Niko and the Sword of Light (2015–…): Season 2, Episode 10 - The Balance of Power - full transcript

In a final battle against the ultimate enemy, Niko goes on a journey to discover his true purpose, traveling through mystic other worlds where the spirits of past heroes help guide him to ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- [Lyra] Previously on "Niko
and the Sword of Light"...

- The Forgotten Fortress.

We made it!

- Lyra, are we flying?

- At last.

The ultimate power in all
known existence is mine.



Bring that amulet to me.

I command it!

Who do you think you are?

- I am the darkness
and I have arrived.

- This is not good.


I am Niko, and this is
my sword of light.

I'm here to protect my people

and defeat the darkness,



- Free.

At long last, I am free.

From this day forth,
darkness shall reign.

- Oh, great Darkness,
we honor you.

- Of all the insolent,
impertinent deeds,

you owe me that amulet
and an apology.


Apology accepted.

- You'll get no such pardon
from us.

- Oh, yes, the champion.

What do you have to say for
yourself now?

- Only this!

Darkness be gone!




- Fools, squabbling over

The amulet of power
was necessary

to bring me into this world,

but it is nothing compared to
the power of pure darkness.

- No!


- Destroy these pests,
if you must.

I have more important
matters to attend to.


[laughs maniacally]

- Let the destruction
of this world commence!




[people screaming]

- Now this is a crystal.



Get back here!

- Good work, friend Flicker.

Nar Est will not get far.

- Niko, wait.

Save your strength.

We can handle Nar Est.

You have to go after
the darkness.

- This world will soon be

Darkness shall consume all.

- Not while the light remains!


- Power strike!
- [zapping]

- You may wield the power of
the light, young champion,

but I am darkness itself.


Your world ends now!


- So, what's the plan
to stop him?

You do have a plan, right?

[laughing maniacally]

- Run!

- Now that's a plan
I can get behind!

[low growling]

- [yelling]
- [squeaking]

- You're delaying
the inevitable.



- Hurry!



- So, are we going after them?

- Actually, no.

Why would I leave
this fortress,

when this gives me
absolute control?

[chanting in foreign language]


- What's happening?

- Calm yourself, Rasper.

This is far from over.



- [straining]
- [rumbling]

- Darkness, be gone!





Hey! Your battle is with me!

Lightning storm!



- You cannot stop the darkness.

It consumes all.

- Niko, you have to fight back!


- Light be gone.

[sinister laugh]

- Niko!



- Huh?

[wood creaking]

Pardon me, strange creature.

What is this place?

Please, my friends are
in trouble.

I must get back to them.




- Aura!
- Niko?

Is that you?

It is good to see you,
little brother.

- Aura, where are we?

What is this place?

- Come with me.

This is the Between Place.

From what I've learned,

it came into being
a long time ago.

Many of these creatures
are the ancient mages

that nearly broke the world

trying to bring the
darkness and light into it.

- Windcrack told us about that.

She said it nearly destroyed

- If you're in here,
it means it's happening again.

The darkness must have
walloped you good.

- Has it won?

- That depends.

At the start of it all,

neither light nor darkness
was a part of this world.

At least, not how people
know them to be.

They existed without
form in the Great Beyond.

You could feel their effects,

but they weren't here,
they weren't... real.

When Nar Est summoned
darkness to fuel his magic,

he not only brought that
power into the world,

he gave the darkness
a consciousness.

An actual mind of its own.

And by making champions
in the Chrysalis Chamber,

the elders of Carondolet
gave light an awareness

it was never meant to have.

- Us.

You speak of the champions.

- All that time, we never knew
how powerful we truly were.

- This darkness
cannot be cured.

I have tried, Aura.

- But it can be returned.

For the world to be
at peace again,

both light and darkness
must be restored

to their place in
the Great Beyond.

The body and the light
can no longer be one.

- But, is it truly possible?

- It won't be easy and
there's no going back,

but it's the only way, Niko.

- Can you help me
leave this place?

- [Aura] We all will.

- [gasps] Niko!

Niko, what happened?

One second you were gone,
and now you're back!

- I saw Aura!

And the Lake of Moonlight.

And houses that walked!

And the mages of the ages!

I know how to win.

- That's good because
he's still here!

- The boy champion returns.


- My path to victory
is now clear.

You will be defeated!

