Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Episode #1.2 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
You know who we are.


You hunt Jedi.

I would say the Jedi hunt themselves.

The fight is done.

Stay hidden. Live a normal life.

I'm asking you
to leave us alone, Ben.

We talked about this.
When the time comes, he must be trained.

Like you trained his father?

We spent
the last ten years looking for him.

Maybe you've been looking
in the wrong places.

You're not one of us.
You're not even a real Organa.

You owe him an apology.

I'd rather be digested by a jakobeast.

Hello, Princess.

Help! Help me, please!

She's headed for Daiyu.

I told you,
I'm not the man you remember.

Please, old friend.

For her.

One last fight.

No, no. I'm not gonna...

Look, I don't know what to tell you.

If it says "Delayed,"
mine's gonna say the same thing.

I can do nothing about the weather
on that planet.

No, you know what? I...

I really... I don't have time for this.
Just be going, okay?

Excuse me.

I'm looking for a ship.
I was tracking its signature.

You're in Daiyu now.
All signals in or out are blocked.

People like their secrets out here.


Oh, stop.

If ever I needed guidance, Master,
it's now.

Spare any credits?

Help a veteran get a warm meal.

Out of the way.

Move it.

P, X, nine, eight, seven...

All right, come on.
Break it up. Clear a path.

You want some spice, old man?

I got Kessel pure, glitterstim,
and Felucian.

What do you need?

How about some information?

I'm looking for my daughter.

She was taken, and she's on this planet.

Well, if she's here,
you're never gonna see her again.

Nobody leaves this place.

I was someone's daughter once, too.


That one's free.

Couple more of those
and you'll forget she ever existed.

You having trouble?

There's a Jedi. He helps people.

The Jedi are all gone.

I'll take you to him.

For the right price.

It's okay, you're safe now.

I won't let anything happen to you.

Spaceport passenger check.
Gate 3-C, do you read? Over.

This is Gate 3. Copy.
Who is this? This is a private channel.

This is a Jedi mind trick.
Do not be alarmed.

I'm inside your mind.

You're inside my mind.

I'm sending a mother and son to your gate.

You will let them through
when they arrive.

I'll let them through
when they arrive.

They are to be given
safe passage to Corellia.

They'll be given
safe passage to Corellia.

I'm now leaving your mind.

- The Force is so strong with you.
- Yeah, I know.

Use Gate 3-C.

Thank you for helping us, Haja.

Oh. The Jedi must protect their own.

With your son's abilities,
they will come for him.

Get him safe.


- It's all there.
- Oh, you didn't have to.

Every credit.

- We will never forget you.
- You must.

My safety depends upon it.

Now, go.


Be safe, little one.

Be safe.

They're on their way.
I'm gonna take a quick break, okay?

Call you in a little bit.

Roger that.

I'm looking for a Jedi.

How'd you get in here?

A girl has been kidnapped.
I need your help to find her.

I am Haja Estree, Jedi.

I help all who are in need.

In return, I ask only a few credits.

The shadows are my realm, for the light
is an unforgiving place for my kind.

Of course. How much?

Five hundred to locate the girl,

another three hundred to take you to her.

Goodness, that light is unforgiving.

I mean, that's a really good deal.

Oh, make it a thousand,
I'll even show you some tricks.

What do you know of the Force, my friend?

Just that it's a lot of remotes
and magnets.

Okay, I know how this looks.

It looks like you
just took money from that family.

I got them safe. Just a little poorer.

- You're not gonna tell anyone, are you?
- That depends on what you tell me.

What are you, a bounty hunter?

You're a bottom-feeder,
a rat who preys on weakness.

But in my experience, rats know more
about the sewers than anyone else.

So judgmental.

You'll help me find
this girl I'm looking for.

Yeah, I'll do it.

- You'll help me?
- Yeah.

- Can I trust you?
- Definitely.

All right, if it's the sewers you want,
there's only one place to go.

But you'll never get in.


What are you doing back here?

