Our World War (2014–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - The First Day - full transcript

Following a single company of riflemen and machine gunners as they fight the first battle of the war against a vast German army, a battle which delivers the first four Victoria Crosses of the war.

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This is it, boys!

We're in the war now!

Get down, Sid!

Come on!


Who the bloody hell is that?



Keep that up I'm going to have
to assume you're an enemy spy,

actively announcing our presence
to any Germans in the area.

Sorry, sir.

Further to that, I'd have
to shoot you for treason,

just to be on the safe side.

- I'll stop whistling.
- Would you?

I thought you couldn't
wait to meet the Germans.

Just don't want to get popped on
patrol because one of your private's

got a spring in his step
and a song in his heart.

Jesus Christ, Godley.

Well done, Sid. You
found a watering hole.

Bugger me.

One of you boys go back
and get the horses...

Quiet! What's that?

Halt! Who goes there?

Step forward and be identified.

Go get the light...

On me.

What are this lot
doing out here?


What is it they say about
rats and sinking ships, sir?

They say you should
always follow them.



Roger, Evans, Downing, George.

Get these people on their way.


Well, boys, I think
it may be possible

that Lieutenant MJ Dease,
C Company,

4th Battalion,
The Royal Fusiliers,

has just fired the very
first British bullet

of this entire bloody war!

That's quite something, mate.

Someone go and get
the bloody horses.

- That looks lovely.
- C'est pour ma fille.

HQ this way, boys?

- Down there to the left.
- Thanks.

- Private Billy Holbrook.
- Hi, Sid!

You've got mud on your uniform!

Nothing gets past
this one, does it?

- What happened?
- Patrol.

Lieutenant Dease liberated
an orchard from some gypos.

- It was very exciting.
- Sorry, lads.

Does anyone know Corporal
Jarvis of the Royal Engineers?

Great, the bloody
engineers are lost now!

I passed a load of your
lot back that way. Sid.


Bridge! Over here, now!

Someone was just here.

Probably just one of the locals.


"Lieutenant Dease, requesting
permission to panic".

Remind me again why we
let you in our army!


Put your back into it, Clarky.

Titsbrough, move your arse!

All right, Frank?

Sir, I've got orders
from the Colonel,

have you seen Captain Forster?

He's in the town.
What's the message?

We're stopping in Mons,
only as long as we need to.

Be prepared to move
on in the morning.

Intelligence is unsure
of the enemy position.

C Company is to set up temporarily
on our side of the canal.

The forest is too exposed.

The Colonel recognises that
the position is vulnerable,

but the risk of enemy
contact is low.

Thank you, Holbrook.

Sir, what do we do
if the Germans show?

Shoot them.

That's generally the way
these things work, isn't it?

That's what this is.

Classic Army bollocks.

Every time we go
out, same story.

- Corporal Jarvis?
- What?

Sapper Neary. They told
me to report to you.

Neary! I've got
good news for you.

You're going to die a hero.

Valiantly trying to complete
a tactical demolition

- without an exploder.
- There are exploders.

- There are four.
- So?

So? Maths is so!

I've got 18 bridges stretched
across 20 miles of canal.

And you have been ordered to
demolish exactly none of them.

You engineering boys
are all the same,

not happy unless you're blowing
the shit out of something.

Now, when you need a piece of
kit you can come and find me.

Till then...

Isn't there a roadblock you
should be putting up somewhere?

By all means, smoke
near the explosives,

in your case, I
actively encourage it,

just wait for me to
leave first, all right?

He's got a point, sir.

We're going to be walking
over those bridges tomorrow.

I think we should probably
leave them alone.

That's the problem with
young men like you, Neary.

You've never fought a war before

and you forget there's another
army fighting this one too.

We won't always have
things our own way.

If we end up having to defend
a town surrounded by bridges,

we may just wish we weren't,

and we may just wish we had
a way of demolishing them,

that doesn't involve
waiting in line!

Yes, sir. Right away, sir!

Careful boys,

the entire bloody war effort's
relying on that thing.

Till it overheats
and breaks down!

Let's give her a sighter.
Who wants a go?

I'm sure Godley could
do with the practice.

Yeah, all right. I'll show
you tarts how it's done.

Here's your Hun!

I'm ready!

Come on!

All right, Sid. Let's
stop it there.

Give me a platoon of
riflemen any day.

37 rounds a minute, that's
our record, right lads!


Machine gun fires 600
rounds a minute.

36,000 rounds an hour.

It's got a range of 4,500 yards.

You change the barrel on
this thing once an hour,

you can fire indefinitely.

You'd bloody have to!

D Company!

Live rounds! Rapid...


Well, if the Germans throw tin cans
at us, we'll know who to call.

That was embarrassing.

How's about you try having
a go on that bloody thing?

This is the Royal Fusiliers, mate,
we hit the target in this Battalion.

