Nashville (2012–2018): Season 1, Episode 13 - Nashville - full transcript

Rayna and Teddy disagree about how to handle the divorce right before Rayna steps on stage. Rayna is overwhelmed and for the first time in 20 years, she misses her cue. Scarlett gets a call that Rayna wants to sign her and Gunnar to her own label. Scarlett finds out Gunnar's brother is in town in violation of his parole. She refuses to let him stay with them pointing out it's harboring a fugitive, but later changes her mind. Avery is not happy with the way Dominic is changing his music. Glenn is not happy with the way Juliette is changing her music. Glenn tells the crew to run all Juliette's changes past him and he'll handle it, but when Juliette finds out she calls everyone including Glenn to a middle-of-the-night meeting to say it's her way or the highway. Glenn quits. Rayna goes out drinking with Liam. Rayna's oldest daughter overhears Teddy on the phone with Peggy and tells Rayna.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on "Nashville"...

What the hell are you doing here?
Came to pick up my big brother.

What the hell is wrong with you?
That's a violation of parole.

You need sleep, and I need a roommate.
I don't know.

You don't lie to your partner.

The whole reason you have a
career again is because of me.

This partnership is dissolved.

I remember what it feels
like to lie here like this.

What in the hell are you
doing on this tour?

We're done talkin'.

Can I come in?

I want a divorce.

Rayna has this interview,

then one more, and you're
finished with the junket.

Great. Let me see how she's doing.

We're all set up.

I want a divorce. Divorce...

Rayna, you ready for all this? Rayna?

You ready for all this?

All right.

Thanks, ladies.

Give us just one second, guys. Thanks.

Look, ray, all these are
just puff piece interviews

for the tour, okay? People get sick...

yeah, I know. If you want
me to, I could just...

no. I mean, I didn't make it
this far folding up like a tent

when things get bad.

This is a little different, ray.

I'm fine.

Always am.

Okay. Let's do this.


First up, we have Melissa Mirch
from the "Atlanta times."

This is gonna stay the same,
and I want them to build

a big runway that goes into the audience

for the acoustic set just
wide enough for Deacon and I.

Acoustic set? Yeah.

Now wait a second. Let's talk about this.

We are talking about it.

Just call whoever and make it happen.

Look, "consider me" got some nice attention

at the last concert, but now I'm
hearing new sets, new lighting.

I thought we agreed that you weren't

gonna make any decisions
without discussing it with me.

By "discuss," you mean ask permission.

No, that's not what I meant. Yes.

But, you know, you did promise to behave...

Behave? After the shoplifting,
the scandals, the wedding thing.

Behave? This is my damn career.

And I'm trying to save
you from wrecking it.

No, you are trying to run my life.

I am a multi-million dollar industry,

and it is about time that
I took control of it.

so I'm gonna keep writing my
songs the way I wanna write 'em,

And you keep writing the checks.

Yeah. Someone is trying
to get ahold of you.

It's a 5-1-2 number that's
called about 3 times.

Wanna make a rule about
nakedness around here?

Sorry. I like to air dry.

But I can be naked if you want me to be.

No, thank you. Strictly... roommates.

Who's that?

I don't recognize the number.

Besides if, uh, we're strictly roommates,

why do you even care?

Naked smart-ass.


It's Watty white. Come here.

Yeah. Absolutely, sir.

Thank you.


What? What, what, what?

That was Watty white. Yeah, you... you...

you already said that. What? What'd he say?

Well, Rayna Jaymes listened to our demo.

Get out.

She's created her own record label.

She wants to talk about signing us.

Oh, okay, losing towel.

Sure you wanna leave for the arena?

Sound check's not till 3:00.

No, yeah, I just wanna get there
and get outta here, you know?

I gotta focus on what I'm doing here.

Whatever works.

Are you kidding me?

Just ignore him.

Too late.

Oh, wow. Hi. Hi.

What, are you, uh, stalking me?

I'm working here. You might've heard.

Yeah, well, me, too.

Not on my show.

Guess I'm still fired. Yeah.

I'm actually producing a band
that's based outta here.

Interesting coincidence.

If you'll excuse me, my guys are here.


Don't let him get under your skin, okay?

