NCIS: Los Angeles (2009–…): Season 5, Episode 5 - NCIS: Los Angeles - full transcript

In broad daylight three bad guys forcibly abduct Robin, the girlfriend of William, a recently discharged Naval intelligence officer, who specialized in the design of highly classified drone...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

Come on, Robin!

Let's go! Let's go!

What's up?


Sorry. What? I said, what...?

Oh, I'm so sorry.

I just couldn't help it.

She's just... she's just so pretty.

What case is this for?

This, my friend,

is the case for Marty Deeks
living a life

of freedom on the open road.

This is your bike?

All 865 cc's
of her military green 1100.

Maybe you can, uh...
you can pet her if you want to.

Hetty know about this?

What? No.

What? Like I need.

Hetty's permission
to buy a motorcycle?


What the hell is that?

That beauty goes
with my new ride.

You bought a motorcycle?

He... he bought a motorcycle?

He did indeed.

Does Hetty know
you bought a motorcycle?

I see what's happening here.
I'm excited about my bike,

and you're trying to deny me
that pleasure for your own

cruel amusement, like the
pack of jackals that you are.

He doesn't know the rule. What?

You didn't tell him the rule?

I didn't think I had to.

He's your partner. You should
be telling him the rules.

He is still in the room.

Hi. How are you?
What's the rule?

NCIS agents work hard
and play safe.

No matter how much danger

we put ourselves in at work,

when we're off the clock,
we don't take unnecessary risks.

Are-are you...
are you kidding me?

'Cause yesterday,
I jumped on a speeding train,

took out a psychopath
with a flamethrower,

and that was all before breakfast.

And when the train stopped,
I got you a bran muffin.

That was a good muffin.
You know what?

It's not a problem.
Okay. Thank you.

All he has to do is get rid
of that bike before Hetty sees it.

No, no, no. We're not
getting rid of anything.

I just got it.
It has 12 miles on it.

That'll make it easier to sell.
Exactly. I'm not selling it!

How come I never heard
of this rule before?

Probably because
you're not really an NCIS agent.

- Ooh! Touché.
- Yeah.

Still, not how you use the word

but you're getting better.

You know what?
Let me settle this

once and for all. Hetty, hi.

Can, I, uh...

ask you a question?


No, as in, I can't
ask you a question?

No. Upstairs. There's a case.

You're not even curious
of what the question is?


Okay. I cherish these


Feel like we're really bonding
as a couple.

What do we have, kids?

Forcible abduction
in broad daylight.

This just happened.

Oh, man.

- Ouch.
- LAPD isn't

releasing her name until they
can notify next of kin, but

thanks to her race registration
number, we've ID'd her

- as Robin Henson.
- She Navy?

No, but her boyfriend was.

William Garret He was
an intelligence officer.

He specialized
in highly-classified

drone navigation design.

Wait. So, "was" or "is"?

Was. He took an early discharge
from the Navy just last week.


Not sure.

The file doesn't
give an explanation.

Oddly coincidental.

Kidnappers could have grabbed
the girlfriend

to trade
for Garrett's naval secrets.

Well, we're looking
for the van.

No joy so far.

It's odd.

These guys picked
the most public moment

in the most public place
possible to grab her.

So, are they ruthless,
brazen or just stupid?

Well, let's hope it's the latter
and not all three.

Where's Garrett?

Well, he's not answering
his home phone,

and his cell phone's
in Koreatown.

- Not answering that, either.
- Send us the address.

Kensi, Deeks, why don't
you check out the crime scene,

see if there's anything else
that can help us.

I gonna go see Hetty.

Keep looking for the van,

or anything else you can find

on Garrett and his girlfriend?

Got it. Yup.

Hetty, hey. I'm, uh...

heading out to the crime scene
with Kensi,

but I just wanted to let you
know officially that, uh,

Uncle Marty's back.

My head is right,
I'm feeling good.

You know, feeling strong.

I could rock out
50 burpees for you

right now if you asked me to.

How's your heart?

My heart? My heart's great.
Are you kidding me?

I'm running sub-five, 30 miles,

I got a new road bike,

thinking about doing
the Malibu Ironman.

