NCIS: Los Angeles (2009–…): Season 14, Episode 13 - NCIS: Los Angeles - full transcript

A mystery woman attacks the founder of an AI company, the team must identify the woman before the next major global conflict ensues. Kilbride's ex-wife, Elizabeth comes to ask him to think about reconnecting with their son.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
♪ You keep saying you
got something for me ♪

♪ Something you call love... ♪


Something quick and fancy.

With gin. And tonic.

But hold the tonic.


I swear

he was on The Young
and the Restless.

Or was it The Bold
and the Beautiful?

haven't seen either.

Well, I'm pretty sure
that he killed his sister.

Or married her. Or both.

I'm Colleen, and I watch
way too many soap operas.


Well, you're cute.

And if I didn't have to fly back

to Virginia in two hours,

I'd convince you to
take me to dinner.

Well, I'm flattered,
but now I'm more worried

about your flight. LAX?

Long Beach.

I'm not gonna make it, am I?

Well, if you leave right
now, you might have a chance.

Ooh. You know, go.

Don't worry, I'll
get your drink.

Well, I don't care
what they say.

Y'all are real nice
here in L.A.

Colleen, wait up!

Well, if this isn't a meet cute.

I, uh, think you actually
grabbed my suitcase by mistake.

Sure am sorry about this.

It's all good, I'm just

really glad I caught you.

Oh, honey. That's
not what I meant.

♪ You keep playing where
you shouldn't be playing ♪

♪ And you keep thinking that
you'll never get burned ♪

♪ Ha ♪

♪ I just found me a
brand-new box of matches ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

Bless his heart.

♪ These boots are
made for walkin' ♪

♪ And that's just
what they'll do ♪

♪ One of these
days these boots ♪

♪ Are gonna walk all over you. ♪

♪ ♪

You need a plan.

I have a plan.

You need to write it down.

I did write it down,

and I sent it to you.

You sent me a text
that said I could have

your Leatherman 300
series multi-tool.

Yeah, it means a lot to me.

And you mean a lot to me,

so if anything happens to me,

it's all yours.

I got a guy.

Of course you got a guy.

He's an estate lawyer.
Best in the city.

That's great 'cause I
don't have an estate.

I barely have a couch.

G, it's not just you anymore.

You need to start thinking about
getting your affairs in order.

Affairs in order? What, is there

a hit out on me that
I don't know about?

I mean, should I be concerned?

Let's see how you do
at target practice,

then I'll let you know.

Why don't you write this down:

Now Deeks gets the Leatherman.

All right, man, it's your loss.

There's definitely
a cow involved.

Maybe it was three cows.

I mean, it could've been

seven cows. Oh, my gosh, Deeks,

cut to the chase. What
happened with the cows?

I don't remember what
happened with the cows.

I was 15, I don't remember.

What I do remember, though,

is that I came home way,

way past curfew.

Wait, how much past curfew?

Two days.

Oh. Okay, you know what?

Doesn't matter.

Teenage boys are
a different breed.

Rosa will never,
ever do that to us.

How dare you gender profile
pubescent indiscretions.

What are you... What
are you telling me here,

that you never broke curfew?

Uh, considering
that I was homeless

for a good part of
my teenage years,

no, I didn't.

Ouch. Gonna hit me
with the real real.

Well, you know what? There
was this one time, though.

Go on.

It was before

my dad died.Right.

I was about 14 years old or so,

and I convinced him to
let me and my friend, uh,

stay out a little later

to go see Third Eye
Blind play live.

Oh, classic '90s. So
what'd you really do?

Keg stand? Drag race?

Did you at least sneak some
smokes behind the Piggly Wiggly?

Ew. Ew. No, of course not.

We went to the concert,
and we just got home late.

That's no fun.

No, but the backstage passes
we stole certainly were.

Oh, my God, it's all teenagers.

See? Every last,
shifty one of them.

That is my point.

You know
what? That settles it.

I don't care. 9:00 p.m. curfew.




We're gonna be
such good parents.

Yo. There you are. I've
been looking for you.

Hey. Really?

I didn't see you
come in this morning.

How's it going? That's
a loaded question.

Everything okay?

For now.

Okay, what's with the
vaguebooking, Tree?

Have you ever heard
of the ARkStorm?

Uh, is that the new retro
club in the Fashion District?

No, it's the
catastrophic rain storm

that's headed towards LA.

I heard about it on the news

on my way in this morning.

Oh, it sounds scary.
How long have we got?

Anywhere between five months

and, like, five decades.

Perfect, just enough time
to, uh, solve our case.

Hey, got your text. Who is this?

Well, say hello to Sean Baker.

Hello, Sean Baker. To what
do we owe the pleasure?

Yeah, pleasure's not really
the word I would use.

Baker was attacked yesterday
at the York Park Hotel

where he's been staying
for the past few weeks.

Is he alive? FATIMA: Barely.

The attacker sent
Baker over a railing.

