Nashville (2012–2018): Season 4, Episode 21 - Nashville - full transcript

Juliette needs to decide how she's going to publicly address what really happened regarding Jeff's death. Will becomes a leader in a sense. Rayna takes dire action when she finds out who Maddie has encountered, and one music duo may go their separate ways.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Nashville...

You can do whatever you want,
all on your own.

- What's going on, what's wrong?
- I'm in love with him.

I just got nominated for an Oscar.

I saw what happened with Jeff.

- He wasn't alone on the roof.
- No!

He died saving my life. I'm sorry.

Will Lexington should do
this country a favor

and just disappear.

I want to go on the show.

Go get her, son.

You had your meeting with that charity?

I could put a concert together
with a bunch of friends.

I'm emancipating from you.

She signed with a label in New York.

Yes, we should totally do lunch.

I need to steal Juliette
away for a second.

- Good luck tomorrow. Rooting for you.
- See you at noon.

Great. Thank you, guys. Thank you.

Why can't they just give out
the damn award already?

Why do they have to have so many parties?

Well, it's almost over.

Good, because I'm tired
of pretending to be friends

with people I don't know.

Hi, Juliette!

This would just be so much easier

if Cadence were here.

You know, somebody that's
actually a part of my life.

Hope you win!

Why can't she be?
I mean, you do have a jet.

You don't think that's too big an ask?

Only one way to find out.

She sold out, huh?

Yep. All 18,000 seats.

Your mom knows how to throw a fundraiser.

It's a pretty big crowd, huh?


They're gonna love you.

- Yes, they are. You're gonna be awesome.
- I hope so.

Will you make sure that the office

has the entire guest list
for the after-party?

- Hey, you ever played pedal steel?
- Yes, I love pedal steel.

- Hi.
- She's a little nervous,

but she's very excited.

Good. I want her to have something fun.

- Mm.
- It's been such a tough couple weeks.

I hate it, too, you know...
Maddie not being here.

I know.

Not trying to make you feel...

I-I know. I'm not.

It's just weird being here
in the same city

and not able to get in touch with her.


How's my newest artist doing?

Ms. Donovan!

Oh, I was just telling Cash

about how amazing your label's been to me.

Well, I'm glad you're happy.

I think you're gonna be even happier.

I'd like to introduce you to the man

who's going to produce your album.

Hey, Vince.

Oh, my God. That's Vince Pierce.


- Hey.
- Wow. Pleasure to meet you.

It's such an honor
to meet you, Mr. Pierce.

- I'm a huge, huge fan.
- The honor is all mine.

I have not seen talent
like yours in a very long time.

That means so much.

- All right. You ready to get to it?
- Yeah.

Um, would you mind if I told
a few friends about this first?

All right.

You look a hell of a lot better.
How you feeling?

Good. They got me on limited duty
until the next training session.

Mom's gonna come visit
before I go back in, though.

Oh. Well, uh, let me know
when that happens

so I can avoid being there
at the same time.

Rather not run into her and Gary.

They split up months ago.
Surprised she didn't tell you.

Not like we talk much.

She okay?

Yeah. She's fine.

I mean, he was never the one, you know?

- Hey, Luke.
- Mom would never admit it, but...

Hey, you know what, son? I should go.

I got somebody in my office.

I'll call you back, okay?

All right, Dad. Talk soon.

I've been in media training for two weeks.

I got my talking points.

You want to tell me what we're discussing?


He's been out there hijacking any program

he can get himself onto.

He even tried to get onto my show,

but I refuse to give an avowed homosexual

a platform from which
he can spread his gay agenda.

So we keep fighting the fight
everywhere else, then.

You can't win a war
if you don't face your enemy.

I got to get on her show, Luke,

even if it means I got to force my way on.

Yeah. Thanks so much.

That was Bucky.

My album has sold 10,000 copies
in two weeks,

and it's on Billboard 200.

Oh, congratulations.

Really? That's it?

I'm sorry. That's incredible news. Really.

I'm just, uh, a little distracted.

Juliette called.

She really wants Cadence with her in L.A.

