North of 60 (1992–1998): Season 1, Episode 6 - Out of the Blue - full transcript

U.S. Air Force pilots are forced to make a stop in Lynx River after a food poisoning emergency. While the captain is resting in the clinic, Eric is surprised to find Marie Tenia and Donna Kizha entertaining the others. Teevee fells guilty for the way his sister Marie was acting.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[theme music]

[helicopter buzzing]

- Well, why can't you come up

Come on, Lindy, just one week.

Just tell the school
it's a field trip.

Lindy, I haven't seen the kids
in months.

I'll buy the tickets.

Okay, will you just think
about it? Yeah.

Who's the hot-dog?

- US Air Force.

- US Air Force?

[helicopter rotor slowing]

- Eric, Willy said the guys in
the chopper are in trouble.

I need the suburban.
- Okay, let's go.


- We radioed for a doctor.
These men need a doctor!

- She'll take care of them.

- You a doctor?
- I'm a nurse.

- You the law here?
- Yeah.

- These men have been spewing
chunks the last 100 miles.

We need a doctor on the double.


- She can handle it.
Nearest doctor's an hour and
a half away.

- Look, you want medical
attention here, I'm it.

Now, are you coming or not?
[man moaning in pain]

- Have your men secure
the aircraft.

No one goes near it
without my okay.

- Oh, you want barbed wire and
guard dogs or just sentries with
machine guns?

- Let's roll.

- I'll hose it down.
- Why?

- It stinks!


- Just close the door, Willy.


What's wrong? You've never
seen anyone throw up before?


Find somewhere else to play.

And grow up.


- Okay, let's see,
what have we got here?

- Argh...

- Ooh...

- What did you guys eat today?

- Breakfast at the officers'

- We're on joint exercises with
your air force.

- Take that.


Did you both eat the same thing?
- Eggs Benedict.

I didn't really go for them,

- What about him?

- Two helpings.

- Pilot's Captain Jim Wright.

Guys always jazz him about being
the third Wright brother.

The co-pilot's Second Lieutenant
Lloyd Hillard.

I'm Sergeant Steve Marshak.

- Eric Olssen. Corporal.

- I should be in there.

- No, she's got it
under control.

- They were hurling like crazy.
Had to set it down before
there was no one left to fly it.

- Oh, you're not a pilot?
- Sea wings, I'm a radio tech.

What's the word?
- My guess: food poisoning.

- Your guess?!

What about the appendix?
Did you check their appendix?

- Two cases at exactly
the same time would probably
get them into medical journals.

Did you have eggs Benedict
this morning?

- What?

- They had eggs Benedict.

- No, no. Fancy ass cooking's
for the officers.

- I'd bet on salmonella in
the Hollandaise sauce.

- How are they doing now?

- Lieutenant Hillard,
he'll be okay in a few hours.

The other one--
- Captain Wright?

- He's gonna be here at least
a day or two.

- Okay. Okay,
whatever they need,
make sure that they get it.

I got to report to base.

- I'll take you over to
the detachment.

- You'll keep me posted, right?
- Certainly, private.

- Sergeant.

- Whatever.

- You've got one of your men
guarding the chopper?

- Well, I just got the one man
and she doesn't play sentry.

What are you worried about,
a bear's gonna fly it away?

- Got bears around here?

- Chopper'll be just fine.

- Yeah, if it doesn't have
hub caps and a cassette deck,
yeah, it'll be fine.

- Hmm... what's wrong with
the other two guys?

- Food poisoning.

- Ah, cool, like that movie...

- Yeah. Yeah...
only not as funny.

- Are they gonna die?

- Nah, they're too tough to die,
they're US Air Force.

[kids chuckling]

- Indians. Boy, we really did
come down in the boonies.

Sure ain't McDonald's.

Fetch us another round there,
will you, chief?

- Rosie, six more.

- I could've done that.

- I got to go.

Are you coming?

- No.

- Mommy the cop's doing
bed check on you?

- Lay off, Teevee.

- Hey, butt out, little sister.
I'll send you home too.

- Hey, I gotta go.

I wanna tape Aliens.

- Well, looks like we got
some extra.

I hope a little caffeine don't
make you girls crazy, huh?

- Takes more than caffeine.

rock music playing]

- Hi.

How are they doing?

- Oh, pilot's still in
rough shape. Co-pilot's okay.

He's checking at the motel with

- Marshak calmed down any?

