NCIS: New Orleans (2014–…): Season 3, Episode 11 - NCIS: New Orleans - full transcript

Sebastian is sent undercover and Patton exercises his former gambling skills, as Pride and the team attempt a dangerous operation to trap Garcia.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
GREGORIO: The yacht belongs
to Javier Garcia.

Ciudad Natal Cartel's

top man in New Orleans.
Launders their money.

Dwayne Pride?

Oh, thank God.


That woman lives with our
target. She knows something.

She has no idea that
Javier is cartel.

What do you think he'll do
to her if he finds out

she's cooperating?
GREGORIO: If we want access,

it has to be
someone on the inside.

Javier has a computer

with a dedicated server where

he handles all his business.

If D.C. can't have

Javier's head on a pike,

they want one of ours.

I did what I thought was best.

You went rogue.
Your career is over.

PRIDE: FBI will take you
to a safe house

until Javier and his
organization are dismantled.

(church bell ringing)

I'm so, so sorry.

Thank you.


Thank you for...

Agent Pride, thanks for coming.

I know how close
you and Eliza were.

No, you don't, Garcia.

But you will.


I promised her I'd protect her.

From you.

Now I'm promising you,

one way or the other,

you're gonna pay for this.

♪ NCIS:New Orleans 3x11 ♪
Let It Ride
Original Air Date on January 17, 2017

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang ♪

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ How, how, how, how ♪

♪ Hey, hey ♪

And Volkswagen

♪ You gotta come on. ♪

D.C. sent me down to
eliminate Ciudad Natal embeds

from New Orleans, and
that's what I've done.

Time for me to go home.

But the face of the Natal,
Javier Garcia,

is still walking around
like he owns the place.

Yeah. But he doesn't.

Not anymore. We've cut him off.

We've frozen his ability to
access his laundered drug money.

The cartel's effectively

But Garcia's not, otherwise
he would've bolted

as soon as we found out he
was using the West family

to launder the money.
Why is he still here?

Listen, I'd love nothing more
than to bring Garcia to justice,

but we both know we don't have
enough evidence.

Which is why stopping him
and the Natal

from using New Orleans
as a base of operations

will have to be good enough.

Well, it's not good
enough for me,

and it shouldn't be
for you, either.

Look, I know how badly you feel

about what happened to Eliza.

He didn't just kill Eliza,

he killed two of your agents.

Hey... Don't you think
I know that?

Don't you think it makes me sick
to my stomach...

Then let's do something
about it.

Look, there's nothing
to be done. It's over.

It's not over
for Eliza's family.

They've done nothing
but good for this city,

and now because
Garcia used them,

they're financially ruined,

their name is ruined.

You walk away,
that doesn't change.

This isn't just
personal for you,

you know, Pride?

It's personal for me, too.

And not just because
of what happened to my agents.

We were a team.

At least I thought we were.

But she... she changed
when she came down here.

You... You changed her.

You're blaming me
for you firing her?

No. Of course not. I'm...

Look, I'm ju... I'm just...

I'm saying that we both
lost something in the process.

We both wanted more,

but stopping Garcia,

defeating the Natal.
It's the best that we can do.

Not the best I can do.

Yeah. Well, it'd better be,
or it'll be

the last thing you do.

Now, Garcia is a matter

for the FBI now, not NCIS.

If we can find a way
to prosecute him, we will,

but you're not to go
after him on your own.

I don't answer to you.
No. But we both answer

to people who originally
sent me down here

to see if you and your team
should be disbanded, remember?

Now, don't make me
change my recommendation.

Leave Garcia alone.

(plane flies overhead)

Don't I know you?

What are you doing here?

Just couldn't wait for you
to get back, I suppose.

Uh-huh. Let me guess,

we got a case already.

Well, I'm not sure, but Pride
wants all hands on deck.

Think it's got something
to do with Javier Garcia.

Over here.

Yeah, but I talked to Patton.

He said that you guys busted
up Garcia's cartel money,

and FBI was taking
the case back to D.C.

