NCIS: New Orleans (2014–…): Season 2, Episode 23 - The Third Man - full transcript

The NCIS team partners with Homeland Security after the murder of a Navy master diver is linked to chatter of a foreign attack on the city.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Oh. What's that?

♪ NCIS:New Orleans 2x23 ♪
The Third Man
Original Air Date on May 10, 20

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang ♪

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ How, how, how, how ♪

♪ Hey, hey ♪

== sync, corrected by elderman ==

♪ You gotta come on. ♪

Gentlemen, your Sazeracs.

Thank you.

Here you go. Ah.


Do you notice the absinthe

is slightly more herbaceous
than normal?

I infused it with thyme

and rosemary.


Best I ever had.

It's good.

It's good, but, uh,

a little more goes into being a
manager than just mixing drinks.

Do you play any instruments,

Uh, instruments?

Wait, wait, wait.

How is that relevant?

I took piano lessons

when I was nine.
Does that count?

Well, it's a good start.


listen, thank you
for coming down.

We got a few more people

that we need to interview,
and then we'll let you know.

All right. Great, thanks.

Thank you.

Are you kidding me?

Who else you got to interview?

The girl is perfect.

She's efficient, smart,

hip, gorgeous.

Bar has history, Patton.

My mama sang here.

It's got to be the right fit.

I think I'll know it
when I see it.

And I hope you see it soon.
I'm running out of candidates.

And you need a life.

You can't keep running NCIS

and this bar much longer.

We'll find the right person.

We just need
to keep looking, okay?

I got a case.
I got to go, all right?

So, uh,
I'll talk to you later.

A whole bunch of strange things

going on here, King.

First off, our victim is Chief
Petty Officer Charles Greene.

Was a Master Diver for the Navy.

Trained the SEALS
how to scuba,

which means he's
not the type of person

who's gonna die
out in the water.

No, he teaches
folks how not to die.

So likely we're not looking
at a diving accident.

No, he's got plenty of oxygen
left in his tank.

Plus, his diving regulator
and his buoyancy compensator,

it's still in working condition.

Yeah, who knew Alabama here
scuba dives, right?

Roll tide.

What you got, Loretta?

Just a lot of questions.

Look here.
The wounds are all fish bites,

but this is some sort
of blunt force trauma.

Concentric shape,
acute bruising.

I've never seen
anything like it.

It's definitely
the cause of death.

Any theories?

Boat of some kind?

No, boat would've
probably taken his head off,

not gut punch him.

Looks like he's
got the bends too.

It's Cutis marmorata.

Happens when divers
ascend too quickly

from a great depth.

So what happened first?

The blunt force trauma
or he came up too fast?

Can't tell
until I get him on my table.

You narrow down TOD?

Between 12 and 15 hours ago.

Could've drifted
a long way in that time.

Need to find out
where he died

if we're gonna find out
what happened.

Well, he had to
have a dive boat.

Which means, it could still be
out there drifting somewhere.

Floating crime scene maybe.

Plus, the longer
it's out there,

more chance the ocean
might've swallowed it up.

I'll get Sebastian on it.

Talk to Chief Greene's CO.

Learn things.

Master Diver killed
on the open sea.

Got to be a reason.

I just got off
the phone with the Navy.

Got the rundown on Chief Petty
Officer Greene's personal life.

Turns out the guy's a saint.

Not so much
as a speeding ticket.

Even works with
veterans' charities,

teaches wounded warriors
to scuba in his spare time.

Well, any professional

Well, I'm not sure.

But he was involved in several

special ops missions
with the SEALS.

Does tend
to piss off the bad guys.

Who might've been
looking for retribution.

What were the missions?

They're classified,
we're trying to get read in now.

Thank you.

Agent Russo.

Agent Brody.

Hope I'm not interrupting.

You, uh, care to introduce us?

Oh, yeah, uh, sorry.

Um, Pride, Percy, Lasalle,

this is DHS Agent John Russo.

He's the one
who helped me out in DC.

the General Matthews leak,

appreciate the assist.

