NCIS: New Orleans (2014–…): Season 7, Episode 14 - Illusions - full transcript

As Pride directs the team to link Sasha to the recent attacks in New Orleans, he must help Connor come to terms with who his mother really is. Carter and Tammy search for a stolen highly trained military dog, as Pride and Rita mak...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[saxophone playing]

[siren wailing in distance]

[gulls calling]

Wasn't sure you'd come.

Wasn't sure either.

Appreciate it.

But I won't be here for long.

And I'm telling you right now,

if any of this has to do
with Beverly Watkins or bombs

or any accusations,

you can talk to my lawyer.

It's about Connor.

What about him?

I've confirmed he's my son.

[chuckles] What do you want,
a round of applause?

I told you that already.

Well, let's agree that you're
an unreliable narrator.

You asked me here to insult me?


I want...

I would like to be
involved in Connor's life.


I'm his father.

Ooh, that's a loaded word.

Sasha...You are a mistake

that I made a long time ago,

and Connor is the blessing

that came out of it.
I deserve...


I scraped

and I clawed for that boy.

I provided for him.
I kept him safe.

Your sole contribution

was putting me in prison

and keeping me away from him
for five years.

So we don't need you.

But you do.

You're not safe.

Beverly Watkins is...

Is under arrest

because of me.

Her son is dead.

Also because of you.

I told you I won't stand
for any accusations.

There's more of Watkins'
family out there.

You have lots
of enemies.

So are you offering
to be my friend?

I'm offering to help you out.

In return for what?

And why?

So you can play catch
with my son?

Let me make this real clear.

I don't need you.

I don't want you.

This isn't
about you, Sasha.

Connor needs me.

Even if you
don't see it.

And I'm gonna protect him.

From any danger.

Including you.

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom

♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom

♪ How, how, how, how

♪ Hey, hey

♪ You gotta come on.

Huh. You two drove in together?


Again, huh?

Any idea why Pride

wants us here?
Uh, something to do

with the bombing
of Elias Watkins' bar.

Maybe he got enough evidence

to finally bring down
Sasha Broussard.

Not exactly.

Well, I know we can't tie her
to the bombing yet,

but the fact that she did
time with the bomb-maker

means we're close.

I'm sure you are.

But I can't be involved
in this case anymore.


Connor is my son.


Sasha's Connor?

Connor Davenport?

So you and Sasha...
GREGORIO: Yes, Sebastian.

That's what he means.

How do you know?

She told me.

Oh, that don't mean nothin'.

And Wade did a DNA test.

Okay, well,
that doesn't mean

you have to bench yourself.
We all know

that Sasha had
that bomb planted

and that she needs
to pay for it.

But I can't be

Too many conflicts.

So, all of you

need to take her down.

We will.

PRIDE: All I ask is that,
when you get close,

just give me
the heads-up,

so I can...

prepare Connor
for what's next.

Of course.

I got a call set up with Laurel.

Need to let her know
that she's got a brother.

Scuse me.


I can't imagine
Laurel being too thrilled

about getting that call.

Well, yeah, especially since
Sasha almost killed her once.

I do not envy Pride
right now.

I knew somethingwas up.

You couldn't have known that.
Yeah, but there had
to be a reason

we weren't taking Connor in
for attacking Pride's bar.

What do we do right now?

Shake it off,

push forward,

try to get Sasha off the board.

Talk to Laurel?

Uh... just finished.

That bad?

Not really sure
how I expected it to go.

She mostly listened and
said she needed to process.

Well, of course.
It's a lot.

She doesn't really remember
that much from back then.

When I was out
of the house.

Well, she was very young.

And we didn't want her to know.

Maybe that was wrong.

Well, not much you can do
about it now, Dwayne.

Just give her time.


I know.

What is it?

Even though...

Linda and I were separated
when it happened...

I never wanted Laurel to know
that I had this...

other thing.

I disappointed her.

You're human.

And she's not a child anymore.


