NCIS: Los Angeles (2009–…): Season 6, Episode 21 - NCIS: Los Angeles - full transcript

Callen and Sam are surprised when a murder victim turns up alive and wants their help. The NCIS OSP team investigates and finds that someone has broken the rules of sanctions against Russia. Arkady's in trouble again.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
thought you said you were gonna
stay in the garage.
I thought you said you were a securities trader.
What do you want to know about me? How about we start with your first name?
That bring back some memories?
Is this my father?
Maybe he is, maybe he isn't.
Detective Jacqueline Rivera, LAPD, Internal Affairs.
has decided to open
an investigation
into you.
¶ ¶
(car alarm chirps)
You're a big boy, Arkady.
You should know not to play with other people's toys.
What the hell does that mean?
Who sent you?
Friends. (laughing): Oh.
Friends don't make friends wake up this early.
These kind of friends do.
Go home.
I won't tell. I promise.
Arkady, this is not going away.
(two gunshots echoing)
Call 911.
WOMAN (over radio): What's going on?
Get the cops!
(remote chirps)
Wow. Sure you got everything?
(laughing): I know. Even my kindergartners
have started calling me "The Bag Lady."
It's a problem.
I'll see you tonight?
How's your day looking?
You know...
each day has its own surprises.
No, Callen, my days have surprises, often having
to do with bodily functions. (laughs)
Your days...
On the bright side, at least I won't be in prison.
Well, that's a plus.
I take it you haven't dated an ex-con before?
Mm, the whole bad boy thing never really appealed to me.
Well, except when Marky Mark was in those underwear ads.
Joelle... can trust me.
I know I can.
I'm just still getting used to all this.
To you.
The real you.
So, I'll see you tonight?
Be safe.
(phone buzzing)
(engine starting)
What do we have?
Play him the video.
This is security footage from a parking garage
in downtown, early this morning.
Arkady. What's he done now?
Just keep watching.
NELL: The vehicle that exploded
was registered to Arkady Kolcheck.
GRANGER: Because of the circles
he ran in, and the people he knew,
we need to figure out who wanted him dead and why.
Well, he had a lot of enemies.
Guess it was just a matter of time
before his past caught up with him.
NELL: We don't actually know
what happened this morning.
Security cameras at the parking garage didn't catch it.
So, we just have video of the before,
and crime scene photos of the after.
DEEKS: Looks like he was running away from somebody
in that alley.
And his security detail was not with him.
Only reason he'd do that is
if he didn't know who he could trust.
Would you two check out his house?
Let's go pay our respects.
Was Arkady in any kind of trouble?
You mean any more than usual?
The last time we spoke to him,
he hinted the water might be getting rough.
Looks like the storm finally found him.
Do you really think it's a good idea
to keep Kensi and Deeks in the field together?
Well, their extra-curricular activities
don't seem to have caused any problems yet.
No, I'm talking about the LAPD
internal investigation into Deeks.
We need to make sure he's protected. Ah.
Frankly, I'm more concerned with Mr. Callen at the moment.
Was Arkady a close friend?
Does anyone have close friends in our line of work?
So, what's the problem?
Arkady Kolcheck may have been
Callen's last chance
at finding out who his father was,
and where he came from.
Looks like we're not the first ones here.
two, three.
Yeah, clear.
I may be going out on a limb here,
but, uh,
pretty sure they were looking for something.
Thanks. You're welcome.
Thank you.
You good?
Of course I am.
I can't ask my partner how he's doing?
Just making conversation, being friendly.
Polite response would be for you to ask me how I'm doing.
Just doesn't feel right.
There's no way of knowing who this is.
Dental records are gonna take forever to come back.
Maybe Arkady's not dead.
It's fascinating. What?
You're not sure how you feel
about your friend Arkady being dead.
Let's get one thing clear:
We weren't friends.
I was ready to pull the trigger on him
myself a few times myself.
Don't let me get on your bad side.
I just...
I got mixed emotions about it.
(camera clicks)
(reading Russian)
What's that mean?