Offered to send her plane,
put us up in a nice hotel.

What do you think?

Oh. Uh... I think it's weird.

I mean, I would love to take
a trip with both of you, but...

not to see your ex-wife.

Oh, she just wants to see
her daughter on a very big night

and she's trying to make it as
easy as possible for everyone.

No. She is trying to control you, Avery.

I can't believe that you're giving
in to all of her crazy demands.

They're not crazy.
They're not even demands.

I know Juliette's done
some bad things in the past,

believe me, but, I mean,
at least she's trying

to take responsibility for them.


I don't know what to tell you.

Juliette is the mother of my daughter.

She's always gonna be in our lives.

And I'm taking Cadence to L.A.
to support her,

so I hope you'll join us.

- Hi!
- Welcome back.

- Thank you.
- How was your break?

It was good. Yours?



you talk to Gunnar at all?

Uh, well, last I heard,

he was road-tripping
across the Southwest, so... no.

Well, you gonna tell him what you told me?


I just don't know, um... when or how.

Well, I have faith in you.

And I'm sure it'll all work out,

just like it did at the photo shoot.


You don't think I'm being crazy,
do you? To tell him?

I think you're being honest with yourself

for the first time in a while.

I better go make sure
that the VIPs are all set

for the meet-and-greet tonight.


- Hey!
- Hey, brother!

What's up?

I'll be back.

- You're back!
- Yeah!

- Good to see you, huh?
- You too.

Oh. You know what?

I was hoping we could, uh,
we could talk for a second.


a lot's happened
in the last couple weeks, and...


- That looks amazing.
- Thanks.

The photographer worked real hard with me

to get me to be honest
about what I was feeling

when I listen to our music.

Well, it... it worked.

Yeah, it made me think about a lot.


I-I realized...

I'm in love with you, Gunnar.

Oh, good. You've talked.

Uh, we haven't, actually.

I really hope this isn't gonna make
things weird at all around here.

- Oh, you guys are...
- Yeah.

Just back from two weeks in Aruba.

Yeah. I-I...

- I didn't get a chance to, uh... to s...
- Excuse me.


How's Daphne doing?

You know, I mean,

I really think she's trying
to put on such a game face,

and I don't think she's doing well at all.

What's going on with our other daughter?

Having fun in New York City.


Restaurants, clubs,

heels that are too damn high.

Those are some expensive heels, too.

She's gonna blow through
her advance in no time.

Wait a minute.

- What?
- Is that Vince Pierce?

- Yeah, why?
- Oh, my God.

- This guy is the worst.
- Why do you say that?

Because when I was Maddie's age,

he practically tried
to force himself on me.

Are you serious?

Yeah. I'm serious.

And now it appears
he's working with our daughter.

Do we have to go to
that dinner thing tonight?

I'm afraid so.

- Can I wear my PJs?
- Oh, come on, honey.

Juliette, were you with your manager

when he fell to his death?

- What?
- Hey, step back. Security!

- The story's already on our website.
- I need security over here!

How did you...

No, no! Don't say a word to this clown.

- Don't say anything.
- Is it true?

- Were you on that roof?
- Come on.

Juliette, what really happened
on that roof that night?

Why tell me now? I mean w-what's changed?

You. You've changed.

You have this new confidence,

and she can feel it. Trust me.

Girls like Scarlett love keeping
guys like you on the line.

So you think she's manipulating me?

I'm just saying she's playing a head game,

whether she means to or not.

Well, whatever she's doing, it could...

it could ruin the band, which sucks,

'cause we have, what,
like, 30 dates left on the tour.

You could accompany me solo.

- Oh.
- No pressure.

It's just an option
that's out there for you.

We'd been working on something all day,

and he wanted to go back
to his place to...

to write a song.

Next thing I know,
he just starts leaning in

and really just pushing himself on me.

And I said, "There must be some mistake.

This isn't what I'm here for."

And he said, "You don't like me?

You don't want to get ahead
in this business?"

Oh, my God.

And I said, "Not like this, I don't."

And I started trying to get up,

and he literally grabbed me
and pulled me down on the couch,

and I was scared.

