Nurse Jackie (2009–2015): Season 6, Episode 1 - Nurse Jackie - full transcript

Jackie is starting to go back to her old ways, while maintaining a certain image.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Nurse Jackie.

I wanna go back in a time machine
before you fucked up our kids.

I signed 400 papers,
ended my marriage.

Gave him joint custody.

I would love some document
that would clarify just what we are.

Where's the lady?
Change of plans.

So, you wanna have dinner?

I'm a recovering drug
addict. I have two girls.

Do you wanna do this
again? Because I do.

Oh, fuck.

- Jesus Christ, Kevin!
- Oh, God.

I was sittin' on
that sofa last night,

wondering if that's gonna
be me down the line.

We gotta work on our own shit.

I'm not using. That should
be enough, you know?

I love you.

Our new chief of the
E.R., Dr. Ike Prentiss.

- Does it hurt?
- This ain't pain. Ow.

Don't tell anyone at work.

Just be cool.

- You're a born healer.
- You get me.

She missed the
fucking appendicitis.

- I vote she stays.
- Opposed?

I'm sorry, Dr. Roman. We are
dismissing you from All Saints.

I've been asked to perform
in a hostile work environment.

I fucking hate you.

It's always about her.

Please tell me we
didn't break her.

I found these in
Grace's backpack.

I took something and I still did
everything I was supposed to do.

You know what
that's like, right?

I think the girls
should live with you.

It made me really nervous
hearing about that pill.

- It's not a gun, Zoey.
- It is, kind of.

My name is Jackie.
I am an addict,

and today I'm
sober for one year.



Thank you.

It's a lot lighter
than I expected.

I got shorted. I'll make
it up to you tomorrow.

All right. Countin' on it.


Ready for school?


Who needs this exercise shit?

You already take my breath away.

Dinner tomorrow night?

Mmm, can't, I got a
double. How about tonight?

I can't, I have the girls
tonight. First time in two weeks.

Wow, way to play the
hot mom card on me.

I'll call you.


- I love you.
- I love you too. Now get out of here.


♪ Good morning ♪

♪ Can you hear me? ♪

- Hey, Jackie,
can I talk to you later?
- Sure.

♪ Time to get a move on ♪♪

You went to the gym again.

Ugh. I feel like such a sloth.

- Morning, Jackie.
- Good morning.

- I'm gonna need
your help in a minute.
- All right.

Prentiss wants a
blood draw on this kid,

but his veins are like angel
hair and he has a nasty rash.

Poor thing. Let me take a look.

You swam today.

Oh, you are good.

You're like this different person
whenever you come from the gym.

Yeah, that's why I go.

Hi, sweetie.

Ooh. Ouch.

We went camping and
he got in the poison ivy.

You don't need to
stick a needle in his arm.

- Has he ever
had chicken pox?
- Yeah, so that's out.

Can we get that nice
doctor back here?

I'm tired of talking to nurses.

It could be shingles. That
would explain the pain.

Excuse me, Doctor, does my son
really need to have his blood drawn?

Yeah, I want to run a
C.B.C. and check for shingles.

I know, sweetie. Nobody likes
needles, but you're doing great.

Could you rub his neck?
Go, look at Mommy.

Right here, honey.


- Is she done yet?
- All done, sweetie.

Okay, keep it right there.

- Yeah.
- Thank you.

- She's the vein whisperer.
- Uh-huh.

Dr. Fisher to West
Orthopedics Three.

Need a doc here.

I thought you were
off probation today.

Prentiss said he'd let me
know. Oh, I'm so excited.

Finally, after, like, months,
I won't feel all tied down.

Uh, in a bad way.

And the award goes to? Me.

I gave a scholarship
to my alma mater.


I'm kind of at a
place in my life...

where I want to
feel more fulfilled.

You know, I read, um,
something in People...

America doesn't even rank in
the top 20 countries in happiness.

It's like, Mexico
is higher. Mexico.

- Why?
- Don't know.

Hey, can you help me with this?

Mmm, last time I helped
you, you tried to sue me.

I found these pills... Percocet.

Just... say... no.

Is this a bad time?

Today, we welcome
back Dr. Roman...

from her three-month probation.

There were some issues when she
was last on the floor, but know this.

Not all of them were her fault.

Thank you.

Part of the problem was that
we didn't have enough oversight.

Well, I was doing my best...

Which is why I'm assigning
Jackie to Dr. Roman.

Wherever she goes, shadow her.


I know I shouldn't, but I feel
kind of bad for Dr. Roman.

