PAW Patrol (2013–…): Season 2, Episode 21 - Pups Save a Big Bone/Pups Save Walinda - full transcript

In "Pups Save a Big Bone," Cap'n Turbot and Francois try to uncover a dinosaur bone. In "Pups Save Walinda," Cap'n Turbot is worried when his best friend Wally the Walrus does not show up at the PAW Patrol's Wally Appreciation Day party.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
♪ PAW Patrol,

PAW Patrol ♪

♪ We'll be there on

the double ♪

♪ Whenever there's a problem ♪

♪ 'Round Adventure Bay ♪

♪ Ryder and his team of pups ♪

♪ Will come and save

the day ♪

♪ Marshall, Rubble, Chase, ♪

♪ Rocky, Zuma, Skye ♪

♪ Yeah, they're on

the way ♪

♪ PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol ♪

♪ Whenever you're

in trouble ♪

♪ PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol ♪

♪ We'll be there on

the double ♪

♪ No job is too big,

No pup is too small ♪

♪ PAW Patrol,

We're on a roll! ♪

♪ So here we go

PAW Patrol ♪

♪ Whoa-oh-oh ♪

♪ PAW Patrol ♪

♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ PAW Patrol ♪


Mmm, these cookies smell


Hey, Marshall.

How are the jars of

jellyfish jam coming?

Coming along great!


Uh, uh-oh.


These'll be perfect for Wally

the Walrus' wonderful wingding!

He's been my best

bosom buddy for years!

Wally will love having

his first ever party!

I couldn't have done it

without you pups.

We love to help!

Oh, here, have a few

of these tasty treats.



I mean, no thanks.

Wally really

likes his treats.

Yeah, he should have them.


All of them.


Okay then, thanks again, pups.



See ya later.


Bye, Cap'n Turbot!


Get off, shoo, go away!


(Phone ringing)

Ryder here.

Terribly torn about troubling

you, but something's gone

seriously south with

Wally Appreciation Day!

What's the matter?

No Wally is the matter.

I put out a scrumptious

selection of seafood snacks,

but Wally's a no show!

I'm sure he's fine,

but we'll go find him.

No job is too big,

no pup is too small!

PAW Patrol...

To the lookout!


Ryder needs us!




Yikes, look out below!








(Elevator dinging)

PAW Patrol ready

for action, Ryder, sir!

Thanks for hurrying, pups.

I just got a call

from Cap'n Turbot.

Wally didn't show up

for his special party.


Huh? Wally!

Why would Wally miss it?

Good question.

We need to make sure

Wally's okay.

Zuma, I'll need you and your

scuba gear to search underwater.

Let's dive in!

Skye, I'll need you

and your copter

to see if we can spot

Wally from the air.


Let's take to the sky!

All right, PAW Patrol

is on a roll!



♪ PAW Patrol ♪

Woo, yeah!

♪ PAW Patrol ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪





♪ Zuma! ♪


♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪

♪ PAW Patrol ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪

♪ Skye! ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪

♪ PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol ♪

(Tires screeching)

Life jacket, deploy!

Any sign of him yet,

Cap'n Turbot?

No, I've patrolled the perimeter

for that precious pinniped,

but haven't heard a peep!



Cap'n Turbot means he looked

all over for Wally,

but hasn't heard him

or seen him.

Wally would never miss

an awesome party.

He's not going to miss it

'cause we're gonna find him.

Care for a cooked cod

cookie first?

Lots of energy!

No thanks.

Wally will probably be pretty

hungry when he gets here.

Oh yeah, he's always hungry.



Maybe these fishy treats

will help find him.

Mind if we use some?

Sure, anything

to bring Wally back.

Skye, I'll hang some Wally

treats on your copter

to lure him out.

Sounds like a plan!

This squid jerky is

spectacularly stinky!




I can smell it from up here!

No Wally anywhere.

Wait, I see

something in the water.



Not Wally, just

a very fussy whale.

Ryder, there's a pile of empty

clamshells up past the lookout.

I don't see Wally,

but maybe he's nearby.


On our way!

Empty clamshells?

Wally's completely crazy

for cold clams!

We'll go check it out.

Probably should bring

some extra Wally bait.

Totally on it!