Oh, please, that person

is the least of my problems right now.

So inauguration plans... they look good.

They're kinda subdued.
Well, I think it's best

not to overspend before
setting foot into office.

So is Rayna flying in for this?

If she can.

By the way, daddy has a few thoughts

on who your next deputy mayor should be.

I'm sure he does.

Thank you.

Oh. Here you go.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Hey. Please tell me that you
are not still in contact

with that woman.

Okay, look, let's just get
something straight right now.

None of this...

not whom I appoint or who I
talk to over the phone...

is your or your father's business.


You were the one who rushed into
this deal with dinic. Yeah, I know.

I warned you, he's very controlling.

I don't know how much
more I can take of this,

'cause I'm not feeling the direction

he's taking the album in.

Have you talked to him about it?

I would if I could. He's in L.A.

He only texts me with
his fixes on the cuts.

And you know what else?

I haven't seen a dollar since I started.

Nobody said you had to stay
in this motel. I know.

Your... door's always open.

Look, the point is,

I shouldn't be living like this at all.

I know.

No artist wants to be patient,
but you know this business.

It'll pay off in the long run.
In the meantime,

find yourself someplace decent to stay.

I'll spot you the cash.

I thought I taught you how to
do sound better than that.

What the hell you doing here?

Thought you went back to Texas.

Ain't you glad to see me?

Look at this place. You're
doing all right, huh?

How'd you get in here? Well,
the gal at the front door...

I told her you and me go way back,

even used to play together.

Look, we're opening up right now,

so you come here, and you
sit right on that stool.

You don't talk to anybody, all right?
Not a word.

That's cool.


Hey, I was, uh,

I was just checking in with you.

How are the girls? They're good.
They're good.

Daphne finished her science project.

I know. She sent me a picture. Looks great.

How's Maddie?

She's excellent. Scored a goal in soccer,

happy as a clam.

So, look, I, um...

Cleared the decks for tomorrow,

canceled the girls' dance classes

so they're both gonna be
home right after school,

so you and I can, you know,

tell them together about... wait a minute.

I'd like to have a conversation first

about how we're gonna do this.

Kids pick up on these things.
Why do we just have to

dump it on 'em the minute
I walk in the front door?

because the longer we wait,

the more likely something might leak...

why is something gonna leak?
I haven't said anything.

I haven't filed. Have you filed?

Because... because we're
public figures right now.

I'm well aware that we're public figures.

I'm about to go out onstage right now.

This is really not good
timing to be doing this.

Hey, is that mom? Yeah.

Can I talk to her? I wanna say hi to mom.

Yeah. Can I talk to her, please?

Can I talk to her, please?
Girls wanna talk to you.

- I miss you so much.
- Hi, mom.

Hi, babies. Hi! I miss you so much, too.

I miss you the most.

2-minute warning!

Hey, girls, I'm about to go out onstage,

but I'm so excited to see you tomorrow.
I love you so much.

Okay, bye, mom. I-I wanna talk to her.

We can't wait for you to get home.

Okay, love you so much. Bye. Love you, too.


Ladies and gentlemen,

9-time grammy winner,

the undisputed queen of country...

She'll find it.

No. Something's wrong.


She just missed her cue...


? Get off my bad side ?

? And I might do something right ?

? Get off my wavelength ?

? You're always telling me
what to do, how to act ?

? Or how's a girl supposed to think ?

? You keep telling me I'm fickle ?

? But I can't make up my mind,
and it's plain to see ?

? But I believe you ?

? That I'm fickle ?

20 years, never seen her miss a cue.

? And it turns into a
self-fulfilling prophecy ?

? It's my life ?

All right (applause)

No it's so sweet, thank you.

Hey! How are you?

Nice to see you.

(Inaudible whispered question)

(Head shake and inaudible reply)?

Hey! Great show, ray.

Yeah, I don't... I don't
think anybody noticed

that little hiccup at the top.

Are you okay? Yeah.

You brought me flowers? Yes.

What am I gonna do with this?

Yeah, okay, I'll... I'll find a vase.

Well, well, well.

Look who shows up when
I don't have my rifle.

It was a hell of a show.

Thank you. I'm sure you could use this.

What's that supposed to mean?