Bit like that?!

Out the bloody way.


- Get off!
- Come on!


- Who started this?
- I did.

Just to be clear,

any more of this and you'll be on
a boat home for a court martial

and the most tremendous
bollocking of your entire lives.

I want sentries
across the canal.

Keep a 20-foot distance, and
signal on your whistles

if you sight anything.
You, you and you.


The rest of you get on with it.

Get those boxes
moved down there.

The ones in the khaki uniforms
are on our side, Godley.

You'd do well to remember that.

Sorry, sir.

We need some more
sandbags down here.

Go and make yourself useful.

We fight for the man
next to us, Sid.

That's how we win.

I keep telling you, you should
get him transferred out.

The sooner we move
on the better.

I want to go and
check on the boys.

Let us know if you see anything.

Krauts are the ones with
the pointy hats, right?

Anyone can hit a
target with a rifle.

You don't need to
get a head shot

when you're firing 500 rounds a
minute on a machine gun, do you?!

When I'm done, he won't
have a fucking head left.

Or any arms or legs.

Allemand, Allemand.

Don't worry, mate, we'll
sort all that out for you.

Well, at least you get
to shoot something.

You still sulking about that?

I'm going to go through this
whole war without firing a shot.

Yeah, well you ain't
the only one.

Came last in every
firing drill, didn't I?

They just let me load
the flaming thing.

Turns out maybe you do need
accuracy or something.

It's all bollocks.

- Sir.
- Anything to report?

A couple of squirrels...

..a few birds...

..other than that, as was.

Come on get him
out, get him out.

Get him out here.

Does he speak English? English?

Keep him down boys,
keep him down!

- Speak English? What's your name?
- Keep him down!

What's your name?

- Sir!
- Jesus.

- We got one!
- Where did you find him?

In the woods a small
group of Fritz cavalry.

The rest of them made it away but
we shot this bastard off his horse.

I say we throw him in the canal, sir!
See if he floats.

- Help him up.
- Sir...

Help him up for Christ's sake.

Lieutenant Dease,
Royal Fusiliers.

You speak the King's?

Sprechen sie Englisch?


First week of the war and
you take one in the leg.

That's luck for you.

Bloody hell was
that a German, Sir?

Thought they were miles away?

Ask him if he's eaten
any babies today, Sir!

Most of your boys are
conscripts, aren't they?

I have to look after

..that's hard enough.

They'll take you from here.

I wish you luck,
Lieutenant Dease.

Thank you, but I don't
believe in luck.

Believe in luck,
Lieutenant Dease,

or believe in God.


you are not ready for
what's coming here.

Back at your station.

Get this gun loaded
and ready to fire.

- Sir!
- I'll report to HQ.

If Lieutenant Steele makes
a show, let me know.

Bring the ammunition
down to the barricade.

- Sapper Neary.
- Sir.

Change of plan.

They want us to prep the
bridges for demolition.

It'll take us all
night to rig one up.

Which is why we're
starting right away.

What did that Kraut say, Sir?

He said if we hand you over
they'll call off the war!

Lieutenant Steele returned
from the woods yet?

No, Sir.

I need volunteers to go and tell the
Lieutenant to get back over here.

I'll do it, Sir.

- Thank you Private.
- All right.

No need.

- You see anything out there?
- Nothing.

German scout party was spotted.

- We caught one of them.
- What did he tell you?

He said we weren't ready
for what's coming here.

Well, did you tell
him about Godley?

He seemed confident, Fred.

Even with a bullet in his
leg, the smirking prick.

Bunch of German conscripts.

He was smiling, Fred.

He looked at our defences
and he liked what he saw.

So this is it?

Jemappes Bridge.

Shoddy build right here, you
can tell we're in Europe.

We're doing them a favour
taking this thing down.

It was tempting fate, Sir, your
talk about the blowing the bridges.

So how're you doing it, then?

- I'm just here to assist.
- Oh, no, come on.

I've taken one in the leg.

I'm bleeding all over the shop,
yelling for my dear old ma.

It's just you and a
box of supplies.

German army's coming.

How are you going to
neutralise this bridge?

Affix the guncotton and
tamp down with clay.

- Where?
- On the structure's weakest points.

Your gonna make sure all
those points go at once?


If they don't this bridge
might not come down.

- I'll make sure.
- How?

I'll cut exact lengths
of electric cable.

- Any air bubbles in the clay?
- No.

- Guncotton dry?
- Yes.

So exact lengths of
electric cable...

Attach the cable to the
electric detonators

in the clay at one end and to
the exploder on the other,

push down on the exploder and...

neutralise the bridge.

You forgot about where
you drag me to safety

but, apart from that,
very good.

Yes, only, we don't have
an exploder.

No, we have four.

Yes, Sir.

Do we know where
any of them are?


