NYPD Blue (1993–2005): Season 3, Episode 20 - NYPD Blue - full transcript

Just days after Sylvia gives birth to a baby boy (Theo), Sipowicz suffers an emotional setback when Andy Jr. is found murdered in the line of duty. Sipowicz wants Simone to lead the case of his son's killer and also wants the opportunity for restitution. With Russell in tow, Simone tries to balance his desire for revenge, as well as his quest for justice to catch the killers. While Sipowicz breaks the news of his son's death to his first wife, Katie, he begins to show signs of an emotional breakdown. In the mist of all this turmoil, Donna makes her decision when she quits her job as administrative assistant to the precinct and moves to California, leaving New York for good.

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Good morning.
How's it going?

‐ How's Mom
and little Theo?
‐ Ah, his colic seems better.

Oh, great.
He's less crampy and gassy.

His stool's firmer.

Uh, I think
you've showed me
this one before.

He's such a cutie.
No, that's last night.

See, to me he seems
less wrinkled.

Good morning.
Hey. This guy look like me?

at a bar on Sullivan.
Victims transported to Bellevue.

Um, you two go straight
to the hospital.

‐ James and Greg,
here's the bar.
‐ Okay.

[ Medavoy ]
Let's go, James.

He's over there.

New York City detectives.

‐ Did you get shot over
on Sullivan Street?
‐ Yeah.

Two white guys,
they shot me and the other guy.

They came in
carrying on real loud.

I'm in the corner‐‐
What did these two
guys look like?

One was about my height.
The other was, like, 5'8"
with a scraggly beard.

So I'm in the corner drinking,
and they carrying on.

I come back from taking a leak,
and I find the one guy...

making advances on the waitress,
holding her down over a table.

And the other guy
and the bartender,
they disappeared.

So I ducked back into the john
and climbed out the back window.

I dropped down into the alley,
and there's this young guy
coming down the street.

He sees me.
He's like, "What are you doing?"

I said, "I ain't no cat burglar.
Something's going on inside."

So he goes around the corner
to the front.

Tells me to call 911,
but I go to the fire box...

'cause I ain't seen
no phone.

Then pow‐‐
A shot comes
from inside the bar.

And you know, I'm like trying
to peek out the corner to see
what's going on, and "blauw"!

There's another shot.
I guess I must've
got hit by the ricochet.

The guy that went
in there to stop it‐‐
That's him in there?

Yeah. He's shot
much worse than me.

Okay, thanks.

Take him to the
house for a statement.
All right.

[ Woman On P. A.,
Indistinct ]

Hey, Doc.

Pronounced 9:02.
His effects are
over there, I think.

I got it.
Where was he hit?


One behind the ear.

Did he say anything?
Nah. He was gone
when we got to him.

Oh, my God.

This is Andy's stuff.

This belongs to my son.

Is it Andy?
It's him?

Yeah, Andy.

[ Gasps ]

Oh. God.

Somebody killed him.


Oh, my God.

Oh... God.


Oh. Oh, God.

There's no one here
I recognize.

Try this one.

That boy died
trying to protect me.

Look at this book.

‐ Lieutenant?
‐ Yeah?

It's so terrible.

I feel so terrible
for Detective Sipowicz.

We're not made
to bury our children.
No, we're not.

Please understand.

I apologize
for disturbing you
with this now.

Without going into details,
I'm leaving my position.

Donna, if this is about
what happened to Andy's son,

you should take a little time,
let your feelings settle.

This is the product
of a lot of thinking‐‐

courses to prepare
and so forth.

I did quite well,

but still worried my
background was unrealistic.

But this past week
my prospective boss had
several meetings with me,

and he urges me
to take the chance.

What's the job?

I'd be working
for Apple Computer Company
in Northern California.

And you'll leave right away?

As soon as wouldn't
inconvenience you.

You know how much
we're gonna miss you.

I have such strong feelings
for so many people here.


[ Man ]
When I told them to pipe down,
they said they were celebrating,

and that I should too.

And then they laughed,
like there was some
big joke.

Yeah, well, maybe meaning
they pulled a stickup
somewhere else.

