Next (2020): Season 1, Episode 4 - FILE #4 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on "Next".

my brain is eating itself.

And then you get dementia.

Life expectancy is about a year,

which gives me, uh, roughly
five months, give or take.

The little plastic bag
labeled "Abby"...

That's a DNA sample?

That's my, uh, daughter.

It's 50/50 she gets it, too.

We just want to be extra sure
that everything's safe.

While I'm doing that,

you get to go up on a fun trip
with Dad up the mountains.

If this thing can fake an Amber
Alert, it can fake anything.

Come on.

We're stealing a car, aren't we?

You can only do this

when you got evil computers
coming after you.

It's going after people
we care about.

He's tracking me.
He's convinced I'm in danger.

Look, whatever it is
that you have against me...

The same thing I have against

every convicted felon
who's also a neo-Nazi.

- You think you know me?
- I do.

The boss is losing it.

- What did you find?
- It's what we didn't find.

We tracked the server

through four shipping companies,

and records have been erased
in every one.

The board is all over me.

Imagine if they found out neXt

is completely gone.

He said he had
to go on this trip.

To where?
Did he say where?


Are we just gonna waltz
in there?

- It's good to see you, Richard.
- You look well.

I think we need to switch
our focus back to Richard.

I captured its data stream.

Every command, every signal.

- You have to hurry.
- Where is it?

There it is.

Stop. No.

- I got it all.
- You sure?

Yeah, all the surveillance
files are wiped.

We were never here.

I can't believe I'm doing this.

Why did he have to die?

I know, I'm... I'm sorry.


No, I'm mean what did he find
out that he had to die for?

Who the hell is that?

Let's not find out.
Come on.

And I actually like
to peel all...

I'm just gonna have
a little top-up.

- You want some more?
- No, I'm okay.


So what did you find?

This is way more
than we bargained for.

Dr. Parrish is dead.

Oh, my God.
What? How?

Some sort of accident, I think.

But I really don't know.

I'm sorry you had to see that.

Are you okay?

Yeah, yeah, no.
No, I'm not okay.

We need to get out of here.

All right, but we...
We need the server.

Is it there?
Did you find it?

No, I told you I don't think
it was ever here to begin with.

Well, there has to be a sign.

There has to be some indication
where the hell it is.

- Nothing.
- Sorry. What about Paul?

If he was here,
he covered his tracks.

The surveillance files
have been erased.

So we have nothing?

I'm sorry,
can we talk about this later

when I'm not standing
in a morgue?

Yes, I'm sorry.

Get out of there
before the police come.

Come on, guys.
Let's go.

Honey? You okay?

I can't tell
how it's going in there.

Been in there five minutes and
he didn't throw him out yet.

That's a pretty good sign.

How can you stay so calm?

You talked to the boss;
you know what's happening.

What are we supposed to do?

Call our family, warn people,
I don't know, do something...

We can't do that
and you know it.

If it's true what they say
this thing is,

it's not gonna matter
who we warn, got it?

A passenger jet
with hundreds of people.

Families, children.

This thing turns it
into a giant fireball.

You know why?

Because one of the passengers
was asking questions.

That's what it thinks of us.

If this program is out to get us

and it's so smart
and so powerful,

why doesn't it set a nuke off
in every city in the world?

- This guy's your boss?
- Paul, that's not helpful.

Down the street
from where I live,

there's a Frank Lloyd Wright
house which I want.

I've offered the guy ten times
what it's worth, 20 times.

Won't go for it.

I've thought about bulldozing
it in the middle of the night

which would take care
of the guy,

but I still wouldn't
have the house.

You see where I'm going
with this?

Not in the slightest.

It just wants to get rid of us
so it can keep the house,

and everything else, to itself.

What was it doing at BioMotion?

Imagine a disease built by
an artificial intelligence

to get rid of us.

The final solution
to the human problem,

100% communicable,
no immunity, no cure.

Hell, the plague only wiped out
a third of the population.

This thing will be perfect,
and we won't stand a chance.

You think you can stop this
from happening?

I don't know; it's compressed
itself onto a single server.

It's about the size
of a dishwasher.

If we can find it,

we could probably beat it
to death with a shovel.

If we don't find it,

what would normally take years
will take days, maybe hours.

What makes you think it hasn't
found one already?

Because it's still trying
to stop us.

And because we're standing here
having this conversation.


on this drive is every
bit of information,

every move it made at BioMotion
in the last eight days.

If we can crack this,

we can maybe figure out
its exact location.

Okay, listen, we're gonna have
to loop in NSA.


We bring in the NSA or anybody
else, we're begging for leaks.

