Ozark (2017–…): Season 1, Episode 8 - Kaleidoscope - full transcript

In a flashback to 10 years prior, Wendy struggles with depression, Del asks Marty to be his financial advisor, and Agent Petty faces a family crisis.

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["That'll Be the Day" playing]

[Over Radio]
♪ Well, that'll be the day ♪

♪ When you say goodbye... ♪

[Marty] Here we go. Buddy
Holly's a perfect example.

Buddy Holly, the day he died, uh...

Yeah, I know, he won a coin flip, or
he wouldn't have been on the plane.

No, it was actually Valens
that won the coin toss.

It was Buddy Holly that
chartered the plane.

Do you wanna know why?

He was tired of riding in shitty buses?

No, he was tired of shitty underwear.

So he decided that he wanted to
get to wherever he was going

as quickly as possible,
so he could do laundry.

- [Chuckles]
- It's true.

You're saying "The Day the Music
Died" was because of soiled briefs?

Another good example is D-Day. The
Nazis knew that we were coming,

so they wanted to line
the beach with tanks

so they could literally
blow us out of the water.

But Hitler decided that it was
a good day for sedatives.

So they couldn't wake him up

to get the final sign-off for the
tanks, and the rest is history.

- What the hell are you talking about?
- I'm talking about decisions.

- What, I'm Hitler in this analogy?
- No.

- I would hope not.
- [Chuckles]

Uh, I'm just saying that any
decision made, big or small,

has an impact around the world.
It's difficult.

Marty, I just don't need a
theoretical analysis right now.

I know. I'm just saying this is tough.

I know.

Marty, watch out.

Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.

[Del] What we're looking for is further
development in the global market.

Right now, we have the number one
growth percentage in our industry

throughout North America,

and have provided all
of the ceramic tiling,

the high-end ceramic tiling,

that you'll see in these
recent condominium projects

right here in Chicago.

The figures are all there.

Whoever we hire has the potential
to benefit exponentially,

if they're in the know
of proper risks...

Well, Mr. Del Rio, we're only really
concerned with how much you benefit,

with the sole focus being your
company's diversification.

And... And as you expand,
we'll keep a cap

on the number of new
accounts we take on,

in contrast to these bigger firms
who can easily swallow you up.

Where here, you'll be numero uno.

And what is your name?

Marty Byrde.

Mr. Byrde, I'd like to
hear your thoughts.

Yeah, okay. I, uh... To
be honest, you know, I...

I can't really assess much
until I look at the numbers.

I'm the numbers guy.

That's a... That's a good
word to remember. "Honest."

You see, these big firms,
they would just jump right in

- without properly analyzing the data.
- Hmm.

Very well. I'll be waiting.

Well, this could take a while.

Oh, I have time.

- Are you sure?
- Okay.

[Man] You last worked
for the Rush campaign?


Yes, I did his three... his three runs.

And then I also worked for
Obama's, uh, state senate race.

Yeah, but... before he was Obama.

My dad worked on one
of the Rush campaigns.

- [Stammers] Oh, really?
- Yeah.

- I'm sorry, what's your last name?
- Rakowski.

Rakowski? Tim?

- Yeah.
- [Chuckles] Oh, my God!

Oh, my God, I see the resemblance.
How's he doing?

Retired. We don't talk much.


You last worked on it in...

Um, 2002.


[Chuckling] I was really pregnant with
my daughter Charlotte at the time.

I didn't think I was gonna make it.

And then I was about to come back
and I... I had my son Jonah...

Well, what we're really looking for here

is a press manager with their
finger on the pulse, 'cause...

You don't have your finger on the
pulse, you're not gonna connect

with the 18 to 29s who are
gonna swing the election.

I'm sorry, it's just, I...
I know that speech.

I gave that speech

to people who sat in this chair when I
was sitting in yours, so, you know...

Look, my... my résumé clearly
tells you that I can do this job.

And I understand that the future
of campaigning is online.

I'm on Myspace, I'm on Friendster,

and there's a new network
called Facebook,

which I think is gonna be influential.

So, I know how to reach young people.

I'll level with you.

You seem like a nice woman,
and, clearly, you're qualified.

So is everyone else, and they're
coming off recent campaigns.

I'm sorry.

[Louis] Anthony, what did I tell you?
Don't look at me like that. Play nice.

Think you should take
your own advice, Louis.

- Really? Here in the playground?
- Mm-hmm.