Be glad it wasn't you
that got robbed.

Yeah, that could be‐‐
in how they were talking.

I'm sorry, Andy.
Thank you.

We'll get these guys.

I'm sorry, Andy.

How are we doing here?

Come on.

[ Fancy ]
Robbery's checking
patterns on bar stickups.

Narcotics's already got
money on the street.

Aiello's giving us
whatever we need.

What do the witnesses say
happened generally?

When Andy J. went in,
a tall guy was sexually
assaulting the waitress.

Andy J. pulled
the guy off,

and then
a shorter one came in
from the small office...

next to the kitchen where
he had the bartender
opening the safe.

He shot Andy J. from behind,

and again
as he was going down.

This from the waitress.

The bartender pulled
the alarm in the office
and locked himself in.

‐ These guys booked.
‐ Sure Sylvia don't know?

Yeah. No one has his name.

I'll go tell her
and my ex‐wife,
see to the arrangements.

Andy, you want Bobby
with you or working the case?

I want him on it
all the time.

I'm not going anywhere, man.
Them guys from Homicide
and Major Case...

‐ know Simone's running it?
‐ Yeah, they'll know.

‐ Okay, thanks.
‐ Yeah. All right, Andy.

I need to talk to you.

‐ Could you take my coat away
to get cleaned?
‐ Yeah.

My concern‐‐
Did I get this kid killed?

I was a big shot.

Give this kid
all kinds of lessons.

He goes in without a gun.
What kind of teaching
did I give him?

‐ You taught him
how to help people, Andy.
‐ He went in without a gun.

He wasn't authorized
to carry a gun yet.

Then he should wait outside
with that gutless bastard
snuck out the window,

dial 911 and wait!
None of us
would've done that.

What did I do, huh?

What did I do?
All right.

I don't want to‐‐
I don't want to look at these
guys coming into the house.

Believe me, Andy. These guys
resist when we collar up,
and they got a big problem.

Look at these guys in
court with their suits on,

showing the jury their crosses!

Phony bastards‐‐
They better not
make one mistake!

Sit there‐‐ And his mother
having to sit there,

knowing what they did to him!

Come on. Don't do this
to yourself, man.

You gotta help me, Bobby.
I want these guys dead.

All right, Lonnie.
Thanks for your cooperation.

‐ I guess I should've
tried to do more.
‐ We'll be in touch.

[ Martinez ]
Okay, thanks
for the information.

Yeah, thanks. Bye.

Hey. The radio car's
bringing in a homeless guy
they picked up under the F. D. R.

Fits our description, Bobby.
Guy had a .38 on him.

And Robbery's got a bar owner
for us to talk to.
Got stuck up two weeks ago.

‐ Two guys, similar M. O.
‐ Yeah, good.

How's Andy holding up?

How do you expect, Diane?

Andy, is something wrong?
Why are you back?

Andy Jr. tried to stop
a stickup in a bar.

He got shot twice
and killed.

Oh. Oh, Andy.

I gotta tell his mother,

see to the arrangements.

Why don't you just stay
with us for a minute and‐‐

I gotta tell her.
I don't want her
hearing from strangers.

Make the arrangements.

Is the baby's colic better?

Yeah, he's fine.
How's your tear‐‐

Your discomfort
down there?
I'm fine, Andy. I'm fine.

Stay with the baby.

And so we're looking
at similarities...

between how your bar got robbed
several weeks ago, Mr. Barks,

and this one in our precinct
this morning.

Off your robbery,
I guess I should be glad
that no one in mine was shot.

Your complaint says these guys
were hassling some customers
before they robbed the place.

They were hitting
on a couple of women.

One of them must've
been 60 years old.

Let's talk
about their appearance.

I reported they were both guys
who were real dirty.

They looked like they had
slept in their clothes.

Well, we'd like you
to take a look
at our mug books.

See, I did this
with the last robbery.
Yeah, and I'm not saying...

that you could've prevented what
happened today, but we were told
with this previous incident,

you got halfway through
one of the mug books
and then said you had to leave.

