Naked and Afraid (2013–…): Season 3, Episode 3 - Naked and Afraid - full transcript

Two survivalists continually butt heads in the Cambodian jungle. In the face of extreme heat and crocodile filled waters will their lack of teamwork be their downfall?

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Carrie: What can you do?

Like, I'm trying to
see survival skills

that are being shown,
and they're nowhere.

They're nowhere to be
seen. And you know what?

For you to tell me that
you could have done that,

I will rip that [bleep]
down right now,

and you can try to
rebuild it yourself...

And see what it looks like.

So, do you want to
go forward as a team,

or do you want to
go forward alone?

There's the option, right?

I'm leaving, because I'm
gonna [bleep] freak out.

I know I can be here by myself.

I know I can survive
here by myself.

Narrator: In some of the
world's harshest environments,

two trained survivalists take on

the most extreme
survival challenge.

They have no food, no
water, and no clothes.

[ sobbing ]

[ screams ]

and they have no choice
but to work together...


...To survive 21 days in
the jungle of cambodia...

Naked and afraid.

Why won't you help me?

Hello, okay, so, I'm gonna
take off to the airport, here, soon,

and I am just about to throw
all my stuff into a suitcase.

This camera --
it's not the first time

it's been used for
the show, and it reeks.

I mean, it stinks like
b.O. And campfire.

Man, that's gonna be
me soon, stinking like that.

Carrie: Here's my
diary cam, machete,

and there's not
really any clothes

except the ones I'm wearing,

so that will be
very interesting.


This is really happening.

I am on my way to cambodia.

I think I have about
50 different emotions

coursing through my
body all at the same time.

I'm nervous. I'm
excited. I'm apprehensive.

I don't really know
how to process

everything that's
going on right now.

My motivation in this challenge
is my faith and my family.

I hope that my kids
can draw what I'm doing

as a source of strength
later in their lives.

Carrie: Now that it's
coming down to crunch time,

I'm pretty nervous.

What I love about survival

is just finding new
ways to push my limits.

Most of my survivor skills

I gained in my four
years in the marine corps.

I'm feminine, for sure,

but I think that you don't have
to be butch to be a badass.

I'm thinking that
this environment's

gonna be pretty tough.

I'm out of my element, for sure.

Narrator: Carrie and
tom are being inserted

along the western
shore of the matook river

in the dense southern
jungle of cambodia.

In this humid climate,

they'll face temperatures that
climb well beyond 100 degrees,

creating a dank breeding
ground for venomous snakes,

poisonous spiders, and
10-foot siamese crocodiles

that crush their
prey with a bite force

of 3,700 pounds per square inch,

the strongest in the world.

Guess it's time to get naked.

I'm doing this challenge
just to prove to myself

that I can do it.

I'm gonna use my mental strength

and ride out the physical
pain in order to survive.

There is no prize.

It's just, "can you
get through it?"

so I just want to
prove it to myself.

I want to get through it.

For me, that's the
ultimate success.

I'll survive because I really
don't have any other option.

I'm not tapping out.

I have the skills, I
have the mind power,

so there's really no
reason for me not to survive.

Here goes nothing.

Carrie: Hi.

Tom: Wow. I'm
gonna go out on a limb

and say you're my partner. Yes.

Hey. I'm tom. Carrie.

Carrie, nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, as well.

I can honestly say this
is the first time in 40 years

I've ever met
somebody naked, so...

This is the most
awkward thing ever.

A little bit.

Where are you
from? I'm from tucson.

How about you? Denver.

Denver! Yeah.

All right. Cool.

Yeah. Yeah.

Sweet. [ laughs ]

we'll be all right. Don't
worry about it. [ laughs ]

for sure.

Because of his lack
of primitive fire skills,

tom has brought a fire starter,

and with the abundance
of bamboo in cambodia,

carrie opted for a machete.

Oh, that's a good one. Yep.

Nice. And let's see
what else we got.