I'm like a...
I'm like a Shaolin monk

with a... with a young bull,

mixed with, like,
a very charismatic cheetah.

I meant your emotional center.

My emotional center?

I don't think I follow.

I'm pretty certain you do.

Okay, all right, let's just say
for the sake of argument

that I do follow you.

Then, I would say
that it's fine.

I'd say that it's better than
fine. I'd say it's phenomenal.

I mean, you heard what I said
about the Shaolin monk, right?

With the cheetah?


I understand
that you worry about me

more than the others.

Um, that's mostly
because I'm your favorite.


Don't say otherwise.

It'll break my heart.

But I want you to know
that I'm great.

I'm actually...
I'm better than great.

Kensi's great.

I see.

What do you mean, you-you see?

Why, did Kensi say something
other than you?

Because if she said something
that contrasted that,

I think it's because,
at this point, well,

it's-it's difficult to explain.

I think
it's personal feelings at...

Now... Wow. No. I'm not

gonna fall for this. I'm not one
of your other little minions.

I'm not gonna fall
for your Jedi mind tricks.

Is it getting cold in here?

'Cause I feel like it just got,
like, rapidly cold in here.

Like, I need, like, earmuffs
'cause my fingers are tingling.

Could be, um...
early signs of Raynaud's.

What's that?

Look it up.

Better yet, get it checked out.

I will.

Nobody home.

No, we're not doing that.

It's a bad idea.

We've been through this before,
and it didn't work.

Federal agents!

What the hell?!

William Garrett? Yeah.

Special Agent G. Callen,

Sam Hanna, NCIS.

Who are these people?

They work for me.

Doing what?

Software design.

We need to talk to you
in private.

Yeah, sure. What's this about?

No, I-I told you
this would happen.

Who are you?
I'm Oscar Balsam. I'm his partner.

You told him what would happen?

That Uncle Sam was going

to use strong-arm tactics
to shut us down.

Is that what this is about?

The only strong-arm tactics
are the ones being used

by these men
that kidnapped your girlfriend.

Oh, my God.

That's Robin.

Garrett's company is a software
startup called ReduceQ.

He began it
before joining the Navy,

and they've developed an app

that aggregates GPS data
to predict wait times at

airports, different stores,
the DMV, wherever.

That's useful,
but it's hardly the stuff

kidnappings are made of.
Is that it?

It's only thing they released.

There's nothing
that could have any sort

of military applications?

Not unless
it's still in development, and

if they do have something,
they better launch it soon.

According to bank statements,
they're about a month away

from having the lights
turned off.

What about Garrett's
phone records?

I'm going through them now,

but the only calls he received

since Robin's abduction
were from LAPD and us.

Nothing from the kidnappers.

Oh, and no luck
finding that van, either.

All right, keep looking, and
check in with Kensi and Deeks,

see if they found anything.

On it.


Uh, sorry that took so long.

I was stuck behind an
old man on a scooter

for the past six blocks.

I'm sure he appreciated
your patience.

Well, he flipped me off
before I finally passed him.

He was probably just waving.

He called me a ginger bitch.

Yeah, I got nothing for that.


Why weren't you
answering your phone?

We go unplugged
for the first hour of the day

in order to brainstorm
without interruption.

What about your e-mails?

Anyone try to contact you?

For, like, a ransom?
Why would they do that?

Well, it's possible
the kidnappers want access

to your Navy intel
on drone navigations

in exchange for Robin.

Oh, this is my fault.

It's no one's fault,

but we're going to need
your full cooperation.

Yeah, sure.

What do you want me to do? You
want me to send everybody home?

No, no. I want you to act
like nothing happened.

William Garrett, Nell Jones.

She's one of our analysts.

She's gonna help us get
your girlfriend back.

Hi. Hi.

May I see your phone, please?

So, I'll monitor
your calls and e-mails,

check your hardware and servers,

to see if anyone's tried
accessing your systems.

You need any help?

No. I'm good.

Let us know if the rest of them
give you any trouble.

I think I'll be fine.
I speak Geek.

These are my people.