Do not be alarmed, friends.

This is what must be done.





- You.
You are the light!

- And I will not rest until
the darkness

is gone from this world!



For as long as you inhabit
that body,

you cannot destroy me!


- Stop!

- He's calling the darkness out,


- How do you withstand this?

- The light never dims!


- [growling]
- [yelling]



This destruction,

it is just like...
my visions.

If this fight continues,
everything will be in ruins.

I will not allow our battle
to destroy this world.

Cosmic slam!


- [Mandok] Yeah,
that's it, Niko!

- [Lyra] Oh, havoc!

- There's nothing like having
a fortress at your command.

[laughs maniacally]

- Nar Est has become
the fortress?

Is there no end to
this insanity?

- He has to be stopped.

Keep Niko safe.

I have an idea.

- Keep Niko safe?

But who's gonna keep me safe?

- You're making this
so much easier for me.

You are in over your head.

- [grunting]
- [yells]

You want to have it all,

but you fail at everything.

They were fools
to make you queen.

And Sargus teaching you magic?

What a waste of time.

You are weak, Lyra,
just like your father.



It's time someone
put you in your place.


- [cackling]

Not so powerful now,
are you, Princess?

- [straining]

Always hiding in your
walls or your chamber

or your cursed volcano.

I'm here!

If you think I'm so weak,
you come out and face me!

- No one talks to the
great Nar Est like that.

Go get her, Boss!

- Uh... yes!

That's right.

You will pay for
your insolence.

It's not really a fair fight,

especially when I have this.

But I'm not one to complain.

Now, what to do,
what to do?

- Turn her into something gross.

- Even better.

The enchantment that protects
this fortress is still strong.

Imagine what will happen when
I transfer all of it into her.

You'll forget everything.

[chanting in foreign language]

[laughs maniacally]

- This is for you, Father.

[chanting in foreign language]

- [laughs] A crystal cleave

That's a tricky one,
Queen Lyra.


Not even your teacher,
Sargus, could get that right.

And it seems neither can you.

Did you actually think you
could master a spell I created?

- Actually,
I have mastered this spell.

Inside the Atomatron.

But in this case,
I wanted it to fail.

And I bet you know
what happens

when a crystal cleave spell

Your curse is about to
backfire on you.

- No.

No. No, no, no!

Rasper, get away from it!

- No one tells me who I am,

or what I'm capable of
ever again.

- I'm so very sorry,
young lady,

but who are you?

- I am Lyra of Carondolet.

Mage and Queen.

- Ooh, how wonderful.

A magic queen!

What an honor.

- Do I know you?




- Lyra,
what happened in there?

- Nar Est will trouble us
no more.

Its up to Niko now.


[people yelling]



I don't know if you can
hear me, Niko,

but we believe in you.

We know you can defeat
the darkness.

- [Niko] Darkness must return
to the Great Beyond

and so should the light.

I know my time with you here
has been short,

but I'm glad I came to be.

I am also glad you became
my family.

- Niko.
- What?

- [Niko] Perhaps we shall
meet again someday.

- No!

There has to be another way.

Please don't leave us.

- [Niko] Don't worry,

As long as there is light
from the Great Beyond,

I will remain with it there,

and in you here.


[sinister laugh]



- Darkness, be gone.



- He did it.

[Flicker squeaking]

[people exclaiming]

- Good work,
little brother.

- Huh?
- Niko?

- Greetings, small creature.

What is this place?

- Hiya, kid.

He doesn't remember.

What do we tell him?

- We tell him he's home
with family.

[Flicker squeaking]

- Your Majesty,
have you decided?

- I have, Uncle,

and I've decided I'm going
to be Queen of Carondolet,

and a crystal mage.

I'm tired of people telling me

I have to choose one
over the other.

This time,
I'm doing it my way,

by doing both.

- Your father would be proud.

- [Kids] "One star flies
in the sky way up high.

"Two stars sleep
in the tower keep."

- His memories may return,
you know.

Perhaps even some of
his power.

- Maybe, but for now,

let's let him enjoy
being a kid for a while.

- [Kids] "The greatest power
in the world

"is yours alone to find."

- The song was wrong,
you know.

The greatest power
in the world

was never the amulet of power.

It was him.


- A thousand apologies,
valued customer,

but I'm afraid this

only accepts payment
in the form of cash.


- Chirp.