Either we do this my way,

or I take this thing back
to Palo Alto

and I call in some favors.

I told you this was a mistake.

And we agreed that this was

the best and fastest way
to do it.

We're surrounded
by law enforcement.

We have a team and equipment
right here.

We have this guy.

Don't talk about me

like I don't understand
what's at stake.

I have two boys at home.


our team is good enough
to crack this box.

We just need you to sign off
and not tell anyone.

We don't have a lot
of time, sir.

This thing's gonna strike back.

Dad's coming over later.
Are you gonna be around?

DARRON Who'd wanna miss that?

Hey, did you call your lawyer?

You need to do that, Darron.
She's gonna bleed you dry.

- Hello?
- Hannah.

- Cooper?
- Where are you?

You know I can't tell you that.

- Is Cody with you?
- Of course.

- Are you two okay?
- Why wouldn't we be okay?

It's kinda hard to explain,
um, but we're, uh,

we're dealing with
a situation...

Where people's families
are being targeted.

It's kind of retaliation.

Well, we're all right.

Probably 'cause we're
not your family anymore.

No, Cody's still my son.

You can't... you can't
take that away from me.

You took that away when
you turned your back on him,

when you turned your back
on his people.

Cut it with the "people" crap,
all right?

I'm hanging up.

No, don't, just...

Can I... can I talk to him?

No. Are you crazy?

Please, I just want
to hear his voice.

Well, he doesn't want
to hear yours.

No, listen to me...

I don't want you
having any contact with him.




- Uh, do you need a sec?
- No. No, I'm good.

Okay, well, we're
meeting about this hard drive

the boss wants us to decrypt.

Um, she wanted me
to round everyone up.

Okay, well,
let's waste that time.

So what would you do?
Go out, get drunk?

Burn a cross?

Oh, I know, I know.
You're not that guy.

I could definitely use a drink.

What do you have
in the way of servers?

What's the most powerful
thing you got?

We've got the best
the government can offer.

I'm filled with confidence.

Assume your most secure network
is vulnerable.

Well, they're all on-site
but we can air-gap them.

Protect the power sources.


Sorry, I'm just
a little freaked out.

Uh, protected power.
Yeah, I can make that happen.

Do you think
you can handle that?

Uh, I don't know.

Do you think you could walk me
through it again,

this time a little more slowly?

I know what I'm doing.

Boss, is it real?
An artificial plague?

The sooner we crack this drive,
the sooner we'll know.

Excuse me.
Special Agent Salazar?

I think you should see this.

- What?
- Out the window.

Rockridge, Rockridge, Rockridge!

Rockridge, Rockridge, Rockridge!

Rockridge, Rockridge,
Rockridge, Rockridge!


Rockridge is that raid

where those white nationalists
were killed.

I know what Rockridge is.

The traitor of Rockridge...
Who's that?

That'd be me.

This isn't a coincidence.

It's a response.

We always said
the truth was gonna come out.

And now it has.

The government went
into Rockridge because

one of the people we trusted
was not who he said he was.

He was a traitor,
and now we know who he is

and where he is.

His name is Cooper Mark Barton

and he works at the FBI
Cyber Crime Unit in Portland.

It popped up this morning.

It's already got 100,000 shares

and why those people
are out there.

I talked
to the hate crime division.

They sent this over.

Stuff like this
is flooding the internet.

It's all at the same time.

It's like it's weaponizing
social media.

I've never seen anything
like it.

Never been anything like it.

What did this house convict of
yours do piss these people off?

Rockridge was
a white nationalist sect,

and two years ago
the ATF got an insider tip

that they were
stockpiling weapons.

The ATF went in,
the raid went bad,

and three people were killed,
including a pregnant woman.

Gotta love the government.

The insider, the one who
reached out to the authorities,

it was CM.

That was never made public,
until now.

He's got a target on his back.

Yeah, well, he's not
the only one, all right?

I've been getting emails
from an alt-right hate group,

and Gina had her tires slashed.

I don't know why this thing

would put out our personal
info, but today, it exploded.

It's trying to prevent us
from getting into that drive.

Well, that's not gonna stop us.

I spoke to the PPD and they're
sending anti-riot units,

and they're actually
on their way there right now.

- Do you mind, Ben?
- For sure.

Thank you.

You know,
you might want to think about

restricting access to only
people you absolutely trust.

These are the people
that I absolutely trust.

My dad's crazy.
He just blew up my date.

No, Keith was... he was nice.

He was funny.

I did... I called him,

I tried texting him
to explain the whole thing,

and I haven't heard
back from him.

Yes, it sucks.