A map.

Oh, sweet.

Let's figure out
where we're gonna go.

Carrie and tom need to find
freshwater and a safe location

to base camp for the night.

Their best option is to
head inland several miles

through the thick,
snake-ridden jungle

to one of the ancillary
creeks in the area.

Before coming to cambodia,

carrie and tom were
evaluated by experts

and given an overall
primitive-survival rating,

or psr.

Their previous
military experience

earns them both a
base score of 5.0.

Tom's military-officer
leadership brings him to a 6.6.

Carrie's mental toughness
and primitive-skill set

brings her to a 6.4, just
a few points below tom.

Carrie and tom's psr
will be reevaluated

at the completion of
their 21-day challenge.

So, since this
thing's still rolling,

I guess I'll make
my first diary cam.

This is -- I just met carrie.

It's looking good.

I think -- I think
we'll make a team,

so here we go.

Carrie: So, what do you do?

Tom: Well, I have 14
years in the military...

Nice. ...Which is where I get

most of my experience from.

How about you?

I was in the marine
corps for a while,

and now I'm out and doing
something totally different.

Okay. Yeah.

So, what made you decide
to take on this challenge?

I've always kind of wanted
the adventure, really.

Yeah? So, here I am.

[ both chuckle ]

and here we are.

Oh, I should probably
also warn you,

I'm fairly klutzy,

so at some point...

You're gonna fall? Yeah.

I will hurt something,
break something. [ laughs ]

[ chuckles ]

carrie: He's very talkative

and very, kind of,
like, upbeat and happy,

so right now, that's great.

I'm, like, pumped about it,

like, "cool, let's talk and
get to know each other."

but I'm sure once I
start feeling the pain,

I'm gonna be like, "shut up."

so, what do you think
priorities should be, day one?

Definitely first thing we
need to do is make shelter.

Yeah, I agree. Bamboo
-- that's what we need.

Try to find trees that
we can prop it up with.

Have you built shelter
with bamboo before?

I have, actually. Oh, good.

It's been a little while,

but it's like riding
a bike, I feel.

[ groans ] something
just went into my toe.

Just getting denser and denser.

Oh, crap. Watch this.

That went right into my skin.

Ohh. Geez. Carrie:
Be really careful.

Ooh! Aah.

You probably want to,

like, hold that one
that my foot's on,

'cause it has thorns,
and that's gonna --

[ groans ] yeah,
you weren't kidding.

[ laughs ]

I'm just gonna go over that guy.

[ laughs ] I hope.

[ laughs ] all
right, we made it.

Thank you for the heads-up.
That would not have been fun.

Got a lot of ants on the floor.

You want me to hold your
hand while you go down?

I think I'm good.

I'm just, like, really afraid
about walking between rocks

when I can't see what's,
like, in there, you know?

Yeah. They say there's cobras.

This is prime snake territory.

Narrator: The cambodian jungle
is home to over 30 types of snake,

including the highly
venomous king cobra,

which can grow up to 18 feet

and strike with a head
speed of 50 miles per hour.

We're starting to go down,

which tells me there
should be water ahead.


It's thinning out a little bit.


These rocks feel
good... On my feet.

I think we're approaching...
That's definitely water.

...A water bed, yeah.

I see it. And it's
running, thank god.

I think up there is some bamboo

we might be able
to get for a shelter.


With a running stream and
a wide-open stone clearing,

this site is an ideal area

for carrie and tom to
set their base camp.

I'll start cutting the bamboo.

Okay, I'm gonna head down there

and look for some vines.

But it also leaves them

more exposed to the
cold cambodian nights,

which can drop into the low 50s.

They'll need to make fire

and build a strong shelter
in order to stay warm.

I'm figuring sleep
here, yeah? Right here?

'cause that way,
we've got the rock?

Yeah. And we'll
put the fire here?


All right, I'm gonna cut more
floor out of these little guys.

