NCIS: New Orleans (2014–…): Season 1, Episode 16 - NCIS: New Orleans - full transcript

After a Navy recruiter is the target of a lethal hit and run, the NCIS team investigates whether the murder was tied to her career or her role as a foster mother to two brothers. Also, Lasalle grows increasingly concerned for his brother's welfare after welcoming him into his home.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
♪ ♪

No, no, wait!

♪ NCIS:New Orleans 1x16 ♪
My Brother's Keeper
Original Air Date on February 24, 2015

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang ♪

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ How, how, how, how ♪

♪ Hey, hey ♪

♪ You gotta come on. ♪

== sync, corrected by elderman ==

What's up, baby brother?

Hey, roomie.

What the hell you doing?

You got chips and dings
all in your paint.

Or should I say,
you had chips and dings?

Well, since...
when do you paint?

Gave myself
a crash course in...

flat enamels
and satin finishes.

Oh, I also attacked the water
pressure in your shower.

Went from a trickle
to a downpour.

You got to try it.

I will do after my run.

What you think?

Where the heck's my shoes?

Right over here.

Got 'em lined up.

You've been busy.

Well, got up early.

Early as in early early,

or you didn't
sleep all night?

It's not what you're thinking.

Oh, yeah,
what am I thinking?

“Here comes the bipolar”"

Well, it is a little manic.

Look, Chris, I can't pay
you rent or anything,

so... this is my way
of giving back.

Did you call that psychiatrist?

Plan was,
I'd start with group therapy...

and then call the headshrinker

if I felt
like I really needed to.

Well, when you need to,
it's usually too late.

All right?

You don't sleep all night,

and then you go manic
and then run.

And... I kind of like
having you around.

Chris... there's a difference
between manic and happy.

All right, this is happy.

I'm taking my meds, staying
away from my triggers.

All right, no booze,
no late nights.

Even laying off
the ladies a bit.

Hey, you don't
believe me,

come by group therapy.

You'll see.

Dead body.

Got to go.

Well, you just go
enjoy your body

and know that when you get back,
there will be

a kick-ass shower
waiting for you.

You the man, Cade, you the man.

Yeah, I know, I know.

What do we got?

Petty Officer Maggie Barringer.

Works as a Navy recruiter
in that building.

Three tours in Iraq,
Purple Heart.

No witnesses, no cameras
and no attendant.


Only time I've seen a body
this broken

was when a skydiver's chute
didn't open.

All injuries suggest
vehicular trauma.

And after the impact,

driver takes off and
hits that parked car.

Glass over there
from the offending driver's

broken headlight.

Assuming the vehicle
was headed in this direction

and knocked the poor lady
right out of her shoe.

No skid.

Driver didn't even try to stop.

Maybe he didn't see her
until it was too late.


There's the skids.

Let me borrow your camera,

Yes, sir.

Rubber from the scuffs rises

in the direction
of the victim, meaning...

Driver was gunning for her.

Next of kin might know who.

Coworker said she was single.

Raising two foster kids.

All right.

CACO needs to find those kids.

Tell them what happened,

or bring them
into the office.

And maybe the kids can tell us
who might be behind all this.

Boys are biological brothers.

Social worker said

that Maggie went
beyond usual fostering,

became their mother

in every way.

They got any other family?

Dad's a John Doe.

Mother's a junkie,

whereabouts unknown.

Here, here you go.

You hungry?

Hey, CJ.

I need to talk to your brother.

Just-just be
right over there, okay?

We need your help.

Can you think of anyone

who might want to hurt Maggie?

Anyone she might have had
a problem with?

I thought you said
this was a hit-and-run.

That's an accident, right?

We're going with the theory

it was intentional.

So we're following up
all the possibilities.

Pride, social worker's here.

I'm Sumner St. Croix.

My agency works with DCF.

Where will the boys be going?

I'll take CJ to an
emergency placement

with a foster family,
and my assistant here will

drop Danny off
at a group home.

You're separating them?

Well, they're brothers.

Yeah, I ain't going nowhere

without CJ.

Danny, you know the rules.

You're too old
for an emergency placement,

and those group homes
won't take kids under 13.