You people have no shame, do you?
I told you to call my lawyer.

Oh, sure, I'll call, but just
thought you might wanna see this.

[Anthony] Dad! Dad, look at me now!

You know your choices, right?

- Work with me...
- [Anthony] Dad!

Or watch Anthony grow
up from a six-by-ten

while you chow down on bean
gruel with roach feces,

- and try to navigate risky showers.
- Dad! Look at me, Dad!

- Your call.
- Look at me, Dad!

- Damn it, Anthony, I see you!
- [Man] Hey, come on, man!

You know the position you're
putting me in, right?

That's the point, Lou.

Take your time.

Meet me here on Monday.

Your family will thank you.

- Shit! Fuck!
- [Marty] Ah.

- Well, it's straight.
- [Louis] Shit!

- [Louis] Whatever, whatever.
- [Marty] I see it. You're all right.

[Louis] I need more time to warm up.

[Marty] All right, Del.
Right down the middle.

- [Del] Have to account for the wind.
- [Marty] Yeah.


- Damn. Hell of a shot, Del.
- Beautiful.

Nice tempo on that swing, too.

You've been playing since last time.

Not really.

Listen, I had a thought.

You know, Chicago fucking winters
are brutal. I can't take it.

It might be beneficial for both of us

if I set up a shop somewhere
warm, like where you're at.

- Maybe down in the Caymans.
- Louis?


A man who only talks business is a
failure in all aspects of life.

Just golf.

This is vacation.

Don't you worry, Louis.

Old Brucey's just getting warmed up.

[Marty Chuckles]

When he starts talking about himself
in third person, we're golden.

And here comes the pain.


Fuck. [Groans]


[Del Grunts]

- Huh?
- The best smack talk? No talk at all.

[Low Chatter]

I wish restaurants still had
smoking sections, you know?

Mm. You should run for
office on that platform, Ma.

Yeah, maybe I will.
Couldn't be any worse.

So how's work?

- I left that job.
- Why? I thought you loved it.

You know, I had to reschedule one
day, last minute. They pitched a fit.

And I did a damn good job for them, too.

- What... so you were fired?
- It was mutual.

This is the second time this
month that you left a job.

Oh, come on, please. My
ankle's been bothering me.


- [Man] Hi, Barb.
- Oh, hi, sweetie.

- Hey.
- Sorry I'm late.

Oh, what? You never seen a kiss before?

- [Chuckles]
- Shh.

- So, what did I miss?
- Ma was just pining for the days

when you could get lung
cancer with your lunch.

My dad would agree with you. [Chuckles]

No... You know, it's our generation.

But, you know, he never gives me
credit for how progressive I am.

He kept you a secret
from me for over a year.

It was for your own
protection, trust me.

Yeah, right. I couldn't be
happier you got each other.

Now I don't have to worry about
some floozy breaking his heart.

No. No, you do not.

Oh, I'll be right back.

Um, get me a box for this, please.

- I'm full.
- [Waitress] Sure.

- Is everything good?
- Yeah.

- What do you mean?
- Nothing, it's just...

She seems a little off.

Well, she just lost another job.

Oh, okay.


I didn't say anything.

No, but you were obviously
thinking something.

- Are you irritated?
- [Chuckles] No.

But what were you thinking?

Well, she's just, you know...

Her eyes, it looks like she
might be on something.

- Like what?
- I don't know.

- Pills, possibly.
- No.

She went through all
that when she moved out.


I just think I'm pretty sure I would
know if she was on something.

Hey, she's your mom,

but from what I've seen, the ones
closest to the person often miss it.

I mean, they can't imagine a loved
one doing that to themselves.

[Sirens Wailing]

It's almost like they cook it so more
people get sick and have to be admitted.

Sound fucking business plan, you ask me.

- No good, huh?
- No bueno.

Thanks for coming. Really appreciate it.

Are you kidding me? Where
else would I be? Come on.

Though I did see a hot candy
striper on the third floor,

so I'm gonna have to duck
out and say hello...

- Hmm.
- for a few.

- All right.
- Have some action.


[Clears Throat] Look,
Marty, if you need help...

with anything... like,
anything, watching the kids...

You've never watched kids in your life.

That is true, but how hard could it be?

They're just like you and me, only...
only smaller.

You'd be surprised.

Marty, you can't blame
yourself for what happened.

- I know.
- Do you?


I'm serious, there's
nothing you could do.

Like my dad always said,
"Everything happens for a reason."

