Niko and the Sword of Light (2015–…): Season 2, Episode 1 - A Day in Carondolet - full transcript

As Queen Lyra's birthday celebration begins, Niko suspects that a strange bug might be an agent of darkness.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- [Niko] Previously on Niko
and the Sword of Light.

- Greetings small creature.

What is this place?

- The champion has awoken.
- This is too soon!

- [Woman] Keep him
hidden, keep him safe.

- I'm Princess Lyra.
- [Boy] Are you a ghost?

- I'm your guide.
- Like a side kick?

- More like a babysitter.

- [Man] The new
champion is a tiny boy.

I want that sword brought to me.

- [Woman] Niko is truly
our last and only hope.

- [Niko] Darkness, be gone!

- I'll get that shard and my
dark jewel will be whole again.

- This is it champion.

- We began this together
and so shall we end it.

- Oh I think not.

My sword!

- Not anymore!
The age of Nar Est has begun!

- Fire!

- I am Niko and this
is my sword of light!

(man yells)

-(woman yells)
-(man yells)

- Darkness abandons you Nar Est!

- [Man] What became of Nar Est?

- He's the most conveniently
trapped for eternity.

- Great job, champ.
- We did it.



- I am Niko and this
is my sword of light!

I am here to protect my people

and defeat the darkness forever!

(upbeat inspiring music)

(light piano music)

- Step aside please!

Master of coin coming through!

Our queen's gonna have herself

one hip of a birthday party.

Banners, please.

Now, streamers!


- Yes, Master Mandok?

- Lengthen Mideus,
widen the space

between the Umloudy tables,

and move the ice
sculpture, please.

- But Minister Bolatha said.

- Mandok, Master of
Coin, is in charge

of the birthday celebration,
not Minister Bolatha.

I speak with the
power of the purse.

- Greetings humans
of Carondolet.

Healers of many
surrounding lands,

I, special amisery
Frosting Cupcake.

- No, no, save the proclamitary
foo-foo all for the queen.

I have urgent business
over that way.

- Terrible protocol.

- You sound like
two gorph norfers

fighting over a hidy hole.

Let Mandok,
the master of coin help.

My personal stash of
fister moth in the brazen.

- You are too kind, Mandok.

- It's Master Mandok,
but your point is taken.

Now go and practice blowing that

cutenflute like
the wayward wind.

And my parents said
I'd never amount to anything.

(Niko yelling)
Yeah! Yeah!

Evil fiends!

Free this innocent fruit family

or face the fury
of the sword of light!


You're carnivorous rat bats
will not save you!

You leave me no choice.

Force blast!

Victory is mine!


My triumph comes
at a terrible cost.

(pet yawning)

- Agreed Flicker,
the tireless work of a

champion is taxing indeed.

(bell ringing)

Flicker, the high sun bell.

Make haste!

Queen Lyra anxiously
awaits my daily report.

- The tree people of
Brachiocolous and the

Meerkoons of the
Stratoland request your

console about an
elevated ropeway.

- By all means Minister
Bolatha, schedule it.

- The sky snails and finspins
have an aerial dispute.

They too seek your counsel.

- Everybody seeks my counsel.

- It's quite a
compliment, Your Majesty.

In the old days, the
other creatures feared us.

- Please schedule it.

Just make sure there aren't any

air sharks visiting that day.

Now, if that's everything...

- No, Majesty.

As you can see, there's much
to do on this important day.

Now is when you hear
disputes and petitions.

- Havoc.

(men yelling)

- Hey, watch it!

What are you doing?

- Forgive the close call!

I am very late!


What manor of
strange bug is that?

You appear to be
a common blark beetle,

and yet, there is something--



Come back here bug of evilness!

You are no blark beetle!




Insect of strangeness,
this is not over!

Flicker, after it!

(bells ringing)

- The bleeding goat belongs
to it's first owner,

but henceforth,
he must be fenced in.

[Woman] Next!

(men grunting)

- One party divides the pie,

the other party
chooses his piece.