No agenda. Cheers.

A votre sante.

Great show!

Absolutely, everybody! Whoo!

That's how we do it!

I appreciate it and I
appreciate the hard work.

And you guys are family to me, honestly,

and I like to share with family,

so I wanna share with y'all some good news.

The reaction to the new
material has been outstanding.


And so much so that it's inspired me

to do a little revamping
of the rest of the tour.

So... I've come up with some new ideas

that are gonna help us get away from

the more juvenile aspects of the show.

And for those of y'all

who have been with me since the beginning,

it's about damn time, right?

What are you thinking, just
showing up here like that?

Well, I tried calling,

but... I thought you're
supposed to be back in Texas.

I mean, I got your parole
officer calling me.

What'd you tell him?

Nothin'. And I don't know why.

Last time I saw you,

you stole my Gibson and bartered it for...

for a gun, which you
better not have on you.

You got your guitar back, right?

Yeah, and w-what about
finishing your time, huh?

I can't stay in Austin. I can't
stay in some halfway house!

Too many people I got bad blood with.

That's why I got the gun.
That's why I left.

But then I-I got to thinking about you

and how music gave you this life.

I'm here. I got rid of the gun.

Well, and I'm supposed to believe that?

It's the truth. I-I want a second chance.

Mostly, I just want a second chance

with my baby brother.

Don't think I've seen you
freeze up like that before.

Just... well...

What happened? Nothing. I'm fine.

I know when you're fine. You're not fine.

I'm fine. Mm.

Look, if this is about...

The elevator or all that, I'm sorry.

It's not about that. It's really not.

There's a lot going on right now,

and I really wanna talk to you about it.

But right now I can't even...

Think about it...

Or else I'm just gonna lose it,

and I'm... not gonna lose it right now.

When you're ready.

Hello? Hey.

I haven't heard from you in over two weeks.

I saw your husband earlier,

and I could tell that
something's not all right.

Well, he's probably just busy
jumping through all the hoops

that you and daddy set up
for him, so you just...

don't you worry your pretty
little head about it.

Sweetheart, please.

I just... I just wanna make sure
that you're all right. That's all.

I am fine, honey. I'm fine. You know what?
I gotta go.

I'm right in the middle over here,

so I'll talk to you soon. Bye-bye.

That was a great show.

Right? That was unbelievable.

And the fans... they were
with me the whole time,

every step.

I'm telling you, if every
show is like this,

I'd go on tour forever and never come back.

By the way, your mom called.

She gets out of rehab next week.

You decide where you want her to live?

You know what?

I have been so busy making
changes to the tour,

I totally forgot.

You know, why don't you decide?

Are you sure? Yeah.

You found me the place I live in now.

Just look for somewhere with
a nice view and a doorman...

At least 10 Miles away from me, please.

Well, that was quite a
show you put on tonight.

My best performance yet, I think.

I'm talking about your
impromptu crew meeting.

Emily, give us a second, will you?

No, Emily, you can stay.


I mean, you want me to say I'm
fine with all this craziness?


I want you to say, "yes, ma'am."

What's wrong? There's too
many people fawning over ya?

Worrying about me is more like it.

They don't know how tough you are?

Apparently not.

You do, I suppose.

I have my suspicions.

Look, I know there's a lot on your mind.

I don't really need to hear
what your problems are,

but I might have a solution.

What might that be? Three things...

drink more, dance...

What's the third one? I don't know.

Just gotta get away from your life,

even if it's just for one night.

Sold. Come on.

Bye, y'all.

Don't eat it all.

I don't have that much to write. Relax.

Oh, something smells good.

Daddy, daddy, daddy! Daddy,
daddy, daddy, daddy!

What-Ty? What-Ty? What-Ty?
What-Ty? What-Ty?

Look at the cake that we made for mom.

A cake? It's awesome.

Wow! Look at that.

Chocolate. My favorite.

And vanilla in the inside.
Yeah, that's mommy's favorite.

Yep. Mmm!

Except "welcome home" is two words.

What grade are you in, anyway?

Oh, my gosh! I wanted it to be perfect!

Mm, honey, it's okay. It is perfect.

And your mom is gonna love it.

She is.

I could try to fix it.