All right.

I'm not quite sure how I got out of there.

But I did.

And I told my manager about it,

and he said, "Well,
that's what happens, hon.

And anyway, nothing
really happened, right?

You're fine."

Great manager.

- Yeah, I fired him.
- Mm.

And I never worked with Vince again.

But, you know, he went off
to New York, became a bigwig.

And now the son of a bitch
is working with our daughter.

Not if I can help it.

Hey, Kevin. I appreciate you stopping by.

- Know it's last-minute.
- Yeah, happy to help.

Hey, man.

I was intrigued by Will's message.

- Have a seat.
- Yeah, I hope you didn't mind.

It's just that you're
pretty much the only link

to the community I have.

Yeah, of course not. So, how can I help?

Well, I'm taking the fight
to Cynthia Davis,

and I'm doing it because
it's not just my fight anymore.

Of course, it never was, but, uh...

Anyway, I want to pay her a visit,

make it hard to ignore me.

Cynthia's show is broadcast
out of Atlanta.

We were wondering
if you knew any folks down there

help us draw a crowd.

- Yeah, I can definitely put in some calls.
- Great.

But, uh, if you need bodies,
I can go, bring some friends.

You're not too busy? I mean,
we're talking about tomorrow.

Well, I got a little more
free time lately.

Well, okay.

Um... never planned a protest.

How we gonna do this?

When the cops asked
if I was there, I said "no,"

because at first,
I didn't remember being there.

And then I started getting
all these flashbacks.

It was supposed to be me.

I wanted to jump.

Honey. I'm so sorry.

I didn't realize
that you were feeling so bad.

No. There's nothing you could've done.

I put all this on myself.

Everything that happened
was because of me.

And now everybody knows it.

See, that's what I don't get.

How did they find out?

And why now?

I mean, I told Layla a few weeks ago.

I knew that there was a chance

she could use it against me, but...

I didn't hear anything, so I just hoped...


If it was her, I can't blame her.

It's my fault Jeff's dead.

Honey, look, it was an accident, okay?

You didn't mean for anybody to get hurt.

As far as the public's concerned,

this is just a tabloid rumor.

If we just ignore it,

there's a good chance
it'll all just blow over.

I've hired private investigators

to look into my brother's death.

If these allegations are true,

I'm going to make sure
that Juliette Barnes

is held responsible in a court of law.

- Is this a criminal investigation?
- No further comment.

- Hey, man.
- Dinner went a little long.

Layla will be here in a sec.

No problem.

Hey, did you see this article on your ex?

- _
- What the hell?

Hey. Whatcha looking at?


Oh, my God.

Is that for real?

It's nothing.

Are they saying that Juliette pushed him?

They are saying Jeff Fordham's sister

is suing her for wrongful death.

Oh, my God. I think I'm gonna be sick.


Listen, I-I-I know
this has to be bringing up

horrible memories for you,

but don't jump to any conclusions.

It's just a gossip website.

Look, we can't go to L.A.

I can't be anywhere near her
if this is true.

I'm not changing any plans
until I talk to her first.

All right?


I can't believe you're even
still considering going.

I mean, what does it take

for you to see that she hasn't changed?

She's done something awful.


And so far, there isn't any.

Hey, it's Juliette.

Leave a message, and I'll call you back.

Juliette, it's Avery.

Call me.

Have this messengered.

Kate Fordham.



If you want to win your case
against Juliette Barnes,

you need to talk
to Luke Wheeler's son, Colt.

Who is this?

Just someone who wants justice
for your brother.

Look, Colt Wheeler saw everything.

That's all I can tell you.

No comment.

We've reached out
to Kate Fordham's attorney,

but they have no intention
of backing down.

They say they've identified an eyewitness.

Still feels like a money play to me.

I say we back-channel
a preemptive settlement offer,

see if she bites.

Excuse me.

It's Avery again.

Since he's supposed to be
getting on a plane soon,

maybe you should talk to him.

Tell him not to come.

Sorry, man. She says it's not a good time.

Look, can you just put her on the phone?

Kate Fordham has an eyewitness.
It's on the news.