Knowing Pride,
that didn't sit well with him.

I heard Isler fired Gregorio.
You talk to her?

She okay?

Yeah. She's pretty rocked.

Got a raw deal, if you ask me.

D.C. wanted a scapegoat
for letting Garcia off the hook,

and she was it.

Yeah. That sucks.


(toy squeaking)


That's all right, life goes on.

Yeah. But it's got to sting
for a while. You know,

you can't think you're a dad,
then find out you're not,

and just move on.
Look at you.

You get back from helping
your mama with your stepdad,

and you're more worried
about me and Gregorio.

By the way, how's he doing?

My stepdad? He died.

Oh. Don't give me that look,
you know we weren't close.

I just went back to help my mom.
You want to talk about it?

Probably about as much
as you want to talk about this.

(toy squeaking)

I've been looking
everywhere for you.

You don't
answer the phone.

Oh. I'm sorry. I...

I've been concentrating.
I'm trying to catch up

on all this lab work
I've been neglecting.

I thought you'd be home,
packing for NCIS training.

No. I'm kind of rethinking
the whole agent thing.

It was a good idea at the time,
but I sort of didn't factor in

the whole shooting
and dying part.

Or rather, the not shooting and
almost dying part, in my case.

That's not your fault.
You were not prepared to know

how and when
to shoot a gun, Sebastian.

That's what the training's for.

Yeah? Well, try telling
that to Gregorio.

I almost got her killed.

I mean,

it wasn't just the lack of
training that made me freeze up.

It was also...
a lack of confidence.

Oh. You're being too hard
on yourself.

No, I'm not.

You know, it's one thing to
want to expand your horizons,

but when other people's lives
depend on it?

No, I want to help the team,
not hurt them.

I'm just not sure how I can.

Well, Pride thinks you can.

Because he asked me
to find you.

Wanted to see us both, A.S.A.P.

PATTON: It's called
Gamblers Anonymous,

which, by definition,

is supposed to mean anonymous.

Patton, relax, man.
It's not anonymous

when we all know.

Still, man's in a meeting,

he gets yanked out
in the middle of it,

before I can even get
my eight-year cake?

Well, eight years not gambling,

you're allowed to miss a
meeting or two, can't you?


You don't even know
how this thing works.

You ain't supposed
to miss one.

Especially the one
where you were supposed

to get your damn cake.

This better be good.

It is.

SONJA: Gregorio!

I knew you'd be back.

What's going on here?

Sorry to drag you all in
like this,

but it's important.

Everything all right, Dwayne?

It will be, after we bring down
Javier Garcia.

Which I'm in on, too.

Gregorio and I have been
going over his files,

looking for a way.
Turns out, the end

of every month, Garcia's
expected to send a chunk

of laundered money to
his drug lord in Bogota,

Pablo Ortiz.

Well, how big a chunk?

$20 million big.


Problem is,
since the FBI's frozen

Eliza's family's assets,

Garcia won't be able to make
his monthly payment,

which is in two days.

Ortiz'll kill him. Ugly, too.

He's not gonna put up with that.

Then, why isn't Garcia
running for his life?

He must have some way to pay
that we don't know about.

Exactly, which means if we can
find that way and cut it off...

Garcia's a dead man.

Unless he wants to confess,

in exchange for our protection.

What's the catch?

Catch is,

not an NCIS case.

Isler made it clear
he'll have us disbanded

if we go after Garcia.

But he can't hold it
against any of you

if you're not involved,

which is why Gregorio and I

are going it alone.

Got to protect your careers

and this office, in case things

go sideways, understand?

Like hell you're going
at it alone.

What he said.
What she said.

What they said.

Don't look at me, I'm with them.

Fresh chicory, who wants more?

I'm fine, thanks.

Oh, you've got to keep
your adrenaline up,

there's a lot at stake.

PRIDE: Wait, where'd
these Garcia files come from?

These yours, Gregorio?

No. They're Isler's.

You know, for a FBI mucky-muck,

he sure doesn't know much
about cyber security.

