Nox (2018): Season 1, Episode 1 - Episode #1.1 - full transcript

During a police operation in the underground Paris, the young lieutenant Julie Susini disappears. A fight is organized. Julie's mother, Catherine, a retired cop with a difficult ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Advice to travellers.

For the safety of all,

watch your personal belongings
and keep them with you.

Should you notice anything amiss,

do not hesitate to report it.





I'll find it.

Won't be a minute.


Cat food.

- Is that your mum?
- Yes.

Just been dumped.
She's come to stay for two weeks.

No thanks. I'm stopping.

- Really?
- Yes.

- Why?
- Elsa thinks it's best.

- Ah! Elsa is back.
- Yes.

You know, for our business...


You know, our business?

Oh yes.

- Offspring.
- Right.

Now Elsa has said it...

- I do what Elsa says.
- It's not easy.

With you it's yes/no,

it's great/it's crap,
I'm staying/I'm going...

I'm binary!

Suspect vehicle approaching.

Roger, team 2. We've seen it.

I didn't say that.
You're just young.

What, six years difference?

No, but you're not 40.
You'll see...

Please, not the "when you're
over 40 it's tough" speech.

Have you seen my hair?

Holes everywhere.

Get some implants!

I wanted to say something.

If it works with Elsa
and we manage to have a child,

you may need to find
a new partner.

I'd want something
more administrative.

- You see?
- Life stops when you have a kid?

- What a cliché.
- You're the cliché.

Life goes on with kids.

How does everyone manage?

They don't all work in an office.
How depressing!

I think you'll be the one
finding a new partner.

- Team 2: SUV approaching.
- Why do you say that?

All units: he's targeting the ATM!

The ATM's under attack!


Subject: Resignation

I hereby inform you of my decision
to resign my post

as Police Lieutenant,
North Paris Group, effective the...


Found it?

Yes, I think it's Rue Lesdiguières.

- In the Marais?
- I think so.

That's right.

What did you mean when you said

I might have to find a new partner?


It's never nothing.

I was joking.

Is it to do with me?

No, nothing to do with you.

You'd say if something was wrong?


We found someone.

This guy briefed the robbers
on the sewers.

He's an Indiana Jones of the sewers

who likes a cheap thrill.

You give them a guided tour
of the basement for €500,

leave them a few maps

so they can find their way.

Now you say you don't know why?

- But...
- What?

- No, I didn't know!
- Return to the map!

We know they'll hit
another bank tomorrow.

You showed them five strategic points,
there have been four heists... So?


- Get on with it!
- It was there!

What you mean, there?

- Is that Cardinal Lemoine or Tournelle?
- Tournelle.

The corner of Tournelle
and St Bernard?

- Move it.
- Tomorrow, Tournelle and St Bernard,

we surround the ATMs and sewers
to stop them getting away.

Two-man teams
with geographical assignation.

Do not leave your assigned spot
without express orders from me!

Is that clear?


I'll send you the brief later.

Go home, it's a big day tomorrow.

Aren't you going?

Yes, I won't be long.

Fancy a drink?

No, I have a date with Elsa.

- Good luck.
- Thank you.

Sex earlier in the morning?

We do try but when it's programmed
it's a bit...

I work a lot, so mornings are...

I know it's not easy
but we have no choice.

You mustn't miss
the next ovulation.

You filled in your temperature graph?

- Yes.
- And you Raphael?

Did you wait at least five minutes
after inseminating your wife?

- You did.
- Yes, I did.

This is the Ava bracelet.
It's just come out.

It's fitted with very precise sensors.

Given your history over two years,

I think it's our last chance
before beginning IVF.


It's worth trying.

It proved its worth in Sweden.

I suppose it works on non-Swedes!

- That's handy!
- Yes.

The bracelet will beep
when it senses peak fertility.

Then you have to buckle down

several times that day.

- So when it beeps, we have to...
- Get going.

Do you have to do those stupid jokes?

- What should I say?
- I don't know, it's important.

Yes, I know it's important.

- Do you think we'll manage?
- You bet!

Of course!

- You want to?
- Yes!

- Really?
- Yeah.

Is it ringing?

- It's ringing!
- Good.

How much do I owe?


- Hi, Mum.
- Hi.

Been smoking?

- One cigarette.
- I was only asking.

You could have said you've no TV.

With Internet, we don't really watch TV.

Can I have my photo back?

Did you take the photo?

You too?

He'll get to know you.

That'll change everything!

My dad's on the photo too

so please don't take it off.

I don't want to see him
each time I'm peckish.

