NYPD Blue (1993–2005): Season 2, Episode 16 - NYPD Blue - full transcript

Simone and Sipowicz investigate the race-related murder of a Puerto Rican teenager who was murdered while spray painting graffiti in Little Italy. Meanwhile, Medavoy meets Donna's former boyfriend, Harold, when he comes to the station to file a car thief, while Donna makes a tough decision about her relationship with Medavoy. Also, Sylvia is mugged and she later tells Sipowicz a secret from her past about being raped as a teen.

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Previously on NYPD Blue:

So, what are your plans?

My two best seasons
were with the Rangers...

...so I think here
is my best chance to capitalize.

I saved a few dollars. I'm looking
at a couple bar opportunities.

- One over here on 14th.
- You were spying on me?

No, not spying.

I know it's all my fault. I'm just trying
to find a way to turn things around.

Let me go, Gregory.


- You got 15th Squad on the scene.

OFFICER 1: Kid got stomped.
- DOA?

He's still alive,
but his skull's bashed in.

She saw it and those guys over there.

I'll go talk to these guys.

SIMONE: What's her name?
OFFICER 1: Marie DeLucci.

OFFICER 2: All right. Thanks.
- Marie, I'm Detective Simone.

I guess he's dead, isn't he?
Is he dead?

They say he's badly hurt.
Can you tell me what you saw?

It was two of them.

The first guy came out with
a baseball bat and he knocked him down.

And then he started hitting him
and kicking him.

And then another one came up in a car,
jumped out and hit and kicked him too.

That's when I went over there
to the grocery.

- He was yelling to them in Italian.
SIMONE: Who's that?

The grocer was.

Then they jumped in the car
and drove away.

Did you get a look at the plate number?

No, I didn't really look at the car.

It was an ordinary car. It was blue.

- Can you tell me anything else?
- They looked really strong.

- Were they white, black, Hispanic?
MARIE: Yeah, they were white.

- And they had dark hair.
- Mm-hm.

We appreciate your help on this.

The cops got your name,
address and phone number?

- We're gonna call you. Is that all right?
- That's okay.

There's nothing to see, folks!

- Let's talk.
- I had to go to the lavatory.

- I'm Detective Sipowicz.
- Walter Hoyt.

- Did you see this assault here, Walter?
- Bruno and I did.

Well, Bruno doesn't speak
too much English.

No, he speaks Italian.

- I'm shaking over what happened here.
- Which was what?

Well, Bruno was making me
my sandwich.

I get breakfast here every morning.
A salami sandwich.

Salami, s?. S?.

HO YT: I won't be having a sandwich
this morning.

Those guys went crazy.
They beat that poor kid to a pulp.

- Sickening.
- Did you ever see them before?

I've seen the kid
they stomped around, I think.

SIPOWICZ: What about the other guys?
HO YT: I didn't recognize them.

How would you describe them?


- Mesomorphs?
- Two mesomorphs.

- I don't know what that is.
- Muscly guys.

- Are you some kind of teacher?
- I'm a painter. I got a loft up the street.

It just came over the radio.
The kid's DOA.

Two mesomorphs.
The guys are as good as in custody.

UnAmerican Graffiti

- Harold?
- How you doing, Donna?

What brings you here?

Well, my car got vandalized.
Insurance said I need to file a report.


Detective Martinez can help you.

- I see you still got the pennant.
- I still have it.

- I see you still got the pennant.
- I still have it.

It was some night, huh?

Detective Martinez, this gentleman
has just filed a vandalism report.

- Harold Rutansky.
- James Martinez. Have a seat, Harold.

Thanks, Donna.

Let's see what you got there.

- Went after your car?
- Yeah. They did a job.

MARTINEZ: Defaced the side panels,
punctured the tires.

- Any idea who did it?
- No. No idea.

I got to the bar around 8 at night.
I closed at 4 a.m.

- That's when I found it.
- This happened once before?

Five days ago. Pricks punctured the tires
so they can't be patched.

To tell you the truth, this type of case
has what we call a low solvability factor.

