One Tree Hill (2003–2012): Season 5, Episode 15 - Life Is Short - full transcript

It's Jamie's fifth birthday, and a grand event for the gang. Lucas hoped Lindsey, who also attends, will go back to him, but she insists on leaving her key as she leaves for New York. Although he was the one one Jamie explicitly asked to be invited, Dan isn't even allowed to hand over his personal present. However he has another for Nathan, and a heavy reason to give it. Meanwhile Brooke learns the parenting joy can drown in rivers of tears and noise, and Millicent's entry in the boys flat proves hard to adjust to.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on One Tree Hill.

I know I sort of freaked you out
when you asked me to stay here

and, well, there's a reason.

- I'm a virgin.
- Really?

Did someone call for a nanny?


I'll edit the book because I believe in it.
And I believe in you.

- But we can't be together.
- We will be.

You think about him much?

- Lucas?
- Every day.


I've seen you, okay? Outside of the school.

I've seen you driving past the house.

And now you just happen
to be at the hospital?

Nathan, stop.
I was just getting a check-up.

- But the truth is, I was hoping...
- No, don't. Dan, don't hope. You hear me?

There's no hope for you.


They're giving me a baby.

Okay, it's okay.

Angie, it's okay, sweet girl.

No, don't cry, baby girl, please.

- Don't you wanna sleep?
- I do, Brooke.

Okay, you know I love you, all right,
and I love baby Angie,

but I also really, really love my sleep.

And I haven't gotten any
in, like, three nights.

Yeah, and it shows.

Thanks. As if I didn't know I look
like Amy Winehouse, pre-rehab.

Peyton, I'm sorry. Okay? She didn't come
with instructions but I will figure it out.

I promise. I promise.

Hey, hey, hey. Come on.

I'm the purple monkey
and I sure wish you'd stop crying.

Hey, baby, who wants a pacifier? Look.

Who wants a bottle? You hungry?

How about, Brooke's boob? Huh?


Hey. Hey. Look at the dancing animals,
aren't they funny? Hey!

Oh, my God, did you think that was funny?
Look, look.

No. Nobody likes that, remember?
It's funny.

Brooke. Really?

She's finally sleeping.
I think the crying wore her out.

Hey, I'm sorry about
the stuffed animal thing.

- I just... I was desperate.
- It's fine.

But I mean, do you think Angie's illness
has something to do with her fussiness?

It's not supposed to.

Well, if I were having heart surgery,
I'm pretty sure I'd be a little fussy.

Yeah, but the doctor said

her heart condition
doesn't even really affect her now.

It's just that
if she doesn't have the surgery,

it'll cause big problems later.

But now she's supposed
to be a regular little baby.

Well, she is.
And regular little babies cry sometimes.

Sometimes. Peyton, she cries all the time.
I feel like she doesn't like me.

Oh, no. Come on.

- She's gonna love you. You'll see.
- Yeah.

- This don't look like virgin underwear.
- Give me those.

I'm just saying, they belong to my girl,
she ain't gonna be no virgin no more.

Dude, shut up
and how do you even know about that?


- How'd he know?
- Junk.

Yeah, you know he tried
to get with her, right?

I'm just playing, man. He overheard
you two talking the other night.

You know these walls are thin.

Well, I don't care that she's a virgin.
I actually think it's nice.

Hey, there's something to be said for it.

Knowing exactly where your girl
hasn't been. Or has been.

That's not what I meant.
Millicent's just pretty amazing.

Dude, you are so whipped.

I mean, I probably would be, too,
considering that she 10 times hotter

than that cougar you was chasing.

So, I thought you guys
were gonna get it together.

You know, maybe clean this place up

and hold off on
the Friday-night water fights.

Man, you asking for a whole lot.

I'll tell you what.
Let me have them drawers.

- I'm just playing, man.
- All right.

- Somebody looks older today.
- I do.

You? Why would that be?

- It's my birthday, Mama.
- It is your birthday!

- I'm five.
- You're five?

- Don't I get my kisses?
- Oh, okay.

That's five and one for good luck.
So, what do you want for your birthday?

