Niko and the Sword of Light (2015–…): Season 2, Episode 4 - Sky Whale City - full transcript

Our heroes search for an ancient map piece in a wondrous city perched atop a flying whale.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- [Narrator] Previously on
Niko and the Sword of Light.

- I'll have you at the
Forest of Fangs in no time.

- This must be it.

Lord Keeper Windcrag,
we need any lore or legends

about the amulet of power.

- The map was broken
into four pieces

and locations were
put into a rhyme.

- The Hoppity Dunk rhyme.

One star flies in
the sky whale high.

- This is where Sarcus
made his champions.

- We can make our own champion.

- A dark champion
(evil laughing)

(triumphant music)

- I'm Niko and this
is my sword of light.

I'm here to protect my
people and to defeat

the darkness forever.

(triumphant music)

- [Man] Don't blame me.

My sources at the Sky
Market said the sky whale

was headed this way.

- While we've been
flying around for days,

who knows how much
closer Na Rest is

to the amulet of power.

- Not to worry, if there's
a sky whale out here,

my sea-hearifiers
will help us find it.

- Awesomeness.

I see it.

The whale in the sky.

It is larger than
a mutinous saurus.

Oh, never mind.

- It's the perfect place
to hide a map piece,

the sky whale flies
so high and so fast

it's pretty much
impossible to catch.

- Well if we don't find
it, I'm gonna demand

my 10 gaflugles back.


- Havoc, must be Balatha.

It's been a whole 15 minutes.

Let me guess,
another grain treaty?

- With very favorable terms.

Queen Lyra, the council
of elders beseeches you

to return home.

The captain of the guard
can handle Na Rest.

- Ah.
- Hopefully.

- This isn't just
catching a fugitive.

It's about finding
a dangerous relic

that was hidden for good reason.

If Na Rest gets the
amulet of power,

he won't just take over the
world, he'll destroy it.

I'll continue to deal with
royal affairs on the road.

- This is simply not how
things are done, Your Majesty.

Kings and queens must
rule from the throne.

Not from whatever that
thing is you're flying.

It's tradition.

- Ah. If only the council
could change like you Flicker.

I wish they understood.

- I hear it, the
whale of the sky.

- There she blows.

- Sky Whale City.

Legend says the streets
are paved in gold

and fountains flow
with amber grease.

- And amber grease is not gross?

- It's a rare,
expensive substance

that comes only
from the sky whale.


One star flies in
the sky whale high.

There actually is a star
just like in the rhyme.

Why is it flying so slowly?

- Perhaps all those
angry guards can throw

their pointy sticks at us.

- Harpoons.

Chompsky, get us out of here.


Whoa, did I mention
Planktonians don't take kindly

to visitors?


- Strap in, hold
onto your shoes.

I have an idea.

- I knew this thing
would be the end of me.



- Sorry, just an old trick
from my sea battle days.


- I'm sure the Planktonians
will help once we explain.

- They don't look that
helpful at the moment.

- Let me do the talking.

I've been training for this.

Warmest greetings.

-I am Lyra, queen...
- Sorry we're late.

You wouldn't believe
the traffic out there.

We're here for maintenance.

- Maintenance?

- Oh surely you've been
expecting our quin-centennial

inspection and tune-up of
Sky Wear related facilities?

Hmm, these harpoons need
sharpening, shameful.

Who's in charge here?

- I command these troops.

Group Captain Nekton.

We sure as Sally didn't
order any inspection.

- Well I wouldn't either
with uniforms this sloppy.


- Hey, hello, can
you let me through?

Watch the harpoon.

Captain, what's going on?

- Just some intruders,
your highness.

Nothing to concern
yourself with.

- Intruders?

Oh let me see, I wanna see.

- His royal highness
the Prince of Whale.

- Oh.

- We're the whale inspectors.

Oh, you didn't get
the reminder notice?

Would have come about
oh, 50 years ago?

- No one boards Sky Whale
City without permission

and we never give permission.

You are all under arrest.

- This whale's previous
inspection garnered the rare,

nearly unachievable
Gold Wood Star rating

but this kind of treatment,
oh, it's gonna dock you

a grade or two.

- Gold Wood Star.

Wait, wait, wait, wait,
wait, set them down.

Seriously, lay off the
harpoons for a minute, okay.

- Your Highness, it's a rouse.

- We're not losing that Gold
Wood Star rating captain.

And last time I checked I
was the ruler around here.

That means I get
to do all the deciding.

- Yes, Your Grace.

- Wow, that sounds familiar.

- I'm Planktor, I mean
Planktor the drifting

Prince of Whale and I say
let the inspection begin.