Don't feel bad for her.

But I do. I have empathy.

For a lot of different
kinds of people.

Easy for you. Your
life is amazing.

What do you mean?

Because of my new apartment?


It's so cute how you try to
avoid each other at work, but...

Everyone knows.

- Everyone knows what?
- Oh, maybe not everyone.

Oh, Zoey and Prentiss?
Totally knew about that.

When did the nausea start?

After I ate them fish tacos.

Okay, you already
did that, Doctor.

Just making sure.

Wouldn't want to have an issue.

While you palpate, I will
get him some antiemetics.

Everyone knows.

- About?
- Us. Me and you.

Our cover is completely blown.

Listen, if people know, right,

it means we don't have to
worry about them finding out.

I've put hours
into maintaining...

a very specific
kind of discreetness.

Like, Downton Abbey
levels of discretion.

It's not funny. No, I know.

What if Akalitus finds out?

After what happened with Carrie
and Coop, I could lose my job.

Okay, I'm gonna talk to her,
make sure she knows we're cool.


No, no, no.


What the fuck?


♪ You give me fever ♪


Jackie? Little help?


Hold this.

Listen up, people.

Con Ed's working
on the power grid.

What's up with these
generators not kicking in?

I'll look into it.

Shit happens.

I was going to tell you.

- No, you weren't, and I
totally respected that.
- You did?

I think it's nice when you have
something you can keep to yourself.

It's nobody's business
who you're loving.

Oh, no one said love.

I mean, some of us seem to
be moving towards saying "love,"

but some of us
don't really know...

what we're moving towards.

2:00, your meeting.

You set your alarm
for my meeting?

I'm a really good friend.

I took NyQuil, but
I-I felt so guilty...

that, uh, I called my
sponsor and here I am,

which is where I should
have been in the first place...

because you are my family.

My sober family.

God, son, you are pushing a
wheelbarrow full of horseshit...

up a very steep hill.

- What?
- Oh, did I say
that out loud?

I am so sorry. I was
raised on a porch.

Excuse me, there is no
cross talk in this meeting.

It speaks.

I'm just saying, you can't
comment on somebody else's share.

Well, okay. Little Miss
I'm With the Program...

has read me the rule
book on cross talk.

Oh. Oh, hey, now...

Oh, my God.

Hey, oh, um, are you a doctor?

A nurse. You gonna give
me shit about that too?

Maybe later. Come here.

- You got a wallet?
- Yeah.


male, seizure.

He's postictal.
Heart rate's 150.

His wife is on her
way from uptown.

Ready? One, two, three, up.

It's a cocaine
overdose. Makes sense.

Where did you find
him? My AA meeting.

Shit, v-fib. Power up.


You okay?

How you feeling?

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

It's a probable
cocaine overdose.

He seized and
arrested on the table.

She's fine.

First day back. Nice.

Okay, the rest of the
day, you take it easy.

Get some rest.

Hey, Kev, it's me.

Listen, so, I had a little
accident at work today. You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine. I just... I'm gonna
need you to keep the girls tonight,

if that's all right?

Yeah, I can grab them
from school. No problem.

Y-Yeah, that would
be great. Thank you.

I really appreciate it. Okay.

Hey, I need a charge.
Can I plug this in your ear?

Why don't you try that
girl I saw you with earlier?

She seems to have a fair
amount of extra energy.

Heather. Oh,
Heather's, what, like, 19?

She's completely

Why, you jealous?

Fuckin'-A, I'm jealous.
You see that body?

No, of course you did.

Who are you kidding?
You never looked so good.

- Is Heather the girlfriend?
- Not exclusively.

I'm seeing a couple of women.

- You happy?
- I'm seeing
a couple of women.

I'm glad you're okay.

I think you're a danger to
my E.R., end of story, period.

But I did not do anything wrong.

You just assume
because of my history.

I'm telling you... Okay, it's
like, Jackie was a drug addict.

So does that mean
she still is now?

Dr. Roman, my office.

This is our chance
to get rid of her.

It'll be good for everybody.


She called "Clear."
It was not her fault.

I made a mistake. She
didn't do anything wrong.

- Sorry, it's the truth.
- Shit happens.

Jackie, are you
sure you're okay?

'Cause that really scared
me. Yeah, yeah. Thanks.

- Hey, any chance we could...
- Oh, talk? Yes, sure.

Great. Um,

you remember back
when you turned 40?

Uh, vaguely.

Well, I got the big 4-0
coming up myself, you know.

