NCIS: Los Angeles (2009–…): Season 6, Episode 9 - Traitor - full transcript

After Hetty was warned by Director Vance that she had a mole, Granger is poisoned and hurt in a car accident, he tries to warn the team who then goes on lockdown to try and find who the mole is whilst Eric is one of the seven suspects.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Yo, we got company.

You got
a death wish,


Why, you suddenly got
some balls?

Not as big as your mom's, man.

Say it again.

Come on,
say it again, bitch.

Man, put that away
before I take it from you, man.

Listen to your boy, now.
Don't make me embarrass you.

Move it...!

♪ NCIS: LA 6x09 ♪
Original Air Date on November 24, 2014

== sync, corrected by elderman ==

♪ ♪

Good morning.

What's this?

That was my leftover
Uni Burger

that I was gonna
have for breakfast

until somebody stole it.

Who eats a sea urchin burger,
let alone for breakfast?

You do, apparently.
What makes you think

that I would eat your disgusting leftovers?
Because I know you, because

you're a scavenger, because
you're a refrigerator hyena.

Let me smell your breath.
What?! Smell your own breath.



Surprisingly minty.

Sure you know me?
Yeah. Know you so well

to know that even
if you did steal my Uni Burger

you would then do
something super sneaky

like try to cover it up by
using minty fresh mouthwash.

How did they ever give you
a detective’s badge?

I'll have you know,
at the LAPD

they used to call me
Sherlock Holmes.

Oh, a fictional
character-- well done.

I also know you
better than you think, Missy.

Oh, yeah?

What's my favorite color?

Oh, I'm so sorry.

Let me be more specific.

Cornflower blue.

That was such a lucky guess.

A lucky guess?
Okay, first off,

that's not even a real color.

And secondly, you don't even own
anything in the cornflower hue.

Not that you know of.
See? Apparently,

you don't know everything about me.
I know you hate liver

but love bulgogi.
So does everybody else.

I know that your favorite movie
on the planet is Titanic.

Me and a billion other people.
I know that you love mojitos

and techno music
at the Apex Hotel.

I know that you played
college softball.

I know that you dressed up
like a Teenage Mutant

Ninja Turtle as a kid
for Halloween.

I know that you keep a journal.

I know that you want to have
an oregano garden

even though you are
a noted plant killer.

I know that your favorite
New Kid on the Block

was Joey McIntyre, and why not,
because he was the dreamiest.


Oh, and I
also know that

you hide girly magazines
under your bathroom sink.

I do not.

I mean, not like...
girly magazines,

but I mean, like, magazines
for girls-- things like

Cosmo and Modern Bride--

because our kick-ass Kensi-Lina

has a softer, lacy, lady side

that no one knows about...

but me.

And I love it.

You couldn't have said that
any creepier.

Creepier?! I thought I was
pretty charming.

Guys, Granger's been
in an accident.

What happened?

We're still trying to find out.
Come on, Beale.

Okay. They rushed him
to County.

He was conscious
at the scene,

but that's all
they would tell me.

Show them the crash.

A security camera
from a nearby residence

caught the accident.

Oh, my gosh.
He's lucky he survived that.

What was he doing?
We don't know yet.

We're not gonna find out
sitting here.

We'll work the accident scene.
You guys check in

on Granger.
Anybody inform Hetty?

She knows.
What did she say?

Not a damn thing.

All right, guys.

What do you think
he was doing up here?

Your guess is
as good as mine.

Well, maybe Eric can
backtrack his movements

using traffic cams.

He was driving
way too fast for this road.

There's no way
he could've made that curve.

The witnesses said
it was a single car.

There was no pursuit.

Uh, no skid marks--

he never touched the brakes.

How do you explain this?

I don't know.
Maybe he was injured

and needed to get
to the hospital.

It's the wrong direction.

Something isn't right.

But you got a theory.


I know that look--
you're holding out on me.

I got nothing--
except a bad feeling

that this might not
have been an accident.

Well, that goes without saying.
What else?

First there's
a breach of security.

