NCIS: New Orleans (2014–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - Master of Horror - full transcript

With New Orleans decorated for Halloween, the NCIS team investigates the murder of a Naval Staff Judge Advocate found in a cemetery dressed in a Victorian costume with vampiric puncture wounds on her neck. Meanwhile, the team debates what Halloween night activity and costumes would be best.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
♪ ♪ (indistinct chatter)
Say one word,
it's your last.
Is that a knife in my back, Eric,
or are you just happy to see me?
I told you it was too much cologne before we left the hotel.
We're in New Orleans
during one of the spookiest weeks of the year.
What do you say we do something deviant?
Like the sound of "deviant."
Here? Yeah.
WOMAN: Do you think she's passed out?
you, uh...
you all right? (mutters)
(panting): Help me.
did th-this... (weak whimper)
♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪
♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang ♪
♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪
♪ How, how, how, how ♪
♪ Hey, hey ♪
♪ You gotta come on. ♪
Morning, Brody. Morning.
Got you some witch's brew for Hallow's Eve.
Thank you. (chuckles)
Pumpkin spice latté. Whoo, I love
this time of year. Hm.
Wait'll you see
what I got in here.
What? Bacon?
You got a giant omelet to go with that?
(chuckles) The bacon's not to eat,
it's my costume.
The Baconator.
Half bacon...
half Terminator.
(like Schwarzenegger): I'll be back fat.
(laughs): That is... the dumbest costume
I have ever seen in my life.
I'll take that as a compliment.
Got to understand something.
In New Orleans, we don't celebrate Halloween,
we celebrate Halloweek.
We got the Boo at the Zoo, Bloody Mary's Haunted Tours,
and I'm headed to Voodoo Fest tomorrow night.
It's a way of life down here.
(phone rings)
Lasalle here.
(indistinct voice over phone)
Yeah, I'm on it.
Got a dead Navy judge in a cemetery.
Isn't that normal?
Not outside the tomb.
PRIDE: Morning, Loretta.
WADE: Gives a whole new meaning to "graveyard shift," right?
(chuckles): 'Tis the season to be spooky.
What do we have?
We have Naval Staff Judge Advocate Melanie Herman.
(camera shutter clicking)
You knew her?
Yeah, we brought a...
host of...
cases through her courtroom over the years.
Good as it gets with a gavel.
Last time I saw her, she was a blonde.
WADE: The color's recent-- there's still some dye
on the back of her neck.
Time of death?
Few minutes before 3:00 a.m.
It's confirmed by the couple over there.
There's no dependent lividity in the extremities,
which suggests significant blood loss.
She bled out?
LASALLE: No blood
found on or around the body.
Killer must have cleaned her, then dumped her.
Are you ready for the kicker?
Two small puncture wounds near her jugular vein.
So we got a dead woman in a Victorian dress...
significant blood loss, with two...
...bite marks on the side of her neck?
Happy Halloween, Dwayne.
Judge Melody Herman.
Got her start in the Navy in the Judge Advocate General Corps
before being bumped off the bench about 15 years ago.
Married and divorced.
One son-- junior at TCU.
Catwoman and Skeletor said they came across the body,
thought she was passed out.
Last words were:
"Devil did this."
So the first thing we need to do is to rule out
the random mugging, burglary and assault.
Start digging into her judicial history,
see if there's someone she convicted
with issues. And the vampire angle?
If Judge Herman had someone in her courtroom
whose reflection doesn't show up in a mirror,
they're suspect number one.
Short of that, let's assume this monster
is from the human race.
Came by to drop off Halloween decorations
from the attic.
How you doing, Linda?
And you must be Agent Brody.
Mary. Nice to meet you, Mrs. Pride.
Mrs. Pride is my mother-in-law, who...
for the record, I am very fond of.
Call me Linda.
So, we'll head over to Judge Herman's office,
talk to her Legalman.
Take a look at all her cases.
You could've just
brought these over... tomorrow, you know,
on-on Halloween.
I'm not coming tomorrow.
It's tradition.
We're not exactly in tradition mode right now, are we?
No, I... I know that,
but I... I just thought
a... bunch of kids dressed as ghosts
and a nice chocolate high might lead to something fun.
I'm sure it would.
But that's exactly why it's a bad idea.
And... why I made
other plans. Other plans?
I don't want to make it worse by falling into old habits.