Hack-a-Pat strikes again.

Take it easy, Patton. I don't
want you getting in trouble.

Ha. Look who's talking.

SEBASTIAN: Wait a minute.
All right. What is that?

Can you put that
up on the plasma?

GREGORIO: Those are
the West family businesses

Garcia's been using
to launder drug money.

Yeah. But what's this...
what's this Cayman account,

with, uh, $2 million in deposits
and no withdrawals?

It's the only one with
Garcia's name on it.

It could be he's
skimming a little

off the top for himself.
Can you seize it?

Offshore means it's untouchable.

SEBASTIAN: Yeah, plus it's
nowhere near the $20 million

he needs anyway.

Unless he's planning on
betting the $2 million

in hopes to turn it into 20.

(chuckles) Looks like
our boy like the ponies.

He's been spending
time at the track.

PRIDE: Which, apparently,
is where he's at right now.

Christopher said
they just pulled up.

Wait, slow down. Are you
seriously suggesting

Garcia thinks he can make back

the $20 million
he owes on a bet?

SEBASTIAN: It might be
his only way, right?

After all, he's only got
two days, or he's dead.

Still, it's a big
risk, even for Garcia.

How could he even know
that he's gonna win?

Unless he cheats.

Been there, done that.
Y'all know.

You want to fill me in?

Okay, a few years ago,
eight to be exact...

Patton got into a little trouble

with the Louisiana
Gaming Commission.

A lot of trouble, actually.

Short story,
I got so addicted

to games of chance

that I took to
upping the ante.

I used my computer skills
to game the system,

i.e. I cheated.

And I had to convince
the feds to let him apply

his unique talents to
Fleet Cyber Command.

Which, getting back
to Garcia,

the man's got to be
juicing the horses.

You know, he's probably
paying off the jockeys

to inject them
right before the race.

Yeah, but doesn't
the Racing Commission

test the horses
after the race?

Yes, but it's not
always easy

to detect a stimulant.

Especially if it's
organic or mineral,

like cobalt.

Well, I like
the ponies, too.

And poker, craps, roulette.

Anybody else have any secrets?

Dwayne, what I know might
come in handy for this.

I'll take all the help
I can get, Loretta.

The question is,

if Garcia's gonna cheat to win,

how can we make sure
he loses instead?

ANNOUNCER: And the others
are left in his wake.

They come to the wire.

It is Whiskey Tail.

Flowers for Whiskey Tail.

Here's your lineup
for the upcoming race:

number one
is Colonel Hot Cakes...

Number two...

SONJA: What's Mayor Hamilton
doing in Garcia's box?

I don't know.

Looks like Garcia got over his
fiancée's death pretty quick.

That's pretty easy to do

when you're the one
who had her killed.

There's no way Hamilton knows
who Garcia really is, does he?

I wouldn't put anything
past His Honor.

Real question is,
what is Garcia's plan?

He hasn't even
placed a bet yet.

Well, if Patton's right,

he's not just here
as a spectator. (phone ringing)

No sign of any movement
from Garcia yet, King.

Went straight to his box.

Maybe he's got more money
hidden somewhere than we know.

Yeah, still, he's at the track
for a reason.

He's gotta be there
to make a bet, doesn't he?

Except he doesn't have
to place a bet at the track

if he's gonna bet OTB.

OT what?
WADE: Off-track betting.

It's like casinos, except
you can bet on pretty much

any sporting event,
anywhere, anytime.

SONJA: Hold on.

So Garcia still hasn't
placed his bet yet?

No. But if it's OTB,

he could use his phone

and transfer the
$2 mil electronically.

Well, can't you hack into it?

Keep him from even
making the bet?

No, not without him knowing.

The best we could do is

see what horse
he's betting on.

Well, that won't
do us any good.

Especially if the horse
is juiced and wins.

Hold on a sec.

Horse can't win

if it doesn't
even start, right?

What are you thinking,

Well, there's no time
to explain, all right, trust me.