Wally's sure to be tempted by

this floating squid smorgasbord!


They're eating all

of Wally's snacks!

Come on, Zuma,

we can outrace them.

Later, feathered dudes!


Still one hitchhiker.




Almost there, Skye.

Just trying to shake

some squid-stealing gulls.


You're not the only one.


There's the pile of shells!


Go home!

Don't you miss the other

little gull dudes?

Hang on, let me try.

Shoo, shoo!

Whoa, Ryder!

You have the magic touch!

Not me, him!

(Walrus barking)

Hey, Wally!

Wally scared the gulls away!

Good to see you, buddy!

(Walrus barking)

Cap'n Turbot,

we found Wally!

My wandering walrus?


I bet you're hungry.

Here you go!


Whoa, I'm seeing double!


Cap'n Turbot,

you won't believe this!

Wally's sharing his treats

with his new walrus friend.

Wally has a walrus buddy?

Come on, you two!

(Walrus barking)

There's lots more goodies

where those came from!

So this is where

Wally's been hiding.

Wally and his new friend.


There you are, wandering Wally!

(Walrus barking)

Oh, and your new friend!

How's about we call you...


(Walrus barking)

(Walrus barking)

They like it!

And they'd like more treats.

Walrus Appreciation Day shall

start with some savory snacks!

Look at Walinda chow down!

But not Wally.

Hmm, he normally goes gaga

over the gooey green goodies.

Well, I'll be a walrus' uncle!

That's why Wally's giving

Walinda all the good grub.

Walinda's gonna have a baby!


That's awesome!

A baby walrus?

Totally cool!

That's why Wally went missing.

He's been getting Walinda food.

She needs to eat a lot

to get ready for her baby.

Wally, are you psyched

to be a dad?

(Walrus barking)

(Buoy ringing)

(Walrus barking)

Why's Wally so bummed?

(Walrus barking)

Look how that buoy's moving,

like something's pulling it.

Where's Walinda?

Uh-oh, could she be tangled

in the buoy chain?

Let's go, Zuma.

If she's stuck,

we gotta get her loose.

Okay, Wally.

Take us to Walinda.


(Walrus barking, groaning)



She was caught

in the buoy line.

The struggle wiped her out.

(Walrus barking)

That was a walrus thank you.

Just remember,

whenever you're in trouble,

just bark for help.

(All laughing)

(Walrus barking)

So, Captain,

how are Wally

and Walinda doing?

I wish I knew.

I've been watching for those

walruses all week.


Wally, where are you?

(Walrus barking)

It's about time!

We sure are happy

to see you two.

(Walrus barking)

I mean, happy to see

you three!

(Walrus barking)



That's the super-cutest

little baby walrus ever!

Here you go.

(Walrus barking)

Wow, what a good pup.

A whole bunch of good pups.

(Pups howling)

(Walrus barking)




These fish cookies

taste pretty good.

Sure do.

That's not a fish cookie.

All I had left

were dog biscuits.


I'll try one of those.






Told you!

Totally tasty!

Mmm-mm, that's some

marvelous munchies.

(Pups laughing)

(Barking and laughing)

I got it!



Woo-hoo! Yeah!

All right!

Look, François!

The femur for the fossilized

dinosaur skeleton we found!

Zat is fantastique!

We can speed things up

with this!

I'm not sure that's

such a good idea.


Close one.

I was worried the whole cliff

might give way.

François, look out!



The bad news is we're totally

trapped on this cliff,

with no way up or down.

What is ze good news?

The rumbling rockslide

revealed the dino bone.

If we can dig out

ze rest of ze bone,

ze dinosaur skeleton

is complete!

I told you

it would be faster.

I'd better call Ryder.

We need the PAW Patrol

to secure this seriously

significant scientific


And get us off ze rock!

And make sure

the bone is safe.

And get us off ze rock!

(Barking and laughing)

I'm open!

I'm open!

Go, pups! You can do it!

(Phone ringing)

Hi, Cap'n Turbot.

Ryder! We found a big bone!


And the cliff, she fell!

We can finish the skeleton!

But we are stuck!

Hold on.

You found a giant dinosaur bone

and you're stuck on a cliff?



We'll be right there.

PAW Patrol,

to the lookout!


Ryder needs us!