Hang on just...
Let me guess.
You have to go.
Enjoy your chocolate high.
MAN: You work with someone...
see them every day, for ten years...
(voice breaking): and then they're just gone.
Any idea who did it?
That's why we're here.
Has she received any threats lately?
Well, course there were threats.
Judge Herman put people behind bars for a living, but...
there was nothing either of us considered serious.
That said, I can put together a list of all of her cases for you.
Know where she went after work last night?
Let me look at her schedule.
I RSVP'd for her to attend a private retirement party
at Galatoire's for Councilman Reilly.
Could be the last-known whereabouts before her murder.
Do you know if she actually attended the party? I don't.
But I'll give you the name of the event's host.
How much do you know about Dracula?
The Dracula,
or someone from the Garden District named Bruce Dracula?
(laughs) Bruce Dracula would be super cool.
No. I'm talking about Count Vladislaus Dracula.
I'm a bit of a horror nut.
(sighs) Big shocker, I know.
And I'm not talking about that Twihard trash, either.
I'm talking about the classics, okay?
Stephen King, New Orleans' own Anne Rice.
Before that, H.P. Lovecraft. Algernon Blackwood.
Back to the judge, please.
Right. Sorry. So Loretta is still in autopsy,
but think about it-- two puncture wounds on the neck,
handmade Victorian dress,
hair dyed red-- this... look at this.
This is what Judge Herman looked like
when she was discovered.
And this...
is an artistic rendering
of Lucy Westenra,
Dracula's first victim
from Bram Stoker's novel.
Similar. It's a dead ringer.
That is not the best choice of words.
Okay, so Judge Herman did a good job with her costume.
I don't think she had anything to do with her costume.
Step into my parlor,
said the spider to the fly.
The bite mark on the judge's neck are superficial,
less than two millimeters deep.
Which means it's not able to reach the jugular vein,
so that is not the source of the blood loss.
I also swabbed for foreign organic matter.
Came up with nothing.
So... not bites.
My guess is the tip of a knife.
Just for show?
WADE: That's correct. Now...
the real source of the blood loss--
an incision on the side of the judge...
...near her lower back...
...right here.
And this cut is not something done in a hospital.
There is no evidence
of any surgical expertise.
It's all very crude.
Also, chloroform found in her bloodstream,
which means she was most likely unconscious.
Thank God.
But still...
Hold that question, Dwayne.
After the incision, the site was sewn up,
using this silk-braided thread
as a makeshift suture, and this thread...
Is identical to the hem on the dress that she was found in.
PRIDE: Wait, the killer
drugged her, cut her open,
takes a thread from this dress,
and sews up her wound, then redresses her
to look like Lucy Westenra from Dracula?
'S cool.
In a sick, plotty kind of way.
Now can I ask that question?
Yes, Dwayne, now's the time.
What's the incision for?
Killer stole her kidney.
Her what?
WADE: Kidney.
Removed her kidney.
All right...
Horror Guy...
anything about Dracula being a kidney thief?
Nope. Total loss.
That makes two of us.
What are we looking at here, organ harvesting?
Seems more personal than that.
No need to do the costume bit
if what you're looking for is a quick buck on the black market.
Herman's Legalman tell you anything? Just a stack
of case files-- which I'm gonna go through,
see if anyone's capable of this kind of butchery.
Dern also gave us the judge's possible last known whereabouts--
party at Galatoire's.
Get the guest list, talk to staff?
Tried to, but the owner
is stonewalling us.
Host didn't want any information released.
We're getting a subpoena.
No time for a subpoena.
Go straight to the host. Yeah, King?
The host...
(quiet chuckle) he's not your biggest fan.
Councilman Hamilton.
Dwayne! (sighs)
Will you excuse me, please? Sure, no problem.
So, to what do I owe this honor?
You stonewalled my agents from getting a guest list
that they requested. Ah.
If this is about you not receiving an invite to my soiree,
I suggest next time you just have your wife call, since...
she's the one who's got all the charm.
Don't think charm is required in a murder investigation.
Is this another one of your wild theories?
I mean, are you suggesting again that I... I've had a hand
in whatever happened to your victim?
I'm suggesting
you protect yourself from potential obstruction charges.
(soft chuckle)
Be a shame to...
have to cuff your ass in front of all these registered voters.