Man, that's crap, all right?
He stays with me.

- Dial back the attitude, kid.
- Whoa, whoa!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Okay, look, hey.

Grab your breath here!

Listen, they've been
through a lot, all right?

How about showing
a little compassion?


I'm doing the best I can
with the resources available.

We're gonna make sure that
you see your brother tomorrow.

It's all right, CJ.

Just go with him.

No! I want my brother!




Please, Danny!

Damn, damn, damn.


I called the social worker
at the group home.

He's getting the boys together
for a visit this afternoon.

Do me a favor.

Make sure it
actually happens?


Kids have had their whole lives
turned upside down.

They need each other.

I ran Petty Officer Barringer's

Nothing that raises a red flag.

Her biggest splurge
in the last month

was on her boys' shoes
at Nike Town.

Small savings account, IRA,

and the largest withdrawal
within the past year was $400.

No drinking, no drugs.

People say she was devoted
to those boys.

Her coworker

did say that she showed up
an hour late

for work that morning
and was upset.

What's that about?

Upset was all
they could give us.

Upset and run over
in a parking lot

seems like a long throw to me.


“The nerd posse requests
your presence.”

All right, Christopher,
head back to Maggie's office.

See if it's possible

that whatever upset her
in the morning

could've come roaring back
that night.

Brody and I will check in
with our man in the lab.

Don't you need more than
one nerd to make a posse?

Oh, I'm not the
only nerd in it.

See, there's, uh, Einstein,
Newton, Tesla,

and this performance artist
named Hermie Hawthorne,

who spent three weeks

in an enclosed glass box
with six snakes.

We're kind of like
the Justice League,

except with more
pocket protectors.

And snakes.

Okay, so, I used
forensic animation

to recreate the incident.

This sequence depicts

the, uh, dent that the vehicle
made in the parked car.

Now, based on
the physical evidence,

the vehicle involved
was a sedan,

as opposed to a SUV, van,
pickup or truck.

I'm using laypersons terms here.

We appreciate that.

I also, uh,

collected pigment polymers
from the arma delinquat.

That didn't last long.

Um, uh, paint flakes

left in the dent.

They allowed me to determine
the vehicle's color.

It's a shade of gray.
Make and model?

I'm still working on it,
but I did notice

something interesting
on the headlight.

There's this thick layer
of grime on the bits.

It appears to be inorganic,
but I'll run tests.

All right, meantime,
let's get a BOLO out

for a gray sedan with
a smashed headlight.

I'll contact the body shops.
And I'll check in with Loretta.

Oh, uh, just to warn you,
Dr. Wade's in there

with the oldest son.

With Danny?

Yeah, he came by;
he wanted to see his mother.

She hated being in the dark.

Always slept
with all the lights on,

even the ones
in that damn closet.

How did you and CJ

come to live with Maggie?

Our mom just
kind of took off.

Took off?

She split.

One day, we woke up,

she took all her stuff
and she was gone.

How old were you?

I was 12, CJ was four.

I had to take care of him,
so I started skipping school.

Got into some trouble.

When I got caught,
they stuck CJ

with Maggie.

Did two years in juvie.

When I got out,
Maggie took me in.

They got any idea
who could've done this to her?

Your hand-- why don't you come
let me see it.

Yeah, I get you're some type
of doctor or whatever,

but it don't really look like
your patients do so good.

Don't be a smart-ass.

Hand. Now.

It's infected.

There's bacteria
in here.

It does kind of hurt.


It's crazy the bubbles
H2O2 gives off.

That's your body's enzymes

to the hydrogen peroxide.

You don't got to do all that.
Do what?

Act like you care.

Do I look like a woman

who acts her way through life?

No, you don't.
No, I don't.

Everybody always acting like
they got your back.

Even Maggie.

She kept saying
she was gonna adopt us.

But in the end,

things always got a way
of not working out.

Look, no matter
what anybody tells you,

you're alone in this world.

Once you get that down,
nobody can hurt you.

I bet most people you feed
that line to believe you.

Thanks for fixing
the hand.

There's a good kid in there.