- [Woman] Next!






(woman sighs)

- I never knew how much
drudgery there is to the job.

- The royal quindecennial
jubilee should
lift your spirits.

- You're right!

I haven't had a
birthday party in, in?

- 769 years, Majesty.
-(bells ringing)

Your Majesty.

Your captain of the
guard is not coming.

Niko has missed his
daily briefing...again.

- I'm sure Niko's got...
I mean he's very...

Yeah, not coming.

- Make way!
- Niko?




Queen Lyra,
I have much to report.

- Sorry, Niko.

It's time for my magic lesson.

- Now?

But there are so many
treaties to sign.

- Minister, we agreed to
one hour of study everyday,

including holidays.

- Your father believed one's
royal duty should come first.

- I know but, a little
magic won't hurt.

- But the schedule!

- Lyra, wait!

I am coming with you!

- Niko,
Uncle Sargus asked me not

to bring you anymore,

You thought his
training illusions were

real and blew a hole
in the library tower.

- At least let me
make my report.

There is importantness afoot.

- Quickly.

- I Niko, the captain of
the guard, saw a bug today.

- A bug.

- An insect of darkness.

- Last time it was
a spoon of darkness,

and before that it was
a broom of darkness,

and a music box
ballerina of darkness.

You cured the darkness Niko.

We won, you won.

I'll see you at the party.

- The party, that is it!

I shall go to help with the
celebration preparations!

Let the captain of
the guard assist you.

Take that, root vegetables!

Soon you will be
cut down to size!



Crafty hook!

If I cannot come to you,
you will come to me!

Searing force strike!

- Captain Niko, sir.

Maneuvers for the Royal birthday

exhibition proceeding
of pace, sir.

- Ooh! Surely,
I can be part of this.

Watch this, my royal guard.

Bow of light, aim true!

(men yelling)

(loud explosion)

- Captain, may I
suggest that you be more

comfortable simply
reviewing your troops, sir.

Perhaps from far away.

- Lyra will be so disappointed.

The mightiest of
champions is the

weakest of birthday helpers.

(kids singing)

♪ Altogether, altogether ♪

♪ Then your path will shine ♪

♪ The greatest
power in the world ♪

♪ Is yours alone to find ♪

- Wanna play hoppity dunk?

- What is that rhyme?

- Everybody knows the
hoppity dunk rhyme.

♪ One star flies in
the sky real high ♪

♪ Two stars sleep
in the tower keep ♪

♪ Three stars nest
in the molten crest ♪


- The ball is vanquished!



Have I won?

The months since
my glorious victory

have been lonely indeed.

- Keep focused your majesty.

A true mage can sense
the magic all around us

and use a crystal to magnify
and focus that energy

just as veins of
crystal carry light

through rock across the globe.

- Like this, Uncle Sargus?

Am I doing it?

- Yes!

Now encircle this
creature and pull.

Eyes closed, Majesty,
until you master it.

- Uncle, I can't see it.

- You don't need to.

(woman sighs)

- Now what do you
suppose went wrong?

Did you try to fly and cast
at the same time again?

- No!

- Your majesty fibs.

- I should be able to do
that by now, shouldn't I?

How long will it
take until I can fly?

- I cannot say.

You have great natural ability
and you practice daily,

yet you can't seem
to concentrate enough
to make progress.

- It's because I'm queen.

My head's a muddle.

I make everyone
else's decisions and

I can't make any
decisions for myself.

- Come now.

- I never knew how many
eidics and treaties

and envoys there
were and alliances.

Alliances are the worst.

And if you do a good
job, what do you get?

More alliances.

(woman sighs)

Uncle, I'm just not sure
I was cut out to lead.

- Being queen is a big job
with a lot of small pieces.

Once you see how
they fit together,

you can decide what
to make of the job

and what kind of
queen you want to be.

- Uncle, if I kept the fire
opal, I could practice more.

- The fire opal is
far too powerful

for an unsupervised novice.

