Ozark (2017–…): Season 3, Episode 2 - Episode #3.2 - full transcript

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Okay. Order of operations...

...goes a little something like this:

Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally.

"Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally"

is a little mnemonic
that works really well.

You know how I know that?

'Cause it's probably been 20 years
since I've done any algebra

and I still remember it.

So, who can tell me what "P" stands for?

Look, I get it.

This is boring, and I'm just a sub,

so why should you
give me the time of day, right?


But I have seen the test.

And this is on it.


- who can tell me what "E" stands for?
- No.

Are you okay?


Can I take a look at this?

Does anybody know about this photo?

Let me rephrase.

Who doesn't know about this photo?


No eye contact?

Is it that easy?

Hey! You got a human being
sitting right here.

Anybody think about that
before they hit send?

Give me your phones.


Now, phone.

Phone. Give me your fucking phones.

Phone, phone, phone! In the bucket, phone.


- What's he doing?
- Whoa!

God damn emotional fucking terrorists.

- Hey!
- I bet you're fucking looking at me now!

Hey, you!

What do you think you're... what are you...

I should be on there.
Marty Byrde to see Frank Cosgrove.

You're good to go.

Yeah? Thank you.

We got issues, Marty.
We got issues of trust.

We got issues of respect.

Hell, we got issues of understanding
the basic fucking rules.

That's why we're here.

That's why you're hearing about this
from us first,

and it's why we're offering you
an extra 10%

on top of what we're already paying you.

We want to make this right.

You got any idea
what my boy has been begging me...

to let him do to her?

What he's got every right to do.

You know what "untouchable" means?

I do. We do.

Then why do you think you can fix this

by throwing a couple of coins at my feet

like I'm a fucking beggar?

It's not a couple of coins.
It's an extra 10%.

I want her fired.

Then we talk money.

I understand that you're pissed.

I'd be pissed off too,
but we are not the only ones at fault.

So someone else went head-first
off the top deck?

Your son threatened to rat us out.

That's bullshit.

He threatened to give up our operation.

He's fucking lying, Dad.

Frank, I respect your code.

Is this true?

He said, "You really want to do this

with everything I know about you?"

You're not gonna take
her word over mine.

Frank, you're absolutely right
about trust,

which is why we are willing to trust

that Frank Jr. was just joking,

if you are willing to trust

that Ruth will not make
the same mistake twice.


She's untouchable, too.

Don't take any of that to mean
that you didn't completely fuck this up.

I've been thinking about that law
of large numbers stuff

and about how if we're not as enthusiastic
about catching cheaters

as cheaters are about cheating us,

then we're definitely getting screwed.

I've been doing some poking around
about what's out there,

and... and there's a card counting team
in Indiana that's making its way west.

A slot scam
where gamblers use cell phone cameras

and hacked algorithm.

You know, top shit.

There are card markers

who use infrared ink
and special contact lenses, Marty.

I'm not paying you
to find me more problems.

I'm paying you to solve them
before I even know they exist.

Are you sure this is the only
lakefront property still available?

No, no, it's for a colleague.

Okay, just don't let anyone
sign a lease on it

without contacting me, okay?

Yeah. Thank you, Marcia. Bye.

- Is this their financial report?
- Yeah.

Who still uses a fax machine?

Well, evidently, Carl and Anita Knarlsson

of the Big Muddy Casino.

Is that why you were in Chicago?

- Hmm?
- It's part of a bigger plan...

to expand and go legit.

Makes us safer.

Is it your plan or your boss's?


Why didn't Dad go with you?

You know it can take your father
some time...

to acclimate to new ideas.

What did he say
about me being in Chicago?

I'm not doing that, Mom.

And I wouldn't do it to you, either.


- Good luck.
- Hey.

Hey, I've been trying to call you
all morning.

Oh, yeah? Well, I was up in Kansas City

because Ruth threw Frank Cosgrove Jr.
off the top deck of the casino.


It's handled.

Um, what's this? Did you...

You bought a new casino and a new house
without talking to me?

Those are rental properties...

for Helen.

- Helen's moving here?
- For the summer.

- That's just fucking perfect.
- No, it's a good thing.

- It's a good thing. She's on our side.
- Jesus Christ.

Until she's not.
This is exactly what I was worried about.