With some bumps
along the way.

Doesn't mean he doesn't deserve
a second chance.

He'll be 18 soon,

and DCF will literally
put him out on the street.

Happy birthday. You're homeless.

Okay, I'm putting time of death

somewhere around 9:15.

And beyond the injuries
of the accident,

she has fractures
in the L1 and L2 vertebrae

due to malnourishment
in her formative years.

The enamel degradation
on her teeth suggests

a lack of dental care
as a child.

Grew up poor.

And she didn't become bitter
or selfish.

Was willing to take
in these two kids.

There has to be a way to
keep these two boys together.

Tough to fight the system.

Have we met before?

So what are we
doing here exactly?

Folks at Maggie's office didn't
think there was a work reason

for her to be upset,
but I got her phone.

Petty Officer Barringer
sent a bunch of e-mails

to a general address at
Community Foster Partnership.

What's that?

It's a private social services
agency that the city pays for

to work with foster families.

All of Maggie's e-mails
was saying that CFP

was sitting on the money
that was intended for the kids.

Then on the day she was killed,
she sent them this.

“You leave me no choice
but to go to the press

and expose you for the lousy
cheating thieves you are”"

That's a threat.
CFP respond?

Five minutes later she received
a call from someone from CFP.

Then after the call,
Maggie sent a text

to someone named
Jane Trahan.

“Meeting with CFP at 5:00.”

Jane Trahan
lives here.

You don't know how I wish
we could take in Maggie's boys,

but we're already fostering
a set of twins and their sister.

Is that how y'all met Maggie,
through fostering?

She spoke at a workshop
for families

who have issues
with CFP.

What kind of issues?

My issue. They suck.


We have to get six types
of approval

before we can get money
for services that the kids need.

Medical, dental,

And no matter what the request,

we get delays
or outright denials.

We have to pay
for the services ourselves.

Or the kids go without.
That's what Maggie was fighting.

She was in
search-and-destroy mode.

She was out to get him.

Who's him?

Sumner St. Croix.

He's the only one
anybody ever deals with

over at CFP.

St. Croix. He's the guy

who picked up the boys
the other night.

Horrible man.

I told you.

When we heard what
happened to Maggie,

I said we should call

to make sure
that someone knew about

this con man St. Croix.
Guy's a social worker.

A million a year.

A million dollars a year?

Maggie looked it up.

A million is what
they pay CFP, and CFP

is Sumner St. Croix.

Dad, we're thirsty.

Thank you, guys.
We'll help ourselves out.

Thank you.
Thank you.

Messing with his
million-a-year contract.

That's motive.
I'll call Pride.

Tell him to meet us at CFP.

You got a warrant?

Can have one
in minutes.

Now and minutes
are different things.

I'll call Judge Volkey.

We'll wait right
here for you.

Did some digging,

Mr. St. Croix.

Before New Orleans,

you were operating CFP
out of Fayetteville.

City sued you

for fraud.

And you got your contract

claiming you got a whole army of
social workers on your payroll.

And really, it's just you.

Collecting all the money.

Denying services.

That lawsuit was dropped.

Dropped for the moment.

Called our contact

at the Fed.

We're told they're currently
in the process of indicting you.

Fraud, tax evasion.

Stealing from foster kids.

That's classy with a “K,”
my friend.

What's this?

Just my files.

Well, if I didn't know better,

I'd say you're
destroying evidence.

- I did not kill that woman.
- No?

So then where were you
last night around 9:15?

I want my lawyer.

Fine. Come down to our offices.

We'll get your lawyer.

Everything checks out,
you're off the hook.

Either way,
you're probably

facing 30 years.


But I need one more thing.

Tell my wife...

I got in over my head.


Just got off the phone
with St. Croix's lawyer.

He and St. Croix were at
the U.S. attorney's office

until after 10:00 p.m.
last night.

Settlement conference.

10:00 p.m. is
too late for him

to have been there
to kill Maggie.

Plus, if the Feds
were indicting,

there's no reason
to kill her.

Cat was already
out of the bag.

Yeah, it was a dead end,

Loretta's got something.

