Ozark (2017–…): Season 3, Episode 5 - Ozark - full transcript

Maya steps up her bid to turn Marty, whose eerily calm demeanor has Wendy worried. The Byrdes buy a horse farm on behalf of Navarro.

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He was dropped off
at his home yesterday evening.

Before he was kidnapped,
Marty told me he was willing to cooperate.

I think he'd be an incredible asset.

He had an agent killed.

We don't know that.


You don't seem to know that.

It could take years
to pull together a credible case on him.

If he cooperates,

we could stop him from laundering
for the Navarro cartel

and have him working for us
in over 18 months.

Agent Petty offered him WITSEC.
He didn't want it.

I'm not talking witness protection.

This is a deal to work with us.

You think he's that good?

We've known what he's done
for years. We still can't prove it, so...

Yeah, he's that good.

We need to take him down.

That much was obvious to Agent Petty.

It is to me, too.

And if you think different,
you're being very naive.

All due respect,

Agent Petty was heavy-handed,

and he broke the law,

not to mention ignoring every rule we have
for handling CIs.

I don't think we should
go down that road again.

I've built rapport with Marty.

He wants out.

- Next moves?
- This is a mistake.

Give me time to get close to him.

We don't know who came back from Mexico.

He's probably been tortured.

It could have unpredictable effects.

He's likely to be volatile, emotional.

If we're lucky,
he could be ready to break.

Are you okay?

Shouldn't you see a doctor?
Go to the hospital?

You've lost weight.

I'm fine. They gave me rice and beans.

So they had the lights on the whole time?

Yeah, they were stadium lights.
It was terrible.


Call me if you need anything.

Yeah, they did.


God, you cleaned.

When did you get up?

Uh, about 5:30.
Sit. I'll bring you some coffee.

Dad made everything.

What else did they do to you?

Uh, seriously, guys, they just asked me
a bunch of questions. I am fine.

I'm okay, and just be happy that I'm back.

Uh, Wendy, I will see you at the office.

I set an appointment with, uh,
Helen and Ruth for 10:30.

You don't have to go in today.

No, we can handle things. Take a day!

Don't be late.

- Do you need me to come in today?
- No.

No, take the week off.

Is Dad really okay?


Yeah, he's fine. He's...

...just settling in.




Look, I know I kissed you last night,

but I thought I was gonna fucking die.

This isn't about a kiss.

I didn't see you eat
for five days straight.

And I was serious last night.

My family shouldn't have
dragged you into this.

I've only known you
for five fucking minutes.

I was a criminal
long before Marty Byrde showed up

with a bag full of cartel cash.

So spare me your fucking pity.

It's not pity.

I just think you deserve better.

I think you're pretty spectacular,
to be honest.

Now eat your burrito.

I prefer French toast sticks.

Wendy, how much are you guys smurfing
each day?

- Ninety thousand.
- Okay. How many smurfs?

- Twenty.
- Mmm.

They're... They're in rotation, ten a day.

They bring in ten grand, they lose nine,
they keep one,

and no one works more than three days
in a row. Ruth knows them all.

- Including your brother-in-law.
- What's that?

He wanted to help.

Come on.

Any of these smurfs
look like they have a job?

- Not nine grand a day jobs.
- Marty!

- I'm so sorry.
- Yeah, that's what I was worried...

It's my fucking fault.
I never should've said that I can do it.

It's all right, Ruth. Don't worry.
Please sit. It's okay.

You didn't do anything wrong. Don't worry.
Go ahead, sit down.

Everybody did what they had to. I get it.

The important thing
is that we just back on track today.

So, first thing.

Ruth, I need you to set up lines of credit
today at the casino.

We're gonna lend the smurfs
some money that they're losing,

make it look a little bit more legit

and give us some cover
in the short-term. Okay?

Frank Jr. won't like it.

He won't? Why not?

He's been loansharking at the Belle
since we opened.

I don't know if we want to piss him off.

Hang on one second.

Who approved that
with all the feds around?

Jesus Christ, end that. Today.
Tell him that I said so.

I don't give a fuck
if I piss that guy off.

Bigger issue is we started smurfing
in the first place.

We gotta phase that out gently
while keeping our handle up.