I'm here because my insurance guy said
if I don't talk to you...

...he can't pay the claim.

Without any leads or witnesses,
we take your report and close it out.

What have we got here, James?

This gentleman's filing
a criminal mischief report.

This is Greg Medavoy,
another detective in the squad.

- You're Harold Rutansky, right?
- That's right.

- You guys know each other?
- Harold's a hockey player.

- He played for the Rangers.
MARTINEZ: No kidding?

- Sorry for not recognizing you.
- It's no problem. I'm retired anyway.

- Miss Abandando is a big Rangers fan.
- Harold knows. Don't you, Harold?

Harold used to see
our Miss Abandando socially.

I did. Right.

When I moved back here,
I called Donna up.

A Greg answered her phone.
Would that happen to be you?

Yeah. Yeah, that was me.

RUTANSKY: Glad to meet you, Greg.
- Yeah. Yeah. You too.

- Harold's car got vandalized twice.
- Oh, is that right?

I explained to him, without leads,
there's not much we can do.

You weren't seeing a married woman
or a girl with a boyfriend?

I don't like to complicate my life.

Of course, you go out with women,
they don't always tell you.

Anyway, here's your report number.
Give that to your insurance company.


- Glad to meet you, Greg.
- Yeah. Yeah. So long.


Fifteenth Squad.

I'm sorry, I'm gonna
have to take a message.

- She went out with him, huh?
- That's the jerk she went out with.

DONNA: Can I put you on hold
for a minute, please?

- Sorry about your car, Harold.
- Yeah, this is twice.

I guess somebody's got it in for me.

- I met Greg.
- I saw.

So you bought into that bar, huh?

- Did you get my card? Two free drinks?
- I got it.

You ought to stop in sometime, Donna.

- I don't know, Harold.
- You can bring Greg if you like.

I don't know.

- Anyway, take care of yourself.
- You too.

- What number did Dave say?
SIPOWICZ: Twenty-three.

Excuse me. Carlos Herrera live here?

He's not home. I'm his mother.

We're with the police department.

I'm Detective Sipowicz.
This is Detective Simone.

Why you want Carlos for?

- Can we go inside, please, Mrs. Herrera?
- No, no. What is it?

Mrs. Herrera, your son was attacked
on the street today.

- What do you mean, attack? Is he hurt?
SIMONE: Yeah. I'm afraid so.

He was hurt bad.
He was badly beaten.

Mrs. Herrera, Carlos is dead.

We're very sorry, ma'am.

- Why this happen?
SIMONE: We don't know.

We're wondering if you'd know anyone
who might want to do this to him.


Do you know if he was in
some kind of a gang?

Chato's not like that.
He don't do that stuff.

He had a job. He goes to school.

Could he have maybe known somebody
who was dealing drugs?

- I don't know.
SIPOWICZ: This happened in Little Italy.

Do you know why he might have
been there? Where he went?


He was with his girlfriend.

Do you know her name?
Where we can find her?

Amalia Lopez.

She's down there on Canal Street.

She's working at the Jimenez Brothers'.

Thank you.

Mrs. Herrera, this is my phone number.

We would like to talk to you more
when you feel you can.

And we do want you to know
how very sorry we are.

I know. Shh, shh.

SIMONE: We got two eyewitnesses
that reported it the same way.

One guy chases the kid on foot,
beats him with a bat and then kicks him.

Other one comes up in a blue car
and joins in.

Nobody got the plate number.

- You hear anything? Racial slurs?

FANCY: Sounds like maybe a drug burn.
- Yeah.

This Chato's mother didn't know
of any drug or gang involvement.

- She thinks he was seeing a girlfriend.
- You know how to find her?

We're gonna go talk to her as soon
as we get done with the ME.

I got the ME, Andy.

SIPOWICZ: How's it going?
- Fair.

Some guy snatched my purse
up at the 27.

- Sylvia, did he hurt you?
- No. No, I'm okay.

- Sylvia, did he hurt you?
- No. No, I'm okay.

I was just finished taking a statement
and I was on my way to the subway...