- Yeah, some.

- They fly in here,

they order people around
like they're the centre of
the universe.

[sighing]: Americans.

- I was talking about white men.

- Did you really fly in
Operation Desert Storm?

- Well, he didn't fly exactly.

Marshak here repaired CD players
for our raghead allies in Dubai.


- I liked it better when you
couldn't talk for spewing,

- Well, I got bored, you know?
I mean, all the little nurse
wanted to do was...



- How's the captain?
- Ah, out of it.

We'll know a better tomorrow.

Girls, what, uh...

what does a man have to do
to get a drink around here?

- You can do anything you want,
but you won't get a drink.

- It's a dry town, Lloyd.

- Fifty million gin joints in
the world,

and we gotta fly into
a dry town!

- Want a Coke?

- Innkeeper, a word if please.

Second Lieutenant Lloyd Hillard,
US Air Force. Yeah...

I'm currently under medical care

and Nurse Birkett has prescribed
a very strict diet of
clear fluids for me.

[Kisilenko scoffs.]

- Kisilenko won't get him
any booze.

He's scared of Mounties.

- Oh yeah?
- Yeah.

- Know anybody who's not
so scared?

- Yeah.

- Teevee.

- Good. 'Cause hell,
what's a man supposed to do if
he can't get a drink, I mean...

what do you guys do for fun
around here?

Florence Nightingale,
I presume?

- Yeah. How's the pain?

- Not as bad. Not as often.
- Good.

Listen, I'm uh...

I'm gonna be upstairs,
so you buzz if you need me,
okay? Alright.

[knocking on door]

- How's it going?
- Hi.

- You gonna have to sit up
all night with that guy?

- No, no. He'll be fine.
- That's good.

I'm trying to get Lindy and
the kids to come up.

- Good.

- Good?

- Yeah, well... you want
to get back together, so good.

- Yeah, well, I...

- Eric, you don't have to

- I know, but...

- It's late, Eric. 'Night.

- Good night.


[soft music]

- Hey! Just wait!

Where'd they go?

- Your sister and Donna?
Home, I guess.

- Yeah, the Air Force guys.
- To their room.

- Oh, okay. See ya.

- Hey, Teevee,
no trouble in the motel.

- What?
- Got it!?

- Yeah. Yeah, sure.
- They're in number 3.

[music playing]

- Who is it?
- It's Teevee.

- Seventy-five bucks.


- It'll have to be 50 US.

- Done.

What about me?

- Sorry, chief,
enlisted personnel only.

[telephone ringing]

- Olssen.

- Wind's coming around.
- Yeah?

- Planes coming in tomorrow
have to land
from the Northeast.

- Okay.
- Helicopter in the way.

- So move it.

- Air Force fellow said
he didn't want nobody
touching it.

- Alright, I'll go tell him
they have to move
in the morning.

- Somebody maybe want to land
at first light.

- Alright, Willy, I'll...

I'll go tell him they gotta
move it by first light.
- If you want.

[dog barking in the distance]

- It's Corporal Olssen.

- Go away! Nobody home!

- I need to talk to you about
the chopper.

[girl]: Aaah! Let go!

- Open the door now!
[dramatic music]

[girl shouting]
- Hey!

- What the hell is this?
- Turn the light out!


- Come on...

They said they were 18!
[Lloyd laughing]

Tell him, Lloyd!
- 18!

- Get in there!

Marie Tenia is 13.

[screaming]: No way!

- I never touched her.
- Tell it to the judge.

- Damn right, I will. Get the
judge out of bed, let's go!

- He'll be here in three weeks!

- Three?
[Lloyd laughing]

- Where are you going?!
I want my phone call!

- I'm going to be sick.
- Okay, wait.

- I didn't do nothing,
I wanna go home.

- You'll stay here till Michelle
says you can go.

- I need to have Sarah
examine you.

- Can I take her to
the bathroom?
- You have to?


- Donna.

- Huh-uh!

- What is it? Food poisoning?
- Captain, please.

No,everything's fine.
Go back to bed.

- Donna!

- She doesn't want to
be examined.

- Donna, I got to ask you

Did the guy wear a condom?

You may be pregnant.
You might have caught

Do you know what STDs are?

- How about you come with me,
honey? Come on.

- I don't want her.

- I'll take their statements.

- Well, they'll probably tell
you more than they told me.

- True if that was a sample of
your style.