We don't wanna raise suspicion. Okay?

- How do you plan on doing that?
- I've met Agent Miller. She's clever.

Ideally, we find someone
with a lot of money

who won't mind losing it
and trusts us to give it back.

Yeah, but it's my inheritance.

Which... Which we'll return to you
with an extra 8%.

Now, that's... that's a really good deal.

I mean, if you need the money,
I can loan it to you.

No, it's more of a cash flow problem.

We need to raise the handle
at the Missouri Belle

to get another line of credit.

And by the time summer's over, it'll...

We'll all be fine.

Yeah, I don't know, Wendy.
I'm happy with the way things are.

Hasn't life gotten better for you
since we met? Hmm?

I mean, haven't I always pointed you
in the right direction?

You have more money. You have a job.

You met Jade.

Yeah. Uh...

Actually gonna ask her to marry me.

That is great news.

- A little nervous, but you know.
- That's great. And you know what?

I... I bet...

she'd love to watch you play high roller
for a couple of weeks.

I mean, is this... is this illegal?


No, no, no, no, no.


unethical, maybe.

But all you've gotta do is lose
and you can...

You can do that now, can't you?

Uh, yeah.

So, is that a yes?

- Yes.
- Great.

Great. I'm sorry, I have to get this.

Oh, yeah, sure.



How are you?

Better. Thank you.

It's been a very difficult time, I know,

and I'm sorry that you had
to go through it.

I appreciate that.

I think you're going to be very pleased
because I have been thinking

about the question you asked.

"What's next?"

Do you know what a charro is, Wendy?

Uh, cowboy?

A Mexican cowboy.

And my grandfather, well...

he was a charro,
and nothing would impress him more

to know that I was the proud owner
of an American horse farm.

And it would make a beautiful piece

in the legitimate empire
that you are building.

We can certainly start
to look into that right away.

I have one in mind already.

The best one in Kentucky.

They're expecting a visit from you
this afternoon, and, Wendy...

uh, this is the one I want, so...

you and Marty, you must get it for me.


Of course.

Something is wrong. You're not happy.

No, I am. Very.

I just... I just have...

I just want to know...

Why did you let Marty come home?

Do you not want your husband back?

No, of course I did.
We all did. It's just...

We didn't pass your test.

Marty passed.

I didn't know him, now I do,

and you're very lucky,
because he's just like me.

How so?

He wants to win.

- Hi, there.
- Hi.

So, Marty,
what is it you wanted to talk about?

So, I need to hire someone new
at the casino.

Uh, she's very talented.

I think that she could give us a real edge
over the competition.

- That's wonderful.
- Mm-hmm. Yeah, but you know, uh,

Wendy is gonna fight it.

Thank you. Um...

She's not in my corner,
and I need you to get her there.

I always do what I can
to help her see your side, Marty.

Mm-hmm. Well, do you, Sue? You know,
I'm not giving out participation medals.

From now on, if you want your bonus,
you're gonna have to earn it.

It's gonna be... You listening?
It's gonna be $300...

It's gonna be $300
if she is leaning my way.

It's gonna be $800
if she commits in session.


Oh, well... well, this is...

We don't usually talk about sums.

Mm-hmm. Listen, if you're uncomfortable
with our arrangement,

why do you take my money?

I suppose I want to see

where your story ends.

You play your cards right, it's gonna end
with you getting $800. Sound good?

Have a cookie.

They're homemade.

They smell delicious,
but I'm gonna see myself out.

You have a great day.

Before you get your panties in a bunch,

just listen. Okay?

We're offering credit now,

so you gotta stop your shit.

What "shit" is that?

The fucking loansharking shit.

I don't lend money to guys
that can get credit.

You do your thing, I'll do mine.
We can coexist.

No, we can't.
This is coming from Marty.

You gotta cease and fucking desist.

It's fucking dumb anyhow.

That right?

Take it up with your daddy, if you want.

I bet he wouldn't think
it's such a shit-hot idea

for you to be knocking
some guy's teeth out in the restroom

when the feds
are breathing down our necks.

I bet he doesn't even fucking know.

Any questions?

- No.
- Good.

Now, quit parking in the crippled spot.

What you got ain't a disability.

Just poor fucking judgment.