Get the name of the horse
Garcia's betting on,

and then get back to me ASAP.

Hey, just for the record,

I have no idea what's going on.

Oh, you will.

Look, there's a bungee cord

behind my seat in the truck.

Get it and meet me
at the starting gate.

Tease me about being
a country boy all you want,

but it's about to pay off.


And they're off.

Two minutes to post
for the seventh race.

Pick Four, Sweepstakes, and...


here you go.
All right, nice.

You know which one it is?
Don't know yet.

Problem is Garcia is
placing his bet as we speak.

But I got to know
which horse it is

before it enters the gate.

Otherwise it's too late.

Too late for what?

To spook the horse.

LASALLE: Oh, man.
They're getting in the gate.

Find me a rock.

Patton better hurry.

Here. Hey!

You're not gonna
hurt it, are you?

City Mouse.

(horse neighs)

(phone chimes)
Wait, wait, wait.

Patton just said
"Garcia placed a bet

on number five,
'Go for Broke'."

Go for Broke.

It doesn't get much
more poetic than that.

Oh, there it is.

(horse neighs)

(crowd gasps)

Looks like we have something

happening down on the track.

What the hell?

Javier, Javier,
what's the matter?

Ooh, Garcia looks really pissed!

So what, that's it?

He just lost
$2 million?

It doesn't quite
work that way.

All we did was
buy some time.

Looks like we've got a scratch.

Go for Broke is a late scratch.

But wait a minute, Garcia still
gets his wager back.

You don't lose a bet
on a scratch.

Right. It's as if the bet
was never placed.

Which means Garcia can
still place another bet

on another horse
by tomorrow night.

WADE: It has to be
a sure thing, though.

And unless he tries
to cheat again,

there aren't any
of those.

Still, Garcia's desperate.

I mean, he's got
to find a way

or he's dead.

PRIDE: Patton might have
found a way.

If we can get Garcia
to bet on it, he'll lose.

Big time.

Then he'll have to either
answer to the cartel

or to us.

Garcia's running out of time.

He has to turn
the last $2 million he's got

into the 20 he needs.

Otherwise, Pablo Ortiz
rips his heart out.

So far I'm with you.

Yeah, which means if we can
get Garcia to think

that he's betting
on a sure thing,

he won't be able
to pass it up, right?

In theory, yeah.

But how do we get him to think
he's betting on a sure thing?

Same way I almost conned
a whole bunch of folks

at a certain
off-track betting site

eight years ago.

Unfortunately for you,
that included a certain admiral.

Fortunate, it put me
on the wagon.

Unfortunate, it put Pride
on the case,

which is how I got
my butt busted.

I was this close
to pulling off

that sweet con, too.

Still have a chance

if we can pull it off
on Garcia.

So when are you gonna
let us in on it?

All right, check it out.

This is eighth race,
Fair Grounds.

Just finished, right?

You got a happy,
cheering crowd.

And now check out that race.

They're at post.

They're off.

Salad Scooter breaks best...

Isn't that the same race?

Indeed it is.

And that is the essence
of said con.

You take control of a certain
off-track betting site,

including every handheld device,

computer and TV in the place.

Then digitally delay
the already-completed

horse race to the site.
Where nobody knows it started yet.

So you can bet
on the winning horse

of a race that's
already been run.

That's pretty brilliant.

More like sweet!

Still, talk about
your long shots.

Look, first thing to do is
take over an OTB site.

All right? And Patton knows
the owner of one.

PATTON: One that happens to be
the most swankiest of swanky.

He owes me a solid,
so it won't be a problem.

It's gonna be hard
convincing Garcia

in such a short period of time.

PRIDE: Yeah, well, got that
figured out, too.

Just got to find
somebody that he trusts

to convince him, and
I think I know who.

I'm gonna need
everyone's help on this.

If Garcia sees me around,

any chance of
pulling this off

will be lost.

You can handle the rest, Patton?

PATTON: You do your thing,
I'll do mine.

All right,
what do you need?