She'll always be
my daughter,

no matter how old she is.

How does Laurel feel
about Connor?

I guess.

She said she-she wants
to meet him.


Look, you had the hard talk.

Laurel's got a good head
on her shoulders.

She'll get there.



Somebody else
I need to talk to.


My mama.

Are you gonna tell her
about Connor?

I'm not sure.

Last few visits,

she wasn't
doing very well.


she thinks I'm Cassius.

Other times, she thinks
I'm still married to Linda.

You want me to come with you?

No, not-not this time.

Where's, uh, Hannah
and Sebastian?

With NOPD, setting up
surveillance on Sasha,

making sure
she doesn't skip town.

Oh. Good idea.

Also trying to find
any connection

between her
and the club bombing.

Well, it looks like
we got another case.

Best I can tell,
it's a missing petty officer.

Charlie Strand.

How long gone?

Since last night.

That's not very long.

I know.

But the Belle Chasse
SAC wants us

to head to her
off-base address ASAP.

All right, let's check it out.

Oh, hey. NCIS.

Agents Carter
and Gregorio.

Yeah, I know.
Thanks for coming.

We've lost a lot of time.
She's been gone over 12 hours.

"She" being
Petty Officer Strand?

I'm Petty Officer Strand.
She's Charlie.

Okay, wait.
Charlie Strand?

You're related?

She's like family.

And this is unlike her.

Tell us about her.

I put her dinner outside
at 5:00 p.m. last night.

She came to eat.

That's the last time I saw her.

This morning,
she was gone.

She stays outside?

Yeah. When the weather's good.

Got to be honest,
we're a little confused.

So Charlie stays outside
when the weather's good?

I can show you.

Oh, Charlie's

your dog.

Not my dog. The Navy's.

She's a military war dog.
Highly trained

in explosives, narcotics
and hidden hostile detection.

Yeah, I've read about these dogs.

They do catch and
rescue, tactical work.

They're even given
their own rank, right?

Actually, she outranks me.

So you're saying
that your dog ran away?

No. No, Charlie wouldn't run.

She was taken.

She's my best friend.

This is, uh,
us yesterday.

Fooling around.

Well, you got
any other photos?

Hang on.


Think she was

We're really gonna do this?

You got a problem
with dogs?

No. Just, normally, you know,
we work higher profile cases.

Well, you better get
your head in the game,

'cause we could be dealing with
some animal rights people or...

Dog breeders?
It's possible.

And we can't rule out
a voluntary escape.

Dog like Charlie
would have no trouble

scaling an eight-foot fence.

All right, Gregorio.

Let's work the scene.

Oh, hey, Loretta.

What a surprise.

Well, just thought I'd drop by,
say hello to my friend.

Rita called you.

She did.
[chuckles softly]


thought I should check in.

If that's okay.

Considering you're the
first person I've seen all day

who I haven't had to
explain my new son to,

I'd call it a relief.



Yeah. Thanks.

How are people taking it?

A wide range
of reactions.

That's understandable.

The thing is...'s made me realize
I haven't...

...taken time
to process it myself.

I have a son, Loretta.

You do.

A surly 17-year-old...
[chuckles softly]

who looks at me
with nothing but...


He won't be easily won over.

[phone chiming]

if you just give it time...

Yeah, well...

Not sure how much of that
I have.


Looks like Sasha's getting ready
to skip town.

What are you doing?

What's it look like?

You can't leave town.

Sure, I can.

I'm a free woman.

Where's Connor?

He's inside getting his stuff.

There's nothing

keeping me here.

It's a little more
complicated than that.

Actually, no, it's
pretty damn simple.

If I stay,
there's a target on my back.

We have the Watkins family
tied up.

They won't be...
I'm talking about you, Dwayne.

You're never
gonna leave me alone,

not until I'm behind bars,

and I can't let
that happen.

Look, Sasha,
let's just go inside,

[siren wails]
and we can talk...

Sasha Broussard,
you're coming with us.

