Nowhere Boys (2013–2018): Season 2, Episode 9 - Episode #2.9 - full transcript

The gang discover Andy is trapped in Negative Space due to Alice hacking Andy's spell; and Alice lures Oscar to the river and offers to cast a spell to make him walk again.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- How did Oscar's accident happen?
- They were climbing a tree.

- Come on, what are you scared of?
- I'm not scared.

Oscar, no!

Alice is dangerous,
you have to stay away from her.

In my universe,
you and I don't really talk.

You were supposed to come to the police
with me. That detective won't listen to me!

If you wanna charge us, then do it.
Otherwise we don't have to be here.

- What's that?
- The 'other you' made it for Andy.

The other me is sick-making.
What are you gonna do with it?

I think it might help us reach Andy.

Saskia didn't take the talisman.

Isn't Alice the one that wants it?
You think they're working together?

I wasn't supposed to like you.
It wasn't meant to be possible.

From earth you came,
to earth return.

Find Andy.

- Run!
- We have to go!


- She's a golem! She was never real!
- I said shut up!

Here's your precious talisman!
You better get Andy back with it!

Season 2, Episode 9

Can we really talk to Andy with this?

Strong magic opens a tear
between universes.

And with your Water power as a conductor,
we should be able to see Andy again.

"Should"...? No pressure!

Oh, no, none. Totally relaxed here!

- Ready?
- Let's do this.

Water flows, water shows.

Earth and air and fire glows.

Come on, guys, concentrate.

Water flows, water shows.

Earth and air and fire glows.

- Is that...?
- You're doing it!

Water flows, water shows,
earth and air and fire glows.

Andy! Andy!

- Can you hear us?
- Look over, dude!

- Guys!
- Andy!

Dude, so good to see you!
Are you OK?

- Where are you exactly?
- I don't know.

But this place doesn't obey any
scientific principles that I know of.

I saw something weird on the way
back from the other universe.

It's a place where
magic has replaced physics.

OK... Does this make no sense
or is my brain just full?

- Full of what?
- OK, how do we get you out?

- There are these holes, like this one.
- Could you go home through one?

So far, they're more
like windows than doors.

But if we could manipulate
them with a spell...

He could just walk through.

Wait, how are you doing this without me?
Magic requires all four Elements.

- That would be me.
- Ellen...

- You have magical potential?
- Who knew, right?

Yeah; we needed another Water Element
to do magic and turns out...

Of course! Water is a conductor.
That's a means of communication.

We always did have a connection.

- So awkward...
- Yeah, anyway.

Where do we find a spell
to turn a window into a door?

If you got yourself there,
why can't you get yourself back?

That wasn't me, that was...

What's happening?

It's not like this water power thing
came with instructions.

- Who, Andy? Who sent you there?
- I'm trying...

I heard... in my head...
a woman's voice.

- A spell.
- Who?


Something's blocking me.

Not something - someone.

- On a scale of one to not good, this is...
- Completely off the charts.

Why would Alice not want us
to talk to Andy?

- Because she put him there.
- It was her voice he heard.

This is some seriously funky magic.

She sabotages Andy
and destroys Saskia...

She has to pay.

Jake, don't!

Jake, come back!

Now, Jake!

You're not gonna get away with this!

Jake, come on!

That was intense.

That was incredibly stupid.

You wanna do this now?!

What, you get another swing at me,
like you did in the forest?

How about we dial down
the man angst?

We know where Andy is. Finally.

We have to get him back.

We can't get through Alice's storm.
She's blocking us.


- Did you hear that?
- What?


It's nothing.

- What about Phoebe?
- I don't know, man.

She'll help us, now we know
Alice did something to Andy.

But she's not our Phoebe.

Deep down, they're both the same person.
They have to be.

Maybe you just want them to be.


Think about Rowland,
he's not the same.

How many times
did the other Phoebe help us?

She'll help us find the spell we need
to get Andy back.

Fine, we start with her.

- Hey, Alice is gone.
- We need to get to Phoebe while we can.

Just do it.

- Sorry, Oscar, too dangerous.
- But if you let me...

- We'll let you know how it goes.
- Fine, why would today be any different?


Alice sure knows her way around
an electrical storm.

