On Becoming a God in Central Florida (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 8 - Birthday Party - full transcript

Krystal loses her job, but gets a personal invitation to Paradise Cay. Roger trains Cody in security protocols. Ernie and Bets cha-cha.

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‐You're giving me money?

[Krystal] Investing it in the
park's future: Splashercize.

[Stan] You're the reason
Ernie quit. That FAM scam.

You're a goddamn hero.


‐[Krystal] I...

‐I feel like crap about that.
‐And yet, you're asking for his

This has got to be fraud.

[Mirta] But we need evidence
if this story's gonna sell.

You need to stay close
to this Bonar guy

to know when he's gonna
meet with Obie.

[Cody] There's no reason
for an arrangement

of chrysanthemums that size
except to cover a podium.

Buck Bridges is planning
a rally, sir.

I will contact you when
you're nee‐‐ if you're needed.

Hey, hey, hey! Don't you want
to take it for a spin?

♪ percussive music ♪


[Obie on tape] A plan
to expand the Garbeau System.

That old water park in

‐your girlfriend's scrapbook.
‐[Cody] Yes.

[Obie] I talked to the owner
this afternoon.

He is ready to sell.

Krystal won't be anything.

[Cody over tape]
Excuse me, sir?

Fuck this!

Open up, Stan.

Wake up.

Everybody knows
you've been sleeping in there.

Krystal to Stan.

[carousel music playing]


[bell rings]

[music slows and distorts]

Excuse me.

We need to talk.

You need a license
to operate the ride.

‐So do you.
‐I have a license.

I got it in '74. It was
the best summer of my life.

You can't sell the park, Stan.

The flame of the
Van Grundegaard name

will extinguish at this park.

It is time to sell.

‐Now put the ride back on.

‐Do it.
‐I need a license

‐to operate this ride.
‐Do it or you're fired.

I'm gonna lose my job anyway
if you sell to Obie Garbeau.

You're the one who brought FAM
into this park.

You can deal
with the consequences.

If I keep pouring money
into this, I'm...

I'm just buying myself
a divorce.

Wait, you're sleeping here

'cause Janice is upset
about money?

Amongst other things.


That's what ruined my marriage.

I mean, I tried,
you know. I really did.

But if I don't choose a ship,
they're both gonna sink.

Travis never had a chance
to get to that point.

Maybe it's better that way.

It wasn't.

How much is Obie offering?

What if I got you
another bidder?

[exhales sharply]

Yeah. Sure.

♪ up‐tempo, dramatic music ♪



[tape rewinding]

[Cody over tape]
Krystal will be thrilled, sir.

She was just saying that...

[Obie over tape]
Krystal won't be anything.

[tape rewinding]

I talked to the owner
this afternoon.

He is ready to sell.

Krystal will be thrilled, sir.

She was just saying that...

Krystal won't be anything.

‐Are you fucking crazy?



What are you
listening to?

Oh, I was feeling aimless
this morning,

so I decided
to make my way through

Travis's Americana
FAM‐O'Rama collection.


That's a great collection.

There's a part where
Obie tells his joke

about the, um, the squirrel
who plays golf with God,

but then he turns it
into a ten‐minute lesson

about spanking your kids.

Can't wait.


Big plans today?

Roger's training me this
morning. But after that,

I hope me and Roger are gonna
mess with Buck Bridges's rally.

What about you?
What are you doing today?

You know.

Work. Rebel Rapids.

‐Sounds fun.
‐[horn honks]

Oh! That's Roger.

Have a good day.

‐[door opens]

[door closes]


I thought you were going
falconing with Roger today.

Something came up.

Roger will be very disappointed.

Roger does not emote.

I've got him training up
the Bonar boy today.

How does Roger feel
about you bringing Cody in?

He may not emote,

but that doesn't mean
he doesn't feel, Obie.


Is Cody moving
onto the premises?

Haven't decided yet.

Well, do you think maybe
we could have a conversation

before you do decide?

Do you have a problem with Cody?

The boy has got

spunk and vision and loyalty.

I'm sure he's
very sweet,

but aren't you worried
about Krystal?

Cody knows what he has to do.

Obie. They're in love.

Let me help you.

[Cody chuckling]

It's a beautiful day.


Are you more like a‐a
sunny guy or, like,

you like the rainy days?

["The Wanderer"
by eden ahbez playing]

What is it you're listening?

It's interesting.

What's this?

‐♪ By his side... ♪

What's that for?