Yeah. Yeah, no. I'm... I'm... I'm here.



Who was that?


Juliette doesn't want us
out there after all.

- Yeah, I'm in Atlanta on business,
- Thank you for being here!

but my office is
getting slammed with calls.

Yeah, we're trying to figure out
how best to handle this situation.

We'll do what we can
to keep you out of it.

Well, it happened on my watch,
Glenn. Not sure you can.

How's Juliette?

I'll have to get back to you on that.

All right. Call me later.

Let Will speak! Let Will speak!

Well, she's had her people protesting

outside your office for weeks.

Seems only fair to return the favor.

Well, I hope nobody calls the cops...

not till the press gets here, anyway.

All right. Let's do this.

♪ I'm a wild, I'm a wild,
I'm a, I'm a wild card ♪

♪ I'm a wild, I'm a wild,
I'm a, I'm a wild card ♪

Why don't you come in here for a sec?

Uh, maybe switch out the mic
with an SM-57.


She's incredible.

That's what I've been trying
to tell everyone.

So, are you a family friend or...

guardian or what?

Sort of like a big sister/

Anything I need to change?

- No. No, we are all good.
- No.

Awesome. Well, let me know.

I can seriously do this all day.

Actually, after we get this, I got to run.

I'm working with an artist

out of my home studio in Williamsburg.

Hmm. Isn't that where
all the cool kids hang?

Hey, if you guys aren't busy,
you ought to come on out.

I'm having some friends over.

I would love to introduce you to them.

- Really?
- We'll be there.

Thank you for seeing me today.

My pleasure.

I really need to get
in contact with Maddie.

So you got on my schedule
to get her phone number?

I'm very concerned about
her working with Vince Pierce.

You know, I worked with him
back in the day,

and it was a bad experience.

I mean, you've heard
all the rumors, and...

and he was inappropriate with me,

and I just...
I don't want to take the risk

that that might happen with Maddie.

Look, with all due respect,

Vince is now one of the most
sought-after producers in the world.

He's a legend.

Does he have an eye for the ladies? Sure.

But in my experience,
he's been a total gentleman.

Well, not in mine.

Look, there's not a woman in this industry

that hasn't been hit on
in one way or another.

And you're okay with that?

It comes with the territory.

And as women, we deal with it.

Well, Maddie's not a woman.
She's a teenage girl.

And, Caitlyn, she's my daughter.

But she's my artist.

Are you gonna help me or not?

That didn't take long.

Might wind up being more of them
than us, unfortunately.

Yeah, but they're not gonna be
near as loud.

Hey, this is Luke Wheeler.

Where the hell's that pop-up stage?

She really said that you're just
supposed to deal with that?

Yeah. You know,
"It comes with the territory."

So many people think this way.
I don't... I don't get it.

You know, especially a woman?

She wouldn't give you
a phone number, either.

- No way to cont...
- No. Mnh-mnh.

Baby, what are we gonna do here?

We got to let her know about this guy.

I mean, I've called every single person

I know in New York City.

She's changed her number.
Cash won't respond.

She blocked us on Twitter.

I'm gonna go old-school.

Gonna write a letter.

How y'all doing out there?

Listen, I know I promised y'all
some music, but first,

I need y'all to make a lot more
noise than those guys.

Give it up for Mr. Will Lexington!

Cynthia Davis says she won't
give me any sort of platform.

Well, luckily, we found one of our own!

♪ I was broke down roadside,
runnin' from a ghost ♪

♪ You were top-down,
Highway 1 up the coast ♪

♪ I was waitin' on a tow truck ♪

♪ You were flyin' under a Malibu sky ♪

♪ After all these years
tradin' highs and lows ♪

♪ Chasin' love and dreams
wherever they go ♪

♪ When I'm lost, you find me
and walk beside me ♪

♪ That's the truth, I know, I know ♪

♪ Some brothers are born ♪

♪ Some brothers are chosen ♪

♪ Wherever you go ♪

♪ I'm gonna be there ♪

♪ I'm gonna be there ♪

♪ Some brothers are born ♪

Really? Y-You... You avoid me all night?

