Our Boys (2019): Season 1, Episode 1 - Episode #1.1 - full transcript

A kidnapping of 3 young Israeli boys by Hamas operatives unites the nation in prayers for their return home, while in the Shabak, the search is on but the odds for them being found alive are low.

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Police Department, Udi speaking.

-I've been kidnapped.

-Head down.
-Head down!

-Head down! Head down!

Hello? Hello?

Hello? Hello?

Answer me. Where are you? Hello?

We interrupt this news bulletin
to bring you breaking news.

The IDF spokesperson released
a statement that, last night,

contact was lost with three boys
at Gush Ezion Junction in the West Bank.

All security forces are working 24/7
to track down the missing boys,

and are thoroughly searching the area.

As I said, there are three boys
who left this junction last night,

and since then contact was lost.

Mohammed! Come on!

The statement doesn't elaborate
on what happened to them,

whether they were kidnapped
or something else...

The three may have been abducted
by a terrorist organization

here in the Hebron area.

The names of the boys
have been released.

Eyal Yifrach, 19, from Elad,

Naftali Frenkel, 16, from Nof Ayalon,

and Gilad Shaer, 16, from Talmon.

This burnt car that was found
near a village in the West Bank,

may lead us to speculate
what had happened.

They hitched a ride yesterday,

but rather than taking them
north to Jerusalem,

they were taken south to Hebron.

One of them managed to call the police,
and report the kidnapping.

-Police Department. Udi speaking.
-I've been kidnapped.

-Your head down! Head down!

The IDF and Shabak are searching
for the three boys.

The military has named the operation:
"Brother's Keeper."

Hebron hasn't seen
this many troops in years.

We're in the heart of the city.

Good night.

We're in Area A.

Good night, my son.

I don't know what they're doing,
perhaps making arrests...

It's been seven days since the abduction

and there's still
no definitive information

that can lead to the three boys
or determine what happened to them.

On the ground,
arrests are continuing.

Yesterday, Israeli troops
met strong resistance.

We know and feel the enormous efforts

to bring home Eyal, Gilad and Naftali.

People are gathering nationwide
and praying.

Little children are reciting Psalms,
and old people are shedding tears.

We're moved and grateful
and ask you to keep on praying.

Keep praying, stay together.

I beg you from the bottom of my heart,
keep praying.

Two weeks since the boys were abducted,
the IDF has expanded the searches

and employed
new technological means,

but there is still no lead
as to their whereabouts.

Concerted efforts continue
by the IDF's finest units,

the Shabak, the Israel Police,
the Border Police.

We all consider this mission
top priority.


17 days since the boys were abducted,

and there is still no trace
of what happened to them.

A mass gathering is taking place
tonight in Tel Aviv,

thousands of citizens are joining
the three families in Rabin Square,

to pray for the return
of the three boys.

The three families are being embraced
by many attendees.

Earlier we heard the three mothers
asking people to pray

and that's what's happening
here tonight.

More than 20,000 people...

We are not at this rally
to protest or awaken anyone.

We are all wide awake. No one can sleep.

There are three boys out there,
children who are very much alive,

they are not merely a symbol.

Our boys know
that we will never cease our efforts.

They know no one will give up hope.

These women who are met with loud
applause and "Amen" after every sentence

are the three mothers...

The glasses were found here,

40 meters away from where
we assume the car was parked

when they took the hostages out.

The condition of the glasses
supports the assumption

that they were no longer alive
at this point.

And it supports our claim
that they are somewhere in this radius.

Let me get this straight.

For 17 days we focused our search
on this area

and now these glasses turn up
and shatter our conception?

-Yes or no?

We traced the boys' phones.

-How close are we?
-We're close.

Get in, Yochi! Get in!

I'm Simon.

May you enjoy your freedom.

You signed
with your lawyer present, right?

And Itzik explained
all the technical details?


It must be hard,
but you're doing the right thing.

-Spare me, okay?
-Think about it.

If there's a revenge attack
for the kidnapped boys,

it'll be very difficult to find them,
if not impossible.


The whole country is going insane
trying to find these boys

and the monsters who kidnapped them,
and only you, the Jewish Division...

A gang of low-lifes.

All you care about is

what'll happen if a true Jew finally
dares to do something about it.

Okay. Are you done?

