Now and Then (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Episode #1.3 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

Please, don't say it.

If you know what I'm gonna say,
why are you still out here?

Because I know
we're going to find something.

Sully, please, just give me one more day.

- Oh, my God, you've been here three days.
- I know.

I can't justify any more time
with the lieutenant.

Who knows
if the cell phone's even out here?

Even if it is,
who knows if anything's on it?

Detective, team two has found something.

Something like?

We found the cell phone. Confirmed.

Copy that.

- Notice how I'm not saying anything…
- Yeah.

…out loud?

Thank you.

Thank you, guys. Thank you so much.

Hey, guys! Thank you!

You recognize this?

It's Alejandro's cell phone.

We found it at the bottom of the lake,
just a few miles from the accident.

We're wondering how it got there

and whether you had anything
to do with it.

Me? Why would I do something like that?

"We need to talk.

You can't tell anyone.
Please, don't do this to me.

I need to see you, please."

Some of those messages were deleted,

but we have the technology
so we were able to recover part of it.

And we know you sent them.

Let me tell you
what this looks like to me.

It looks like you and Alejandro
had a little something going on,

and it looks like there was proof of that
on his phone.

So maybe that's why
you would do something like that.

There was a party at the dorm
about a few weeks ago.

Alejandro dared me
to sneak into the dean's office.

He said it'd be hilarious.

I was drunk, so I did it.

The next morning,
I got really freaked out.

I couldn't remember
what I'd done in there,

and I knew I could get expelled
if someone ratted me out.

That's why I texted him all that stuff.
So he wouldn't say anything.

- He's a faggot son of a bitch!
- Calm down. Fuck.

Son of a bitch.

You can't do this to Marcos.
Delete those messages.

I'm not going to delete them.
He did this to himself.

- Please, Alejandro, man.
- What?

What's wrong with you? Stop.

- Son of a bitch! Piece of shit!
- Hey! Hey! Alejandro! Ale!

Guys! Hey! Help!

He deleted the messages and that's it.

Did you take Alejandro's cell phone
to get rid of it?

No. Of course not.

Alejandro was my friend.

You're a champ. You know, right?

It's no big deal, Dad.

Now you just need that last push.
Right, champ?

There's one month left
until the semifinals.

And now is when we give it everything.
I know, Dad.

You'll be number one.
I'm very proud of you, son.

Thanks, Dad.

Let's get lunch.
I'll wait for you upstairs.

I invited the dean.

You know?
You never know who you might need one day.




I'm in here.

What are you doing?

- Where were you?
- Where was I? I was at... at the office.

I was working late.
I didn't want to wake you.

Tell me the truth. I called you.

I was working with Ernesto at the office.

- I just finished.
- Fine, let's go to bed. Come on.

I have to go see Gabriela tomorrow.

- Your mom?
- It was your idea.

I don't think
you need to go see her anymore, okay?

I think I'm close to resolving this, so…
just trust me, okay?

It terrifies me when you say that.

But why? Why?

Did you eat a hamburger
before you came home?

But without french fries.

Right. Don't complain later
that you look fat in campaign photos.


What are you doing dressed like that?

That's Isabel's dress, isn't it?

Have you gone crazy or what?

Look, there's a mall right by here.

Take this money
and go buy yourself a dress.

Buy some clothes. I'm being serious.

Sofía, I don't want Isabel to come home

and realize you took one of her dresses
without her permission.

I'm being serious.

I want you to leave.

This isn't right. You know it.

I can help you find
somewhere else to stay.

I'll even pay for your hotel.
Whatever you need.

- Morning!
- Hi, honey.


Wow! You look so good.

I won't lend her more clothes.
They look better on her.

Thank you, really, for this
and for letting me stay in your home.

- Thank you both.
- It's all good.

I booked a table
for the three of us at Nobu tonight.

You like Japanese food, of course.

- I can't tonight.
- What? Why not?

- The two of us can go, right?
- Sure.

I'm going to take your car.
Mine's out of gas.

And I'm going to shower.
I have a meeting now.

You know what? I'm going to rearrange
my schedule so we can all go. I'll go.


It'll just be a few days. You'll be fine.

- Carmen.
- Hi.

Yes, don't worry.

Tell her we'll be there ASAP.

We have to go to the school
to talk with the principal.

It's about Luis.

Right now. Come on.

Let me be clear.

We have a zero-tolerance policy
against physical violence.

That's why we have decided to suspend both
Zoe and Luis for a week starting tomorrow.

- Wait. Why both?
- What?

I mean, she should be punished.

I mean, she should be expelled.

Mr. Cruz, this school has policies,
and we need to respect those...

Respect. That's an interesting word.

Because that little bigot told my son
that I was a fucking immigrant.

