P-Valley (2020–…): Season 2, Episode 7 - Episode #2.7 - full transcript

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Aight, y'all,
last week onP-Valley...

Why you got Terricka's phone?

I pulled her over
for underage driving.

You the raggedy bitch had
Terricka in the driver's seat.

She a chile, Shelle!

Why didn't you keep me?

Wun't no court was gone
give a stripper back her baby.

Big Teak can't come back out
on the road with us.

Fuck you mean?

Niggah too buck, Maine.


I'm not okay.

I'm not okay.

Bill over there was trying
to buy The Pynk for just 40K.

I'm gone be runnin'
Promised Land.

Maybe now we can make you
a much better deal.

Granmuva, yo' sugar normal.

So why you sweatin'
like a hoe in church?

A hundred and two?

Keyshawn, stop already so I can
get ready for this interview!


You're not gonna get it!

What you doing here?

Come over here, Clifford!

Listen to Granny sing,
Uncle Clifford!

It's time, mama.

Come rest and have yourself
a drank.

Naw, baby.

Not now...

There you are.

We were s'posed
to meet out front.

I thought you ghosted me.

Chile, I'm the last ghost

you need to be worried 'bout
up in this hure building.

Ain't you s'posed to be at home?

Bitch, ain't that where I'm at?

It ain't just yo' house,
he yell...

I done spent way more nights
on them back couches than you.

I been making memories
at the knees of grown folks

in this club
since I was yay high.

I made so many memories, chile,
I'on even need to dream.

You ain't just
bought yo'self a club.

You done bought yo'self
some history.

Thass where
my great-grandaddy Honeycomb

got shot over a craps game.

And thass where his grand daddy,

would sit and drank a pint
of corn liquor

after working the Kyle Fields
til midnight...

And that stage right there,

thass where
my Granmuva Ernestine

would open up her mouth

and let heaven and he yell
pour out on a Saturday night.


Oh, this place is full of haints
and unsung melodies, chile...

History is important, yes.

But so's the future...

Look-a here.

We done been at each other's
throats for days now

and it ain't done nobody
no bit of good.

Cuz I done run out of ideas
short of killing you.

You wouldn't be the first
to try.

That part.

Only thing left to do
is to talk.

Bawse bitch to bawse bitch.

You ain't gone talk me out
of selling, Clifford.

I know you thank this just some

swamp land with a crumblin'
building on top of it.

But it's alll got.

This the only thang
thass ever been given to me.

I can build me
another shake junt.

But I can't build me
no 'nother Pynk.

I didn't save this place
off the auction block

just to watch it go down
in flames.

But we done brought it all
up to code,

pussy plastic, hippo filters
and all!

How much longer 'til
it's shut down again, huh?

I mean, look what just
happened to Ernestine...

W... You better keep
my Granmuva name

outcho mu'fucking mouth!!!

Six feet!

You've been in close contact,

that referendum's gone pass

and that casino's gone come.

Me buying The Pynk was just
prolonging the inevitable.

The best we can hope for

is getting
what The Pynk's actually worth.

And how, pray tell,
do you put a price

on the land my ancestors died?

We can start with 5 million.

That's what Promised Land
just offered me...

- I'm not gonna take it tho...
- Bitch, whuh?!

I mean, good.

But also, bitch whuh?!

Cause I want 10,

point blank period.

I'm gone get
what you deserve, Clifford.

Your ancestors, too...

Naw-naw-naw-naw naw-naw-naw

what you not gone do

is piss in my mouf
and call it Kool-Aid.

This ain't 'bout me, chile,
or my ancestors.

- This 'bout YOU...
- Naw!

It's about the money
that saved this club.

The moneyl lost
my daughter over.

The money that was supposed
to give us a new life.

This may not be my inheritance,

but right now it's my dream.

And I'm not gonna
let it go to waste.

I can't do that...

Not to her.

But Hailey...

That baby gone.


So, Terricka sayin' she wanna

stay another coupla days.

I thought maybe we could
give you some time.

She done been
there two nights already.

Shelle, girl. It's been three.

Let me hang wit lil' Mama
till you get yo'self together.

Mm, you better make sure

she ain't wear no more floss.

And you make sho' you don't go
for no joy rides

after drank in'
two cases of Moscato!