So whoever grabbed
this woman, Robin,

did so at the end
of a ten-kilometer fun run?

Callen's right...
it's just weird.

Yeah. Who runs for fun?

Maybe they thought she'd
put up less of a fight

because she was so tired.

Well, not to mention the Taser

and a ton of witnesses.

Well, they're obviously
following her, right,

'cause they know
she's on the run,

they know where the
finish line is.

Maybe something
forced their hand;

They had no choice
but to grab her here

in front of all these people.

Unless they wanted people
to see it happen.

I think we're done here.

Speaking of which...

I couldn't help but
notice this morning

you neglected to
acknowledge the fact

that you, too, own and
operate a motorcycle.

"Speaking of which"?

How does that relate to anything
we were just talking about?

Don't do that.
Don't change the subject.

You just changed the subject.

So you admit that
you have a motorcycle?

Yeah, for undercover work.

But I've seen you
drive it on weekends.

You know what that is?
That, my friend, is a double standard.

Okay, do you know how many

returning veterans have been
killed on motorcycles?

You know how many surfers
survive shark attacks?

What does that have
to do with anything?


Look, deaths from motor
vehicle collisions,

specifically motorcycles,
are more prominent

than suicides and overdoses
in returning veterans.

Five times the national average.

and I fully admit that
it's a tragic statistic,

but it's irrelevant to me because
I am not a combat veteran.

No, you're not, but you...

you went through a very
traumatic experience.

Is that what this is about?

I know what
I'm talking about. Okay?

Risky behavior is one of

the most common symptoms
of posttraumatic stress.

Okay, maybe this
isn't risky behavior.

Maybe I just read some Kerouac
and saw Easy Rider

and I want to feel
the wind in my hair.

You can't feel
the wind in your hair

if you're wearing
a helmet, genius.

You know what? Kensi...

you don't...

you don't have
to worry about me.

Yes, I do. No, you don't.

Yes, I do!

You're my partner, Deeks.

It is my job to keep you safe.

Now, get in the car and...

put on your seat belt.

Yes, Mom. You got
a kid's seat in the back?


Not yet.

I think you've
got some admirers.

Yeah, I tried asking them about
Garrett's business practices.

And? They were more interested

in talking about my gun.

What's with that,
guys and guns?

I think it's more
about cute girls with guns.


Is it just me, or
does it look like

most of these guys share
the same DNA as Eric?

You think?

It's creepy.


Someone's calling
Garrett's cell.

You ready, Sam? Yep.


I have something of yours.

Who is this?

I'm the guy babysitting
your girlfriend.

Let me talk to her.

As soon as you give me
what I want.

Tell him you want proof of life.

How do I know she's still alive?

You don't...
but if I wanted her dead,

I would have killed her already.

You've got one chance
to save her.

I'll call back in an hour
with details.

Make sure you're alone.

Tell me you got him.



Got him!

Landline, fashion district.
Send that address to my phone.

Tell Kensi and Deeks
to meet us there.

And see if Eric can get eyes
on the location.

Got it.

So, I'm putting on
a bulletproof vest,

to charge into
a hostile environment,

where some crazy-ass dudes are
probably gonna shoot me, right?

Okay, so answer me this.

How is that safer
than riding a motorcycle?

Because I am here to protect you.
Oh, I see. So in that case,

if you rode in the back
of said motorcycle...


that's not gonna happen, because
I don't have a death wish.

I don't, either.
I lift with my knees,

I don't eat gum
I found in the street,

and I never run with scissors.

That was once,
and I barely scratched you.

We got anything?

Yeah. Uh, no movement
since we got here,

no sign of the van, neighbors
haven't seen anybody go

- in and out in weeks.
- Eric's trying to get eyes,

but we're in
a traffic-cam dead zone.

That's probably by design.

Owner said that the last tenants
left eight months ago.

It's been vacant ever since.
Ground floor has two entrances,

front, back...
which one do you guys want?

- Front.
- Oh, partners in sync.

God, I hope
we're that adorable.

Just... walk.

Tried the front door...
it's unlocked.

Ditto. Ready.

On three.

One, two...