- Well, it got her into
the examining room.

- I wanna know how they got
the booze;

get Gerry out of bed,
see if he can tell us something.
- Whoa.

- What did the flyers say?
You got stuff we can use?

- Yeah. That's under control.
Question is: are you?

- What does that mean?

- You seem pretty cranked up.

- These guys figure it's fun
to have sex with kids,
I wanna get them!

- You think I don't?

Get a breathalizer, blood
samples, fluid's smears,
take good statements.

We'll nail 'em.

- Okay.

[soft music]

[phone ringing]

- RCMP Lynx River.

- Wind come around.

- Yeah, okay, Willy.


- Gotta move the chopper.

- We got phone calls to make.

- Let's go, Hillard.

- So what if
we don't feel like it?

- I get a bulldozer and shove it
in the muskeg.

- Alright, alright.

You call,

I can fly but I'm...
way too hung over to talk.

- What about my phone call?

- Later.

- I suppose a cup of coffee is
out of the question.
[door banging shut]

- Nothing happened.

The pilot guy was
telling stories when I left.

- Who was still there?

- Marie, Donna and Teevee.

- Now you see why I want you
home at night?

- Geez, Mom.

- Look, Donna is 16,
trying to be 25.

Hanging around with her can
get you in big trouble.

- I don't hang out with Donna.

I hang out with Marie and
she hangs out with Donna.

- And look where it got her.

You're only 11 years old.
I don't want you to--

- I know how old I am!

You tell me a million times
a day.

- I worry, Hannah.

- You think I don't know

- She says she was only

- If she said nothing happened,
we should believe her.

- When Michelle came into
the door last night,
I figured it was Teevee again.

Then she said it was Marie.

- What about Marie?
[Elsie]: Nothing.

- She went with the pilots
last night.

They tried to rape her.

- She says nothing happened.

- They were drinking,
who knows what happened.

Let her sleep.

[soft music]

- Morning, Rosie.

Two specials to go.
- For you?

- The prisoners.

- Better watch me. I hear food
poisoning's going around.

- You see anything last night?

- Gerry closed up.

- Michelle. You got a minute?
- Uh-huh.

- The door's a write-off.

So, the RCMP will pay for the
repair, right?

- Underaged girls, liquor on
the premises,

you want to discuss the
Innkeeper act, Gerry?

- I didn't know anything was
going on.

I was home in bed.

- What time did you close?

- Nine, 9:15. I was shocked when
I heard what happened.

Really shocked... you know.

- So you didn't see them take
the girls back to their room?

- I was busy,
I didn't notice the girls!

I thought they went home.
- Uh-huh.

You know, Teevee was with them.

He wouldn't be above a little...

- What time did the pilots leave
the coffee shop?

- Gee, let me think...

I wasn't really paying that much
attention, it could have been--

Good morning, Peter.
You heard?

- Yeah.
- Terrible thing.

I had no idea.
- Yeah.

So, uh...
- So?

The way gossip travels in
this town, you probably know
more than I do.

- I heard...
I heard that Hannah was...

- She left before anything

- Those guys better get skinned
for this.

- We'll get them.

- Don't ship them to

The people in this town...
have to see them tried here.

- We've got it under control.

- Forget the we!

These guys did
not attack Olssen's people.

You gotta make sure that
they don't get away with this.

- Hey! I am a woman.
I have a daughter.

I don't have to be told to
get serious about this.

- I'm not saying you.

- My breakfasts are getting

[woman]: The white fish of
Lake Athabaska aren't worth

nearly as many dollars as
the trees upriver...

but it's wealth saved
this community nonetheless.

- What are you staring at?

- Nothing.

Want to go to the coffee shop?

- No way.

- Do you want anything?
- Just go away.


- I didn't know you were
in there with them.

- You shouldn't have got them

- You shouldn't have gone with

- What do you know?

[soft music]

- Food!


- Two for you, man,
I'll just take the juice.

- Wait a minute!

Has Captain Wright been told
what's going on?

- Move your hand or
I'll break your wrist.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Sarah says Donna recently had
sexual intercourse

but there are no signs of force.

- She's 16, she said
she consented.

- Oh yeah?
What else did she say?

- Not much.

The guys invited them back to
the room,

they all had a drink
and started having some fun.

Her words.
- Having some fun?

One of them screamed.

- Marie. Donna said you scared
her when you kicked in the door.

- Oh... I scared her?