Hetty's personal data is leaked.

That almost gets her killed.

Now Granger
smashes up his car

in the middle
of the night,

15 miles from his house?

Are you kidding me?
Could be unrelated.

Could be.

Could also be...

we really do have a mole.

Oh, I hate it
when she does this.

Does what?


She's having a cup of tea.

It's her sixth one.

maybe she's thirsty.
Maybe she's worried sick about Granger.

I think one of us
should talk to her.

Be my guest.
And by "one of us,"

I mean you.
Hetty likes you.

Oh, come on.
She likes you, too.

She tolerates me.

Look, if Hetty wanted

to talk to one of us,
she would.

So you're not gonna do it?



I'm doing it.

Really don't think
that's a good idea.

But... you're
gonna do it anyway.

Knock, knock.

Who's there? Hetty.


Having a spot of tea, are we?

Pip, pip, cheerio.
Jolly good.

So, I'm just checking in,
you know,

see if you need anything.

All right, you know what?

Figured as much.

Just checking, and,
uh, wanted to say


I'm sure the assistant director
will be just fine.

I will be upstairs
in Ops.

Which is where
I'm going right now.

Mr. Beale...

...keep your eyes... open

and your wits about you today.


And, um...



Thank you.

You're welcome.

Why is he in restraints?

There was a
safety concern.

He's a federal agent.

Are you next of kin?
We're coworkers.

I'm sorry,
I can't discuss this

with you.

You know what?
We're NCIS,

and we're investigating--
we need some answers.

I'll get
the attending physician.

Thank you.

Nurse Carson
to Four West Nurses Station.

Nurse Carson to Four West
Nurses Station.

Assistant Director?

It's Agent Blye.
Can you hear me?

Hey, buddy.

How's our favorite
little curmudgeon?

You gave us quite the scare.

Where am I?

Right now, where am I?

You're, uh,
you're in the hospital.

You were
in an accident, Granger.

Don't... You don't
have to take that off.

Don't take that--

that's the I.V.-- please, not--
No, no, no.

We want to keep that on there,
'cause the nurse--

Don't do that
Take your hands off me!

- Granger!
- Whoa!

Whoa. Relax. Relax.
You're okay.

Listen, it's not safe.
It's not safe.

We have to go to...
Let go of me.

Just go. Listen, just...
Let go of me. Granger...

Let me go.
It's okay. Granger, Granger...

Let go of me. Let go.
Stop... Granger...

Granger, just re... he's going
for my weapon-- he's got...

No, no! No, no!

What the hell is going on here?

Who removed
his restraint?

Get away! Let go of me!
Move it!

Let go!

Give me ten cc's of Midazolam.

Clear the room!
Clear the room!

Okay. Whoa!

What's happening? What's going
on with him right now?

He had a seizure! Go!

I got him. I got him.

Hold him down! Hold him down!

He was restrained for his safety
as well as our own.

Sorry-- he's
not normally like that.

What's wrong with him?

He's in an altered state.

We just don't know why;
we're still running tests.

He may have suffered
a head injury

from the collision.

Do you know if he was
on any medications?

No, not that we know of.

What about drugs
or alcohol?

I mean, he has a cocktail
once in a while, but no drugs.

You sure?

Any family history
of mental illness?


You two work with him,

but you don't really know
anything about him.

He's a pretty
private person.

I don't think you
go around telling...

Tox screen's back.

Thank you.


He was poisoned.

What kind of poison?

They're retesting,

but they think it's something
called Aconitine.

How the hell did he get that?

They haven't
determined that yet.

We need to search
his car and his houses.

Hey, have her Hazmat team
also check his office,

but do it on the down low.

If somebody on the inside's
responsible for this,

we don't want to tip them off
that we're onto them.

Got it.

You look like you're
ready to kill somebody.

I am.

I couldn't quite
put my finger on it but...

you know what it is?

Something's still bothering me.

What do mean, about Granger?
No, about you.

How would you know about
my magazines if you weren't

snooping under my sink?
Oh. All right.