Clear. Clear.


that was uneventful.

See? Told you it was
safer than a motorcycle.

Get out!

You okay?

Yeah, that was a lot
safer than a motorcycle.

Looks like they
rigged blasting caps

to the structural components
of the roof.

Triggered it with
a ten-dollar motion sensor.

Better model, we'd all be dead.

So, who was that meant for, us?


It may have been pre-rigged
for the exchange.

Or a warning for anyone
who tried to help Garrett.

Either way, I'd say
these guys are pros.

Pros who are ready
to kill innocent people.

So, I been digging around,
trying to find someone

who may have a beef
with William Garrett.

I think I found
a possible suspect.

Jason Clarke...
he's a mechanical engineer

who served alongside Garrett
and was recently reprimanded

for putting a baseball bat
through Garrett's windshield.

What happened there?
The report is not specific,

but I do see a check for $318

from Clarke to Garrett
probably to pay for the damage.

That's fantastic.
We got an address?

Better than that... I have him
being brought to the boatshed.

Nice. Update Callen and Sam.

- We will interrogate slugger boy.
- Yes, ma'am.

Jason and I served together.

You two have issues?

No. God, it's been
almost an hour.

Why haven't they called back?

If you and Jason Clarke
didn't have issues,

then why'd he put a baseball bat
through your car window?

I don't know.
Maybe you should ask him.

We will.

What does it mean
if they haven't called back?

They'll call.
How do you know that?

Because they want something.
But right now

I need you to focus so you
can try and help us find her.

Why did he bust up your car?
I don't know.

Maybe because he's
a 'roid-raging hothead.

He was pissed off
that I left the Navy.

Said it was an act
of disloyalty.

Was it? No.

I'd had enough.
Wanted to focus on my business.

He's one of those guys
that blamed everybody else

for his problems.

What kind of problems?
Passed over for promotions,

money, relationships,
you name it.

Guy was a ticking time bomb.

He know Robin?

Not as well
as he would've liked.

He'd hit on your girl
while you were right there.

You know the type.

I hate that type.

It's been an hour.

Time's up.


What sort of top secret
naval experiment

did you come from? Deeks, wh...

Have a seat.

Have a... seat.

You want
to tell me why I'm here?

You know William Garrett?

Yeah. We served together.

Obviously not on a submarine.

His girlfriend,

Robin, was abducted
this morning.

By who? Well, we were hoping

that you could
help us out with that.

How the hell should I know?

'Cause you guys have a history.

you went all Jose Conseco
on him, put a baseball bat

through his windshield.

You went all Jose Conseco
Are you trying to annoy me?

He doesn't have to try;
He's naturally annoying.

It's a gift, really.

I don't like to talk about it.

Garrett's a selfish ass.

We served together.
He developed some cool stuff,

but it was me and my guys
who actually built it,

and worked out the bugs.

Because you have a degree
in engineering?


Plus my PhD.

I can also tear
a phone book in half

with my bare hands.

Wow, I imagine
that comes in pretty handy

now that we're
in the digital age.

Where do you even find
a phone book at this point?

Do you get them off of eBay?

Listen, beach boy, anytime!
Hey, sit down

and shut up!

And there it is.

If you had anything
to do with this,

your next workout is gonna
be in a prison yard.

Okay, okay!

I broke the guy's windshield.
Big deal.

I paid for it.

All I wanted was a chance
to cash in, too.

Cash in on what?

His start-up.

I wanted him
to share the wealth.

It only seemed fair.

I helped him work out
those bugs in the past.

Hang on a second. His company
can barely stay afloat.

Then why'd the Navy
let him out early?

What does that have
to do with anything?

When a person in the military
comes into a lot of money,

they can get permission
to leave because it's felt

that their service is
no longer a first priority.

Wait, that's an actual thing?

It's an unwritten... thing.

And it probably explains
why Garrett's naval records

didn't give a reason
for his early discharge.

But you said that Garrett's
company hasn't made any money.

Right. It's about to.

We were out celebrating

when I asked him
to be a part of it.

He got really condescending.

And I guess I got
a little worked up.

How much money
are we talking about?