You're no longer interested
in our arrangement?

Should we call it off?

No problem, you'll go back to prison,
no harm done.

We won't tell anyone about this.

Come on, Yochi.
Let's get started.

Your buddies Fogelman and Miller,
we have concrete intel

that they're planning a revenge attack
for the boys' kidnapping.

Bullshit, you got nothing!

You know Fogelman's brother?
The soldier.

Fogelman has been stealing
his weapon every Saturday.

He has his own firing range
near Yitzhar.

I have no idea, I didn't hear anything
while in prison.

I'm updating you now!

Get a grip on yourself, Yochanan!

We now go live to the Western Wall,

where thousands are gathering for a mass
prayer for the three kidnapped boys.

Our correspondent, Sivan Rahav,
is there this evening.

There's an atmosphere of uncertainty.

Without any information regarding
the boys' fate,

there are thousands here
singing and praying.

I hear you're not going back
to the yeshiva.

Yeah, I think I've had enough.

That's too bad. You sure
you can't go back? You'll regret it.

What'll you do instead? Work?

There must be yeshivas
that aren't as stressful.

Just go to a different one.

Rallies like this
are taking place nationwide,

in Tel-Aviv's Rabin Square, Givat
Shmuel, Petah Tikva, Beit Shemesh

and many other places...

Those Arab bastards are celebrating
our prayers and our whining.

They can tell we're weak.

Why do you have to curse, Avi?

"For the sin of cursing
the men of Israel die young."

Stop preaching, Yinon.

I can't stand it
when you talk like that.

Hey, why are you fighting about?

Yinon thinks I'm embarrassing him

by cursing the Arabs
that kidnapped the boys.

Death to those Arab sons of bitches,
may they burn,

may their babies choke
in their graves, amen.

Am I embarrassing you?

Five baguettes, five drinks.

Hey, Simon.

-Are they there yet?
-No, not yet.

God will bless
and keep the missing boys,

Eyal, son of Iris,
Gilad, son of Bat Galim,

and Naftali, son of Rachel,

among our brothers being held captive,

for this huge crwod is praying for them.

God will have mercy on them...

Okay, here are the Fogelmans.

I see Miller and Rosenthal too.
There's Rothstein.

If any of them disappears,
I want to know about it.

-Alina, put Yochi on.

There they are.

No way we can wiretap them.

-Do we know the others? Who's the girl?
-I'll check.

-Simon, Yochi is on the line.

-Yochi, can you hear me?

Stay with them
until the evening is over.

-Okay. I got it.
-Itzik will be in touch with you.

Do you see them?
At your ten o'clock.

I can't see anything.

-Look up.

On your left. Good luck.

-Are we on them?

But it's a much bigger story, Mike.

The whole country believes
they're alive and...

-What a nightmare.
-Let's leak it out.

-Leak what out?
-What we already know.

You can't.

Mike, our message shouldn't be
that we're expecting to find them alive.

No one in that room will agree
to put out a statement

that essentially means
we're looking for bodies.

It's a balloon that keeps getting
bigger, hope, hope, hope...

Hope isn't a bad thing.
It's solidarity.

When we find them dead,
all this will blow up in our faces.

Maybe it's worth
talking to the families?

And tell them what?

Ask them to help us calm down
this mass prayer thing.

If it was your child, wouldn't
you want them to keep praying?

If they're still alive,
everyone's in a frenzy.

The Jewish Division considers
this frenzy as dangerous.

Okay, but there are
other considerations.

Listen, it's super sensitive, Simon.

I don't think the families should be
part of it.

Put yourself in their shoes.

Let me talk to their spokesperson.
What's his name? Matan?

The families' spokeperson.
I think it's essential.

I'm not sure it's a good idea.

A Song of Ascents

Out of the Depth I cry to you
O Lord

For with the Lord there is mercy
And with Him is full redemption

For with the Lord there is mercy
And with Him is full redemption

He himself will redeem Israel

From all their sins

Among the thousand that took part
in the mass service

for the missing boys

on the stage, it was the brother
of one of the boys, Eyal Yifrach

who read verses from Psalms
and the whole crowd repeated after him,

not only here in Jerusalem,
but in Tel Aviv and other places too.

Good evening. Everything okay?

-Where are you headed?

-Let them through.
-Go ahead.