I wasn't snooping under
your sink. I was looking for

toilet paper, which is
something, evidently,

you never do, because every
time I come to your house,

I have to put toilet
paper on the roll.

How hard is that? Come on,
it takes, like, two seconds.

Are you serious?
One step,

you take it, and two, you put it
on the thing and you're done.

What difference does it make
if it's on the counter

or if it's on the actual roll?
Um, principle.

Why are you so obsessed
with toilet paper?

Did you have some sort of
traumatic event as a kid

that-that... with
potty training?

Is this why you don't
pee in public toilets?

Wait, who doesn't pee in public toilets?
Uh, Deeks.

I don't blame him.
Thank you. At least I'm not the one

that pees in takeout containers
for food on a stakeout.

A girl's got to do
what a girl's got to do.

Nell, what do you got?

Aconitine-- it's a highly
poisonous alkaloid

whose chemical makeup
is C34-H47-NO11.

It's basically
a neurotoxin

that is absorbed
via mucous membrane--

nostrils, lips, mouth,
but also via skin.

Depending on the level of
exposure, it can cause

severe diarrhea, pain,
paralysis, vomiting...

and eventual cardiac arrest.

Sounds like your chili.

Where would somebody
get their hands on this?

That's the easy part.
It occurs in nature.

It comes from

the aconitum plant,
also known as

or wolfsbane.

in "ye olden days""

they used the poison
to kill wolves,

which is why everyone
knows that wolfsbane is an

effective deterrent
against werewolves.


Hmm? What?

Whoa, what the what?
What is that doing on your desk?

I thought you
put it there.

Why would I give you
a poisonous plant?

I didn't know it was
poisonous until right now.

Well, I certainly didn't give it to you.

And don't get closer--
it's got deadly nectar and-and

poisonous pollen
and all sorts of... Don't.

It's only deadly if you
ingest it or touch it.

Then don't...

I'm not.

Nicely work, Poison Ivy.

Okay, if you didn't
put that on my desk,

then who did?

Probably the same

person that
poisoned Granger.

All right,

appreciate it.

They said they found
traces of the poison,

but nothing near
a lethal dose.

Granger must have
picked it up elsewhere

and carried it home.

See anything
unusual in there?

Nah, guy lives like a monk.

You two could have
been roommates.

I've seen homeless people
with more possessions

than the two
of you combined.

Some of us haven't been seduced
by the trappings of ownership.

Ah. What, have you been
reading self-help books?

To know yourself is
to know the universe.

You know what I know? You're full of it.

Kens, we're at Granger's,
we got nothing.

How are things back there?

Not good.

They found high concentrations
of poison in Granger's office.

In the desk, telephone,
even on the paperwork.

That had to be the source.


There's ano...

There's another thing, too.

Somebody left the plant that the
poison is made from on my desk.

Eric and Nell are checking
surveillance cameras

to try and see
who did it.

You're gonna need to
evacuate the building.

Yeah, I'll inform Hetty.
I'll keep you posted.

Once we evacuate
the building,

Hazmat can
go through it.

I'm not sure
that's such a good idea.

This whole place has
to be decontaminated.

I realize that, Mr. Deeks.

I'm just not sure
about evacuating.

Granger is clinging to life
at the hospital as we speak.

This is deadly.

I'm well aware
of its lethality, Ms. Blye.

If you do not

evacuate the building,

everyone is under risk
of being exposed.

And if I do, whoever is
responsible for this,

could escape,

could go on to poison many more

than those of us here today.

Everyone in this building
understands the risks

involved in this job.

And you're willing to make
that choice for them.

That's what I do.


We have a mole
in our midst

and it ends today.

Now, I trust Hetty
knows what she's doing.

If the poison's limited
to Granger's office,

the risk should be minimal.

Uh, it's still a risk.

Where are we with suspects?

Eric and Nell are
sorting through everybody.

What about the people
that aren't at work?

Uh, there are three.

So we have, uh,
Deborah Hill,

she's out on
maternity leave.

Edward Stevens is supposedly at
a funeral on the east coast.