You wouldn't answer when I knocked?

I've really got nothing left
to say, Gunnar.

You... You can't just say
"I love you" and then disappear.

I mean, did you even mean it,

or... or was it some...
some weird manipulation?

You think I'm being manipulative?

I don't know... I-I mean...

maybe not on purpose, but kinda, yeah.

You should just forget I ever
said anything, all right?

And how am I supposed to do that?

I've had to unhear a whole lot of
stupid crap you said in the past.

You know, I'm sick of always
arguing about the past with you,

which makes me think
there is no real future for us.

Well, what are you saying, Gunnar?


Kate Fordham's willing to make a deal.

They're asking $3 million.
We'll get them down to 1.

Pay it.

Juliette, we... we can negotiate.

For what?

Jeff's life?

He's dead. It's my fault.

Pay her whatever she wants. Just do it.

- Juliette.
- Or you're fired.


But just to cover our bases,

we'll ask for a public retraction.

"In her grief, Ms. Fordham
was desperate to place blame,

but has since learned that her brother

was solely responsible for his own death."


So... now you can go to the Oscars

and not have to worry
about anything but winning.


This place is amazing.

Of course it is, though.
It's Vince Pierce's place.

I have to post this.



- Maddie, Cash, wow.
- Hey!

I am so glad you guys made it.

Thank you again for inviting us.

Hey, is that... is that Chris Martin?

Uh... oh. Yeah.

Yeah, you know him?

We just, um... I met him once

while I was on the road with Kasey.

I'm gonna go say hi, okay?

- Okay.
- I'll be right back.

So, uh... want something
to eat? Uh, drink?

- Want me to show you around?
- Totally.

♪ I was living in the thunder ♪


- ♪ Soul sundered ♪
- _

Think we're ruining Cynthia's day?

Oh, I hope so.

I just wish we'd thought
of doing this sooner.

I owe you one.

No, you don't.

I like what we're doing here.

So, what are you two these days?

Oh... nothing much.

Somewhere between
exes and friends, I guess?

Oh, it's too bad.

I always thought y'all were,
um, pretty great together,

both personally and musically.

In my experience,
that doesn't happen too often.

You talking about Rayna?

Hell no.

Actually, I was, uh,
talking about my ex-wife.

Okay, I think we've all heard enough.

Can you shut them up, please?

Sorry. Who are you?

Trey Edwards... producer,
"Cynthia Davis Live."

She's agreed to have you on.

Well, all right!
That's what I'm talking about!

On two conditions... the noise stops

and you head into the studio right now.

Wait. What?

Her show starts in 15 minutes.

Are you in or are you out?

You're breaking up the band?

Have the two of you lost your minds?

Your single is in the Top 100,

Highway 65 is backing your album,

and you'd be breaking a contract
Autumn'll probably sue you for.

Actually, Autumn offered
to take me out as a solo act.

So there's no problem there.

And you're okay with this?

Look, we're both getting
individual attention.

Maybe it's just best we go solo.

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.

Except neither one of you
have a solo album.

You're The Exes.

We built you up as a duo.

Splitting up now means
you're both starting over.

Okay, we discussed it.

We can't find a way around it. It's done.

This is it, Noel.

Tonight's the last show.

Hey, Glenn.


Avery, I think there's
something you should know.

So, did you hear how well
my album's doing?

Yeah, yeah, yeah,
but that's not why I'm calling.

Obviously, I've been busy

dealing with Juliette's
PR issues, but I have to ask.

Is there any chance that you had something

- to do with this story getting leaked?
- What?

I mean, 'cause it wouldn't be

all that different from you
telling the paparazzi

where to find you and Avery.

Are you actually accusing me
of tipping that guy off?

And I know that Juliette told
you what happened in Atlanta.

Told me what?

Juliette has never said
a word to me about Jeff.

Layla, she told me you spoke.

She's a liar, Glenn.

- You know her.
- Yeah, that's right. I do.

And you know what? I believe her.

And that means you're the one who's lying,

And because of that,
I'm no longer representing you.