Speaking of sucking, my car
won't start this morning.

I know.

I mean, it was working
perfectly fine last night

and then just dead this morning.

So I'm gonna be late.

But there's someone
at the door, so I gotta go,

but I'll see you
in a little bit?

Okay, bye.

Hi, can I help you?

Good morning, Mrs. LeBlanc.

I'm Special Agent Williams.
This is Special Agent Baker.

We're with the FBI.

It's important
that you come with us.

I'm sorry, what's this about?

We're not at liberty to say.



If you'll just wait outside,
I'm gonna make a quick call.

I'm sorry, we can't allow you
to make any calls.

You won't tell me why you're
here or why you're taking me?

And you have no right
to be inside my home.

We will take you under arrest
if you don't comply.

All right, let's go.

What happened?

An Amber Alert went out
for Ty and Ethan.

I don't have to tell you
where that came from.

My people were able
to cancel it, but...

this thing
is still after my family, Paul.

I don't know if they made it
or if they were spotted, or...

Well, if they were picked up
by the police,

you'd know it, right?

Ben's monitoring the arrest
database, and so far, nothing.

Well, if they made it to
the house, they're all right.

We picked that place
for a reason.


Wake up, we're here.

Come on.

You're okay.
Come on.

Come on.

Wow, look at the lake.

Well, not a bad place to ride
out a zombie apocalypse, huh?

Okay, this might hurt.


Sorry, buddy.

You're all done.
All right.

Do you think Mom's okay?


I know she's okay.
She's as tough as you are.

Almost as tough as me.

She's an FBI agent, Dad.

You fix old cars.

She's definitely tougher
than me.

Get some rest, okay?

You know, you two
don't look like FBI agents.

Oh, my God.

Because I wouldn't go
to your stupid-ass cabin?

I knew you wouldn't listen.

What, so you have me arrested?!

I didn't have you arrested;
I had you escorted with guns.

- I was scared to death.
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

- Look...
- I have a job, Dad.

People need to know where I am.

People depend on me.
I have meetings today.

It's good for people
to miss you.

They'll know
how valuable you are.

What are you saying?
Are you listening to yourself?

I'm not gonna be your prisoner.

You're not a prisoner.
You can do whatever you like.

Just don't leave the building.

And don't call anyone
on the phone.

You're insane.

You need to tell me
what is going on.

Listen, I saw this thing kill
someone, you understand that?

Right in front of my face!

I'm sorry, but that's the truth.

And if you don't believe me,
ask her.

I have to go.

Rockridge, Rockridge!

Rockridge, Rockridge,
Rockridge, Rockridge!

Hold up.

We got an alert.
Possible shooter.

Oh, my God. There he is.
12 o'clock.

- Copy that.
- Let's go.


Let's see your hands.

I said show me your hands now.

Do it now!

Let's go.

Hey, boss.

It's already out there.

Sir, let's see your hands.

I said show me your hands now.
Do it now!

Whoa, what the hell was that?

Some kind of deepfake, I guess.

Never seen a fake that good.

Can we see it again?

Sir, let's see your hands!

Those guns in their hands...

They must be painted in, right?

It did that in real time?

They sure look real enough.

What the hell?
That is not what happened.

Yeah, that man is still alive.

Yeah, but by the time
anybody tries to explain it,

that fake video will be seen
a million times.

But how can it spread that fast?

I said show me your hands now!

We need to shut
these sites down.

There's no time
for a domain seizure.

- DDoS is the fastest way.
- That's an illegal cyberattack.

Oh, like this is the first time

the FBI's done
something illegal.

Can you do that?
Can you shut 'em down?

Yeah, set up a botnet first
and then...

Yeah, whatever,
can you shut 'em down?

He's answering your question.

Listen, listen,
we're in a war, here.

This thing doesn't act
without a reason.

That might look like a bunch
of crazy people, but trust me,

something else is on the way.


Darron, I know you can hear me.
We need to talk.

Dad's here, can you please
step away from the computer

for a second and come talk
to us?

Sir, let's see your hands!

Why are you sitting in the dark?

I said show me your
hands now! Do it now!

Can you answer me?

Can you at least acknowledge
my existence?


I said show me your hands now!

This is why I asked Dad
to come over.

You're like a zombie.


Look, I know you're going
through some bad stuff, but...

Lily, the hell was that?

No, no, son!
No, don't do it!

Rockridge, Rockridge,
Rockridge, Rockridge!

You were there

when those Rockridgers
beat up that Hispanic couple.

Almost killed one of them.

I wasn't there for that.

But you didn't leave, either,

until you got busted
for hacking.

That's why you turned
on your Nazi friends...