...and he came up behind me, grabbed
my purse strap and just took off.

Sit down. Sit down.
Want some water or something?

I couldn't even get a description.
I didn't even get a look at him.

Who caught it at the 27?

Detective DeNatale. He was nice.

Helped me stop the credit cards.

Did he say they had
a pattern to work off?

My keys were in the purse.

Here. Take mine.

Detective DeNatale said we don't have
to change the locks but I want to.

Whatever you think.

I'm gonna go take a statement and then
meet the locksmith at the apartment.

When you're done with your statement,
check with the sarge.

I'll have a radio car take you.

- I don't want to put them out.
- I'll be more comfortable.

And the cops will stay with you
until you get the locks changed.

Okay. Thanks.

I'm sorry it happened.

- I'm just glad he didn't hurt you.
- Yeah.

I'm just upset.

ME said he'd have the autopsy
by the end of the tour.

We should go check out this girlfriend.

- Somebody grabbed Sylvia's purse.
- She okay?

She's going home
to get the locks changed.

That's a good piece of luggage
for the money.

MAN: How much?
- Nine dollars.

- No good.
- Think you get good luggage for $9?

- No good.
- Think you get good luggage for $9?

You want a good one? Right here. $25.

- Too much! Forget it!
- Forget it? Forget you!

Why don't you go get yourself
a garbage bag?


- You Amalia?
- Yeah, so?

- Seen Carlos Herrera today?
- Uh-uh.

Why you asking me?
What about him?

Carlos was assaulted.
He apparently was coming over here.

You mean, stabbed or something?

- What is it? How bad?

He suffered fatal head injuries.

- Wait. You telling me Chato got killed?
- Yeah.

Oh, wow.

This is too heavy.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What's up with the pills, Amalia?

- Valium.
- You shouldn't be mixing it with booze.

I need to take them
to get through an ordinary day.

- Who did it?
- We don't know.

Sometimes it's drugs mixed
in these things. Did Carlos deal or use?

- No.
- He run with a gang?

- Uh-uh. He did his own thing.
- His own thing? What would that be?

- He was a tagger.
- He was a tagger, huh?

What about that?
That's got the look, man.

- He did beautiful tags.
- Yeah. That's sensational.

You know if Carlos
was in a beef with anybody?

Witnesses saw him attacked
by two white guys.

He was in Little Italy.

Guinea sons of bitches!

- I hope they all die!
- Who are you talking about?

He was warned by some guineas
about tagging in their neighborhood.

You know who they are?
You ever seen them?

No. He said, "Guineas."

All right, thanks for you help, Amalia.
Where do you live?

80919th Street, 2B.

Hey, Amalia, what's all the talk, huh?

- They customers?
- Yeah.

He's such an asshole.

I'm going home. I don't feel good.

JIMENEZ: You can't go! Come back here!
AMALIA: Go screw yourself.

Another community service murder.

Yeah, I'm not crazy about
graffiti either, Andy.

- This kid was brained with a bat.
- Yeah. Maybe that's a little strong.

Woman dropped a dime on them. She'd
seen them chasing a Puerto Rican kid.

- She saw him get stomped?
- No. They chased him off her block.

Couldn't see what happened.
She hears about the homicide.

An hour ago, she's looking out her
window and sees them outside the Ucilli.

- Loudmouth Frankie Pisciotta's place?
- Yeah.

SIMONE: This woman give her name?

She stayed on the line
until we picked them up.

This girlfriend said he was a tagger...

...and he was threatened by some
Italians in Little Italy for tagging.

Looks like they qualify. Ran them
through BCI, they got no sheets.

- Maybe they're ambitious boys.
- Uniform gave them Miranda warnings.

Take them to One and Two, would you?

Maybe we should get photos on these
guys in case they won't stand a lineup.

- Yeah.
- I'll get the camera.


- You drop her off?
- Yeah, I waited till the locksmith left.

- How'd she seem?
- Well, you know, somewhat upset.

- All right. Thanks a lot for taking her.
- All right. No problem.