Hey, King, if you don't mind,

uh, I got a brother thing
I need to take care of.

Brody, you're with me.

Tell Cade hello for me.

Appreciate it.

“Willing to share.

“Takes therapy seriously.

Willing to be honest
with his feelings”"

Yeah, I know.
I was there, I heard.

So then how about

backing off
just a little?

Well, you know I'm on you
'cause I care.

Try caring a little less.

Come on, follow. I got somebody
else I want you to meet.

Hey, I got to get back to work.

Hey, two minutes.


Mind if I come on in?

Yeah, yeah,
sure, okay.

Great, I'll include
it in the report,

and I'll get it out tonight.

Okay, thanks again. Bye.

Hey, Cade, how can I...



Well, Cade kept telling me

he was gonna bring you by
to say hello.

Did he?

How long you been...

What, in New Orleans?

About a year.

I moved here
after I got my masters.

That's not a surprise.

What do you mean?

Well, you were always smart.

That's why I sat behind you
in Dragonbreath's class.

Peeking over your shoulder.

Checking my answers.

Oh, is that what you were doing
back there?

You look good, Lasalle.

Well, you still got
all your hair.

So do you.

I got to take this.

Don't be a stranger now,
all right?

This is Savannah.

You didn't care if I met
your counselor at all.

Hey, like I said,
I know I'm well.

Hey, come on.

Look, don't be ticked off.

All right, I'm just trying
to set the table for you.

Yeah, well,
I don't need my table set.


'Cause last time I checked,
she's the one that got away.

Man, I got to go.

I'll clean your house,

I'll paint your walls,
I'll hook you up.

I'm full service, baby brother.

With all the fissures,
fractures and breaks,

it took a while to
catalog, but when I did,

I found one hairline fracture
on the left ulna

which is not from this incident.

It's consistent
with a defensive wound.

You're saying there was a fight
before she was hit by the car.

The fracture
is a month or so old.

Not professionally set,
which suggests...

Domestic violence.

That would be my assessment.

We got any information

on a significant other,
current or ex?

Nothing so far,
but I'll re-canvass

her neighbors and colleagues.
All right, do that.

I'll talk to CJ and Danny.

All right.

If the kids suspected someone,
don't you think

they'd say something?

Or is that not the real reason

you're going to see them?

Troubled kid.

Record, anger issues.

Anger issues is a defense.

Loretta, I get it.

You want to give this kid
the benefit of the doubt,

but we can't ignore what's
right in front of our faces.


Danny's been in juvie.

You come at him,
a cop accusing him,

he's gonna clam up
no matter what he knows.

You want to come with?

I thought you'd never ask.

Huh, the infection's gone.

Wound's healing nicely.

If you do say
so yourself.

Danny, there is something

you could help us with.

Was Maggie seeing anyone?


She didn't really

used to talk about
stuff like that.

She said if there was
someone important,

she'd let us know.


Do you think maybe
some boyfriend maybe did this?


Maggie had an injury.

Looks like it came
from defending herself

in a fight.

Altercation would've
been about a month ago.

Any idea what might
have happened?


What you trying to say?

Ever have any problems
with Maggie?


Things get out of hand,
you and her?

What, you think I hit her?

We're not accusing you
of anything, Danny.

Nah, man, nothing like that
ever went down.

Shut your damn mouth!
Man, say that again!

Don't need to!
Hey! Hey, break it up!

Hey, hey, hey,
knock it off.

you want to go!

I hope this isn't out of line,
but I've made...

Don't bother.

Look, you see
what he just said to me?

I should've
seen this coming!

Like I'd ever!

Look, the only people

left to take care
of CJ and me

are CJ and me.

I just wish everybody
would back the hell off!

Went to Maggie's
apartment building,

asked about this
potential boyfriend.

What were you just looking at?

Uh, nothing.
Wasn't nothing.

You had a face.

No face.
Yes face.

Total face.

What were you saying about
Maggie's apartment?

Her neighbor says that
she was seeing someone.

She kept it from the boys
for two reasons.

Number one, she didn't
want them to get invested

in someone who wasn't
real, and number two,

her boyfriend is the guy
who owns the sandwich shop,

the one Danny works for.