If we'd just kept our heads down, Wendy...

There's nothing we can do about that now.

Maybe there is.
I've had time to think through some of it.

You said yourself on the phone,
we're committed.

Well, deals go bad, you know?
Good plans go wrong all the time.

And Navarro's a businessman,
he'll understand that.

As long as we don't spend a cent
of his money, as long as he's whole,

we can get out of this
before it even begins.

We're not getting out of this.

You're saying that
because you don't want to.

I want you to admit something.
Admit this is all about you

and has nothing to do
with what is best for the family.

This is about me

making sure you don't have to launder
for the rest of your life.

This is about me
finding our only real way out of this!

So, you can either be
a part of that solution, or...

Part of the problem.

That sounds like her.

Okay, I am not arguing with you
about this.

- Where are you going?
- We are going to St. Joe's,

and you can look over the bid in the car.

Right now?

Yep. I want this deal closed
before Helen arrives.

We'll be back.

These numbers are
from the gaming commission.

They have no invested interest
in whether you hang on or sell,

but their report is dire.

A 35% drop in revenue.

This year.

Since your rivals opened across the river.

Look, my point exactly.
It could just be a blip.

That a business term? "Blip"?

My point is everybody always goes
for the shiny new thing.

Who's to say once the sheen is off,
they won't all come running right back?

The view is always better
from this side of the river.

You know, Carl,
it would be one thing, um...

if your revenues were holding steady

before that casino opened,

but they've been slipping for years.

Probably why you can't get a loan.

You don't know that.

They do know that.

You know, you're not nursing those
30-year-old slot machines downstairs

just out of nostalgia.

You need a cash influx,
and, um, without one,

competitors are always
gonna be shinier, always gonna be newer.

The point is this place needs money.

We have it.

You act like we don't have a choice.

Honestly, I wish I could say that you did.

Now, we're willing to make an offer
of 7% above market.

Now, some other corporate outfit
would come in here

and give you all sorts of reasons
of why that valuation's too high,

but we would never do that.

Because we understand how hard it is to...

just to walk away
from something that you've...

you've put decades into.

We would never dream
of insulting that sacrifice.

We'd love to take a look with our lawyers.

Go ahead and send the paperwork.

Sorry about sourpuss back there.

Oh, don't be.
I... I hardly noticed.

Businessman of the year.

He's always been defensive
about the place.

He knows what people say.

"Inherited from the family,
ran it into the ground."

Far as I'm concerned,
your offer's our saving grace.

Carl will come around. He just needs
a little time to adjust to new ideas.

- You know?
- Hmm. I do.

He'll get there.

Oh, boy, that other casino
really is right there, huh?

Yes, it is.

You know, on top of that,

they are putting on a big Memorial Day
fireworks display.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah, like...

throwing a big flaming middle finger right
in our faces.


Calling it "Tribute to the Border War."

Hey, uh, Carl,

listen, I know that this is
a very frustrating situation for you,

but you got a hell of a lot
to be proud of.

You've been running a successful business
for, what, 25 years?

With your wife? Uh...

Wendy and I have been at that
for barely a year now, and it's, um...

It's not easy, right? It's tough.

If it were up to you,
we wouldn't even be here, would we?

Well, let me save you a world of pain.

You want a good
work-marriage partnership?

Learn to let your desires take a backseat.

I want you to hold on to this.

All right?

What if you held on?

Now, what is this?
Is this some kind of reverse psychology?

No, sir. This is just one man

telling another man not to give up
on his dreams.

I mean, your financials are not great,

but you could stave off bankruptcy
for a couple years,

and who knows what would happen
to your competitors during that time?

It's a very unstable business.

You know, the best bets are just guesses.

Plus, you've been at this decades.
They're at it for a year.

Who knows if they've got
your staying power.

Anita would never go for it.

Okay, but...

what if your desires have been
in the backseat long enough?

What if it's her turn?

I don't know. Think about it.

Do not tell me they're not here.

Do not tell me I left them in Chicago.

Fuck, could I have left them
in Chicago?

Mom, how the fuck could you have let me
leave my boots in Chicago?

I promise we will buy you new Doc Martens
as soon as we get there, honey.

Not gonna have the plaid ones
in the Ozarks.

Well, then we will order them online.
It is Missouri, not the moon.