What did Marie say?

- She said she tried one drink
but didn't like the taste,

and... that...

Marshak grabbed her and
Hillard was trying to pull off
her jeans when you knocked,

so she screamed.

- That's sexual assault.
- Yeah.

- Okay, if Donna won't cooperate
fine, we nail them on Marie.

- What does Sarah's medical say?

- Bruising on Marie's upper

no sexual intercourse.

- She's a virgin.
- Yeah.

But you don't need penetration;
it's still sexual assault.

- I hope the Crown doesn't fold
on this one.

- No one folds on this one.

- Hillard and Marshak have been
in my unit for over six months.

This doesn't sound like
the men I know.

- What about their service

They ever been charged before?

- No, I'm telling you,
they're both good men.

- Yeah? Well, they're both
good girls too.

- I'm not suggesting
they're not,

but if there was drinking

maybe it was all a
misunderstanding, you know,

different cultures, people
misreading each other's signals.

- I don't think so.

- Corporal Olssen just told me
what happened last night.
I wish I'd known.

- Yeah, well...

by the time they got here,
there was nothing you could've
done anyway.

- There's gotta be some mistake,
some mitigating circumstances.

- I'm sure your men will have
their version of the story.

- I'd like these men released
into my custody

until we get this thing
straightened out.

- Forget it.

- I'll confine them to
the motel.

- I want them in jail.

- Corporal!

Let's be realistic here.
These men are entitled to
due process.

And if there is a case
against them--
- There is a case.

- Well then, it'll probably be
transferred to a US military

Seems to me like you're trying
to punish these men before
they've even been charged!

- Alright, you can have them.

But don't come running to me
when they get lynched.

- Lynched?

- Nothing would've happened
if Marie hadn't started

- You shouldn't have taken her

- She wanted to go!

She just turned chicken.

- Just because you wanted it,
doesn't mean she did.

- What do you know?

She was ready to party, and
you got the booze.

- It was you?

- We heard you at the door:

"Can I come in, please, please?"

- Screw you!

- Who were you gonna party
with? Your little sister?

- Ugh...


[soft music]

- You know, your motto may say
you "always get your man",

but uh, this time, you got
the wrong ones.

- Maintain the right.

- What?
- The RCMP motto is
"Maintain the right".

[phone ringing]

- Olssen.

- Can you hang on a minute, Sir?

It's Yellowknife.
These guys can go.

Sorry, Inspector.
What can I do for you?
- I hear you're holding a

couple of American service men
on possible sexual assault

- News travel fast.

- They called their CO in
the States.

Their CO called the judge
advocate corps in Washington.

They called Ottawa,
Ottawa called HQ.

And HQ called us.
- The day's only half over.

- HQ wants a brief summary of
the circumstances.

- Of course.

- They also want it

You need any help?

Forensics, polygraph,
more investigators?

- No, we can handle it.

- Can the case be made?

- I'll get back to you and
the Crown when I know more.

- Do that.

Oh, and Olssen,
don't let this turn into
a circus.

- Yes, Sir.

Let's go and have another talk
with those girls.

- How come you keep asking me

It was no big deal!
- No big deal?

You're 16 years old! And you're
going to hotel rooms with men?

- You were only 16
when you had me!

- I was married.

I have to go back to work.

- What about Marie?

No big deal for her too?
[Donna sighs]

- She's trying to make out like
it was all my fault. Right?

- You tell me.

- One of the guys dared her to
take her top off and she did.

Nobody forced her!

And when he tried to touch her,
she got scared.

- Did she say no?
- I don't remember.

- You don't remember?
- No!

But geez, what did she think?
That they just wanted to look?

- It's important that
the story's absolutely clear
when we go into court.

- I don't want Marie to go
to court.

- Well, she may have to testify.

- I told Michelle.

Why do I have to
tell it again?

- Because the judge has to
hear it.

- Why? Why can't you and
Michelle tell him?

- It doesn't work like that.

Look, these men abused you.

Something should be done
about it.

- Standing her up in court in
front of everyone will only
shame her again.

- Well, we'll ask to exclude
everyone except the people

It'll be almost private.

- These men are nothing to me.
They'll fly away.

My daughter has to live here.

- It's wrong to let them
get away with this!

- It's wrong to use
my granddaughter as a club to
beat these men.

[soft music]

- Hey.

These guys should be strung up
by their balls!

- Well, your mother and
your grandmother don't seem to
think so.