- I want two things.
- Okay.

I want a Wii and I really want
Grandpa Dan to come to my party.

- Knock, knock, knock.
- Hey.

So, how is my favorite grandson
doing on his birthday?

- I'm your only grandson.
- And a handsome one at that.

So, what does my handsome grandson
want for his birthday?

Hello, Son.

What do you want?

- Do I have to want something to say hello?
- Yeah, Dad, unfortunately, you do.

I'd like to stop by and wish Jamie
a happy birthday.

It's never gonna happen.

Look, I knew I screwed up as a father,
but I'd like to be a good grandfather.

Well, you should have thought of that
before you killed Jamie's great-uncle.

You're not coming to that party, Dan.
Or anywhere near my son.

Yeah, I mean,
my office is a disaster right now,

but the recording studio
is gonna be really cool when it's done.

How's the tour? Oh, Mia, that's awesome.

Yeah, and your album's selling
really well, too.

So you just keep doing your thing
and believe in your art

and we'll all live happily ever after.

So, tell me more about the tour.

- Hey, Coach.
- Hey.

What's the status on Quentin?

Well, if he would channel his stubbornness
into his recovery, he'd be fine.

- How about your recovery?
- What are you talking about?

I just wanted to come by
and make sure that you're okay...

Hey, isn't it your son's
fifth birthday today?

Oh, that's right. There's lots
of mom things you could be doing.

Yeah, there's a friend thing
I wanna be doing, too.

- You know she's gonna be there.
- Yes, I know, Hales.

You told me at least, like, six times.
I know Lindsey's gonna be at the party.

I'm just saying, if it makes you
uncomfortable, I can ask her not to come.

I know. I know, and I love you for it, Hales,
I do, but the way I see it,

Lindsey knows I'm gonna be at the party
and she's choosing to come.

Look, I told her that one day,
she's gonna come back to me.

Maybe this is that day.

- Tell me you finished the sketches.
- Sketches?

You're kidding, right?
For the Macy's presentation?

She hasn't slept in three days
and neither have I.

And she's so cute,
but this meeting is huge for C over B.

Macy's is the largest
department store chain in America

and if this doesn't happen,
then I've let you down,

I've let myself down, and I've probably
somehow let my parents down.

Look, Millie. Look at me.
We are going to be fine.

I am going to complete those sketches

and they are gonna be
nothing short of fantastic.

- Really?
- Really. Under control.

First, tell me something.
How cute do I look with this baby?

- Aren't I so Angelina?
- So Angelina.

I know. Did you hear that, my girl?

Say hi. Hi, Aunt Millie.

Hi, baby.

- How's my baby girl doing?
- Busy.

Really? I thought
your little Mini-Me flew the coop.

Mia? Yeah, she's out on tour
but that doesn't mean my job stops.

Did you know her album
is number two on iTunes?

Yeah, I do, but you ain't on iTunes.
You cyber-stalking Lucas, right?

Come on. Don't act like you ain't checked
his Facebook profile about 50 times

just to see if he done changed his status
from "engaged" to "single. "

You can't fool me, P. Sawyer.
Internet is a dangerous place.

What do you want, Skills?

Well, I kind of need help
locating Jamie's birthday gift,

and you're gonna be the girl
to help me find it.

- Well, I would love to, but...
- No buts. 'Cause you ain't got one.

Now, look,
I told Nathan I was going to get this Wii,

but that's about as easy to find
as Willy Wonka's little golden ticket.

So, we got our work cut out for us.

- Oh. "Us," huh?
- Yeah. Us.

Now I'm gonna get the Wii,

and you're gonna get up
out of this gloomy-ass office.


I was thinking of making the guys
pumpkin bread.

I thought it might make them
like me even more.

I don't think I've ever seen
the floor of this place.

Did you know
your couch was brown?

Did they do this for me? Because
the last thing I want is to be a burden.

No, no. We've been talking
about cleaning the place up for weeks.

- So this has nothing to do with me.
- Just boys becoming men.

Well, it's kind of nice.

Why don't we go out for lunch?