He flew 20 feet to
the lobby floor below.

He's been in surgery
ever since this morning.

What's his connection to us?

Well, he's the co-founder
of Almaya Technautics,

an L.A.-based artificial
intelligence start-up

which has an exclusive

contract with the Navy.

Well, if the
company's based in LA,

why was he staying in a hotel?

Good question,

because the address on
his driver's license

doesn't appear to be current.

What do we know
about the company?

Well, most recently,
they've been developing

autonomous military
agents equipped for

search and rescue operations
on the battlefield.

So... robots.

That's another way to put it.

If these robots have the ability

to track our soldiers
on the ground,

an enemy could co-opt
that same technology

and use it to find them first.

Or reprogram them
to hunt and kill.

I'm starting to think that an
ARkStorm doesn't sound so bad.

Cameras were down in the
area during the attack,

but, according to witnesses,

we're looking for this woman.

Unfortunately, facial rec

hasn't gotten any hits,

so Kilbride wants us

to find out who she is

and make sure that Baker's
tech hasn't been compromised.

All right, we'll
take the crime scene.

Have Kensi and Deeks reach out

to Baker's company.

And let's start
digging into Baker,

see if anything sticks out

in the days leading
up to his attack.

You got it.

Yo, speaking of Kilbride,

where is he?

Uh, I don't know.

He sent me everything via
encrypted message this morning.

Huh. You don't think he's
in trouble again, do you?


Who did your decorating,

Marie Kondo?

Elizabeth, you're still here.

Oh, well, I found these
in the, uh, backyard,

and I thought, you know,

they could liven up
the place a little bit.

You hate daisies.

Oh, you remembered.

Too bad you didn't
remember our anniversary.

Maybe we wouldn't
have gotten divorced

30 years ago.

No, I'm kidding.

It was your temper.

I have to get to the office.

Oh, so soon? I was going to

make us breakfast,
but I kind of gave up

expired cans of Vienna
sausage for lent.

There's a diner right
down the street.

I'm sure you'll find
something there that you like.

Last night was fun, wasn't it?

Last night was something.

Now, there's that
poker face I married.

Yeah, come to think of it,

that might have had something
to do with the divorce, too.

Why are you here, Elizabeth?

I told you, I came in
early for a conference,

and asked you for
drinks last night

so that we could
catch up, and...

Well, I didn't expect
us to catch up so much.

Nice try,

but I have been able
to read your face

since you were 25 years old.

I know you want something.

What I want...

is to take a shower.

There are towels in the closet.

Lock the door on your way out.

Baker must have spent

a ton of money to stay here.

Rooms in a place like
this do not come cheap.

That's 'cause you
don't pay for the room,

you pay for the experience.

It's just a room, it's
not a spiritual journey.

You're right.

Spiritual journey's part
of the upgrade package.

What did you find out?

An employee said the attacker

escaped through a stairwell.

Said she was
carrying a suitcase.

LAPD confirmed it was Baker's.

Did the cameras
pick up anything?

Caught her exiting
into the alley.

Lost her when she
hit the streets.

Well, Fatima's
checking traffic cams.

Hopefully she can
pick up her trail.

G, this woman is good.

Maybe too good.

Did you, uh, see this?

Blood marks.

Attack started here.

Goes all the way back here.

That's pretty far from
where Baker went over.


It was quite a fight.


So either the attacker

took one too many
kickboxing classes...

Or we're looking
for a professional.

Thank you for joining
us, Mr. Greene.

Call me Clyde. Is
Sean going to be okay?

Uh, he's not out
of the woods yet,

but the last update we
got sounds promising.

His mother's going to kill me.

Sean and I have been
friends forever.

She blames me for everything
bad that happens to him.

Do bad things
happen to him often?

We got into some trouble
when we were kids,

but nothing major, just typical

teenager stuff, you know...

Cows, Third Eye Blind.
No, we definitely get it.

What's Third Eye Blind?

How dare you.

Not important.

But that was a long time ago.

We started our company from
our dorm room together.

We've been all about
the work ever since.

Things were slow at first,

so the company took a back seat

while we built up our résumés,

but that all changed
about a year ago.

What happened a year ago?

Suddenly everybody wanted
to get their hands on AI.

That tracks. Same timeline
as the invasion of Ukraine.

It was a wake-up call for
militaries all over the world.

Tech companies, too.

The competition's steep,

but we were lucky to land

our sole source
contract with the Navy.

If your company is here in L.A.,

why was Baker
staying at a hotel?

He lives out of
them. Changes it up

every few weeks. Does the
same thing with hobbies.

Says he finds
consistency to be suffocating.

That totally makes sense.


What? Variety is the
hot spice of life.

Is there anyone you can

think of that might
want to hurt him?


No one.

Look, uh, things have
been a little chaotic

at the office,
given what happened.

Would you mind if...

Please. Go, go, go. We will

let you know if
anything changes.