And, uh, Lisa Manning,

Granger's assistant,
is home sick

for two days now.

We need to pay Lisa a visit.

Let us know if you
find anything else.


How are we making out?

Data mining through
everyone, focusing on

our most recent hires.

We're searching for any
suspicious anomalies

in the workplace. Um,

contact with the outside,
travel, finance,

et cetera, but
so far, nothing.

We also went through
the surveillance tapes

to see who put the flower
on Kensi's desk,

but the system was down
for about an hour

for routine

Looks like someone
took advantage

of that window of opportunity.

What about, uh, Inspector
Wallace and her group?

They had
the run of the place

when they were here.

Inspector Wallace
probably saved your life.

But we will
look into them as well.

Meanwhile, I want you
to dust off

your polygraph skills,
Ms. Jones.

I want everyone
in the building boxed.

Myself included.

Lisa! Lisa Manning!

Agent Callen
and Hanna from work.

She's still breathing...

Pulse is thready.



Kens, we got Lisa Manning
at her house.

We need an ambulance.

Have you ever given Hetty
a polygraph before?


I don't suppose you could
ask her about Area 51?

Eric, now is not
the time for jokes.

What? Who's joking.

If anyone knows the truth about
alien visitations, it's Hetty.

We have to take advantage
of these situations.

All right, I'll see
what I can do.

Did you get something there?

Uh, Nell?

Hey, did you cash in some
investments today?

Last thing I invested in was

Captain America,
volume one, number 74.

And I had to go in
with six other guys.

That's a comic book, right?

Uh, yeah, just
a little old comic book

where Cap is forced to fight
Red Skull to the death--

wait for it--

in Hell.

It's classic.

All right, well, I don't know
if that's what this is,

but someone deposited $50,000

into your bank account
40 minutes ago.

What? That's impossible.
That's what it says.

Um, I have to put in

my passcode-- can you...
Yeah, yeah. Pardon me.

You done?


This isn't mine.

I mean, I swear to God, I-I have
no idea how this happened.

You have to believe me.

There's no way
I would ever do anything...

All right, just relax.

I-I know how this looks, okay?
Beale. Relax.

You-You... Someone's
trying to frame me.

I-I am a lot of things,
Nell, but I am not a mole, okay?


I'm sorry.

No, I needed that.
Yes, you did.

You need to figure out
where this money came from.

And you need to keep this
between us until I do.

The longer you keep this a
secret, the more suspicious

you're gonna look, and I
am not gonna lie for you.

Just let me figure it out, okay?


You figure it out.

She's lucky
you found her when you did.

Let me guess, it's the same thing
that took down Granger?

Well, we need to wait on
the tox screen, but if they work

together, then yeah,
there's a good chance they were

similarly exposed.

What's his prognosis?

We're doing all we can, but

he may have been fighting
this off for some time.

Why he didn't seek

seek medical treatment
sooner is beyond me.

Well, that's because he's
a tough son of a bitch.

For his sake,
I hope so.

We should have
seen this coming, G.

He hasn't quite
been himself lately.

We both think
he looks like hell.

I just thought
it was stress.

Anything else we can do?

Yeah, find out where this poison

is coming from before
people start dying.

Oh, boy.

Have you ever
committed treason?

I supposes that depends
on one's definition.

Hetty, you have to answer
yes or no.

Oh, yes, I know.

I'm very familiar
with this process, Ms. Jones.

Hell, I developed
most of these questions.

Yes, I committed treason.

But never against
the United States.

I'll have to make that one

more specific in the future.

Have you ever tried
to injure or harm

assistant director
Owen Granger?


I'm sorry.

I said, "Have you ever tried
to injure...?"

Yes, I heard you.

I even tried to kill him.

But that was a long time ago,

and we get along

much better now.

Well, that's good.

These the only profiles
you've cleared so far?

No, those are the only
ones with any suspicious


Whoa. You got a
suspicious anomaly?

Is it above or below the waist?

It's not funny.

Somebody wired $50,000
into my bank account today.