I already have everything I need.

I don't know what to say.

It's powerful.

It's brave.

But the thing is, when something
like this happens,

you just don't say anything.

And I don't even know why.

I guess 'cause you feel vulnerable and...


Well, you're saying something now.


Huffington Post said they'd run it

if I'm willing to send it.


There it goes.

This is my favorite place to work.

I should text Cash. She would
love to see it here, too.

She will, all right? Later.

But right now, it's just
producer and artist.

Come on.


I just fired Glenn.

What's wrong?

You acting like it was
the first time you'd heard

that Juliette might've been
involved in Jeff's death.

It was.

No, it wasn't.

Luke Wheeler's son told you
at Deacon and Rayna's wedding.


I didn't... I...

What? Lie to me every day since?

No, Avery.

Do you know what happened
in Atlanta... what she did?

No, no. And I-I-I don't care, okay?

It's not about her.

It's about you and whatever
sick game you're playing.

I mean, what... what was I to you?

A target? Some kind of revenge?

You don't understand!
She took everything from me!

Yes, at first, I wanted to hurt her,

and so maybe this started out wrong,

but I swear my feelings for you are real.

It doesn't matter... anymore.

Of course it does.

I care about you so much.

I had to show you who she really is.

She's a horrible human being.

What do you mean, show me?

Oh, my God.

This whole nightmare
that she's wrapped up in...

It was you.

Wasn't it?


You're crazy, and we're done.

What happened?

I thought you were gonna talk to him.

I tried.

Conversation went about three words long,

and he didn't care to hear
nothing else, so...


If The Exes have truly
run their course, that's fine.

But calling it quits without ever having

a real conversation about your feelings?

I mean, that's just... just dumb.

I would've thought you'd be happy

not to have to deal with
all the crazy anymore.

I know I'm always talking about
what's best for business,

but I want what's best for you, too.

I care about you guys.

And I would hate to see you
throw away something so special.


I appreciate you having me on.

Are we ready or what? What's going on?

And we're ready in three, two...

With me tonight is someone
who has been aggressively

insinuating himself
onto your television screens.

I'm Cynthia Davis.

Buckle up as I take on Will Lexington

and the domestic terrorism
of his homosexual agenda.

That letter hit a nerve.

I won't be surprised if we hear

from some other female artists
telling their stories.

Well, there's only one artist
I want to hear from right now.

Anything from Maddie?

No, nothing yet.

Hey, sweetheart.



You excited to get out there
and play tonight?


I-I'm a bit nervous.

Well, we'll all be together.

Not all of us.

It's an attack
not only on religious liberty,

but on all the heterosexual
citizens of this country.

Oh, me singing songs does all that?

Oh, activist lawmakers will see to it

that we are found guilty of a hate crime

for rejecting a lifestyle
that is historically...

I mean, biblically
and physically is just wrong.

You brainwash our youth,
you pervert our laws

in order to destroy
the sanctity of marriage!

You're scared, aren't you?

Excuse me?

That's why you didn't
want me on your show.


- That's why you won't let me speak now.
- You know what?

I don't know what
you're trying to get at here,

- but this really...
- If you're not afraid, then let me speak.

Fine. Speak.

You don't want your audience
to see me or hear me.

- You know why?
- Oh...

Because they might recognize me.

Not as Will Lexington, gay country singer,

but as their brother or their cousin

or their friend or their coworker.

- Oh, are you finished?
- No. No, look.

I know people who feed
on your brand of intolerance.

I was raised on it myself.

But people's minds change
when you stop being afraid.

I'm a human being.

I'm a good man, a good son.

There's nothing to be scared of here.

And this evening would not be possible

without the hard work of one woman...

the one, the only Rayna Jaymes!

Kristi, thank you so much.
That was so wonderful.

And my family and I are
so honored to be here.

Juliette, everything's been handled.

Kate made a statement,
press is on to the Oscars.

Crisis averted.

Yep, I make a mistake,

and everyone rushes in to cover for me,

and it just magically goes away.

Well, that's what you pay
your PR team for.


All this money...

mine, the studio's, the label's...

it's just perpetuating a lie.