Did you just call my daughter a bigot?

I think you should calm down.

I'll calm down when your daughter
apologizes to me and my family

- for saying all that shit.
- Pedro, stop it.

She called me a fucking immigrant
that doesn't deserve anything he has.

And that Brady was gonna destroy me
in the election.

- Well, she got that last part right.
- You mother...

Hey, everyone, please!

We are here to sort things out,
not make them worse.

- There's nothing to sort out here.
- Pedro, stop it now.

Mr. Cruz, I'm not sure
if you are aware what happened exactly.

Luis started this fight.

Didn't you tell me to hit her
if she teased me?

That's what you taught me.

Yeah. I was teaching him
how to defend himself, in theory.

Seriously, Dad?

Did you really cancel
all my company credit cards?

You can't treat me like I'm a kid
and you're taking away my lunch money.

Do you want me to treat you like an adult?
Then start acting like an adult.

Or else what?

Or else what? What are you going to do?

Are you going to take my phone away?
Ground me from watching movies?

Take away TV time?
What are you going to do?

Fix your problems. And start
by getting Sofía out of your house.

How do you know about that?

Isabel told me.

- Is that it?
- Get your life together, Marcos.

If you don't mind,
I have two surgeries tomorrow.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

Marcos, what happened?

- And Alejandro? Where is my son?
- We don't know yet.

Are you his parents?

All you have to do this time
is pay the fine and he can go home,

but if we catch him
in possession of ketamine again...

No, no. That won't happen again.

We're this close to the semifinals.
What were you thinking, boy?

Do you know how this will look
on your record?

Thank you.

Thanks for not telling them
they were mine, man.

Don't ever fucking talk to me again.

- What did you put in my drink?
- Let me go!

- What did you put in my drink?
- I didn't put anything in there!

Let me go! Let me go, Alejandro!

Look, I have no problem
with you punishing yourself,

but don't get me involved
in your shit again!

Alejandro, I didn't put anything in there!

- Hello, hello!
- I'm coming.

- Hey.
- Don't you have anything better to do?

Why don't you, like, take up fishing?
Get a boat or something.

- How was chemo?
- Fascinating. As always.

So, anything new going on with the case?

We got some prints.

We'll see if it matches the suspects.

Why is all this up here?

Oh, my God. Don't start, please.

Okay. I know what you're gonna say.
Leave it alone.

God. The case went cold.

The case went cold
because we couldn't solve it.

And now there's another death,
Daniela Marini.

And I know they're connected, Sully.

I can feel it.

- Hey, hand me that box on my desk.
- Christ.


Thanks. Guess what these are.

Revenge porn?

Nope, these are home videos that were
hidden behind a wall in Daniela's house.

One tape is missing.

- Number 35.
- So?

It's gotta be the footage
of that night on the beach

with Alejandro and all of them.
I checked the dates.

Tape 35 was in that house
when we collected all of the evidence.

There's a photo to prove it,
and now it just disappeared.

Yeah, well, wouldn't be the first time
evidence disappeared in police custody.

Yeah, but the exact tape
that we need disappears?

Come on, old man. You know better.
It's too much of a coincidence.

Oh, my God. Listen, I know you hate
when I say this, but you're sick.

When you're sick you need rest.

And when you get obsessed
like you are right now...

Look at this stuff. You don't get rest.

Yep, and you know what?

Why don't you take a look at this?


She hooked up with the husband.

She was at that funeral
because she was guilty,

and she fell into his bed
because of that guilt.

Blessed are the undefiled in the way,

who walk in the law of the Lord.

Blessed are they
that keep his testimonies,

and that seek him with the whole heart…

- Exalted and sanctified be his great name.
- Amen.

In the world
which he created according to his will,

may he establish his kingdom.

It's okay.

Mr. Thompson, we're very sorry.
We're doing everything we can.

If you have any questions
or concerns at all, please just...

Please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Yeah? What can I do for you?


Hi. I'm here for the nanny job.

Yeah, sure. Come on in.

Right. Hold this.

Follow me. I'm sorry about the mess.

What's his name?


I'm Daniela.

- Hey.
- Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm just tired.

Have we found out anything about
the prints we found in Daniela's house?

Yep. System says we have a match.

- And?
- You're gonna love this.

Well, well, well.

Well. Well. Well.

What did you expect me to do?

I couldn't let that girl bully Luis.
It was for his own good.

No, no, no, no, no. You didn't do it
for him. You did it for you.

Everything is always about you.

"She should apologize to me."

Really? Seriously?

Who is the 12-year-old here, you or him?
Because I wonder sometimes. I do.

I hope you're not solving
all your problems this way.




Luis, have you seen Carmen?

