Oliver Beene (2003–2004): Season 1, Episode 1 - A Day at the Beach - full transcript

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ah the winters of my youth . the sledding the skating

the snowballs

you know what winter sucked let's talk about summer

ah summer

that's my brother Ted

a jerk no matter what the season

it never failed

whenever I was humiliated Bonnie my dream girl seemed to appear out of nowhere

oh hi Bonnie . Oliver

uh creamsicle excellent choice

so I guess I'll be seeing you around the ice cream truck all summer . No

starting tomorrow my family spending every day at the Capri Beach Club . what about you

uh my family summers at the...

the Terrace Club . the terrace flood aka the cramped balcony of our Queens apartment

here comes the meat . welcome to paradise

dad was the chef so mom looked out the portable TV the Philco featherweight

??? inside ???? here

we have got to get an air conditioner . oh right away mrs. Van der Bilt

Hey look at this

my head fits in the cooler . we cannot spend one more summer cook duck here on this stinking ledge

i think its stuck . what are you talking about

we've got fine food hopping outdoor entertainment what could be better than this

the beach club . the Capri that's where Bonnie goes dad's gotta say yes

no for what we need that for

how about to meet new people to change of scenery

fun for fresh ocean air

forget it too expensive . besides we've got our own little slice of heaven right here

hey Ted this is for the snow cone

all right maybe we can go to the beach


it's a fine art sculpting your body for the beach

you don't want to get too muscular

well . my best friend Joyce . i think you look great

thanks . thats why iam concerned the paler the dulier the better . my exbest friend Joyce

the beach club meant only one thing to Ted

Ted scoring with older girls

thanks baby i know you like

oh yeah just let them breathe

Ted wasn't the only one trying to improve himself socially

this record wiil you enable to you to become a master at colorfull conversation

you and you partner will soon become considered the most fascinated people ????.

quick turn on Carson that's two guys on he's got red ass baboons

psch psch I wana both to listen to this record .the Capri Beach Club they won't just let anyone in we have to be approved

woman laugh is key to her charm try it yourself

listen you to Bill and Martha as they inspire us with their sparkling and spirited speech

do you think we will ever land on the moon Bill?

oh yes Martha and there I think we will find a fairyland of wonder

fairyland you say . a magnificent ??? and dangerous mountains and acient ???

don't touch that dial

we know what my social life is now . the laundry room and the elevator . i want more

the people at the beach club Jerry they've been places they've done things

I want that . I want to fit in

Charlotte you'll fit right in . you're a fascinating conversation

I'm so glad to hear you say that because what I really want to

the fake day arrived and the Capri was everything mom dreamed of

big fancy cars crystal-clear water

but most of all fun people

it was also everything dad feared

my father hated tiping . Jerry

oh hey here buddy let me take care of you . watch closely this move is known as the pet

the object is to keep patting until the tippy feel self-conscious and slinks off

but this guy didn't get to be junior assistant towel boy by backing down from anyone

all right fine here here take it take it . damn you're good

all right children you may go run and play now

if you embarrass me I'll make your life a living hell

I was on a mission to find Bonnie .
Ted was on a mission to find anyone with boobs

well almost anyone

don't you see Nancy's awful bathing suit .
oh did I but he's wearing stripes this year

excuse me

what are you doing?

my bathing suits out of style that alone could get us blackballed

hi are you the Beenes

yes . yes we are

I'm Cynthia Voigt and this is my husband Bernard . we're from the Membership Committee

what the hell is that

don't worry it sounds more intimidating than it really is

we're we're just here to observe and judge your every move

just kidding . but we are

say how about get us all some drinks . but you'll already have drinks

not anymore

geez what a couple of juice bumps . Jerry they have the power to get us in

look if you do it by . what Charlotte would you give me a little credit

you're right I'm sorry . that's okay

now I gotta take a whiz

yep we're as good as in

I'll be honest I'm not a beach person I tend to burn very quickly

thats wonderfull

I'm too a little young to be in college

okay you caught me

they let me any girl he cuz I'm so brainy .
but enough about me let's talk about you

smooth . Ted knew you had to romance a girl

your hair it's like golden strands of silk

oh come on

and your eyes like turquoise pools

wow you're so sweet

and your boobies are ginormous

Oh fumble on the 3-yard line

turquoise pools stupid . nice going kids . excuse me?

but you don't know about women

please I know plenty about women

okay what don't I know . I really don't have time now and bussy smoking

oh come on you look like the kind of woman that's ???

been around the block I have not my

oh who iam kidding . just pull up a chair and I'll give you free pointers

Charlotte aren't your them hot in that room

oh no it just looks unbearable

I'm cool as a cucumber


so Bernard what do you do

I'm an accountant . and a pretty darn good one just ask anyone here I do all their taxes

over there is Fred Miller . everybody uses him when they need a good lawyer

or if you need a great neurosurgeon Ed Phelps is your guy

fast Eddie


my father the dentist he was always looking for new patients especially rich ones

so uh ? Club dentist huh

oh sure . oh . that's jebediah McCabe

so you see Jerry here at the club we kind of like to take care of each other

whoops looks like we're a little low on rocket fuel . rocket fuel yeah sure

funny . i help you carry em . carry en


cover up woman are you nuts

you want to see your stripes fashio fopa . since when do you care

would you listening this place is gold mine . once Jebediah is Jebedeath

il be the club dentist . ??? dolars pouring on my ???