Well, we should make a
decision about the bottom,

because I don't
want to stand here.

Like, yeah, I can start
lashing them, but...

Um...All right.

So, let's -- if we're
gonna do this,

we're probably gonna both
have to do it at the same time,

you know what I mean?

Well, we can cord it across

and then just start that
-- weaving from the back,

where our heads are.

Are you gonna
find cord that long?

'cause then you're
gonna be stretching that,

we don't know
where it's gonna go.

Well, quite honestly,
since you're -- I --

tell me if you disagree,

but I think you're
better at this than me,

so if you want to lash
that while I hold this,

and then we can trade off
and you can do this and that,

I'll start the fire. Okay.

What do you think?
Yeah, that's fine.

'cause I abysmally
failed so far.

Tom: We still have
to get fire for tonight.

If we don't,

it's gonna be
incredibly miserable.

It's gonna get cold.

You really need the
other person for body heat.

I'm gonna be sleeping naked
next to someone I don't know.

It's really kind of unnerving.

It wasn't until I'm
here and it's happening

that I'm like, "oh, my gosh.

I'm not really
comfortable with this."

I love my wife dearly,

and I would never
intentionally jeopardize

anything in our relationship.

We need that fire.

I think we got it going.

Carrie: We have our fire going,

and we actually
put down a shelter.

It's not finished, but
we're up off the ground.

Carrie: It's [bleep] freezing.

Tom: I think it's
gonna be a long night.

I'm sorry. [ chuckles ]

we got the fire going,
but it's still cold tonight.

It's a little bit
disconcerting for me

that we had to kind
of huddle for warmth,

and doing that, I mean, I
know it's just for warmth,

but it just still
feels kind of wrong.

It's not natural anymore

to be that close to
anybody but my wife.

It's so cold here at night.
Like, it is unbearable.

The fact that tom has a
problem sharing body heat

is absolutely ridiculous.

I have a feeling it's
gonna be a rough night.

It's so cold here at night.
Like, it is unbearable.

The fact that tom has a
problem sharing body heat

is absolutely ridiculous.

Last night was really rough.

It was freezing, and
the wind was blowing.

I mean, we tried to,
like, keep body heat,

but it was awkward,

and listening to
him talk about his --

like, how mad his wife
would be or some [bleep]

I'm like, "I don't care.
I don't [bleep] care."

like, that's how I feel,

so I just got out
and slept on wood,

which was better.

Narrator: On their first day of
their three-week survival challenge,

carrie and tom were unable
to complete their shelter,

leaving them exposed to the
rapidly dropping temperatures

of the cambodian jungle.

Tom's reluctance
to share body heat

added to the difficulty
of the situation,

and they both suffered a
long and brutally cold night.

Is it okay if I throw
this behind you?


Tom: Day two, the plan, first
and foremost, is to hydrate.

I didn't think after one day I'd
be hurting this much for water,

but right now, I'm
just hurting for water.

Narrator: The river
water in cambodia

contains potentially
dangerous bacteria.

To avoid getting sick,

carrie and tom will
need to boil the water

each time they want to hydrate.

Tom: We're using thick
bamboo to boil the water in.

Check out this piece.

Nice. Yeah.

When you get a thicker piece,

it's really easy to
reuse it over the fire,

and then it actually
will hold more water,

so we'll get more
water per boil.

You can see it steaming.

Give it a minute and
take it out and drink it.

Cheers. Cheers. Whoo!

I'm feeling much better
now that I have water.

We had a victory.
We need that fire.

It's got to be our
number-one priority.

Ahh! [ chuckles ] that was good.

We'll see how tonight is.

Honestly, it can't be
worse than last night,

just comfort-wise.

We're a little bit worried,

just 'cause our fire is
pretty far away from us.

Um, so, we might get cold.

What else are we
doing? Suffering.

Oh. Yes.

Goodbye, guys. Peace out. Bye.

Narrator: Over
the next three days,

carrie and tom
fortify their shelter,

collect materials, and hydrate.