- Well, we just bought all this food.
- Well, then we'll have a lot to eat later.

- Guess who I saw this morning?
- I have a feeling I'm not gonna like this.

Dan showed up at the gym.

Don't you find it creepy that your dad
hangs out around the high school gym?

He's Dan. It's all creepy.

What did he want?

He wanted an invite
to Jamie's birthday party.

But don't worry,
I told him it's not gonna happen.

Well, you're stronger than I am,
'cause Jamie's been asking me all week

if his Grandpa Dan's gonna come
to his birthday party

and I have been dodging the subject

- Excellent parenting.
- Yeah, thanks.

I don't blame him for wanting
to get to know his grandpa.

- I just wish his grandpa wasn't Dan.
- Me, too.

- We just can't trust him.
- I know.

Who can't we trust?
- Hey, buddy.

You excited for your birthday party today?

You were talking
about Grandpa Dan, right?

So can he come?

I'm sorry, Jamie. Grandpa Dan
is not gonna make it today, okay?

Voila. One down, and a zillion to go.

Does this say,
"I'm cool, a tad slutty and well-priced"?

Thank you.
Never gets old hearing how great you are.

What? What? No.

We were doing so well. What?
What is it, are you tired?

Are you hungry?

Do you hate my spring line? What?


Apparently you're not into feathers.

That's okay.

Man, I can't believe
we found this thing.

You seem pretty excited, Skills.

Who's the game really for?

Well, it's kind of for Jamie.

And kind of an excuse for me to spend
a little bit more time at the Scott crib.

Excuse? Since when do you
need an excuse? That kid worships you.

Yeah, it ain't him, though.
It's Nathan and Haley.

I don't think
they really want me around Jamie

since the whole almost wedding thing.

No. I mean, that's... Dude, that's crazy.
Nathan and Haley love you.

Yeah, but I got their son kidnapped.

It just kind of changed things.

Look, I don't think it's you, I just think
they've been going through a lot, lately.

Yeah, but this is Naley
we're talking about, though.

They always be going through a lot.

Well, hey. I know one thing
and that's if you don't ask for something,

you can't just expect
for it to happen, you know?

Yeah, you're right.

So, you talk to Lucas?

- You want him back, don't you?
- It doesn't matter what I want.

And, yeah, I did talk to him
and he's clearly in love with Lindsey.

That's sweet. And total crap. But, hey.

I just want him to be happy.

What do you think about this one?
You think Lindsey will like it?

I think it's just like
the other four shirts you tried on.

Yeah, but this one's blue.
Lindsey really loves blue.

The right shirt's not gonna
bring her back, Luke.

Maybe I'll just try the first one again.

You're my best friend,
so I say this out of love.

Hey, look at me.

You got to give Lindsey time.
She'll come back if she's ready.

- Have you guys been talking much, lately?
- Yeah, a little bit.

I mean, you know,
we e-mail about the book.

Just about the book?

Yeah, she already knows
where I stand on everything else.

Okay, I've been giving you
a lot of space because...

Well, because I think
I know you pretty well

and I think that's what you need.

- But you know that I'm here for you, right?
- Yes, Haley. I know that.

I thank you.
But you're friends with Lindsey, too,

and I don't want to put you
in the middle of this.


- I gotta change.
- No, no.

No. Yes, I'm friends with Lindsey
but you are my best friend.

And I love you, so if you need me,
you better put me in the middle.

Or else.

This one.

- Carry on.
- No, I'm not.

Hi, guys. How's your day?

What are we gonna do?
There's a new episode of Tila Tequila.

- Did you want to watch something else?
- No. We're cool.

Fergie's a big fan of yoga.

It's actually Pilates.
I can change it if you want me to.

Actually, we have to go.

We told Haley
that we'd help her set up for the party.

How dumb is wrapping paper, huh?
All you do is rip it off.

Yeah, but how great is it that
you got Jamie a Wii? I got him Legos.


What's going on, Skills?

I shouldn't have had those beers
that day at the wedding, man.

Dude, it wasn't your fault.

Yes, it was.
'Cause I should've went with him.