I mean no insult
my dear queen but,

balance is the sole of magic.

If a beginner acquires
power too quickly,

it leads to
corruption and chaos.

- Of course. Wouldn't wanna
end up like Nar Est.

- No.

He meddled with forces
that he hadn't mastered

and we all suffered.

Now he pays the price in
his own eternal prison.

- I still can't believe
I lost to these fools.

- Lord Nor Est!

- Rasper, we are no
longer on speaking terms.

- But they left the door open!

- What?

Don't just stand there, push!

Put your wing into it.

(bird yelling)

- Uncle, you forgot
to close the...

Havoc, not again.

Sound the alarm!

(man and bird yelling)

- Sometimes I think my friends
will never again need me.

(bells ringing)

I am needed!

Fear not!

The captain of the
guard is coming!


- Left.
- Right.

- [Bird]
I mean, yes!

- Got it!

- Nar Est!

Your foolish romp has ended!

- Reverse!

- I can't!

- That strange bug!

- Niko!

- There.

Freedom is just ahead.

- Worry not folks.

Mandok, master of coin
will save the day.


(man and bird yelling)

- [Bird] The birdman's mouth.

- He'll swallow us like a pill.

- Nor Est, you're only making
things worse for yourself.

(loud ringing)

- Ooh!
- Ouch!

- Fiendish foe!

Niko is not fooled by your
tiny smallness of size!

Shatter blast!

I have you!

There's more.

(heavy breathing)

- It's okay champ...
uh, captain.

- I got the darkness bug, Lyra.

- Yes, and got
a little over excited.

You had another one of
your visions, didn't you?

- This one was different.

I do not know what it means.

- The boy's been having
more and more odd visions,

and now he chases insects when
our greatest enemy is loose.

- I owe the kid my life
a dozen times over,

but every time he
leaves that tree house,

there's a little
more damage to repair

and a little less
cash to do it with.

- What if the next time
he gets a strange notion,

he blasts one of us
instead of a bug?

- Niko would never do that.

- My friends,
something is not right.

I sense a growing danger.

I sense...darkness.

- Maybe there is
something going on but,

I think it has more to do
with change than darkness.

We'll make time to work
it all out, I promise.

(accordion music)

- Now that's good cootinfluting.

- The guests and
dignitaries are arriving.

- These greetings are offered in

the spirit of neighborly
comradery and mutual regard.

From the Umlaute
highest council.

With full support of the
Umlaute second highest council,

queen of Carondolet,
the highest council
of Duratractes

thanks you for your
role in improving--

(loud farting)

...the surrounding lands.

- Fine, you can come back
for cake in a few hours.

And stay out of trouble,

just for the rest
of today, okay?


- I shall have cake
without the boringness!

You again?

This time, flying foe,

you will not escape me.

(bug hissing)

The whisp of darkness.

My true enemy returns!

Know this deceiving whisp,

I am sworn to protect my
people from the likes of you!

Fire flash!

Lightning storm!


Force blast!

- Linging cringles,
Your Majesty.

By unanimous consent of
the people of Bureacratis,

you may keep the plate.

- Niko!

- Where are you, shapeless
thing of the dark?

I found you!

Darkness be gone!

(guests yelling)

- Niko, what are you doing?

- You cannot escape
me whisp of darkness!

- Niko, stop!

(guests gasp)

- Your Majesty!

- The darkness.

- Child!

What did you say to the queen?

- Happy birthday?

- Niko, go to your tree house.

- Yes, Your Majesty.

- Next time, how about letting
me pick the escape route?

- I told you,
I'm not speaking to you.

- You really ought
to see this, Lord.

- What now, you dotus?


- It penetrated
the magic sphere.

Is that even possible?

- It is Rasper, if you're formed
from the dark magic itself.

- I bring a message, Nar Est.

You will listen.

- I obey no one,
you simpering fog.

Who sent you?

- I speak for the darkness.

He has plans for you,

and the darkness must be obeyed.

(upbeat inspiring music)

- [Man] Chirp.