- Sylvia get home all right?
- Yeah. The locksmith just left.

They say you don't have to change
them after a purse snatch.

Can't do any harm.

Uh, she seemed somewhat upset...

...and I figured it would help
her peace of mind.

- See what you got there?

SIMONE: Jerry Panetti.
- That's right.

SIMONE: Want something to
drink, Jerry? Some coffee?

No. I don't want nothing.

- How old are you?
- 19.

SIMONE: Do you work over at the Ucilli?
PANETTl: Yeah.

- Your buddy, Paul, he works there too?
- Yeah. We're busboys.

SIMONE: You working this morning?
- No.

Were you out with Paul?

- This morning?
SIPOWICZ: Yeah, this morning, Jerry.

And this better be the truth because
we got a report from a witness.

- My right to remain silent?
- You can.

You got the right to an attorney,
what you say can be used against you.

So, what's the answer?

- To what?
- What did you and Paul do this morning?

Nothing. We just hung out.

All right. Were you riding around
in a car?

A little bit.

SIMONE: Whose car?
- Paul's car.

Just cruised around.

Driving around Elizabeth Street? Up
around Grand? Up near Bruno's Market?

No. We didn't go that way.
We went down the other way.

Jerry, do you know anybody
named Carlos Herrera? Chato?

Nope. Who's that?

He's a kid that was killed this morning
across the street from Bruno's Market.

He's a kid that was killed this morning
across the street from Bruno's Market.

- Beat to death with a ball bat.
- I never heard of him.

SIMONE: Cruising around, did you see
anybody getting chased? Getting hurt?

- Anybody getting attacked?
- No.

You got nothing to tell us about Chato
Herrera getting assaulted and killed?

I don't know anything about that.

Let me tell you something.

We got somebody who saw you chasing
somebody down the street this morning!

Not me, man.
It had to be somebody else.

All right, you sit here and think about
this while we talk to your buddy.

If he tells different than what you said,
you're gonna be jammed up here.


- What's that for?
- My scrapbook.

Deep thinker, huh?

Yeah, with these guys, you gotta
wonder if the gene pool dried up.

Paul Bellini.

- Are you asking me or telling me?
- What?


- Your name's Paul Bellini, right?
- Yeah.

Were you riding around in a car
with Jerry Panetti this morning?

- I decline that.
- What do you mean you decline it?

We have a witness that puts you
at an incident this morning.

We're looking to clear that up.

- I decline that incident.
- He declines that too.

- You work over at the Ucilli, don't you?
PAUL: It's a free country, right?

SIMONE: That's Frank Pisciotta's place?
- You bet.

SIMONE: Your boss have a policy
on taggers, Paul?

Because everyone knows
he's got a temper.

- He get pissed off about graffiti?
- Listen to this.

You wanna talk to me, I want a lawyer.

If Crazy Frankie sent the busboys
to brain this guy, Paul...

...you want to get out
in front of that now.

It wasn't your idea.
Things went out of control.

I decline that answer.
I want to talk to a lawyer...

...and I'm declining my entire rights.

Say "moron," Paul.

- Pisciotta brought lawyers.
- Pisciotta.

In the old days, that cokehead would've
been whacked before he was 25.

I'm Jack Palermo.
That's my associate, Joel Fineman.

My clients are Panetti and Bellini.
Have they been charged?

- Not yet.
- Then I would like them released.

- Why did you guys arrest these kids?
- Whoa, hey.

These are good boys.

Yeah? They trustworthy types? Did
you loan them your Louisville Slugger?

Could you produce my clients, please?

What do you know about that tagger?

Some asshole got what was coming
to him. That's got nothing to do with us.

- That's not what we heard.
- Yeah? From who?

- Where's your witnesses?
- Let us help you with that.

We'll get you a list so you can
threaten everybody alphabetically.

We're verging
on unlawful detention here.

There's your clients.

PISCIOTTA: How are you doing?
- Okay, Mr. Pisciotta.

Listen. Go along with the lawyers, huh?

Frank takes care of his fellas.
You work for me, I work for you.