I'm a horrible person.

And these people worship me
because they don't know that.

And here I am, about to set foot
on the world's biggest stage

and lie some more to the press
about how great I am.

Okay, first off,

you don't have to talk to the press
at all if you don't want to.

We can skip the red carpet line entirely.

Glenn, you're missing the point.

Well, then...

tell me how I can help you.

You can't.

Hey. You ready?

- I think so.
- I know so.

- Where's Deacon?
- He's not here.

He said he had something important

that he really needed to take care of,

wanted me to tell you not to worry.

I talked to Colin. He's ready
to step in and play lead.

Are we gonna do this without him?

We got each other's backs, right?

...incredible lineup
we have for you tonight.

- Please...
- Let's go.

help me welcome her back to the stage...

Rayna Jaymes!

Ms. Barnes? Right this way, please.

We're gonna skip the carpet today, thanks.

I'm sorry.

Can you help me find Deborah Roberts?


Scarlett, listen...

- No. You listen.
- I think...

I tried to tell you something yesterday,

and I didn't get the chance to finish.

I love you, and I would never
tell you that

to confuse you or control you in any way.

And I'm afraid of the feeling

because you affect me more
than anybody else ever has,

and frankly, it scares the hell out of me.

So I hid it.

And I ain't hiding it no more.

Even if I believe you, h-how do I know

you're not gonna change your mind tomorrow?

H-how do I know this isn't just

'cause w-we're breaking up the band?

I told you I love you 'cause I love you.

All right, if you don't
feel the same, that's fine,

but don't you tell me how to feel.

Hey, guys. Time to walk.

There is an intimacy
between creative people

when they make an album.

Or there should be.

If it's right, you know?


So, let's talk about it, you know?

Dig in.


Tell you what... I'm gonna
grab us some more drinks.


♪ The world ain't so bad, ain't so tough ♪

♪ Life ain't so sad, ain't so rough ♪

♪ When I got you in my corner ♪

♪ Together, we are stronger ♪

"Dear Maddie, I want to tell you a story

about something that happened
to me a long time ago.

I started working with a music producer

when I was just about your age,

and now you're working
with that same producer."

♪ Side by side till the end ♪

♪ Alone, we stumble ♪

♪ Alone, we crumble ♪

♪ Together, we stand ♪

" I never want you
to feel the way I felt then...

naive and responsible for what happened,

because I wasn't. He was."

♪ Oh, when your soul runs out of steam ♪

"No young woman
should have to feel pressured

or shamed or tricked
into a sexual situation

by any man,

especially the ones
we're supposed to trust."

♪ Together, we are stronger ♪

♪ I'll be the lighthouse
that guides you home ♪

♪ No road was built to be walked alone ♪

♪ I'll be shining in your corner ♪

♪ Together, we are stronger ♪

I have an amazing team

that works very hard to protect me.

But I think some things

just shouldn't be swept under the rug.

Are you referring to the recent rumors

about the death of your manager?


The fact is that I was up on that roof

the night my manager died,

and I was up there

because I was trying to commit suicide.

Did you tell anyone?

Did you call the police?

No, I was so messed up
on drugs and alcohol,

I didn't remember it happened...

not until later.

And that's when I disappeared
from the public eye,

and I went to rehab,

and I've been trying to put my
life back together ever since.

Juliette, I know
this must be terribly hard,

and my heart goes out to you... truly.

I appreciate that,

but I'm not doing any of this
for sympathy.

I don't deserve it.

I just wanted people to know the truth,

and I want Jeff's family
and friends to know

that he was a hero

and he died saving my life.

Hey. Here you go.

Um, I actually... I think
I should go upstairs.

Whoa. What's going on?

I mean... shoot.

We were just starting
to open up to each other.

Yeah, I just... I think...

- I think I shouldn't be here anymore.
- Hey. Come on.

Sweetheart, you were
all about cozying up to me

for a selfie yesterday.

Then you came to my party.

And now suddenly you're not interested?

Uh, I was never interested.

- Mm.
- Not like that.


I, uh...