Then I suggest you don't eat.
Then you won't see him.


It's a reminder of when you smiled!

If you wish.

What's going on, mum?


Thank you.

You want to talk about you
and Jean-François?


Did you visit any apartments?

I just arrived, give me time!

Are you sick of me already?

By the way, you should change
your computer password.

Putting your date of birth
is pretty lame!

Why were you on my computer?

Buy a TV.
Didn't you get my message?

No. What did it say?

I read your resignation letter.

You want my opinion?

No, I already talked
to Jean-François.

What does he know?


He'll listen to your secrets
then give you rubbish advice!

But giving advice and making decisions
are different things.

I just talked to him, he said nothing.
But we'll end this here,

I'd rather not talk about it.

But we're not rowing,
we're discussing!

Then I don't want to discuss.

What will you do?

What I want.

Lawyer, florist...?

There's a lot of choice.
A world of choice.

Mum, I'm 35, I'll do what I want.
Leave me alone.

I'm your mother and I tell you:

- it's in your blood.
- I'm not cut out for this.

You can't say that about the oafs
who work with you.

- I know what I'm on about.
- Maybe, but...

I'm tired and fed up.

Get a grip on yourself.

We've all been there.
You're going through a bad period.

We've all had them.
You bite the bullet and go back.

Because if you don't do the job,

someone else will do it
and he'll do it badly.

Is that what you want?

So don't resign
and stay the course, my girl!

You shouldn't have asked my opinion.

I didn't ask, Mum.

Our cohabitation isn't working.

No, it's not.

I'll come for the rest later.

I'll check the timer.

- How long did they say?
- 5 minutes.

I can't wait 5 minutes,
I have to work.

Are you joking?

I have to work for the children!


- You have to help me put the...
- Put the timer on?

- Ow, that hurts!
- Sorry.

OK, turn around...

backwards like that.

Turn around.

Raise your leg.

- Now don't move.
- No, I'll wait for you.

Sorry, I have to take a shower.


Don't move!

That's lovely!


- Hello, Julie?
- You OK, Elsa?

I've been waiting 10 minutes for Raph.
What's he up to?

He's in the shower.
You want to come in for a coffee?

No, another time, Elsa.
Thanks, but we're up against it.

We never see you.
Well, I never see you.

- Sure?
- No thanks, we're in a rush.

- Another time?
- Yes.

They gave me a kind of bracelet

to calculate my cycles.

Has Raph mentioned it at all?

We're not that close, you know!
What he does say is that...

he's keen, he's stopping smoking,
eating apples, staying healthy...

Sorry, I don't know why
I brought that up.

I'll tell him to hurry, OK?

Take care, have a nice day.


Call me back

Sorry for last night

Call me

You all have radios and torches?

We're good.

Rue de Poissy team,
nobody move before the target shows.

Repeat. Nobody move
before the target is identified.

- Can I shut it now?
- Yes.


Roger here too.

What if it goes south?

Then don't hesitate.

Public safety takes priority,
is that clear?

You want one?

- What?
- An apple.

I don't know how
you can eat apples here.

Delivery van 200m away,
Boulevard St Germain,

for 20 minutes.
Registration check?

OK, send it through.

Rue Fossé St Bernard reporting.

OK, give me one.


Team 1 to all units: SUV approaching.
Note the registration!

CA 312 NW.

Team 1 to all units:
ATM under attack!

Let them clear!
Do not open fire.

- Just two?
- No, a third.

Where is he? Any visuals?

- Action at the metro!
- We're 200m away!

Team 4: we're 200m from the metro.
Can we intervene?

Let them come out,
it's too risky.

- Roger.
- Got that.

- Roger.
- The third is in the metro.

- We've got them in Rue de Poissy!
- Poissy, Roger.

Nobody draws or moves without
my express say-so. Got that?

They're getting away!
Grab them!

Shit! The public.

We'll join them on the right.

- What are you doing?
- They're right here!

- We have orders!
- I don't care.

Join us at the corner
by the tobacconist's.

Wait! Be careful.

We're 50m from the tobacconist.

Look out lads, this will be hot.

- Head them off at Rue de Poissy.
- On our way.

The third's getting away.
Grab him!

I'll wait for you.

OK, Rue de Poissy?

Individuals neutralized.
All is well.

Suspects apprehended.
Repeat, suspects apprehended.

- What?
- Third suspect too.

We have all three. Repeat,
all suspects apprehended.

Let's wrap it up.

Well done, Cardinal Lemoine
and Rue de Poissy.