You called the FBI?


What's going on?


This is exactly what
you wanted, isn't it?

Wait, why are they taking her?

Stay out of this.Mom!

Stay back.
Your father called the FBI.

I did not.

Then why are they here, Dwayne?

LEE: Ms. Broussard, we
believe you may have

information about a recent
bombing in New Orleans,

and we want to talk to you.

Am I under arrest?
Not at the moment.

But that can be arranged.
It's in your best interest

to cooperate with us.

Okay, sure.


Please. Don't...Connor.

She didn't do anything.
SASHA: Honey,

it's okay--
just do what she says.

I'm gonna be home very soon.

We'll see about that.

No, wait. Just...Okay.

Please don't do this.
Just back it up, back it up.

Take a breath.

[breathing heavily]

So, you're the son?

He is. And I am...

The father.


Special Agent Dwayne Pride,

That much I knew.

I'm gonna ask Connor here
a few questions.

I got nothing to say.

Look, I know

that this has gotten
a little bit heated,

but he's not a part of this.

He's just a kid.

Let me... let me
handle him.


For now.

[car doors close]

[engine starts]

You're just gonna
let them take her?

She agreed to go.

And I can't tell them
what to do.

What good are you?

Let's just get out
of here, all right?

I'll take you back
to my place.

No, I'm not going
anywhere with you.
Your mother...

...wouldn't want you
to be here alone.

So please...

let's just go.

Very impressive.

German shepherd
or Belgian Malinois?

Belgian Malinois.

They're lighter, they're
smaller-- makes it easier

when we're tandem parachuting
or rappelling.

Wow. Charlie's
a real action hero.

She got the Purple Heart
in Afghanistan.

Took a bullet for me.
Saved my life.

That kind of mission
must be stressful.

You ever worry
about how she handles it?

All the time.
CARTER: And according
to your records,

you're scheduled
to deploy again soon.

Yeah, a week from now.
Now, uh,

that's pretty convenient timing
for her to go missing,

don't you think?

You think
I hid Charlie someplace

to make sure
she doesn't get deployed?

I'm just saying you care
about her so much...

Now, look, I love her,
but we're Navy SEALs.

We don't hide from a fight.

The last thing I would do
is send her away.

No one else
can even talk to her.

What do you mean?

She only understands Serbian.
It's a precaution that we take

to makes sure no one else
can give her commands.

Oh, that's clever.

Look, without me there
to interpret

her world,
she's lost, vulnerable.

I mean, please,
you've got to bring her home.


[door closes]

Oh, hi!

[laughs] Whoa!

Aren't you the gentleman.

Sorry to startle you.
Don't be silly, Dwayne.

I shouldn't be napping
during the day anyway.

Is Rita here?


no, no, Mama, not today.

Probably busy

with the wedding plans.

I can't tell you
how thrilled I am.

Laurel settling down.

You settling
down again.

You know, I really love Rita.

Me, too.

I always
thought that

you two should have gotten
together all those years ago.

You did?

You never said.
Not my place, Dwayne.

I mean, come on,
if I had said anything,

maybe you
wouldn't have married Linda,

and we wouldn't have Laurel.

You know, she is

such a blessing.

What's all this?

These were...

my mama's.

Miss Lucille Dubose.

And-and you want me
to have these?

[laughs] Now, what
would you be doing

with my mama's jewelry?

I don't know.

No. You give them to Rita.

They can be for her
"something old."

Mama, they're beautiful.

Maybe light the fire
under you two.

Get you to set a date.


[chuckles softly]

You know, I-I want you

to hold on to these
and give them to her yourself.

It'll mean so much more
coming from you.

Don't you go

getting weepy on me, now, son.


Put the kettle on, huh?

Fix us some tea.

She knew who I was.
She knew my fiancée.

I mean,
she wasn't confused at all.

She was...

Just like she used to be?


But I wasn't prepared.

I mean,
this is a good sign, right?