I must've misunderstood.

See, I-I thought
you wanted to be a grown-up

and have a real, grown-up career.

If this is what it takes to have a career,

then I-I don't want one.

All right, sweetheart.

Here. Have a drink. All right?

There you go. Take it.

There you go.


Listen, if you want to be an artist...

- I mean, a real artist...
- Please don't. Please don't.

Come here. Come here. Come here.

Then you're gonna have to
put yourself completely into it.

- Maddie?!
- Come here.


- Who is that?
- That's my dad.

- Dad.
- Baby.

- You okay? You all right?
- Yes.

He do anything to you?

No, please don't. Dad. Please don't.

- Hey, hey. Come on. Come on.
- You touch my daughter?

Nothing happened.

"Nothing happened."

What about my wife? Anything happen there?

I don't know what you're talking about.


Yeah, you do.

Now the whole world knows.

Let's go, Maddie.

Come here.

I've been looking everywhere...

Deacon, what... Maddie, what's...

Where were you, Cash?!

What's wrong?

You said you'd protect me!

But when I needed you,

you were gone with some guy, Cash!

- No, no, no, no, no!
- Yes!

No! I'm sorry! Listen to me!

I got caught up in everything,
and I'm really sorry.

I promise that will never happen again.

You know me.

Come on!


It's your choice.

Let's get out of here.

Can't believe they stayed.

They're grateful, son.

And, uh...

so am I.

Look, uh, it's none of my business,

but, um...

you never know
if you'll get a second chance

unless you take a chance.

I'll see you later.

Wait. You're leaving?

Yeah. I'm gonna go ahead and fly out.

I'm... pretty sure you got a ride back.

I guess I ruined all your hard work, huh?

Not the first time.

Probably won't be the last.

But... I have never been prouder.

I'll see you back inside.


It was right after I served you

with the divorce papers, wasn't it?

It wasn't your fault.

If I had known how bad things had gotten...

Please... just stop.

It's time for me to take responsibility.

And if that means losing everything...

then so be it.

That's not gonna happen.

I-I meant what I said before, Juliette.

We're still here.


I just got word that Cumulus
is about to make you

their Artist of the Month.

Your album's gonna break into the Top 100.

Your career is about to skyrocket.

♪ When you're tied up ♪

♪ 'Cause you can't hold back ♪

♪ You can't move on ♪

♪ 'Cause of what you had ♪

♪ You don't have to be that man ♪

Shame they couldn't work things out.

- As good as they are as a duo...
- ♪ Everybody tells you... ♪

...some people just aren't meant
to be together.

♪ Everybody loves you till they don't ♪

♪ Just come with me,
and you won't be alone ♪

♪ Let me love you home ♪

Hey. It's me.

Daddy! I miss you so much.

Oh, I miss you, too, darling.

Listen, um, is your mom home?

I'd like to talk to her.

♪ 'Cause you sleep too much ♪

Still can't believe
you walked out on the Oscars.

I had somewhere more important to be.

♪ When you're runnin' in a rut ♪

♪ Everybody tells you where to go ♪


♪ And everybody loves you
till they don't ♪

♪ Just come with me,
and you won't be alone ♪

♪ Let me love you home ♪

Looks like they're still a duo.


But they are so fired.

I missed you so much.

I'm sorry I just ran out.

She posted a picture at Vince's,

and I didn't know how long she'd be there,
and I didn't know if you'd want...

You brought her back. Thank you.

Mom, Dad...

...I want to go home.

You did a great job in there.

You did a great job
organizing all of this.

Hey, listen, do you think
that we could ever...

I mean, would you... consider
giving me another...

Look, I mean, you...
you're single again, right?

Actually, yeah. I am.

No, no. She hasn't landed yet.

Why? Is her category up?

Emily said your mommy didn't win.

No, I don't think she'll care, either.

Excuse me.

Are you waiting
for Juliette Barnes to arrive?

Yeah. Yeah, I am.

- Is... Is there a problem?
- If you could just follow me, please.

Wait. You want to tell me what's going on?

We received a distress call.

We lost contact 90 miles west of Nashville.