Yeah, and that nanny shouldn't
have fallen off the crazy train.

Yeah, but what if something bad
would've happened to him?

Skills, Jamie's fine.
We can't go down that road.

Just want Nathan and Haley
to know I'm sorry.

You know, Antwon, I think it's pretty great
how much you love Jamie

and how good you've been to him
but something tells me

Nathan and Haley know it, too.

Yeah? Then how come they don't let me
come over no more?

And the crazy nanny's gone,
so I know they need help.

Look, I don't blame them.
I just wish I could take it all back.

- I just wish they would forgive me.
- They will.

And you just gotta forgive yourself.

That is so not cool.
Who ordered the creepy clown?

I did. He does balloon tricks.

Hiya. It's Bucko the Clown.
Glad to meet ya.

I always liked clowns.
Besides, look at the size of his feet.

Hey. How's the baby?

Oh, hey.
Wake her up, I'm leaving her here.

Oh, that bad.

Let's just say, I could sleep better
at a Metallica concert.

- But she looks so cute today.
- Oh, you'll get the hang of it, Brooke.

It just takes some practice in learning
how to function on no sleep.

No, we're getting the no-sleep thing down.

Oh, yeah.
It's just so hard. I'm trying to be patient.

But I can't get any work done
with her wailing all the time.

- Do you have any chicken fingers?
- Do you have an inside voice?

Brooke, we are outside.

No, it's okay. Oh, damn kid.

Well, that's what cute little babies
grow up to be.

It's okay, baby. It's okay.

- You nervous?
- About what?

- Your face-to-face with your ex-fianc?e?
- She's not my ex, Nathan.

Well, Haley said that you tried on,
like, eight shirts today.

It was five. And that's privileged
best friend information.

- Well, I've got the privileged husband card.
- Good point.

- You really still think she's the one?
- Yeah, I do.


- You boys ready to sing?
- You're the singer.

- You can't afford me.
- All right.

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday, dear Jamie

Happy birthday to you

Make a wish, Jamie.
Something you really want.

I know what I want more than anything.

Brooke, Peyton and Deb.

Do, dump or marry.

- I'd marry Deb.
- I'd much rather do Deb.

Keep dreaming.

What're you talking about?

- I gotta take a leak.
- Me, too.

- Do those two do everything together?
- Who? Dumb and dumber?

Yeah, pretty much.
But I love them, though.

Skills, you know, I'm really enjoying
living with you guys,

but is everyone okay with me being there?

- You really wanna know?
- Please. They hate me, right?

No, it ain't like that. It's just that
our apartment's always been a guy's crib.

You know, no rules.

I mean, we got video games and beer

and sometimes we got these
ridiculous water fights,

- you know, just guy stuff.
- I'm killing the fun.

I mean, we trying to clean up our act,
but bad habits die hard.

Come on.

Hey, birthday boy,
you wanna help me change her?

She's a girl. That's gross.

Where's Owen?

Owen was not ready
for an emotional relationship

that had responsibilities exceeding
those of pouring drinks in a bar.

He didn't like
what was under the clothes, did he?

He never got what was under the clothes,
thank you very much.

You wanna play a game or something?

I'd love to, sweetie,
but I'm a little busy with Angie right now.

Can we play later?

Hey, you wanna know a secret?

You know why I decided
to take care of Angie?

Because of you, buddy.
You showed me how awesome kids are.

You know
nobody's ever gonna replace you, right?


Now, I've been really busy with this one,

so I haven't had time
to get you a birthday present.

But I think this year,
you're old enough to pick out your own.

- I am?
- I think so.

- What do you think of that?
- Whoa! That's a lot of zeroes.

Yeah, don't spend it all in one place, huh?

Happy birthday.

Who's that? Who's that? It's Jamie.

I think she likes you.

Hey, I grabbed you a corner piece.
Extra frosting.

I was wondering
what our first words would be.

Well, it was either that or
"I think about you every day. "

I'm glad I led with the frosting.

So, how's the book coming, Luke?

Good. I took your notes on chapter seven,

but I'm still not comfortable
with the ending.