Good to have you back.

How you feeling?

I was worried about you.

Why? I was on a business trip
in Kansas City.

My offer still stands.

I confirmed it this morning.

Just say the word
and you have your life back.

Look, unless it's about the audit,
I don't want to hear it.

It's that bad.

Sorry, Marty. I really am.

And, um...

don't go near my family again.

I'm gonna be out all afternoon.

Try not to worry.


He thinks you're alike.

- He said that, huh?
- Yeah.

What do you think he means?

I have no idea.

I can do the talking.

Don't worry. I want this, too.

Give this guy some sweet feed.
He deserves it.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- You must be Wendy.
- Hi.

- Marty. Oly Brennan.
- Hi.

Uh, this is just such a beautiful place.

I really hope you'll let us
be a part of it.

Me too. Let me show you around.

She's so desperate for me to like her.
It's pathetic.

Like, you're the one who packed me off
to boarding school when I was eight,

and now you want to be friends?

Fuck that. No.

Woodlands is a good school.

Yeah, if you like Jesus
and nothing happening to you.


Did you invite them here?


He's not the one, Erin.

Trust me.

You can do so much better anyway.


Did you guys bring beer?

Every stud has specific needs,
and their owners expect us to meet them.

I am not looking for someone to tell me
which corners to cut.

I want a buyer so I can upgrade
my facilities my way.

What I don't need is your opinion
along with it.

Well, we don't know anything
about running a horse farm, so...

our only opinion is that...

you have a very special place here,

and we'd like to invest in it

and then perhaps
with the financial support,

you can turn it into whatever
you've dreamed it could be.

You can run the day-to-day,
the, you know,

the hirings, the purchasing, all of it.

- I'd expect nothing less.
- Exactly. So let's just for one minute,

let's forget about all the necessary
upgrades and the owner expectations.

You can do that with anyone's money.

What we wanna know is,
what is your dream for this place?

We overlook the dams. The mothers.

A broodmare can only carry
one foal a year.

A stud can service 100 mares
in that time.

People forget they're both important,

and great dams don't sell too often.

But I've got an idea
about how to fix that.

Have you ever been to a maiden race?

That's the... Isn't that the...
That's the race with the new horses?

That's right. Horses that haven't won yet.

Now, if you've got an eye for it,

you can spot future winners
coming in around third or fourth place.

I figure if we buy up a bunch of them,
play the numbers.

With our studs,

we stand a chance of putting out
a whole pack of winners.

Maybe even run our own champ
and keep the winnings.

There is no greater feeling
than your own horse coming in.

I bet.

Let's do it.

Wanna do it?

We'll, I don't know, tack on
another 6% into the investment

and we'll earmark it for this.
What do you say?

- You in?
- You kidding?

I haven't gotten an offer like it.

Thank you. Yes.

Thanks for coming out to the farm today.

It's a long drive.
You're welcome to spend the night.

We have a pretty little guest cottage
all made up.

Oh, thank you, we...

Zeke's hearing is tomorrow afternoon.

We'll get up early.

I'll go with you.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Well, I guess we're staying.


you know Ruth, then. From the casino?

I work with her sometimes.


I know her. She's... cool.

I don't really see her though,
'cause I'm in the office.

Oh. I got you.

You like it? Working for your parents?

What? Um...

Yeah, it's fine. It's a summer job.

So how do you guys know each other?

My mom is their parents' lawyer.

I normally live in Chicago,
but she dragged me here for the summer.

You're Helen Pierce's daughter?

Yeah. You've heard of her?

I should really get you back.

My parents are gonna be home any second
and they're pretty strict, so... come on.

Um, can I check out the restroom
before you throw us out?


- Hey, what are you doing?
- Taking a piss.

The bathroom's right there.

What can I say?

I wanted to wipe my dick
on your parents' sheets.

We good?

No. Why were you in there?


What's going on?

- He was using Mom and Dad's bathroom.
- So?

Don't be weird, Jonah.

I think you need to leave.

I'll text you.

We're going out Saturday, okay?


We should bring the kids here.


They could learn how to ride.

Jonah's been so serious since Buddy.

Since forever.

I was just like that.

Really? No kidding.

You know what?

Let's break into the stables.