"Loyalty to party.
Loyalty to Motherland."
It's a rite of passage.
KGB used to give this to all their agents.
Wore his every day I knew him.
There you go. Thanks, man.
You sure you're okay?
I really wish you'd stop asking me that.
Look, Arkady knew a lot of people,
knew a lot of secrets,
about you, about your family...
That's true.
But if Eric has taught me one thing,
it's that origin stories tend to disappoint.
And in this scenario, you're the superhero?
I've been known to stop a speeding bullet for you.
Oh, okay, Super G.
Well, let's hit up Kensi, see what they've got.
KENSI: Hello, boys.
What's the word?
We decided to start in the study,
because that seems to be what the intruder did.
Any luck?
They stole his hard drive.
Arkady was old school.
He never trusted technology.
He had a paper backup for everything.
Old KGB habits die hard.
there's a painting in his house of a tree.
See if you can find it. Painting of a tree?
A tree. He was always going on and on about the provenance of
this painting or that painting...
But he never said squat about the tree.
It was also in a different frame every time
I was there. Well, how often was that?
He had a nice pool.
KENSI: Guys?
I'm gonna find the tree.
So our fearless leader has
instructed us to... Find a tree-- yeah, no, I definitely heard that.
But I did something much better: I found fingerprints.
Yeah, there are many of those where people live.
Unless you find 'em on something that couldn't possibly
have had fingerprints on it until this morning.
Dramatic pause, dramatic pause...
I present you with something that could not
possibly have had fingerprints on it
until this morning: Exhibit A.
Take a look. Ready?
Fingerprint one, fingerprint two.
Watch and learn.
This used to be here.
You can tell by the dust line.
And then it fell, or was knocked over, down here--
why there's glass on the floor-- at which point, someone
picked it up and put it up here.
And by "someone" I mean the intruder and by "sometime"
I mean this morning.
And if they're not Arkady's, they belong to our bad guy.
Which is why I am now gonna take
a picture and send it back to Eric in Ops.
Oh, yeah? You like that, don't you?
I do. I do love when you talk detective. Oh, yeah?
Well, I can talk detective to you all night long.
Oh, I know you can.
I can talk search warrants. Mm-hmm...
Chain of custody. Mm-hmm.
Forensic DNA evidence. Mm-hmm...
Talk about some severed pinkies. Mm...
Moment's gone.
I'm gonna go find the tree.
Oh, forget the tree! God, son of a...
(sighs) Note to self.
Severed and amputated pinkies-- too far.
Who would have thought?
(computer beeps)
Wow. All right, we're in business.
Did you I.D. the guy chasing Arkady?
Y... Not yet.
But this photo that we got from Arkady's house
might tell us something.
Deeks apparently figured it out.
I'm running a search on the prints now.
Apparently? Eric, do you have something against Deeks?
No. But, you know,
he's just, uh...
The man does love his hair. (computer beeps)
Ooh, that was quick.
Uh, too quick.
It's Arkady.
One down, one to go.
Arkady had some eclectic taste.
Think he paid money for that?
I think he lost a bet.
Thought I'd feel guilty about destroying a piece of art,
but this be the right thing to do.
Hello, ladies.
Let's see what we got.
DEEKS: It's a deed to a yacht.
That belongs to Arkady.
Did Callen ever mention Arkady having a yacht?
No. I didn't even think he had yacht money. That's true.
He's not Jay Z.
Maybe it wasn't his money.
So... (sighs)
(sighs) I have looked through every single piece of traffic
and security footage from before the car explosion this morning.
I'm guessing that didn't go so well.
No one followed Arkady into that parking garage.
And that man certainly didn't run for his health.
It's like he was spooked. So...
Arkady was killed by a ghost.
Well, I'm certainly not telling Hetty that.
Got a lot to live for.
Okay, Eric, maybe you're just looking at it the wrong way.
I've looked everywhere.
So we know this guy knows how to avoid the cameras.
Right? What if...
Oh, my God, that's it.
I love you.