I'll call Galatoire's, have them offer up whatever you like.
Okay. Wise move.
As you like to say... "Have a blessed day."
Whoa, whoa, what do we have here?
Galatoire's sent a little snack
along with the guest list and security footage.
Oysters? And you didn't save me any?
I did save you some ice.
Did you find anything in Dern's files?
No organ thieves, and no one
with any special surgical expertise.
No one on dialysis in need of a kidney.
Just 200 convicts who hated Judge Herman.
Because they're all innocent? Yep.
And you? Well, nothing obvious
from the guest list-- but check this out.
Cameras caught the judge
leaving the restaurant around 9:15.
She leave alone? Well, she left alone,
but it didn't stay like that for long.
Tapped into various French Quarter cameras
leading away from Galatoire's.
Followed her path,
and after looking at several different angles,
I noticed the same man
trailing her:
Huh. I thought he said, "I don't know if she attended."
Did he approach her, try to grab her? There's no way to tell.
Cameras cut out in the next block and I lost him,
but he definitely knew where she was.
Jake Dern.
Liar, liar, pants on fire.
Petty Officer Dern!
You're home from work early.
LASALLE: We tried calling your office
multiple times-- you can't return our calls?
Hate to think you've been avoiding us.
Was there a... a problem with the files?
The files were fine.
Your recent whereabouts, not so much.
What's this?
That's you following Judge Herman.
BRODY: There she is-- and look, the judge is always
just ahead of you. Really?
I had no idea.
For eight blocks?
I was just on my way home.
It's a crowded street. You know more
than anyone that won't hold up in court.
I didn't kill her. LASALLE: Then why didn't you tell us
everything you knew when we were being friendly?
You had a thing for her.
She wasn't into you, was she?
That made you angry.
Enough to make you want to lash out.
Yes, I...
I... followed her.
Just wanted to see if she was going
to meet someone after the party.
But then she turned around.
Almost saw me, near the corner of Royal and Dumaine.
I hid, and she went... east.
Then I went to Patty's and drank
for the rest of the night.
This is where Dern lost Judge Herman.
If we believe his story. I called over at Patty's.
They said Dern was there, just like he told us.
No cameras.
Halloween is everywhere, isn't it?
(Lasalle chuckles)
Hey, come on, you go green face,
put on Kevlar-- you're the Wicked Witch of the Vest.
Over my dead body. That's the spirit.
It's probably not a coincidence this is happening on Halloween.
A crime like this'll get extra attention.
It just got mine.
This remind you of anyone?
Judge Herman.
(hinges squeaking)
(door creaking open)
BRODY: Blood.
I'll call Wade.
I'll call Pride.
Sebastian ran your victim's fingerprints against
military records.
He is Lieutenant Commander Joel Abram, naval aviator.
Assigned to VR-44.
And from what I can tell, uh, based on rigor mortis,
he's been dead at least three days.
he's definitely related to your judge case.
How do you know?
Ask me.
Trick or treat.
Choose trick,
'cause it's a good one.
Abrams has a similar incision to the judge
on the side, and when I investigated the wound,
I found...
human beings are born with two kidneys.
This one had a third.
Clearly placed inside the body postmortem.
I ran tissue tests
on the one that shouldn't be there.
You want to guess who the wayward kidney belongs to?
Judge Melanie Herman?
Told you it'd be a good trick.
BRODY: It's just twisted. Killer plays dress-up
with one corpse, hides the kidney with the other?
And as far as we know, they don't seem to have...
run across each other in the service,
or personally, or anywhere.
But they did in the courtroom.
Abram was a jury member on a military court-martial
that Judge Herman presided over.
What was the case? Sexual assault.
Victim was a woman named Denise Murdock.
Defendant was... Chief Petty Officer John Neville--
sentenced to seven years in the Charleston Naval Brig.
Neville always maintained his innocence.
Appealed numerous times, his lawyer claiming
evidence tampering and witness coercion. And...
he was released three months ago.
So it wasn't "Devil did this."
It was "Neville did this."
If it was him...
he's already killed the judge and a juror.
We can't be sure who's next,
but we got to be especially concerned about...
The victim in the case-- Denise Murdock.
If she's still alive,
we got to find her before Neville does.
My baby girl.
I called her cell, it went straight to voice mail.
I went to her apartment.
Her cat was there, all alone, no water.
When was the last time you talked to her? Two days ago.