Is she on new medication,
or...Her prescriptions

haven't changed.

Have you seen this before?
I have.

And what's it mean?
It means

I should examine her.

Is something wrong?

Let me take a look at her,

and I'll give you a call
afterwards, okay?


Let me lay it out

for you, Sasha.

We know you were in
some sort of turf war

with Elias Watkins before
his bar was blown up.

I've already been through this.
We're building quite a case

that you set those
wheels in motion.

My client's already
cooperated with NCIS

regarding that bombing.

And gave them exactly nothing.

She can't share what
she doesn't know.

But I did hand them

Beverly Watkins on a platter.

Shouldn't you coordinate
with other agencies

before you pull innocent
people off the street?

See, I told you

that Pride was manipulating
the situation.

What do you mean, manipulating?

He could have told you
about my cooperation,

that I was working
hand in hand with NCIS,

but he let you take me away.

Because of Connor.

Your son.

Our son. Yeah.

You're suggesting this is
some kind of custody play

on his part?

I do criminal law, not family.

So you'll have to make
your own conclusion

about Special Agent Pride's

As for your
club bombing...

[smacks lips, sighs]

I think I can help point you
in the direction

of the real perpetrator.

I mean, you know, if you're
into that kind of thing.

Dwayne's on his way back,

and dinner'll
be ready real soon.


I'm not hungry.

Well, I see you eyeballing
those biscuits.

It's okay,
you can be angry

and hungry at the same time.

My mother was taken
by the FBI today,

and everyone's just acting
like it's normal.

Must be hard on you.
It's hard on her.

They don't know my mom.
They don't know

what she's been through,
what she's had to do

to take care of herself.

And me. Like...
[sighs heavily]

They just decided
that she's some kind of monster.

what did your mom tell you

about why she went to prison?

That she was framed.

Used as a scapegoat for all
the bad stuff her family did,

and then she had to make a deal,
or else she'd go away for life.

I see.

It's all because of Pride.

Your father...Don't...

call him that.

[door opens in distance]

Dwayne was doing his job.

By lying...

and cheating and taking away
the only family I got.

JIMMY [chuckles]:
Well, I got to say...

...there's usually two sides
to every story.

Who are you?

Jimmy.Your uncle.

Dwayne's brother.

But in this case...

...I got a bone to pick
with your mama's version.

[Jimmy speaking quietly]




Sorry I'm late.
That's okay.

Everything okay with Mena?
Yeah, yeah,

she's... she's fine.

Wh-What's going on?

Not sure words can explain.

Look, you love your mama.

To you, she can do no wrong.
But sometimes...

I know she's not perfect.

You think the entire
legal system

is conspiring against her.

Parts of it, at least.

Everything okay
over here?

Yeah, we're just getting
to know each other.

But I'm done now.

But we haven't even eaten yet.

Y'all are obsessed
with feeding me.

JIMMY: Listen, why don't
you stay, keep me company.

There's no point.
I know how you feel.

I felt the same when my daddy
went away the first time.

Your father went to prison?

Bunch of times, actually.

You responsible

for that, too?

Cassius is responsible

for it himself.

But when you're a kid...

You feel it's unfair.

It's not easy when
somebody you love

keeps making the same mistakes.

Look, I don't know
what your father did,

but my mom did nothing.

[Jimmy chuckles]

I just met you,
but I like you, Connor.

Got to say, though,
you're not looking at it fully.

The facts speak for themselves.

Jimmy, I-I don't
think we should...

Look, it's good
you love your mama,

okay, but a young man

has got to see things clear.

Yeah, maybe we should just eat.


No, I want to know
what he means.

How much have you read about
what your mama's accused of?

I mean, she never let me.

JIMMY: Well, you were young.
It makes sense. But now?

Don't you have a right to know,
make your own conclusions?

What's the point if it's lies?

The point is

to discover the truth
for yourself.

See things in the light
of day. The point is

that this man
standing before you

is bending over backwards
to do right by you,

so he can't be all bad.