And by you, I mean your mind.
Your beautiful, gorgeous mind.
Thank you. Sometimes...
I feel like I want to just
take a little piece of it home with me.
Home with you? Yeah.
Just part of the prefrontal cortex, right here.
So, like, a lobotomy?
No, not like a lobotomy...
Oh, my God. Exactly like a lobotomy.
I'm a monster.
You're picturing my brain
right now, aren't you?
Maybe I should just...
Get back to work?
Yeah. Great idea.
I'm trying to think of something I could say right now
that would make this less weird.
Mm. Not possible.
What is that?
That is tofu.
I think. It's Joelle's idea.
I know what it is, G, but what's it doing on your plate?
We only come here because you like their Achin' Bacon Burger.
trying to eat a little healthier, that's all.
You know soy converts into estrogen, right?
I can't win with you, can I?
No, 'cause you take everything to extremes.
Hold on a second.
Name one thing I do that's extreme.
You're a grown man, you sleep on a mattress on the floor.
I... like sleeping on the floor.
Depriving yourself like that, living like a monk--
It's gonna catch up with you.
Make you do something you regret.
Like what? I don't know.
Join a cult. Oh, you mean like the Office
of Special Projects for NCIS?
Burn through your savings.
I already did that.
To save my cult leader, no less.
You know what, at least I don't, uh,
practice shooting the gun left-handed,
or-or deactivating bombs
on train tracks. Those are valuable skills.
That are also extreme. Yeah, but it's work.
It's not personal.
Is this about Joelle?
No, this-this is about you. And how you live.
I think this is more personal than I prefer at a work lunch.
Oh, this is a work lunch.
So... why do you think Arkady had a yacht?
Decent-size yacht like that
could move a decent amount of guns, drugs...
Think Arkady had it in him to smuggle drugs?
I wouldn't put anything past Arkady.
Now, whoever killed Arkady knew where the cameras were.
But I this is who we're looking for.
Now, I was able to find
pieces of his face in window reflections,
car side mirrors, what have you.
It's all very Picassoesque.
All right, here goes nothing.
Maybe you should tell Hetty it was a ghost.
Oh! Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy, tiger.
Sorry, sorry. We just identified
the person who blew up Arkady's car.
you'll never guess who it is.
Why is your team so hell-bent
on finding the drama in everything?
Oh, lighten up, Owen. Sheesh.
I'm not giving you the Heimlich. You chose to eat that. What?
You boys miss me?
Callen, don't look so surprised.
I am like a grizzly bear.
Nothing can take me down.
Oh, I can think of something. Arkady, what the hell's
going on? What?
I came to visit my friends, find out what you planned
for my funeral. Please, tell me...
(blows) ...bagpipes.
Did you fake your own death?
You ransack your own house?
No, no, someone genuinely tried to kill me this morning.
What the hell is that, tofu?
Did you give up meat to mourn my death?
I didn't know you felt so strong.
What happened this morning?
I was out early, does not matter why.
My sixth sense
tells me I'm not alone.
So I start running, and this nut job follows me.
He pulls gun, I...
protect myself.
I shoot him.
With his gun?
Was only gun I had.
That's it?
Yeah, more or less.
At what point did your car explode?
I forgot that part.
(alarm chirps)
Hold on. Your car was already rigged to blow?
It pays to be prepared.
You have any other cars preloaded with explosives
parked around town?
You don't?
What about the pocket watch?
Ah, that was special for you, Agent Callen.
but I needed you to know the dead body
was me-- buy me some time.
Buy you some time for what?
To find out who tried to kill me, what else?
Then enlighten us.
Uh... (exhales)
...could be...
Could be... Albanians.
Could be somebody else. I don't know. Mm-hmm.
So why are you here?
You want protection?
I can take care myself.
You sure about that?
'Cause we can't protect you
if we don't know who we're protecting you from.
Could be North Koreans.
Do the North Koreans know about the yacht?
What yacht?
The one whose paperwork was hidden in a frame at your house.
I don't even like yachts.