Your dad sounds like he was full
of shit. With all due respect.

Yeah, well, perhaps.

You really believe that? You
really think that there's some...

some preordained chart, floating
around up in the ether,

with our fate all figured out?

I don't know about a
preordained chart...

That's a bunch of crap.

Things happen because human beings
make decisions, they commit acts...

and that makes things happen.

And it creates a snowball
effect with the...

you know, their world around them,
causes other people to make decisions.

Cycle continues, snowball keeps rolling.

And even when that's not the case,

when life's events are not connected to
other people's decisions and actions,

it's not some bullshit fucking
test sent down from the universe

- to check your resolve, you know.
- Okay.

I mean, what would the reason be

for some healthy five-year-old
to get a brain tumor?

Or why would a tsunami
wipe out a village?

You tell those families
everything happens for a reason.

No, sometimes people make
decisions, shit happens,

and we gotta act accordingly.

Or you can... crawl in a
hole and die, you know?

Well, it was a shitty thing
for me to say and...

[Clears Throat] ...I'm sorry, bud.





Guys, anybody home?

[Water Running]

[Children Giggling]


- Hey, guys. Hi.
- Hi, Dad.

[Marty] Where's Mommy?

- [Charlotte] I don't know.
- Okay.

Do me a favor and watch the
rest of the movie inside?

It's getting cold. I'll check upstairs.
I'll be right back, okay?

- [Charlotte] You get that.
- [Jonah] I'll get that.

[Marty] Hi.

Honey, the kids were
all alone in the yard.

It's been five minutes. It's just...
It's only five minutes.

- But that's five minutes.
- What do you want me to do?

Burst in tears in front
of them or come up here?

- I think I made the right choice.
- Okay.

At least I had a choice.

- [Wendy Sighs]
- What can I do to help you feel better?

Nothing, Marty.

- Welcome, señor.
- [Del] You made it.

Hi. Hey, Del. Yeah, we made it.
How are you?

- [Woman] Bienvenidos.
- Marty, this is my wife, Elena.

[Elena] So, Wendy, what do you do?

[Low Chatter]

Well, I... work for political campaigns.

Or, I... I used to, anyway.

Get out! I helped run our last
mayoral campaign back home.

Oh, really? Is it as corrupt
there as it is in Chicago?

- Don't get me started.
- [Chuckles]

- [Marty] Hey.
- Sorry, I'm late.

Sorry, I'm late, Del.
Raul, how's the wine?

- Yeah?
- Hey. Hi. Marty.

Didn't I see you at the Finance & Credit
Conference in Chicago a few weeks ago?

[Chuckles] Oh, God, shoot me.

Never catch me dead at one
of those snoozefests, huh?

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah. Like, tell me about it, right?

Like, pick your poison.

[Stammers] Either you can, uh... you can
listen to the blah-blah-blah lectures

or engage with one of the homely women.

[Stammers] The what, Bruce?
What kind of women?

Who go to conferences, and are
smart and deal in finance?

What kind of women?

I don't know what you're talking about.

You're on your own here, Bruce.

Yes, Bruce, what do
you mean by "homely"?

Oh. Homely, homely. I just
meant, uh, thoughtful...

- [Marty] Get him.
- and nurturing...

Yeah. Backpedal.

I'm gonna take Wendy's
advice and reel it back.

- [Wendy] Reel it back, my friend.
- When in doubt, take Wendy's advice.

But to come to Bruce's mild defense,

he was always the first
person at the hospital

when the kids were born. You
know, or at least the second.

- Yeah.
- Or the...

- the fourth or the fifth...
- Top five.

[Wendy] But it totally just...

just offsets the time when he
made that speech at our wedding

just to make sure that the maid of
honor knew what room he was in.

Yeah. Well, I... I had a suite.

[All Laughing]

Wendy, I'm going to the
street fair tomorrow morning.

Would you please come with me?

Oh. I... I would really like that.
Thank you.

This is good. So the fellas
can, you know, hit the links.

- Mmm. Yes, please. Sounds good. Yeah?
- Louis, are you practicing your swing?


- [Chuckles] That's convincing.
- Yeah, that did not...

- I did find something.
- [Del] You did?

Yeah, a couple things, actually.
Um, you see here...

Uh, this column right here.

You know, first look at it,
it looks tip-top, right?

But if you take a closer look,
all of these accounts here,

the decimal number is rounded
up to an even number.