Good night.

May our prayer be sweet before You

May our prayer be sweet before You

Please, Merciful One

In Your abundant mercy...

May our prayer be sweet

What's wrong, Avishai? What's wrong?

Why are you crying?

-They'll find them, don't worry.
-Avishai, they'll find them.

Listen to Yosef Haim.
He knows what he's saying.

They're alive, they're okay.
They'll come home soon.

Just sing.
Get the noise out of your head.

Sing. Sing.

My son texted me, he said he's on
his way home, and then he's gone.

It's every mother's nightmare

for waiting and waiting endlessly
for her child to come home...

Since then, she heard nothing.
No news, no sign of life.

...at the same time,
I believe much more can be done

and should be done by so many.

That is why we mothers have come here
today, before the United Nations,

and before the world, asking everyone...

-Hi, Mom. You're still up?
-How can I sleep?

Mr. President, I wish to ask, doesn't
every child have the right to come home

safely from school?

It is wrong to take children,
innocent boys and girls,

and use them as instruments
of any struggle.

-You'll bring them back. Right, Simon?
-God willing.

We just want them back in our home,
in their bed,

we just want to hug them again.

Bring your plate closer.

-Stay, where are you going?
-To the mosque, where else?

What's up, Khaled?
Look what I brought for pre-fast meal.

Something you like.
What's wrong?

Are you upset I was late?
Here, take this.

You're tired already?
Wake up, man!

-I made you some coffee.

Ricki comes to clean at 4:00,
don't send her away. It's her job.

Don't I clean well enough?

Okay, never mind now.

I'll see you at the bris, okay?


TOTO: Booked a ticket?
When do you arrive?


TOTO: Are you coming by boat?

Mohammed! The machine is stuck.
Enough with the phone!

Iyad! Iyad!

-What's going on, Dad?
-Your brother is a child.

I can't trust him.

Turn it back on.
Enough with the phone!

Turn it back on.

Here, it's working fine.

I'm starting a meeting,
talk to you soon.

-I'm Simon. This is Itzik.

Hi. Matan.

I appreciate you finding time
to meet us.

-Of course, I'm here to help.
-Well, you're already helping us.

In this atmosphere, the tone used
by the parents of the three boys

-is certainly restrained.
-Thank you.

We're working very hard to keep the
extremist voices away from the families.

It hasn't been easy,
there's a lot of rage.

-Plenty of psychos to go around.
-We really appreciate it.

But the reason we asked
to talk to you...

...has more to do with a message that
the parents have been putting out there.

Matan, look...

Maybe the emphasis here
is on the prayers.

-The prayers?
-I'm worried about the day after,

when it turns out
the prayers went unanswered.

There are extremists
that could react very badly.

Frankel's mother clearly said,
"God doesn't work for us."

Those were her words.
All the networks aired it.

So, what exactly are you trying to say?

I'm saying that at this stage,
after finding the glasses,

and knowing what we know,

it may be best not to create
a feeling of confidence

in the boys coming back alive.

Tell me, do you have any kids?

Look, it's not my role to decide.

But I won't tell these poor parents
what to say.

I'm just trying to help them deal
with this tsunami.

And I suggest to you,

knowing how complicated
the work in your division is,

stop speculating and just find them.

Damn it. It's...
Just find them already.

Day 18 of searches

everyone is volunteering,
showing the unity of the Israeli people,

people are searching every inch
in this heavy heat.

Orthodox, secular, religious,
everyone is here.

Right wingers, left wingers,
these boys...

Let's join the searches, Avishai.
What do you think?

-Not today, Yosef Haim.
-But it's only half an hour.

I can't. I have a meeting at Grandpa's
about the yeshiva.

Let it go, Avishai.

Why do you want to go back
to a yeshiva that made you suffer?

You said it's like a prison.
You wanna go back to prison?

You can't force someone to do
something he doesn't want to do.

Take me, nothing worked.

-Then what should I do, then?
-Come work for me.

Listen to your uncle for once!

I'm serious, Avishai.
I need someone at my eyewear store.

I might be opening more branches.
You could be branch manager.

Think about it. Avishai?

My flight to Istanbul is on August 3rd.

Mohammed! Mohammed!

-What happened here?
-I don't know.

That's it, no more excuses.