Couldn't have done it
without Agent Brody.

Glad you sent her.

So what brings you
to New Orleans?

Helping to set up
the new DHS post

Matthews was supposed
to oversee.

But who's gonna run it?

I guess I am.

At least until they find
a replacement for Matthews.

Waterway security
is very important,

especially around here.

Something imminent?
No, no.

Usual chatter.

Nothing out of the ordinary.

It's DC acting out
of an abundance of caution.

Well, especially after

what happened with Matthews.

What-what do you mean?
What's the connection?

Probably nothing.

But DHS wants to make sure

nobody was trying
to discredit him in hopes

that we wouldn't
still open this office.

Again, covering bases.

I'm gonna grab
Brody for a second,

do you mind?

We'll just go out here.

Nice to meet you all.


I think she likes him.


I think he likes her.

I think the two of you need to

get us read into
Greene's special ops missions.

Copy that.

So, did you get my texts?


See, when someone texts you,

normally the other person
texts back

fairly quickly.

That's kind of how it works.

I know, I'm sorry.

I just, I didn't
know how to respond.

With you in DC and me here.

It's not you, I just...

I'm not ready to date yet,
that's all.

Kind of going
through something.

That's fair enough.

That's actually not
why I was texting you.

It's not?

No, don't get me wrong.

Listen, I'd love to take you
for drinks or dinner,

but really I was
looking for some help.

'Cause I knew
I was coming to town,

I was hoping
you might be willing

to give me the lay of the land.


Got an appointment
with Greene's CO,

said he could get us access
to those special ops missions.


Hopefully something
will turn up.



Narrow down where
the dive boat might be?

It's not easy,

especially considering the Gulf

is over 600,000 square miles.

That's before you even factor in

tidal projections,
current patterns, wind,

for both where the victim
might've been killed,

and where the boat
might've drifted from.

Tick-tock, Sebastian.

Right, sorry, I'm trying to work
on the whole rambling thing.

Anyway, uh, thanks to
our Coast Guard friends,

and they're pretty snazzy
SAROPS program...

♪ Ta-da ♪

I was able to generate
a probability grid.

So each grid represents
a potential search area.

Green for where Chief Greene
might have been diving,

and the Red is...

I'm sorry, uh, who-who's that?

Oh, Agent Russo, this is our
forensic scientist, Sebastian.

Nice to meet you, Sebastian.

Agent Russo.

Uh, as in DC Agent Russo?

Uh, yeah.

I'm gonna...

I'm gonna show him out.

Red grid, Sebastian.

Hmm? Yeah, uh, sorry.

The, uh, the red grids
are the areas

of the highest probability
of finding the dive boat.

If it's still upright, that is.

Uh, there was some pretty
big swells last night.

Did we know
that Russo was coming?

Thanks, Sebastian.

Brody and I will
coordinate with Coast Guard,

try and track down the boat.

You two get with Greene's CO

and learn things.

11 grids down,

only three to go.

What if we can't find it, Pride?

I don't know we'd find out who
killed Chief Greene if we don't.

What do you got?
Something on the water.

A couple hundred yards north.

I got it.

Matches the model
registered to Greene.

Let's get ready to board.

Cast off blood stains.

Looks like a fight.


Stay the hell away!

Whoa, whoa.


Put down the gun.

Drop your weapon.

I'll shoot.

No, you won't.

Marine Corps,

3rd Battalion, 23rd regiment.

I know your Gunny Sergeant,
Karl Williams.

I know he trains his marines
to do the right thing.

And right now,

the thing to do

is to lower your weapon.

Come on now.

You need medical attention.

And we need to find out
what happened out here.

Your turn.


Okay, okay. Oh!

Easy. Easy.

According to his I.D.,

Lieutenant Michael Buckley
was a former

Marine Platoon Commander.

Did three tours in Afghanistan.

Was injured in an IED attack

- on his last one.
- Wounded warrior,

just like who Greene
taught to scuba.

Might explain
why he was on the boat.

Yeah, but it still
doesn't explain

how the spear was
in his shoulder,

and why he was
pointing a gun at Pride.

