Ozark (2017–…): Season 2, Episode 10 - The Gold Coast - full transcript

Marty makes plans without telling Wendy. Darlene sends a message via Jonah. Wyatt learns the truth about his dad. Ruth realizes Cade must be stopped.

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- You want a do-over?
- Uh, no.

- Are you sure?
- Yep.

If I was going on a trip, I'd be smiling.

Well, it's a white background, no shadow,
eyes open, neutral expression.

That's a TSA checklist right there.

- So, where are you headed?
- Abroad.

Holy shit.

I know.

How much money is there?

Approximately $43 million.

Holy shit.

The exact numbers are in here,

along with a complete listing
of the real accounts, plus their shadows.

And the operational account
is gonna be active...

as soon as we're done with the ceremony,
day after tomorrow.

What if I can't do this?

It's just like Lickety Splitz,
only bigger.

You're gonna come here,

you're gonna pay respects to Buddy
a couple of times a week.

You're gonna mix this money
with the legit receipts

and then you're gonna deposit it.

Long as the flow stays steady,
no one's gonna bat an eye.

This is crazy.

I don't know shit about fuck.


Which LP is held by Davisville Limited?

Lighthouse Landing.

- And where are they registered?
- Panama City.

And they're a shell company for?

Horizon Cove Inc, which is a subsidiary
for Byrde Enterprises.

If I didn't think you could handle it,
I wouldn't be risking my family's lives.

Thanks for the walkthrough.

As these things get close,
my client always gets nervous.

He's very detail-oriented.

Well, it's my pleasure.
I find it oddly beautiful.

Hi. Sorry I'm late.


I was just about to tell your wife,

you can see the rest of your life
from up here.

- Yeah.
- Everything okay?

Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Just some personal stuff.

- Mm-hmm.
- How you doing?

I trust if there were any
last-minute issues, you'd let me know.

Of course.

- Now would be the time to fix them.
- We're good.

I'm not sure you appreciate
the historical significance

of what it is you're about to pull off.

Medellín, Sinaloa, Juárez,

every one of them tried to create
something like this.

Every one of them failed.

A legitimate, self-sustaining operation
like a casino.

This is why crime organizes.

Have you given any thought
to the next five years?

Uh, I'd love to talk about
the operational account.

Because you're pillars
of the community now.

You've established a foothold
in the gaming industry.

You could expand, completely legitimately.

Honoring your obligations
to my client, obviously.

I am so sorry, but I have to get him home.

I mean, it's just been a long time
since we've been tied to a nap schedule.

It's funny how you forget
there was ever a time

before they could tell you
to go fuck yourself.

But not you.

No. You wouldn't call up and talk

about your father's girlfriend,
would you? No.

The operational account.

- What about it?
- It's not up and running.

Once the contracts are signed.

That's in two days.
I could be working now.

Well, is there some kind of rush
I'm not aware of?

Just trying to be efficient.

Well, call us superstitious.

On a long road trip,

you're most likely to get into an accident
a mile from your home.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

What did you have to take care of?

Just life stuff.

Hmm. I called the school.
Charlotte went to first period.


Helen's right, you know.

This could be the beginning
of a great new chapter in our lives.

We just have to work harder
at being better parents.

What if that's not possible here?

It has to be.

Oh, yeah. Okay.

I was there.
I saw the cartel torture her.


Well, could you get her
to file charges against him?

Well, I know he paid
for that paddle wheeler in cash.

- Well, that's not illegal.
- It is if it's cartel money.

Do you know where he hides it?

What about the books?

Do you even know where he keeps 'em?

Does he even talk to you?

If you were wired,
would he confide in you?

He talks to my daughter.

Yeah, and would you wear
a wire against her?

You know what I think?

I think you're looking at me

as some kind of
"get out of jail free" card.

No, I'm giving you
Marty fucking Byrde.

You didn't give me shit.

You haven't said a single thing
that I don't already know.

In fact, I have no confidence you can get
anywhere close to Marty Byrde.

You fucking owe me.

- I owe you?
- Yeah, that's right.

I don't even know you.

You got my fucking daughter tortured.
You got my brothers killed.

You know what?

Your five minutes are up,
so get the fuck away from me.

What? You don't like hearing the truth?

The truth?

The truth is, you smell desperate.

It reeks.

I give it a month
before you're back in prison.

And your fucking
trailer-trash daughter...

who you're so willing to rat out.

She's in so far over her head,

it'll be a minute behind you,
whether I'm following the case or not.