That's not funny. That's frickin' awesome.
Do you have any idea where

it came from?
Well, whoever did it moved it

through a bunch of different
accounts here and abroad.

They clearly didn't want
me to find out who it was.

I have a question.

How come this stuff
never happens to me?

What, blackmail?

Do you think they transferred
the money to arouse suspicion?

I don't know.

Seems pretty coincidental,
don't you think?

Yeah, but they also have to know
we're never gonna suspect you

of being a part
of something like this.

Yes, but they'd know we'd have
to check it out nonetheless,

and they'd also know
he would be kept busy

trying to find the source.

It's a stall tactic.

So, they're just
buying themselves some time.

Yeah. Time for what?

No! No!
What the...?

Need help down here!

What's going on?


Helen! Helen!

Oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh!

Got it, got it. Go. Now.

Damn it! Get her down.

We need a medic!

She's not breathing.

I'll get the defibrillator.

Go, Kensi, go.

One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight,
nine, ten...

Damn it! Kens!

It was Helen Trapper.

Oh, no. From Human Resources?

Yeah, that's her.

She's a nice lady.

There's no way
she could have been involved.

You sure it
was a suicide?

Kensi and Deeks are still
working the crime scene, so...

I can't believe
I just said that.

You know, I used to think

this was the safest place
on Earth,

but then, Draeger showed up,
and now this. I...

There's a good chance
they're connected.

Did she leave a note?

Not that we found.

You check
her devices?

Nothing on her cell.

We're still
checking her computer.

What about
our surveillance cameras?

The thing about that is,

their layout is based
on normal operations,

so, when we went into lockdown,

there were some blind spots
behind the security cameras,

and there's nothing
I can do about that.


All right, we'll check
out her residence.

Anything suspicious comes
up on your end, let us know.

Will do. Thanks.

Right this way.

Come on.

All right,
take a seat, if you like...

- This is ridiculous.
- Relax.

Callen and Sam are on
their way to Helen's house.

Let me know
if they find anything.

Hetty, what makes you think
they're going to find anything?

I mean, you and I
both knew Helen.

Did we?


She helped me with my paperwork
when I first started,

and she had been here longer
than Callen.

The best spies are the those
you least suspect.

No, I know,
and I get that, but Helen?

And now, we're rounding up
people from accounting

and the mail room, even Beale.

I don't know.

I like to think
I'm a good judge of character,

but I've been fooled before.

People change.

They lose their way.

Sometimes, they lose themselves.



So, historically,

poison has been a woman's
weapon of choice, am I right?

I suppose.

So, we are to assume

that Helen killed herself
because she poisoned Granger,

and knew we were
closing in on her?

So, then, why hang herself?

Why not just slug back

a whole smoothie of wolfsbane
and be done with it?

Maybe she used it all
on Granger.


Gentlemen, you give us
a second?


Then maybe
she's innocent.

Maybe she had nothing
to do with Granger.

And maybe the real
culprit panicked

when Hetty put the
whole place on lockdown.

Using her murder
as a smokescreen.

You got to see this.

See that? Ligature
bruising from the hanging?

But then, look at that.

There's a whole
'nother ligature wound.

It's lighter and hard to see,
but it's definitely there.

No, I see it.
Which means...

She was strangled
before she was hung.

Exactly. Poor Helen.

So, now, the killer wants
to get us off his trail,

so, he finds a patsy.

Well, he or she, 'cause
the killer could be a she.

Um, a woman could
have killed Helen

and put the cord
around her neck,

but there's no way she would
have been strong enough

to haul her body
up in the air.

I mean, it's dead weight.

Okay, he. So, he needs to find
somebody sweet and unsuspecting.

He sees Helen, and he says,
"Hey, Helen, listen,

I just wanted
to talk to you for a second."

Yes, of course, sir.

So, she cruises in,
he looks around,

tells her how much
he likes her pant suit,

and pulls her in tight
like that, and he's smelling.

Smelling her hair.


He's smelling her hair?

Oh, I was just getting into
the mindset of the killer.