This machine cost me 60,000 shekels
and you just threw it all away?

-I didn't break it!
-Then who did?

-Maybe Abu Karam.
-It's Ramadan and you're lying?

I'm fasting!
I swear, it wasn't me.

-Ask Iyad.
-Iyad? You were on the machine.

I was on the roof.

No trip to Istanbul!

I didn't buy the ticket
and I'm not going to!

-But I didn't break it!
-That's it!

Go fill in holes with Abu Karam.

Please, dad, it wasn't me.
You can't cancel my trip.

I told you, you were in charge,
didn't it?

Did I say that or not?

Mohammed! Come here!


Clashes between Palestinians
and IDF forces in the area,

where extensive searches
for the three boys were taking place.

Our correspondent Nir Dvori
is in Halhul,

Yonit, as you can see, massive military
forces are arriving,

The area has been locked down.

The military has taken control.
We see military vehicles.

Alina, can we have a few minutes?

Thank you.

-I understand you met Matan.
-Nice of him to give you live updates.

-He was stunned by your demands.
-I didn't make any demands.

I just told him about our concerns
and tried to convey a message.

Let me tell you what he understood,
in his own words:

"It's our fault again?"

"Three innocent boys get kidnapped,
their parents are going through hell,"

"and if they dare
hold on to the most human of hopes"

"that they'll get to see their sons
come home alive,"

"the Shabak's Jewish Division
accuses them of incitement."

-I never said it was their fault.
-But that's what he understood.

Aren't we being a little too sensitive?

He's the families' spokesperson,
he's a pro,

that's why I spoke with him,
not the parents.

But we're all the parents now,
even if we're pros.

Only you're emotionally detached
from what's going on.

I don't get it.

Listen, going to him was a mistake
and now I have to put this fire out.

For now, focus on your usual suspects.
"Price Tag."

Yochi Har-Zahav, Rosenthal, Fogelman,
Miller, all the hilltop boys.

Forget about the psychology
of the masses, that's not your job.

Okay? Thank you.


-Hello, Rabbi.
-Hello. This is my grandson, Avishai.

He studied at Maor Torah
up until a few months ago.

An excellent yeshiva. Where are you now?

He's still deliberating.

-God willing.
-God willing.

-Good luck, Avishai.
-Amen. Thank you.

Let's go in.

I want to tell you something,
and your father here can hear it too.

Avishai, look at me.
That student you just met?

He studied with your uncle Yosef Haim
at the same yeshiva.

They studied together.
Did you know that, Yakov?

And both of them had a crisis
at your age.

And both left the yeshiva.

And that student sat here,
where you're sitting now,

and cried, "Rabbi, I can't do it."

And I told him what I'm telling you.

The greater the potential,
the greater the test.

And look at him now. Happy.

Look at his smile,
how illuminated he is.

That night I went home
and talked to Yosef Haim,

I said to him,
"Son, I beg you, return to the yeshiva."

I cried to him in tears, Avishai.

But he didn't listen to me.
And look at him now.

Avishai, who do you want to be?

You must decide who you want to be.

I do want to decide, but...

Last time I didn't have God's help,
I was depressed.

-You saw it.

You must be strong, Avishai.
And God will do the rest.

You have the strength!

Stop it! It's annoying!

He's forbidding me from the trip
I've been planning for a year.

I won't give you the money
behind your father's back.

But he doesn't believe
I didn't break it!

Go settle it with him.

-Where are you going? Come here.
- To look for a job.

Come here.
Where will you find a job?

With the Jews.

Mohammed! Mohammed!

On this day we shall rejoice.

We open with praise to our host.

We know the father,
an outstanding wise scholar.

A fine student. His father, Rami,
my dear friend, loves the Torah.

Never missed a day in the yeshiva.

-Who is he?
-Who's he?

The rabbi
that saved your brother's life.

He's a brilliant scholar.
A great rabbi.

Who told you he's so great?

Don't be disrespectful. Okay?

If you wish to pray for the well-being
of our missing boys...

Naftali son of Rachel, Gilad son
of Bat Galim, Eyal son of Iris.

-May God protect them from evil.

This is the best time to do so.

Father of the son.
You appoint me to circumcise your son.

I hereby appoint you
to circumcise my son.

Bless God Who has sanctified us
and ordained circumcision.