That's the first guy over 5'6"
I ever seen work for you.

Don't you guys have some kind of height
requirement on your job applications?

What I heard, detectives...

...this P.R. Tagger wrote, "Jose's a fag."
He got someone pissed off.

Get out of here, Pisciotta.

I think there's your hot lead.
Locate some Joses.

Yeah, tell your story
while you're walking.

Don't get a nosebleed, Frankie.

PISCIOTTA: Heights. Nosebleeds.
- Frankie and his guinea pygmies.

- We got photos of the busboys.
- Bring the witnesses in.

Yeah, Frank's probably out on the street
now urging them to cooperate.

I don't know if you noticed, Donna...

...but I was speaking
with Harold Rutansky before.

I don't know why. Detective Martinez
was taking that report.

Come on. That man was part
of your life for what, a whole year?

He may be part of it again
for all I know.

You know what happened
to Harold's car, Gregory?

It was vandalized.

You know anything about that?

- What, you think maybe I did it?
- I don't know what to think.

What'd I do, Donna?

Maybe I hung around Harold Rutansky's
bar until the street was deserted.

And then I took an ice pick to
his tires and a key to his bodyworks.

- Is that how you got me figured?
- I'm sorry for asking that. I apologize.

How could you make that accusation?

I apologize.
I don't know what to think anymore.

Donna, what is going on here?

I have never been so unhappy.

I feel like I'm losing my mind.

Please, can't we get together
tonight and talk?

No, Greg. The last thing I want
right now is you and me talking more.

- I'll only get more upset.
- Yeah.

Okay, okay.
I don't want to make you upset.

Okay, okay.
I don't want to make you upset.

This is Detective Simone.

We're gonna be putting together
a lineup.

Could you round me up
some possible suspects?

I hope you feel better.

SIMONE: Listen, if you could
just have them give me a call.

- Yeah. Detective Simone.
- I want to see Detective Simone.

- Detective Simone's over there.
- Thanks.

Officer Simone? I'm Jim DeLucci.

You contacted my daughter Marie
about the lineup business.

She's not coming in. She's not gonna
be pointing the finger at nobody.

We're investigating a homicide.

Somebody was murdered. Your
daughter's very important to this case.

I don't want her involved.
I'm not gonna allow it.

- She said she was willing to cooperate.
- I don't give a damn. She's 15.

I'm responsible for her. And I'm not
letting you put her through this.

She's leaving town.
She's not gonna be available.

She's not coming in
and she's not gonna testify.

- I understand all your concerns here.
- I'm not stupid.

My family, they walk through
that neighborhood every day.

- Did somebody threaten you?
- Nobody.

- Nobody?
- Nobody.

Because we can offer protection.

If she makes an ID,
we may not need her at the trial.

Just forget about my daughter,
and we'll leave it at that.

She's having nothing to do with this.

Just leave her alone.

No more phone calls.

I need Fancy's signature on this now.



They're not in there, huh, Bruno?

He knows what I'm saying.

You understand more than you let on,
don't you, Bruno?

You understand "Frank Pisciotta"?

What did he say to you? Pick these
guys out and watch your grocery burn?

You want me to translate?

No. Finito, Bruno.
You're done. Come on.

- Did you want to see someone?
- Mr...

- The detective. What's his name?
- Sipowicz?

Yeah. He left a call for me.
My name's Hoyt.

- Mr. Hoyt. You got the message, huh?
HO YT: Yeah, I did.

SIMONE: We wanted you to take a look
at a couple of pictures.

SIMONE: We wanted you to take a look
at a couple of pictures.

- Hey, Bruno.
- Hello, Mr. Hoyt.

- They got you down here too, huh?
- No. No, no, no, no, no.

How's it going, Walter?

Okay. Bruno's kind of disturbed, huh?

I was telling him we wanted
him to look at the pictures.

Yeah, come here. Have a seat.
Sit over there.

This is in connection with this morning?

Tell us if you recognize
any of these people. If so, from where?

- That's one of them.
- Tell me where you recognize him from.