He smells her hair.
It smells like...

It smells like lavender.

Don't do that. You're freaking
me out, Hannibal Lecter.

Well, now you made me
lose my train of thought.

You made you lose
your train of thought.

So, she's not a
fighter, but, obviously,

animal instinct kicks in,
so, she's probably clawing

at his hands like that.

Right. Yeah, he's too smart.
He's a pro.

He'd be wearing gloves.
But he's also desperate.

If she connected, his DNA
would be under her nails.

Oh, except for, we
don't have DNA samples

of anybody here
who's not an agent.

No, but we can get a rapid test

on everybody else
left in the building

and get results
in a few hours.

We're gonna catch this guy.

We're gonna get this guy.

Oh, and one more thing.

Don't... don't ever
smell me again.

No promises.

Find anything?

Nah, man. This place kind of
reminds me of my Aunt Beezie's,

if there was a couple of
dozen cats running around.

Wait a second.
After all these years, you can

still surprise me.

You had a crazy cat lady
in the family?

She's not crazy.
She's a little eccentric.

Uh-huh. Six cats is eccentric.

Anything over ten--
that's, uh, certifiable.

She's lonely.

Wonder why.

Yo. Check this out.

Maybe Helen had
a green thumb after all.

Why are they keeping us
here like caged animals?

I think it's for
our own safety.

They think one of us
killed Helen.

I thought
Helen killed herself.

Helen? She used
to catch spiders

in the kitchen
and let them go outside.

She wouldn't hurt a fly.

Did any of you know her well?

I did. She was really nice.

She used to bake things and
bring them into us all the time.

I can't believe she's gone.

Does she have a boyfriend?

Why are you even
here, Beale?

What did you do to get booted
from your ivory tower?


He's probably a plant...
here to spy on us.

No, I'm not.

It's about time.

Are we free to go?

Not yet. We gotta get
some DNA samples first,

from each of you.

Oh, come on.

Let's just
get it over with,

unless you have
something to hide.

It's the principle.

Open wide.

You're up, man.

I'm doing so
under protest.

Oops. Sorry.

That's quite all right.

We have another one.

All right, I'm doing it,
I'm doing it.




Wasn't so hard, was it?

Beale, you're up.

Drop your weapons,
or I push this,

and he's dead before
he hits the ground.

- Don't do this.
- Oh, my God, Eric.

You heard me.

You're much more useful
to Mr. Beale in here.

But, Hetty, this...

Callen and Sam. Let them know
we found our mole.

We should probably
talk about this.

Okay, okay, okay.

We'll put it down.

Putting it down.

Oh, Ty...

Kick the guns to me.

Gwenny, come here.


Pick 'em up.


we are going to move


and calmly out of here.

Back it up.


Back it up.

That's good.

Close it, Beale.

I don't know the code.

Close it.

Son of a bitch.

Do not let them out
of your sight.

Damn it. It's fried.
We gotta get out of here.

Nell, you got
eyes on them?

- No, but I can hear them.
- Where are they?

I don't know.
Eric, if you can hear me,

give us a clue
as to where you are.

Stop right there. Now.

Lift up your shirt.


Do it.

Where is it?


I should have known.

Give it to me.


But we have to keep moving.
The best bet...

Oh, shoot.



I need you to take the
carport door off lockdown

so we can get in.

Okay. Well, please hurry up.
Brown is trying

to get Eric out of the building
as his hostage.

We'll be there in six minutes.


Err on the side of caution.

Have I ever crashed
with you in the car?

Yeah. A lot of times.

those were all intentional.

Lucky me.

Stay put.

How do we get out of here?

Carl, just put the gun...

Get me out of here

or I'll kill you.

Give it to me.

Mr. Beale can't come
to the phone right now

because he's about to die

if you don't back the hell off.

How do we know
he isn't already dead?

I'm fine.
Just do as he says.

I don't want to die
in this old building.

Old building.

He's taking him through
the burn room service area.

Smart boy.

Eric is leading him down
into the basement storage area.

What the hell are you playing?