We would like you to look
through all of the photos...

that fit your description
of these guys.

Yeah, all right.

‐ All right.
‐ You got an address
on this one?


He had this buried
in his shopping cart.

I found it.
I didn't do anything wrong.
Just relax.

‐ Is he identified?
‐ Yeah. Right here.

Okay. Put him in 2.
Yes, sir.

Hey, Greg.

Bobby's in with that bar owner.
Get him on this
when he's finished.

Got it.
Pick up the bullets that
killed Andy J. at the morgue.

Have Ballistics check 'em
against this gun.
All right.


What is it?
Is he hurt?

He's dead, Katie.


No. No.

He was in my precinct...

trying to stop a stickup,

and he got shot.
Could it be a mistake?

No, Katie. I saw him.

Oh, God.

What am I gonna do?

Andy was everything to me.

I know.

Why was he there?

I don't know.

We didn't have no lesson set up.

Oh, you know why?
He was gonna pick up
his uniform.

The receipt's
in his effects.

He said he wound up spending
all day with you
the other day,

and he took his uniform
to a tailor near
your precinct...

to have his sleeve shortened,

and I knew it was an excuse.

He just wanted to show you
he had it.

They shot him trying
to help somebody?

He tried to stop a robbery‐‐
and a girl was getting

That's how he is.

That's what he's
always been like.

I'll see to the arrangements.
Do you want the funeral
at Scotty's?

You're going to see
to the arrangements?

I took care of him for 23 years!

I'm only saying I'll handle
the financial part.

I thought Scotty's 'cause
it's close to your sister's.

He was so sweet.

He warmed me up from inside,
just seeing him smile.

I'll contact you
with the arrangements.

[ Weeping ]

I'll call.

What kind of a name
is that, Scott‐‐

"Bernah." The "T" is silent.
It's a French name.

‐ You from France?
‐ My family was.

Anyone in your family
ever been in jail?

'Cause you're in
felonious possession
of a deadly weapon here.

Look, I don't do well
in institutions.

I found that gun.
I don't know
anything else about it.

I don't bother nobody.

I lost my job.
I was a pressman
at the newspaper there.

That's why I'm out
on the streets.
I lost my job.

Well, you fit the description
our witnesses gave.

Your appearance is all messy,
the way they said,
plus, no one can verify...

your whereabouts at
the time of the homicide.
I was looking for cans.

I don't even like guns,
but I thought I could
get 50 bucks for it.

We test your hands for
powder residue, are we gonna
find out you shot that gun?

No, sir.
Did you see
anyone else with it?

Look, I don't do
well in institutions.

I mean, I know
I've made mistakes.
I know that.

I used to be a pressman
at the New York Times.

You didn't see anyone else
with that gun?

‐ You found that gun
in the gutter?
‐ I swear I did.

I didn't see anybody else.

What about service
and casket, Mr. Sipowicz?

Any preferences?

I'm a cop‐‐
I don't have a lot of money,

but I want to do
the right thing.

Even within
the lower price parameters,

I know we can find
something tasteful.

With visitations there'll
probably be a problem.

My former wife's sisters
hate me.

Sometimes we find
if the different sides...

pay their respects
at different hours‐‐

I wouldn't want a cop coming by,
I'm disrespectful
not being here.

Or if the sitting room
from viewing room "B"...

could be funneled into
viewing room "A"‐‐

which also has
its own sitting room‐‐

so that we'd have
two sitting rooms
and one viewing room.

Something like that.

It's somewhat more expensive,
because it prevents us
from using the other room.

Do it like that.

He tried to stop a robbery
without a gun.

You worry you made him feel
he was ready when he wasn't,

or he concentrated
the wrong things
with what you taught.

This type of concern.

He was just getting
his cop's uniform.

They were altering
the sleeves.

I want him buried in that.


The bar owner from that similar
pattern robbery last week?

Says he gets back to his place
and is explaining to one of the
regulars why he opened up late.

The customer says that
he thought the two guys
that pulled the stickup,

he'd seen living
out of a trailer...

across from a warehouse
over on Avenue "D"
near the Con Ed plant.