This just can't be happening.
She's already been through
so much, Agent Pride.
I don't know what I'd do, if this time... We're going
to do everything we can in our power to find her, Ms. Murdock.
Thank you. Yeah.
Will you give me a moment? Yeah.
Got John Neville's address-- outside of town, 20 minutes.
BOLO on Denise's car got a hit.
But no Denise?
Drop Mrs. Murdock off
at the office, then follow up
on the BOLO. Brody, you're with me.
This here is private property.
This is where I show you the badge, Mr. Neville.
I got nothing to say to you people.
You're on parole, John.
You're gonna talk whether you want to or not.
About what?
I'm on the straight and narrow.
you're not my parole officer.
We can drag him down here, if you want to.
Or you can just tell me where you were two nights ago.
None of your damn business.
A dead judge and a juror from your trial make it our business.
You go to hell. Now, hey, easy, easy, Pa.
No, no, no. These sons of bitches...
they're here to frame me again.
I already had my wife leave.
I lost my retirement!
I'm innocent, you bastard. Hey, take it easy, Pa.
Back off, half-wit!
I think you should listen
to your son there, John.
Good advice. I didn't kill no one.
Like... I didn't assault that girl.
So unless you got evidence that says I did,
get the hell off my property.
LASALLE: This is Denise Murdock's vehicle, right?
Yeah. Looks like the car was run off the road.
And there are signs of a struggle.
Driver's-side window, smashed.
Looks like blood here.
What's this white stuff?
Don't know.
You wouldn't want two tickets to Voodoo Fest,
would you, Officer Sullos?
Looks like it's gonna be
a long night.
Just got an e-mail from a Dr. Wilkins,
former staff psychologist
at Charleston during the time Neville was there.
He's already on a commuter flight, be here in 30.
I'll go check in on Mrs. Murdock, see how she's do...
You find the girl?
I found another box of decorations,
and came by to give them to you.
I... saw Mrs. Murdock.
She's scared to death.
She has reason to be.
Thanks for staying with her.
I know you got to go.
I'm not going anywhere.
Not until her daughter's found.
How many times over the years
have you sat with a terrified family member,
kept them calm?
Another tradition.
BRODY: Pride.
Loretta needs to see you.
Go. Learn things.
He got that from you?
Damn straight.
I got two dead bodies and a missing girl.
Need something good.
Oh, it's good.
Says the horror fanatic.
we have Lieutenant Commander Abram.
Like the judge, we found chloroform in the bloodstream,
but instead of bite marks, we have...
burn marks.
Tissue suggests
an electronic charge made directly on the skin.
Killer used a stun gun to subdue Abram.
WADE: I agree. But it doesn't explain
the burn marks on the right side of the neck.
Why would anyone stun a dead body?
Call on me.
Okay, so, if Judge Herman
was Lucy from Dracula, Lieutenant Commander Abram
is Frankenstein's monster.
I read mostly nonfiction.
We have a dead body with an organ placed inside of it.
That organ came from another dead body
in a cemetery, which is precisely where Victor Frankenstein
got his spare parts to make his monster,
and the burn marks from the stun gun are...
The killer's symbolic attempt to...
bring the body back to life?
Using electricity.
John Neville used to sit in my office and rant
about how he'd been wronged. That sounds like a lot of fun.
Perks of the job. (laughs)
Guy had a temper, he's a dark soul.
Used to routinely get into it with inmates and guards,
and then get sent to me, and I'd have to listen
to his twisted fantasies. He was into horror?
Oh, read it all the time.
And not the subtle stuff-- pulp, underground novels.
I brought a list of what we found when he was released.
Thank you. Yeah.
Lasalle, this is Dr. Samuel Wilkins.
When Agent Brody called,
said John Neville was back on the radar, got here
as fast as I could. Appreciate it.
Any update on what you found in Denise's car?
Waiting on a match of the blood spatter,
but analysis on the white substance says gypsum.
Forgive the forensically challenged, but gypsum?
It's what they use to make plaster or drywall.
Okay. Chainsaw Christmas. Up to Snuff.
This is all pretty grisly material.
Yeah. You won't find that in Oprah's Book-of-the-Month club.
You're in Oprah's book club? She's actually got pretty decent taste.
Wait, there's a horror anthology here--
three stories, and the first two,
Dracula and Frankenstein, match the M.O.
of our first two victims. Well, what's the third?