So, what you finna do?

Uhm... I-I'on know...

I already did that book report
on that racist-ass Huck Finn.

Maybe we could
get our nails did?

Or maybe I could paint my room.

Now I know you know I ain't
talkin' 'bout no HGTV projects.

So. I'ma axe again.

- Whatchu finna do?
- I'on know!


But I've been craving
some cookie dough shiver

with crushed Oreos
and hot sauce on top.

Ooh, chile,

your ass sho'll is pregnant.

C'mon. Let's gone
get this TCBY.

Mm, can I drive?

Absolutely the hell not.

Niggah, I see it!

I... oh. I can't...

I can't drink...

I can't take nothing
from the dead.

Yo, Miss Ernestine.
Time to rise and shine.

Isaac Hayes, that you?


It's... LaMarques.


Lil' Murda.

Oh! Ooh, chile. I like that

I'll call you that.

Damn, you clammy as he yell.

Let's get some food in yuh.


That chicken and dressing
Clifford made

gone take me
before that Rona do.

Thass why I whipt you up
sumthin' special.

Oooo, oh.

Smothered pork chop? Mmm.

- Candied yams?
- Mm-hmm.

- Mmm. Collard greens and cornbread!
- Mm-hmm.

Folks sayin' they lose it,

but I guess you still got
yo' sense of smell.

Aww, baby, that's all
the sense I got left.

Uh... mm.


Mmm. OK, Chef Nee-gro-dee!

I see yuh!

I aims to please.

Well, you bettah not
please too much,

cause a ole bitch might get used
to having you around.

Awww, Miss Ernestine.
Quit flirtin' with me now.

I'ain' the bitch
I'm talking 'bout.

You might need tuh put a good
word in for me with Cliff then.

Mm-hmm, well, you keep
cookin' like that

and I will.

You know what else I smell?

I got a peach cobbler
in the oven.


I smell death.

I smelled it on you that night.

All that blooood.

Piggly Wiggly shoppers.

Piggly Wiggly shoppers.

Hey. How 'bout some moon pies.

Moon pies.

Or some Ruffles?
And hot sauce...

You love that.

Hey, I-I've got an idea.

Why don't we go down to Jackson
and the outlets tomorrow?

You could get
those Prada booties

you been wanting for Regal.

Naw, she just gone outgrow 'em.

I-I'm trying here, Key.

Uhm, Derrick,

I need to go
get some more makeup for...

Okay. Just meet us at checkout.

Hey, come on. Come on.

I thought I might find you here.

I guess you decided
not to use my gun, huh?

I... I tried.

But I can't.

I have the kids and I...

There are other ways to get out.


I'm sorry, I gotta go!

Whew. Hello!

Granmuva Ernestine!

Lil' Homicide?

Chile, if this niggah done
left my Granmuva

without her insulin...

Oh, Lawd! What if it's
a carbon peroxide leak!

- Oh, this mu...
- Sup?

You had a bitch thinking
that there was a home invasion

and the Chucalissa Stranglah
done got yo' asses.

Naw. Everything good, shawty.

Did you 'memba
tuh take her temperature?

- 101.
- What 'bout her blood sugar?

- 120.
- And then what 'bout...

I did everything you had
on the list, Cliff.

She good.

I just... I don't know

how she got it, and I ain't...

This shit ain't got no rhyme
or reason.

Drive yo'self crazy
tryna find one.

- Wanna eat?
- Mm-hmm.

Mmm. Mm mm mm!

I see why she ain't eat
my chicken and dressing.

So what's up wit' you
and ole girl?

Mm, chile, that Autumn-

She ain't dumb.

She done got
them Promised Land crackers

to offer her 5 million.

33 percent, that's
1.65 million dollars fuh you.

What you said, Lil' Calculator.

You'on seem too happy
'bout that.

You think I'm crazy turning
my nose up at all that scrilla?

Enh, money come and it go.

Let me find out them Tina Snow
royalties already hittin'.

I mean, thank about it.

You already done
swept 1.65 million

off the floor of The Pynk
in yo' lifetime.

'Sides, can't take it witchoo.

I thought you said you choose
the money over love.

I said I usually do.

But I done learned
some thangs more important.

Most people don't even get
close to getting

what they want in this life.

But you got it already.