Uh, well, I mean, aside from that
anomaly and a few other discrepancies,

you know, it all sort of...

it leads me to believe that maybe
half of these accounts are...

are casuistic.

In layman's terms, please.

[Stammers] Uh, that they're
completely made up, you know?

And correct me if I'm wrong, but,
um, you know, I'm curious if, uh...

if these false accounts weren't planted

as sort of, uh, a test for
potential money managers.

And if that wasn't the case?

That would take me to the second point.

I'm not quite sure how to say this,

but it seems that someone could be
skimming off of half of these accounts.

Stealing from me?

I... I don't want to
make any accusations,

but I would imagine you
already have your suspicions,

otherwise you wouldn't be here.

Yes. Yes.

Mr. Del Rio, this is exactly the kind
of care and detail you're gonna want.

And I'd love to take credit for it,

but I think it's pretty obvious
that my best asset is the fact

that I'm friends with this guy, and
no other firm in Chicago employs him.

[Inhales Deeply]

Would you like to work together?

- Yeah, I think that we...
- I was asking Mr. Byrde.

[Bruce] Okay. Okay.

Unfortunately, my client list is full.

- I'm sorry to hear that.
- Mm.

Thank you for coming in, though.

Yeah, business is very
busy right now, but I...

I so appreciate you coming in and
it was a pleasure to meet you.

[Del Sighs]

At least let me repay you for
your thoughtful analysis.

My pleasure.

- You sure?
- Mm. Yeah.

You know, we have partnerships
with resorts all over the world.

Perhaps you and yours would like
to join us for a long weekend?

- Yeah.
- Oh, well, it's a nice offer.

It's just... It's not
a great time for me.

- Thank you, Mr. Del Rio.
- Have a nice day.

Dude, are you... are you fucking crazy?

That was like finding a
winning lottery ticket

on the heel of your shoe
after leaving the shitter,

and you just sent him walking.

We have no idea what
his affiliations are.

Affiliations? Why, 'cause he's Hispanic?
I mean, now you're profiling.


No. You know what he does,
conscientious Marty?

He tiles. He works in grout.

His portfolio looked a bit
more diverse than tile.

Okay. Do you know who you are?

You're the guy who makes
everyone late to the party

'cause you have to pick
up your ear medication.

[Chuckles] That's good.

- Hm.
- That's a good one.


You're fucking killing me, dude.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Easy, Wonder Woman. What,
you couldn't wait for us?

It's not heavy.

- Hey, Scotty.
- How are you?

- Great. Don't I look great?
- Oh, of course.

[Chuckles] Here.

- [Barb Sighs]
- Here.

Isn't it beautiful?

Pierces got a new one,
so they let me take it.

Well, it's the least they could
do, as hard as you work for them.

Ah, I need the money.

- Wait. For what?
- For what?

You can't buy squat with smiles.

Oh, my God. You gave Uncle
Jack money again, didn't you?

Eh, he's got some cockamamy idea.
I don't know.

He has a lot of business ideas, right?
They're all called "drinking."

Both he and grandpa.

- What is this?
- Oh, this?

Well, you see, you put worms
on the end of the hook,

and then you put that in
the water, and you...

- [Chuckles]
- Fucking smart-ass, this one.

[Scotty] We're leaving for a fishing
trip after we drop off your table.

Thank you for getting
him out of the house.

Oh. Here it comes.

- My mathlete son.
- [Chuckles Lightly]

I mean, you do realize you
have to stand in a river

for hours in rubber coveralls?

- They're called waders.
- They're called waders.

- Oh. Whatever.
- [Scotty Chuckles]

So is this it?

'Cause we're gonna go back to your place

- and then get on the road.
- Hang on.

- Ma, I will do it.
- Hang on.

Oh, my God. She's out of her mind.

- [Barb Grunts]
- [Impact Thud]


- Okay, don't put any weight on it.
- [Barb Groans]

- I'm gonna call the ER, okay?
- [Grunts] I'm okay.

Come on. Give me your arm. All right.

- Ready? One, two...
- [Groans]

- Okay. Okay. You drive.
- Yeah.

- Just watch her leg...
- [Barb Groaning]

Watch her leg. Here we go. Easy.



[Phone Ringing]

- Hello?
- [Del] Join me downstairs for a drink.


[Sighs] Isn't... Isn't
the, um, lounge closed?

- Not to us.
- [Sighs]

Okay. See you in a bit.

To a winning round of golf.

- I picked a good partner.
- Yeah.