He's one of the guys who beat that kid.
He was the one with the bat.

Look at these.

That's the other guy.
The one that jumped out of the car.

We're gonna arrange some lineups.
We want you to stick around for that.

- How long will that take?
- Could be a few hours.

I can't. I've got a night job.

SIPOWICZ: Could they give
you the night off?

I need the money.

Okay, we'll see if we can set it up
in the morning.

- Did Bruno pick the same guys?
- I can't discuss that with you.

We'll call you and let you know
when to come in.


Listen, thanks.

We really appreciate
your cooperation on this.

- I heard that kid was a tagger.
SIMONE: Yeah, he was.

Some of those guys do interesting work.

Get the feeling this guy doesn't realize
that Pisciotta will reach out.


After he makes this ID...

...Walter might want to check into
one of them artists' colonies.

You know, it's not necessary, James,
you being out here with me.

No problem.
I wasn't busy tonight anyhow.

Yeah. You'd only have been sleeping.

I mean, I know it's a long shot.

You might grab the guy.
He's done this twice, right?

He vandalized this car repeatedly.

I can't stand her thinking it was me.

Donna's not thinking straight right now
is all I can figure.

That she would think that
I could deface this guy's automobile.

- That I'd be capable of that.
- You wonder what gets in their minds.

The truth is...

...I feel it's me that's made her upset.

If her thinking's off kilter,
it's at my doorstep.

I've exhibited jealousy...

...and didn't trust her enough.

I've also shown a lack of fun in life...

...and how much I enjoyed
our relationship.

I didn't get that across to her.

A little time.
It'll straighten things out, Greg.

Yeah. I don't know.

It may have deteriorated
to too great an extent.

- Why don't you go home, James?
- No, I'll hang around a while, all right?

I was a skater when I was a kid.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.

Out on Long Island.

That's one of the first things
her and I did.

Me and Donna went ice skating.

Thanks a lot.

That was Phil DeNatale on the phone.

They recovered your purse and ID.
Some gin mill men's room.

- Your keys were in it.
- Good.

He said they'll get it back
to you tomorrow.

- I wish you'd eat something.
- Maybe later.

- You're gonna get sick if you don't...
- I will eat when I'm hungry.


- Did this guy lay hands on you?
- No.

You seem so upset.

My purse was stolen once before
in law school.


And I was attacked.

After he stole my purse...

...he forced me into a stairwell.

And he assaulted me sexually.

I got raped.


- So this brought a lot of that back.
- Yeah.

They catch the guy?

I didn't report it right away.

I had a lot of trouble with it...


Took me six weeks to come forward.

I'd like to kill the guy.

I didn't tell you before...

...because I hated it so much.

I hated thinking about it.


I was afraid...

...that you would think
of me differently.


I think you're beautiful.

And I love you.

Hey. Hey, what's this?

It's nothing.

When do you think
you might want to call it a night?

What did Rutansky say?
He leaves around 4.

I don't know if I got
two more hours left in me.

- I was up late last night.
- Yeah. You had that driving job.

I'm looking to put a few dollars away.
Get a down payment for a house.

Go home, James.
I got the portable radio if I need help.

- Sector car knows you're here?
- Yeah. Yeah. I'll be all right.

All right.

I really appreciate you
hanging out with me.

It's no problem.

It's no problem.

- I'll see you in the morning, all right?
- Yeah.

- I'll see you at the house.
- Greg, don't exhaust yourself, all right?

Don't worry.

That don't do anyone
any good, am I right?

Yeah. It's a good point.

Morning, Greg.

- Greg?
- Huh?

- You all right?
- Oh, yeah. How you doing, lieu?

I was just catching 40 winks.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

I look like a storm drain, huh?

- Yeah, I was up all night.
- Yeah? Why?

I grabbed up the guy
on that vandalism complaint.

- The guy that keyed Harold's car?
- Uh-huh.

I gave the collar to a radio car team.

Rutansky didn't know
the guy from Adam.

Turns out that him and a guy were
in an altercation a couple years ago.