And what are you gonna do?

Well, I can put the dash between
the "welcome" and "home."

How about, like, if I, like, eat it? Yeah!

Eat what? The middle...

Like when... with the "M," make it smaller.

Look, are you hearing that?

Is he still there? Is
he still on the phone?

Can you out him on speaker for me?

Yo, yo, yo! I'm still here.

I can't sing it. Trust me, bro.

You sing it, I'm gonna
make the world hear it.

Dominic, I do trust you,
but you've got me reaching

for something that's just...
that's just not me.

Exactly. Out of your comfort zone.

No, you're not... you're not hearing me.

I hear you and I love you, but do it.
Do it, my man.

I gotta run. Later.

You know, I need a minute.



Right. Yeah, you called.

Yeah, I know we kind of left it open-ended.

I hope you don't mind me
crashing your session.

No. No, I get it. But like I told you,

I'm in no position to give
up control of my publishing.

Well, you wouldn't have to.

It's a co-pub deal. It's 50/50.

There's a good chance of a
6-figure advance on signing.

Look, I wouldn't be here

if I wasn't passionate about your material.

I appreciate the offer. I really do.

But... I'd have to run all
this by my manager anyway.

Of course, but I wouldn't be doing my job

if I didn't demand equal time, right?

Over drinks?


It's good to hear your voice.

I, uh...

I'm sorry that, um, we
haven't had the chance

to talk since... look,

if you're gonna say that we
can't see each other again,

I-I-I get it. I asked Rayna for a divorce.

I-I didn't see the point

in pretending any longer.


That must've been hard.

Yeah. I'm sorry.

It's okay.

She's coming home tomorrow, and...

We're supposed to tell the kids.

W-what... what can I do?

I don't know.

Talk to me, I guess,

since I'm not gonna be able
to see you for a while.

Dad! Daphne broke another bowl! No!

Dad? Trust me, I wish it
didn't have to be this way.

I miss you.

Sometimes I wonder what would've happened

if we'd just stayed together way back then.

Yeah, I've...

I've been thinking the same thing.

It just... it just feels
right being with you.

I mean, honestly, Peggy, it's the only time

I really feel like myself anymore.

So are we just gonna drink all night

or are you gonna tell me
what's going on with you?

I thought you said you didn't
want to hear my problems.

I lied.

You know what I like about you?


You don't know a damn thing about me.

Oh. Yeah, well, I know...

I know you're gettin' drunk.

I'm not drunk. Nah, you're not drunk.

Oh! I... come here.

What? Come on, we're gonna dance.

Oh, no. I'm... I'm not dancing to this.

You are. Yes, you are. No.

To this? Are you kiddin' me?

You should've kept the
cowboy boots I gave you,

but you didn't.

This is the two-step.

This is the easiest dance
in the whole entire world.

Hold tight. Okay.

It's quick, quick, slow. Watch
these people. You ready?

So you're leading? At the moment, I am.

Everybody here?

Uh, yeah. All except Deacon.

Right. Okay. Well, let's bring 'em in.
Let's get it done.

Ladies and gentlemen,
can we gather, please?

Come on in.


I took a look at Juliette's
department suggestions

for the back half of our tour.


Well... let's call 'em that for now.

Wait, wait, wait. So you're
saying disregard them?

No, no. No, no, not at all.

What I'm saying is, you're
gonna come to me first.

Got it?

Before I spend a dime on any of this stuff.

But what if she asks? I'll handle it. Okay?

Thanks, guys.

Thanks, everybody. Back to
whatever you were doing.

Is that man over there your brother?

Hmm? Which man?

The man you were talking
to for ages outside,

with an Austin t-shirt on.
Austin is 5-1-2, yeah?


It's Jason. I was... I
was gonna tell you he...

what, Jason who just got
out of prison... Jason?

'Cause last time I checked,

unless Texas has a different
a law to everybody else,

he's not supposed to be
crossing state lines.


He just needs a couple days, a...

A couch to crash on while
he figures some stuff out.

And that's called harboring
a fugitive. Nope.

He's not a fugitive, all right?

Fine. He violated parole, but
that ain't the same thing.

All right, it is the same thing.

It's complicated. He
couldn't go back to Austin,

and it's not like he
hasn't served his time.