Are you sure you
weren't looking at...

porn or something
on your computer?


Yeah, hi!

I have some more information

about the vehicle
that hit our victim.

Is now a good time?

It couldn't be any better.

All right, so I realized
that the pigment polymers, uh,

didn't have any silicones,
which means that the paint

was made before 1999.

But then I discovered
that they did have

thixotropic agents,
which means that it was made

after 1994.

I know we'll get there soon.

Yeah, okay, so that
the pigment matches paint

that GM used on both the, uh,
Camaro and the Trans Am

between 1994 and 1999.

Nice. Thank you, buddy.

Don't thank me.

Thank the nerd posse.

Nice pic.

Name of the boyfriend
at the sandwich shop?

Anthony Antonelli.

Let's see what kind
of car he drives.

I don't own a car.

I don't even drive.

I got in a wreck when I was 16,

two weeks after
getting my license.

Decided that was
the world telling me

maybe I should give it up.

You and Maggie Barringer,
you guys dated, right?

Yeah, why?

She was killed two nights ago.



Whoa, you guys don't think
I had something to do with it?


No, Maggie and I were good.

She just wanted
to slow things down.

She say why?

It seemed like something
with the kids.


What's with the gray Camaro?

Thought you said
you didn't own a car.

That's Danny's car.

Checked with the DMV;
Danny doesn't have a car.

Maggie drove a Honda.

Look, I don't know
what to tell you.

All right, Danny said he wanted

to start making some deliveries,
get some tips.

I told he needed a car;
he showed up with that.

Danny should've been back
by now.

I mean, we have a curfew.

Danny's locker?

Yeah. We tell the kids
to keep everything locked up.

Well, he cleared out.

I got to call my boss.

What's with the hat
and the feather?

Robin Hood.

Dealers use cartoon stamps
on their product.

Branding in the streets
is no different

than corporate America.

All right,
so what is Robin Hood?


Angel dust.

So Maggie confronts him
about what he's been up to,

maybe even threatens
to turn him in.

Then that night, he shows up

and runs her down?

Hell hath no fury like a
pissed off teenage drug dealer.

They told me I had a visitor.

I was hoping it would be
one of my honeys.

Sorry to disappoint,

Ross P., but I need a favor.

Just as bad as
the honeys.

Photo of this
kid is Danny.

So you say.

And Robin Hood is...

Some kick-ass angel dust.

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Give you a nice long high.

Make you want to hop
on a cotton candy dragon

and leap on a damn rainbow,
you know?

It's crazy.

I think the kid
is dealing it

and might have killed
his foster mother.

Need to know
who his associates are

and where we can find him.

Oh, sure thing, you know?

I'll just,
I'll just step on out

and give my-my cell phone
a ring-a-ding-ding.

Hold up, hold up.

Oh, what's that?

I'm still in prison?

Oh, I'm still in prison.

That's 'cause you lied to me.

All right, but
helping me here

will get you one step closer
to getting off the naughty list.

Done. Done.

One trip around the yard,
I'll get you what you need.

Danny, Robin Hood.

You be my eyes and ears.

Oh, Lasalle, I'll be your hands,
your feet,

your spleen and your kidney,

you get me out of here
any quicker.

Thank you.


When it rains, it pours.

What are you doing here?

We have a satellite program.



I hear you have a week
to ask me out.

Oh, gosh. Cade?

He's a man with a plan.

You know, he's mentioned
wanting nieces and nephews.

I'm literally gonna kill him.

Don't worry; I told him

it's sort of a
conflict of interest,

you asking out the
head of the clinic

where he's doing his therapy.

So I'm off the hook.

Do you want to be off the hook?

That's not what I asked.

It's a good sign.

Him looking beyond himself,
talking about the future.

He's working hard.

Oh, and...

no, you're not off the hook.

So even though
we've identified the vehicle,

I kept trying to
reconstruct that headlight,

but of course,
I got nowhere,

'cause it's like trying
to put together

one of those crazy
thousand-piece puzzles

where the whole image
is just one color.

I mean, give me a point
of reference on those, you know?