The guy's an unruly fan.

Rutansky clocked him one night
outside the Garden.

Anyway, the guy recognized
Rutansky in his bar last week.

He watched what car he got into.
The next night he starts doing bodywork.

RUTANSKY: How's it going?
- Yeah. How you doing?

- Hi, Donna.
- Hi, Harold.

You gonna sign
that corroborating affidavit?

Yeah, I'm meeting those two
uniform cops. We're gonna go to court.

Greg caught that guy
vandalizing my car.

So I understand.

I don't even remember the guy. I got
in a fight with him a few years ago.

Well, I'm glad he was apprehended.

You're my guardian angel.

Every time we rub shoulders,
something good happens for me.

- Anyway, thanks again.
- Yeah, no problem. Just doing my job.


- Take care, Donna.
- Take care, Harold.

That was very nice of you.

So I'm out from under the cloud?

No longer a suspect?

- No longer a suspect.
- Good.

I feel a lot better.

- We should talk later, Greg.
- Yeah. Good. I'd like that.

How's it going, Greg?

- Okay. How's yourself?
- All right.

- Sarge said you collared up on that guy.
- Yeah.

I gave him to the guys in the sector.

- I miss everything.
- All you had to do was go home.

- Morning, Donna.
- Morning.

Well, I gotta shave.
We'll talk later, huh?

We'll talk later.

Take a good look,
and if you recognize anybody...

...tell me where you know him from.

Number four.

- Where do you recognize him from?
- He beat that kid with the baseball bat.

SIMONE: Everyone but
number four can go.

Everybody but number four.

- They'll bring in the next group now.
- All right.

- Say, aren't you Walter Hoyt, the artist?
- Yeah. Where do you know me from?

I've seen you around the neighborhood
or a gallery opening or something.

Yeah. I guess that could be.

Come here, Palermo.

All right, next group, come on in.

- You keep your mouth shut in there.
- Watch your tone of voice.

You do not talk to that witness!

I was being friendly.
I recognize the guy.

You happen to be trying to send him
a message Pisciotta knows him.

Do it again, you're gonna
recognize my fist in your smush.

Now get back in there.

- You ready, sir?
HO YT: Yeah.

Anybody in this group you recognize?

Yeah. I recognize number two.

- Say from where.
HO YT: He drove up in the car...

...jumped out, kicked the kid while
the other was beating him with the bat.

- Everyone but number two can go.
- Everybody but number two.

SIMONE: Will you put number two
in the cage with the other guy?

I want to talk to them.

Come on, let's go.

MAN: Come on, guys.
Right through here.

- Am I through?
- Yeah. We're done for today.

Let's go outside.

They'll tell you
how the rest of this is gonna go.

SIMONE: You okay?
- Yeah.

You'll go before the grand jury, tell what
happened and how you made these IDs.

The defendants aren't gonna be there.
Or this shyster, Palermo.

It's just gonna be you,
the grand jury and the DA.

Yeah, right.

How about we put you
in a hotel till then?

I'll go back to my place.

What's the matter with
staying in a hotel?

- I work in my place. I paint there.
SIMONE: Yeah...

These guys work at the Ucilli,
which is Frank Pisciotta's place.

He's a hooked-up guy.

We'd be lying to you if we didn't tell
you that you could be in harm's way.

You know, ID'ing these guys.

What's gonna happen? They gonna
gun me down in the street?

Well, to tell the truth...

...they'll probably try to reach out
with money first.

- Try to get you to change your story.
- What if I don't?

What you should do, Walter, is stay in a
hotel for a few days till the grand jury.

Then it's six months before the trial.

You should think about relocating
to another part of the city.

- I work in my loft.
SIPOWICZ: There's other lofts.

It's just not a great idea you staying
there once the indictments come out.

Maybe I can get something in Brooklyn.

Yeah. Let's talk about it inside.

I'll be right in.

- Did you have a good chat?
- Yes. We're done.

Before you go,
I want you to see our lavatory.

- I don't need to see your lavatory.
- It's a wonderful, wonderful lavatory.