But a failure to find food

has led to serious

Carrie: He's, like, obsessed
with collecting firewood --

absolutely obsessed with it,

like nothing else matters,

and we've never run out
of firewood at night, ever.

Me and tom are very different.

He's fine with setting
up shop where we have

and just starving and just
making it through the 21 days,

and I feel like I just want
more of an experience.

Like, I don't want to
go home and be like,

"yeah, I kind of just sat
on a rock for 21 days,

and here I am."

like, I just don't -- I
just don't want that.

I want to wait a little
bit more and warm up

and then go for firewood.

[ clears throat ] all right.

You can make a firewood
run, too, if you want.

This [bleep] bores me to death.

We have a functioning site.

We have the basics
of what we need.

We need to stick
with what we know.

Is that how you want to live?

No, but I think that's
how we need to live.

We got water --
I don't -- I mean,

but isn't this about
more than just surviving?


This is not about more
than just surviving?

Like, honestly, if
I have to sit here

and cook water and
knit a roof for 21 days,

I will kill myself.

Tom: I'm really taken aback

by her assessing of the
situation that we're in.

I'm running ragged.

I'm all for being adventuresome.

I'm all for trapping animals.

I just don't have it in
me to do it right now.

Roger that.

I'm tired. I'm hungry.

I've had almost no
calories in the last four days.

I feel like there's

a huge disparity in work effort
between the two of us right now,

and it's really frustrating me.

Carrie: My plan is
to go off on my own,

go adventure a little bit.

I want to find food and just
be by myself for a little bit.

I'm just gonna keep
walking down the river,

'cause I'm hoping
that it leads to saltwater

where I can find
something like crabs

or, I don't know, just anything.

I really can't go
that much farther

'cause I'm freaking
getting tired.

I just keep hearing
faster water.

I probably have been
hiking for like a mile or so.

I'm hoping that
this ends to water.

Oh [bleep] yes!


Did not realize how
claustrophobic I was

until just now,

and this clearing is amazing.

Narrator: Carrie's excursion
isn't without its risks.

She has unknowingly
trekked directly into a cove

where crocodiles
frequently hunt.

Think I see some shellfish.

I found a plethora of clams,
and I am super excited.

These are going to
make a great meal.

Totally worth the trek
out here. I am so pumped.

Another one.

At least we have a food source,
if we want to make this trek.

I did not want to stay at camp,

and I took a risk,

and it paid out, so
I'm super pumped.

Dude, I walked probably
like a mile up the river...


...Came to the clearing
of, like, the ocean and stuff,

noticed that there's like
hundreds of clamshells

broken everywhere... Yeah?

...So I dove and found some,

so we're definitely
eating clams tonight.

I actually filmed it
for you to see, too.

It's a mile each way?

It's probably about a mile.

All right.

Gonna drink some water, though.

We should try
cooking some. Yeah.

Yeah, let's start a
fire, have some lunch.

Do we have any small tinder?

Um...No, I
was...Preoccupied, kind of.

I was anticipating that she
was gonna bring back tinder.

She had said that that
was one of the things

she was going to do on her trek.

All right, I'm gonna
get, then...Some tinder.

I doubt we have anything
left there to start with.

Got fire starter there.

Um...Can you make
some small sticks,

best you can, with
the stuff we got?

Yeah, I need to
drink some water first,

'cause I am dying.

Oh, yeah. Have at it.
I think we got two left.

She doesn't necessarily
see the value in...

The items that we
have if they just appear.

Tom: I need water in it.

What do you want me
to do, go get the water?

Yeah. Huh?

Yes, or move so I can set it up.

Go set it up, then, dude.

Uh-oh. Aw, crap.

So, I kind of feel like
we should have a chat.

What's going on?

I feel like you try
to make me feel bad

for, not wanting to
cut bamboo all day

and, like...

No, when you left,

you said you were gonna
get firewood and bring it back.