Yeah, still, he's had a few
run-ins with the law,

and he's got some
psychological issues,

- Emotional distress,

temporary psychosis,
both signs of PTSD.

Might've been in the midst
of an episode when we found him.

So, what? He and Greene

get into an argument
and then Buckley snaps?

Greene tries to defend himself
with the spear gun,

but Buckley still manages
to kill him.

I mean, we could be dealing with
another American Sniper.

Scuba tanks on board.

Round, heavy objects.

Might explain the blunt
force trauma on Greene.

He would've had
to swing it awful hard.

Besides, we don't know

if Greene was killed
above water or below.

There's something
more going on here.

Or it looks how it looks.

I mean, both Greene and Buckley
were the only two on the boat.

And there was a fight,
I mean, we can't ignore that.

We can't ignore the threats
Greene's unit received

from his missions
overseas either.

Went through the files
you got from Greene's CO.

Made a lot of enemies.

Well, if we're looking for
someone who could take out

a Master Diver,
that certainly fits the bill.

If so,

other people would've
been out there too.

Making Buckley
a victim instead of a suspect.

Best way to find out who all was
on board is to test that blood.

Samples on their way
to Sebastian now.

Yeah, we'll follow up

and let you know as soon
as he I.D.'s someone.

Maybe I should stay,
recreate the fight.

Figure out what really happened.

Good idea.

I'll go to the hospital.

Talk to Lieutenant Buckley.

Get his side of things.


Need to ask you some questions.

Is Charlie okay?

No, he's not.

We found Chief Petty Officer
Greene's body this morning.

Washed up on shore.

Whatever happened out there,

you know.

You think I did this?

Did you?

I don't know.

Everything's kind of a...

a blur.

But look at my life,

I guess if I screwed that up,

I must've screwed
this up, right?

I just need you to try

to remember what happened.

I can't.

I believe that you can.

You just need to relax, okay?

Focus on your breathing.


Just like you were diving.

Keep that focus.

Let's go back to the boat,
yesterday afternoon.

All right?

You're on the water.

What do you see?

It's um...

It's windy.

Choppy seas.

But Charlie,
he still wants to out.

He wants to go diving.

But not me, 'cause I'm-I'm
not much of a diver.

Keep going.

Then Charlie, he was, uh...

he was down there
for a long time.

And I...

Oh, these two, um...

frog men in tactical gear,

they got onto
the boat with us.

Wait, tactical gear?
Where'd they come from?

Wait, you don't believe me?


Where'd they come from?

The water. I...

I think, um...


This one, he had a spear gun,

and he shot me,
and I, uh...

I don't remember
what happened after that.

All right, try. I know you...

I can't!

All right.

What you got, Brody?

I found something interesting

when I was measuring
the blood spatter.

One spray pattern
is definitely from Buckley

when he got hit by the spear,

but behind him there was a void

with spray patterns
on both sides of where he was.

Which means?

Which means, if I'm right,

there was a second person
behind him.

Two assailants.

Buckley remembered right.

He just told me two people
in tactical gear

came out of the water
and attacked him.

Question is, who are they?

Men in tactical gear.

Might've been enemies

Greene made overseas.

Yeah, well, hopefully Sebastian

can I.D. the blood
and get their names.

We got our results.

There was definitely
somebody else on that boat.

Found two

unique DNA types.

One belongs to Buckley.

But the other was
not in the database.

Meaning our assailants remain
one big, fat mystery,

so please,

do you have anything else
for us to work off of?

Well, we've learned more
about Greene's injuries

and they're far more
catastrophic than anticipated.

The liver, pancreas,
spleen all essentially


Sadly, Chief Petty Officer's
final moments

were incredibly painful.

Yeah, it doesn't sound like
a scuba tank had the velocity

to cause this kind of damage.

Whatever did hit him that hard,

caused Greene to inhale massive
amounts of water at once.

His lungs and stomach
were full of sea water.

Well, at least we know
he didn't die on that boat.

No, he definitely
died underwater.