I don't got errythang.

Anyway, and here I am
yip yappin' all this yin yang

about this trifling hoe.

How you doin'?

Aww, I'm skraight.

Hmm, you ain't sound like it

last night.

I heard you on the couch
cryin' in yo' sleep.

I'on know
what you talkin' 'bout.

I'ma go get you a new change
of clothes...

Since it look like you gone
be stayin' here another night.

I know you ain't talkin' 'bout

no weak pullout game
in yo' condition.

Well, how do you think I got
in this condition?

Clearly by being dumb.

But please, next time
you decide to slip up,

let me know within 72 hours
so you can hop up

on that Plan B situation.

Ohhh, so now it's okay
to talk about sex?

Whatchu mean?
We had the talk.

All you ever said
was, "Keep yo' legs closed

to nappy-headed niggahs
that only want one thing."

Well, thass still good advice.

He yell, you ain't listen
and look how you ended up.

You how many months pregnant


How many months pregnant
is you even?

See, if yo' period ain't
reglah enough to know

when you're pregnant, then yo'
ass shouldn't be havin' sex!

We not going to TCBY, are we?

Terricka, you runnin'
outta time.

Time for what?

'Cedes, where we going?

- Jackson.
- We goin' a hour and a half

to the TCBY in Jackson?

- It's just for a consultation.
- Pull over.

Pull over!

We goin' to The Clinic...

- And that's final.

You ambushed me!

Yeah, cuz you been hiding out
at my house for three days

and don't wanna tell me
watchu wanna

do 'bout this baby!

Cuz I'on know!

Well, you better start knowin'...

I will!
Just gimme a chance!

When? In the delivery room?

At the baby pre-k graduation?

When she go to prom?

When you gone decide?!

Just STOP!!!

Tee. Now, you gotta
get serious about this.

Pregnancy life and death for us.

You know Serena Williams
and Beyoncé

damn near died givin' birth?

- Died?
- Yeah.

And they wun't no 14
with they hips barely set in.

Thass why we gotta go down
to this consultation

down in Jackson at The Clinic...

Consultation or an abortion?

Cuz thass the only reason

why anybody pregnant
go down to there.

It is... an option...
to consider.

Well Jelissa said that Taylor
said that her mama said

that getting an abortion
gives you cancer.

Well, Jelissa, Taylor, and her
bald-headed hoe mama ain't got

two brain cells
between the three of 'em.

Ain't nobody get no cancer
from an abortion.

Like I said,

we just need to see
what yo' options are.

At the very least, get some
damn pre-natal vitamins...

Pre-natal vitamins?

So you think
I should have the baby?

Ain't nobody said that.

So you think I shouldn't
have the baby?

I ain't said that neither.

- So what you sayin'...
- I'ON KNOW!!!!

I just know we ain't got
all the information yet.

So we gone go down to Jackson.
Boffa us.

Now get in the goddamn car.

Aye, Murda,
where the fuck you been?!

These promotors
been blowing my shit up

since that
Tina Snow track dropped.

Niggah, that shit up and stuck.

And the venues
from the Dirty Dozen Tour

we had to cancel
wanna rebook you.

Back on tour again?

Yeah, niggah.

Who gone be security?

That Teak shit awful, Maine...

Guess na'an
one of us needed to fire him.

He fired his self.


think he would a wanted you...

He still at F & G?

Yeah. Ain't no family
come to get him yet.

Might have to put 'em
in the pauper's grave.


ye'en gone have to do that.

HVH gone send him out
like a kang...

Aye, I-I gotta go.

What you up here doin', Maine?


Ooo! Who invited you
up in hure?

I thought you fell out
and had a heart attack,

all that noise you was makin'.

Chile, I'm just tryna find

somethin' to fit
yo' skinny-swole tail.

Just checked in on Ernestine.

She sound asleep.

So this is it, huh?
Yo' secret lair.

Seen only
by the few and the worthy.

Well, I hope one day
I'm worthy enough.

Niggah, you already here,
ain't it?


I bet you used to stunt on 'em
circa '02 in this joint.

Boy, bye.

Look, that belonged to the trade
of Christmas past.

I ain't even gone ask.

Mkkay, Sisqo.

Who dat?


Niggah, I know
who the fuck Sisqo is.