...come on up.

Sorry, I didn't copy.

Raph and Julie, come on up!

Hey guys, have you seen Julie?

No. Weren't you in the sewers?

No, well, yes. I mean...
Where was the third robber arrested?

Ask Tellier, he caught him.

Where did you catch him?

Just here.

He was trying to carjack a taxi.
I caught him here.

- You didn't see Julie?
- No.

Guys! Have you seen Julie?

How do you speak to people?
You think I can't sell?

I don't mean that.

Don't behave that way!

- I don't need your advice.
- Don't play with me!

Don't disrespect me!

Stop your claptrap...

- What are you doing?
- Run, run!

Stop! Come here!

2 hours after disappearance

It's not your fault,
you followed orders.

Don't blame yourself.

- Well?
- Look, for this kind of operation

you should warn us.

- It's why we're here.
- Find anything?

Yes, we found this.

Is that hers?

Yes, it's hers.

Round up your guys,
we'll meet back at HQ.

- You sure it's hers?
- Yes, it's hers.

Madam, wait!

Your warrant card...

- It's out of date.
- So?

You can't just go in like that.
Who are you seeing?


I'm Catherine Susini,
Julie's mother.

Can I go in now?

Top floor.

I know, thank you.

After a first search
in a tight perimeter,

we found Julie's phone
but no trace of her.

Either she's out
and will get in touch,

but we won't count on that,

or she's down there
and we need a major search.

That's why we are all here.

You'll be paired with colleagues
from BICS,

- the Brigade...
- Of quarries and underground.

The catacomb cops.

This is Alexandre Lussaux,
general inspector of quarries.

Hello, everyone.

Your top brass asked us for help

in establishing a topographic map
for the search.

Our role at IGC is to map the area,

fill up the holes,
strengthen the structures,

basically to stop Paris
from collapsing.

What you should know is that

under Paris there is 3 times
the surface area of Paris.

Three levels.

Fortunately the two deepest levels

aren't accessible by the public.

We blocked access
around 30 years ago.

Losing her phone isn't normal.

No, I agree, it isn't normal.

Catherine, this is Lt Berger,
Julie's partner.

Raphaël: Catherine Susini,
Julie's Mother.

Have you got men on it now?

It's been three hours.
We're wasting time.

But we're on permanent terrorist alert
right before July 14.

So staffing-wise
I'm doing as much as I can.

As much as I can.

And let's be clear,

my orders were explicit.

Lt Berger followed them.
He is not to blame.

Not to blame?

How old are you? 41, 42?


- Forty?
- Catherine!

- And how long a policeman?
- Twenty years.

- Did you try to stop her?
- Of course.

But I don't outrank her.
I have no authority over her.

Who do you have authority over,
Lieutenant? I wonder.

Lieutenant at your age
means one of two things:

- One...
- Catherine!

you're such a pain, the brass would
rather die than see you promoted.

Two, you're an insignificant
civil servant

incapable of taking a decision

but well-liked because
you're a good little soldier.

I have an idea which category
you belong to.

That's enough, Catherine.

I urged her to follow orders.
There's a procedure!

There! Procedure!

You never abandon your partner!

Didn't you learn that
at police school?

If you'd moved your arse one inch,
none of this would have happened.

- Enough, Catherine!
- Your fucking procedure!

Stop, Catherine!

We will find her. I swear
we'll do everything to find her.

Something's happened to her.

What can I do?

Nothing. Go home.

I can do something.

I must do something!

I understand you're worried.

But, what can I say,
you're not one of us anymore.

You've seen we're doing
everything to find her.

We never abandon anyone
who belongs to the Firm.

The Firm!

If your colleague is injured,
the most probable hypothesis,

she'll be waiting to be found.

She can't have gone far
from where she disappeared.

But we won't let luck come into it,

we'll spread as wide as possible.

The search will cover an area
of more than 12km².

You must keep your eyes peeled.

If she's injured,
she may be unconscious.

Use a fine-tooth comb.

The tiniest drop of blood, object
or clothing can lead us to her.

Don't miss a thing.

She's one of ours
and she's counting on you. Let's go!

- Well?
- We found nothing.

She must have managed to resurface.

- She'd have called us.
- Not if she was injured or out cold.

Maybe she's been taken to hospital.

But we carry on searching.

We'll continue tomorrow morning.

Over a wider area,
but with fewer men.

They're taking 75%
of my staff for the parade.

Don't lose hope. We'll find her.

Good. Excuse me...

- Hello?
- Nothing at her place.