And your mama...

[phone chimes]

She's been released.

And she's coming
to get me.

I, uh...

I'm gonna wait downstairs.

That was Strand
and Charlie's C.O.

She's not the only Navy property
that's gone missing.

Charlie's tactical vest
is gone, too.

Vest like that loaded
with Navy tech got to be worth

hundreds of thousands
of dollars. Where was it?

In Strand's locker on base.

Someone slipped in
and got it out.Ah.

Suggests someone knew
Petty Officer Strand enough

to know
where that vest was stored.

Probably means that they knew
that Charlie only responds

to commands in Serbian, too.

You know,
those TAC vests have GPS.

Is there any way
of tracking this thing?

GPS was switched off.
Then we're gonna have

to do it the old-fashioned way.
I'll go get with Patton.

See if we can find
any of Gabe's friends

that might have needed a dog

with a half-a-million-dollar


Any luck
on the Sasha investigation?

HANNAH:There's nothing concrete
to connect her to it.

FBI's on it now.
Yeah, they cut her loose,

but they froze her assets.

So she won't be going anywhere.

I don't think she intends to.
But a friend of mine at Justice

said she's offering a proffer.

So she's got a scapegoat
lined up.

Yeah, that's what we think,

but FBI seems to believe
it's credible.

Well, she pulls that off,
she's free and clear.

Walks away from it all.

Means we need to find out
who she's offering

and get to them first.

That's what the retainer is for,


To cover expenses
and to protect me.

Yeah, I'm not
in a holding cell,

but it doesn't
do much good if I can't

access my money, so fix it!

You understand?

[phone beeps]What's going on?

Nothing, baby.

That doesn't sound like nothing.
It's just a...

little confusion
with my bank accounts.

When the FBI targets you,

you know, they play rough.

Are we in trouble?

No, not you, sweetheart.

And it's nothing
I can't handle.

But what is the trouble?

Why did the FBI
come for you today?

As long as I'm in New Orleans,
I'm an easy target.

Just because of our last name?

New Orleans just can't
be home anymore, honey.

No, there's more to it, though.
I just spent

the whole day convincing
those agents I'm not guilty.

You want me to do it again
with you?

No, I...
I just want to understand.

Let's not dwell on the past.

Let's just look
to the future.

In a couple of days,
we're gonna be free to go,

and then we just got to pick
a place to live. Look.

Here. Anywhere you want.

Although, I am partial

to Montana with the big skies
and fresh air,

snowy mountains
and not a lot of people.

I'd need a new coat.


Yes. New coat. New snowboard.

New life.



So, we dug
into Petty Officer Strand's

orbit to see
who might be responsible

for kidnapping Charlie.

anyone who had

a criminal background
who also had access to the base.

Okay, so, can't be many
who fit both bills.

We found one: Seth McLaughlin.

He's a private contractor

with a specialty
in training dogs.

He was freelancing

on base
at the K-9 training facility.

Well, what kind of
record he have?

Mostly minor stuff.
Petty burglary.

Yeah, but here's the kicker.

His social media suggests

that he's been teaching himself
a new language.

Oh. Serbian?


All right, let's dig deeper.

Enough for a warrant.

[phone ringing]


Dr. Lattimer.

Thank you for calling.
You have news about my mother?

I found your mother to be

just as you described.
She's lucid, alert.

She was fully oriented
as to time and place,

and she couldn't stop bragging
about you.

Well, she's proud.

What does it mean?

I know it seems like good news.

And, in a lot of ways, it is.

This time... It's very precious.

What are you telling me, Doctor?

Have you heard the term
"terminal lucidity"?


It occurs in a significant
number of Alzheimer's patients.

Characterized by a short period

of mental acuity
and functioning.

What happens after that?

A rapid decline that precedes

the terminal phase
of her illness.


Yes. I'm sorry.

How long does she have?

Well, that's difficult to say.

Well, if you had to?