♪ The world is deep... ♪

I mean, that's a really

thick glove, Roger.
You know?

Can't do much in this glove.

Okay! Let's do this!

[horn honking]

I'm sorry.
I'm just... I'm excited.

It's like,

you know, it's like Obie
is the Lone Ranger,

and I'm Tonto.

And you're also Tonto.

You never served, did you?

Served what?

You don't know what
I'm talking about.

‐Yes, I do.
‐What am I talking about?

‐Serving what?



‐Yes. I jinxed you.
‐No, you didn't.

Y‐Yes, we both said
the same thing.

We didn't say it
at the same time.

There are rules.

Who's your
best friend?

Mine's Obie.

[Pat] All you got to do
is stick with the beat.

You will sail if you hit
those rhymes on the beat.

‐Do you understand?
‐[woman] I don't understand.

‐So this is a song?
‐[Pat] Eleanor,

I wish I had time to explain
the culture to you, but I don't.

Please. I don't
want to do this.

You're gonna get a laugh.
You're gonna get a big laugh.

They're gonna love it.
They're gonna eat it up.

So, with me, in time.

♪ My name is Granny,
I'm here to say ♪

♪ Buck Bridges made me rich
in a major way ♪

You said I could sing
the anthem.

I'm gonna take five.

‐We'll make that ten.

[indistinct chatter]

♪ pulsing, tense music ♪


"Have info on Obie.
What's it worth to Buck?"

Who's in there?


[Obie] He is going to dilute
the market.

I've got to have a strategy
as divisive as his.

A plan to expand
the Garbeau System.

And I can't think small.
I got to think big.

Oh, wait.

I know you.

You're Boner's girlfriend,

What are you doing
in here with a baby?

Why are you eating?

On break.

I got something
Buck Bridges might want.

[tiny splash]

‐Well, I can't pee now.
‐[toilet flushes]

Thanks a lot.

‐He's your upline, right?
‐[faucet running]

Something like that.
What's it to you?

Him and Obie
hate each other, right?

Bonar tell you that?
'Cause Buck talks all the time

about how great Obie is.


What's your game, lady?
What are you playing at?

‐I just want to talk to the man.
‐What's on the tape?

Obie talking, about secret
business affairs.

He's about to make
a big purchase,

and I thought your guy might
want to buy it before Obie does.

Can I see that for a second?


Just talk to your guy and let me
know what he has to say.

Well, don't let the door hit you
where the good Lord split you.

Your butt.

Cute baby. Boy or girl?

Heavens to meezy, who taught you
how to fade like that?

I saw it on TV.

[clears throat]

Go to your room, Harold.

Let me finish this petal.
You're gonna look ridiculous.

Please let those dry.

You got it.


Gonna be hot at the park
in that getup.

Well, there's something
you should know.

I don't work at Rebel Rapids
anymore. I work for myself now.

Don't do this, Ernie.

It's already done.
I resigned.

You better take your
honey biscuits down there

and un‐resign.

We make these decisions

You're right, I should have
been honest with you.

That's what I'm doing now.
Everything's on the table.

[sighs] You've been acting
all kinds of odd for weeks.

♪ quiet, dramatic music ♪

Bets, there's a man out there,

and he's alone in the dark.

And he's surrounded
by water.

And it's rising.

And he doesn't know why,
and it's not his fault,

and he's scared.

He needs me, Bets.

He needs me.


I don't like this, Ernie Gomes.

Not one bit.

This will be good
for our family. I promise.

No more secrets.

[children laughing, squealing]

[children shouting playfully
in distance]

What do we do if he doesn't
want to sell to Mr. Garbeau?

You know, sometimes...

when people are
being negative,

I mail them a turkey sandwich
every day until they shape up.

We could catch raccoons
and release them into the park.

You don't think these
are good ideas?

They're foolish ideas
from the mind of a child.

We could sabotage a slide,

so that a kid falls off and
Krystal's boss gets embroiled

in a wrongful death lawsuit.

Do you want some?

♪ ominous, percussive music ♪


What do you think?

I think we've got a deal.

‐[claps hands]

I'll have my lawyers

start drawing up the paperwork.

All right.

♪ upbeat, electronic music ♪


[electronic feedback
over speakers]

[Stan over speaker]

Krystal, come to my office.

What do you want, Stan?

Krystal, you've got the day off.

‐What are you doing here?
‐[Obie] There is a change

of ownership
in the works.