Way too... flashy.
He's gonna need protection, all right.
From me.
Coast Guard is always happy to help out.
Now, tell me about this yacht.
Uh, vessel's name is Cairo Nights.
120 ton category, 118 feet long,
with a sun deck, apparently.
Know what country it's flagged to?
Do you know what port it left from?
Owner's name?
But you're not at liberty to say.
It's part of an open investigation, so...
So... you want us to find 118 feet of yacht sailing
somewhere in water that...
spans 71% of the Earth's surface?
When you say it like that,
it makes it sound impossible. Not at all.
It's what the Coast Guard does best.
You put me in here before.
With Henrietta. So?
So your boss doesn't take up much space,
but she made room feel like coffin.
I'm not going back.
Ark... Arkady.
Interrogation room. Now.
I feel like I'm talking to my kid.
But this is so much more comfortable.
You've got couch,
It's fresh?
Double shot.
Okay. Let's try this again.
Who tried to kill you this morning?
If I had a nickel for every time
someone tried to kill me...
You'd buy a yacht? What yacht?
Arkady, we're trying
to help you. The feeling is mutual.
Bet you're not feeling so ambivalent now, huh?
(wry chuckle)
Ambivalent about what?
About you being dead. Is true?
You hurt my feelings.
I'm sure I do. So start talking.
'Cause neither one of us will hesitate to turn you loose.
ERIC (over monitor): Callen.
What do you have, Eric? We're talking to Arkady.
Why is he on the couch?
New interrogation technique.
All right. Well, I got a match
for the second set of prints found at Arkady's house.
They belong to a Brett Edward Smith.
Male, 42 years old.
No criminal record but he's a former cop.
The really interesting part is
he was suspended from the LAPD in 2008.
Went into private security.
You got an address?
Uh, last known address
is in Redondo Beach.
And it's now a shopping mall.
Any luck I.D.'ing the body from the explosion?
ERIC: Still working on that. CALLEN: All right. Thanks.
This the guy who tried to attack you this morning?
Is old police photo I.D.
I mean, maybe him, maybe not.
But the name rings a bell, doesn't it? Smith is
common name.
Like Smirnov in Russia.
What aren't you telling us, Arkady?
What you're not ready to hear.
KENSI: I'll let you know, Callen.
Okay. Thanks.
Arkady is stonewalling them.
Of course he is. What fun would it be
if he made it easy for us to protect him?
Hm. Fingerprints found at Arkady's house belong
to a disgraced LAPD cop named Brett Smith.
You know him?
I don't think I remember a Brett Smith.
Is he the one that went after Arkady this morning?
Starting to look that way.
They're trying to make a positive I.D.
Which leaves us with...
Arkady stonewalling us. For fun.
(computer beeps) Awesome.
I may have something. Take a look at this.
I believe the vessel you're looking for left
the La Guaira port outside of Caracas yesterday.
I'm still waiting on details from the Venezuelan government.
Mm. Could be waiting on them for a while. Anything else?
Yes. It has a transponder.
And the plot thickens.
Why does the plot thicken?
Because 118-foot yachts
don't have transponders.
Cargo ships have transponders.
So Arkady must have doctored the paperwork. Mm-hmm.
Can you track the boat?
As long as they keep the transponder turned on.
Do you think we can get a visual?
Not until we have a weather satellite
positioned over it.
How long do you think that'll be?
Five hours, 22 minutes.
Know anything about a ship that left a port
near Caracas yesterday morning?
Ships come in, ships go out.
SAM: Your yacht is suddenly a cargo ship.
Mm, I don't... Maybe we should just
turn you loose, let you fend for yourself.
Give me your phone. My phone,
my private property.
SAM: You know what,
while we're protecting you from whoever's trying to kill you,
you don't have any personal property.
Hey! Give that back!
You afraid he might find something?
(reading in Russian)
He's right.
Anna is a pretty girl.
Who is she?
I know lots of pretty girls.
That's a good comeback.
A friend.
She has nothing to do with the boat.