[Marty] Mmm.

This Cognac is, uh, $175 a drink.

I... I have a feeling this
is about more than golf.

I admire the way you never
suffer bullshit, Marty.

Or feed it.

You nor Wendy.

Who, by the way, Elena adores.

I think she's gonna leave me for her.

- [Both Chuckle]
- I wouldn't be surprised.

You know, Wendy talked to
her about what happened.

- The accident.
- Yeah.

We went through something similar.

It really shook us.

I'm sorry.

I don't like to talk
about it much, but...

you know, there's always
some idiot saying,

"I know how you feel," or...
"Everything happens for a reason."

I know you're reticent, but...

I need you to work for me.

To clean your money.

You will be able to
earn enough to afford

your great-great-grandkids' tuition.

You know how it works.

You think your life is
going one way, and...

then you look over here
and it's different.

Like that, in the blink
of an eye, it changes.

- Grab what you can while you can.
- I, just, uh...

You know...

What? The risks?

- Yes.
- Well, I understand,

but you only really have to worry about
the risks if you are careless or dumb.

And you're neither. Let me be frank.

My Boss tasked me to find
a pristine money guy.

So whoever I choose... can be a risk.

Who's your Boss?

You have a pretty good idea, I'm sure.

There's top firms that deal with
discreet clients all the time and...

I took that portfolio to 50 investors.

Either they didn't catch any discrepancy

or they were just too fucking
scared to... to speak up.

I need someone who's not just
brilliant, but who also has integrity.

Because integrity, my friend... is
the shield to greed and vanity.

Well, you want somebody
with integrity to do a job

where they have to discard their ethics.

Are you talking about
societal ethics or your own?

Well, probably both. You know...

people live in a social contract, right?

Okay. So then what job would you take?

- Big Tobacco?
- No.

JP Morgan?

What's the difference?

The latter plays in a
market that already exists.

So you're saying... that because you're
not necessarily the manufacturer,

you can see a way around
the clash of ethics?

I would contend that this is a
little bit more of a complex issue.

Okay, fair enough.

So let's say there wasn't
a social contract.

What are your ethics?

The one thing that
trumps all the others?

- To protect and provide for my family.
- Exactly.

You will be able to provide.

More than you can possibly dream.

Because you are the best
I've ever seen, Marty.

And we will protect you. But
there's one thing I ask.

- No Bruce.
- Bruce?

Bruce started the company. Bruce
is my best friend since college.

And, you know, I bet you the thing that
bothers you about people like Bruce,

uh, is the same thing that John Q.
Public needs

to feel confident to give him his money.

And I would need those funds to
wash anything with zero detection.

Besides, he... he
wouldn't have any reason

to deal with your accounts at all.

So add loyalty to friends
as a personal ethic, huh?


Is it me or do you sound like
someone who wants the gig?

[Chuckles] No.

That's just the way my brain works.
Just playing out the scenario.


In another world... possibly.

But in this world, the...
the one that's reality...

Wendy would never go for it.

And I can respect that. Trust me.


Louis Zehner, 37, from Evanston,

moving millions in and out
of shell companies overseas.


It's more than likely drug-related, Sir.

Oh, Jesus. Look... we're
going after bin Laden.

There's a dealer every
three blocks in this city.

No one is fighting a
war on drugs anymore.

All right? Just work the banking.

Money guys like Zehner are the
way to get to the kingpins.

Just do your fucking job, Agent Petty.


[Petty] I'm just a fucking accountant.

- You're not just an accountant.
- [Sighs]

- Scotty, did you get my prescription?
- Yeah, it's on top of the microwave.


Maybe it's not just work
that's causing the stress.

Well... [Sighs]

Does it bother you
that she's still here?


No, I just... I know how you two
are with each other sometimes.

Well, I mean, she either recovers here

or flops around at her place. And then
I have to check on her every day.

Every day?

- Every other day.
- Oh, okay.

[Chuckles Softly]

I'm just saying, you're
shouldering a lot right now.

No. No, it's just... This
is not what I pictured

when I wanted to be a federal agent.



I'm in Chicago, for fuck's sake. There
is so much more I could be doing.

- Well, then transfer.
- It's not that easy.

Why not? I mean, life is
too short to be miserable.

And too short for you to have
to hear about it every day?

Yeah. [Chuckles]

- [Barb] Thank you so much, Scotty.
- How are you feeling, Ma?

Much better. I'll be out
of your hair in no time.