You'll find it when you're ready.

- So...
- So...

I was thinking
I might stop by after the party.

That'd be great.

- Hey.
- Hey.

There he is.
So does your party rock or what?

Are you coming home?

- Well...
- Because Uncle Lucas really misses you.

We're still working on that, buddy,
but, thanks.

- Now, go play with your friends.
- Cool. This is the best birthday ever.

- You talk to him?
- There's nothing left to say.

There's always something left to say.
But I don't know.

Maybe you need to
just start moving past all this.

Oh, I wish it was that easy.

Well, maybe one day you will wake up and
life without Lucas ain't that hard to face.


But until that day comes,
I just wanna let you know,

I'm rooting for you, P. Sawyer.

Did you talk to Nathan and Haley yet?

Oh, well, they was getting
some animal balloons made and...

You're being a wuss. Man up, dude.

And if you're not gonna do it for yourself,
then do it for Jamie.

I'm sure he misses you.

Yeah. You, too.

- It's a rabbit.
- Hmm.

Well, I was thinking
a tiger might be more appropriate.

I'm just getting warmed up.

Very, very impressive.

Excuse me.


- What are you doing here?
- Wow, Deb. You look awful.

And I've barely seen a woman
in five years.

You're not coming in.

I just want to wish my grandson
a happy birthday.

- It'll be a lot happier when you leave.
- Come on Deb, step aside.

- I'll find you a few pills you can pop.
- I said no.

- Is everything okay?
- Who's this clown?

- I'm Bucko.
- Be careful, Bucko. He's done time.

Haven't we all?

Just see that my grandson
gets this, Bucko.

- Hi.
- Peyton.

- Can't believe Jamie's five.
- I know. It's crazy, right?

- So, how've you been?
- Fine. Well, not really fine.

Let's just say fine.

- Lindsey, I'm...
- Peyton, there's nothing for you to say.

No, there is, okay? I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for the way things turned out.

And I'm sorry for the way I treated you
and I never wanted...

I just... I'm so sorry.

- I can't blame you, Peyton.
- Please do. Blame me.

- 'Cause it would make me feel better.
- I can't. It's not your fault.

Because I could've said yes.

I know it's a party and all,
but can I talk to you guys for a second?

- Yeah.
- Yeah, sure.

I just want to apologize
for what happened again at the wedding.

Skills, it wasn't your fault.

Yeah, I know, but you trusted me
and I let you guys down.

Look, I know I should have went to
the bathroom with Jamie and I understand

why you all don't want me
to baby-sit him no more.

Oh, Antwon, that's not it.
It's more about us than it is you.

To be honest, we've...

We've been having a hard time
just trusting him with anyone lately.

Yeah, but you know
I'd give my life for that boy.

- We know that. Jamie's lucky to have you.
- So are we. I promise.

Hey, guys. Jamie's chomping at the bit
to open his presents.

Oh, wait, wait, wait. Okay, go ahead.

I wonder what it is.

Thanks, Uncle Lucas.

- How'd you know it was from me?
- It's a book.

How boring can you get?

Okay, what's next?

- Look, Daddy. It's your number.
- It is, huh?

- Jim, who gave this to you?
- I don't know, Mama.

Try it on, dude.
There's no card.

- All right.
- Nice.

- Bye.
- Bye.

Drive safe.

Oh, Deb, thank you. The party turned out
fantastic. Thanks for all your help.

Oh, it was my pleasure.

Yeah, Jamie loves having
his grandma around.

And so do we. You have something...

- It's not what it looks...
- The less I know, the better.

I'll add that to my list
of clown nightmares.

What's up, little man?
Have a happy birthday?

- Get everything you wanted?
- Almost.

Almost? That ain't good.
What you wish for?

Like, the coolest thing in the world.

Oh, like a hot girl
that likes to kiss other hot girls?

No. Like a Wii.

- A Wii? What's that?
- Never mind.

Well, you still ain't opened my gift yet.

It's a Wii!

Thank you, thank you. It's awesome.

You ain't think I knew what a Wii was.
I'm not that old.