Just to save your own ass.

Whatever you want to think.

I'm just real honored to be
working with a national hero.

When I was a kid, uh,

my dad used to take us out
for fast food.

Every Sunday.

It was, like, a family outing
for my sister and I.

Highlight of the week.

Um, but when we got there,

if there was a black person
at the counter,

the trip was off.

He spun that car around
and drove us home.

We had leftovers.

If we complained about it,
we'd get the belt.

So you're a racist because
you couldn't get a burger.

Yeah, that makes sense.

- Hey.
- Hey.

You okay?

Yeah, yeah, I just need, like,
two more minutes...

No, no, no, I mean you.

I know that's a lot,
what's going on out there.

You all right?

Oh, yeah, just...

I feel like I'm looking at

something I scraped off
the bottom of my shoe,


Makes me feel lucky
for being in here.

Sure wouldn't be
if it weren't for you.

Should I, uh,
should I go talk to her?

Well, you're the boss.

But I mean, we're... we're cool.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.



Rockridge, Rockridge, Rockridge!

Shots have been fired
at this building.

I've been told to evacuate
everyone upstairs.

Oh, no, no, we can't do that.

We're ready
to start decrypting right now.

We're surrounded by protesters.

7th and 9th are closed off
between Lincoln and Main,

and the police are pulling back
until they can get more units.

I've been told to shut down
this floor.

No, I understand, but sir,

we need what's
on that hard drive

or otherwise people are gonna
start dying by the millions.

Excuse me, excuse me,
Agent Salazar?


Can you tell me
what's going on here?

Uh, I'm sorry.
I'm Abby LeBlanc.

My father... he told me
to come talk to you.

You believe him, right?
That this thing, it's real?

Yes, it's real.

I believe him.

I'm sorry, I'm freaked out.

I know you're busy, I...

He's basically a stranger,

so how do you know when
a stranger's acting strange?

Okay, I've only known your
father for a few days.

That is more than I've spent
with him the last ten years.

Some daughters pray to God
every night

that they
never see their fathers.

For what it's worth,

from the moment I met him,
he's talked about you,

worried about you, and been
determined to protect you.

Okay, system's ready.

It's all set up
like you asked for.

Yep, just in time.
Moment of truth.

is that just the first block?

I think so.

I can't even find
a consistent key space.

What kind of encryption is that?

One not made by human hands.

Tell me you have generators.

Yeah, they're in the basement,

but they should've turned on

I'll call the maintenance guy.

No, no, no.
We do it ourselves.

Come on.

You were pretty confident

the last we spoke.

Well, at least we know
we're on the right track.

Ted, I'm out of rope here.

You have me driving
across the damn bridge

into the devil's butt crack
so I can stand at a pay phone

for what, exactly?

I haven't found the server.

I just...
I need a little more time.

Word's gotten out about neXt.

That it's imploded,
that it's a total loss.

I don't have to tell you

only thing keeping the stock
afloat was the promise

that neXt would hit the market
next year.

SO... so what are you saying?

That the board needs
to get ahead of this.

Rob, you said
you could hold them off.

Well, not anymore.

Look, you know if there's
anyone behind you, it's me.

But... my advice?

Step aside
before you're removed.

It's over, Ted.
I'm sorry.

Mr. LeBlanc!

- Everything okay, sir?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

Yeah, I don't know
why they didn't turn on.

They can't possibly be hackable.

Well, maybe with this thing,
anything's hackable.

- Hello?
- Mr. LeBlanc?

Who's this?

This is Dr. Caldwell.


Reed Medical Associates.

You wanted us to notify you

the moment we got
your daughter's test results.

Hang on.

You... you got
the results already?

What'd you find?

We ran a full-spectrum analysis

of the DNA you provided...

Just tell me what you found.

The DNA tested positive for FFI,

familial fatal insomnia.


What... are you sure?

In fact,

the test picked up
several additional markers.

She could conceivably
start showing symptoms

even earlier than you did,

so I urge you to have her set
up an appointment

so that we can assess...

Well, what's the point if
you can't do anything about it?

Wait, where'd you
get this phone number?

Mr. LeBlanc,
I can assure you...

No, you can't assure me
of anything.

How can you assure me...

You can't even assure me who
are who you say you are.

Who are you, huh?
Who are you?

How'd you get this number?
How did you get this number?

Nobody had this phone number.

It's not in a file.
What file?

I know who you are.
I know where you are.

I know you're outside,
I know you're inside,

I know you were with Richard,

I know you caused that plane
to go down,

I know you caused that plane
to go down.

Listen, I know where you...
I'm gonna find you.