The truth is that Russ
deserved better than every fucking...

Oh, fuck.


I thought you should know...

Jacob passed away this morning.


Oh, Darlene.


I'm so sorry.

His dying wish was to stop the casino.

I intend to honor that.

I don't understand.

Jacob was always committed
to making the casino work.

He had an epiphany.

- He passed this morning?
- That's right.

And you came right here?

May I ask how he died?

His heart. It failed him.

Just to be clear...

Jacob understood
that this casino is happening.

There's no way for you to win.

Did the Viet Cong have to win?

- I'm sorry.
- The gooks.

They didn't have to win.

They just had to not lose. It's my land.

The cartel's already tried
to kill you once.

- Is that a threat?
- Just a fact.

There might be one solution
to honor Jacob's memory.

Is that Mason Young's baby in the car?
It is, isn't it?

Social Services told me
you were looking after him

until they found a suitable home.

Now, you help me adopt him,
and I'll stand aside.

You are not fucking touching that baby.

I delivered that child.

You need to go.

He's not your kin.

He's not worth the cost you'll pay.


What the hell do you want?

I need a favor, baby girl.

If anybody asks,
I was here with you all morning.

- What the fuck did you do?
- You don't worry about that, okay?

I just need you to be ready
to alibi me up, just in case.

Like when you robbed my strip club?

Right. That was wrong of me.

I was angry,
and I shouldn't have done that.

You made it real clear

that you don't want me
to be a part of your shit no more.

Well, guess what. This is your shit.

I did it for you.

What are you talking about?

That fed, the one that got you tortured,

he's done fucking with you, girl.

Tell me you didn't kill a fucking fed.

It was an accident. I...

He was talking about sending you
to prison. I lost my temper.

Fuck. Jesus Christ.

I need your help really bad, Ruthie.

Did anybody see you?

It was early. Down by the river
where Russ used to fish.

Is he still there?

I sunk the body.

You didn't touch nothing, did you?

What about his car?

I left it. There's no reason for anybody
to guess I was ever there.

You don't think when they find the car,
an FBI agent's car,

they're not gonna come looking
for the family

of his dead fucking informant?

Which is why I need an alibi!

This is your life.

It ain't fucking mine.

Fuck, Ruthie... You...

Come out here right now, girl.

You hear me, girl?

Don't you fucking do this!

I'm your father! Fuck!

Byrde. B-y-r-d-e.

There you are.

Uh, so, you know, sir,
we were never intending

on being a long-term family.

We were just doing a friend a favor.

You know, Mason Young.

And now it seems pretty clear
that he has abandoned his child,

so we were thinking
that maybe it would be good to, you know,

get the kid in with an incredibly loving,
stable couple, right away.

Well, I must say, I really do appreciate
your care and commitment.

Yeah. So, possible?

- Oh, absolutely.
- That's great.

We'll have him placed in,
I'd say, six to eight weeks.


- Six to eight.
- Well, ten, tops.

What if I was to, say,
get transferred to another country?

Well, that's not advisable.

Exactly. Yeah.

Which is why
it would just be great

if we could find an amazing family
there on your list

that is looking for a call,
you know, right away.

Don't make a fuss.



Where is he?

Did they shave it all off?

It's okay. I'm not hurt.

It was just a message.

Mrs. Snell says
that you know what she wants.

I'm gonna have him lie down
for a little bit and get some rest.

Come on, let's go to your room.

Do you need help?

Did I wake you up?


Hey. Hey.


Oh, that's some grip.

You got a real grip there. Come here.


I don't know how to protect you.

He was a good man.


We were lucky to know him.

Well, he loved the both of you.

How you holding up, sweetie?

I smell him on my skin,

but I can't shower
because I'm afraid it might wash off.

And then a little while ago,

I started a conversation,

and then I realized
I was just talking to myself.

So, I don't know.

How am I?

Oh, baby.

I spoke to Social Services.

You're on a list to foster a child,

so the state is approving you
to take Zeke temporarily.

I'm not interested in fostering.
I want to adopt.

The foster agreement comes with a clause

saying that you can
formally adopt the child

if no parent comes forward
to make a claim in the next two years.

And if Mason comes back into the picture?

You have to trust me
that that's not gonna happen.

You ever touch either one of my children
ever again,

I'll fucking kill you.

I'm so sorry.


Hello, baby.

I am gonna love this baby
more than you ever possibly could.


You're home now.


Hello, young man.