You want a way out of
here-- this is it.

This leads
to the basement storage area.

It's outside
the containment zone.

You can exit to the street
from there.

You may just live
through this after all, Beale.

But I doubt it.


Which way?

I don't know. I've only
ever seen the blueprints.

You lying little geek.

No, they-they changed
everything around

when they put the
new furnaces in.

All right.

You've actually been
really helpful, Beale.

I almost hate to kill you.


Come out here right now,

or I will shoot you like a dog.


Pick on someone your own size.

Hello, Carl.


I'll take those.

Remember us?

Is it just me or does
he seem awfully happy

for a guy who's
going to jail

for the rest
of his life?

Maybe he just likes bunk beds.

So here's what we know.

You befriended Helen,
maybe even led her to believe

that you might be interested
in her romantically.

Convinced her to let you
use her garage,

do a little gardening...

And when she started
to realize what was going on,

you asked to speak with her

You killed her, Carl,

making it look
like a suicide.


She never suspected anything.

Desperate people will believe
anything you want them to.

Now, I would like a place
on the beach.

A condo overlooking Venice
or the marina would be good.

I-I'm sorry. Did I...

pass out and miss something?

I think we all know
you're here to offer me a deal.

You'll be lucky
if we offer you a blindfold

for the firing squad.


G... Can I call you G?


I'm more valuable to you
as an asset

than an embarrassment.

The only one you're embarrassing
is yourself.

I think we all know
that's not true.

I've already proven
my abilities.

Quite impressively, I might add.

you caught me.

Now, I have no desire
to go to jail

and you have no desire
for me to go to trial,

because if I did,

well, let's face it,

once the story
of my infiltration

of your organization
becomes public knowledge,

it'll be the end
of your careers

and everyone else in this unit,

including Hetty and Granger.

What are you proposing?

I believe it's called
the dangled mole scenario.

I'm gonna work for you
as a double agent.

Hell, I've already created
the perfect legend.

And what makes you think
we would ever want

someone like you working
with us?

Well, because if I don't,
then you'll never have access

to what I know,

who I work for,


Of course, I'll need my lawyer
to negotiate the deal.

I leave these type things
up to the professionals.

He's right.

We have to leave this

to the professionals.

What is this?

I want my lawyer.

Don't ask us-- ask them.

You're in their custody now.

Who are you?
Who are they?

They're the ones who will
find out what you actually know.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Where am I going?

Where are they taking me?

We don't know. No one does.

That's why they call it
a black site.

Extraordinary rendition

is against the law.

So is treason.

Are you guys really gonna
send him to a black site?

He's headed
to an animal shelter in Barstow.

When they hear
the dogs barking

after a few hours in the car,
with a bag over their head,

you'd be amazed how
willing they are to talk.

Yeah, but like he said,
you know, desperate people

are willing to do
whatever you want 'em to.




Good job today.

Thanks, lady.
So, are you guys okay?

I'm okay. G?

I got a little kink in my neck
from the crawl space.

Maybe you can just give
me a quick massage.

No. We're fine.

We're actually
just fine.

You might want to...
check on Eric, though.


Hey. You all right?

Yeah. I can't smell.

He broke my glasses.

I see that.

Guess what.

You look better
without 'em.

Okay. I think
that's our cue, huh?

Wow, this is happening.

What's this?

Old building.

Old building.


Clearly I haven't died
and gone to Heaven.

I don't think
that's in the cards

for either one of us, Owen.

What the hell happened?

Well, let's see.

Um, you were poisoned

and crashed your car.

And then, while
you were napping,

the rest of us

smoked out our mole.

Brown, from the
I.T. department.


World seemed a lot safer

before we had these cyber punks
running around.


Who was
he working for?

We don't know yet.

We'll figure it out in due time.

All you have to worry about now
is getting better.

You're safe.

Don't tell me
you're here to watch over me.

Something like that.

You need to go to sleep.

Don't think this makes up for
the time you tried to kill me.

I wouldn't think of it.

== sync, corrected by elderman ==