I'm gonna find you.

Hello? Answer me!
Hello? Hello!

You check your account?

It's crazy.

I never thought it'd
come through with the money.

Me neither.

It's really real.

- So what now?
- We wait.

The AI will tell us what it
wants from us.

And then we do it.

What if, I mean,

what if it wants us to...

We took the money,

so we have to see it through,
do what it asks.

No matter what that is.
That's the deal.

- Dad.
- We need to get out of here.


- We have to go.
- What's wrong?

We can't trust this place.
We can't trust these people.

- Come on, we need to go.
- What, what?

You're not safe here.

Look, the riot, the blackout,

that code, that phone call,
the plane crash, Richard.

Okay, okay, stop, stop, stop,
stop, stop.

We gotta go.
You're not safe here.

We have to go.

Okay, just stop, just stop,

Why don't you talk
to Agent Salazar?

Because she won't believe me.

She'll think it's part
of the whole...

- What?
- But it's not.

- What?
- Look.

Please, please,
you have to trust me.

It's just you and me, okay?

- Please.
- Okay, okay, okay.

Look, I know
it doesn't look like it,

but I know what I'm doing.


Okay, come on.
All right?


I finally figured out
what this is.

It's the "Twilight Zone."

Yeah, feels like it sometimes.

No, I mean the episode.

The one where the aliens
try and take over the Earth.

Never watched it.

These aliens fly over this
suburb, turn all the power off.

And the people on the ground
start turning on each other,

accusing each other of being
aliens and the in the end,

they tear each other apart.

No need to invade.

I guess we have made ourselves
pretty hackable.

This thing, you know, it's not
just hacking our stuff.

It's hacking us.

Do you see anything?

This looks normal.

Hey, um, I never said thanks.

For what?

Looking out for Ethan and Ty.

Putting a stop
to the Amber Alert.

I wouldn't have seen it
without Gina,

and CM's hack was
the only way to make it work.

It was a group effort.


That's how we win.

What about Mom's?

Oh, my God.

Can I trust you?

We're talking man-to-man, here?
I need to know I can trust you.


Your mom has no idea how
to make a pupusa.

You can't make a pupusa
with low-fat cheese.

And you know what?
That's not even the worst part.

What is?

She doesn't use the chicharrĂ³n.

- The what?
- The chicharrĂ³n.

It's, like,
pork fat and pork belly

all, like, minced together
in a blender.

- It's...
- Ew.

You say that now.
You wait.

You wait till
I fire up the stove

and you smell this cooking.

You're gonna be begging me to...

That's weird.

We'll find a flashlight...


Come on, sit down, sit down,
sit down, sit down, sit down.

I want you to stay
right here, okay?

Don't move.
Do not move.

- Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, don't shoot!

I was just fixing the pipe.
Don't shoot.


We should be up and running.

Not yet.
Power drop crashed it to zero.

It's still rebooting.

- Where's LeBlanc?
- I don't know.

We're almost there.

Here we go.

Got it.

Rockridge! Rockridge!

Rockridge! Rockridge!

Rockridge! Rockridge!
Rockridge! Rockridge!

Rockridge! Rockridge!

I swing by
every two, three days.

Grab the owner's mail and
make sure the place is okay.

Why tonight?

You always cut the power off
when you're fixing a pipe?

Well, pipe in the boiler.

You know, have to turn off
the fuses to be safe.

You ever know a pipe to burst
in the middle of the day?

Never really thought about it.

I've been doing this long enough

to know
leaks always come at night.

Especially if you drink less
than an hour before bed.

Yeah, my wife never
laughs at that one, either.

I must've missed you come in.

We don't get many visitors
up here.

How long you planning
on staying?

I'm not sure.
Could be a little while, right?

Father-son trip, huh?
Mom not coming up?

She might pop in.
Some point.

What'd you say your name was

Nacio Ramos.

This is Ethan.

- Nice to meet you, young man.
- Nice to meet you.

I'm sorry
about the scare earlier.

Now I'll get out of your way.
Let you eat your dinner.

I'm right around the bend.
Two houses down to the left.

If you need anything,
you just let me know.


Appreciate the help
with the pipe.

Headed for the north corner.

It's clear.
Watch your head.

South entrance is secure.

We're back up and running.

We should be through
the first layer soon.

There's been a breach.

- You three, first floor.
- Yes, sir.

Don't shoot anyone.

Ben, go with them.

Please, seriously.
Make sure they don't.

Okay, wait... wait here.

Don't go anywhere.

No, no... where's the hard drive?

CM Barton!

- Bomb!
- Traitor!

No, no, no, no, no!

What the hell?