I need you to watch
Sebastian's back

at the OTB.

Wait, my back? Why's
my back need watching?

You'll see.
You'll love it.

Fine, but who's gonna
watch your back?

I mean, no offense,
but there's a lot

of gambling involved here--
you gonna be all right?

That's the back I've got.

I'm counting on you,
Miss Loretta,

'cause after this con is over,

I want my damn birthday cake.

Mr. Mayor.

Oh, dear.


What'd I do now?

Paranoid about

something in particular,
are you?

Paranoid in general.
I mean, after all,

the urgent call, urgent meet.

Not at City Hall.

Nothing, uh...

nothing good could
come from that.

I need your help.

Going after Javier Garcia.

Need to make him pay
for what he's done.

Well, I don't really know
how much of a help I can be

since I don't really
know the man.

Well, you know him
well enough

to share his box
at the track

on the same day that
Eliza West gets buried.

And the implication is?

Garcia's made a lot
of high-level inroads

in New Orleans quickly.

We both know that can't happen
without your help.

The kind that probably
wouldn't stand up

to FBI scrutiny.

Uh, I'm the mayor.

I attract business.
That's my job.

Just like every other
mayor before me.

Both of whom are
still in jail-- my point.

Is this a shakedown,

Is that what this is?

Just asking for
a friendly favor is all.

Up to you...
if you accept it or not.

Well, blackmailing
a sitting mayor,

you must really want
to bring this guy down.

More than anything.

(electric gates humming)

(engines starting)

SONJA: Hamilton and Garcia
are on the move, Pride.

Looks like Garcia took the bait.

Okay, meet me at Patton's van.

I'm parked just across
the street from the OTB.


Garcia's on his way.

(indistinct chatter)

All right, Loretta, you're up.

It's a crazy-ass plan,
if you ask me.

I'm thinking I like
this undercover stuff.

Maybe I can become
an NCIS agent, too.

You okay?

I got the place
all wired up.

I got control
of everything digital.

Should have wireless
covered soon.

Okay, and if someone
wants to place a bet

on the same race we want
Garcia to bet on?

Oh, don't worry about it.
I got that covered, too.

Nobody loses but Garcia.

Oh, good.

Because Pride said
he'd be here any minute.

Who, Garcia?

No, the plan was
to get Garcia

to bet on the race tomorrow.

It's still the same.
Nothing's changed.

It's just a meet.

Are you sure you're okay?

Yeah, I'm living a dream.

Just make sure they don't
mess up my van.

How concerned are you?

I'd be less concerned
if he wasn't in denial

about how hard this is for him.

But I'll keep an eye on him.

All right,
here we go.

Garcia just entered.

Get ready.


Is there a problem?

Hard to believe nobody here

is gonna know the race
is already over with.

Yeah, except us...
that's the play.

And the tech wiz behind it
only does it once a month,

so nobody finds out.

How come you found out?

I got him out of trouble once,

and, so, uh, he lets me in on
the action every once in a while

as a way to pay me back.


Hey, man, I'm doing you a favor;
it's not the other way around.

So, if you don't want to do it,
that's fine,

you know, go ahead, walk.

You can deal with Ortiz
on your own.

You know? God bless.

Okay, Patton.

Hey, Mr. Mayor, welcome back.

Who's your friend?

We're here to see Hooker.

Follow me.


I know a lot about you,
too, Mr. Mayor.

I go down, you go down.



We need to talk.

What are you doing here?

You know we're never
supposed to meet here.

Javier Garcia,
Johnny Hooker.

He wants in.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

I'm talking about blowing
your little scam

unless you do
as I tell you.

He's in, you understand?

How much you thinking?

$2 million.

$2 million?
No, the payout's way too big,

the Gaming Commission'll be...

Ah, don't worry
about the Gaming Commission.

I'll take care of them.
You take care of him.

You're welcome.

All right, look,
come back tomorrow.

Before the fifth
at the Fair Grounds, okay?

That's the race.

I want to find out more.

You're coming with me.