It's true.
You just admitted that there is a boat.
A few months ago,
I introduce some Russian friends to American friends.
Russians have cargo, Americans have empty ship.
There's no law against that.
Actually, there is a very specific law against that.
American economic sanctions against Russia.
Did you broker the deal before
or after the sanctions came down?
Uh, it... it was close.
What was on the ship?
(magazine rustling)
Well, whatever it is, you're worried about it.
What makes you think that?
Because you've been staring at that same page
since you got here.
I will tell you everything you need to know.
And, hopefully,
you will never have to hear the rest.
So, I found the company that owns the cargo ship.
It was hiding behind a shell corporation.
P&E Berkeley Shipping.
Established in 2002 by Patrick
and Elia Berkeley. Husband and wife?
Brother and sister. Oh.
All right, running 'em through the database.
NELL: Looks like their company's been
in and out of financial distress.
Oh, things are about to get worse.
They're under investigation by the DOJ.
Hmm. For what?
They're suspected of circumventing U.S. sanctions
for the last ten years,
cutting deals with Iran, Burma, Cuba, North Korea.
Guessing we can add Russia to the list. Yeah.
Ooh. Got something else.
A certain Brett Smith has been on their payroll since 2009.
Head of security.
That's the same guy who ransacked Arkady's house.
Better tell Hetty.
No need. I will.
This fish keeps getting bigger and bigger.
Find out everything you can about Berkeley Shipping.
(computer beeping) Hmm.
Now what? So, the reason Smith
was suspended from the LAPD was for excessive force.
Looks like another officer was suspended along with him.
Tom Keefer.
After the two were suspended,
both Smith and Keefer worked together for two
private security firms
before Smith became head of security at Berkeley.
He's not on Berkeley Shipping's employee list.
Maybe not officially.
Maybe Keefer's Smith's go-to man
when he needs to go off the books.
I have an address for Keefer in Atwater Village.
Have Kensi and Deeks bring him in.
(continues knocking)
No probable cause, no warrant.
Then we wait.
Apartment A.
That means he's got to be close.
Want to take a picture of that license,
send it to Eric, see if it's registered to Keefer?
I'd love nothing more.
(camera clicks)
(phone chimes) All right, got it.
Okay, so we have two suspended LAPD officers,
we have one dead body, and one cargo ship.
All leading to Arkady.
(phone buzzes) Ooh.
Is it Keefer's?
Yeah. But also the body from this morning
was identified as Brett Smith.
Well, then Keefer has some big shoes to fill.
You okay?
Oh, fantastic.
(sighs heavily)
Penny for your thoughts.
I was just thinking about stakeouts.
Not as much fun as they used to be.
When the cat becomes the mouse.
I know what you meant.
Detective, uh, Rivera, did she contact you again?
I would have told you if she had.
Right. Of course.
(quiet, wry laugh)
I know you don't want to talk
about this...
but if Detective Rivera keeps digging,
is she gonna find anything?
Kensi, don't ask me that question.
Why not?
Because I honestly don't know how to answer it.
You're in trouble now.
Pleasure to see you again.
I'm sorry I can't say the same,
but my mother didn't raise me to be a liar.
He's all yours.
So, if you want this agency
to lift a pinky finger
to help you... I don't know
what it is about you,
but I really like you.
The shipping company that came to you for help
is now coming for your head.
Why is that?
Sanctions were bigger headaches
than I thought they'd be.
I don't suffer fools gladly.
Try again, please.
(chuckles): I spent all the money they gave me.
I doubt they even paid you for your efforts
up front.
Last chance, Arkady.
Why do they want you dead?
Because I would not give them their ship back.
They wanted to pull out of the deal?
They found out about the DOJ investigation.
But it was already too late.
Ship had left port.
What was on the boat?
More than a hundred million dollars.
CALLEN: In what,
shrink-wrapped bills? No.
The only true currency accepted everywhere in the world.
Hundred million dollars' worth of oil?
That's not a cargo ship.
That's a supertanker.