Yes, everybody knows. You
save-the-dated the entire E.R., twice.

Uh, it's got me thinking.
Well, you know...

Oh, shit, hold on one
second. One second.

So, I guess what I
was trying to ask you...

Mrs. Whitmore, I need
to tell you something...

- One second.
- About your husband.

Was it drugs? Was
he using again?

Hi, excuse me. I'm sorry.

Um, I knew your husband.

We went to the same AA meeting.

And his recovery was such a
power of example for all of us.

And we did absolutely everything
we could for him in there.

I am so sorry.

Would you like me to
take you to see him?

I'll do it.

Well, it's all anybody's gonna
talk about for the next week.

"I was at that meeting
where that guy OD'd." God.

Listen, I have a big
mouth. I'm very sorry.

Let me make it up to you.

Call it amends.

Come on, get out of here.
I'll buy you something to eat.

All right.


Really? Which step is that?

What? I haven't had
a drink in 10 years.

It's just like visiting
your boyfriend in prison.

You know he's no
good for you, but you

still like looking at
him through the glass.

If you're here because of
what I said before, I apologize.

That's not why I'm here.

I'm worried about you.

You're worried about me?

No one ever worries about me.

Well, I'm... I'm also
hiding from Prentiss.

- I found out why.
- Why what?

Why Mexico has
a higher ranking...

than America in happiness.

Greater emphasis on
family. I looked it up.

I miss you.

Don't you miss me?

I thought you were
gonna get fired today.

- I almost hoped you would.
- How sweet.

No, no, I just mean...

Then we could finally hook up.

Because right now,

with Akalitus and the
hospital board, it's like you're...


It's hard when you can't touch
the person you want to because...

You know, I shouldn't
be saying any of this...

because my lawyer would kill me.


You have to make the first move.

Maybe I will.

I'm so fucked.

Did you tell her yet?

Watch this.

You got a minute?

Do I have to make
an announcement?

"Don't shit where
you eat, people"?

We need more doctors like
you and nurses like Miss Barkow.

Right, speaking of Miss Barkow,

there's a situation I
need to tell you, just...

Oh, I'm so relieved.


'Cause if you weren't
okay with us dating...

You two are dating?


I thought you knew.

- She didn't know.
- No, I did not know.

And I still don't.

Well, we're gonna
go back to work.

I know it's supposed to help,
but I fucking hate the program.

Me too.

It's all of that
12-step God talk.

It just drives me up a tree.

Which is why I kind
of pick and choose.

A little of the big book,
some therapy, dash of Oprah.

I mean, it's taken me a
long time and a few slips...

to find my path.

How about you?

Well, the day of my one-year
anniversary, they got me a nice cake.

I took a pill.


My first relapse, I went
on a three-month bender.

It was so much work,
all the lying and hiding.

Trying to catch the next high.

Oh, explaining to my husband
where the money went.

Trying to cover the high
instead of just relaxing into it.

- That was the worst.
- You want to tell
all these people,

"Just get the fuck away
from me so I can enjoy this."

I took a lot of bubble baths
with a bottle of whiskey.

- Sounds nice.
- It was so nice,

which is why that was
just my first relapse.

Keep going to
meetings. Work the steps.

You got a sponsor?

I'm not very good
with authority.

Okay, I am very good with people
who are not good with authority.


I will warn you, though, sugar.

I have a big personality...

and I am so not a role model.

All right.

- Mom?
- Grace?

I didn't know you were here.

I didn't know you were here.

I had to get my choir robe.

I left it 'cause I was supposed to stay
here tonight, since that was the plan.

I'm so sorry I had
to cancel, honey.

You don't look like you had
some big accident at work.

Well, I... I am resilient.

Just so you know,
there were, like,

three different friends I
could've done stuff with tonight,

and I told them I couldn't
'cause it was a mom night.

Sweetie, I so love
our nights together.

I would never cancel if I didn't
think it was absolutely necessary.

You know that, right?


Grace, hold on, wait a minute.


How are you getting to Dad's?

Look, Grace...

Who is that? A
friend from A.P. Bio.

Grace, we have
talked about this.

You cannot drive with
someone I've never even met.

"Your house, your rules"
doesn't really work anymore.

- Grace.
- What?

- You're in A.P. Bio?
- Yeah.

Hey, Alexa. Towel, please.

Alexa doesn't work here anymore.


She got busted for
selling drugs... in a gym.

How fucked up is
that? That is fucked up.

Wow, that...

Hey, you ready?

- You all right?
- Uh, yeah, fine.