What... What, like this? We can't.

Why not? We own the place. Come on.

Look at this guy.



Are you really okay?

This doesn't feel like something
you'd get over in a day.

Well, it was... it was hell.

I wasn't lying, and I...
I told the kids that, but, um...

Wendy, this might have been the best thing

that could have ever happened.

I spent a decade afraid of something,
and when it finally arrived,

it wasn't at all
what I thought it would be.

And I wasn't who I thought I would be.

What does that mean?

It means you were right.

Me burying my head in the sand
wasn't gonna keep us safe,

but I figured out what is.

What's that?

I'm gonna turn Agent Miller.

I'm gonna put her in our pocket.

That's what I told Navarro.
That's what got me out.

The warrant is gonna expire
in a couple of weeks.

If we just wait it out, she'll be gone.

They're gonna keep coming back.

That's what Maya said, that this
is gonna be a long play for them.

- "Maya"?
- Yeah.

Yeah, that's what she said. Years.

We'll never know when the hammer's
gonna fall, and she's very...

she's very good.

I don't know
if I can stay in front of her.

But if we own her...

all the anxiety goes away.

Wendy, if you want safety,

if you want to get the kids out,
this is it.

You hear me?

People don't just turn an FBI agent.


So why don't we just...

- take a breath...
- What are you doing?

- ...be still.
- Don't do that.

You asked me to get involved,
and this is what it looks like.

This is me supporting you, Wendy.

♪ More than ever
I got my own shit together ♪

♪ More than a decade of hits
Can I get a forever? ♪

Well, come on. Some of us got shit to do.
Where are the bags?

You know, getting seen out here
ain't good for any of us.

Fucking haul ass.

Yeah, get 'em yourself.

'Cause the way we've heard it,
you want everyone's jobs anyways, so...

Your boss is a real asshole.


Do every dumb shit thing he tells you?

- Mm-hmm.
- Hmm?

Hey! Hey!

Hey! Hey!

What the fuck? Stop!

Get me the fuck out of here!

Come on!

You derelict motherfuckers!



Oh, you monster.

I could strangle you.

Boo! Hey.

Hey, thanks for doing this.

You want some lunch?

I got a whole mess of boiled peaches.

Sure. I hope this is fine.
It's from my dad's funeral, but...

I bet he thought
you looked real smart, too.

Hey, you scrub up all right, Langmore.

With the exception
of this filthy mop you're wearing.

We gotta give that a good wash

if anyone's gonna believe a word
that comes out of your trap.

- I can just tie it back like I always do.
- Oh, don't be a fool.

She's obsessed with him.

She said that she wanted to lose her
virginity before she went back to school.

Oh, that is tricky.

There's something off about him.

He was asking tons of questions,
and he knows who Helen is.

I'm worried that she's gonna find out.

Well, then... then lie.

It's okay, if you're protecting her.
She'll find some other...

boy to disappoint her.


How do I look?

Like a very responsible citizen.

God. It's just so sad, you know?

I mean, she's got no fucking idea
how scary her mom can be.

She is lying.

She wanted to get hit.

She is trying to steal my baby.

Just like how she stole
my late husband's land

for her ugly casino.

Drove him into an early grave.

Not a word comes out
of that woman's mouth can be trusted.

Mrs. Snell, I won't warn you again.

I'm just saying, the way I treat...

that snake of a woman

does not reflect on how I treat Zeke.

Look at my records.

I am doing everything right.

I'm a good mother.

I mean, she told you so.

Mrs. Byrde, do you have anything to add
to your written statement?

Only that I am...

I'm really sorry, Darlene...

I am not trying to hurt you.

We... We fostered Zeke for a while

after his father left, and...

we love that child.

Our kids love him.

And we can't just look the other way

just because Darlene
is our business partner,

no matter how uncomfortable that may be.

We have to do what's right,
not what's easy.

I'm sorry.

Mrs. Snell...

your records are good,

but it concerns me deeply
that you struck Mrs. Byrde.

I tried to explain...

I think it's time that we heard
from our witness, don't you?

Mr. Langmore.

Well, Mrs. Byrde was offering to buy Zeke

for a cut of their new casino.