Blessed are You, God...

Mazel Tov!

-What's up?

When the manager asks, answer in Hebrew,
"It's all good, bro. No problem, bro."


This is Yoni, the shift manager.
This is Mohammed.

Hello. So you want
to do a trial shift today?

-You speak Hebrew?
-No problem, bro.

Okay, this is what we'll do.
Give him Shmuel's name tag for now,

tell him not to speak any Arabic, okay?

When you're done,
go back to the kitchen, okay?

It won't work.

I haven't lived with her since I was 10.

Now it's, "Good morning, Mom,
get dressed, eat."

But she doesn't want assisted living,
you're going to force her?

-She wants to be with her children.
-Fine, I get it.

You're the only one with a spare room,
and you're alone.

Rami, it won't work.

They found them. Bodies.

I have to go.
Send my regards and take Mom home.

-Shimon, is something wrong?
-Work, these are trying times.

May God bless you, and give
you strength, wisdom and faith

to find our kidnapped boys
and deliver them from darkness

and restore them
to their families, amen.


-Itzik, where is Yochi?
-At home. Where he spent the night.

But we have new intel that Fogelman
and Miller have left Yitzhar.

Okay, send him a car to pick him up.

-Yes, now.

...in this area, north of Hebron,

it's the 18th day of searching
for the three missing boys,

and we are still under a gag order,

but the assumption becomes more
and more somber.

To be exact,
the developments are not good.

Grave, grave developments.

We'll get back to you.

We're updating you now, with regret,

on the death
of the three kidnapped boys,

Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Shaer
and Naftali Frenkel.

The whole country hoped
for a happy ending,

yet we're informing you now
that several hours ago,

the three bodies were found near Hebron.

two and a half weeks
after the abduction,

and after the IDF embarked
on Operation Brother's Keeper.

The thorough and arduous searches ended
in a terrible and tragic way,

unlike what anyone
in this country wanted.

Naftali Frenkel, Gilad Shaer and
Eyal Yifrach, of blessed memory.

Can you hear me?

If you're around Jews,
don't answer me in Arabic.

They must have found the bodies
of those boys.

They've got it in for the Arabs,
come home now.

Mohammed, where are you? Your mother
said you went to West Jerusalem.

Tell me the address in Hebrew.


It's all good, bro.

He really is in West Jerusalem.

Go home now, you can't be here.
You understand what I'm saying?

Run, don't stop on the way.

-Yochi, where are Fogelman and Miller?

They're all in Yitzhar.
I already told Itzik.

I want you to go up there now
and find out what's going on.

I haven't been with my family
in three months.

-I'll go tomorrow.
-Yochi! Listen to me.

They dropped off radar half an hour ago.

-I need you to find them, now.
-How am I supposed to find them?

They have no phones,
they told me nothing.

-Everyone's out on the streets...
-We know they're still in Yitzhar.

Go up there, find them,
and stick with them. You got that?

The van will take you
to Tapuach Junction.

You hitchhike from there. Is that clear?

-And no nonsense.

Remember, we're tracking you
the whole time.

No Arabs, no terrorist attacks!

No Arabs, no terrorist attacks!

-No Arabs, no terrorist attacks!
-Death to the Arabs! Death to the Arabs!

Death to the Arabs! Death to the Arabs!

May their village burn down!

Death to the Arabs!

Death to the Arabs! Death to the Arabs!

This is an unlawful assembly!

This is an unlawful assembly!
Disperse immediately!

If necessary, we will use force.

If you don't disperse,
you'll get arrested.

-Death to those Arab terrorists!
-Death! Death!

Revenge! Revenge!

Revenge! Revenge!

Revenge! Revenge!

Revenge! Revenge!

Revenge! Revenge!

Revenge! Revenge!

Revenge! Revenge!

Revenge! Revenge!

Over to you, Amit Segal,
with a statement by the Prime Minister.

Yes, his first official reaction is
as follows:

"On behalf of the entire Jewish people"

"I say to the dear families,
we weep with you."

"'Vengeance for the blood of a child,
Satan has not yet created.'"

"Neither has vengeance
for the blood of pure, innocent youths"

"who were on their way home
to meet their parents"

"and will never see them again."

And now the key phrase, "Hamas is..."

Mohammed! Talk to me!