Look, I know that you are upset
about the change of plans.

Let's just try
and make the best of it. Hmm?

I mean, maybe we can talk
to Emma and Keira's parents

and see if they can come
for a week or two.

- That'll never happen.
- Well, you never know until you ask.

Except I do.
They won't visit me when I'm with you.


Everything all right?

Who knows?
Amber Alerts are just so annoying.

Then you will make new friends.

There'll be tons of kids your age
at the lake. Tons of things to do.

Can you stop fucking pretending
that this summer is about anything

other than you getting us away from Dad?

You need to watch your language.

Could somebody please
turn these goddamn things off?

- Uh, hey, Mom?
- Hmm?

Yeah, this alert's about us.

Gene, are you out of your fucking mind?

The arbitrator said
that I have them all summer.

Everyone knows summer doesn't start
until Memorial Day.

You took them two days early,
which might make you a felon.

So what do you want, Gene?

For you to comply
with our custody arrangement.

Oh, that is bullshit!

Missing summer league
is gonna screw Seth's chances

of making the high school team.

And playing means he stays in Chicago?

Giving you the perfect opportunity

to work on your relationship
with your daughter.

No, absolutely not.

They are both with me all summer.

Then I'll let the alert stand

and it can be on the record
at our custody hearing.


Come join us for Sunday service
at 8:00, 10:00, or 11:00.

...summer kick-off with
the top-of-the-line boats and jet skis

open all Memorial Day weekend
off the lake...

- You can put on whatever you want.
- ♪ Get it together, baby ♪

- ♪ Come and get your love ♪
- I'm fine.

♪ Come and get your love ♪

Does this mean
you've thought through our offer?

We have,

and we're saving you the hassle
of sending that paperwork.

We're not ready to sell.

I don't understand.

It's an unstable industry,

and we're just not convinced

that our rivals have
the staying power that we do.

Carl, we both know
what the numbers say, and...

But it was very nice meeting you folks,

and the next time you come on out
to Big Muddy,

there'll be some complimentary chips
with your name on 'em.

What were you two talking about?

We talked about marriage.

We talked... We talked about
being in business with your wife.

So what the hell happened?
They have no leverage, no competing offer.

I really... I don't know,
but I'm gonna find out.

Just how bad is the word from Mexico?

Oh, I think it's safe to say he's not
in a good headspace.

So, you think this house will work?

Um, at least it's three months
I don't have to deal with Gene.

Ugh, he attacks and attacks and attacks.

He has no idea what I've endured
just to keep him alive.

Not that I want him dead, obviously.

I mean,
I do want my kids to have a father,

but do I fantasize now and then about him
getting the shit kicked out of him?

Losing a few of those teeth
he spent a small fortune capping?

You betcha.

I don't mean to dwell on Gene.

You're not.

It's just, you know, when things
get so hostile so fast, you think,

"How'd I manage to fuck that up so badly?"

That painting has no intention.

How is it that all these years,
I was trying to protect my family,

and actually,
I was just doing the opposite?

For all you know,
things could have been much worse,

and you're the reason they're not.

Maybe he sensed that
I was keeping things from him

and withdrew.

I don't know. Maybe it is all my fault.

Maybe if I'd told him everything,
we'd still be together.

I don't know.

That just trades one set of problems
for another.

Ask our therapist.

We're very careful.


Maybe that's the only way
to truly make a marriage last.

Make it impossible to blow up without
the shock wave swallowing everyone.

Mutually assured destruction.



Marcia, tell me, does the boat...
Now, does the boat come with this?

Thank you.


is it just me or has this guy on 22
still not placed a single bet?

Who's your signal?

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Is it a three-man team? A four-man?

How you working?

Sorry, lady. No man, no team.

Then what the fuck are you doing?

I'm just enjoying my coffee,

watching senior citizens piss away
their Social Security.

This is a casino.

Well, that explains a lot.

Acceptable activities include gambling,

drinking, inhaling hot wings
at the buffet.

Nursing free drinks
while you ogle gamblers like a creeper?

Not on my list.

Well, look, I'm just enjoying my coffee.

There's no law against that.

It's called "loitering."

You're funny.

And you're not.

Get him the fuck out of here.

Go ahead, put your fucking hands on me.

- Dennis!
- See how that works out.

Okay. Okay.