[Charlotte] Why are you
putting on makeup?

Because Mommy has a job interview.
Go into my closet and get my boots,

- next to my sneakers. Thank you.
- Okay.

That's it. Right there, sweetheart.

- [Chuckles]
- Thank you. Thank you, sweetheart.

What's a job interview?

A job interview is when...
It's when we...

When Mommy goes and she meets someone,
and they ask her a lot of questions,

like, where did she go to school
and where she worked before.

And they would be absolute
morons not to hire you.

And if they like Mommy,

they will give her money
to work with them.

But if you get a job, you
won't be here as much.

Oh, sweetheart...

I will always be here for you.

Even if you can't just
reach out and touch me,

you can always call me and I
will always call you back. Okay?

- [Laughs]
- Such a mommy's girl.

Okay, I need your help today.

You're gonna have to look
after Daddy, all right?

Make sure that he's
really good with Jonah.

[Charlotte] Okay.

- You got this.
- Okay.

- Okay? Love you, too.
- I love you.

- [Charlotte] Bye.
- [Wendy Groans]

- [Barb] Right here. Right here!
- [Petty] Okay. Okay. Okay.

[Petty Stammers] Fine. Here.

I'll come pick you up. What time?

[Sighs] I don't know. I'll manage.

- Love you.
- [Car Door Closes]

[Barb Knocks On Door]

- [Barb] Hi.
- [Man] Hey, girl.

- Hey. Uh...
- Come on in.

- Do I know you, man?
- Tell my mom to come outside.

[Barb] I'll call when I leave!

[Both Grunt]

- Mom. What the fuck?
- Jesus! Get the fuck out of here!

No. Give me that fucking shit.

[Barb] No, stop it!

- [Both Grunting]
- Oh, fuck!

Wait. Where do you keep it?

God, stop it! Stop it!

- Jesus!
- [Petty] Wait!

- [Barb] Stay the fuck away from me.
- Hey. Stop.

- Ma! Ma!
- Don't you fucking touch me!

Wait! Just stop!

You fucking touch me
again, so help me God,

I'll tell your bosses you assaulted me.

- What the fuck is wrong with you?
- You! Stay the fuck away from me!


[Cartoon Playing On Tv]

[Charlotte Chuckles]

[Marty] Okay, you ready? Time for bed.
Let's go.

- [Charlotte] No, just one more?
- [Marty] Mm-mm.

[Charlotte] But I'm thirsty.
I need water.

[Marty] Well, what's that got
to do with cartoons, huh?

You want me to get you
some water, sweetheart?

We can read a story before bed.

I want Daddy to do it.

Daddy'll do it. Let's go.
[Grunts] Right.

- [Charlotte] Whee!
- [Marty Grunts] Good night, Mommy.

[Charlotte] Night-night.

[Marty] There you are.

[Marty Sighs]

- I'm sorry.
- You don't need to be.

I want you to know, I'm
getting better. I am.

And... I know I'm...

I'm very aware that I've been...

distant from the kids, and from you.

[Stammers] I just... I can't...
I can't shake this feeling.

[Chuckles Softly]

Did you know I used to break
into houses as a kid?

You what?


I mean, I wouldn't... I wouldn't
take anything. I just, I'd...

I'd have a beer or two.
So I guess I did...

I guess I did take those, but...

God, it was so liberating.

Just feeling like someone else.

I would...

I would stretch out, I'd stretch out on
these big, wrap-around couches, and...

God, I'd feel the...

just this clean fabric underneath my...

my arms and my legs, and,
oh, my God, it was just...

it was so comfortable.

And... And then I'd be hit with the hard
reality that I didn't belong there.

I just didn't belong there.

And so I'd... I'd act out
a little bit. I'd...

I'd move picture frames around, I'd...

I'd turn toothbrushes upside down. I'd
put blue food coloring in the milk.


And for some reason, lately...

[Sighs] ...that's how I've been feeling.

Just like a fraud.

And that's been happening
since before the accident.

Which is okay. I mean, I've been
able to handle that, because...

I always knew I took really
good fucking care of my kids,

and now, I can't even do that.

And I'm... I'm just in my
head all the time, and...

I'm just... I'm just a big, fat...
existential mess.

Hey. Do you wanna go somewhere?

- Where?
- On vacation.

On our budget?

I had a potential client
come in a little while ago,

and he has resorts all over,
and he offered a trip.

Well, it sounds like there
are strings attached.