Go over there, for the
good of all three of us,

and tell him to get his ass back
to Texas and finish his parole,

do whatever he's got to do

so he's not staying on our couch.

Hey, Glenn!


Hey, was there some sort
of crew call I missed?

'Cause somebody told me

that, uh, there was
another meeting tonight.

Yeah, we were looking for you.
Don't worry about it.

'Cause I hate to think I was excluded

just so someone else wouldn't find out.


You and I know both know
that Juliette's had

some very serious lapses in judgment.

That's true. I'm just trying to
keep her from having another one.

And as a friend or whatever you are,

I hope you do the same.

I'm her friend, Glenn,

and no matter what we do,
she's gonna make mistakes.

She's a young artist.

The key word is "young," okay?

You know, it wasn't that long ago

that I found her down in Alabama...

just some scraggly haired
little kid with this big voice,

trying out for some local TV show.

She had nothing, nobody, all right?

No mom. That's for sure.

Just me. Deacon!

Deacon! Whoo!

I think she just needs
to try some stuff out,

find out who she's gonna be. I
know what she needs. Mm-hmm.

I helped make her.

I've been like a father to her.

Fathers let their kids grow up.


Deacon, I got some song
ideas I wanna run by you.

You're already cuttin'
into my beauty sleep here.

Yeah, I mean,

we got an early flight in
the morning home, you know?

Yeah, an early flight
home on my jet, Glenn,

so make sure the damn thing waits.

Please, just for a second.

I just wanna get 'em out while
I got 'em fresh in my mind.

Let's do it.

? I'm gonna catch ya ?

? I'm gonna getcha, getcha ?

? Oh, oh, ah, oh ?

? I wanna taste the way ?


You got my message?

I did. What's up?

Well, looks like South circle
wants to buy my publishing.


So maybe we should consider it.

You think I fought as hard as
I did to keep your catalog

just so you could sell it off
to some anybody on music row?

Everybody sells at some point.
You know that.

Yeah, it's a numbers game.

You give away your publishing
now for 50 grand... wow.

You're losing what could be worth millions.

Yeah, and what if you're wrong about later?

I'm not wrong.

Hey, darlin'!

Hey, Marilyn. Sorry I'm late.

But I am rarin' to go now.

Go on in. I'll be right there.

All right.

I get your numbers game.

See, if I don't hit, you got
a number of others who will.

All I got is me.

How many more slow, slow, quick, quickies

do we gotta do tonight?

It seems to me we're doing a lot of moving

and not a lot of going anywhere.

? I believe ?

well, does that ever feel like
the story of my life right here.

Mm, then let's stop.

All right.

What's going on with you?

Why don't you just tell me?

Oh, all right. Let's see.


My husband asked me for a divorce,

and I have to go home and tell my children,

which is going to ruin their lives.

Deacon kissed me in an elevator,

and I'm on tour with Juliette Barnes.

So... cheers.

? Love ?


My life is a hot mess right now.

And I pretty much just wanna feel

anything other than what I'm feeling...

preferably good.

Well, I can try to help you with that.

We've been spotted.

Well, maybe they recognize me.

Ah. Come on.

Why did I fire you again?

You tell me.

Business. Business. Just business.

I don't know if it's ever been
just business between us.

Oh, right. There was
that, too, wasn't there?

This is me.

This is you. Hmm...

Well, thank you for...

For running away from my life with me.

Are you in that much of a
hurry to get back to it?

I think you need a nightcap.


Mm, what am I doing?

Seriously. What...

Taking a vacation from your life. Mm.

U gotta know I don't crack open the minibar

for just anyone. This
is a $12 bourbon.? Hey

you know how to make a girl feel special.

I know, right?? I heard what you said

thank you.

? In sun and in showers ?

? We all must be fed ?

? All must be fed ?

? You wear yourself so steadily ?

? You're ready for a fight ?

Can I have a minute?

? But in hell and high water ?

? It helps to be right ?

? Come by with some flowers ?

? And stay till they're dead ?

? Come by with some flowers ?

? And stay till they're dead ?

? Stay till they're dead ?

? Stay till they're dead ?

? Stay till they're dead ?

look, you don't even know

everything that's happened to him.