Mrs. Snell didn't want to,

so then Mrs. Byrde called her... sorry...

uh, a "fucking redneck."

Uh, and then she just swung at her.

It was Mrs. Byrde
who threw the first punch.

Oh, that is a lie! Wyatt!

What are you doing?

Quiet please, Mrs. Byrde.

Now, go on.

Mrs. Snell was just defending Zeke,
and she was right to.

And if you don't mind me saying, Judge...

Wendy Byrde never has liked us locals.

When they first moved here,

I mean,
she threw a dead possum on my house.

Is this true?

There were unusual circumstances.

And how do you know Mrs. Snell?

I've been doing a little farm work up
at Heron Mills lately.

And have you observed Mrs. Snell
with the baby?


Yeah, every time I see him,
he's laughing, and...

Darlene loves him like he's her own.

- She's a great mom.
- In his vast experience.

Mrs. Byrde.

What the fuck is going on at that farm?

You want to make $15 the hard way?

Very funny.

Thanks for coming.

I knew you'd call.

Where does this guy live?
We're going there right now.

- No, you can't.
- Yeah, I can.

Frank Jr. needs a kick in the dick
like nobody I've ever met.

But you can't. I mean it.

He's KC mob.

Shitbag's untouchable.

- Not to me.
- To everyone.


Last time I fucked with him,
it cost Marty big.

What did you do?

I threw him off the top of the boat.

'Course you did.


Look at that. It is here.



- Is this a mistake?
- Uh, no, I ordered it.


Day I got back. They shipped it overnight.
Can you believe it?

I used to play this all the time
when I was a kid.

Fantastic, I'm very...
I'm very happy for you.

But listen, can we get back to Zeke,
please, just for one minute?

You know, I was... I was so distracted
when you were gone,

I didn't even think to check in on Wyatt.

We should've gotten to the judge
and should've had our own witness.

- Next time, I'm gonna have everything...
- Whoa, hey, hang on.

There's no next time.
You tried your best, we lost.

It's time to let go.

Okay? We don't need the distraction.

Zeke is not a distraction.

You gave him to a sociopath.

We have to get him back.
He's not safe with her.

Well, Lord knows she'll protect him.

And with the way things are,
it's probably for the best.

You don't actually believe that.



Hi. How'd it go?

We lost.

I'm sorry.


You gave me the week off.

You drink when we're home.

You're home now.



Where is Dad?

In the garage playing video games.

Make an appointment for me
to see Jim Rettelsdorf tomorrow.

I'm going up to Kansas City.


He's out cold.

I can't thank you enough for today.

Did you mean what you said?

Am I a good mother?


Yeah, every word.

Mmm. He loves you.

That was...


I've been around long enough
to know what I'm doing.

What? What you thinking?

Maternity leave is over.

It's time we replanted my fields.

You look nice.


Jonah, wanna watch me beat this thing?
Come on.

Are you still playing video games?

Arcade games.
And you told me to rest, so...

- Ready?
- When you own the game,

you don't need quarters.
You can set it to give you infinite lives.

That'd be cheating.

You're not wrong.

About what?

That looks like Marty, walks like Marty,
sounds like Marty,

but that is 100% not Marty Byrde.

That guy's vibrating.

He's fine.


What is that?

I got a date.



You look good in those shorts.

- Hop aboard.
- No.

I came here to tell you
that you can't date Erin.


Who says?

'Cause I don't really take orders
from teenage girls.

You know who I work for, right?


And you know who my dad is, right?

Him and your boss are kind of tight.

This comes from him.

So cancel your date
and back the fuck off.

Or else Frank Cosgrove finds out
that you crossed Marty Byrde.

I thought we were having fun.

You thought wrong.

I'm afraid this is a waste of your time.

If I was to take an outside client,

it wouldn't be somebody
who almost landed my employer in jail.

Saved from jail.

Agree to differ.


Cut the crap, Jim.

You wouldn't be sitting here

if you didn't know
which way the wind was blowing.

We just bought another casino.

You're stuck with us.

Yes, Big Muddy.

- Well, you caught a lucky break there.
- Ah, not luck.


If that's what you wanna call arson,
very well.

Look, my employer might have a blind spot
when it comes to you, but I don't.

In fact, it's my job to see through it.