Oh this is gonna be great.
Will I get to sign some things?

I've been working really
hard on my fancy signature.

- Almost finished.

This was a shamble of broken
shards when we arrived.

Only mag of my skill
could focus spells through

such shotty material.

Get in there.


Ah, my dark crison
this is perfect.

Good enough.

A few raw materials
and we'll make a champion

of our very own.


What evil delights
have you brought me?

- Well?

- Intolerable.

I instructed you to
find me the most vile

and vicious creatures
in the land.

- Well, to be fair
it was short notice.

Creatures just aren't as
vile as the used to be

when you were in
charge your evilness.

- I suppose that's true.

Your meager scavengings
will have to do.

With a dark champion at my
side, no one will stop me

from finding the
amulet of power.

No army, no queen, no one.

- Not even the kid?

- Especially not him.

And stop eating
my dark champion.


As tos um moscar.


(evil laughing)

- Pretty sweet plank stacks
if I do say so myself.

With amber grease production
at an all time high,

our city's never
been more awesome.

- They are indeed
tall your highness.

(dramatic music)

- Does your whale normally wail?

- Yeah it does that
sometimes but don't worry,

my advisors assure me
it's all perfectly fine

and normal and nothing
to worry about.

- Sounds like something
advisors would say.

- Nothing to worry about?

Nothing to worry about?

Well, we'll be
the judge of that.

Have you noticed any foreign
objects in the whale?

- I see some foreign
objects on the whale.

- Ooh, getting cheeky
inspector are we?

That's gonna cost you.

- Wait, the captain's
had a long day.

There's lots of stuff in
the amber grease mine.

There's buckets and carts
and ropes and stuff.

It's way gross down there.

- I sense your city
is not as resplendent as

the tales have told.

- I know, I know.

Streets paved in gold,
amber grease fountains.

My father used to tell
me those stories too.

It's a lot for a
prince to live up to

if you know what I mean.

- Actually I do.

- Yeah, it's been
super tough without him

but I know these sweet
stacks will make him proud.

Man, it's way better
watching this with visitors.

Hey Nekton, how come
we don't have visitors?

- Viable amber grease sire.

We don't want
intruders stealing it.

- Oh right, I believe that.

- Here's our amber grease mine.

What'd I tell ya?
Gross right?

- Ooh.

Sadly it's our job to inspect
all this valuable substance.

Will you lead us inside?

- Me? Oh no, I'm not,

not allowed to go down there.

Mines are for
workers, not royalty.

Right, Nekton?

- That is our tradition, sire.

You have far too many
important things to do up here.

Allow me to clear out
the miners and escort

our visitors inside.

I'd hate for anything
unfortunate to happen

to them alone in there.

- On second thought perhaps
one highly qualified

inspector should accompany
the prince to his castle?

- Good idea.

I pick her.

- Yes her, wait what?

- Certainly, Your Highness.

Be careful, stick
to the mission.

- This way inspectors.



- Do not fear, this is all
part of our whale inspection.

- Yes indeedy and rather
sub par slipperiness

if you ask me.

- You fools can fool
a fool but there ain't

no fooling me.

Watch your step
and what you touch.

- Bat rays, positively
do not disturb.

- Unless you wanna be lunch.

- How deep does your mining
operation currently go?

- Only to the first stomach.

The hind stomachs are
off limits to everyone.

Much too dangerous.

- That's where
we'll need to look.


- You maggot fish
woke the bat rays.

- Almost finished and there.

That's my best signature yet.

Look how loopy it is.

- So you must be under a
lot of pressure as prince.

So many decisions,
advisors questioning every

choice you make.

- Oh you have no idea.

Like just yesterday I
finally issued my decree

for the new official color
of the castle's new curtains.

- Curtains?

That must've been difficult.

- Everyone told me it
was super important.

Doesn't feel important.

I mean, they're just curtains.

You know, a long time ago,
before the mining in cities,

Planktonians flew
free on the wind

alongside the sky whale.

We helped it get rid
of extra amber grease

and it gave us
shelter in return.

- That sounds wonderful.

- Yeah, but times have changed.

We found that amber
grease is worth like

a zillion coins a bucket
so our minds go deeper,

our plank stacks
grow taller and I get

to choose the curtains.

Sometimes, sometimes
I wonder though,

am I doing enough
to help my people?

- I ask myself those
questions all the time.

Or I would if I were
a queen, which I'm not.


- No need for alarm.

I shall fix this.

- Niko no, you'll
blow out the skies.

- A magic sword, you're
not whale inspectors.


- Please, we are
not here to fight.

- What was that?

- Quick, give her the slip.