No, I said I was gonna
go down to the ocean.

Right, and come
back with firewood.

Yeah, but I came back with food.

Right, but we had
no way to cook it.

See, like, this is
what pisses me off.

First of all, there
was a lot of firewood --

enough here to make fire.

Second of all, I trekked
down there, you know.

My feet are tore up, too.
I came back with clams.

And instead of you being like,

"oh, cool, like,
you brought food,"

you were like, "well, now
we need tinder to make fire."

like, that's pretty
much what you did,

and then that's immediately
why I was pissed off.

First thing I said to
you was "good job."

well, but I was like,
"what happened here?

Like, nothing has gone
on here at all," so for me...

I got the bigger wood.

I made another one of
those. I reinforced the shelter.

Like, I'm trying to
see survival skills

that are being shown,
and they're nowhere.

They're nowhere to be
seen. And you know what?

For you to tell me that
you could have done that,

I will rip that [bleep]
down right now,

and you can try
to rebuild it yourself

and see what it looks like.

Besides freaking
chop down bamboo,

gather firewood,
what can you do?

It's affecting me
mentally, not physically,

'cause I know I can
be here by myself.

I know I can survive
here by myself.

Okay. And your point?

If you left tomorrow,
I would be fine.

And I would be
leaving on the 21st day.

Well, I'm not leaving
before the 21st day.


And I'm glad you're not either.

And I hope that...
That things change.

So, do you want to
go forward as a team,

or do you want to
go forward alone?

There's the option, right?

You want to try and talk
again, or do you want space?

I mean, I'm willing
to talk if you want to.

All right.

Whatever. Whatever
to make it through this.

Even though we have clashes,

underneath that,

I think we're still
working well as a team.

Well, I mean, what's the
other -- I'm not leaving.

For one of us to leave

would be putting one
of them out dramatically,

so I'm definitely
not going anywhere.

Okay. I agree.

So, great.

Well, I say that we
just try to get through it.

Even though I disagree with
almost everything she said,

you know, it's not about
dwelling in the past.

I still firmly believe that
we're much better together

than we could be alone.

Time will tell.

Carrie: So, since the
argument with tom,

I think I'm just gonna keep
my distance for a little while,

see how things play out.

We don't communicate
the same way.

You know, I think my best bet

is just to stay away
for a little while.

Tom: I haven't let carrie's
moods really threaten me mentally.

At this point, I
just block it out.

She's gonna do
what she's gonna do,

and I'm quite capable
of keeping myself

entertained in my own mind.

Lately, I think, her...Moods

have started to... Have
a detrimental effect

on what she is or
isn't doing in camp

which helps our survival,
and that annoys me.

I wonder a lot how different

this would have been
with a different partner.

Carrie: I think
that the elements

are definitely affecting
both of us mentally.

I think that he should
have never came out here.

I think that he probably
camps in an r.V.

This is not his
thing, which is fine.

It's not a lot of
people's things.

But at the same time,
know your partnered

with someone that
probably wants to be here,

and you're just
dragging them down,

and at this point,

I feel like I have a weight
just dragging me down.

Tom: For me to stand there,

trying to, you know, lift a, I
don't know, 150-pound log --

in my world,

you see someone hurting or
you see someone struggling,

you immediately go to
the aid of that person.

[ grunts ]

[ sighs ]

it's just so weird to me.

You stand there
holding this thing

with a person 10 feet from you.

[ grunts ]

just in your head, you're
like, "why won't you help me?"

[ grunts ]

it's just an...Interesting
new view of things for me.

[ grunts ]

carrie: This reminds me

of when you're going through
a breakup with someone

and, like, you guys
can't stand each other,

but, like, you won't leave

because, like, you
guys have a dog together

or, like, your cds
are in his truck,

or, like, something like that.

That's exactly
what this feels like.

I've been a
relationship like that.

But don't worry. I
got my cds back.