I didn't want to have to say this,

but I'm good friends with the owners.

You're fucking full of shit,
you know that?

Is this part of your customer service?

'Cause if it is, I have some thoughts.
What are you doing?

I'm calling your good fucking friends.

Okay, wait.

Don't... Don't... Don't...
Don't do that, please.

Okay, um, look,
I wasn't exactly honest with you.

So, the owners and I, um...

It's just we're not so much friends
as I'm...

Wendy Byrde's brother.

And I'd really rather wait until morning
to talk to her

so she doesn't think I'm crazy.

You think morning's
gonna make a difference?

Did you know he was coming to the lake?

Do you really think I wouldn't tell you?

Well, he can't be here. Not now.

He'll get bored and leave
after a few days

like he always does.

- Ben, get in here. Hi.
- Hey.

Oh, I was trying to caffeinate
through till morning

and not wake you up, I swear.

It's okay.

Hey, Marty, that little blonde Nazi
at the casino is tough.

She's kinda cute, though.

Okay. Here, let me show you
where we're putting you.

- Okay.
- Good to see ya.

Detroit Lions?

Thought Marty had better sense than that.

Well, all this stuff belongs
to the old man who...

kind of came with the house.

You bought a house
that came with a man?

Hmm. It's a long story.

Longer than how you ended up
with a casino?

What are you doing here?

I need money.

I'm kidding.

I'm fine, really.

I'm taking care of myself.
I got a routine.

Did you lose the teaching job?

Lose? No.

Mutual decision? Yes.

We had some philosophical differences.


Look, I wanted to see you.

It's been too long.

You know I like it
when you give me a heads up.

Good night.

Good night.

Hi, I'm sorry. I just missed your call.
What's going on?

I spoke to my client last night.

We have more money for the bid,
so get back up there and seal the deal.

I can't ask him a third time.

How would you feel about coming with
instead of Marty?

- Is there a problem I should know about?
- No. No, no, no. Of course not.

It's just he's a numbers guy,

and I could use a negotiator.

I'll pick you up at the office
in 20 minutes.

- Fuck.
- Okay.




Oh, what time is it?



Jonah, you're, like, a foot taller.

Is this the old man right here?

Oh, you shouldn't touch that.

Or sit there.

Buddy didn't really like
strangers touching his stuff.

Two of you were close, huh?

He was my best friend.

Probably more interesting
than a bunch of 14-year-olds.

So what was his deal?

I don't know.

He was just...

He let me shoot watermelons
and try his oxygen.

And he went skinny-dipping every morning,
no matter who was watching.

Marty Byrde for Frank Cosgrove.

This is 20% over market value.

Well, this is your life's work,

and we understand
that any offer must value that emotion.


it's over.

We held firm

and drove the price up... good for us...

but if we wait any longer, that other
casino is gonna end up killing us.

She's trying to walk all over us.

Well, we are closing
on another casino as we speak.

The only problem...

um, is that there's a...

there's a rival casino
right across the river.

It's bigger, and it's newer.

Let me guess.

You need them to have a downturn
in their business.

Frank, our plan is to upgrade
and leave them in our dust.

But that is gonna take time,
and it has become clear

that our investors expect
an immediate return.


Tough investor.

- As you are aware.
- Hmm.

We are making an offer
that no one else would.

Bringing a lawyer in here,

shoving papers in our faces.

It's all right. We'll go.

The idea that we are somehow
the bad guys here is completely juvenile.

We are offering 20% above market value
for a failing business.

You want to hold on to it,
oh, you be my guest.

We will buy it from the bank
out of Chapter 11.

What's the ask?

We need the other casino shut down
for a while.

That's a big ask.

I can give you the trucking contract
at the new casino.

At the additional 15% we negotiated
for the Belle?

It's only fair.

I swear to God, Carl Lee Knarlsson,
if you don't do the smart thing here.

If you'll excuse me, I...

I think what Anita
has been trying to say...

Don't you deserve
to give up those headaches

that have kept you up
for the last 25 years?

I mean, don't you think it's time

to enjoy your life?

I'll take the papers over to the lawyer
this afternoon.

Give them the once over.

Then we'll sign.


Wendy Byrde.

Who is this?

You know who this is.

Now, can you please tell me

what is happening with my casino.

We got it.

They signed?