He didn't give
a statement before?

He didn't want
to lose drinking time
over a $70 robbery.

Anyway, this trailer is
like a block or two away
from where we picked up...

this bum that found that .38.
Match on the gun, Lieu.

Find these guys.

Take Diane.

‐ Excuse me. You can't park
that car there, pal.
‐ We're police.

‐ This your place?
‐ Yeah. Why?

‐ You got two men
living in that trailer?
‐ Yeah, why? What'd they do?

They still live there?
Yeah. I gave them
some day work.

They said if I let them
live in the trailer,

that they'd keep an eye
on the place during
the weekends and the nights.

I'd like
to get rid of them.
Why? What are they doing?

I just don't like
the hours that they keep.

I don't like what they're
doing inside that trailer.
They got undesirables in there.

They put a padlock
on the damn trailer‐‐
my trailer.

‐ They're in there now?
‐ Yeah. They were in there
about 20 minutes ago.

Is this the only
entrance right here?
Yeah, right through that gate.

We gotta question these guys.

‐ Why don't you just keep
your men on this side?
‐ Yeah, sure.

15th Squad
to 15th Squad supervisor. "K."

[ Fancy ]
15th Squad supervisor
standing by. "K."

Be advised,
subjects are at location.
They're in a trailer.

We're at 14th and "D."

[ Fancy ]
10‐4. We're on our way.

At least maybe
we get these scumbags.

I'm going in there now.

What are you talking about?

This is how I want to do it.
Backup's gonna be
here in five minutes.

I don't want you
coming inside.

‐ I don't want you
coming inside, Diane.
‐ Bobby, I'm backing you up.

You want to back me up,
stand right there.

Right there, Diane.

what are you doing?

Police! Don't move! Police!

Bobby, are you okay?

‐ Don't you move!
Don't you move!
‐ Get down! Get down!

[ Man Groans ]
Give me your hands.

Under the mattress, Diane.
Check under the mattress.
Shut up!

‐ Got a gun.
‐ You were trying to shoot me?
You scum!

You were trying to shoot me?
No, I was asleep!

[ Groaning ]

Gotta call for an ambulance.
Put your hands
behind your back.

Put your hands behind your back.
[ Pants ]

Why didn't you wait
for your backup?

They made us, boss.

We had to move.
You were made, but they
stayed in that trailer.

They made us going in.
They were ready to book.

So you weren't holding
a trial out there?

I want to interview
this guy, Lieu‐‐
see if he did this homicide.

And I don't want his statement
excluded 'cause he went
from here to the hospital,

where his running
buddy's already admitted
with a fractured skull.

The guy with
the fractured skull
pulled a shotgun on us.

‐ What were we supposed
to do, kiss him?
‐ Don't go over the line, Bobby.

People are gonna
look hard at this.

I don't think we should
tell Andy anything
until we know where we're at.

Go ahead.

Don't walk 'em,
but don't give 'em
nothing to hit.

Why didn't you wait
for backup?

Oh, don't you
start with that crap.
That's crap?

Being part
of an execution?

No one got executed.
Hey, Diane, I told you
to stay outside.

I'd like to know
why that was too.

Why don't you
make a list of all
your misgivings, Diane?

Maybe I. A. B. can beat it
out of me.

Bobby, what's going on?

You better work this
by yourself.



[ Clears Throat ]
Come on. Let's do this.

Vince Gotelli been around?

No, Detective.

Open it at your convenience.

I'm so sorry.

[ Sobs ]

I don't know how to say
how terrible I feel, Andy.

When a person loses
a dad or a mother,

it's an honor to be a delegate,
to let 'em know how
the union can help.

‐ But this here‐‐
‐ Give all his benefits
to his mother, Katie.

All right.

I talked to
the Hackensack delegate.
He's figuring it out.

It looks like the insurance
package looks substantial.

And he also said that they'll
assign a policewoman to his mom
till after the funeral.


On our end, I just have to know
where Andy Jr.'s
gonna be waked...

and the cemetery
where he'll be buried.

Scotty's Funeral Home
and the V. A. cemetery
on Long Island.