$75 million?

I got a bad feeling about this.

I'm sorry. I missed it.

The wire transfer
was still pending.

It just went through
about 20 minutes ago.

Same time they were expecting
the kidnappers to call back.

Where did the money come from?

Songshaw Holdings.

It's a venture capital firm
out of Hong Kong.

Or at least that's where

it starts. The more I dig,

the bigger it gets
and the more far east it goes.

Right into mainland China.

ReduceQ's app is not worth
a fraction of $75 million.

The only thing worth that much

is what Garrett designed
for the Navy.

The Chinese government
could be behind this.

They create a shell company,

make a VC investment,

when, really, they're paying

for Garrett's
naval intelligence.

So why kidnap Robin? Why not
just buy the technology?

Because maybe Garrett
figured it out.

He's a businessman;
He's not a traitor.

I don't believe
he would knowingly sell out

his own country.

Grab Robin to make sure
he goes through with it.

That would explain
why the kidnappers haven't made

another ransom call...
they've already been in touch.


if Garrett now has the money,

does that mean the Chinese now
have our drone technology?

I see.

I'll alert SECNAV.

Told you I had a bad
feeling about this.

All right, Nell. Thanks.
We're headed up now.

She's just skimming the surface
of Garrett's servers,

but it looks like
we were right.

He was at least discussing the
drones with Songshaw Holdings.

I hate it when we're right.

I'm not convinced
they're gonna let Robin go.

Once they grabbed the girl,

they could trade her
for the technology.

There's no need to pay him.

Well, maybe the money
keeps him quiet.

$75 million?
That's a lot of quiet.

But what do they gain by keeping her?
Once they've got what they wanted,

she's no longer leverage.
She's a liability.

It's almost like we're
working two cases.

That's true.

Either way, he neglected to
mention his recent cash flow

to federal agents.

I get the feeling
there's a lot of things

this guy neglected to mention.

What do you got?

We've been monitoring
Garrett's phone for a call

from the kidnappers,
expecting them to call today.


Which they did... or at least
they wanted us to believe

that they did...
from that warehouse downtown.

But if the kidnappers
had already been in touch

with Garrett like you think...

Then there would be
evidence of earlier calls.

Exactly. So I trolled through
all his recent phone records

looking for new numbers,

specifically anything
that looked like a burn phone.

Et voilà.

It's only been used to make
13 calls in the last few days,

all of them to Garrett.
Nicely done.

Where is it now?
Thank you. That I do not know.

It is turned off.
Can you switch it on remotely?

No, I cannot. But I can
show you where it's been.

And that is all within a
mile of where Robin was grabbed.

Tell, uh, Sam and Callen
we're gonna go canvas the area.

Will do.

Good work. Thank you, Deeks.

You boys thinking of how you're
gonna spend your $75 million?

I was just trying
to convince him that...

there's a good chance
Robin's still alive.

Is there?
I believe the correct answer was,

"What $75 million?"

I'm afraid the time for you

playing stupid has expired.

Songshaw Holdings?
The venture capital firm

that just wired ReduceQ
$75 million this morning?

That's a lot of money
to find out what the, uh, line

is like at Panda Express.

We didn't... We'd like to speak

- to our lawyer.
- Oh, yeah?

Well, you better find one
that specializes in treason

because you sold proprietary
Navy technology to our enemies.

Hey, we didn't know. No,

you don't have to talk to them.

He's right. You don't.
But you should.

We may be the last chance
for you to see your girlfriend alive.

They wanted us to design
affordable drone technology

for developing countries,
to help with everything

from farming
to environmental management.


they kept asking us

to modify our design specs.

Eventually, it became clear
they were trying

to appropriate our technology
for military application.

So what did you do? We said no

and they kidnapped
his girlfriend.

So, let me get this right.
You handed over Navy secrets,

and they handed over $75 million

but decided
to keep your girlfriend?

But they said that
they would release her

once they verified
the technology.

They also told you they were
gonna use the technology

to help farmers.

Where'd you send it?

We didn't.

It was over two terabytes.

They were probably scared
we were gonna track it.

We dropped it off in person.