Well, not yet, but...

uh, but they've agreed.

Well, then don't tell me
that you got it, okay?

Something happened today.

One of my maids, she was serving me lunch,
and she fell.

And suddenly,
her front teeth were on the ground,

and there was blood everywhere

and no other help, so I...

Well, I picked them up.

I didn't even realize that I had done that
until they were in my hand, and well...

I saw the red of the blood
and the white of the teeth and I thought...

Vamos. Let's go.

You think maybe that could be a bad omen?

I mean, I ask everyone, you know,
but nobody will say anything,

and then I thought...

"Wendy Byrde."

Well, it sounds to me
like it was just an accident.

That's all.

What, you don't think that an accident
can be an omen?

Well, anything can be an omen
if you're looking for it.

I mean, I'm sure if you went back
through your day,

you could find 50 good ones
to help balance the bad.

Guess I hadn't really thought about it
that way.

Huh, yeah, yeah.

I knew I would feel better
by talking to you.

Is she okay?

- Your maid?
- Huh?

Oh, eh... I don't know.

She's no longer with us, so...

You have a good night.

Who was it?

It was Helen.

I'm sorry to wake you.

She's just anxious about the deal.

So what's her daughter like anyway?

Well, I haven't met her yet,

but, you know,
she's new here from Chicago,

and you know how scary that is, so...

you and Charlotte, you be nice. Please.

We will, I promise.

And no talking about...

you know... anything.

Most parents aren't as free with the truth
as we are.

Will Ben be there?

Yeah, of course.

Am I really like him?

What makes you wonder that?

Well, when we first moved here,

and you and Dad were worried that I was...

I don't know, you said
you were afraid I was like him.

Oh, honey...

I love my brother.

He'll always have a place in my heart,
but there is no comparison.

- Mom. Mom.
- You understand?

- I need you to hear me...
- Mom!



Your hair's coming in nice.

- The sun's getting in his eyes.
- Oh.

Children are like corn stalks.

They need fresh air and sunlight
to grow strong.

Isn't that right, Zeke?


Our Zeke?

You said he went to a good family.

I promise it's temporary.

I'm sorry about your brother.

I know how much the two of you
hate being split up,

and I did try and avoid it, but you've...

You know, never mind.
I'm just sorry, that's all.

And I'm sorry about the situation
with your father.

And I'm sorry that I'm not around more,

and I'm sorry for, uh...

I don't know, a whole bunch of other stuff
that I can't even think of

that I'm sure I also fucked up.

Can we just try for a clean slate

and leave Chicago in Chicago?

Just try and enjoy the summer.


actually starting to come around
on this place.



Did she really think I was so stupid

that I couldn't see that the sun was
in his face?

You'd have been so proud of me, baby.

Didn't so much as scowl.

I'm almost to the edge of the lane.

If you want, I can start on the other side
when I'm done.

All right.

Lunch will be ready soon.

Not a single cross look.

Even though I had every right

to do a whole lot worse.

What's that?

I'm just talking to my late husband.

Oh, cool.

Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt.

Do you talk to someone?


Who do you talk to?


My dad.


You've had a lot of loss,
haven't you, boy?

It is what it is, you know?

It's the Langmore curse.


Your daddy may have been useless,

his daddy human garbage,
but before that...

your folks were all right.

God, back in the day,

they had stills
in every kind of cove and holler.

Biggest bootleggers in the Ozarks.

Now, you can't pull that off

unless you're tight-knit,
hardworking folks.

Langmore stock is as good as any
around here.

Don't let anyone tell you different.

- Yes, ma'am.
- Mm-hmm.

You still breaking and entering?

I've been crashing in my car
so I don't get busted again.


I got a cabin on the property here.

One of my workers used to live in it,

it's been empty for a while now.

If you want it, it's yours.



- Hi, we tried knocking.
- Hi!

You must be Erin. Hey, I'm Wendy.

I'm Marty. Jonah and Charlotte are dying
to meet you. They're just inside.

- Here, I'll take you in.
- Okay.

What have you got?

For when our new casino becomes official.

Right, yeah.


Hold that door.

This one right here?

Yeah. It's gonna be 1A to 1B,
then wires there.

Sweet toy.

It's not a toy. It's a tool.

Fair enough. What's it good for?