Carrie: So, it's just
a really windy night...

Which makes it
really hard to sleep.

I think maybe my mood
might be fluctuating a lot

because we didn't eat,
and now I feel super ill, and...

Bug -- all right. Bye.

Narrator: Over the last 18 days,

tom and carrie
have only consumed

the caloric equivalent
of 5 1/2 bananas each.

With extremely strenuous
extraction journey looming,

they are desperate
to find food for energy.

So, I'm thinking today kind
of needs to be food-focused.

What do you think? Mm-hmm.

If you're okay,

what if I went
back to clam beach

and tried to get clams?

You want to just go down there?

I will just go down there.

If you could keep the
fire going while I'm away

and get firewood,

if I come back with clams,
there's a nice meal for us.

I mean, if you want to go to
clam beach, you go to clam beach.

I'll collect firewood.
I'm fine with that.

We just need to do something.

It's so late in the day, and
I'm, like, already over it,

'cause it's about to get hot.


Yeah, let's just get moving...

And drink water.

Tom: I do not want to go
another day without eating.

We need energy. We
need clarity of mind.

We need to be able to kind
of congeal as a team again.

We're not there right
now, and it's hard.

Lord, let there be clams today.

Well, this visibility
sure is a lot better.

The tide pulls
back a little bit.

I think this is a
good place to dig.

Nice, soft sand, and it's
susceptible to the tides.

But this is prime
location for snakes.

For a minute I
thought I had two...

But I have none.

Come out, come
out, wherever you are.

I will imagine
some butter sauce...

Cold glass of beer.

[ sighs ]

I hope I'm not cursing myself,
but I really do have confidence

that I'll be able to
get a few clams.

But it's very difficult

for someone to get
the food needed for two,

as opposed to one.

It means some serious sacrifice.

Oh, bingo!

Got one!

The trip was not wasted.

Tom: Hey, partner.
Carrie: How'd it go?

Uh...It was all right.
I got seven clams.

You want to video, and
I'll go into santa's bag?

Clam one. Nice. Score.

Clam two.

Carrie: I thought that maybe
he might get some clams,

just 'cause he was going
a different time of the day,

but I didn't realize it
would be that many.

You know, clam beach
just keeps on giving.

[ groans ] number
seven was dead.

It fooled me. Yeah. Six is good.

Good, even number.

Wow. That got hot fast.

One awesome clam.

Doesn't seem like much,
but it's packed with energy.

Carrie popped open
her clam to find...

It's empty -- a dead clam.

So, my lovely seven
awesome clams for food

has now gone down to five.

Oh. Aw, son of a...

Did it fall out? No, it's empty.

How did it -- but it purged
itself like they always do.

I think -- like, I think
they're, like, dead.

That's bad, too. Mm-hmm.

Carrie: We have a
saying for the military --

"officers give orders
and can do nothing."

and that's exactly
what's going on here.

I think that just, like, the
lack of food and all that

is taking a toll.

Like, can't help but wish that
I just had a different partner.

[ voice breaking ] right
now, I just feel like I'm --

like, even though
there's someone there,

I'm just kind of,
like, on my own.

[ sniffles ]

[ sighs ]

I'm just [bleep] hungry.

I just, like, came
into this thinking

that I was gonna,
like, be with someone

who -- like, be with a man

that was, like
cap-- like, had skills.

Can it please be tomorrow yet?

I cannot do this anymore.

Last night, thank god.

Here you go.

I don't think there's
anything in this, is there?

Oh, I didn't [chuckles]
I didn't check.

So, it is our last day here.

We've already made
a round of water,

and we're working
on the second one,

'cause our plan is
to chug some water

before we make our trek

and then carry some
with us down there.

We'll probably take off after
we boil another round of water.

Tom: Oh, son of a...

Shoot on a stick.

[ groans ]

well, we might want to
do another round now.

Yep. You think?

Yeah. There's no water.