Well, everybody's different,

in my experience,

we're probably looking at weeks,
not months.

[playing bluesy riff]


Oh, hey.

Look, I-I'm...

I'm sorry to pull
you out of work.

No, it's fine, Dwayne.
Is it Connor?

No. No, it's, uh...

It's Mena.

Oh. You-you said that the visit
was good yesterday,

that she was lucid.

Uh, she was. And it is.

And, uh, guess
that's the problem.

Sit down.

I don't understand.

It's called terminal lucidity.


Yeah, I've heard of that.

Been so long
since she was herself, you know?

Gotten used to this
version of her.

Then all of a sudden, she was...

She was Mama again.

Didn't realize
how much I missed her.

Doctor says

that this is precious time.

Not everybody
gets it, so...

What can I do?

She has something that
she wants to give you.

Could you maybe just come
and visit her with me?

Of course, Dwayne. Yes.

Okay. Okay, thanks.

Well, just talked to
my guy at the FBI.

You got a guy at the FBI?

Yeah. Well,
it's a gal at the FBI,


It's my cousin's girlfriend.

Oh. Okay?
But if I rolled in and I said,

"Oh, I spoke to my cousin's
girlfriend at the FBI,"

then that, you know,
doesn't sound cool.

What'd your cousin's
girlfriend say?

she confirmed that Sasha

is cooperating
in exchange for a deal

and that
it's moving really fast.

Yeah, well, we already knew that
Sasha was gonna offer a patsy.

We just still don't know
who it is.

It's got to be someone
who has just as big a beef

with the Watkins family
as she does.

That's a pretty long list, too.
I mean, the Watkins clan

have been muscling in
on all kinds of rackets

in New Orleans over the years.

They pissed off a lot of
competitors. FBI's not stupid.

Yeah.Sasha's gonna have

to make a pretty good case
to get immunity.

Who's the most likely target?

There is somebody
who can narrow it down

who just happens
to be incarcerated

in New Orleans right now.

Beverly Watkins.


our dognapping suspect,

has not been at work
since Charlie went missing.

But that's not abnormal because
he takes monthly sick days.

Bad sinuses?

A road trip, actually.
According to his credit card,

he drives out of state
every few weeks,

stays overnight at a motel,
drives back.

Okay, so not exactly
a smoking gun.

So, he was pulled
over a few months ago

for speeding. State police

pulled him
and his passenger over,

kept them for a day on suspicion
of drug trafficking.

McLaughlin got out.

The passenger stayed in.

Who's the passenger?

Carlos Silvano.

Drug smuggler. He ran coke
up and down the I-10 corridor.

"Ran," past tense?

He died in custody.
Massive coronary.

Legit heart attack.

State police believe

that he has a stash of coke
in the New Orleans area.

We're talking hundreds
of thousands of street value.

Okay, so,
McLaughlin was his driver.

Sees an opportunity
to move up in the world.

That's if he can find
that stash.

And that's what
the dog, Charlie,

would be helpful for.

He uses the dog
to find the drugs.

Once Charlie's done her job,

she becomes a liability.
And that's why
we'll have to track her fast.

Well, the good news is

I was able to remotely activate
Charlie's GPS

on her TAC suit.
Oh, you saying you hacked it?

With the Navy's permission.

You find anything?
PATTON: Signal

is weak. It could be
coming from underground.

Parking garage, basement,
something like that.

But I did get the general area.

Willow Brook.
What's in Willow Brook?


It's an old amusement park.

Perfect place
to stash your drugs.

[lock buzzes]

Well, we appreciate
you talking to us.

I didn't say I'd talk.

I said I'd meet.

That's fair enough.

Beverly, we need your help.

Now, why would I help the people
who put me here?

Sasha Broussard.

I'm listening.

We believe
she murdered your son.

Well, in that,
we're in violent agreement.

But, you know,

I can handle her.
I'm not so sure

about that, Beverly. She's about
to cut a deal with the Feds.

Yeah, she's gonna
offer up a patsy.