Aerial photography,
maintaining a secure perimeter,

tracking wildlife.

Shit, when I was your age,

I'd have just used it to spy on girls.

I'd never seen a TV.

- You didn't watch TV at all?
- No, never. I wasn't allowed.

You weren't allowed
to watch television ever?

- No.
- Huh.

I think I might have just
turned your son into a peeping Tom.

- Good thing I'm a lawyer.
- Ben, this is Helen.

Helen, my baby brother, Ben.

- Hi.
- Oh, hi.

So how do you guys know each other?


We met through work. Nothing very special.

Yeah, I'd pull a Sylvia Plath
if I had to work for my mom.

It's not that bad.

Plus, if I do a good job in there,

she pretty much lets me do
whatever I want out here.

- Seriously?
- Yeah.

I could show you around if you want.

We can rent jet skis or go caving.

Plus I have the hookup
for some pretty good weed

if you're into that kind of thing.

What about Party Cove?

Party Cove gets old fast.

It's basically just a bunch
of college kids

who come down for the weekend,

get wasted, go crazy,
and they just go home.

Every other girl in my grade's
already lost her virginity.

If I do it here, I get it out of the way,
but I'm not stuck seeing him every day.

Honestly, I don't care who it is.

I just cannot go back to Chicago a virgin.

Damn it!

Your mom had the thickest Carolina accent
of any of us.

- That is so not true.
- Oh, Marty, help me out here.

When you first met Wendy,
what did she sound like?

I refuse to answer on the grounds
that she is sitting right here,

and she's listening.

Do you...

You remember how we used to say

that you were the only one in the world

who could turn the word "down"
into six syllables?

- Unh-unh, that was Aunt Millie.
- Aunt Millie was five.

You were six.

Hmm! Your uncle has
a very fanciful imagination.

- Hi.
- Sorry I'm late.

Hey, look who it is. Guten abend!

Take my seat. I'll get another one.

You hungry?

No, I'm good, thanks.

Good to see you again, Ruth.

You, too.

This is my daughter Erin.

What the fuck? Nothing's happening.


Just wait.

Fucking A.

- So how long are you staying for, Ben?
- Hmm.

Just a couple days, right?

Not that we don't love having him,
it's just...

you know, he is always on the move.

Anybody want something from the bathroom?

I hope you're calling with good news.

Well, I guess that depends
on your perspective.

I don't understand.

Seems our rivals have gone
and set themselves on fire.

It's gonna be months
before they can reopen.


we're gonna be able
to get that bank loan and upgrade.

- We're backing out of the deal.
- You can't do that.

But I am.

Our handle's about to go up
a million dollars a month.

But we had an agreement.

A verbal agreement.

Anita, where is this
coming from? This isn't you.

Oh, please.
Don't pretend we had a relationship.

"This is your life's work." Really?

You were a carpetbagger, plain and simple.

I was your fucking salvation.

I'll take you to court.

- You could try.
- Well, I will.

And for the record,
you humiliated my husband.


You and that lesbian lawyer.

He's a weak man,
and you let him know that, didn't you?

Oh, you know, that's really...

That is really rich.

And if you think
for one fucking second...


I can't believe
they had it in them.

Sat there looking at us
like we're vultures

and all the time,
they're fucking arsonists?

- What can we do?
- She's right about court.

Even if they win,
it'll be tied up for years.


We must have some recourse.

More money is out of the question.
I can't ask my client again.

I'll figure something out.
I'm not losing to that woman.

Was anyone hurt?

In the fire.

Who knows and who cares?

Well, you know, she...

She said that
the whole thing went up, so...

must have been a lot of people inside.

Yes! Yeah! Oh!

Well, Memorial Day weekend
is finally here,

and that means the summer party season...

Good morning.

Um, listen, Ben,
I have been thinking a lot about this...

...and I think that the,
uh, best thing to do is

to just be completely honest with you.

This is not a good time for us here
in this house.

Uh, there's... There's a lot going on.

Um, Wendy...

uh, has not been herself.

- Um...
- Are you asking me to leave?

Thank you for understanding.

But I don't understand.

Honestly, this is the first time
I've recognized my sister in years.

Well, you know...

I need you to go, okay, Ben?

I need you to go,
and if money is an issue...

I don't want your money.

I kind of...

skipped a bench warrant
in North Carolina, so...

right now this place
is basically my salvation.