Edgar Allen Poe's "Cask of Amontillado."
Any chance Oprah recommended that one to you?
No. But my English Lit professor did.
Revenge tale-- the villain, Montressor,
feels so wronged by his enemy, Fortunato,
that he imprisons him in chains in his cellar,
leaving him to starve,
and then he builds a wall
around him. Drywall.
Means we got something
on John Neville. Means Denise may still be alive.
♪ ♪
Huh? Hands in the air, Jesse.
Where's your father? I-I don't know.
Clear. BRODY: Stand up.
Turn around.
Put your hands over your head.
Interlace your fingers behind your neck.
(John grunting)
You're under arrest, you sick bastard.
Come on, get up.
Where is she? Where's Denise Murdock?
How the hell should I know!
Get him out of here.
And then find her. Come on!
Tear this place apart.
LASALLE (calls): Denise Murdock?
What's this? Pa-Pa's stuff, for his condition-- he needs that.
Get him out of here.
Please, anything bad happens, he'll blame me, I know it.
He don't need to be here. Please...
(clang in distance)
Got anything?
BRODY: Pride.
What's up there?
Bloody knife you used to cut out your victims' kidneys.
Stun gun you used to recreate Frankenstein's monster.
Denise Murdock's driver's license and credit cards,
all found in the crawlspace above your bedroom.
Talk to us.
Maybe I got a raccoon.
They're known
to collect things.
Raccoons put your blood in Denise's car?
Where is she, John?
Saving the girl may be the only thing that spares your life.
My life is over.
So is hers.
LINDA: So she's dead?
If you believe John Neville.
You don't.
Evidence lines up.
She's alive.
I fell in love with you because of your hunches, Dwayne.
Lasalle found blood in Denise's car--
Neville's blood-- but Neville doesn't have any cuts.
On his hands, on his arms.
LASALLE: You're sure the blood's a match for John Neville?
100% sure. 110%.
Infinity percent, actually.
BRODY: So if it's a match, he's telling the truth--
he's the killer.
Well, that percentage is a lot lower.
In fact, I don't think John Neville
was anywhere near that car.
Now... if he cut himself
on the broken glass two days ago,
that might have been enough time for the skin to heal,
depending on the severity of the wound-- but I kept looking
at those photos that you took of the blood spatter.
Something wasn't sitting right.
Something other than... me.
On account of this rash that I have
On account of this late fall heat... BOTH: Sebastian.
By sharing, we grow closer.
I ran 40 different simulations,
trying figure out if the blood got there
from punching in the window
or maybe some kind of struggle with Denise,
even if they were doing the tango,
and none of them matches the pattern that you found.
All of these blood spots
are too perfect, as if they were...
Planted. But how did someone get access to Neville's blood?
Hemochromatosis. I hope you're not talking about your rash again.
It's a condition in which there's an abnormal accumulation
of iron in the parenchymal organs.
The only way to bring it down to safe levels
is by regularly removing blood from your body, and...
John Neville's got it.
His son Jesse panicked
when I found the medical equipment.
(Brody sighs)
Wh-Why would I...
why would I put Pa's blood in-in-in that lady's car?
Don't know.
But we found the medical equipment at your house.
You had access on account of his condition.
Have you-you got a aspirin? I-I got a headache.
BRODY (over speaker): Maybe it's your conscience telling you to come clean.
JESSE: Look, I swear I don't know nothing
about that girl. You also swear you didn't send
that anthology to your father?
You knew how much he loved horror.
You wanted to make sure it was in his possession?
Checked your father's prison delivery manifest.
You sent the book.
You could have put those items
in the attic of the house.
Why-why would I do that?
He destroyed your family.
My head...
my head, it... Jesse.
Please, please, I...
I-I'll do whatever you want.
I'll... I'll take one of them lie tests, anything.
He passed?
Every answer, rock solid.
Don't know how, but he's telling the truth.
he thinks he is.
Jekyll and Hyde.
DPD-- Dissociative Personality Disorder--
which often manifests as a result
of abuse during childhood development.
When that happens, an alternate personality
develops to shield the abused from harm.
Two personalities-- and the primary
you've been talking to-- Dr. Jekyll--
is completely unaware of what Mr. Hyde has done.
How he passed the lie detector test.