This Gucci 234 B.C.?

Thass my first pocketbook.

I had this since I was three.

You had a purse
even back then, huh?


I used to wear this thang

If anybody had anythang
to say 'bout it,

you know, my mama, she would
beat they ass with it.

Yuh. You can bet they sho'll
ain't bothered me

no nevermore after that.

So you...
you always been, like

like this?

- Niggah, whatchu mean?
- Like

like this.I'on...

I mean,
I'on mean no 'fense, but...

What are you?

I'm Uncle Clifford.

What are you?

What the world won't let me be.


You kept 'em?


Which one yo' favorite?

"You look beautiful in


That day 'fo I left,

you wouldn't even give me
the time of day.

Wouldn't let me in.

I understand.

That shit hurt, didn't it?


I'on get hurt.

Just disappointed.

You know I ain't mean
for things to end up

the way they did.

What did you mean then?

You ask me what I am,

without even realizing all dat
come along with that answer.

Hmph. Don't get me wrong, nanh.

I loves me some me.

But people don't understand
how lonely it can be

to shine so bright.

Thass why I understand
why you did

what you did on Murda Night.

You wun't ready to stand
in the sun.

I just...
niggahs I used to fuck wit'

they was like me.

Y'know, we could pass.

Well, ain't no passin' wit' me.

Uh... Granmuva!

Granmuva Ernestine!

Granmuva Ernestine!!!

She ain't upstairs.

She gone?

Oh, thank God!

I was boutta pee myself!

Squat, don't sit!

You know I don't approve.

You KNOW I don't approve!

See, you always
gettin' into sumthin' bad.

I don't know what to do.


This a damn mess, Cedes.

Sooo where we sleepin' tonight?

I got a friend who finna
let us stay on his pullout.

Look, don't you roll
your eyes at me.

I'm keepin' a roof
over our heads.

Let's just pay so we can go.

I'm a lil' short.

Maybe you could, uh...

Do yo' thang.

Naw, Ma.

We good.

What is that?


No, not that. The other thing.

Is that... a condom?!

- Ma...
- Who gave you this money?

- What you been doin' Mercedes?!
- He's my boyfriend.

Cortez, he just take care of me.

Look like you take care
of him too!

Ma, it ain't like that.
He love me.

- Aahhh!
- I ain't gone let you

- be no hoe!
- Ma!

- No! Ma!
- You hear me, Mercedes?

- Ma!
- No more Cortez!

- It stops today!
- Ma, please!

Ma a a a a a, please!

Tell Keenan to stop playing

on yo' phone 'fore I roll up
to his house.

This Kelvin

some type of comedian, huh?


And he's an artist.

Aren't they all.


He drew this.

That's nice.

So you tell him where we goin'?


So, you ain't told him
you knocked up yet.

No... I did...

Then why his ass ain't
driving you to Jackson?

Oh, thass right!

Cuz he ain't even
old enough to drive!

He-he wants to keep the baby...

Oh, do he, now?

He said we could
start our own family.

That he gon' take care of us.

Whatchu thank 'bout all that?

It sound nice.

Course it sound nice.

Words are easy.

Living 'em is hard, Tee.

How he gone take care of you?

He said he gone get a job.

Where? Who gone hire him at 14?

You can get a part-time job
at 14!

His cousin has a job
at Krystal's.


Do you know
how much diapers cost?

We'll figure it out!

He loves me, 'Cedes.

Whatchu know about love?

Cause I'll tell you this:

It ain't making promises
you can't keep.

Cuz Cortez sold me
a whole heap of dreams.

'Till I told him I was pregnant.

Then he made it very clear
we ain't never had love.

We ain't never had shit.

Looks like
all you know about love

is what it ain't.

Prolly cause you ain't got
nobody in yo' life

'cept the dudes you dance for.

And you just jealous
cause I actually do.

When I'm a mama,

I'm never gone slap my daughter.

Thass what I said too.

Granmuva! We gotta find her!


What in the he yell?

Come on. C'mon!

She goin' for a...
















All them pro-lifers
only be pro-life

'till the baby be born.

Go on 'head, lil' Mama.





Miss Vernette, can you tell
how far along she is?

Uh, gimme one sec, okay?

Let me finish gettin'
my measurements.

All right.