I wrote a letter home.

I thought it prudent
to give it to you

and likewise take your letter in
case anything happened to us.

What I have to say to my wife

has no business in the
pocket of your tunic.

No, of course.

We'll need a boat.

Bloody hell, Sid.

What are you doing?

It's the quickest route
between here and HQ.

I need to memorise it.

How quick are you?

They don't pick us for speed.

It's the ability
to relay messages,

remember details.

that's what makes
a good runner.

I'm really not that fast at all.

Cheers, Gerry!

How's it looking?

- Getting there.
- Good.

Chances are if we cop it it'll
be in a bloody great explosion

and there won't be anything left of
either of us to take home anyway.

Yes, Sir.

Get back to work.

- Hello.
- Bonjour

What the fuck is this?

It's not bad, that.

Here you are, Sir,
have a curly roll.

..war is hell.

I should be getting back.

Can you hold the line here?



Is that a German?

Yeah, I think it probably is.

Should I shoot him?

Yeah, I think you'd better had.

Right, listen.
You take your sister

and go and find somewhere
safe to hide, you understand?

Sling your hook!

Could be riding party...
More scouts?


..something else.

All right, lads, fall
back to the bridge.

This ain't no place for kids.
Come on.

Go on, shooo.

- What's the pound?
- 30.

- 32,
- 32!

- Yes.
- Are you sure?


Did you tie these?


Move... Move!

You don't leave here until
this job's done properly.

- Have you got that?
- Yes, Sir.

Careful lads!

- Have you seen Lieutenant Steele?
- No!

Have you seen Lieutenant Dease?

Wiltshire, intelligence
reports says...

..the Germans are here.

- How many?
- Fucking all of them.

- Jesus Christ!
- Come on!

Let's go!


Stop fire!

That's the start of the
fucking war right there!

Come on!

They just marched right into it.

That's what happens when you've
got civilians, instead of soldiers.

Holbrook go and tell the Colonel
we've engaged the enemy,

- everything is under control.
- Yes, Sir.

Dease, you've had your fun.

We need to command these men.

Right boys!

I want a big pile of spent
cartridges this side

and a big pile of dead
Germans on that side!

- Sir!
- Yes, Sir!

You all right there,
Neville, darling?

Apart from the mud, Sid!

Apart from the fucking mud!

Do you see anything?


Wait, hang on.

Yes, there!
On the tree line!

Got it!


That's it, boys!

They're not coming in
marching order any more!

They're learning.


- Stretcher!
- Stretcher bearers!




Damn it!
Someone help that man!

Come on, boys!

Pick your targets!

Come on, lads!


That's artillery!

Where did that come from?

Jesus, there's a whole battalion
out there. Maybe more!

We'll bottle neck
them onto the bridge.

Let 'em run into your gun.

Yeah. Yeah, we've got about
a bullet for each of them.

- Shit, not now...
- Stoppage!

- Stoppage!
- Fix that jam!

Get that gun working,
get it working!

- I've got to get down there...
- No, you bloody don't!

Company! Covering fire! 15 rounds a minute!
You know the order!

Rapid Fire!

Get down, Sir.
Come on!

Left flank, left flank!

Yes, Sir.

You're a bloody mad man!

We cannot afford
to lose that gun.

And we can afford to lose you?

Enemy numbers higher
than expected.

Most of them right here.

Nimy Bridge the critical asset.

Flanks to support

and engineers primed
to blow bridges

in sequence along the canal.

Orders to hold the bridge
and repel the enemy, Sir.

Best keep that gun
running, then.

Tell them that we
may need support.

Yes, Sir!

Is this bridge ready to blow?

- Not yet.
- Get a bloody move on, mate,

- the Germans are coming!
- You think!

Neary, Neary!

give me the detonators.

- Shit!
- Sorry, Sir.

Neary, don't think about them,
don't think about the Germans,

don't think about anything other
than getting the job done.

- OK?
- Yes, Sir.

There's more detonators on
the bank, go and get them.

- Yes, Sir.
- And Neary,

do be very quick
about it, won't you?

Yes, Sir.

More ammo!

More ammo!

More ammo, quick!

- We need a stretcher.
- Keep the gun going!

Come on!

Give them a chance!

- Dease, wait!
- I'll be back!


Concentrate fire on
their machine guns!

Which one?

All of them, pick your targets!
Take out the gunner!

Aim for the gunners!
Take out the gunners!

He needs attention!

Come on!




Your responsibility is to
this gun, do you understand?

- Yes, Sir.
- Right, come on!

Sir, you've been hit.

The gun, Godley.

Keep firing!

Sir, all units fully engaged
along the canal, Sir.

Take the right flank!
Keep firing!

This is for HQ.

They've got multiple machine guns,
heavy artillery within range

and they're fucking
us from three sides!