So no clue as to
how this happened?


But there's one way to find out.

Go to the scene of the crime.

Right, which we now know

was about two miles
off the coast

and 100 feet down.
Well, how'd you figure that out?

Well, we already had
the SAROPS projections,

which gave us the area
where Greene had been diving.

To really hone in,
we had to get microscopic.

And that's where our little
friend the phytoplankton

came in handy.

They're tiny organisms
found in seawater.

Including the water
in Greene's system.

Now, every phyto comes from
a very specific location.

It's all traceable,
so it shouldn't be hard

to find the spot
where it all went down.

You feel like taking
a dive with me?

If I had a choice,

the swimming pool's
as deep as I'll go.


I was born ready.

All right, you're 50 feet down.

About 50 more to go.

Copy that, King.

You all right, buddy?

These, uh, anti-nausea patches?

They're false advertising.

I think they're making it worse.

So, uh,

what's, uh, what's
Agent Russo doing here again?

Just setting up an office.



Hold that thought!

Hey, King?

We're definitely
in the right area.

What's going on, Christopher?

I'm almost at the sea floor.

And there's some kind
of light down here.

Yes, sir, we're cooking
with peanut oil.

It's a video camera.

I bet you
Petty Officer Greene dropped it.

Holy crap! Is that a sub?

Well, now we know
what killed Greene.

But not why.

A Master Diver
for the U.S. Navy

nearly gets disemboweled
by a sub

that clearly turned
to take him out.

Wrong place, wrong time?

Yes, don't know
what else it could be.

Greene was just pleasure-diving,
taking pictures.

So after the killers
take him out,

they don scuba gear,
egress out of the sub.

Try to take Buckley out, too,
cover their tracks.


he put up one hell of a fight.

Navy Intel have any idea
who we're up against?

All they know is
they don't think it's

connected to any
of Greene's SEAL missions.

Then what?
Drug runners?

Hey, you read my mind.

Cartels have been using subs

to smuggle drugs for years,
and Greene

was diving smack in the middle
of one of their routes.

Well, check with DEA.
See if they've heard

any recent chatter
from the cartels

to back this up.

All right, so you
want the good news,

or the bad news?

Always start
with the good.

I got the manager
over at the Sazerac bar

to come in
for an interview.

If we land him,

it'd be like the Heat
poaching LeBron.

- The case, Patton.
- All right. That's the bad news.

Reached out to NSA
and Border Patrol,

trying to get access
to their sonar system logs.

'Cause if we get the logs,

then maybe we can track the sub.

But nobody's giving us access.

All requests have to be
run up the ladder.

It's a sea of red tape.

Red tape,
we don't have time for.

We got two men in tactical gear,
driving a sub.

Killed one sailor.

Tried to kill a Marine.

I got a feeling we're dealing
with something

bigger than drug runners.

It sounds like DHS territory.

You think your friend Russo

might be willing
to do us a favor?

I can ask.


Put a surveillance team on them.

Uh, yeah, get back to me.


I thought you said nothing
unusual was happening.

It looks like plenty
is happening to me.

It's DHS, Brody.

Something's always happening.

Listen, if you're here
to give me a tour of the city,

wish I could, but...

Actually, I'm here
because I need a favor.


A submarine took out

a Navy diver
two miles off shore.

We're trying to figure out
who's responsible,

and, uh, we're hoping DHS
can give us access

to sonar logs.
Come with me.

How big was the sub?

How big?

15, 25, 100 meters?

Closer to 25.

Like a narco sub.

But with deep water

Hit the diver
at a hundred feet.

You're not just in New Orleans
out of an abundance of caution,

are you?
Something is happening.

We still don't know.

Surveillance intercepted chatter

about several foreign assets

operating in the Gulf.

We don't know who's behind it,

but we think they might
be planning some kind

of an attack.
We didn't have

hard evidence
to confirm that,

until now.

Is that the sub?

Looks like it, yes.

Sonar techs were
doing a routine scan

when they picked it up.

Tracked it all the way

to an abandoned shipyard
off the Mississippi

where they ditched.