On a normal day, I
wouldn't have been annoyed,

'cause I'd have been like,

"oh, let's just boil
more water. No biggie."

but on a day like this, for
them all just to get knocked over

and it didn't have to happen --

like, I kind of glanced over.

He's standing there next
to the rock, just staring,

with a little [bleep] grin
on his face, like always,

and I'm just -- I notice it,

and I've dealt with
men like him before.

[bleep] I'm gonna drop this.

[bleep] [bleep]

[ sighs ]

are the other ones boiling, too?

No. A couple of them. Why?

'cause we could
just pull the fire away

and let them cool there.

Yeah, this isn't gonna work.

Don't worry, tom.
Don't get up. It's fine.

Wha-- what do you want me to do?

It's fine.

What do you want
me to do, carrie?

Do your feet hurt that bad

that you can't [bleep]
walk from here to there?!

I would say let's
leave them there,

boil them all,
pull the fire away,

and let it cool.

Okay, well, you're
sitting here being like,

"are they boiling?
Are they boiling?"

they're not all boiling.

You -- I mean, we
had them boiled.

They all got knocked over,

so now we're at
the [bleep] again.

We sit here and let them,

we're gonna not even
make it down there forever

because we're
gonna be sitting here

waiting for these to cool.

Tom: I know carrie
is definitely frustrated

with the loss of the water,

but, you know, I'm
definitely, at this point,

tired of the emotional
roller coaster with carrie.

Go sit back down. I'll do it.

All right.

Nice passive-aggressiveness.
That's really cool.

Well, that's what you're doing.

Carrie: He knocked
over all the water,

but for some reason, I'm
helping remake them all.

Like, do I have to
hold your hand?!

No, you definitely,
most definitely,

do not have to hold my hand.

I don't give a crap.

I've been getting
it all this trip.

You've been
getting it all this trip?

Yes. Wow.

[bleep] hell.

Are you kidding
me? You are deluded.

I'm leaving, because I'm
gonna [bleep] freak out.

You're [bleep] deluded.

I'm gonna go out on my own.

Narrator: Carrie and tom
have reached the last day

of their 21-day
survival challenge

in the cambodian jungle.

Before they began,
they were both given

a primitive-survival
rating, or psr.

Tom's proficiency at building

and maintaining a fire
have earned him high marks,

but his conservative approach

has resulted in
missed opportunities.

Carrie has displayed
impressive skills

in shelter building
and food collection,

but her stubborn
sense of independence

has contributed significantly
to the tension within the team.

Now, with the demanding
final journey ahead of them,

they still have a
chance to come together

and improve their ratings,
but time is running out.

Narrator: On the final day
of their 21-day challenge,

carrie and tom's
plans to prepare water

for their long and
taxing extraction journey

have met with disaster.

Tom: Oh, son of a...

Shoot on a stick.

And once again,
they are at odds.

Do your feet hurt that bad

that you can't [bleep]
walk from here to there?!

He knocked over all the water,

but for some reason, I'm
helping remake them all.

Like, do I have to
hold your hand?!

No, you definitely,
most definitely,

do not have to hold my hand.

I don't give a crap.

I've been getting
it all this trip.

You've been
getting it all this trip?

Yes. Wow.

[bleep] hell.

Are you kidding
me? You are deluded.

I'm leaving, because I'm
gonna [bleep] freak out.

You're [bleep] deluded.

I'm gonna go out on my own.

[ sighing ] that sucks.

Tom: And carrie's
gone. She kept on going.

I have no idea where she is.

She just left me behind.

I couldn't tell
you. She took off.

[ sighs ]

hey, carrie, where are you?

I don't have a way of knowing

where the map depicts
the extraction zone,

so I don't want to
be sitting somewhere

where I can't get
to the darn thing

and I miss my extraction.

Carrie, are you around here?

Carrie, where are you?

If she's answering,
I can't hear her.

I don't see carrie.
She's not answering me.

I don't know
exactly where she is.