It is illegal to harbor a fugitive.

It was my fault.

It was armed robbery, and I drove the car.

He asked me to do it, and
I went along with it.

Sittin' behind the wheel,
scared out of my mind.

And I see him pull out a gun.

Don't know what I thought he
was gonna rob the store with,

if not a gun. So you... you
were part of that?

I panicked...

And I left him there.

But he didn't say anything to anybody

about me being there.

You know how hard it's been
for me to live with that?

You were a kid, and he put
you in that position.

Do you understand how awful that is?

Look, if we let him down now,

I don't know where he's gonna go.

So please, just... just
give me a bit of time.

Let... let me... talk to him,

and maybe I can get him
to go back to Texas.

One night.

All right?

Just say yes. You know you want to. You do.

You're confident. I'll give you that.

This is an awesome deal for you.

And Scarlett and Gunnar?

Kind of weird,

my being in the same
publishing house as them.

What you and I are talking about

is two completely different things.

I mean, they're... they're
talented songwriters, sure.

But you... you're the whole package, Avery.

What are you getting out of it?

Being honest,

signing you would be great for my career.

We wanna be in the Avery Barkley business.

We wanna give you

the financial freedom that you deserve

to be yourself creatively.

What do you say?

Are you still alive in there?


Are you sure? Uh-huh. I'm fine.

You don't sound like you're fine.

No, I'm...

I'm fine...

As long as you stay on
that side of the door.

Come on. Let me in.

No. I don't want to let you in.
It's not pretty.

You think I've never been messed up

on somebody's bathroom floor?

There's nothing I haven't seen.

Told you I don't cry pretty.

I wanna come back from the
break with two new songs...

something simple and authentic.

You and I can rehearse in Nashville,

and when we get back on tour,
we're gonna have a showcase

that's acoustic and real and grounded,

and just to offset from all the glitter

that we put out there.

Well? Yeah. You like it?

I like it. Good.

I like it all. All right.

I don't know what Glenn
will think about it.

Since when do you care what he thinks?

Don't get me wrong. I appreciate him.

I owe him at lot. I do,
but... but he still thinks

that I'm this know-nothin' little girl,

and I'm not gonna be his puppet forever.

Well, then you should tell him, you know?

From where I sit, you all
spend more damn time just...

Talking around each other.

What makes you say that?

What do you mean?

Well, is he talking about
me behind my back?

No, just... loose conversation, you know?

And who else is he having
loose conversation with?


Everyone's just trying to figure out a way

to keep this whole thing on track.

Everybody, huh?

You're not gonna stop me!

Hold on a second. Just hold on...

wake up! Hold... hold on a second!

Wake up! Get your asses out here!
Are you kidding me?

Do you know what time it is, Juliette?

Yeah, time for reckoning.
Get up! Get out here!

Everybody get out here!
What the hell's going on?

Can y'all hear me?! Come on! Get out!

You are my employees. You work for me.

Not this man! Me.

Okay? Whatever I say gets done.

And if anybody

ever goes behind my back
to my band, to my crew,

or anybody else,

you'll be right back at the county fair

looking for your next teen queen.

You know what?

I'm done. I quit.

Anybody else?

Huh?! Show's over!

I'm gonna break my daughter's hearts.

Of course they love their family.

Of course they love their father.

I'm thinking maybe I should just suck it up

and just try to...

Stay in it, you know?

Yeah, well, my parents stayed in it,

and they were always fighting
behind closed doors,

and then... they smiled fake
smiles at each other in public.

Best day of my childhood was the day

my mom said she was finally leaving.

You're just saying that
to make me feel better.

Best day of my childhood...

When I look back.

Yeah. I'm not gonna lie to you.

Tomorrow is gonna suck.

Oh, man, I just see a
road of just pain and...

Tears and anger and...

I keep thinking,

was there anything I could
have done differently?

Just wish it didn't have
to hurt everybody so...

Why don't you come home with me?

Because I'm sick of the
drama, you know, with...

Teddy and Deacon and my sister and...

You're the guy with no strings attached.

No strings? Yeah.

We made half an album.
We're practically married.

Gosh. We should probably finish that album.


Go away.

Great place.