We think they were
smuggling something

into the country to
pull off the attack.

What were they smuggling?

Equipment, people, weapons?


All we know right now

is that an event
appears imminent.

Whether New Orleans is a target
or the entry point,

we don't know.

But you think this is why

whoever's behind it didn't want

DHS setting up an office here

or the waterway
protection post filled.

I think it's time that
we started working together.

Okay, it turns out
that Greene's murder

had nothing to do with his past
missions or the cartels.

Apparently, he stumbled
across a pair of enemy

combatants planning
some kind of attack.

Combatants Agent Russo's
been aware of since he arrived.

Wasn't exactly

- forthcoming with us.
- And if we hadn't

found that sub,
we'd still be left in the dark.

Does DHS have any idea
what they're targeting?

No, but, we may have a lead
on who we're after.

DHS found a substantial amount
of blood in the sub,

matches one
of the types of blood

found on Greene's dive boat.

No I.D. hit yet, but we're
hoping Sebastian can find

some kind of physical
characteristic of our assailant.

Because he was injured.

By Buckley, probably.

That much blood
loss explains

why they ditched the sub,

someone needed
medical attention.

Which means our injured
assailant might have gone

to a regional hospital,
underground clinic.

I've got a CI

who can help us find
those clinics.

I'll pay him a visit.

Still, this is New Orleans.

As great as it is, a lot of
violent crimes every day.

ERs are overflowing.

Yeah, we got to find a way
to narrow it down.



Where you going?

You cleared me.

Look, I'm out of here, man.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
wait, wait, wait.

Look, I need your help.

I don't think I can solve
Greene's murder without it.

My memory, it...

I get confused.

I... you don't know
what's it's like

in my head.

No, no, you're right.

I-I-I don't but...

I know you carried a...
an injured marine

across a battlefield
under enemy fire.

I read your file.

You can do that,
you can do this.

You can trust me.

Just like you trusted
your friend, Greene.

Can you put yourself
back on that dive boat,

after the frog men got on board?

Okay, there's...

there's one of them...

he's... he's in front of me...

he's got a spear gun and, uh...

the second one's trying
to sneak up behind.

Okay, good.

The one in front, he fires,

the spear goes through me...

I fall backwards, I...

almost pass out, but I know
I got to do something so...

the one behind me,
I... I back up

to him and I ram the spear
un... under his ribs,

and I get him in the kidney.

The kidney? You-you sure?


Use any weapon available

to inflict maximum damage.

I knew you could do it.

Okay, Ochsner ER has
two more, which brings

the total number of patients
who fit the profile to...


Thank you.

Brody's found five more

at underground clinics.

So... 82.

That's too many to vet.

Oh, hello.

Please, tell us

you found something
on those blood samples.

Well, thanks to the
marvels of modern science,

we've been able to identify
our submariner's race and sex.

Yeah, one shake of the old,
magic DNA 8-ball here and...

the assailant you're looking
for is female and Caucasian.

Bringing us to...

13, I mean,

we can check them out,

but we're gonna need time.

Yeah, we're running
out and fast.

Is there any way we can narrow

it down more?

Ask and you shall receive.

That's Pride...

he says we're looking
for a lacerated kidney.

Run it.
Lacerated kidney.

Down to four.



What are you waiting on?

Yeah, get.

God, it's like
a Rockwell painting.

I don't think we're gonna find
any foreign agents here.

Still, we're running
out of suspects.

It looks like Pride and Brody
are striking out, too.


Excuse me.

Mrs. Judy Brown?


We're federal agents.

We understand
that you were injured.

Was wondering
if you could tell us how,

if you don't mind.

The police came
to the hospital.

I-I gave a statement.

Oh, well, you know,
if it's all right with you,

we just want to hear
it one more time.

Judy's a little embarrassed.

She's normally a really good
driver, she knows better.

I couldn't

have been looking
at my phone for more than

a few seconds.

I-I just lost control
and... hit a tree.

Air bag deployed?

Yeah, but I wasn't wearing
my seat belt. I...