14 weeks, 4 days.
Right on the cusp.

Thass my baby?

Yes, dear.

So you just gonna

suck it out?

If that's what you decide.

And you sure I won't get cancer?

Naw! Who said that?

There are risks if you decide
to have an abortion.

Bleeding, infection,
blood clots.

But guess what.

All of those risks are also
associated with childbirth.


She gotta choose right now?

She'll have to wait
the state-mandated 24 hours,

but yes.

The window is closing.

Miss Ernestine, no!

No! No, Granmuva!!!

- Granmuva Ernestine, no!
- No! Granmuva!!!

No! No!

No! Nawww!

Let me go!

- I gotta get to the water.
- No. Listen.

You know you can't go wading
in the Mississippi, guhhh.

She'on look good, Cliff.

I'm comin' Beulah.
I'm coming to see you, baby.

Who Beulah?

Thass my mama.


We gotta get her home now.

I gotta get ready.

It's time.



If you can't bring me
to the water,

then bring the water to me.



Boy, where is you goin'?!

- Please.
- Okay. Okay.

The water.

Please. The water.

You can let go, mama.

Be all right.

It'll be all right...

I love you, Granmuva.

Oh... Ah!

Why? Why?


Wanna go home.

Granmuva, Granmuva.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Hey. Hey, hey.
Stay wit' us.

Hey, stay wit' us.
Yeah, yeah. Uh-huh.

Her fingers blue, Cliff.

Oh, that can't be good!

Come on.
We gotta get her to the crib.

Granmuva, come on.

Come on. We here, we here.

Somebody need to teach these
bad ass lil' kids it's rude

to splash people ain't
tryna get wet.

'Cedes, that's what kids do
at the pool.

They splash.

Guh, stop!

I ain't playin' wit' you.

Whatchu lookin' at, R. Kelly?

She 14!

Thass right. Keep it movin'.

Take a look in that
crystal ball right thur,

cause thass about
to be yo' future.

I can just get Grand mama
to babysit.

Tee, I done told you
to stop callin' Patricethat.

Noooooo. Thass you.

What you wanna be?

Nana? Big Mama?

Thass a question I ain't ready
to answer yet.

Now you know how I feel.

How I'm about to be
a grand mama at thirty?

Would it really be that bad?

Ask me when you thirty.

It could be nice.

I mean, you'd be there

for everything you missed
with me.

But is that
what you really want?

I mean...

I ain't sure, sure.

I'm still thinkin'.

Sit still, boy.

Don't you wanna go to the prom?


Don't you wanna see the world?

I mean... prolly.

Where would I even go?

Anywhere you want!

Paris, Dubai, China even.

Have you ever been to China?

Mmm, no.

Why not?

No dude offered to flew you out?

Naw, they did.

But I turned 'em down.

Cause it would a been
too far away from you.

I just don't know.

Okay, thank about it like this
for a minute.

Forget about Kelon
lil' lovesick ass,

forget about the baby,

forget about me.

What does Terrickawant
for Terricka?

Almost there.

Gone come back...

Leave it on, Granmuva.

I'm nevah gonna come back...

Granmuva, they gon'
make you bettah.

I don't wanna die alone.

I don't wanna. I don't wanna...

You not. Hey, hey, you not.

I promise. I promise.

Oxygen done fell to 85%.

We have to go, sir.

It's ma'am.

Say goodbye, Cliff.



Let's go.

Could we go by the outlets
while we out here?

My good jeans a little too tight

and they won't
button up no more.

Cause yo' ass pregnant.

Time's up, Tee!
You gone haveta tell me

whatchu gone do 'bout this baby.

I'on know.

Thass proof positive

that yo' ass ain't ready
to be no mama.

You the one to talk.

Excuse me?

You ain't got no right
to tell me

if I'm ready to be a mama or not

when you were never a mama
to me.

They wouldn't let me.

Patrice, Shelle, the judge.

So they the reason why you
missed all those visitations?

They the reason
why you didn't come

to my 7th birthday party
at the roller rink?

If you knew the things
that I done done for you

to finally get that gym.

Thass been the missing piece.

I can finally prove that I
ain't just no hoe up on a pole.

So why you still don't have me?

Help me, God.

Tee, I'm tryin'...

You ain't never have
to prove nothing to me.