- This your vehicle?
- Yes, sir.

Park closes at sunset.

I was scouting fishing spots

and seeing how the water was running,
and I lost track of light.

Just vacate the park, please.

Since when do rich girls
know their way around a grill?

Since fuck you.

Hey, I was thinking, uh,

maybe you should move into Wyatt's room
after he takes off for Mizzou.

You know, I was actually thinking
about coming to Columbia with you.

I don't know. I need to finish out
my senior year, and we can get a place.

I need to talk to you.

What the fuck are you all looking at?

Go inside. Mind your own fucking business.

Fucking now, girl.

How about I call you
when things calm down around here?

What, you don't wanna
come with me?

I wanna stick around for Ruth.
I'll be fine. Talk to you later, okay?


I need money.

I told you,
I don't know where Marty stashes it.

You forget about that. Anything you got.

I moved that fed's car,
and it's your fault.

I moved it, and when I come back,
that ranger was there, took down my plate.

When they find that car, he's gonna know.

It might be days, might be a week,
a month, I don't know.

But they're gonna find that fucking car,
and they're gonna come looking for me...

and I better be fucking gone.

The only money I got is
for Wyatt's tuition.

Well, then you're gonna give it to me.


You're gonna give it to me,

or I'm gonna walk over there

and I'm gonna tell him
exactly what happened to his daddy.

Three, I need you to fuck off.
I need to talk to Wyatt alone.

And turn up the TV loud.

- What did Cade say?
- This ain't about Cade.

- Okay, what's up?
- I need you to listen to me.

I know Marty didn't kill your dad...

because I did.

What are you talking about?

I wired the dock.

I knew that they were going there,
so I wired it,

so the second they touched the ladder,
they'd get electrocuted.

You're making this up.

Why would I be doing that?

You're afraid I won't go to Mizzou

if I don't find out
what happened to my dad,

and now you're
just fucking making this up!

I wish I was. I wish to fucking God...
I wish it was a lie.

Russ was working with the feds.
He was trying to get me on a wire.

No. No way. No fucking way!

You were right about that night.
They had the guns.

They were gonna kill Marty.

I practiced on our dock, with a mouse.

At first,
I rigged Marty's dock to get him,

but then it was fucked up and...

things changed,
and they were going to the Blue Cat.

Say something.

You can hate me,
and I know you will.

But I need you to know that you're the...

you're the only thing in this world
that I'll ever fucking love.

Jonah's still asleep.

Marty, are you all right? What's going on?

Where's Zeke?

What have you done?

I'm just trying to save us, Wendy.

Get him back.

And then what? Wait for Darlene
to come after our kids again?

Or have her blow up the casino
and have the cartel come after us?

I mean, what are we supposed to do?
Have her killed?

She touched our child,
and you give her a baby?

- I didn't have a fucking choice, Wendy.
- Of course you did.

We're leaving.

We're leaving the very second that casino
is finalized and the cartel's out of town.

I got a plane standing by.

We wouldn't have been able to
take this baby out of the country

without triggering an AMBER alert.

- You made these plans without me?
- Yeah.

Once the operational account is active,

a tiny percentage is gonna flow
into an encrypted account that I created.

You and the kids are gonna travel
under the Fleming passports,

and a seaplane is gonna
take us to Little Rock,

where I have an identity waiting for me.

And after Little Rock,
we can go to Costa Rica,

and after Costa Rica,
we're going to Australia.

We're going to the Gold Coast.

A surrogate there is gonna pay
for the housing and utilities

so that nothing is even under
our fake identities.

We're gonna be two layers removed
from any detection.

And this surrogate,
you've actually already found him?

- I'm gonna do that when we get there.
- Hmm.

And if the cartel reviews the accounts
before that happens?

I taught Ruth how to do the books.
She knows how to move the money.

So you were never really trying
to make any of this work.

I did try to make a lot of it work,
but Charlotte wants to emancipate,

and our son is describing getting
his head shaved by a fucking lunatic

as just a message, like it's normal?

Nothing's working.

We have two problems.

The casino might fail,
and our family's falling apart.

Giving Darlene that kid is the only way
we were gonna solve both.

Why the fuck didn't you talk to me
about this?

I didn't have time to argue with you.

So, you said four passengers, Mr. Bennett?

Uh, yes, sir. Two adults and two children.
This'll be able to take all of us, huh?

We're cleared to travel
to Lake Conway. It's near Little Rock.

With the amount of fuel
we'll need to hold,

you'll have to keep it
to two bags per passenger.