i still hadn't found Bonnie and with hundreds of people here how is that going to

oh . oh of course by humiliating myself

hi Bonnie . Oliver what are you doing here

Oh my family is considering joining . really

really hey if we joined here I'd see you every day

that was a test her response would say volumes

there is Steve . hi Bonnie . hi Steve

Steve is my swim relay partner

oh no au

hello Steve . Hey . so Bonnie I can't be in the race today they won't let me in the pool

why not . it's so stupid so worried about this mysterious rash covering half my body

uuh . sorry Bonnie

like we do . we ounce pair up

an opportunity like this happens maybe once in a lifetime so I had to grab it . I can be your partner

you ? why not me

okay se you in pool too . well for one thing because I can't swim

my whole life I've been terrified of the water

well I had about 90 minutes to get over it

iam doing it iam doing it . no your not

your ???

looks like I wasn't the only one in way over my way

I guess Johnny Carson's coffee mug wants to look like some kind of baboon toilet because

Oh Jerry Jerry they don't want to hear about that

sure we do toilets hilarious

the Sun was beating down and mom was slamming him back trying to keep up with the oils

the next thing you know just baboon . did you say the moon Gerald

not only that but mom's brain was turning to goo under that Indian sweat lodge of a robe

it's interesting that you should mention the moon Gerald

I think that one day we will walk on moon and there I believe we'll find

vast lunar mountains magnificent oceans and cavernous craters

so you see the brain is actually the largest sexual organ in the human body

really . be a doll and do my back


it's all about sensuality kid

it's not the unspoken subtext between a man and a woman

oh that's good . it's about two people who both know what the score is

Oh baby

mrs. Darcelle . yeah . know what I want right now more than anything in the world . say it Ted say it so I don't have to


excuse me sir how do you swim . I was getting a tad desperate . you men swimming any tips

exuse me sir how are you doing that

i get it is like this . who was I kidding I couldn't learn how to swim in 45 minutes

oh well what's the worst that could happen

hey Lark this big strong girl saving this pathetic little boy's life

what was I thinking . I had to hide . but where

of course the game room

close door you let in sun

you know when you lift up a big rock and underneath there are dozens of weird pale bugs squirming about

well that's who these guys were . ??? iam Oliver

he's one of us

can i freshen it up for you mr. boy . no no I've reached my limit

that's scotch why don't you bring me a bowl of Olives soup what about you Jerry

what you mean gin huh no I'm afraid I don't have your tolerance Bernard

there's an understatement dad was a lightweight especially when it came to Gin

gin last time he had a martini he spent the entire next day in the can

cofee cofee

Oh Sharon Sharon there's someone I'd like you to meet

dr. Jerry beene he's a wonderful dentist

oh that's good to know dr. McCabe has only open one day a week now

okay I'm open when your mouth is open . really?

excuse us Jerry Sharon and I are having an affair

just kidding but we are

hey honey I gotta hand it to you . I did not want to come here but I am having a great time

they hate me Jerry . what no they don't . oh yeah they do hey

we don't get into this club it'll because of me

I just really wanted them to like me

Charlotte that's ridiculous

you are Capri Beach Club people

so be what are you running from

what makes you think I'm running from something . come on we all run from something

yeah you're right you're supposed to be in a swim race . and let me guess you can't swim

and I'll bet dollars the donors that there's a dame involved

her name's Bonnie . Bonnie Smith . yeah that's a dame . why was I talking like that

ba forget her we don't need her we've got everything we need here

we've got not cocky Parcheesi . hey and we even got those little rubber bands for your braces

at that moment I had a decision to make

I could hide in here with these guys in my future would look something like this

Oliver i get ??? autogram

no I wasn't going to hide in this hole like some frightened ferret I was going to swim

or drown . the point is I was going to try

boys I got a relay race to swim

you'll come back they all come back . don't feel too bad for Billy

his whole name is Billy Gates and I think he did okay

would you like the extended service plan with that

oh he wasn't that Bill Gates but hey RadioShack was a good match for him

so what do we think of the Beenes . mm-hmm

Jerry's a good man top shell

the wife's a pill . true

and what's with that rope where's your prizefighter

oh let's face it they're just not a good fit here

well shall we go tell them . yes I guess we should get it over with

I think I saw her on the veranda

at that moment my father realized that mom would find out she was not the capri beach club person

unless he acted and acted fast . yes sir gin

well here we are my cabana really nice ???

its small place you should another bring my cheeseburger here

oh they figure it out . wow i love this things

hey why does the less commotion naked ? take me Ted . take you where

Ted thought he wanted to get to second base but now we just wanted to go home

damn why'd I spend all that time working out . muscle sinks fat floats curse these rock-hard ABS

Oliver you're up first

what strategies is it . Oh a little something I like to call the drown stroke . ????

its sets

we were all rushing inexorably towards a horrible fate when suddenly

hey everybody over here


dad holly ???

Jerry . now mom wouldn't have to blame herself we're not getting into the club

she think it had a little more to do with

look at craters on the moon

that magnificent bastard that saved us all

Charlotte . not now Jerry

I just have to say

you'll never know how much I really love you

I really was useful

no more ???. and as far as what really happened that day at the beach club

she never did




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