- This is no ordinary storm.
- Meaning...?

- She's got elemental powers too.
- Exactly.

By the way, Alice is going down.

- Jake!
- You should talk to him.

He's kind of right.
Alice has gone too far.

About Saskia. That's what
he's really cut up about.

- Me and Jake talk about feelings?
- Seriously?!

You can take on a scary demon,
but a heart-to-heart is terrifying?

- Why don't you talk to him?
- He's your friend.

We're not little kids anymore.
You really can talk about feelings.

Or not.

Hey, Jake, wait up a second!

Jake! Jake!

About Saskia, I should have been
a better friend...

Mate, just don't. OK?

You were right - she's not real.

She wasn't... real.

- Weird.
- I'm such a loser.

She was a good person.
That, that was real.

You seriously think that Ellen and
the boys are disappearing people?

All these people went missing
the same way Andy did.

And the boys are responsible?
Ellen too?

They know something about it.
It's a conspiracy.

You know that sounds crazy, right?

You still like Sam.
No wonder you want to protect him.

I'm not protecting anyone.
I've moved on.

You're so annoyingly perfect
for each other.

She's never gonna trust me again - ever.

- We're leaving.
- Sam, we have to go.

Uh, yeah!

- How do we know Alice isn't here?
- We don't.

Have you seen her?

- I can't believe she'd go this far.
- Believe it.

If she has her Book of Shadows with...

Looks like it.

Can you help us?


I don't know why, but she's
stopping us from rescuing Andy.

- You're our only hope.
- She's out of control.

Well, a witch is nothing
without her Book of Shadows.

- If we destroy it...
- How? She'd do anything to protect it.

She'd have a spell.

There is a spell that can overcome
a protection spell.

But it needs both magic
and elemental powers combined.

I'm in.

- But where is her book?
- Well, wherever Alice is.

Where would she go to lay low?

T-there is a place...
We used to bushwalk there with Dad.

- You? Bushwalking?
- Oh, because you're so outdoorsy?

It's worth a crack.

I-it's good.
Having you back.

We've missed you.

OK, don't get all creepy
on me, kiddo.

Well done, Oscar.

Alice...? You put this picture in my head?

- You're not in any danger, Oscar.
- Yeah, well, I'm not scared of you.

That would be more convincing if you
didn't look so desperate to get away.

- I know what you did to Andy.
- I'm not the bad guy, Oscar.

Yeah, you're trying to stop us
from helping Andy.

It's not that simple.

- I should go, this is...
- Felix doesn't see it, does he?

- See what?
- How things could be different.

You don't know a thing
about my brother or me.

I know what it's like to have
a sibling who wants to keep you safe.

But I also know what it feels like
to be...


- Useless.
- I'm not useless.

I see that.

But what if you could walk again?

Well, that's... that's impossible.

What if I had a spell?

I could make it happen.

Would you let me help you?

This way.


We came up here all the time
when we were kids.

Hmm, happy families.

Why do I feel like Hansel and Gretel?

- What exactly are we looking for?
- A hide.

Dad was into ornithology.

- Into what?
- He was a bird watcher.

Haven't been up here for years.
Might have been torn down.

- So this is it?
- A magic shed?


Oh, spooky...

Hey, Sam, it's you.

Her book. Start looking.


That's it, that's her book.

- You won't regret this, Oscar.
- You're sure it'll work?

You're sure I'll be able
to walk again?

What's the first thing
that you're going to do?

I'm... I'm gonna run.

I'm gonna run and run and run
some more.

Sounds like a plan.

Whoa, what are you doing?

A binding spell requires DNA
from those being bound.

- A strand of my hair.
- And a strand of mine?

- Exactly.
- To bind us?

So the magic can be transferred
between us.

- You power my legs with your magic?
- We do it together.

If you're feeling brave enough.

Just a little off the back, thanks.

See...? Painless.

Felix is gonna freak out
when he sees me walking.

In a good way.

I bet he does.


Elements we call together.

Erase the magic, quell forever.

Elements that knit and bind.

- That was your power, wasn't it?
- Did you see that too?

It's OK, it's working.

United, take the power away.

Transform, make mortal.

Elements that knit and bind...

- Elements we call together.
- Hear my will.