I thought your job was
to take care of Charlie's interests.

And let me remind you,
he has a stake in the Missouri Belle,

so that makes our business his business.

You have large ambitions, don't you?

I do.

And we have a very large problem.

Special Agent Maya Miller.

Ah, yes. Your integrated audit.

Well, you should be flattered.

FBI doesn't wheel that out
for just anyone.

She's their forensic accountant.

We need everything you can get on her.

Well, I admire your initiative,

but that would be, how to put it politely,
fucking insane.


- If you can't do it, I'm sure I can find...
- No, no, no.

Don't simplify things.
It doesn't become you.

I'll get you what you want,
if there is anything.

But just a friendly warning:

Whatever you're planning...

it's a terrible idea.


We need it as quickly as you can, please.

I'll call you in a couple of hours.

Four months, we'll be ready to harvest.

Oh, you should see it.

In full bloom,
this whole place is like a miracle.

Yeah. Truck.

I've never tried heroin.

I thought about it when my dad died.

I even bought some and then threw it out.

Don't say that.

I won't have a junkie in my bed, Wyatt.

I know you got pain. I see it.

But there's pain that uses you,

and there's pain that you use.

You got the good kind.

Come on.

What's going on?

- We've got a problem.
- Yeah?

I met with Jim Rettelsdorf this morning,

and he got us some information
about Agent Miller.

It's not good.

Okay. Why are you involving him?

Because he has a contact at the FBI.


If you're trying to turn an agent,

Maya Miller is the wrong person
to go after.

What did he dig up?

She's a known crusader.

Her father had a mortgage refi business
in Boca Raton.

He scammed a lot of people.

When she was 15, he went to prison,
leaving her mother destitute

along with her little sister
and 100,000 other people.

Taking down people like her father
is her life's work.

She's not gonna turn.

Well, that's disappointing.

Yeah, I don't think so.

I think it's something
we can work with, actually. Um...

Your old firm represented some, uh...
unscrupulous characters.

Uh, there one in there
that you can throw under the bus?

One that fucked over the little guy
and got away with it?

I'd need some evidence.

I'll see what I can do.

What... What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna throw some chum in the water
and see if she bites.

This is good. Really good.

We should put Rettelsdorf on retainer.

What the fuck happened to him in Mexico?

Do you think it's a good idea
to turn Agent Miller?

Doesn't matter what I think.
It's what my client expects.

Hey, Maya. Hey. I'll walk with you.


Just wanted to apologize for yesterday.
That was rude.

Well, you've been through a lot.

Yeah, you know, I sometimes wonder
if I should be in another line of work.

You know?

Yeah, gambling sucks.

You should help people, Marty.

- Beats getting abducted.
- Hmm.

Well, listen,

I know you're just trying to do
the right thing, okay?

Yeah. You should give it a go.

And what's that? Join the war on drugs?

We wouldn't have someone like you
on drug cases.

Anyone can do this.

Somebody with your skills,

I'd make sure
you were doing valuable work.

Such as?

Take your pick.

Bad loans, payday lenders,
corporate tax evasion.

It's not sexy,
but every time we take one down,

it's one step closer to new legislation.
That shit counts.

Is that the kind of work you'd be doing
if you had a choice?

In a heartbeat.

- Thank you.
- If you say yes,

and let me off this case.


It's something to think about. For sure.

- Thank you.
- No problem.

I'll see you.

I need some help.

What can I do for you?

Last week...

Marty went through something very...

very traumatizing.

It's not my place to...
to give the details,

but I'm concerned.


He's unpredictable,

he's edgy.

That must be very frightening.

It is...

and especially when I...

I try to convince him that
some of his plans are a little...

They're out there.

I see.

And you want my help to convince him?


And I know your time is very valuable,

but I was thinking
it might be helpful,

in a complicated case like this,

to have some... some extra time...

to think.

Especially in a complicated case
like this.

And I could give you
a supplemental fee,

so you could you could focus
on getting Marty back on track.

Is that something...

that interests you?


Yes, I think
it would be very helpful, Wendy.

Good, great.



Oh, take your call.

Come in a little early next week,

and we can discuss details.

Thank you.


What do you mean? Just tell me.

Oh, I'm coming, then. No, I'm coming.