Oh, I seem to have lost my way.

- Yeah, well, get back to work.
- Right.

Where's the girl?



I didn't know that Jedi could bleed.

I'm surprised you fell for it.

I figured you'd be smarter
than to risk everything

for a spoiled little brat.

The Inquisitor really figured you out.

She'll be here soon.

Then we'll be rich and you'll be dead.

Where is the girl?

- She must be close.
- Doesn't matter.

You're not getting out of here.

You're not a Jedi anymore, Kenobi.

You're just a man.

And you're bleeding all over my floor.

Well, everybody bleeds.


- Wait.
- Let go of me!


Let go!

Who are you?

Your father sent me. I'm here to help you.

Where's the army?

Come. I'm gonna get you out of here.

Why should I trust you?

Would you rather stay here?
Now, let's go.

Come on.

We don't have much time.

Keep your head down.

This would've been easier
with the army.

Shh. Quiet.

Where is he?

Come in here. We have to change.

Is that a...

You're a Jedi?


It's just... you seem
kind of old and beat up.

There is a port across the city.

We need to make the last transport.

Okay, then let's go.


You have no idea what I'm risking
being here, Your Highness.

From now on, you'll do
exactly as you're told, understand?

You would kidnap
an Imperial Senator's child?

- We've done worse.
- You have no right.

I found a link between him
and Organa in the archives.

I used the girl as bait.

And you did this without informing me?

You left me no choice.

She thinks she will gain favor
by capturing Kenobi.

Whatever power you are craving,

it will not change what you are.

And what is that?

The least of us.

You came to us from the gutter.

Your ability gave you station, but...

all the power in the world
can't mask the stench beneath.

Maybe that stench is your failure.

Secure the city.

I will take Kenobi in myself.

You are no longer required, Sister.

I brought Kenobi here.

Stand down.

You will be dealt with when we return.

Send it across the city.

I want every lowlife and bounty hunter
on this planet

to know Kenobi is here.

They only report to me.

You really think
those scum can catch a Jedi?

I don't want them to catch him.
I want them to squeeze him.

He'll reveal himself eventually,
and I will be waiting.

Come on.

Here, put this on.

- Can I try this one instead?
- Half the city is looking for you.

Put this on.

A little green cape.

You don't need those.

And the gloves.

Thank you.

Now, if anyone asks, we're farmers
from Tawl and you're my daughter.

Granddaughter, maybe.

- What?
- Nothing.

- Where are we?
- Daiyu.

This place is incredible.

Do you smell that?

Don't smell anything.
Don't look at anything.

Don't touch anything.

You sound like my parents.

Why aren't you using your lightsaber?

Maybe it's because
you're not really a Jedi.

I heard they all died.

I read that Jedi can make things float.
Make me float.

- What?
- I want to float.

- No.
- Because you can't.

Because if I use the Force,
then it'll draw attention to us. Come on.

You haven't even told me your name.


It's not a Jedi name.

Well, that's my name.
You'll have to trust me eventually.

How can I trust you when I know
you're hiding something?

You think the less you say,
the less you give away,

but, really, it's the opposite.

- How old are you?
- Ten.

You don't sound like you're ten.

Thank you.

Come on.

We had him. Look at this reward.

Oh, that's embarrassing.

It says he's with a girl.
He'll have half of the city on him now.

Let's get to him first.

Come on.


- Who was...
- He's a bounty hunter.

Make sure the port is shut down.

I want a garrison here within the hour.

And remember, this is no ordinary Jedi.

Kenobi is the last ember of a dying age.

Extinguish him.

Consider it done.

There's something you should see,
Grand Inquisitor.


We'll stay here for now.

No noise from that.

Her name's Lola.
And she won't make any. She's hurt.


What happened to her anyway?

She was ripped to pieces by kidnappers.

She'll be all right, though. She's strong.

I let your parents know you're safe.

You'll be back in the palace,
back to normal, by nightfall.

Normal. Great.

Now who's hiding something, Princess?