Are you okay?
Where are you?

-Mohammed? Hello?
-I'm here.

Where is here?
Don't mess with me, where are you?

On my way home.
What do you want from me?

Nothing. Just checking to see
if you're okay.

Well, didn't you ruin my summer?
Because you won't let me travel?

Okay, come on home now.
We'll talk at home.

You promised Mohammed
he could travel.

You have to keep your word,
even if he made a mistake.

It's not like smoking a cigarette
or skipping school.

How is he going to learn
anything in life?

He did good at school this year
so that he could go to Istanbul.

-Now you're taking it away from him?
-He should do good every year.

You know what?
Better for him to be a worker like Iyad.

-Don't break his spirit.
-I'm trying to raise him to be a man.

-Stop overprotecting him!
-Not like this, Hussein.

-Don't be like...
-Like who?

Now I'm to blame?

I bought him a ticket to Istanbul
so he can go.

Give it to him, and tell him,
"Your father punished you,"

"but I bought it behind his back."

Give it to him.

-Who is it?
-Mohammed. Can I come in?

No, wait. He's come to grovel.
Don't tell him about the ticket.

Come in.

I told Naji to get the crane
to hang the Ramadan sign,

but he wants to hear from you
that it's alright.

-I'll call him soon.
-Thank you.

Are you happy now?

-Why didn't you give it to him?
-Calm down. You're worse than him.

Be careful, man!

Watch out, Mohammed.
No sign is worth dying for.

It's a good deed for Ramadan,
you wouldn't understand.

Besides, I'm like a cat.
I always land on my feet.

Something's going on.

Something's happening.

What do you see?

I don't know. Plug it in, Khaled.
Let's check if it works.

Move, move!

Settlers tried to kidnap her son!

Go home, the police will do nothing.

When you left your parents' home,
did you notice anyone following you?


Did they try to kidnap you too,
or just your boy?

My son, Daoud. They hit me.
Look what they did to him. Look.

Try to describe exactly what happened.

I was walking with my children.

Yamen was in front of me,
Daoud was behind me.

Then I heard Daoud scream.
I turned around to see.

I found the settler holding him by the
neck, trying to shove him into the car.

I ran towards him and shouted
and pulled his hair so he'd let go.

Then he hit me over the head.

Calm down, breathe.
At least the boy is okay.

-What car did he have?
-Let me do my job.

Please ask her.
You're standing here consoling her.

-Maybe he had a fight with someone?
-Did you fight with someone, dear?

No, a settler tried to kidnap him.

-How do you know he was a settler?
-They spoke Hebrew among them.

You said there was only one person.
So who was he speaking with?

I don't remember.

Do you remember what he looked like?

What did the guy look like?

Ask her what he looked like.

Do you remember what he looked like?

Young, his glasses fell off
and he came back to get them.

Let's go. It's a waste of time.

A youngster. His glasses fell off
and he came back to get them.

If they really wanted to know, there
are tons of cameras on the stores.

The Shabak knows everything.
They don't need our cameras.

Stay with me
until all the guys get here.

It's gonna be long, they'll come right
before prayers. I'm going to nap.

So, you'll be here before the prayer?

-Don't be late.

But today it's your turn
to bring the pre-fast meal.

I'll bring something from home.

-Okay, bye.
-Bye, see you.

Over these past 18 days,

we have etched in our hearts,
in the heart of the entire nation,

the images of Eyal, Gilad and Naftali.

who were struck down

by evil murderers.

Murderers who

with unspeakable cruelty,
and without batting an eye,

violated the ancient decree:
"Do not raise a hand against the boy."

A deep and wide moral abyss
separates us from our enemies.

They sanctify death,
while we sanctify life.

They sanctify cruelty,
while we sanctify compassion.

This is the secret of our strength,

it is the foundation of our unity.

In the name of God,
most Gracious, most Merciful.

God protect me from
the accursed Satan.

-What's wrong?
-I don't know, I'm suffocating.

God protect me from
the accursed Satan.

Where are you going? Go to sleep.
You shouldn't stay up all night.

Don't press hard, my love.
I said I feel like I'm choking.

-Give me your flip-flops.
-Where are you going?

To pray at the mosque.

There's still time
before the call to prayer.

I'll sit outside with the guys.
Where else would I go?

Give them to me.