Luis, did you take something
out of the dirty laundry basket?

Did you take something?
Yes or no, Luis. I'm talking to you.

- Did you take something from the...
- The sheets.

I didn't want you and mom to find out
that I wet the bed again.

- Where are the sheets?
- I threw them in the trash can outside.

Hey! Hey!

I called you six times.

That detective
took Sofía away to question her.

Can you tell me what's going on?

- Nothing.
- There's something you're not telling me.

Nothing. I mean, we saw Daniela
at the reunion

and well, it's normal for them
to question all her contacts, right?

Do you think it's normal
for the police to arrest her?

Or do they think you all had something
to do with what happened?

They questioned me the other day. What?
Are you going to question me too, or what?

I don't know why you didn't tell
the police Sofía was staying at our place.

Well, because I found out Sofía was here
after they questioned me.

I didn't think they needed to know.
Also, what is with you?

You didn't think I needed to know
that Sofía is your ex-girlfriend, either?

You've never talked about her.

Do I really need to find out about this
from your dad?

That was a long time ago.

Besides… Honey, come here.

I just want to know
if I should be worried.

You have nothing to worry about.

I swear.

We found some fingerprints
in Daniela Marini's house

that matches yours.

So, I have to ask you,

where were you
on the night when Daniela was killed?

In my hotel room.

We know you were in Marcos Herrero's car
until 1:45 a.m.

So what'd you do after that?

I went to International Inn.

That's where I was staying.

So you were staying at a motel,
not a hotel?

Why'd you lie to Marcos about that?

It's not easy to tell someone
you haven't seen in 20 years

that things haven't exactly gone your way.


You got into a little trouble, didn't you?

Hung around
in some not-too-nice clubs in Tampa

and got arrested a few times
when they were raided.

The morning after the reunion, Daniela
invited me over for coffee to catch up.

We had a great time.

We laughed a lot.

Talked about the old days.

You can ask her son
if you don't believe me.

Her son.

You know,
out of all the babysitting jobs in Miami,

I always found it very strange
that Daniela ended up taking care of Hugo.

This is Jessica Thompson,

the woman who died
in the accident of your friend, Alejandro,

with her newborn infant, Hugo.

Jessica Thompson's family
turned into Daniela's family.

How the hell did that happen?

- I don't know.
- You don't know?

They had both lost someone.

I guess they were lonely.

And Hugo got a new mother.
One who always loved him.

Let me get this straight, buddy.

You want to look for something in there?

Exactly. My son threw something
in the trash that I need to get back.

- Something important.
- Go for it.

Your neighborhood's garbage is in area 14.

- Okay, thank you.
- Hey.

Aren't you the guy running for mayor?

As a favor, please, don't say
anything about this to anyone. Okay?


I thought I would die
before seeing this day.

Don't be so melodramatic, Gabriela.
It's not your style.

Is it so hard for you to call me "mom"?

It's normal for me to be happy to see you.
You're my little girl,

even though you haven't spoken to me
in years.

Do you really want to talk
about why we don't talk?

Ana, I only want to fix things.
Get our relationship back.

I didn't come here to catch up.

I figured.

You need money, right?

And it must be a lot or else
you wouldn't lower yourself to come to me.

I don't want a loan.
I'm here to talk business.

I want to sell you
my share of the inheritance,

the house in Holbox and the plots of land.


Everything your father and I have done,
we did for you.

We've worked hard for all of this.


You don't know what it means to work.

I guess we're more alike
than you think, daughter.

Well, anyway, I'll get in touch
with your lawyers for the details.

Can I ask you for something in return?

A goodbye hug.

It will be lovely to see you all
on Luis' birthday.

I'm excited to meet my grandchildren.

- Hey.
- Hi.

Daniela's cell phone. A few days before
her death, she received a couple of texts.

- Anything good?
- I wouldn't be here otherwise.



Holy shit.

And even though
we hadn't been in touch recently,

we were the last people to see her alive.

It's to be expected
that they would question us.

I'm sorry you had to go through this.

No, no. I'm the one that's sorry
you had to go through this.

Daniela was your friend.
What happened is horrible.

I hope they find
the person responsible soon

and that there can be an end to this
once and for all.

Let's hope so.

By the way,
Marcos was your first boyfriend?

We tell each other everything.

Right, babe?

I told her we dated in college.

Obviously, that was a long time ago.

And that it didn't mean anything.
We were kids.

We didn't know what we wanted.

It's been a very long time. That's true.

I was a little taken off guard just now,

but if it bothers you
or makes you uncomfortable,

I can definitely go to a motel.

- And I'm sorry this didn't come up before.
- No. No way.

- My apologies.
- No, no.

Really, we talked about it
and there's absolutely no problem.