[ groans ] ow. [ sighs ]

this is why she's
not a survivalist.

This is why this is
an adventure for her,

not something to really
practice survival skills with,

and I'm freaking smoked,
and I'm really exhausted,

and I'm so tired right now.

Tom: What the [bleep] carrie.

Carrie: I got
pissed off. I can tell.

We left way later than what
we thought we were going to.

Carrie: I'm happy that
I went my own route,

'cause, like, I think that he
should have never came out here.

This is not his thing.

I don't know where
he got off thinking

that this was gonna
be a good idea for him.

It's too hot to be doing this.

Stay alert for snakes.

I got this, so I don't
need help right now.

All right.

In the search for carrie,

tom traveled almost two
miles upstream from their camp,

and they are now
almost four miles away

from the extraction point.

To reach it, they
must trek over rocks

and through the
cobra-laden jungle

to this clearing along
the river's shoreline,

where they'll be
rescued by helicopter.

Yeah, I would say
let's follow this down.

If we do, we should find water.

But their window of
opportunity is limited.

The helicopter
can't fly at night

and will return to base
if it can't spot them.

So, I think it's right behind
this little tree bush line.

Oh, my god.

[ sighs ]

today is not my day.

Carrie and tom have
misjudged their track

and emerged from the jungle

over a mile and a
half below the clearing.

With daylight fading,

they have no choice
but to take the risky,

but more direct
route along the shore,

where crocodiles prowl
the shallow waters.

Oh, my god. But it's
deep. It's like quicksand.

I heard something really
big jump into the water.

Do you see it?

Carrie: I think that being in
this water's definitely a risk.

There's probably snakes in here,

caiman, or some type of
little, like, crocodiles, I'm sure.

But I am ready
to get out of here.

I am definitely feeling
the lack of water.

[ helicopter blades beating ]

I hear the helicopter, dude.

Tom: When I saw the
helicopter, I'm thinking,

"okay, does he see me?"

because I do not want this
guy to go past and miss us.

He banked left right away.

It was fast.

We are not gonna let
this helicopter go by

without knowing we're there.

Narrator: Desperate to alert
the helicopter to their presence,

tom takes the lead in
building a signal fire.

Tom: Can you get
some small sticks?

There's small sticks in here.

Like, more, though?

Tom: That's not survival,
that's not teamwork,

and that's not how I operate.

I think he's coming from
right over here, though.

I think the trees are
just obstructing it.

He's low, right
there. I see him.

Oh, I just want
to get out of here.


Carrie: I don't think that
there's a lifelong friendship here.

"hate" is really strong word,

but I think that we
strongly dislike each other.

It just feels incredibly
good to accomplish this.

Hell, yeah.

This has been one of the most
amazing experiences of my life.

I am humbled.

But I think maybe this challenge

would have been
easier on my own,

knowing what I know now
about the last three weeks.

Narrator: Over the course of their
intensive three-week challenge,

the survivalists went through

extreme mental and
physical transformations.

Tom lost a total of 24 pounds,

while carrie lost 11 pounds.

Experts reassessed their
primitive-survival ratings

based on overall performance.

Tom's persistence in fire
maintenance was essential

to their warmth and hydration,

and carrie's adventurous
spirit was instrumental

in discovering what little
food they were able to find.

Teamwork proved extremely
difficult for both survivalists.

You are deluded.

And carrie's rash decision

to head to extraction
alone placed her partner

and the success of the
challenge at a great risk.

As a result, carrie's
psr drops significantly,

from 6.4 to 4.8,

and tom's score
drops from 6.6 to 5.4.

Carries back in denver,
pursuing her modeling career,

while tom recuperates
on his ranch in arizona.

Now I get to be dressed
and wear my happy slippers.

Good to be home.

Narrator: Despite their
tumultuous relationship,

they were able to overcome
their extreme surroundings

and prove they have
what it takes to survive

naked and afraid.

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discovery communications