- Wahoo.

- Catch those intruders
or I'll demote you

back to tad puddles.

(dramatic music)

- Here we are, plank stacks
as far as the eye can see.

I'm sure father would be proud.


- Something is very
wrong with your whale.

- Can I be honest, this has
been going on for a while.

I keep asking if something
is wrong but nobody

tells me anything.

Please, please just give
us the Gold Wood Star.

Our city can shine
again, just give us time.

- Oh havoc, there
is no time, look.


- She could be right behind us.

Don't stop now.

I spoke too soon, stop now.

- Pure liquid amber grease.

- That map piece is
probably deeper inside.

The question is,
how do we get there?

- The hind stomach, where
even Planktonians dare not go.


No, no, no, no, no.

- We'll never make it.

- Turbulent tornado.



- I don't even wanna
think about how

we're getting out of here.

- We're gonna crash.
We're gonna crash (crying).

Please, your whale
expert, save us.

- Arrest her, they are
fortune seeking intruders

with swords and magic.

- Wait, I'm sorry
Prince Plankter.

The truth is, we came
to find part of a map.

- I knew it.

- But you had the
clipboard and everything.

- Fear not your highness.

We have the matter well in hand.

The whale will settle once
the intruders are driven out.

- You know what, she's mean.

- Huh, a starred box?

The piece of the
map must be inside.

- Okay, let's grab it.

Just like we did before
Niko, in the mugwub.

- Yeah, woo.


Come on wedged object, loosen.


- Oh this thing is
stuck tighter than

an old bickle jar.

- Surrender maggot fish.

(dramatic music)

- Prince Planktor, the sky
whale is going to crash

if you don't do something.

- What?

I only know how to
sign my name fancy

and pick curtains.

You heard Captain
Nekton, we'll be fine

once the intruders are gone.

- Look around.
Don't you get it?

We're not the intruders here.

- Oh, haddock,
you're right, it's us.

The Planktonians
are the intruders.

We're the ones with
the plank stacks.

We're the ones who were
mining amber grease

like there's no tomorrow.

It's gotta stop,
it's gotta stop right now.

All of it.

What am I saying?

This is crazy talk,
we have tradition.

- What good are
traditions if it means

the end of everything?

- Yeah, yeah.

No more tradition,
no more curtains.

I should have done this as
soon as I became prince.

Fellow Planktonians,
we are going to crash.


No, no, let me finish.

I should have started,
bad start, look.

All our building and building
and building has weighed

down the whale, but
there's still time.

We must cut the whale
free from the city.

- But how will we survive?

- Like we used to.

With the clouds at our feet
and the wind in our tails.

By freeing the sky whale,

we will free ourselves.

- Right?
- Right.

- Deceivers.

- Whoa.

It is too slippery.

- Hang on.


- Captain Nekton, ma'am,
they're cutting the city

off the whale.

- What, that imbecile.

If the whale stretches
out it'll shift

the entire stomach.

Move soldiers,
before we're flattened.

- Keep slicing everyone,
we're nearly through.

(dramatic music)


(dramatic music)

- It's working, be free
good sky whale, be free.


- Whoa, whoa.


- Niko, the map.


- Up there, a way out.

- Say no more, Commodore.

Hurricane power.


- Intruders captured,
Your Highness.

- They aren't intruders
anymore, Captain,

and neither are we.

I order you to release them.

- You got lucky, maggot fish.

- Niko, did you find it?

- Behold, one very
slippery map piece.

- Don't wipe that off.

That goop makes
it extra valuable,

which I am in no way tempted by

and will happily return.

- Nah, you can keep it.

It's my gift to you, Lyra.

For a phony sky whale
inspector, you're really smart.

- Thanks, and I admire your
boldness Prince of Whale.

I'm gonna remember this
when it's time for me

to stand up against my
own royal traditions.

- You?


That's a good one,
Lyra (laughing).

(peaceful music)



- I shall find
a way to open you,

cruel box of tauntingness.

- Wait, that's not a box.

This whatcha-ma-hickey
is the map piece.

- It's a puzzle.

We'll probably need all the
pieces to figure it out.

One star flies in
the sky whale high.

Two stars sleep
in the tower keep.

We need to find a tower
and soon if we want

any chance of stopping Na Rest.

- What's taking so long?

I wanted my dark
champion yesterday.

Oh, an extra boost
of pure darkness.

Just what I need.

Yes, here it comes.

An all powerful
champion to call my own.

Awaken dark champion.

Emerge from your chrisalyst
to face the world.

(dramatic music)

(evil laughing)

It's perfect.

(triumphant music)

- Chirp.