- [Sniffles]
- No.

- It's a thank you.
- For?

I looked through his portfolio.

So why is this potential
client not an actual client?

Well, he says that he is in tile, and
I don't know if he is. I don't...

I don't know if it's, you know, Corleone
with olive oil... I don't know.

[Chuckles] So, what, are you
saying this guy's in the Mob?

I don't know what the hell he is. But
it's... it's honestly a thank you.

And, um, the amount
of money I saved him,

the trip would just be
a drop in the bucket.

And what are you gonna do when he
asks you to work for him again?

I'll give him my best Bartleby
impersonation, and I'll say,

"I prefer not to."

Come on. We need a vacation.

If he asks me to look through
his portfolio once in a while,

what's the big deal?

[Sighs] Didn't you always want
me to be more spontaneous?

- Hmm? This is it.
- [Chuckles] Mmm.

Come on. Say yes.

- It could be fun.
- Yeah, it could.

- Don't get caught, dude.
- Then don't say anything.

So what is it you do for Del, exactly?

- Huh?
- What do you do for Del?

Don't we all do the same shit? Hmm?

Put the money through the
fucking washer? [Laughs]


Remind me to never doubt your instincts.

Oh. Well, it didn't take any instinct
to not mix vodka and Scotch, buddy.

I'm not talking about that, dude.
I'm talking about Del.

Oh. Him.

I don't know.

- You don't know what?
- You know.

Whoa, you're not really thinking
of doing this, are you?

Uh, no, no. I mean, not really, but...

But... but what?

Hypothetically speaking, that's...
that's what I do.

I move money through accounts.
I already do it, you know?

- Right.
- And... and...

there's no way we'd get
caught unless someone,

i.e., you, ran their mouth.

- Oh, oh, me?
- Right.

Really? Are you kidding me?

I know what cartels do.
I've fucking seen Traffic.

You kidding me? Listen, I'm...
I'm down for whatever.

All right? But it really doesn't
matter because you have this kind of

remarkable habit of telling
your wife everything.

- And she'll never go for it.
- That's what I told him.

You can keep it from her,

but eventually she's gonna notice the
extra zeros in the bank account.

All right? Bloody Mary bar. Sweet.

Hello, hello. How are you feeling?

- Like I'm about to go on tour.
- The back bedroom is all set up.

Mm. Does he still snore
like a baby dinosaur?


Ma, you can sleep outside
in our tent, if you want.

I put some earplugs on your nightstand.

Oh, hey, where should I
put your prescription?

In the trash. I'll be
fine with ibuprofen.

What I really need is
a porcelain toilet.

If I see a bedpan again,
I'm gonna scream.

Ma, I... uh, okay. I put
bars up in there for you.

And don't forget the doctor
said to keep it elevated.

[Phone Ringing Nearby]

- It's nice here.
- Mm-hmm.

[Woman] Hola, day spa.
How can I help you?

[Marty Inhales Sharply]

You know, uh...

Del made me a very generous
offer to work for him,

and it's exactly what we thought it was.

Well, we knew that was probably
gonna happen. You tell him no?


What'd you say?

I turned him down. I mean, you know...

No, I don't know.

There something you wanna discuss?

No. I don't think so.

You sure?

I don't know.

I would do it... really well.

Well, of course you would.

- The offer's great.
- [Stammers] Well, I'm sure that it is.

But this... this isn't anything
we can really consider, is it?

Probably not, but, uh...

nothing wrong with
talking about it, right?

Just talking.

Okay. Have at it, "Just Talking."

Play it out. Name the pros.

Well, look, I mean,
the money, obviously.

- Mm-hmm.
- I could really grow the business.

I could trade at the level
I've always wanted.

Okay. So how much money
are we talking about?

I mean, no one's gonna mistake me
for Warren Buffet, but, Wendy...


We'd be good.

Good as in...?

As in never, ever having to
worry about money again.




- [Marty] Jail.
- Mm.

Leaving your family,
pissing off a cartel.

Those things would never happen.

And I wouldn't be a mule.
I wouldn't be a dealer.

I'd be just pushing my
mouse around my desk.

What does Bruce think?

Get this. With all of his bravado,

he was counting on you
shutting it down instantly.

[Chuckles] Well, he doesn't
know me like you do.

Mm-mm. He doesn't.

Well, even if you... if
we did do this, I mean...

- it's not like you'd be stealing.
- That's right.

I wouldn't.