Take a message, attorney Palermo.

Tell Frank Pisciotta from me,
anything happens to Walter Hoyt...

...that grease trap that he runs
is gonna be full of rats.

It'll be boarded up and have Health
Department notices slapped all over it.

- You through?
- He'll have State Liquor up his ass.

He'll have the fire marshals one day,
the Building Department the next.

He's gonna be paying so many fines,
all you'll get is IOUs.

- Are you through now?
- Yeah, I'm through now.

You tell that coked-out
son of a bitch what I said.

- So Walter's decided to stay at a hotel.
- I think that's smart.

I'm gonna make a quick call to the DA,
Walter. Get you set up.


You a pretty good painter, Walter?

I think I am.

What kind of stuff you do?

I'm redefining negative space...


...by imploding line.
- Uh-huh.

You're okayed, Walter.

They just need to make
some notifications.


You mind if I don't take him to
the hotel? I'm meeting Sylvia for lunch.

Yeah, no problem.

- You break bad with that lawyer?
- For all the good it's gonna do.

All right, Walter. Let's take a ride.

See you later, Walter.

- Lieutenant?
FANCY: Yeah. What is it, Donna?

Lieutenant, I've got
some vacation time on the books.

And if it's all right,
I'd like to take some of it.

Well, it's your time, Donna.
That's what it's there for.

- When would you wanna go?
- I'd like to go immediately.

I've got all the monthly reports
caught up.

I checked with the chief of detectives.

They've got replacements
in the temp pool.

I don't want to intrude, Donna,
but is everything all right?

Anything at the office
causing you a problem?

No. I just need to get away.

All right. Take care of yourself.

- Thank you, lieutenant.
- Yeah.

Detective, do you have a moment?

Of course.

I thought we could talk after work.

I'm, uh, gonna take
some vacation time, Greg.

- When?
- I'm leaving right away.


I'm not sure for how long. I haven't even
decided how I'm gonna spend the time.


Well, there's no reason
you'd have to know.

I just know I gotta get away.

Um, I haven't fared well in all of this.

I think that's a good idea,
Donna, you know...

...just go away for an
undetermined length of time.

I'm glad you understand.

And if you don't have a destination...

...you'll find one when you get there.

Donna, whatever you do...

...you know, wherever you go...

...I want you to know...

...I just want you to be happy.

If that could be with me, I think
you know that's my preference.

But I love you.

And whatever makes you happy...

...that's what I hope happens for you.

I'll see you soon.


Hey, I saw you and her talking.

- She's leaving.
- She's leaving?

Yeah. She's gonna take
her vacation time.

She wants to get away.

Jeez, I thought with you
grabbing that guy out there...

Yeah. Well, she's looking
at finding her bearings.

She may find she wants to resume
with me or she may not.


Don't let me go out there, James.
I want to ask her not to leave.

- But I know it's not the right thing to do.
- Yeah. Not if she wants some space.

- But I know it's not the right thing to do.
- Yeah. Not if she wants some space.

- I want to go and ask her to stay.
- You're right for not doing that.

Would you do me a favor, James?

Would you just look out there
and see if she's gone?


Yeah, she's gone.
I guess she left for lunch.

No, no. She's not coming back.

She's uh...
She's left for her vacation.


Which is good.

SIPOWICZ: How's it going?
- Okay. I'm hungry.

That's good because
you didn't eat breakfast, either.

How'd your lineup go?

The witness stood up.
He picked the guys.

- Could you hold up for just a second?

We have an overflow
from Central Booking here.

Did you go to that
rape treatment center?

They were really helpful.

One of my counselors
is still there from six years ago.

So you didn't have to start
from scratch.

I'm not gonna be able to skate through.

- A lot of feelings will be coming back.
- Sure.

She said there's a men's group too,
if you're interested.

- You think I gotta do that?
- I think it might be good.

It's not a perpetual thing, though, right?

No. Not perpetual.

Only as long as it's useful.

Thanks for being here for me, Andy.

Where else am I gonna be?

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SDI Media Group