I'll have a jeep standing by
on the other side.

Uh, great. I'll bring you the other half
of this tomorrow.

Okay? I'll see you then.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Sorry to intrude.
I know mornings are sacred family time.

No. Actually, Marty's already gone,

and Charlotte was spending the night
at a friend's, so...

- Do you want some coffee?
- Uh, yeah, thank you. Black.

Don't tell me the baby's still asleep.

Social Services found a home for him.

He was with you only yesterday.

- It took us by surprise. But we're...
- Thanks.

We're happy he's finally placed in a...

healthy, permanent situation.


Can I go for Buddy's old walk?

No further.



Jacob Snell is dead. Did you know?

Darlene came by yesterday.

Do we have a problem?

It's taken care of.

I was serious, you know,
when I said how impressed my client is.

I have to say, when the idea
of a casino was first floated,

neither of us thought
you had a chance in hell.

My client even had us monitor
your every move.

Your purchases, your browser history.

He was convinced that once it became clear
that the casino was a loser,

you'd have to make a run for it.
And yet, here we are.


I've been particularly impressed with you.

I appreciate that.

It's not easy navigating this world
as a woman.

You must be happy to be going home
to Chicago? See your family?

- The children, yeah.
- Hmm.

The divorce attorney? Hmm.

I'm sorry.

Like I said, it's not easy navigating.

So, where is Marty
this early in the morning?

Oh, he's just off shoring up
a few last details.

How is he?

- He's good.
- Good.

You know, you really should think about
what you want out of your new situation.

I have.

- And what is it you want?
- Your gratitude.

Well, you have that.

And that is a powerful thing.

- Tell Marty I'm sorry I missed him.
- I will.

Hey. Frank. How you doing?
Something I can help you with?

I've been hearing things.

"Things"? What kind of things?

Don't try my patience.

I don't like playing games
any more than I like driving three hours

to a fucking lake
in the middle of the off-season.

If you're talking about the union,
um, it's true that I had to strike a deal,

but I promise you,
all your guys are gonna get hired.

I don't want you to worry.

- But I am worried.
- Don't.

Do you think I'm someone
that you can fuck with?

Come on.

Do you think the gaming commission
thinks I'm someone who they can fuck with?

I do not. And I can't imagine
that they think that.

Then why are you letting them
fuck with me, Marty?

Frank, I told you that your guys
are gonna get taken care of.

They're gonna get taken care of.

We're gonna make sure
the union rolls stay high.

Because you know my business.


Do you really think there's an angle
in the gaming industry

- that I haven't seen?
- No.

Do you honestly believe

that a handshake agreement with you
is the end of our discussions?

What do I have to do
to make you take me seriously?

Is this fun for you?
Are you having a fucking good time?

What's the plan here?
What's this guy gonna do?

Are you gonna kill me,
or fucking beat me up or something?

Is this guy here to send me a message?

How about you just get the fuck out
of here and let me do my job?

All right? Because without those deals,
there'd be no casino,

which means there'd be no jobs
for your guys at all.

Is that what you want?

How about you just give me the freedom
to do my fucking job?

That's all I'm doing.

Place smells like a new car.

Just moved in.

- Have you seen Wyatt?
- Thought he was with you.

No, I've been worried
'cause I've been calling him all night

and he hasn't picked up his phone.

Did you really buy that van
with your own money?

- Yeah.
- Yeah?

You sure it wasn't your daddy's money?

The money he's got hidden
around here somewheres?

I don't know
what you're talking about.

- I think you're lying to me, little girl.
- I'm not.

- Hey. You're scaring her, Uncle Cade.
- Stay out of this, boy.

If you called your daddy right now
and told him you needed money,

would he give it to you?

- I'm not talking to my parents right now.
- Bullshit.

She's telling the truth.

Stay out of it.

Where do you think
you're going, girl?

Let her go.

I seem to remember
what happened the last time

you tried to pull a gun on me, baby girl.

Get in the car.

Three, get in the trailer.
Lock the door until he cools off.

Do you know where Wyatt is?

He left last night.

Is he coming back?

I don't know.

Are you okay?

I'm so sorry.

Please do not leave me again.
I can't protect you if you do.

I haven't changed my mind,

but is it okay if I go sleep
in my own bed?

Of course. Of course.

Ruth. Where are you going?


- Is Cade there?
- Yeah.

You're staying here.

What the hell did you do?

It's cancer.

You've been gone a while.