You don't have to call me that.
I'm just Leia.

Stay here.

What is that?

Why is there a picture of you?

You did lie.

- Leia...
- That's what you were hiding.

You're the reason I'm here.

They took me to get to you.

- Did my father even send you?
- Of course he did. Leia, listen to...

How do I know
you're not the real kidnapper?

- You have to trust me.
- You aren't a Jedi.

- Your father is a very old friend.
- I don't believe you.





It's her. It's the girl.
Just tell us where he is.

- Leia!
- No!

- Leia, wait! Stop!
- Leave me alone.

No. Wait!






Stop, Leia!

Leia! Leia!




Leia, don't!

Leia, no!

No! Leia, no!

Hold on! Hold on tight!

- Ben!
- Don't let go, Leia.

- Hold on tight.
- Ben!

Hold on. Just... Just...

Leia! Leia, no!



She's all right.

Are you all right?


You really are a Jedi.

We need to move.

All incoming
and outgoing travel is canceled.

Have identification ready for scanning.

Team five check-in.
Team five.

Who are they?

Inquisitors. Many were Jedi
who turned to the dark side.

Now, they hunt their own kind.

And this is all for you?

Who are you?

The bounty is on me. Let her go.

Listen carefully. The entire city's
locked down. It's done.

You need another exit.

It's a cargo port. It's fully automated.

They won't be looking for you there.
Go to transport eight.

- What are you saying?
- It goes to Mapuzo. They'll be waiting.

Who'll be waiting?

There are people out there
who can help you.

You expect me to trust you?
You're a criminal.

Look, have I made a few bad decisions?
Sure. Do I feel bad about it? Sometimes.

Do I like credits? Yeah.

- So much stuff you can buy with credits.
- Haja.

You remembered my name.

I'm trying to make amends.

I got that family safe, and I'm gonna
do the same for you.

If I'd known what you were...

Doesn't matter what I am.
I just need to get the girl home.

Go to these coordinates.

They'll help you from there.

And how do I know this isn't just a trap?

What choice do you have?

You're not alone, Obi-Wan.

Buy you as much time as I can.

I know she put a bounty on Kenobi.
Where is he?

I don't know!

I don't... know.

Finally, we meet.

We both know why you're here.

I am Haja Estree. Jedi. You found me.

You're as good as they say.

Get out of my way.

What's the bounty on me now?

A million? Two million?

Doesn't matter
because you will not get it.

You're no Jedi.

But you know where one is.

I'm the only Jedi around.

- Where is he?
- That wasn't magnets, was it?

What did you ask? You know what?
I'm not gonna answer it.

I don't need you to.

We must be careful.

This is a cargo port.
It's not meant for people.

Then they won't look for us here.

Well, not unless it's a setup.

Is it that hard to believe
you might have friends?

Look, since I met you, I've been chased,
shot at, I almost fell to my death,

and now there are Inquisiting people
after us.

If somebody is offering us help,
I think we should take it.

Now, come on.

What now?

you just remind me of someone.

She was fearless, too. And stubborn.

- I'm not stubborn.
- Yes you are.

I'm not!

Was your friend a Jedi, too?

No, she was a leader.

She died a long time ago.

Uh, I'm sorry.

Me, too.



If I don't get back in time, go.

I'll be right behind you, I promise. Go!

I can feel you.

Your fear betrays you.

You don't have to worry.

You're not going to die...


I'm just going to take you to him.

Lord Vader will be pleased.

You didn't know.

He's alive, Obi-Wan.

Anakin Skywalker is alive.

And he's been looking for you
for a long time.

And I will be the one
to deliver you to him.

Third Sister! I can stand the reek
of your ambition no longer.

I found him. We have him!

And I cannot risk you
losing him again.

Move aside.

Watch and learn.

Really think I'd let you
take all the credit?

Who's in the gutter now?

You can't run, Obi-Wan!

You can't escape him!

We will find you!

We will destroy you!

What is it?

Are you okay?