Uh, what are you
talking about?

I'm not going...

Like I said...
you're coming with me.

After you.

Garcia's taking
Sebastian, Pride.

What do you want me to do?

Talk to me, Pride,

do you want me to abort?

No, let it ride.


SEBASTIAN: For the record,
this is called kidnapping.

Okay? And actually, it's...

it's against the law.

So is your scam.

Sleep well, Hooker?

Oh, yeah, yeah,
I always sleep like a baby

when I'm being held
against my will.

Listen, what am I doing here?

If-If you don't want in on this,
that's fine.

I want in.

Just needed to make sure
you weren't setting me up first.

Listen to me very carefully.

I am betting more

than just money on this race.

I am betting my life.

That makes you

my insurance policy, which means
if it doesn't work out

(whispering): exactly the way
you say it will...

you'll be betting
your life, too.

We understand each other?

Yeah, yeah.

Good. Get to work.

Wait, wait, um, you're-you're
still gonna have to go to OTB.


If I can place the bet
just as easily from here?

Yeah, but not that big a bet,
and-and not at the last second.


I mean, how else are you gonna
know that no one else at OTB

knows the race is over,
unless you're actually there

to see that it hasn't
even started yet?

All right.

They're going to watch you

and the race here, live.

As soon as it's over,
call me with the winners.

If it's legit, I'll know.

If it's not...
I'll let you know.

WADE: Dwayne.

Still at Garcia's according
to Lasalle and Sonja.

All night?

What the hell is
going on over there?

What does Garcia want?

Garcia's desperate, Pride.

He's probably making sure
Sebastian's on the up and up

before he decides
to make that bet.

How do you know?

How do you know Garcia

hasn't already figured out

who Sebastian
really is by now?

I never should've let
Garcia take him.

I don't know what
I was thinking.

You were thinking
you didn't want to blow

your one chance
at taking Garcia down.

Besides, Sebastian could've
easily begged out of this.

He had a chance,
waved Tammy off.

Yeah, why? Why?

Just so-so he could prove
to himself he wasn't afraid?

Prove it to me?

The whole thing
is too damn reckless.

I never should've put him or
anybody else in that position,

not Sebastian, not Patton,
not anybody.

Last time I sent somebody
over to Garcia's place...

...she ended up dead.

Look, Dwayne, first of all,
you didn't ask for our help.

In fact, it was the opposite;
we chose to help.

GREGORIO: Which means we
all knew the risks going in,

even Sebastian.

And Patton, too.

He may be struggling, but he's
still at OTB, still game.

Look, if you want to blame
yourself for anything,

do it for surrounding
yourself with people

who are just as stubborn
and bullheaded as you.

GREGORIO: Besides, you're
not the only one who wants

to make Garcia pay;
we all do. Why?

Because it's the
right thing to do.

That's how you
taught us to roll.

So, are you in or are you out?

Wake up, there he is.

No Sebastian.

No bodyguards, either.

I'll call Pride.


Garcia's on the move, King.

No sign of Sebastian.

Should we go in?

No, stay put,

but be ready to move in
on my call.

If Garcia places the bet...

as soon as he realizes he's been
had, Sebastian'll be in trouble.

It's a beautiful day

at the Fair Grounds Racetrack
in New Orleans.

Two minutes to post.

The horses are headed
to the gate for the fifth race.

Some of the favorites here
are Alvarado and Lil Lenexa.

Mile and a quarter
for three-year-olds...

Fifth race is up.

Yeah, thank you so much,

(computer chimes)

Dancing as fast as I can, bro.

Half the field has entered
the starting gate...

Garcia just entered.

Garcia just arrived.

I know, I saw.

I think I got all the delays

in place, wireless, too.

Everybody thinks the
fourth race is still up.

You think?

It'd be easier

if I was hacking
with my equipment

instead of someone else's.


You can do this, Patton.

I know you can.

Yeah, well, being around all
this gambling is hard enough,

but rolling the dice
on Sebastian's life

is a whole nother thing.