Out at Calverton?

Yeah, 'cause the Highway's
providing a motorcycle escort.

The Police Foundation,
Cop Shot and the line

are putting up
reward money, Andy,

and if either of these mutts
are federal fugitives,

the government'll add 75 grand.

Now we also want you
to know‐‐

if for any reason
you're short,

we'll advance
the funeral expenses
against your retirement annuity.

I don't need an advance.

Tell our people
in Hackensack...

that all the benefits
should go to his mother,

Okay, Andy.

I thank you
for your help.

How are you doing, Andy?

I was wondering what
the developments were.

Well, we're looking
at some things.

I don't want to get
your hopes up till we see
if they're going anywhere.

You spoke with Sylvia?

And I spoke with his mother,
and I made the arrangements.

All I got left's the I. D.‐‐

which I'm reluctant for.

‐ I don't know why
the hospital isn't enough.
‐ Yeah.

It doesn't make sense.

Bobby's out
working on something?

Yeah. He and Diane are
following some things out.

‐ All right.
‐ Okay.

I appreciate your thoughts,
and I wish you luck.

[ Sighs ]

So you know Marty, like,
what, six or seven months?
Yeah, ballpark.

Like I say, he gave me
that ride from Akron.

Right‐‐ Both
like your cocktails,
start hanging together‐‐

[ Man ]
Yeah. Main basis
was guarding that place.

This Daniels asked us
to guard it.

Says we live in the trailer,
ward off theft.

‐ You and Marty?
‐ I mean, that's how this thing
went crazy, Detective.

We didn't know youse was a cop.
We thought you was
gonna kill us.

That's why your buddy
pulled out that shotgun there,

‐ and you had that piece
underneath the mattress?
‐ Yeah, absolutely. Right.

Last Tuesday, Mike, you
and Marty pull a stickup over
in a bar on Second Avenue?

‐ No, I didn't hold up no bar.
‐ Jesse's Club
over on Second Avenue?

No I never heard of it.
You know, I never robbed nobody.

‐ You pulled
a stickup this morning?
‐ No.

‐ No?
‐ No!
What are you doing?

What are you doing?
That was a cop's son
that you killed today, Mike!

No, no. Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
I didn't kill nobody.

‐ Same M. O. Same guys that
robbed Jesse's Club last week.
‐ I don't know nothing about‐‐

We got a witness
from Jesse's Club that
recognized you doing that job!

He recognized you
going into that trailer.

We found the gun that killed
my partner's kid...

two blocks away from where
you're living right now.

All right, Jesse's Bar.
You know, that was 70 bucks,
but no one got hurt.

Today, I don't even know
what you're talking about.
I wasn't there.

You got the wrong guy.
When did this happen,

‐ 9:00 this morning.
‐ Aw, for gosh sake.

I was in jail.
I mean, I was in
the system all night.

I didn't get back
to the lot...

till, like, maybe
20 minutes before
you broke in on us.

‐ What were you
in the system for?
‐ Five bucks' worth of crack.

It's dumb. I'm not
even big in that.
I'm a drunk.

Let me tell you something.

Your story's straight,
you're still looking at a collar
for Jesse's Club last week.

Maybe Marty's
who did this here.

You know, the guy
you busted his skull.

‐ I mean, this was
a murder today, right?
‐ That's right.

Well, you would help me out
last week if I help you
on this one, right?

If you didn't do this with
Marty, who could he have
done the stickup with?

Well, he hangs with a guy
sometimes, Freddy Keyes.

You know, he looks
halfway like me.
Spell it.

Keyes. I don't know
how it's spelled.

The guy's a badass too‐‐
you know, guns, glue.

Him and Marty, they could've
done a murder, easy.

If your story is wrong,
Mike, I am coming back here
for your ass.

Square up, Detective.
I'm not gonna lie to you...

about being in the system!

I'll put Freddy Keyes
through B. C. I...

and check the arraignment part
on this Mike's release time.


Let me run this through the boss
and make that call.

Available for walks
and meetings.

Get home?

What's going on with this?

We're getting somewheres, Andy.
No answers yet.