Consider it the validation
of a good idea.

There's a car out front
waiting to take you

to Paradise Cay.

My wife would like to see you.

Well, I've got
to take care of Destinee.

Oh, I told Cheryl
you'd be stopping by day care.


‐Hey. All right.
‐And the diaper bag's here.

‐A‐All right, all right.
‐Bye. Thank you. Bye, baby.

All right.
Let's go, guys.

[Cheryl] Say hi to Destinee.
All right, okay...


[line ringing]

‐[Mirta] Hello?
‐Mirta? I don't have much time,

but a lot of crap is going down.
I got invited

to Paradise Cay, and Obie's
trying to buy Rebel Rapids.


Uh, tell me what I need
to make this into a story.

One we can sell.

What kind of questions
should I be asking?


No story.

Lost my job.


You're high as shit.

No. No. You're fired.


‐[Mirta laughing]

[door opens]

Did Obie say anything
about the manager position?

Ask him yourself.

Uh, but maybe...

You know,

when I was younger and I was
unsure of my place in the world,

this helped a lot.


It's not how I
intended today to go.

Plans change, Roger.

He's ready.
You need to train him.

Two heads are
better than one.

I'd like to have a say
in choosing the second head.

Keep back‐talking me...

and you'll be
the second head.

So, um, why‐why
are we here?

Who is, uh... who's...
who's this woman?

Can you tell?
Can't really say?

She's a failed
TV journalist

with undue interest
in Mr. Garbeau's affairs.

Oh. And Obie wants us

‐to deal with it.

Some things are best left
off Mr. Garbeau's radar.

Yeah, um, but,
uh, just how...

how will he know
we did a good job, then?

I recommend finding
new incentives.

Are you familiar with
the work of B. F. Skinner?


Then you understand what we're
hoping to achieve today.

♪ percussive music ♪


[doorbell rings]

[quiet creaking]

Good work.

[door creaks quietly]

[latch clicks]


See what you can find.

She's not here.


Holy moly.

[clock chiming]

Grab what you can.

Make it look
like a break‐in.

[door closes]



You were right.

She's onto us,

Today is an opportunity
for you to learn.

I suggest you take it.

Yeah, well, I'm‐I'm...
I'm trying.

Roger, I'm trying so hard.

[dog barking nearby]

Can I trust you to handle
a task on your own?

The Bridges rally.


[classical piano music playing]



I thought FAM people
didn't drink.

[chuckles] Well, hospitality
may be in short supply,

but gin isn't.


Tell me about yourself, Krystal.

Not much to tell.

So, Obie, he's buying
the water park, huh?

Well, Obie's always been
interested in tourism.

It really goes hand in hand
with distribution.

You just bring
those recruits to you.

Yeah, that was my idea
[chuckles] with Splashercize.

You have a fearsome energy.

Has anyone ever told you that?

‐Not in those words.

Is Obie gonna fire me?

Other than Splashercize,
being manager is the only thing

I've ever done that's made me
any kind of money.

You were a forceps
delivery, weren't you?

I‐I know how that sounds,
but the‐the distrust

and the problems with Obie.


I‐I don't have any idea
how I was born.

You do now.


I want you to do this
by yourself.

I won't be there
if something goes wrong.

Any questions?

Yes. Um, only thing is I've
had run‐ins with this guy.

I think he'll
recognize me.

That won't be an issue.

I'll be waiting
for you here.

And give a minute for
the audience to stop laughing.

All right.
Wow! Wow!

Let's give it up
for MC Gram‐Gram! Huh?

You know, it's never too late
to find a method

that works for you.

'Cause I tried 'em all:

United Sciences, FundAmerica,

Melaleuca, Medifast,

Longaberger Baskets,

Discovery Toys, Arbonne,
Vector Marketing,

Sunrider, Shaklee,
Pampered Chef,

Nu Skin,
Nature's Sunshine. Ugh.

But listen.

It wasn't until

Mr. Buck Bridges

came into my life

that I learned the secret.

There is no s‐secret.

There is no secret.

It takes hard work.

But the work is its own rew...

‐What the heck?
‐[woman] Oh, my goodness.

‐Helena, what's...

What's going on
with all this fog?

[indistinct chatter]

This better not happen
during the actual rally.

Hey, uh, folks,
nobody freak out.

This is the intended result
of the machine.

Um, so it's not a mistake.

It just means
that it's working too well.


What was that?
What's going on over there?