About 20 minutes
before you got here,

I handed it over to a guy
on the Venice boardwalk.

What did he look like?

Asian teenager.

Kid was on a freaking


I'm gonna need you to give
Ms. Jones the exact location

of the handoff.

Kensi and Deeks just found a van

that matches the kidnappers'
at a house in the canyon.

Did they find Robin? Not yet.

Hey. We can't tell if
there's anybody inside,

but based on the
kidnapping footage,

there should be at
least three of them.

What are the chances
this place is booby-trapped

like the last one?
There were no cars

at the warehouse and
nobody called us from here.

I don't think
they're expecting us.

We still need
to be extra careful.

Let's do it.

We got a runner!


He look like
a Chinese criminal to you?

Not even close.

I know what you're thinking.

But that was not risky behavior.

I was just about to
jump out of the way.


I got cat-like reflexes.

You're looking
at the jungle cat.

Shut up.


Clear. Clear.

Now they got us doing it.

What's the word, Mr. Callen?

We had to take out
three shooters,

most likely the kidnappers.

And Robin?

She was here. She's gone now.

Where do you think
they took her?

They let her go.

Why do you think that, Nell?

Because I'm looking
right at her.

You'll all be safer here
until we figure out exactly

what's going on.

Can we get you something
to eat or drink?

No, thanks.

Could you come with me?

He's just gonna ask her
some questions

about what happened.

I'm fine now, Will. Okay.

Coffee? Yeah.


You, uh, find anything?

Nothing that suggests any
of these guys were linked

to Songshaw Holdings
or mainland China.

What about Garrett's
drone technology?

Nothing yet. Balsam said
he handed it to an Asian teen,

but we didn't find anybody here
fitting that description.

We've been scanning beach cams
for the handoff,

but so far we haven't found
anything either.

Your dead guys, however, are a
wealth of criminal information.

Everyone has a rap sheet,
covering everything from...

B and Es to extortion.

I can't find anything that
links them to Garrett

- or the Chinese.
- All right. Thanks.

Maybe Nell's found something on
Garrett's servers that will.

Where are we, Ms. Jones?

Well, there's a lot of data here
and it's all partitioned

in increasing levels
of security,

some of which is proving
difficult to breach.

We've connected all our computers

into a Beowulf cluster.
Once you plug in,

you'll be slave to the master.

So to speak.

That sounds great.

Who are these guys?

Uh, Bryce and Fletcher.
They work here.

I'm Bryce. He's Fletcher.

Oops. Sorry. Got 'em mixed up.


Well, keep looking.

Everyone slips up
sooner or later.

I'm on it.

I felt something
like a bee sting my back.

The next thing I remember was
waking up on the floor of the van.

My hands were tied
and they had blindfolded me.

I thought they were gonna
rape and kill me.

Oh, come on. Does she have
to do this right now?

The longer we wait,

the less likely we'll
recover the technology.

I thought I was gonna die.
Trust me. You wouldn't want to.

Why's that?

I embedded a worm in one
of the programs.

It will remain dormant
for 36 hours,

after which you need to initiate
its disable code

or it'll cannibalize everything.

You're just full of surprises.

I envisioned where I wanted
to be and I just prayed on it.

Where was that?

With Wil.

Imagine my surprise
when they dropped me off

a block away from his office.

They just let you go?

I ran as fast as I could and...

here I am.

That's a rough day.

It's all okay in the end.

That's what I tell myself to get
through the hard times.

Are we gonna be okay?

We're gonna do
everything we can.

So, did you get
a good look at these guys?

They always wore masks
or kept me blindfolded,

so I-I never
really saw their faces.

Did they have any sort
of an accent? Did they smoke?

Did you hear any names,
nicknames, anything?

I-I think one of them
was Mick or Nick.

They tended
to whisper around me.

We might not have to worry

about losing
our drone technology.

Why is that?
Garrett built in a virus.

He what?

He built in a virus.

It was to protect you.

What if they had found it?

Well, obviously, they didn't,
or you might not be here.

But what happens when they do?

I mean, they paid

$75 million
for that technology.

We'll never be safe now.