Someone that she can frame
with physical evidence

but who won't be able to talk
their way out of trouble.

Someone she may even be able
to convince

to go out in a blaze of glory

when the Feds do come knocking.

She does that,
she's gonna get off scot-free.

Is there an "or"?

If we can figure out
who she's planning on targeting

to take the fall,
we can get to that suspect.

We can stop Sasha.

She'll pay full freight.

Why would I know
who she's offering?

Who knows better than you
who your family's enemies are?

Yeah, we have a list

of, uh, your competitors here.

Maybe you could take a look.

No need.

I know who she'll finger.

Joe Barns.

Barns. We...

don't know that name.
He's not a competitor.

He's a former employee.

Was always a paranoid guy,
and then Elias found out

he was stealing...

Let's just say
my son knew how to make a point.

Thank you.
Save your thanks.

Just lock that bitch up!

And tell her I'm looking forward
to seeing her.

[lock buzzes]

[door rolls open]

You know, I remember
when Dwayne first started

telling me about you, Rita.

This was...

years ago.

His whole face lit up.

I knew inside

that you were
something special.

Thank you, Mena.

But then life happened,
like it does.

Pulling us

in so many directions.

But you found each other.

It was meant to be.


My mother gave me these.

And her mother

gave them to her
when she was married.

Oh, they're beautiful.

I want you to have them.

But shouldn't these go
to Laurel?

Don't you worry about Laurel.

She has a ring that goes back
four generations.

She's okay.

Such a beautiful gesture, Mama.

She's family, Dwayne.

No other way
to look at it.

She's like a daughter to me.

Thank you so much.

I was thinking that

maybe you'd consider

wearing those on
your wedding day.

As in your "something old."

It would be my honor.


When's the date?


Well, we really
haven't settled on one.

Well, come on now.

Life is going on.
You got a lot to plan for.

And so little time.

[Charlie panting]
[shouting commands in Serbian]

Move, bitch. Come on, find it.

Come on!
[shouts in Serbian]

All clear up here. How's it look
down there, Gregorio?

Can't see much, but Gabe and I
just found the tunnel entrance.

Hey, you got a signal?

Mine's going in and out.

My signal's good down here.
Just follow my lead.

Copy that.

This tunnel's creepy.

It reminds me of a
recurring nightmare

I had when I was a kid.

I never took you for

a "clowns freak me out"
kind of person.

You want to trade places?
Just trying to get ahold of

a signal from Charlie's vest.
It's all over the place.


Wait. It just stopped.

Think she found the drugs.

[barking in distance]

She's close.
Which way?

Straight ahead.

Carter, we're on the
southwest corner of the park.

All right, got it.
Headed there now.

Listen, I'm gonna move slow



Gabe, wait!

Don't move.

Stay where you are.


I'm a federal agent. You
want to put the gun down.

You don't want to shoot us.

McLAUGHLIN: Shut up.

And don't move.

What are you gonna do down here?

I'm gonna leave.

Well, I just told you

I'm a federal agent.

We don't come in single serve.


That means
there's more of me outside.

Then you're coming with me.

You're gonna take me


That's a perfectly

reasonable plan.

I'm gonna get out of here,

even if it is through you.

What does that mean?
You're gonna shoot me?

For what?

Couple of pounds of coke?

No more talking.

And stop moving!

[shouts in Serbian]


[McLaughlin groaning, screaming]

Get her off!
Get her off!

[growling continues]

[shouts in Serbian]




All good?

Yeah, we got the guy
and the drugs.

How do you say
"good girl"? Dobra Devojka.

You can handle that.

[whines happily]


Joe Barns?

Uh, we're federal agents.

Can we come in?

You looking for me?

Whoa, whoa.

Uh, put the
shotgun down.

HANNAH: Joe, we're
just here to talk.

No, you're not.
You're here to kill me.

Maybe you didn't hear us
'cause you were creeping around.

Um, we're
federal agents.