Denise Murdock...
if we have any hope of finding her alive...
You've talked to Jekyll.
Now you need to get to Mr. Hyde.
Question is...
how do we do that?
JESSE (over speaker): Can I go home now?
BRODY (over speaker): Just a few more questions.
JESSE: I don't know anything about...
those people or-or that girl.
BRODY: I believe you.
Pa don't either.
I believe him, too.
City's like a sauna out there, huh?
Hm? So?
Well, just every time I see you, you've got this...
(stammers) long-sleeve shirt on.
Your father do this to you?
I want to go home. And you can.
As soon as I can talk to the person
who knows where Denise Murdock is.
I told you, I don't...
I know what you told me,
but there is a girl out there dying... somewhere.
I'm your friend, okay?
You got to talk to me.
And if I don't?
You don't want to know.
You sure about this?
If a Hyde personality exists and if he's protecting Jesse,
only way to bring him out is to make the alternate believe
you're going to hurt the primary.
PRIDE: You lied to us.
No, I didn't. Yes, you did.
No. And I got a girl dying out there.
And I swear to you...
you don't tell me what I need to know,
what your father did to your arms there,
child's play compared to what I'm gonna do. Stop.
Is that what you want? Do you want me to hurt you Please-please...
like your father did? 'Cause I'm willing BRODY: Pride.
to do whatever it takes to save that girl.
I don't know anything. Yes, you do.
No, I don't. Yes, you know!
Time's up, you half-wit.
You think about burning Jesse, you're gonna wish you
got off as easy as the judge and Abram!
(laughing quietly)
(continues panting)
Big man needs a little girl to come to the rescue.
Nice to meet you, Mr. Hyde.
Shall we take that lie detector test again?
You killed
Judge Herman and Lieutenant Commander Abrams
because you wanted to put Jesse's father
back in prison where he wouldn't hurt Jesse again.
(laughs softly)
But Denise is a victim just like Jesse is.
Denise was more than that.
She was the first chapter.
assaulted her
back then.
(pants) You framed
Jesse's father...
and had him put away the first time.
Only for seven years.
And if that judge
had just given cruel,
cruel John the maximum... one else would have gotten hurt.
And you know who's gonna get hurt now...
is Jesse...
if he goes to that maximum security prison.
And that's what's gonna happen
if you don't tell us where Denise is.
But cooperate,
help us find her alive,
we might be able to get Jesse to a place where he can get help.
Why not?
You're probably too late, anyway.
Pride, in here!
4010? Yep.
Hold that lock.
Fortunato was buried in a cellar.
New nails in that piece of plywood.
Get the crowbar.
She's here.
PRIDE: Denise.
Got a pulse. (weak gasp, groan)
(siren wailing in distance)
Baby, it's Mommy. (crying)
Okay. It's okay.
Is Denise gonna be okay?
Paramedics say she's suffering from dehydration.
But she'll recover.
Appreciate you bringing Mrs. Murdock.
It was the least I could do.
I know I've been hard on you, hard on your job.
But it's not really about the amount of work,
it's about the kind of work.
Every case that you've had
has made me think...
...what if the missing girl was Laurel?
What if the dead guy were Dwayne?
(wry laugh)
I'm not afraid of ghosts or goblins.
What scares the crap out of me
is the idea that your work might come home.
Y-You know what scares me?
Is the idea that my work...
might be the reason that I don't get to come home.
You should go.
What about that trick-or-treating tradition?
Always next year.
You're a good man, Mr. Pride.
Don't you ever forget it, Mrs. Pride.
♪ ♪
Ah... One crack,
and I'll put another crack in your skull. (laughs)
It's good to see you get in the spirit.
When in Rome, right?
Any, uh, any guesses?
WILKINS: Freudian slip.
Cigar's a nice touch.
Most people don't know that Freud preferred them to pipes.
Love a woman who pays attention to detail.
(like Schwarzenegger): I need your clothes,
your motorcycle, and some bacon, too.
Is he always like this?
Yes. It was a pleasure working with you, Doctor.
Pleasure was all mine.
Wish me luck.
Good luck.
What? (chuckles)
You know what.
I think the good doc has a little Brody crush.
Don't even start with that.
(sighs) You off to Voodoo Fest?
Decided to stay here.
I can't leave King on his first Halloween alone.
You going out?
And miss all the fun here?
Hell, no.
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