- Join different kinds.
- Erase the magic, quell forever!

Unite as one and essence tie...

Obey my call, none will deny!

My toes, they're tingling.

Be patient, this is powerful magic.

You'll know when the time is right.

- What happened?
- You turned it into a phonebook?

It always was a phonebook.

Alice enchanted it to look like
a Book of Shadows.

- You're saying she played us?
- She was furious when I hid it.

What do we do now?

We... we try again.

- Find Alice's real book.
- Any ideas on how we do that?

Just one.

- Oscar.
- Done, let's move.

- What's happening with the generator?
- Yep, I'm on it!

Detective? Detective.

Viv, if this is about magic...

I've been researching
missing persons.

Jane Upton, William Quale,
Alice Hartley.

All of them disappeared like Andy.

Viv, I understand that
this is a difficult time...

Please. Read the articles.

Whatever happened to them,
happened to Andy.

- No promises.
- Thank you.

Generator's up!

Osky, we need your help!

- I have something to tell you.
- It can wait.

- Actually, it's kind of important.
- We need you to draw where Alice is.

- Yeah, but I need...
- Oscar, this is really important.

Bound and shared.

Together as one.

Access my power -
limits undone.

- Oscar.
- It's happening.

What is?


I can stand.

- I'm walking!
- Yeah, I know! Osky, it's amazing!

- Look at me, I...
- But... how?

- Oscar, how did you do this?
- She just wanted to help.

- Alice did this?
- You trusted her?

Now you don't have to feel guilty
about the accident.

- You don't have to worry about me anymore.
- Osky...


What's wrong?

The talisman...

What are you doing?

- No!
- I don't know what's happening!

Bound and shared.
Together as one.

Access my power -
limits undone.

Powered by me -
my will shall be done.

- We'll never catch him.
- Dude, he's got some pace.

- I can track his phone with mine!
- Don't you think that's a little creepy?

Mum got tracking apps on our phone
when we got back.

- Got him.
- Good one!

I gotta call you back.

There he is, straight ahead!

- Come on, guys, we will lose him again!
- Felix, wait.

He's taking us right
back to Alice's place.

- So?
- So it's a trap!

We have to think about this,
we need a plan.

- There's no time, he's my brother!
- It's too dangerous, Felix.

Then I'll have to go alone.


Come on, Phoebe!

- This way?
- No, no, that way!

So outdoorsy!

Up high you climb,
where you've been before.

What's she doing?


- Bring him down!
- Felix, I'm sorry!

- Alice! Alice, let the kid go.
- Phoebe, you don't understand.

- Let him go!
- Not until I get the talisman!

- No way!
- Up high you climb.

- Where you've been before.
- Oscar, no!

- She's making me, Felix!
- Oscar!

This can't happen again. Phoebe!

Doesn't have to be like this, Felix.
Just give it to me.

Do something!

- Give me the talisman.
- Stop this, Alice!

- Felix, don't do it!
- Felix. What about Andy?

- Just bring him down!
- Now, Felix!

No longer as one.

- My will is undone.
- What are you doing?

Felix, help!

Felix! Felix, my legs!
I can't hold on much longer!

- Here! Here! Here!
- No! Felix!

- Bring... him... down!
- You can't do this!

No longer as one.
Your will is your own.




- He's not hurt.
- Oscar, Oscar.

He's safe.

I-I'm fine, I'm OK.

- Felix, what were you thinking?
- He's my brother!

Elements we call together.

Erase the magic -
quell forever.

- What is she doing?
- The spell!

What have you done?!

Oh, man. Sprung again.

That was quite an explosion.
How about you explain what that was?

- We need a distraction.
- Like what?

What has this got to do
with Andy Lau?

Felix? I will prove
that you're involved!

What is going on, Alice?
What's this really about?

I'll show you.

- It's an elemental thing.
- You're doing that?

- You don't need a spell?
- What if you could too?

- Never should have believed Alice.
- How could you have known?

Not to trust Alice? Pretty sure most
of us could have figured that one out.


What you did to Andy and Oscar
and Saskia, you're evil.

- Please!
- Jake, we need their help!

Roland saw the talisman explode,
he knows about magic!

We need help with
a memory-wiping spell.