- You're welcome in our home.
- Are you sure?

- Thank you.
- Yes.

- Well, cheers.
- Cheers.


Excuse me, okay? I'll be right back.

- Cheers, honey.
- Cheers.

You look beautiful.

This is some damn good sushi, right?


That unagi…


But with all the money you stole from me,
you can afford it now.

You know what I'm not crazy about?

You not returning my calls.

I don't have your money right now, Bernie.
I'm sorry.

No, I'm sorry.

Because you're about to be buried
up to your neck in shit, my love.

My dad has more money
than you can imagine.

Millions that he hasn't laundered yet.

And does he hide it at home?

If I can get the code, we'll have
more than enough money to go to Colombia

and do whatever we want.

Marcos, if your dad catches us,
it'll be a shit show.

What could he report us for?
He can't do anything. It's dirty money.

I mean, with that kind of money we could
go to Colombia and do whatever we want.

We can help people in need.

Like Robin Hood?

That's crazy.
Because stealing from your dad…


I can get your money back.
Much more, Bernie. I swear.

I know exactly how to do it.

We ordered sake.
Let's toast one last time.


Hey, what if we go somewhere else
for a drink?

- Yeah, yeah. I'd love that.
- Yes.

- Delicious.
- And you? Let's go.

- Yeah?
- Yes.

- Or should we go home? Or what? Yeah?
- No. Come on. Let's go dancing.

- Okay. Let's pay, then.
- I'm buying.

- No, don't worry.
- I want to buy.

I'm buying. Don't even think about it.

Where the fuck have you been?

I've been calling you all day.

I talked to the police.

They're opening an investigation
into the money.

Hey, what is it?


It's me. We trust each other.
You can talk to me.

- I stole the money from the campaign.
- What?

I'm in trouble and I needed the money.

Then I tried to get it back,
but I couldn't.

Fuck. Fuck, Pedro.

But how could you?

- If this gets out…
- No.

No one can find out about this.

So why the fuck
are you telling me about it?

Because I need you, man.

Can I count on you?

Of course you can count on me.

What's happening, Pedro?

What's happening?

Pedro? Are you okay?




Hey, wait, Pedro!

Wait! Hey, wait!

Pedro, what's wrong?

Hey, Pedro!

I haven't been here in forever.

- I know, right?
- Yeah.

- A round of shots?
- Yes, tequila.

I'll get them.

Go for it, honey.

I want it that way

Your one desire

Yes, I know

It's too late

But I want it that way

Tell me why
Ain't nothing but a heartache

Tell me why
Ain't nothing but a mistake

Tell me why
I never wanna hear you say

I want it that way

I missed it.

Hold on, hold on, hold on.

You're awake.

We'll get the money this week.

I'm selling my part of the inheritance
to my mom.

That's it.

It's done.

You give it back
and we can forget about all of this.

Sorry, Mr. Rodrigo.
I didn't mean to bother you.

Don't worry. Come in.

Sometimes I come into his room
thinking that…

that he's still going to be here.

You know?

Me too.

I found his diary.

I didn't even know he had one.

"The semifinals are tomorrow,

- and I can't take it anymore."
- …I can't take it anymore.

"I want to shout it
to my dad and the whole world"…

- …and the whole world…
- …that I'm tired,

that I don't want to swim anymore,

that I can't take it anymore,

- …that I hate it, that I hate it!
- …that I hate it!"

Did you know this, Pedro?

That he didn't like swimming?

That he did it because I asked him to?

He hated it?

It breaks my heart.

It's not just that he died so young,
damn it.

It's realizing that I didn't know him.

I thought you had gone to sleep.

I feel like doing anything but sleeping.

The one who's drunk and down for the count
is poor Isabel.

That's what she gets for mixing. Cheers.

I haven't had that much fun
in a long time, you know?

It was like...
Like going back in time, right?

We were partying, okay?

Celebrating our graduation.

I don't remember anything strange
happening that night.

By the way, the lab results came back

and stated
that Alejandro had taken some ecstasy.

I don't know.

I didn't take anything.
I stopped at alcohol.

Do you know where Alejandro got the drugs?

No. His party went later than ours.

That's all I know.


You will not be permitted
to leave the state of Florida

until we wrap this investigation.
Is that clear?

That goes for your friends too.

What happened to your arm?
Did you cut yourself?

I... I... I fell off my bike.

It's just a little scrape.

This is 911. What's your emergency?

Please help me.

They... They're not going to help me.

I need someone now. Now.

Send someone…

They're not going to help me.

So she didn't die on impact.

She says "they."
"They're not gonna help me." Plural.

I knew it, Sully.

I knew it when I saw that back door open.

She and Alejandro weren't the only ones
at the accident.