Like a fire hobgoblin
or a basilisk, something to...

A basilisk is
a reptilian monster

that petrifies
with a single gaze.

Gaze like this?

Yeah, you-you got it down.

Any-who, uh,
what's important

is not the headlight itself,
but what was on it.

This, um, grime.

Specifically silica,

sulfur compounds
and synthetic rubbers.

Sounds like tires.

Yeah, what they're made of.

Uh, I'm thinking

just before the murder,
last place the car was,

somewhere where they're either
destroying or making tires.

Nearest tire factory
is 400 miles from here.

I mean,
I can run another test,

try and narrow things down

so we don't have to jump
to conclusions.

No need to jump, just
maybe a little hop.

How about this?

Reworked Rubber Corp.

Recycles tires
and turns them

into ground coverings for
playgrounds and such,

and there is one
in Mid-City.

All right, let's follow up.

And then we get back,
you can tell me

what the hell a
fire hobgoblin is.

It's the most dangerous
of all the hobgoblins.

That was obvious.

Never seen the kid.

What about the car?

Sure, it's
Bull Costigan's.

Who's Bull Costigan?

He's a sorter on one
of my work crews.

He in trouble?

First we heard of him.

Bull here?

No, he called me
two days ago.

Said he threw his back out
and needed to see a doctor.

What do they say about
no good deed going unpunished?

I mean, I tried to give
the guy a chance.

Figured he served his time.

Three months out of prison
after six years

on drug charges.

Let me guess.
PCP is on the list.

Bull here Monday?

Monday. Yeah, I think.

Know what time he left?

I thought he was
here all day.

I can't be sure; guys
punch each other out,

but we got CCTV.

Can we see the video?

Sure, we got it.

So, let's say that Bull
is the dealer.

Danny's working for him.

Maggie finds out
what's going on,

Danny warns Bull
that she's on his case.

Yeah, both Bull and Danny

would want to keep her
from making trouble.

There's the car.

There's Bull.

Freeze that.

Hey, boss, can you sign this?

Knock yourself out.
Yeah, thanks.

Bull left at 4:30.

Gives him plenty of time
to get into town,

be there when Maggie
comes out of work.

Or Bull delivers
the car to Danny

and he runs Maggie down.

The only way of knowing
if Danny or Bull was driving

is find one of them.

Got a 411 on Danny.

What do we got?

Ross P. says this is where the
Robin Hood PCP is being pushed.

Any sign of Danny or Bull?

No one in and out
of the house

since I been here,

but I got movement

in the back window.

All right.

You take the back.

Let's do this.


Don't move, Danny.


Hands up.

You got anything on you?

Looky here.

Key to the Camaro.

Where's Bull, Danny?

Huh? Huh? Danny?

Who's idea was it
to run Maggie over?

I don't know.

Well, this car, this
car you've been driving,

that's the one
that killed her.

It wasn't me.

Danny, look at me.

If you are telling
the truth,

if you really had nothing
to do with this,

then you need to tell us

where we can find Bull Costigan,
all right?

Where is he, Danny?

Look around.

You gonna take
the fall for it.

He's scum, Danny.

He's a drug dealer, a murderer,
he's a piece of garbage.

He's my father!

Mine and CJ's.

He's all we got.

I asked you if you had any idea
who would want to hurt Maggie,

and you said nope.

And you lied to me.

You looked me right in the eye.

He said it wasn't him!

And you believed him?

I wanted to.

Yes, he's my father.

How'd your father find you after
he was locked up for six years?

He showed up at the house.

He wanted to take us right then.

Maggie knew he was trouble.

That why he hit her?

She sent us outside.

And she said she slipped
while they were talking.

You wanted to believe that, too.

He kept coming by the house
when she wasn't there.

He kept giving me money.

Look, CJ thought
it was great.

He doesn't remember
what he used to be like.

I knew he would use us.

To deal the PCP.

I didn't want no part of that.

Did you tell him that?
Yeah, right.

Okay, I figured
if I couldn't

get away, the least I could do

was help Maggie out
with some money.

Drug money.

Green money,
which was in short supply.

Social worker called.