We tried the hospitals, still nothing.

Two incidents reported in
the catacombs were just lost kids.

- Good luck.
- OK.

You each have a bag.
You can make €200 easily.

€150 is mine.
That's normal, it's my merchandise.

Tomorrow we settle accounts.

Don't lose the merchandise.
If you do,

this is what happens.

Police were there.
I was trapped.

Don't come back
to the dormitory tonight.

Take the bags!

Hurry up!

Let's go!

Don't let me catch you around here!

Lieutenant Berger.

What are you doing at my home?

What are you doing?

- We haven't found her.
- I know. Garraud called.

Yesterday you questioned
some kid, a "cataphile"?


I want to talk to him.

He's been transferred,
I don't have authority...

"I don't have authority"!

Then we'll find another.

I'm sure there are loads in the files.
Boot up your computer.

- Another what?
- Cataphile!

One with the maps
to down there. Are you thick?

You don't have to speak to me
like that.

I know but I don't care.

Only one person is responsible
for her disappearance and that's you.

So find me another fucking cataphile
and stop annoying me.

You owe me at least that.

What will you do?
We searched over a radius of 2km.

If I heard right, you were level -1.

I'll go to -2 and deeper if I have to.

OK, but I'm coming with you.

- What are you doing?
- Going in.

Who the fuck are you?

Police, CID.

But what are you doing here?

- Oh fuck.
- Very nice!

So you're a cataphile.


Do you have maps of down there?

Not the quarries, metro or sewers.
I mean further down... level -2.

Level -2?

It's tough to get there.

Take me for a fool again
and you'll regret it.

Hanging out at -2 is what excites you.
So, the maps?

We don't have any.

It's a big mess down there,
always moving.

The quarries guys fill in some
passages and open others...

It's like a big Rubik's cube.

So it's all in here.

OK, you've convinced me.

- Of what?
- You can take us.

Down there. Now!

- I can't.
- Mrs Susini, you can't force him...

- Is she a cop or not?
- You shut up.

And no more Mrs Susini.
It's Catherine.

- Catherine.
- What are you doing?

Don't do that, that's crap...

I don't fucking believe it!

Yes, OK, I'll come with you.


Thanks, Lieutenant,
you were perfect.

- I didn't say a thing.
- Then thanks for coming.

What happens next is illegal
so here our paths diverge.

What do you think,

I'll go home
and wonder if she's alive?

I'm coming and that's that.

Then you take him.
Meet you at Quai de la Tournelle.

Is this the place they said?

It's here. There's a door

with a staircase going down.

A friend at the hostel said
we could sleep there.

It's the end of the parking lot.
We can't go down.



We can't do this.

Let's go up.
We'll sleep outside.

We've come this far,
we might as well try.

What's that?

Let's go and see.

God hasn't abandoned us.


There are even quilts.
It's wonderful.

Catherine Susini.

Hello, Nadine... Is André in?

André, it's for you!

Oh, I forgot, he's dead.

Three years ago. Cancer.

I sent you an announcement.
Didn't you get it?

Sorry, I don't open my mail.

Well, not many of you do.

30 years service,
not one colleague at his funeral.

Except Garraud.

But the others?
The police is one big family!

My arse!

Why did you want to see André?

It wasn't really André
I wanted to see.

Is Heinrich here?

15 hours after disappearance

- What's that?
- She asked me to bring it.


Don't panic, he's well trained.

This is Heinrich.
Back then he was the best.

A drop of blood,
a decomposing corpse...

He missed nothing.

He's not young anymore
but he should do.

We are a full team. Sit!

We usually go down to -2 this way.

But there's no reason
for your daughter to go down.

- You can't go by accident, you see?
- Not at all.

It usually takes 2 to lift the...


Will you be OK, Catherine?

I hate this.

Come on.

Go on!

Wait... There should be an opening
on the second corridor to the right.

Don't move.

Yes. That's good.




I've already been lost here,
so don't let go.

Victor and I made a map
but it's not the best.

The quarries guys
are always blocking passages

and changing the configuration.

You already said that.
Where is it?

To be right under the place
where you were is to the left.

- Are you sure?
- Yes, yes.

What is it Heinrich?



He's behind.

He's behind.

He went this way.

Wait for me,
I'll be right back.


What is it, Heinrich?

Calm down, calm down.

Calm down.

- Are you OK?
- Yes, fine.

What happened to the people
who were here?

The people who were here
went to Canada.

What if they come back?

If they come back,
we'll beg their pardon.

Pardon, pardon!

Pardon, Monsieur!