As long as you're
here, you're safe.

Be right back.

I was only trying
to protect her.

She's just upset.

Yeah, but she's right...
they're gonna want

their money back.
Did you tell Robin

the deal was for $75 million?

Yeah. She knew.

We were gonna take an extended

vacation to celebrate
once it was put to bed.

You can go back in with her.


Robin, are you okay?

I'm sorry... Kens,

What's up?
I need you two to switch gears.

Find out everything
you can on Robin Henson.

On it.

Robin, of course.


There it is.

W-Would you like an espresso?

I make it from scratch.

I'm okay.

Thank you.
Do you like kombucha?

It's better than caffeine.



What are you doing here?
Hetty thought

you could use
another set of hands,

from a professional.

Eric Beale.

Naval Criminal
Investigative Service.

Oh, my God.

Are you two partners?

- Not really.
- Yes.

Sometimes. Sort of.

It's classified.

So, where's your gun?

No, no, he doesn't need one.

That's right.

I could kill you with my pen.

Whatcha got?

Not much.

Robin... I had to.

She looks more angry
than upset.

No, you didn't.

What do you got, Kens?

We originally identified Robin

from her California
driver's license,

and once we linked her
to Garrett,

we didn't look any further.

Not that it would've mattered,

because Robin Henson
is completely backstopped.

Problem is, so is Kim Harris,

and before that, Kate Miller.

She got a police record
that goes back 11 years

and links her to two of the
guys we shot at the house.

She's been running
a long con on Garrett.

To the tune of $75 million.

Thanks, guys.

You're welcome.

She knew Garrett was running
a software start-up

and he was an expert
in naval drone design.

Perfect cover
and an easy target.

No wonder she's angry.

By trying to save her,

he screwed her
with the Chinese.

I'm surprised she hasn't
asked to leave.

She gotta be getting
a little antsy.

So, what's next?



I refused to sell them
the technology.

I only handed it over after

they kidnapped Robin
and I sabotaged it.

We know that.

You're not going to jail.

She is.



Or Kim Harris, Kate Miller.

She's a con artist with
a long criminal record.

She targeted you,
she got close to you,

she earned your trust.


Tell him.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

You introduced him
to Songshaw Holdings.

No, that wasn't Robin's deal.

That-that was Oscar's deal.

Don't say anything else.
I want a lawyer.

She and Oscar
were working together.

She worked the bedroom while
Oscar worked the boardroom.

Now the only thing standing
between Oscar

and getting away
with $75 million.

Is Nell.



Nell, you still
at Garrett's office?

Yeah, I'm with Eric.

Hey, listen,
is Oscar Balsam still there?

Uh, yes. It looks like
he's getting ready to leave.

Do not let him leave.
Do you understand?

Got it.

Excuse me, Mr. Balsam,
uh, Special Agents Callen

and Hanna are on their way back
to ask you a few more questions.

Yeah. That's fine. I'm just
running out for a few minutes.

Okay, They asked
if you'd stay here.

I'll be back.

I can't let you leave.

Well, you can't stop me.

Yes, I can.

Dude, you got to listen to her.

Fine, but this is ridiculous.

Fair enough.

Nell? I'm okay.

I'm all right.

I'll call Callen!


Hey, stop!

Put the bag down!

Turn around!

Keep your hands up.

Well done.


We'll have to let you out
a little more often.

Nice work, partner.

She's my partner.

Good? Yeah.

Nice work. It's good.

Hey, girl.

Heard you got some moves.

Good, yo.

Well done, Miss Jones.
And Mr. Beale.

Thank you.

We should probably have

an operational debriefing.

Of course, no reason why
we couldn't do that

over a cold beer or two. Sam?

Yes, please.

Grab our stuff?

Yeah, okay.

Hetty, you in?

Oh, sounds great.

Give me some sugar.

What? No?


for your motorcycle.

You can donate your organs after
you finish working for us.


I-I understand there's a rule,
but I just got her,

and she-she's so beautiful.

And you don't care.

I hope you're all very happy

about this.

Just for the record...

this sucks.

Noted, Mr. Deeks.

Duly noted.