What do you got?

Ballistics matched
a weapon we recovered...

with the bullets
that killed Andy J.

Where's the gun from?

Some whacked‐out guy
had it in the bottom
of his grocery cart.

Then we got tipped
that these two guys...

who pulled a similar pattern
bar stickup last week‐‐

They're living out of a trailer
one or two blocks from where
this skell found the gun.

Now, these two guys, Andy‐‐
they're like half‐assed

at this used furniture

One looks like
his alibi's pretty good‐‐

he says he was
in the system overnight‐‐

but he makes his running buddy
as a candidate.

We grab up
the running buddy too?

He's in the hospital.
I fractured his skull
when we collared him.

You fractured his skull?

Andy, on this other thing‐‐
I couldn't be sure they fit.

I'm not sure now.

The guy's partner
could be framing the guy‐‐

looking for a walk
on this other stickup.
What hospital's this guy in?

What are you gonna do, Andy?
You gonna go over there
and get yourself locked up?

What hospital?
I'm not telling you.


Come on, Andy.
You let go of me.

Sarge? Yeah. It's Simone.
Sipowicz might be coming to
your desk in a couple seconds.

Just don't let on
that you're talking
to me, all right?

Yeah, Sarge. He's all torn up.
Now, he's looking to find
what hospital the guy's at...

that we might like
for his boy's homicide.

Yeah. Look, I know‐‐
I know he's at Roosevelt.

I just don't want Andy
to know that.

Just tell him you haven't
gotten the paperwork yet,

and that the Borough
is in charge
of the guard detail.

Then he'll probably
go to Bellevue first,
so that'll give me...

some time to go over
to Roosevelt and talk
to this other guy.

Okay? Yeah, thanks.

So this guy's looking
to put Andy J.'s murder
on his buddy.

Diane catch you up?

His alibi's good, Bobby.
He was released 10:15
this morning.

B.C.I.'s getting back
on Freddy Keyes.

I want to go to the hospital
and talk to the partner,
see what he's got to say.

‐ Just let me run to the john.
‐ Diane, would you mind
if we just got going?

Boss, don't ever let anyone
tell you chivalry's dead.

What's up?
I told Andy where
we were on the case.

He's going out
to look for this guy.

Simone and Russell
with the 15th Squad,
here to talk to this mutt.

‐ Can you sign my memo book?
‐ Yeah, sure.

A bald, heavyset guy
with no overcoat...

might come
onto the floor here.

Want to give me
a heads‐up?
Is the guy a problem?

Just let me know
if he shows.

Look at this. Marty.

Marty, wake up.

Detective Simone.
This is Detective Russell.

You fractured my skull, pal.

I got a compound skull fracture!

We need to talk to you
about that bar stickup.

Next time you and me talk's
gonna be for brutality
in court over money damages.

Yeah, yeah, Marty.
You go ahead.

You sue me
for coldcocking you
when you went for your gun.

I could've
blown your brains out.
I didn't stick up a bar.

And you busted in
without a warrant.

Marty, your buddy
gave you up,
so save everyone's time...

on not sticking up
that club last week.

What we're looking at here‐‐
The club last week,
no one got hurt.

The one you did with Mike‐‐
the one today‐‐
a kid was murdered.

Who got murdered?
I didn't stick up
any bar today.

The company was different maybe?
'Cause this last one
was with Mike?

The one today was with who?
Some psycho glue sniffer?

If Freddy pulled the trigger,
say it and save your life.

And if you're talking
about Freddy Keyes‐‐

if Freddy pulled
that stickup today‐‐
I have no knowledge about it.

All right,
where were you this morning?
Not with Freddy.

I haven't seen Freddy
in a week. Oh, my head!
My fracture!

Where were you, Marty?
You think this is as bad
as your head can hurt?

Mike was in the system today,
so we know he didn't do
the stickup.

‐ If it was you and Freddy,
put the gun in Freddy's hand.
‐ Where did it go down?

You know where it went down.
9:00 this morning
on Sullivan Street.

I was nowheres near
Sullivan Street.