One last kick!



Where's Marshall?

Whoa, whoa, whoa!



PAW Patrol, ready for action,

Ryder, sir!

Thanks for racing over, pups.

We've got double trouble.

Cap'n Turbot and François

were in the middle

of uncovering this!

That's the biggest puppy snack

bone I've ever seen!

Uh, that's a dinosaur bone.

A dinosaur? Cool!

Are there any still around?


They're all extinct, Zuma.


When I'm "exstink,"

Ryder just gives me a bath.


The bone is the last one

Cap'n Turbot needs

to complete the T-rex skeleton.

What's the other problem, Ryder?

They're stranded. Most of the

cliff's fallen away.


Marshall, I need

you and your ladder

to get Cap'n Turbot

and François to safety.

I'm fired up!

Rubble, I need you

and your crane

to help get that bone

down safely.

Rubble on the double!

All right!

PAW Patrol is on a roll!

(Barking excitedly)

♪ PAW Patrol ♪

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

♪ PAW Patrol ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪




♪ Marshall! ♪


♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪

♪ PAW Patrol ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪

♪ Rubble! ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪

♪ PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol ♪

(Tires screeching)


Can you see zem yet?

Not yet.



Hit the brakes, pups!

These must be from the


I see the Cap'n and François

and the bone.

I see zem!

I mean them.

But there's a lot of

loose rocks in the way.

What will we do?

We need this road clear.

Think you can help us out,


What this road needs

is a little TLR.

Tender Loving Rubble.


Arf! Crane!

Come on, come to Rubble.

Make a pile over there.

Roger, Ryder!

Last one.

Great work, Rubble.

Now we can get

on with the rescue.

They did it!

They cleared the rocks!



(Cheering very quietly)

Okay, pups.

Let's get those two down safely.

Marshall, take your ladder up

and help them down.

On it!



My ladder's too short!

Cap'n, can you reach

Marshall's ladder?

Am I close, Marshall?


I think I found it.


Ow! Ow!

Sorry, Marshall!


You okay, Marshall?

I'm okay, but Cap'n Turbot

and François are still stuck.



Time for reinforcements.

Skye, we need your harness!

This pup's gotta fly!


Just tell me

when we are on ze ground.

You're on the ground.

Oh-- oh!

Heh-heh, that wasn't so bad.


You're next, Horatio!

I'm going to stay up here

until the bone's dug out!

Are you sure, Captain?

It might not be safe.

I'll be careful.

If I can get this bone,

Adventure Bay will have a

complete T-rex skeleton.

Woo-hoo-hoo, yeah!


Look out!



Pups, let's get that bone

and Cap'n Turbot down safely.

Skye, I need the harness!

You got it, Ryder!

Rubble, stand by with your crane

to lower the bone.

I'll help Cap'n Turbot

dig it out.

On the double, Ryder!

Boy, would I like

to chew on that.

(Stomach grumbling)


All right, Skye.

Oh, Ryder!

A little closer, Skye.

Careful, Ryder!

Okay, Cap'n,

let's dig us out a bone.


The bone is loose!

Okay, Rubble,

get the crane into position.

Right, Ryder!

Here comes the crane!

A little more.

A little more...

There! You got it!


Rubble, pull!


Whoa, whoa!

Hold tight, Ryder!


I got it.

Nice and easy.


The bone's not

the only thing that's loose!

Oh, no!

Um, Ryder?


Skye, I'll head down

with the bone.

We'll use your harness to get

Cap'n Turbot down.

Strap in, Cap'n.






You did it, guys!

Great job, Skye.

Thanks, Ryder.

It's beautiful!

Oh, Horatio!


I have found the perfect

dinosaur bone!

I will be the paleontologist

of the year!


Ahem, I mean, we will the

paleontologists of the year.

And the pups.



A perfect fit!

I do hereby declare this

skeleton complete!


Gee, for once we aren't

the only ones

getting excited

about a bone.


I think he likes it here.

How can you tell?


Look at that smile!

I want a picture with

the heroes who found it!

That's me, my cousin...

Ryder and his PAW Patrol pups.

That's right. You've all been

very good pups.

Remember, if you're ever

in trouble,

just roar for help.

Okay, smile, everyone!

Oh, look at that!