It's all Scarlett.

Well, I'm gonna go grab
some sheets or somethin'.

Thank you.

For... letting me stay here.
It's very kind of you.

It is not for you. It's for Gunnar.

You understand me?

Take your boots off. There are
clean towels in the bathroom.

Yes, ma'am.

Can you hold that?


You feeling better this morning?

Is that a question or an accusation?

Was that part of your plan to be
seen as a more mature artist?

You know what? People need
to be reminded who's boss.

What, those people you
keep calling your family?

What... what do you suggest that I do

when Glenn goes behind my back,

just act like everything is all right?

I don't know. Look, I just don't...

Care for that side of you.

You gonna quit on me, too?

You talk to me like that,
you're damn right.

I'll tell you somethin' else.

You know, time will come

when you need some good people around you,

well, they might just have
something better to do.

Car's right up here, miss Jaymes.

All right. See y'all in a month.



You have a good night?

It was all right.

Y'all sure made up quick, huh?

You and Liam.

Yeah. He's a friend, Deacon.

Yeah, I bet.

Hey, hey.

What do you want from me right now?

Nothing, ray.

Not a damn thing.

What are you makin'?

Hole-in-one eggs.

Used to make these up for
Gunnar when we were kids.

Left alone, he'd try to
live off of cold cereal.

Raised like wolves?

Just stuck together, is all.

Had to, you know, had no one else, really.

Well, Gunnar said you had a
grandma taking care of you.


Still wasn't easy on the kid.

Half the reason I taught him guitar

was keep him from moping in his room.

I was never a moper.

Play guitar, too?

I used to.

Why'd you stop?

I gave it to him.

He made your favorite eggs.

Bon appetit.


I'm not quite sure how to
even start this conversation

other than... I don't know...
telling them that we love them

and that this is not their fault.

This is the hardest thing
I've ever had to do.

Me, too.

Just don't know why we
have to rush into it.

Oh, my God. Mommy, you're home!

Hi, girls!

Hi, sweetheart. Ooh, I missed you.

I missed you, too.

Oh, did you see my project?
I can't believe it.

I got an "a." It's the most
beautiful thing I've ever seen.

You got an "a." Can I have hug, please?

I missed you.

I missed you, too. I made you a cake!
I made you a cake!

We made you a cake.

A cake?

Oh, my gosh.

Can you please put the luggage over there?

And be really careful of the floors.
All right. Okay. No problem.


Is there anything else I can do for you?

Get you breakfast? I could
stay and make something.



Thank you.

Do you think he'd get a fresh start

if he came here and did music?

Not so long as he's on the run.

But he was always the one
that had the real talent.

You say that like it's your fault.

It's just, you know, he spent
all those years raising me,

and... that was his chance to...
to make it.

It was also his choice.



you think this is the song we should play

for the queen of country?

You work so hard.

You should do it 'cause you
feel like you deserve it,

for you, not 'cause you feel guilty.

Can we just play the damn
song, please? Mm-hmm.

Needs to be great, you know?

? Like a coin ?

? I was tossed into a wishing fountain ?

? I was only one of a thousand ?

? Looking for a little fortune ?

? And you ?

? Picked me up and put me into your pocket ?

? Nothin' I could do to stop it ?

? It started off full of promise ?

? The shimmer of a shine
that I'd never seen before ?

? The bright lights ?

? I was taken in by the spotlight ?

? Coming from a stare of your wanting eyes ?

? Like a Vegas green glow ?

? Yeah, graspin' ?

? Wishin' I could roll the dice again ?

? You can always love ?

? But you can't win ?

? A heart is like the money you blow ?

Hey, mom? Uh, listen,

I know that you're getting
out of rehab soon, and...

It's a pretty big house, so...

I was wondering maybe if you wanted to come

live with me for a little bit?

? You blow ?

? Casino ?



That was somethin' else.


Hey, can I, uh, borrow
your room for a minute?

I'll get, uh, I'll get changed

and get on out of your hair.



He can stay a couple more
days if you want him to.

Thank you.

Hey, sweetheart.

I know this is hard.

He's still with that woman.


I heard them on the phone.

What woman?

The one from the campaign... Peggy.

I just...

I thought you should know.

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