Yeah, agents sent to kill me.

That doesn't make any sense.

We're really gonna need you
to just-just put the gun down.

First, get off my property, or
I have every right to shoot you.

That's not exactly how
that-that law works.

See, we're offering to help
you, and you're threatening us.

Well, drop the act.
I was tipped off two days ago.

You're here to take me in
for that bar bombing,

and I've been waiting on you.

Tipped off?

If I'm gonna take the fall,
I'm taking some of you with me.

There's no need for anyone
to take anyone else anywhere.

Who tipped you off?

I still got friends
who got my back.

Sasha Broussard?

Well, what's it matter?
You're here, ain't you?

Joe, we need you
to calm down, okay?

Sasha is the one
setting you up, not us.

That's a bunch of crap.

She gave your name to the FBI.

Told them you set up
the bombing,

and that the Feds were coming
to kill you.

No way.
Yeah, and I'm guessing

that she's planted evidence
somewhere in your place

that ties you to the
death of Elias Watkins.

I didn't have nothing
to do with that.

We know, Joe. That's-that's
why we're here.

Sasha's playing you.

She's setting you up
as a patsy

so you'll go down
for the bombing

and get yourself killed.

Well, what the hell
should I do about it?

Maybe put down the gigantic gun

and come with us,
and we'll-we'll sort it out.

They really

are beautiful.Yeah.

I remember Mama wearing 'em
when I was little.

Oh, yeah. I was always
taken by them.

She's so excited, Dwayne.

When she started talking
about a dress...I know.

She wants nothing more
than to be at our wedding.

Well, we should make sure
she is.

At the wedding?


I was thinking maybe we
would just keep it low-key.

I did, too. I mean,
neither of us is looking

for a big event, but Mena...

Well, what are you suggesting?

Why don't we do it?

Have a wedding, for your mom,
before she goes.

Well, doctors say
that that could be soon.

So we do it quick.

How quick?
Next week?

Well, Laurel wouldn't
even be able to make it.

Well, my kids either,
but we're not doing it for them.

Well, no. We're
doing it for Mama.

What about Connor?

He should be there.

Meet his grandmother.

Uh, I don't even know
where to start.

He won't talk to me.

Let alone join
an impromptu family wedding.

Well, he blames you

for everything
that went wrong with Sasha.

And he needs to know the truth.

Well, he won't believe it from me.
Can't come from you.

There's only one person who can
convince him of the truth.

Sasha won't do that.

there's a very good chance
that she's gonna go

to prison for the rest
of her life.

And Connor will be lost
without you in his life.

You need to make her see that.

Sasha Broussard is a liar
and a thief,

a murderer...
She may be all of those things.

But she's still a mother.

Talk to her.

Well, I'd offer
you a drink...

I'll take it.


If you are gonna try
and get me to confess

to setting up Joe Barns...

I've recused myself
from investigating you.

I'm not here
as law enforcement.

What are you then?

A concerned father.

You don't have to worry
about Connor.

I'm gonna take him far away.

You understand the FBI
will never let you leave.

Your money's frozen.

They got a U.S. Attorney
who's building a case.

You're going away.

I've heard that one before.

But here I am.

You ever notice
there aren't a lot of

old criminals running around?
I'm sorry.

Are you calling me old?

I'm just saying
that your luck has run out.

And that boy upstairs--
he needs someone

who'll be around
to look after him.

And that's you?

You know it is.

What's the ask, Dwayne?

You need to tell him the truth.

What you've done.

He's nearly grown, Sasha.

He's gonna learn about it
one way or the other.

Just like he learned about me.

And if it doesn't come from you,
he will never forgive you.

And he won't accept me.

I can't.

You have to.
[voice breaking]:
He'll hate me.

You claim
you're a changed woman.

You claim he's the most
important thing to you.

I want to believe you.

Tell him the truth.

What are you doing here?

Just leaving.


[door opens]

Connor, we need
to talk, honey.

[crickets chirping]

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