Just breathe,
we're almost there.

Race is about to start.

Everybody in position?

Just give me the word

and I'll take this
son of a bitch down.

Citizen arrest?

Don't have a badge anymore,

Got to make do.

All horses are in the gate.

And they're off.

It's Alvarado and Lil Lenexa
fighting for the front.

Alvarado, Lil Lenexa.

Lil Lenexa, Alvarado

looking for a turn,
dueling for the lead.

Here's NOLA Pride,
the long shot,

making his move...

Patton, hey.

Let's review. As soon
as the race finishes,

then Loretta, take the bet,

but the instant

you're sure you got
Garcia's money,

I got to know.


Stand by.

Lil Lenexa, NOLA Pride,
Proud Mary moving up.

Lil Lenexa, NOLA Pride,

They're in the home stretch.

Here comes the long shot,
NOLA Pride,

making his move on the inside.
They're neck and neck.

And it's NOLA Pride by a nose!

Alvarado second
and Proud Mary to show.

Okay, call your boss right now.

Go, go, go.

NOLA Pride with a
breathtaking victory by an inch.

Alvarado is second,
Proud Mary a closing third.

Two minutes to post.

The horses are headed to
the gate for the fifth race.

Some of the favorites here
are Alvarado and Lil Lenexa.

(cell phone ringing)

Mile and a quarter
for three-year-olds Trifecta...

(continues indistinctly)

NOLA Pride,

Alvarado, Proud Mary.

You're sure?

(clears throat)

But, hey, don't let Hooker out
of your sight, understand?

You got it, boss.

(alert noise)

(card slides, then alert noise)

(alert noise)

Problem, sir?

Problem? (chuckles)

I'm-I'm trying to bet
$2 million on-on race five,

but it won't let me.

Oh, $2 million, no wonder,
that's over our limit.

Get me your supervisor.


Wait here, please.

The last horse is entering
the starting gate.

$2 million?

That's a lot of change.

How do we know it's legit?

I can wire it to you directly.

You got a routing number?



NOLA Pride win,
Alvarado place, Proud Mary show.

In that order.

Got it all, Pride.


Christopher, Sonja, go now.

Why did you say "Pride"?

The horses are in the gates,

First NOLA Pride,
second Alvarado,

third Proud Mary.

Again, first NOLA Pride...


What is going on?

What's going on is the FBI

has your money now.

Which means

you're bankrupt, Garcia.

(gun cocks)
GREGORIO: Don't do it or I'll shoot.

(Sonja yells)

Hey, guys.

Uh... I may not be
good with a gun,

but I am awesome at golf.

Check that out.

That there would be
the bad guys.

You're under arrest.
(handcuffs click)

Citizen's arrest, maybe,
but same thing.

This is entrapment.

It'll never
stand up in court.

I don't think Pablo Ortiz
is gonna give you

time for court, do you?

I told you I wouldn't let you
get away with this.

Thanks, Roy.

(Isler chuckles)

I was halfway to the airport
when I got your call, but...

I wasn't even sure
if it was even true.

Where'd you think
the $2 million came from?


I didn't know.

Still not sure.

Did I get it legally?


Lucky for FBI,

Garcia's waived his rights,
he wants to confess.

Confess to what?


Cartel embeds, drug smuggling,
money laundering,

how he used the West family
to do it.

Killing my agents?
Killing Eliza, too.

Like I said...


So is this true?

On one condition.

There's always conditions.

Yeah, just for the record,
I'm against it.

I just want him
in prison.

I won't last a week

in prison;
where Ortiz can get to me?

No deal, no confession.

Well, I'm listening.

I can give you names,

important names,
I wasn't acting alone.


judges, politicians.

Bribes go a long way

in this town.
What names?

Put me in Witness Protection,
I'll give them to you.

Witness Protection,
are you kidding me?

You're a murderer,
you don't...

you don't get a life!

Humor me.

Give me one name.


Mayor Hamilton.

ISLER: Just got off the phone
with the attorney's office.