Y'all having fun?

What the fuck?

French toast sticks.

Dinner and a show?

I got shit to do.

What the fuck is that?

Fifty pounds of birdseed.

Frank is going to shit when he sees this.

Can't say anyone touched him.

Roger Blinkhorn. Blink Check.
You know him?

Asshole payday lender out of St. Louis.

He raked three million people
over the coals

and got off with a settlement.

We couldn't prove that he knew
what they were doing.

Why do you ask?
You two setting up together?

Not after he's in prison.

I got a look at, um, the evidence
that was suppressed.

There's another way to get him. Uh...

Blink Check did a whole lot more
than charge illegal interest rates.

I got a metric shit ton of stuff
on this guy,

and this right here is just two hours
of following the money.

Well, it all started when he created
a holding company back in the '90s...

No, stop. Stop talking.
What the fuck are you doing?

That's the kind of guy
you want to take down, right?

You don't need to tell anyone
how you got there.

You can get a fresh warrant
with what I found...

Marty, hear me when I say this.

You cannot take the deal
without taking the deal.

You can't skip the part where you
sign a confession and go to prison.

That's not how this works.

I'm just trying to show
what I can bring to the table.


I won't let you play cop
and moonlight for a drug cartel.

You gotta prove to me that you're serious.

That starts with you admitting

that Omar Navarro kidnapped you
and took you to Mexico.

Anything less, we're done.

You can rot in prison
and wait for him to kill you.


Is it okay if I sit down for this?
My feet are killing me.


I haven't really been myself
the last few days.


Yeah, but, um...

Still, I should've...
I should've thanked you earlier, um...

right away.

What did I do?

You saved my life.

I know that it was you
that flagged the Panama account.

Only someone that's had their nose in
my business and with your kind of access

could have done that.


I know it was a risky move, but it worked.

Thank you.

You got me out.

Are you saying you were in Mexico?

You've gotta say it.

Last week, I was in Mexico.

With Navarro.

He kidnapped me.

There's nothing wrong
with that horse in there.

Ms. Brennan, you're not listening to me.

The horse is sick.

Just calm down.

How dare you show your face here.

Oly, I don't know anything about this.
I'm just catching up.

Why would you cut off his balls?

And don't tell me it's medical.
She tried that.

We check our horses every day!

That is a perfectly healthy stud in there.

And this is millions of dollars' worth
of damage.

Millions! What am I gonna tell the owner?

We will handle that.

A horse was sick?

The vet will testify to that, yes.

Oh, bullshit! Bull fucking shit!

How could you?

How could you come to my home
and lie like that?

You should be ashamed of yourself.

- You're a monster.
- Oly, I...

You have destroyed me.

You have destroyed everything
I have worked for.

When word gets out about this,
no one will stud their horses here.

We're done. We're finished!

Then you better not tell anyone.

Is that understood?

Who the fuck are you people?

Oly, I'm so sorry.

Oh, God.

Oh, my God.

Could you take her inside, please?

Oly, I'll try and fix this.

I will.

Why would he do this?

He's sending a message.

The horse belongs to Castel Lagunez.

- His rival in the war?
- Mm-hmm.

When he found out that Lagunez' stud
had been moved to Kentucky,

he couldn't pass up the opportunity.

And did you know?

When you sent us out here,
did you know he was gonna do this?

I didn't find out until this morning.

- Believe me, this is not a task I relish.
- Oh.

You're lying.

Give me his number.

- It's not a good idea.
- Hmm.

Give me his fucking number.

Why didn't you tell me you wanted
to butcher a horse?

How did you get this number, Wendy?

This was supposed
to be a legitimate expansion.

A legitimate business
and you've just ruined it.

The horse is still alive.

I own the farm.
Everything about this is legitimate.

The horse is gravely damaged.

The owner here is devastated.

You've just undermined
everything we've been working on.

We're supposed to be partners.

Partners? No, no, no.
You exist for me to use!

What did you think, huh?

That because you are American,
you are not gonna get your hands dirty?

Wendy, if I am at war, you're at war!

We're not partners.

I own you!

And if you call me again like this,
I will make sure that you remember that.

Hi, this is Marty Byrde.
Please leave a message.