That's enough to finance a war.
You brokered a deal to supply a supertanker
to break our economic sanctions with Russia,
and you have no idea where it is or where it's headed?
It is truth. Wrong answer.
It is not my ship.
I am broker, middle man.
Nobody tells me,
and I sure as hell did not ask.
When this case is over,
you and I are going to have a little chat about ethics.
Berkeleys may know where it's headed.
Gonna have to flush them out.
With a sacrificial cow.
No one would ever mistake you for a lamb.
CALLEN: Set it up, Arkady.
Somewhere public.
KENSI: Deeks.
(car alarm chirps) That's our guy.
(engine starts) Too late.
We'll take him when he stops.
(engine starts)
(sighs) Here you go.
Berkeleys one and two headed your way.
Get 'em talking, Arkady.
Need to know who, what and where.
Not my first "ro-day-o."
It's rodeo.
I swear, you two sound like an old married couple.
ARKADY (over radio): Is only because he loves me.
Patrick, Elia.
Sit, let's have a drink.
ELIA: This is hardly
a social visit.
Listen, we got DOJ breathing down our necks.
I don't know what it is you got to do
or what strings you got to pull, but...
But you need to turn our ship around.
ARKADY: You look upset.
Sit. Sit, sit, sit.
What's the name of the street the hotel is on
where Arkady is meeting the Berkeleys?
About to cross Wilcox,
so the hotel, is it left or right?
It's on the right side.
All right. Call Eric.
(phone line rings)
Hey, Eric, will you tell Sam and Callen
looks like Keefer's gonna show up to the party?
ERIC: Callen, Sam,
Keefer's on his way to you.
Thanks, Eric.
SAM: Looks like things are about to get interesting.
DEEKS: There's Keefer's car.
Kens... does that look like blood to you?
Ready? Yep.
One, two, three.
That's Keefer. So who've we been following?
Stairs will be faster.
Callen, Sam, it's not Keefer!
(over radio): I repeat... (radio static) ...Keefer!
Get that, Sam?
Something about Keefer.
We go down, you go down.
ARKADY: It won't come to that.
SAM: Gun!
(people screaming)
Ambivalent, huh?
Just doing my job.
Ah, sure.
Come on.
Sam, you good?
SAM: Good. Callen?
Oh, my God...
Eric, we need an ambulance.
You good?
You know this guy?
Never seen him before.
He didn't come for me.
He came for them.
ELIA: I have a question.
What's in it for you?
ARKADY: What do you mean by that?
ELIA: This makes no sense.
Your name is all over the paperwork of that ship.
(remote clicks, chirps)
You didn't get them to say much.
Was winning their confidence.
Few more minutes, you have everything you need.
Is Elia going to live?
And the idiot shooter?
Russian, Nikolai Brantov.
Contract killer.
You got a theory, Arkady?
Do you?
Berkeleys couldn't stand the heat.
They wanted to shut the deal down,
turn the ship around.
They sent Smith to kill you.
That didn't work out good for Smith.
Russians wanted to proceed with the deal,
sent Brantov to kill the Berkeleys.
One more question:
Who's Anna?
Nice Russian girl.
Am I free to go?
For the time being.
(speaks Russian)
(replies in Russian)
But loyalty to family...
trumps them both.
Every time, my friend.
Every time.
Heading for home, gentlemen?
Dinner with Joelle, actually.
We're having some, uh, Chinese vegetarian thing.
Not my first choice.
I'm going home to kiss my wife and kids.
Today's been exhausting.
Never a dull moment, is there, Mr. Hanna?
In fact, I have a hunch
this one isn't quite over with.
That's just you being pessimistic.
And to think, my parents almost named me Pollyanna.
any update on the oil tanker?
Yeah, it's not there.
What do you mean, it's not there?
Weather satellite couldn't find it.
And the ship's transponder has been turned off.
I think it might be a good idea if we brought Arkady back
for one more little chat, Mr. Callen.
I have a feeling he's gonna be difficult to find, Hetty.
You don't say.
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