Said WITSEC's fine
as long as the names pan out.

After everything Garcia's done,

he's gonna get to live out
the rest of his life Scot-free.

I can't believe we went
through all this for that.

What's he get?

$2,000 a month
for food and rent?

A job at a convenience store?

Garcia's life is ruined.

And not like it'd
be in prison,

which is what he deserves.

I agree.

But now we get more.
(car engine starts)

You get more,

starting with
Mayor Hamilton.

Off the record?

D.C.'s been concerned
about it for a while now,

even considered taking federal
control over law enforcement

to clean it up.

But in success,

this could get D.C.
out of your hair for good.

I can't say I don't like
the sound of that.

Yeah, I thought you would.

Do I have your support?


Took us long enough,

but we finally agree
on something, huh?

Still, despite the few...

it's been a real pleasure,
Agent Pride.


I am going back to D.C. with
a very big win, thanks to you.

If there's ever anything
I can do, you let me know.


there is one thing.

You wanted to see me?


So, uh...

what's this I hear
about Garcia?

What about him?

Don't be coy with me.

Don't do it.

'Cause I know you know.

I figured the FBI would
lock him up, why WITSEC?

Curious how you heard.

It-It makes no difference
how I heard, I just did.

I'm just trying to figure out
what the hell's going on,

and why this scum
rates protection.

Must have something
valuable to offer.

Well, obviously he does.

So what is it,
all right?

You got to know,
you got to know,

you're the one that
brought him in.

Let's just say,
I think it's valuable, too.

So you're not
gonna tell me, huh?

All right.

I helped you get Garcia.

And if it wasn't for me,

you'd still be crying about how
he got away with Eliza's murder,

so you owe me, Dwayne.

Trust me, Mr. Mayor,

you're gonna
find out soon enough.

♪ ♪

♪ I'm feeling alive ♪

♪ I'm feeling alive,
alive, alive ♪

♪ I'm feeling alive ♪

♪ I'm feeling alive, alive ♪

♪ If you feel
what I'm saying, say ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh-oh,
oh, oh, oh ♪


♪ If you feel what
I'm saying, say ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh-oh ♪
Come on!

Here you go.

On the house.

Oh, free drinks and
Earl St. Clair on the stage?

It doesn't get any
better than that.

Uh, that's my Sazerac.

All right, all right,
relax, relax,

I'm drinking
mineral water anyway.


Out of all the people
and what you did,

you should be celebrating,
Tiger Woods.

I'll drink to that.

Well, I am celebrating, by
getting on the early flight

tomorrow morning
to Georgia.

That's right.

Oh, you're actually
going through it.

NCIS training.
(all cheer)

SONJA: Finally, the team
will be complete.

Well, I still got
to pass, obviously.

I also have to learn how to
shoot a gun without freezing.

Bygones. Congrats.

Thanks, guys...

Hey, wait, wait, hold up,

I know y'all
didn't just toast

without Triple P.
PRIDE: You kidding?

The ringleader of the sting?
No way.

In fact...

we've been waiting on you.
Waiting for what?

WADE: Happy birthday!
(laughter and cheering)

You did it.

Barely, but I'll take it.



SONJA: How about you, Tammy?
What you gonna do?

You going back to D.C., too?

No, I'm gonna stay.

There's nothing there
for me anymore anyway.

Hey, Pride, maybe you need
a good bartender.

I'm kind of a vet now, right?

Uh... sorry.

But I might have
another job for you.

Isler got DoD to authorize
another agent for the team.

Could use an extra hand.

You interested?

I don't know what to say.

You say yes, idiot.

Come on.
(phone rings)

(chuckles) Pride.

Thanks for telling me.

Something wrong?

Car bomb.

Just killed Garcia,

Well, it had to be
the cartel, right?

I mean, who else would know
FBI even had him?

♪ If you feel
what I'm saying, say ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh-oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Yeah, if you feel what
I'm saying, say ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh-oh ♪
♪ Come on ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ If you feel what
I'm saying, say. ♪