I just needed you to be my mama.

Like I said,

I been tryin'.

Well, it's too late!

I'm having a fucking baby.

But it's all right.

Cause I ain't gone
be like you or Shelle.

I'm never gone
have my baby wondering

if I wish I had an abortion.

I ain't gone drink 'til I
blackout to forget she exists.

You right, Tee.

I fucked up.

A lot.


You did want an abortion?

I'd be lyin' if I said

I ain't never consider it.

But that's all
I ever did was consider.

Cause Patrice
ain't give me no choice.

She made me have you.

And you know what?

I'm thankful every day.

Cuz sometimes God uses the devil

to give you yo' blessings.

All I ever wanted was for you
to have choices, Terricka.

And to make 'em for yo'self.

Do you think anybody's
ever ready for this?


We both know I wun't.

We got a lotta lost time
to make up fuh.


What you wanna do
about your room

when we get home?

You mean for the baby?

No. For you.

What color you wanna paint it?

Hm? Green?

How you know?

Cuz I'm yo' mama.


You bettah take all dat off!

Be careful what you axe fuh
up in this hoe.


- Watch that, nahn.
- Wh...

Teach me how to Machiavelli.

Niggah, I'on do that.

I don't do any...

Uh... uh.
Unh-uh. Uh, no-no-no.

No, no.
And I certainly don't do that.

- You don't?
- Unh-uh.

Show me how you do it then.

- I do it like...
- Yeah, fuck it up!

- I do it like AYE!
- Yeah, fuck it up!

Yeah, fuck it up!
Yeah, fuck it up!



- Sisqo?
- This mu'fuckuh

think I ain't know who Sisqo is.

I said I got somethin'
fuh her ass!

I said I got
somethin' fuh her ass!

No. N...

Ah, shit.

Oh, my God.

- Put this on.
- We'on need that.

You good?


Hm, like, negative, good-good?

I'm good.

'Sides, I wanna feel you
inside me.

I gotchu.

Fill me up, niggah.

You got everythang?

Make sure you don't
forget yo' charger.

Can't text Kelon lil' ass
wit a dead phone.

No, I got it.


So what you think I should do?

Unh-uh! Thass yo' decision.

Chucalissa or Jackson.

It's up to you.

I could go either way.

How come you let me back inside?

Cause you needed me...

And I needed you.

- The other night...
- Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Unh-unh, unh-unh, unh-unh.

Only when you ready.

Only when you ready.

I gotchu.

Oh, my gosh.

You think this shit funny?


Yeah. It's classic.

I'on know 'bout all that.

This is the reckoning

that my Lord hath promised.

The soul of Chucalissa
is on the line.

- Where's the remote?
- Naw, it's okay.

She just noise.

The only power she got
is the power we give her.

Speak truth
to power on judgement day.

Vote Woodbine for mayor

and "no"
on the casino referendum!



You think I'm gone burn in hell?

If you do,

I'ma be right there witch...

Do I know you?

I'm an old friend of Keyshawn's.

Derrick, thass Autumn.

Me and her used to work
together at the club.


Well, I was at the outlets
in Jackson,

and I couldn't stop myself
from picking up

a little something
for baby Regal.


She knows she can't
sleep nowadays.

Can I?




I'm gonna tell you
a story, Regal.

Once upon a time, there was
a little girl named Hailey

who belonged to no one.

Who never had her own home.

And she walked
the deep, dark woods

searching for shelter
from the constant storm.

Until one day,
a baby fell out of the sky.

And suddenly,
all her dreams came true.

She had a family.

And she swore she'd
do anything to protect it.

But that's when
she met the Hunter.

And he built her
a three-story McMansion

with marble counters

and kept her in gowns spun
with Yves Saint Laurent silk.

Hailey thought she had
everything she ever wanted.

But one night,

beneath the slanted light
of a crescent moon,

she saw his teeth
were actually knives,

his eyes hungry, ears tuned

to her truth and her lies.

She was trapped.

But one thing
she carried with her

were bags of plastic
filled with her tears.

She poured them out,
making a river

that flooded the whole forest.

She could swim.

Her baby could not.

Her tears drowned her baby.

All because she waited too long.



what are you talmbout?


Look up Hailey Colton.

And call me

when you're ready
to learn how to swim.