I was in a hurry,
I wasn't thinking.

Well, you're lucky
it wasn't much worse.

So, you hit a tree,
your air bag deployed...

...and you lacerated
your kidney,

from a frontal impact?


Arthur, run!

Don't move.

Yeah, Chris,
you and Sonja,

if you find anything of
interest at the Brown's house,

let me know ASAP, okay?


Good work, at least
you got one of them.

Partner's still
at large, though.

NOPD and Homeland Security
have BOLOs out.

We'll find him.
It's a matter

of time.

DHS'll take it from here.

Uh... hang on.

Brody, take her
to interrogation.

Go ahead.


All due respect, Agent Pride,
if she's a foreign agent,

she belongs to DHS now.

Well, we don't
know that yet,

but here's what we do know.

She killed a
United States Sailor.

That makes this

an NCIS case
and her an NCIS suspect.

Look, I'm not
trying to turn this

into a jurisdictional thing.

Then don't.

I understand your position.

I'm not trying
to step on your toes,

but you have to admit,

this is potentially
bigger than NCIS.


Still not giving her up,

unless someone above me

orders me to.

End of the day, we both
want to catch her partner,

find out who's really
behind this and why.

How about we keep
working the case together?

We'll combine what we know.

You okay with that?

Ran checks on you,
Mrs. Brown.

Everything looks
to be completely normal.

DMV, tax filings, all clean.

Only one problem.

Records only go back two years.

Before that,

it's as if you
and your husband never existed.

Not a very good cover...

unless you
weren't planning

on staying around
for very long.

Don't know what
you're talking about.

Interpol is running

your DNA as we speak.

Any assassination attempt...

any terrorist act
you've ever committed...

we're gonna find out.

And then the U.S. Government's

gonna send you to Guantanamo.

We're talking
isolation cells,

23 hours a day.

The rest of your life.

You don't scare me.


Nothing gets to you, does it?

You don't have
a single pressure point,

not even family.

Parents, siblings,

nieces and nephews.

We find out who you really are,

we start investigating
them, too.

Two foreign operatives
planted as a married couple.

You tell us
where to find your husband,

or I promise you,
all bets are off.

Since when do
we threaten family members?

Since terrorists
began decapitating people.

Look, we got the location

of the hideout, didn't we?

How far away is Pearl River?

North Shore, 30 minutes
with patrol lights on.

But what if she's lying?

What if he's not really there?

She seemed genuinely
afraid to me.

I'll send a team
to check it out.

Now hold on.

Whole area's flat.

Views as far
as the eye can see.

Your men roll up
on the main road,

her partner'll see
them a mile off.

All right, what do you suggest?

I know a back way.

Not on the map.

Ride with me,
I'll show you.

Agent Pride.

I'd feel a lot more comfortable

if Mrs. Brown
were transferred to DHS.

It's more secure.

I can have agents
here in ten minutes.

All right.

Brody, stay here,
facilitate the transfer.

Will do.

You know, this house

is Mr. Clean clean.

There's no sign of
any criminal activity.

And this sucker is locked up
tighter than Fort Knox.

Multiple layers of encryption.
I got to get this back

to the lab, see if
I can crack this sucker.

Yeah, the only thing
I found strange are these.

Mr. and Mrs. Bond visited maybe

the most romantic
destinations in the city.

Hmm, pretty damn intimate
for a couple of operatives.


Kind of unusual, but then again,

NOLA does that to folks.

A little more intimate
than even that.

Clomid. “Use daily
to promote ovulation.”

Looks like they were trying
to make baby agents.

You got Agent Russo here too,
Chris. What do you got?

No smoking guns, but we did
find something very peculiar.

Looks like Arthur
and Judy were doing more

than just pretending
to be in love.

They actually visited
a bunch of romantic spots

all over the city.

Part of their cover, maybe.

Fertility drugs part
of their cover, too?

Call me crazy,
but most operatives

don't go that deep undercover.

Unless they really are in love.