Don't worry.

All I want to do is chill.

You won't even know I'm here.



Yeah... okay.

Wendy, the slots
at the other casino, what are they?

Three-reel? Five-reel? Video?

Mainly three-reel.

I was doing some research for Marty

about different ways
our casino might be vulnerable,

and I realized we might be able
to use what I learned

to play offense instead of defense,

if you catch my drift.

Explain it to me in the car.

Hello, there.
If you'd given me a heads-up,

I could have arranged for a tour.

What do you think happened
at that casino last night?

Boy, I mean,
your guess is as good as mine.

So, why did Wendy look like she thought
maybe you did know?

I don't know.

Where's this coming from?

It's coming from
is that I'm starting to sense

that you two aren't exactly
on the same page

about this expansion plan.


As you know, I don't like to take on
unnecessary risk.

I'm not talking about
philosophical differences.

I'm talking about something deeper.

In case you hadn't noticed,

this plan now involves
more than just the two of you.

So, when you have problems,
they become my problems.

I think you should be having this
conversation with the both of us.

Wendy isn't the issue here.

Just be thankful that she and Ruth
have got us back on track.

You didn't know.

Of course I knew.
I'm surprised that, uh...

that you did so soon.


All right. That looks good.

And... go.

And... now.

Hey, Lulu, ready? And... hit it.

All right, Amber, Dianne. Ready?

Amber... go.


Wendy, hello?

Does that mean it's working?

- Hello...
- Like gangbusters.

Don't let up.
I want them stunned into submission.

All righty.

Hey, so is this legal?

Hey, what's up?

Yeah, hey. Um...

What are you doing?

What do you mean?

I mean, right now,

tell me what you're doing.

I'm using the slot scam I told you about
on Big Muddy,

forcing them back
to the negotiating table.

- No, no, no!
- Why?

You have to stop that.

What? I can't.
It's already done.

Why didn't you tell me
that you were gonna do that, Ruth?

You... You made a big deal

about how I'm not supposed
to be bringing problems,

how I'm supposed to be solving them.

I'm just doing what you fucking wanted.

Okay, but you're not.

You're completely screwing us.

By getting you another casino

when no one else could figure out
how the fuck to do it?

Are you fucking kidding me, Marty?

How about a little gratitude?

I mean, your wife seems
pretty fucking grateful.

Wendy has absolutely no idea
what is good for us.

Is that my fault?

Is that my fault that you can't
communicate for shit with your wife?

- All right, Ruth, listen to me.
- No, no.

How's about instead of shitting on me,
you get your own house in order?

And until you do,
how's about you fuck off?

All righty?

Looks like your boat sprung a leak.

To the tune of, I'd say...

200,000 grand per hour.

You're not gonna cheat us into selling.

I'm only saying what everyone
on the floor is seeing.

Wow. Another five grand.

If, however, you'd like a life raft,

we'd still be happy to purchase
your casino from you, for say...

three million under the previous offer,
since its value is depreciating...


What we'd like is for you
to get the hell out of our casino.

The longer you hold on,
the lower our offer drops,

since your slots are hemorrhaging.

We'll kick out the cheaters.

We'll bring in different people every day.

We'll unplug the machines,
stop the bleeding.

Well, according to your financials,

slots bring in 80% of your revenue.

How's that life raft sounding?

Cut it out!


Didn't see you there.

And... done.

I need more.

Hi, it's me. Is it a bad time?

You know I'm just getting off work.

I just wanted to apologize for my tone
the other day.

I'm listening.

I need to remember that
even though we don't always agree,

you'll always have the kids'
best interests at heart.



Are you kidding? It's gorgeous here.

Tell me, how are things with you?

What's this?

A warrant signed by a federal judge

that was triggered the minute
you purchased a second casino.

This is an integrated audit
of your whole operation.

A team of forensic accountants
who will supervise

every casino transaction as it happens.

Every invoice and receipt,
they'll be there when it's printed.

Every hour,
they'll count the chips on the floor.

For the next month, we're gonna be
running this place with you.

Do you know what I miss most
about Chicago?

- What's that?
- Johnny's Beef.

You ever been to Johnny's Beef?

- Hi.
- Hey, hi!

We've got new partners in the casino.

Son of a bitch!