If we don't get
more men down here,

that is going to be a
Kraut bridge by sundown.

You can pretty that up
for them if you want

- but get us more men!
- Yes, Sir.

- The Germans are coming!
- Aye, they're coming.

Did they not tell you war
might be dangerous, Neary

- We need to blow this bridge.
- When it's ready and not before!

Yes, Sir, only we still don't
have that exploder, do we?

Neary, I'm going to wait
right here for you, son.

You get that exploder
back for me.

- Bring it home.
- Yes, Sir.

Man down!

To the left!

They're bringing
up the left flank.

To the left flank!

To the left!

Shoot the pricks on the left,

What do we do, Sir?

They won't stop coming.

- How's the ammo?
- Low.


Frank's down, Sir!

We need a stretcher, he
needs attention, Sir!


Godley, he's gone!
He's gone, Godley, come on.


Come on!

- Sir!
- Down!


Where are the reinforcements?!

Delayed, Sir.

Captain Forster's dead.
Lieutenant Mead also dead.

Captain Ashburner's
injured, Sir!

The others are taking
casualties all along the canal.

Enemy artillery and
machine gun fire

is greater than expected, Sir.

Just try and hold the bridge, Sir.
They said, try and hold the bridge.

Go and find out where
our heavy guns are

and why they're not blowing
the fuck out of the enemy.



Come on, Neary, where
the hell are you?

- Holbrook! Are you going to HQ?
- Yeah.

You need to hurry up, there's
not many of 'em left!

Our line's broken to the east, our
artillery's being pulled back.

There'll be no heavy guns,
and no reinforcements.

They said it's a retreat

It's not a retreat.

It's a tactical withdrawal.

- We're not going?
- Not yet.

If they are withdrawing,
that makes us the last men.

We hold this bridge long enough

for the rest of the army
to get out of Mons.

Then we go.

Do you need me to send
a message back, sir?

I don't need a runner
now, Holbrook.

I need you to get in there and grab a
rifle and fight alongside your mates.

See the job done.

- Go on!
- Yes, sir!

Sir! Sir!

You're good, sir.


Must be more fucked
than we thought, sir.

Billy's got a rifle.

Keep fighting.

Reinforcements will be on their way.
Just keep fighting.

Yes, sir!




We need that machine gun!

Get your heads up, boys!

Get your heads up.

Stand fire and get
your heads up.

Fuck! Fuck!

We're going to lose the gun.

We're going to lose the gun.

Prepare to withdraw.

Get on the gun.
Get on the gun!

The gun!

All right. All right.
That's it.

Look at me. All right?

Stay on the gun.

The gun!

Godley's got it.
He's looking after it.

You did a bloody good
job, Lieutenant.

Nothing else you
could have done.

Right. Hold on, mate.
Just hold on.

Short, controlled bursts.

I need to get these men
off this line, Godley.

I can't do that without
machine gun cover here.

I can do it, sir.

- You take the men away.
- You know what I'm asking you?

Someone's got to stay
to the end, sir.

Thank you, Sid.

I'm sorry, mate.

Come on.

I'll look in on everyone.

I'll let them know you had
my back the whole time.

I'll let the boys' families know
you did everything you could.

Come on, then!

Get your men back
now, Lieutenant.

And make sure Billy
gets back safe, sir.

Come on, then!

Withdraw. Company, withdraw!

Draw back. Draw back.

- Draw back!
- What about Sid, sir?

No, sir. We can't leave him.

Go on!

Holbrook! Come on!

- No, sir!
- It's over.

It's over.

Come on, Sid!


Corporal Jarvis.

The lad who gave you
this, is he dead?

Not when I left him, sir.
Hurt pretty bad, though.

- Where did you leave him?
- Just off the main road,

- half a mile west.
- All right.

You want to put your hands
over your ears now.

Captain Forster went early.

Mead fell.


Tyler, Clark...

Lieutenant Dease.

Sid's not going to
make it back either...

..is he?


There'll be medals, sir.

They'll remember
the 4th Fusiliers...

and Mons.

They'll remember we retreated.

They had too many guns for us.

How are you meant to defend
yourself against that?




During the action, we lost
Lieutenant Maurice Dease,

who also received the VC,
Sid Godley speaking in 1954

and I came under the command
of Lieutenant Steele,

who then gave orders to remain
and hold the position,

which I did do...

..although I was very badly
wounded several times.

But when it was time
for me to get away,

I smashed the machine gun
up, threw it in the canal

and then crawled back
on to the main road,

where I was picked up by two
Germans and taken to hospital.

Every soldier thinks
about running away.

There is no greater betrayal.

You could be here
instead of there.

- No-one...
- I can't.

You and your pals knew what
you were signing up for.

I didn't sign up to be
part of a firing squad.

Subtitles by Red Bee Media.
Ltd Sync: Marocas62.

Improved by Clog.