- You wanna play with me?
- I would love to. Come on.


Does everyone know
more about babies than me?

Well, perks of having a little sister born
when you're 18.

- How's it going?
- It's great.

When she's not hungry or tired or gassy.

Except she's always hungry
or tired or gassy, so...

I remember when Lily was born.

She had this thing where she wouldn't
sleep unless someone was holding her.

Sounds like a lot of girls I know.

You're doing great, Brooke.

All I can think about is her pre-op
appointment with the heart surgeon.

Freaking out.

- You want me to come with you?
- No. You don't have to do that.

I... I know. But I'd like to.

Okay. Thanks.

I saw you talking to your runaway bride
in there. Care to give me any spoilers?

You know, I think I'm gonna see
how this one plays out

before I go and write a book about it.

There's my cue.

You're doing great, too, Lucas Scott.

Hi. Lose your key?

I didn't feel right using it.

- You coming home?
- No, Luke. It's empty.

I came to get the rest of my things.

Well, I... I just thought
maybe you were coming back.

Maybe you could just spend
the night, you know?

- So we could at least talk a little.
- What's left to say?

Lindsey, I love you.

I love you, too, Luke, but it takes
more than love to build a marriage.

I'm willing to learn...

whatever it takes to make you come back.

Keep the key. This is your home.

- I didn't know Pilates was so...
- Sensual?

I didn't know you guys were into yoga.

- This is Pilates.
- This is Pilates.

- I didn't know Pilates was so...
- Erotic.

So, Mouth, where's your girlfriend?
- Easy.

No, I mean, seriously, where'd she go?

I don't know. She said she had to run out.
And her name is Millicent, by the way.

Hi, guys.

Please tell me those are for us.
- Millie, what's going on?

Stashed throughout the room,
you will find various heavy artillery.

I want you all to consider your next move
very carefully.

- Come on.
- Look out!

- Tell me again how great I'm doing.
- Yeah, I know how you feel, kid.

I have to get these sketches done
for Macy's and she just won't stop.

Come on in.

- So, how was today?
- Just like every day.

Well, there's always tomorrow.

Peyton, are you really in love with Lucas

or are you just in love
with the idea of him?

If I'm being honest,
maybe a little bit of both.

I think I miss what I thought we would be.

She adores you, Luke.

Well, maybe she can put in a good word
for me with Lindsey.

It's kind of strange, isn't it?

I mean, is this how you thought
our lives would turn out?

Yeah, with me being stood up at the altar

and you taking care of a kid
that's not yours?

Not exactly.

Do you ever want to go back?

I remember being 16
and everything just seemed much easier.

Would you do it differently?

Well, I'd try to appreciate the things
I took for granted.

But I think we have to go through
all this stuff, you know,

to get to the places we wanna be.


Well, I should go. At least
if you want to get any sleep tonight.

- How are the designs coming?
- Good. I just have a few more.


And finish them. I don't mind.

- Really?
- Yeah, it's kind of nice.


Sometimes when you're young,
you think nothing can hurt you.

It's like being invincible.


I think it's bedtime for the birthday boy.

- Oh, one more game, please?
- Yeah, please?

All right, one more game,
but then, it's off to bed.

Your whole life is ahead of you
when you have big plans.

Big plans...

To find your perfect match.

Cover me.

One, two, three.

The one that completes you.

Look out!

But as you get older,
you realize it's not always that easy.

- I told you to stay away from my family.
- I know.

And why did you give Jamie
my first jersey?

I was just sorting through some old stuff

and I thought your son might appreciate
a piece of his father.

This is for you.

It's not until the end of your life
that you realize

how the plans you made
were simply plans.

You're giving me the beach house.

We've had some great times here, Nathan,

Before all of it.
Maybe your family will, too.

I don't want it. I don't want any of it.


I have a bad heart.

You're just realizing that, Dad?

Because at the end, when
you're looking back, instead of forward...

It's my HCM, Son. want to believe that you made
the most of what life gave you.

I need a heart transplant.

You wanna believe that
you're leaving something good behind.

I have six months to live.

You want it all to have mattered.

English - SDH