You are an asshole.

How worried
do we have to be about Cade?

Do you think
he'll go after Charlotte again?

I don't know.
He's hell-bent on finding your money.

Well, I trust that
that's not gonna happen.

I mean, even if he runs away,
he'll still come back.

He's my dad.

I can't make him stop.

I understand.

You should take that.


Yeah, sorry I haven't called back.

I just, um... I just had some shit
I need to figure out.

Ruth said that you might be
leaving for good. Is that true?

I'm not sure.

Did she say anything else?


Were you serious about moving to Columbia?

It's okay.

I'm at my parents'.

Are you staying?

I'm not sure, either.

Hey, I think you should know. Um...

I found out your dad didn't kill anyone.


Yeah. Uh, I'll call you later, okay?

That was the right thing to do.

You lied to me about killing Marty.

I was trying to protect you.

So, now you know.

What are you gonna do about it?

I'm not gonna tell Three.

If you don't wanna, don't.

Your judgment always was better than mine.

I still love you.

You fucking better.

I'm just...

I'm afraid I'm going insane.

I don't know what to think
about anything anymore.

About Ruth, college, any of it.

One moment, I wanna fucking smash
everything to little pieces,

and then the next, I wanna pretend
like none of it ever happened.

I don't know what to do.

She needs protection.

Yeah, well, um, what if we paid Cade
to leave town?

You know?

Otherwise, she'd just be too vulnerable
once she takes over the money.

- Yeah.
- Yeah?

I've also been thinking that we should
tell the kids that we're leaving tomorrow.

No. Unh-unh.

They've each been through a huge trauma.

I don't wanna risk them being
too emotional, tipping our hand.

Yeah. Should we go inside?

No, I'm gonna stay out here
a few more minutes.

- You okay? Got a pillow?
- Yeah. Yeah.

Good night.

Good night.

You manage to eat out there?

I'm not helpless.

I mean, if you're sleeping in a van...

Look, all I'm saying is,
there's plenty, so eat up.

Ruth, get on over here.

So, is this one of those ceremonies

that they, uh, christen the boat
with a bottle of champagne?

I think that's just for ships
that are set to sail.

Well, technically it could,
if you wanted it to.

Not the way I fucking found it.

So, uh...

does this happen, like, every day?

Unless we're on the run.
Then we eat in the car.

That's not funny.

It was a little funny.

Uh, the ceremony is to officially declare
the casino approved.

Then it's down to work after that.

Wait, where's Zeke?

The state found a very nice home for him.

What, so, that's it?
He just doesn't live with us anymore?

Charlotte, it's the way
it was always supposed to be.


Nothing. I'm just glad you're here.

Is any of that confusing?

Once you know the cartel is gone,

I'll take you by boat
to the seaplane at mile 24.

You'll give me a bag, and it'll have
your cell phones and credit cards.

Keep those here at the house.
Drive them around every once in a while.

But, uh, in three weeks,

I want you to pay someone to take them up
to Vancouver and dump them.

And after that's done,

I want you to call Helen
and tell her that we went on vacation

and we haven't come back,
and we're not returning your calls. Okay?

- Okay.
- Thank you.

You're seeing my dad?

It's gonna be all right.

And what can I get you, hon?

- Uh, coffee, please.
- Okay.

Public place.

You figure I won't make a scene,
is that it?

You hurt my daughter.

And because of you,
my fucking brothers are dead.

Or does grief only count
when it happens to someone like you?

- Here you go.
- Thank you.

Sure thing.

There's half a million dollars
in that bag on the floor.

It's yours if you leave town immediately.

No going back to the trailers,
no trying to talk to Ruth.

You leave this café, and you get straight
on a highway out of town.

All you people ever understand is money.

Is that a yes?

So, uh, slots are gonna be
on the lower level there.

Because you want people
to have to walk through them

on the way to the other games, right?

Yeah, that's right.

Blackjack and roulette are
on the middle level

and we cover the top
for poker and craps.

- Hi. Everything okay? Yeah? Good.
- Mm-hmm.

Mr. Hodges, hello.

- It's about that time. Are you ready?
- About as ready as I'll ever be.

Is this your family?

Yes, this is our daughter Charlotte
and our son Jonah.

This is Mr. Hodges.
He's head of the gaming commission.

You should know your parents are doing
something great here for the community.

- You ready?
- Oh, yes, I am. That's for you, darling.

- Oh, take care.
- Uh-huh.

You're blocking the fucking road!