We can't... We can't do this.

- Can we?
- Why can't we do it?

You really gonna do this?

Are we gonna do this?


I'm good with it if you are.

Same here.

Then I guess we're really gonna do this.

- Yeah?
- Hmm?

- We're gonna do it?
- Mm.

- Hmm?
- Mm.

I guess so.

[Softly] Yeah.

[Softly] Okay.

[Barb Shuddering]


[Soft Groan]

- Ma.
- Yeah?

Please, take these.
Just so you can sleep.

- [Grumbling] I don't need 'em.
- I know you're tough, Ma.

Everyone in this world
knows you're tough.

You don't have to prove anything here.

I said no. I don't want them.

- Look, there's no prizes for suffering.
- [Shudders]

- [Groaning]
- You just feel shitty.

And I hate seeing you like this.

until you feel better, please...

For me.


- Just this once.
- Here, here, here.


No fucking way!

[Marty] I think science would disagree.

[Wendy] You were in the room.

You heard them say that the...

the chances of us conceiving
again were practically nil.

And I barely made it
through Jonah's pregnancy.

Yeah. I remember.

What are you thinking?

That I'd like to do
whatever you want to do.

- Oh, come on.
- It's true.

Come on, that's not fair.
This is not Switzerland.

You can't stay neutral here.
I want your input.

Well, financially speaking, Wendy...

[Stammers] ...it could be tough.

No, I know. I mean, I don't
actually see how'd we manage.

But, uh, we said the
same thing with Jonah.

- And could you even imagine?
- Oh, God, no.

- No.
- So...

["That'Ll Be The Day" Playing On Radio]


So you're saying you want to have it?

I didn't say that.

I'm saying that if we did decide to
do it, that we could make it work.

No, of course. Of course. I know.

I mean, if we did have this baby,
would I ever go back to work again?

I just don't see how that could happen.

And that's just something I...
I need to do.

Yeah. You should. You
have every right to.

But then, on the other hand,
what if we, you know,

go down the road five years,
we look at each other and say,

"God, we should... we
should've done it."

[Marty] Mm.

What if this baby would grow up
to cure cancer or something?

You hear stories like that all the time.

All those stories about all
those babies curing cancer.

- No, you know what I mean.
- There's like 12 of them.

[Laughs] People who say
that they were an accident.

I mean, hell, I was an accident.

[Marty Sighs]

Would I be a terrible person if I
said I didn't wanna have this baby?

No, sweetheart. You'd never
be a terrible person.

Just... You know, everything
would change again.

I was just feeling like my
feet were back on the ground.

Well, theoretically speaking, uh,
any decision that's ever made,

no matter how small,

uh, can potentially elicit a
huge change around the world.

You take Mr. Buddy Holly, for example.

[Over Radio] ♪ When you say goodbye ♪

♪ Yes, that'll be the day
When you make me cry ♪

- ♪ You say you're gonna leave... ♪
- Ah, fuck!

Marty, watch out.

[Tires Screeching]

- [Del Laughs]
- [Marty] Hey.

[Del] Hey.

Uh, so, hey, um... we're in.

This calls for a drink.

Oh, and, uh... Louis?

Your services are no longer needed.

- What are you talking about? Del? Del?
- I didn't know I was taking his job.

No. Louis wasn't gonna be
hanging around much anyway,

because he's a cheat.

He cheats on his wife and in business.
He even cheats in golf.

And cheaters eventually get caught.

I don't know what you're talking about.

And it's become clear to me...

the very real possibility that
you've been working with the feds.

I swear on my fucking son's
life, I didn't talk to any...

Stop! Stop.

See, Louis, I'm a believer

that there are times when things
are related in the universe.

What do they call it in that
movie with the dinosaurs?

Ah, right. Chaos.

You see, the feds were snooping around,

which caused you to make some piss-poor
attempt to cover your tracks.

Which allowed a shrewd
person like Marty Byrde

to identify your shoddy
work and thieving ways.

Which then inspires me to pursue Mr.

and this allows me to dispense with you.
Isn't that something, huh?

The wonderful convergence
between cause and effect,

and a bit of good luck.

Bad luck in your case, Louis.

The universe is a funny, funny place

- with all of its... chaos.
- No, no, no!

[Grunts, Gasping]


Oh, God! Jesus Christ!

What d'you want me to do with 'em?

Save them for a rainy day.

You don't know how wonderful it is to
have someone on board that I can trust.


Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.