirms the connection,

the deal between Bergman and Gilbert.

Now, build your argument from the beginning.


The court is requested
to allow the prosecution

to submit the testimony
of witness Rachel Yerushalmi

and to accept it as evidence following
section 10A of the Evidence Ordinance,

as an exception to hearsay.

This, due to an improper action

which prevented the defendant
from appearing in court today.

We will of course present conclusive evidence
as to the nature of this action.

Under the circumstances
and considering the evidence presented,

the honorable court is requested
to accept the filmed testimony

of the defendant Rachel Yerushalmi
as admissible evidence in this case,

and the admission of Natalie Khalfon
as supporting evidence.

This evidence will serve as the basis
for an indictment against Ophir Bergman.


With all due respectjudge Ganor,
this is unbelievable.


Order in the court.

Advocate Ben David,
your argument is surprising.

Not improbable, but certainly far-reaching.

Advocate Kaminsky,
I understand you have a response?

Of course, Your Honor. It's unthinkable

that we will not be able
to cross-examine the defendant.

District Attorney Nahmias,

shall we add your surprising entry
into our records? -Yes.

Your Honor, may I approach?

The court

thanks the Tel Aviv District Attorney

for saving us precious hearing time
and preferring judicial efficiency

over conviction rates.

Following this, I will approve
the agreement reached between the parties

and will validate them
as a verdict, as follows:

An order of extradition is hereby issued
for Rachel Yerushalmi on charges

of theft by an authorized person and
false registration of corporate documents.

An order of extradition is also issued
for Arnault Dubois

on charges of theft, fraud, impersonation
and the formation of a criminal network.

The court accepts the State's position
which retracts the indictment

against Ophir Bergman, who is found innocent.

It has been proven to me
that there was no misconduct on his part

and he may return to his work at the bank.

Given today in the presence of all parties

and validated as a verdict.