I was grabbing a wink's purse
on 10th Avenue then.

I threw her I. D.
under the trailer.

Get her name off her I. D.,
and ask her what time
she got robbed.

I have never shot
a person in my life.
Shut up.

[ Groans ]
You fractured
my damn skull!

Is that the guy
you told me about?
Yeah. Relax.

Let me talk to him.

Andy? Andy,
look, I don't think
this guy in there did it.

What did he say?

Well, he locks himself onto
a robbery charge on a story...

that's really easy to check.
So we're no place?

We'll work off the weapon.
You said the guy that found
the weapon's a nut job.

Well, we go back over there.
We canvass the place.
We're no place.

I gotta go to the morgue.
Let me go over there
with you, Andy.

Give your keys
to the department car to Diane.

She can take it
back to the Squad.

Andy, I don't want to be
a demon for exercise,

but you think a walk might help
before you go over there?

‐ Maybe stop at a meeting?
‐ That's twice you told me that.
I got good hearing.

I don't need you
telling me things twice.

Andy, don't jump
on Diane.
That's okay.

I apologize.

I gotta go make the I. D.,
get that taken care of.

Yeah. Yeah. I understand.

‐ What's up, Sarge?
‐ Hotline phone running
out of here or the Borough?

Uh, the Borough.
We'll have the number
in the press release.

‐ All right?
‐ Any chance this Freddy Keyes
might go somewhere?


Yeah, okay. Thanks, Bobby.

Your cheerful countenance,
Arthur‐‐ I assume we're
still in the dumper.


All right.
Are we sure that Sipowicz
contacted his family?

His boy's name can go
in the press release?
Yeah, he's contacted them.

That's reward,
hotline phone number‐‐

That's it.
We've covered everything.

All right, Arthur.

‐ Call me with
some good news, huh?
‐ I'd like to.

God, she's a pretty girl.
She's leaving.

End of a perfect day,

‐ I understand
you're leaving us.
‐ That's right, Inspector.

You have lots of good luck.
Well, thank you, sir.

Good‐bye, Lieutenant.
Bye, Donna.

I bet you're
gonna do great.

Could I impose on you
to be mailman?


You take care.
[ Sniffs ]

I'm leaving, Greg.
What do you mean?

I've explained it all
in a letter I wrote you.

Donna, what are you
talking about?
Where are you going?

It's all explained
in my letter.

I, uh‐‐ I just want
to tell you good‐bye,

and the good thoughts
I have for you.

Donna, please,
just don't go like this.

It's the way I want to.

Today's such an unhappy day.

Make yourself happy, Greg.

It's a sin not to try.

Hey, what's up?

Donna quit.
She quit?

Yeah. She, uh‐‐ She said
she explained it in a note.

These are from Donna.

That's for you, James.

I guess she left notes
for all of us.

‐ Detective Solomon?
‐ Over here.

Joe Solomon.
Andy Sipowicz from the 15th.

They said you'd be coming.

I'm really sorry
about your son.

I'd like to get
the I. D. over with.

Your boss sent over a photo
and I checked it.

As far as I'm concerned,
you made the I. D.

Sign there and here.

Is there progress
on the case?

They recovered the gun.

The guys they were looking at
didn't pan out.

He was trying
to stop a stickup.

I'll have a good
thought for you
collaring these guys.

Element of inexperience.
You wish you'd taught
him better.

Now he winds up in there.

He's lying in there now,
under a sheet.

Anyways, uh‐‐

This is all I need.


How's the baby?

He's fine.
How do you feel?

It hardly hurts at all.
You don't have to ask

I, uh‐‐
We had a couple of suspects,
but they didn't pan out.

‐ Did you see Kate?
‐ Yeah.

I talked with her,
and I took care
of the arrangements.

Cop at the morgue
was considerate
in terms of the I. D.

I think I'll take a walk.

Do you want me
and the baby
to come with you?

It's trying to rain.
You stay with the baby.


Let us be close.

We all have
to get through it.

Take care of the baby
till I get through this.

All right.
[ Baby Coos ]

I'm gonna take a walk.

Whiskey. Line 'em up.