All right,
everyone just stay calm.

‐[rapid beeping]
‐[indistinct chatter]


‐[man] Oh, boy.
‐[Pat] Guys, don't leave.

It's not smoke.
It's just fog.

Can anybody hear me?

I need help.

Can someone help me? Hey.


[groans, coughs]


‐[Pat gasps]



Go, go, go, go, go, go,
go, go, go, go, go!

‐Go, go, go, go, go. [laughs]
‐[engine starts]

Oh, my God, Roger, you should
have been there. It was crazy!

[whoops, laughs]

[engine revving]



[rapid beeping]

[panting loudly]

♪ droning, percussive music ♪


I have decided
to dedicate my life

to putting people
in touch with their birth.

And it has been...

it has been galvanizing.

'Cause the more I study,
the more I find

that the circumstances
of one's birth

really determines everything
about their life.

Through here.

[birds singing]

You remember Harmony.

Sure. Hi.

Hi, Krystal.

It seems she's having
some hang‐ups with authority.

Well, you've come
to the right place.

I hope you've visualized
your ideals today.

How was your incubation?

I wish it never ended.

Aw. Right.

Krystal, are you going
through the therapy?

I came here to talk
about my job.

What's the, uh, therapy?

Well, it's the reason that
I invited you here, Krystal.

I hope you keep an open mind.

Harmony, will you fill her in?

I need to go scrub up,
and I will be back in a toot.

I swear to you, Krystal,
it will change everything.

I was in a dead marriage.

My husband had been
following the Garbeau System,

but he wanted a shortcut.

So, he veered
from the path,

and everything fell apart.

Do you have children, Krystal?

A daughter.

Me, too.
So you understand.

My husband did
something... criminal.

And the Garbeaus
took us in,

but the shame of
his foolishness‐‐ I...

I felt dead.

Can you imagine?


My husband risked
everything, too.

The therapy is a chance

to shut the door
on painful patterns.

What is it?

[door whooshes open]

I understand your skepticism,

Krystal, but I assure you,
you have nothing to fear.

Step into my orifice.

You didn't have
to get me something.

I know I didn't have to,
but I went ahead

and did it anyway, so...

Oh, Ernie Gomes, if there is
a bunny rabbit in this box

and you didn't poke holes
in the top...

‐[chuckles] Come on.
‐It's not moving.

Oh, my.

Look at it. Ernie.

‐[doorbell rings]
‐You better put that thing on.

Second part of your present's
just got here.

‐[indistinct chatter]

Juanita, hi!


Honey, look who's here.

Ernie, I wasn't
prepared for guests.

Well, you always said
you wanted dance lessons.

This is Enrique.

Are we ready to cha‐cha‐chá?

[cheering, applause]

♪ low, thrumming music ♪

Is this familiar
to you, Krystal?

Leave the hostile world behind,
and surrender yourself

to the safest, most secure place
in the universe.

Close your eyes.

Visualize your ideals.

Think about the things
that you want for your life.

You want me to get in the tub?

The womb.

‐[upbeat Latin music playing]
‐[Enrique] Hey.

Grab your partner.

Feel the music.

Five, six, cinco,
seis, siete, ocho.

Uno, dos, tres, cha‐cha.

‐[Latin music continues]
‐Remember this:

nothing bad can happen
to you here.

Just follow the sound
of my voice.


In, out.

...dos, tres, cha‐cha.

‐[Louise] In, out.
‐Uno, dos, tres, cha‐cha.

‐Uno, dos, tres. Señor Gomes?

Chin up. Look at your woman.

In, out.





‐[Louise] Don't fight it.






deeper, deeper.

Go back. Go back.

Follow your mind.

Don't fight.


And claw and claw

and claw and claw.
Y uno,

y dos, y tres,
y cuatro,

‐y claw.
‐[Louise] Don't fight it.

Krystal, don't fight.

Krystal. Krystal. Don't fight.

[baby bird screeching]

‐Go deep.
‐[baby crying]

Deeper. Breathe.




‐Krystal, breathe.
‐[tinkling music plays]


Yes. That's right.

That's right.




♪ atonal electronic music ♪



[Juanita] I didn't know
you can dance like that.

I didn't, either.

[both laugh]

Oh, my goodness‐‐
and you and Victor?

‐My goodness.

Thank you so much
for hosting, Bets.

Victor and I needed this.

Amen to that.

Me and Ernie
have been going at it,

and I don't mean
in the sexy way.