Hey, asshole, it's just a dog.
Either leave it or drag it the fuck away.

- We have an issue.
- What type of issue?

A threat.

Before you say anything else,

you might think
this is a simple conversation...

- I don't.
- ...but I promise you,

it is more difficult than you comprehend.

Once you tell me something,
it can't be retracted.

I know what you're saying,
and I understand.

No, you don't.

You can't. Not really.

Your whole body changes.

The way you smell, your reflection,

how it feels
when your husband touches you.

That doesn't change the fact
that we still have an issue.

We should take our places.

We're not running.

What do you mean?

We're not leaving the Ozarks.
It's not safe to go.

Wendy, it's not safe to stay.

You're not acting out of logic.
You're acting out of emotion.

And I know I've asked you to be
more emotional. I've begged.

So, I love you for it,

but I am not getting on that plane
and neither are the kids.

Okay, you're just scared.

Don't worry about it.
I've got everything under control.

- No, you don't.
- Yes, I do.


You're running away from Mason's death.

You're trying to kidnap Charlotte
so she can't leave the family.

And you were right all along.

We can't make emotional decisions
based on other people's choices.

So we just have to wake up and make
the right choices for us and our kids.

And right now, that means staying put.

You're telling me this now? Here?

I didn't have time to argue.

Call the coroner's office.

This is not sustainable.

What, and running is? Hiring surrogates?
Changing identities?

- What if this is the Gold Coast?
- It's not.


We only know what it's been.

What about what it could be?

I mean, you've said so yourself,

once the casino is up and running,
it's like clockwork.

You could go back
to just working the numbers.

The kids are in school. We have roots.

We've sacrificed too fucking much
in order to run.

We will get that baby away
from Darlene. Don't worry.

And what about the Kansas City mob?

Wendy, I played a game of fucking chicken
with them because I knew we were running.

We're not alone here.

We have partners who are very grateful
for what we've done.

Always better to be
the person holding the gun

than the one running from the gunman.

If you could
all take your seats, please.

What were you and Mom talking about?

Do you still wanna be emancipated?
Because if you do, I won't fight it.

All right.
I wanna thank you all for coming.

It's a great day in the Ozarks.

As you know,

the legislature recently decided
to grant a 14th casino license,

and I'm thrilled to announce
that it will live here,

smack dab in the heart of Missouri.

So, without further ado,

I'd like to introduce the man
who got us unstuck

from that unlucky 13, Marty Byrde.

Thank you very much.

Up until a very short time ago,

I wasn't sure what life
was about to look like.

My family and I came here to the Ozarks

to escape our old life in Chicago
and start a new one.

And now here we are.

Our kids are in school,
we have started businesses,

we have even buried someone...

very dear to our family.

And for all of these reasons,
we are now a part of the land here,

and there is a permanence to our life
that we simply cannot undo.

It has made me reevaluate
what it means to be a husband

and to be a father and to be a neighbor.

I've realized that

what holds everything together is trust,
and I would like to take this opportunity

to thank you people here in the Ozarks...

Someone recently told me
that, standing in this very spot,

I would be able to see my future.

I understand now how true that is.

I hope a lot of you have the same sense
of what is on the way.

To prosperity.

I need you to know,
I understand why you might wanna leave.

And maybe we're never gonna be
the kind of family

who listens to music
and sings into hairbrushes,

but we're still a family.

And your father and I love you
more than anything in the world.

And there was a time
when I wanted to leave, too.

And, yes, I had an affair.

And I did it because
I wanted to be someone else.

I wanted to live a different life.

And I was so wrong.

Because this is who I am
and this is who I wanna be.

Just think about it.


You don't have to do this right now
if you don't want.

I know.

That's him.

Can you give me a minute, maybe? Alone?

Yeah, of course. Absolutely.

Goodbye, Daddy.

Can I get a photo of the whole family?

In one second.
I just have to say hi to somebody.

- Sure. Mm-hmm.
- Pardon me.



You must be excited
to get back to Chicago.

The car's already gassed. Not that I have
anything against this place.

It's just, you know,
I hate this fucking place.

You should know,
I had word from my associate,

Ruth Langmore's father's dead.


He was gunned down
on the road leaving town.

That's all I know. I just...
I just thought you should be aware.

Ready for the picture?

- Sure, sure.
- Great.

Yeah, if we can get the kids
on either side.

This is all so exciting.
You guys are like heroes.

I love you.

- Marty.
- I love you.

Okay, ready?


Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.