CJ didn't come home
from school today.

I-I got to go right now.
I got to go.

Bull's got CJ, doesn't he?

Sit down.

You don't tell us where Bull is,

he's gonna be gone, Danny.

And he's gonna take CJ with him.

Is that what you want
for your little brother?

I'm supposed to bring the drugs
to the bus station.

My dad will put CJ
on the bus with it.

No one suspects a kid
with a backpack full of PCP.


And then...

Bull's gonna meet CJ
on the other end?


He said he can't risk driving
ten keys down the interstate.

King, I don't see
Bull or CJ anywhere.

Bus for Mobile leaves
in a few minutes.

Got them.

Through the front.

Hey, son.
Here you go.

Dad says it's gonna be okay.

Let's go.

Don't grab Bull till he's clear
of both the kids.

I think he's made us.

Hold your positions.

Stay where you are!

Get inside, get inside.

You, too!

Get with him.

Now! Move!


Get my car, bring it here.

No, don't-don't do that, Danny.

Do as I tell you.

It's like I said.

He's all we got!

Go! Go!

Let CJ go.

Mind your damn business.

Let's just talk this through.

No talk. I'm taking my family
and I'm going.

Nobody moves.

I got nothing to lose.

Stay in the car, Danny.

Come on.

Get in.

Get in.

Stay back!

And don't try
to follow us!


Get off of me!

Let me go!

No, no.


It's all right,
it's all right. Come on.

You guys are okay.
You're okay.

Get out.
You better watch out, Danny.

It's all right.
I'll catch up with you, son.

I'm not your son.

Watch your mouth.


Yes, please.

Hang on a second.


Go ahead.

I appreciate it.

Yes, I-I will.

Yes. All right.

We searched Bull's place.

We found something that we think

that Maggie may have
asked him to sign,

dated the morning
of her death.

Petition for relinquishment?

It means that
your father

gives up his rights
to you boys.

She needed that

so she could file this.

Adoption petition.

She was really gonna do it.

She really was.

Well, and I-I just, uh,
talked to the D.A.

We're gonna work something
out on the drug charges.

Hey, Doc Wade.

Come all the way over here
to check on your patient?

No. Mind if I join you?

Not at all.

I checked into DCF.

They tell me you're applying
to be CJ's legal guardian.

Turn 18 in a couple of weeks.

I'm tired of being split up.

Where will you live?

Don't know yet.

Well, I...

I ask because I have a room
in my house

that's large enough for two,

and I could use

a little help around the morgue.

For someone who's interested
in science.

Are you serious?

I am.

Can I go tell CJ?


Thank you.

Hey, CJ, I got some news.

You're taking
a troubled delinquent

with a penchant
for dealing angel dust

and his nine-year-old brother
into your home?

Is that a good idea?

No, it's not.

But have we met before?

Hey, I got your message.

Cade's sponsor was worried,
so he contacted me.


Hey, baby brother!


Hey, so,

I realize the paint
was all wrong.

It-it didn't match the walls.

Then I got to thinking,
I'm like, “What is really

the problem here?
Like, what's really...”

And then I realize, the walls.

That's the problem!

You don't like it?

That's okay.

That's all right.

We can change it.

I can make anything you want.


Brought you another beer, sugar.

Then I got one
for myself, too.

Who is...

Oh, this here is Windi.

Met her this afternoon
at the hardware store.

Say hello, Windi.

Hello, Windi.

She kills me.

I love her. Here, hold that.

Come on, help me

get these drop cloths.

I'd like to call
the clinic,

see if I can get him
admitted for a temp hold.

My guess,
he hasn't slept

in three days.
You don't do something...

Crash is coming.


He had me fooled, too.

All right, hey, Windi?

Let's get some tarps
over this right here, okay?

That way we don't get no paint
on the furniture.

Hey, come here.

Come here.

Listen to me, Chris.

When I get finished
with this tonight,

or tomorrow,
whenever I get done,

it's gonna be better than ever.

All right?

The Lasalle brothers,
nothing can stop us.


Sure thing, Cade.

Sure thing.
Thank you. Get this right over here.

== sync, corrected by elderman ==