Well, you know what Victor
and Ernie went through.

It shook him up a bit,

but it made him remember
what's important.

You mean FAM?

What? No, the...

Juanita, what?





Bets, Victor and I got to jet.

Big emergency
at Pablo's house.

Vamos. Come on.

We got to run. You okay?

‐I need to talk to you.

We can talk tonight.

But I got to take care
of something right now.

‐It can't wait.
‐Pizza shop.

‐Oh, no‐‐ no, no, no, no, no.
‐With Victor.

No, listen. Not now.
Later, okay?

I promise. Listen, I'm okay.
I'm okay.

‐[chuckles] Look.
‐You're not okay.

I am.

You were hiding it from me.

No, I‐I wasn't. I‐I was... I was
gonna tell you, just not yet.

‐You're in denial.
‐No, I'm not. Look, I was...

I was planning on telling you.

Look, I‐I‐I e‐even wrote it down
in... in my calendar.

Uh, July 25.

We were gonna
have dinner.

I‐I... I‐I knew I wouldn't
want to talk about it,

so I bought a special hat.

A‐And on that day,
whoever's wearing that hat

has to‐‐ they have to‐‐
talk openly

about what happened
to them at that pizza shop.

Okay? And you're right.

I don't want to talk about it.
I really don't.

But on that day,

when I'm wearing that hat,
I have to.

It's a rule.

‐But right now...

...I can't. I have to go.

That is insane.


please forgive me...

but I've got to go.

‐I love you.

[door closes]

♪ soft, ominous music ♪


How do you feel?

I feel like your husband just
bought my job out from under me

and I came here
to grovel for it.

And I... physically
fought myself

out of a fucking vagina tub
for no goddamn reason.


That is the goal
of the therapy, Krystal.

We bring to the surface
all of the traumas

that you've been
gripping so tightly,

so that you can
let them go.

I have seen your rage
control you.

And now...

I want you to feel it

so that you can control it.

And if you want
to direct

any of that anger
at me,

do it.

I can take it.

So, now, feeling
every bit of it,

I want you to say a truth.

Your name.

Your full name.

Krystal Hargrave Stubbs.


Now, feeling
all that anger,

say it again, and tell me
what you experienced.

I saw my labor.

Not your own birth?

No, my daughter's.


No one remembers
their own birth.

Good, Krystal.

Now, but this time,

say what you saw
in detail.

[sighs] Uh...

Krystal Hargrave Stubbs.

I saw Destinee's birth.

I was alone.

This is fucking stupid.

Very good, Krystal.

But this time,

visualize your words
taking the form of this totem.

Krystal Hargrave Stubbs.

I gave birth alone because
my husband was working for you.

And now he's fucking dead
because of you!

Because of fucking FAM!



Let's go get your clothes.

[classical cello piece playing]


I had so much rage, Krystal.

Just like you.

But look at what exists
on the other side.

We don't do all of this
for nothing.

Obie and I make winners

out of whoever wants to be one.

We can do it for you.

We can do it
for your daughter.

You just need to let us.

I knew you were ready.


[Louise] I've been training
Harmony in the therapy

for a while now.

But once we open it up
to the downline,

well, the volume will require
more than one person can handle.

This isn't really
my thing.

I read your proposal
for Splashercize.

And I am sorry that my husband
did not appreciate

how much you have to offer.

But I want you to help me grow
the therapy into a business.

I'll put you on my payroll,
you can grow with us.

I just don't want to work here.

♪ soft, unsettling music ♪


Look at where you are,

and think about
where you want to be.


[engine starts]

[clock chiming]

[siren wailing in distance]



[loud thud]


[phone line ringing]

[Mirta] Mija, I think
I trashed my apartment.

I don't even remember.

I need help.

Wow. [chuckling]

What a day, Roger.

Wow, it was super fun.
Really, thank you.

Today is my birthday.

♪ up‐tempo, ominous music ♪


[laughs softly]

Happy birthday.

[door closes]

[engine starts]

Hi, honey.

[Destinee fussing]

How was your day?

You wouldn't believe how cool
of a guy Roger can be,

once you get to know him.

He's funny.

♪ up‐tempo, percussive music ♪




♪ dramatic music ♪


[cello music playing on tape]

Obie and I, we make winners

out of whoever wants to be one.

And we can do it for you.

We can do it for your daughter.

[door creaks]

You just need to let us.

[Destinee cooing]

Come here.