- You gonna be an old lady

Bend over for the US Air Force?

These guys too big for you
or too white?

- You're awfully hot about this,

- It's my sister.
That's blood, man.

- While you were there,
why didn't you help her?

- If you don't get these guys,
I will.

- Stay out of it, Teevee.

- Just do your job.

- Excuse me, ma'am,
but these dinners for my men,

the chicken seems almost raw.

- That's how we eat it up here.

- I see, well, could you
bake it a little longer?

- Don't know how to make it
any other way.

- Just put it in the oven for
about 20 more minutes.


Thank you, I'll wait.


- Captain.
- Can I buy you a coffee?

- No, thank you.
- Well, I'd say dinner, but
I'm not on solids yet.

- I've eaten, thanks.

- You know, I'm only trying to
do my job here.

- Really?

- As a senior officer,
it's my duty to make sure
my men's rights are protected.

- And what about the girls'

Don't they have the right to
be left alone?

- I feel terrible for them.

But I have an obligation to do
my duty.

- And does your duty include
clearing up the mess your boys

- I wish you weren't drawing up
sides here.

- Excuse me.

Captain Wright,
I'm Elliot Waverly.

I've been hired by
the US Air Force to
represent your men.

- How do you do?
This is Sarah Birkett.

- Ms. Birkett. Yes,
you're on my list.

People I need to talk to.

- Mr. Waverly is a member of
the Edmonton law firm of
Kiernan, Waverly and Lavigne.

- Thank you, Mr. Miller.

I asked your band manager to
convene this meeting

so we could review the case
before it's heard tomorrow.

- Well, that's between you and
the Crown and you know it.

- No specifics. Although
I'm quite certain you don't
have a solid case.

- We'll see you in court.

- Surely you'll agree that

there's some degree of
compliance on the part of
these young women.

- I thought you just said
no specifics.

- Point taken.

- So you still haven't told me
why it is you want me here...

- Because, Chief Kenidi,

this case is going to say
a lot about your community.

- It'll say that we don't want
people raping children
in Lynx River.

- When the media descends,
I doubt their message will be
that straightforward.

- What media?

We got one guy here who calls
the CBC when the temperature
drops below -50 and that's it.

[Waverly chuckling]

- You've got a very expensive
piece of military hardware
sitting on your airstrip.

And you're about to charge
two American flyers with
sex offences.

If this case goes to court,

you'll be up to your shoulder
patches in media, Corporal.

- Are you telling me that
the media is gonna line up on
the side of the Yanks?

- I'm saying you don't have much
of a case.

- I thought you caught them with
their pants down, Eric.

- I would take no pleasure in
seeing these two young women
portrayed across Canada

as little hustlers who seduced
couple of unsuspecting airmen.

[Eric chuckling]

- No pleasure...

But you might give the odd
interview, right?

- So... it's these poor guys
that are the real victims.

- I'm merely suggesting how
things might be perceived.

- Listen, if you wanna talk
deal, talk to the Crown.

- I'm sure we will... negotiate.

- He's a heavyweight, Peter.
He knows what he's talking

- It's up to the courts.

- Don't want to look bad.

- If God wants Harris to believe
in the Second Coming,

he better send Jesus wearing
his best suit!

- A real showman.

- I used to get this all
the time on the drug squad.

You follow some guy who's

and suddenly, you got
a Waverly telling you
how it's gonna play.

- Outside experts trying to
jerk your chain.

Sounds just like Native

- Drives me nuts.

- So is he bluffing?

- I don't know.
You gotta call him on it
to find out.

- He could bend the evidence to
fit his story.

- I don't want these guys
walking away from this.

- Could happen.

- Whoa, you're not falling
for this, are you?

We can take this guy.

- What is that? Leg wrestling?

- Whoa... you were the one who
told me you really wanted this.

What, now you're folding?

- I'm trying to be realistic.

- Oh, realistic?

What if Hannah were
a few years older?

And what if she had gone to
their room?

- She didn't.
- What if she had a couple
hits of booze

and she took her top off?
- She didn't!

- What if these guys liked
what they saw
and started grabbing her?

- Eric!
- It didn't happen to Hannah!

- So let's not worry about
the girls it happened to,

is that it?
[yelling]: Why are you...

[softly]: ...why are you going
after me?

What are you trying to

[under his breath]: Damn it.

[door slamming]

[dramatic music]

- So Donna Kizha won't testify?