Think about it--
Arthur blew his cover

by bringing Judy
to the hospital,

took care of her instead
of getting out of town.

Because he cared about her

and they were trying
to start a family.

Okay, but if you're right,
then why

would she give up his location?

She wouldn't.

- Hey, Pride.
- Brody.

Listen to me,
it's a setup.

Shots fired.



You okay?


Thank you.

Yeah, thank you.

Roy just got out of surgery.

He's gonna be fine.

Well, that's
good to hear.

Don't know if we
can say the same

about our squad room though.

What a damn mess.

Yeah, it is.

Well, I'm just glad
everybody's okay.

Loretta, Sebastian,
what you got?

Look at this.

Grayish peeling and flaking.

What is it?
Usually from handling explosives.

Lots of it.

Yeah, and not just
any explosives either.

This red means HMX.

It's military grade.

And assuming it was made
overseas because of the case,

I asked DHS to swab the sub
for HMX residue, too.

The inside's covered
with this stuff.

So they were smuggling
in explosives.

If so, a sub that size
could have had

hundreds of pounds on it,
maybe more.

Question is,
who's got it now?

Whoever the agents
were working for.

Only explanation.
Problem is

I can't come up with
a name because I can't

decrypt the agents' cell
or his computer.

I thought you could
decrypt anything

- Yeah.
- Believe me,

I'm just as surprised
as you are.

But this thing
is NSA-level lockbox.

Pride, if they
weren't bad guys,

I'd be impressed.
But I can tell you this--

whoever they're
communicating with,

he's somewhere in New Orleans.

Yeah, with enough explosive
power to level a city block.

Guess we know why DHS
opened their office here.

The problem is

nobody knows
what the target is,

or even if it's local.

Keep working, would you?

So what's
our next move?

Hope DHS and Russo

get answers
out of Judy Brown.

While we do what, sit
around and do nothing?

I've contacted

All right?
Lasalle's looping in NOPD.

We need some kind of lead.
I don't care

where it comes from as long
as we find those explosives.

It's a little eerie,
isn't it?

Just sitting here,

It's more like
frustrating and unnerving.

what if we don't find these...

We will.

All right? And we have to.

Now, you didn't get me
a light beer, did you?

You know
I know you better than that.

Hey, where's
your other other half?

Brody draw the short straw,
get paperwork duty?

Nah. I bet ten bucks

she's cozying up
with the new DC boo,


Yeah, hero always gets the girl.

Hey, I will drink to that.

Excuse me.

See, that's what
I'm talking about.

We got to get back
on the manager hunt

so you don't have to be
doing all of this.

So... you buy ten,
you get one free,

so I ordered 11 cases.

Also, I grouped the taps

together so we're not
running into each other

pouring different brews

and... oh, I found

the source of those brownouts.

No way.

Back bar cooler's got a short.

I'll fix it.

Thanks, Buckley. Appreciate it.

Uh, you were saying?

Oh, hell no.

After all of that,

you hired a guy who tried

to blow your head off?

What's his

Served our country,
he can serve in a bar.

Plus, his daddy had a restaurant
when he was growing up.

He knows his way around.

You have
got to be kidding me.

Fellas, here you go.

You sure this ain't you
just being a softie?

Man deserves a break,
too, all right?

You guys good?
Besides, Buckley's got

skin in the game, too.
He knows this is a chance

to get his life back on track,

and I don't think he's gonna
let either one of us down.

Did I mention...

he plays a mean banjo.

I still prefer Camille.

You said you wouldn't mind
having a drink with me,

so here I am.

New Orleans
sure is a friendly place.

Coffee mugs.



what are we drinking to?

Don't say saving your life.

That's too easy.

Sorry, that's all I've got.

Is it?


how about
to joint investigations?



Agent Russo.


I'll be right there.

Judy Brown's ready to talk.

Go. She might
be able to tell you

who has the explosives. Go.

I'll call you later.

Text me.

I am not going to talk.

You weren't
supposed to get caught.

You jeopardized the mission.

Wait, you're...

our contact?

You know what you have to do.

== sync, corrected by elderman ==