- Hostile witness at best.

The other girl may hold out too.

- You haven't given me a lot to
work here.

- Look, those guys messed with
those girls, that's a fact.

- I'll talk to Waverly,
see what he's willing to go for.

- Take it to trial.
Don't plea bargain it away.

- You want to go for all or

- Yeah.

- What if it's nothing?

- Okay, Sergeant.
[indistinct comments]

- Good morning, Constable,
I believe we're ready.

- What happened to the window?

- Somebody threw a rock
through it last night.

- Lucky we weren't cut.

- There didn't seem to be
any point reporting it.

- Got some wild ones in
this town, huh, Constable?

- Waverly had their uniforms
flown up from the States.

Doesn't miss a trick.

- Too bad you guys didn't
break out the red serge,

we could have had a parade.

[dramatic music]

- or near the hamlet of
Lynx River in
the Northwest Territories,

did commit a sexual assault
on Marie Tenia.

Contrary to section 271,
subsection 1 of
the Criminal Code.

- How do you wish to proceed?
- Summarily, Your Honour.

- Second Lieutenant Hillard,

how do you plead?

- Guilty.

- Sergeant Steve Marshak,

on or about the 12th day of

at or near the hamlet of
Lynx River in
the Northwest Territories,

did commit a sexual assault...
- Guilty?

- He's done a deal.

- ...subsection 1 of
the Criminal Code.

- How are you proceeding?

- Summarily, Your Honour.

- Sergeant Marshak,
how do you plead?

- Guilty.

- It was the best I could do
with what you gave me.

- Fines? $2000, no jail?

- And $1000 for liquor to

- That's what it costs to
get it on with
a 13-year-old girl, huh?

- Let's go.

- You coming home?
- No.

- Yeah...

that's how it feels.

- What's that?

- Well... to have somebody else
decide what's good for you.

[soft music]

[indistinct conversation]

- I want you and your men out of
here within the hour.

- I've just told the men to pack
their gear.

- Goodbye, Captain.


- You know, I'll never get used
to the way you people say that

- I hope you don't.

- Hm...
[indistinct comments]

[dramatic music]

- I came to thank you

for taking care of me.
- That's my job, Captain.

- And to say goodbye.

- Goodbye.

- There's just one last thing...


- Mrs. Tenia, on behalf of
the United States Air Force,

I would like to apologize to
you and Marie for the actions of
my men.

- Wait.

- And I assure you that
these men will have to answer
to US military authorities.

Again, I'm very sorry for
the pain they have caused you.


Now, where does
the Kizha family live?

[suspenseful music]

- Let's get out of here.
- Okay.

Might as well hop this gear
over to the airstrip while
waiting for the captain.

- Donna thinks everybody's
saying it was her fault.

- It was the airmen's fault.
I wish she'd forget it.

[dramatic music]

- Mom?
- Stay here!

- Teevee!
[indistinct yell]

- Hey!

- He tried to shoot us!

- What are you, paranoid?

Just loaning me his rifle.
I'm going hunting.

- Oh! Who are you trying to kid?

- Hey, well, I wouldn't try to
kid US Air Force now, would I?

- I'll kill you, bastards.

- Safety's off, Teevee.

How many times have I told you
to keep the safety on, huh?

- That boy was trying to
shoot us!
[Eric]: You'll never learn.

- Don't you have a plane to

- Yeah. Let's go.

- But he was--
- I said let's go!

Come on!

- Sit down.
- I'll kill them!

- You'll sit!

- You couldn't get the job done,
so I'm gonna do it!

- You'll sit till you cool out.

- They're walking away.

- You screwed up,
that's what's burning you.

- If you hadn't grabbed me,
I would've dropped them both.

- Yeah? Proving what?

- Proving nobody messes with
my sister.

- This isn't about what they did
to your sister.

It's about what they did to you!

- I didn't even know she went
with them.

- Yeah? So you tried to be
a big man by pulling
a no-brain stunt like this?!

Go home and tell her
you're sorry.

- You said you'd nail
those guys.

You did shit.

- I'm just like him.

I wasn't doing it for the girls.

I was doing it for me.

[helicopter motor humming]

- Well, at least we don't have
to charge Teevee with homicide.

- Last night, the stuff in
the band office, about Hannah...

- Don't worry, it's over.

[helicopter flying overhead]

Gotta go finish my tea.

[theme music]