Yeah. Thank you.

So, lifetime friends
turned partners.

Looks like we're
not the only ones

mixing business and pleasure.

Yeah, but the only
thing I ever started

out of my dorm room
was a hot plate fire.

What's a hot plate?

What's a hot plate?

What do we got?

Sir, you're okay.

Uh, are you okay?

Well, considering that

I have been forced to live out

my so-called golden years

in this overly triggered,

insecurity blanket of a town,

the answer is no,

Agent Namazi, I am never okay.

Noted, but not what I meant.

I was worried when you didn't

show up this morning.

Oh, well, I appreciate
the concern.

What I do not appreciate

is being forced to
beg for a sitrep.

Of course.

Are you sure you're okay?


Okay, so, I was able to
reach our contact at ONR,

who's been overseeing
Baker's project.

Their systems are on alert

and ready to intercept

any potential cyberattacks.

Good. What about
Sean Baker himself?

Guess who got access to his

bank accounts?

Admiral, you're here.

And you're okay.

Is there something
different about you today?

I got highlights.

Proceed, Agent Rountree.

Yes, sir.

So, this is actually
pretty interesting.

Baker has been making payments

to an art gallery downtown
for the past three months.

Maybe he's got a
thing for still lifes.

But he doesn't have a
thing for consistency.

His partner told Kensi and Deeks

that Baker doesn't do anything

for more than a few
weeks at a time.

Well, then I agree,
this is interesting.

Get a warrant, have Kensi
and Deeks check it out.

Yes, sir.

All right, thanks.

Hey, buddy.

Nope, no need. I
know why you're here.

Get a hit on the prints yet?

Excuse me?


Got to be all over this place,
right? You get a hit yet?

I heard what you said.

Why don't you let me
ask the questions, okay?

Yeah, yeah. You work
here last night?

Uh, yeah, yeah,
until those two perps

took off without paying.

Or was it one perp?

How-how many perps
we looking at?

Stop saying "perps." Sorry.

Just, I've been researching

crime a lot lately.

For my screenplay.

Actually, if you ever
wanted to take a look...

I'm not much for reading.

Or writing things down.

LAPD found this in
Baker's hotel room.

Laptop still inside.

What can you tell
me about this woman?

Uh, she was only
here a few minutes.

She said something about
flying back to Virginia.

Anyway, she sat down right there

and she immediately started
flirting with our John Doe.

He's not our John Doe.

He's not even a John Doe.

Is this the guy
she was talking to?

Uh, yeah, yeah, that's him.

He got pretty upset

when he noticed his
bag was gone, too.

She must have been
targeting Baker all night.

Okay, so she waits, finds a
time where she can distract him

long enough to sneak
away with his suitcase.

Before she get away,
he catches up with her.

And we all know how
that ended. Mm-mm-mmm.


Question is,

what was in that suitcase
that was so important to him?

We might have a way to find out.

What is that, one
of those smart tags?

Yeah, you put it in
a wallet or a purse,

anything you don't
want to lose track of.

Well, consideringthe way

he fought to get
that bag back...

It might mean

he put a tracker in it

so he wouldn't lose
it in the first place.

Wow, look at this workspace.

Well, it doesn't
really look like

he's been getting
any actual work done.

Huh, which is weird

why he keeps paying for it,

considering his
nomadic lifestyle.

Well, maybe he's waiting

inspiration to strike.

Yeah, that's his mistake,

because you should never wait

for inspiration to strike,

you should go after it.

Well, you can tell
that to Salvador Dali,

'cause you know what they say?

They say that his
famous melting clocks

was actually based on
a block of Camembert

that was left in the
sun for too long.

Uh, quick question.
Who's "they," exactly?

Uh, historians and scholars.

Maybe I read it
on a Snapple cap.

My point is that
art can be found

in the most unlikely of places.

Like a box full of
wide-eyed dolls?

I said
art, not nightmares.

Oh, Daddy,

I love you.

Okay, now I know what I'm
gonna be talking about

in therapy this week.
You don't go to therapy.

I do now.

Hold on a second.

I feel something in here. Knife?


Right there? Yeah.

What do you got?

Oh, man.

Is that a microchip?



What was Baker's company name?

Almaya Technautics.

Deeks, it's in all of them.

So, maybe this was never about

gaining access to
Baker's robots.

Maybe this whole time,

Baker has been secretly

selling the microchips
that are running them.

Why do I feel guilty

about what we just did?

Why do I feel like their
eyes are still watching me?

And why do I feel
like I'm listening to a reboot

of Child's Play?

what do you got?

Looks like these
microchips all appear to be

field-programmable gate arrays.

Oh, I've always, uh, preferred

the purple frost flavor myself.

Gate arrays. Not
Gatorade. Oh. Oh.

As you know, these

are the brains of
most technology.

But, unlike ASIC chips,
which are designed for

one specific purpose,

FPGA's are customizable.

Meaning they can be repurposed

for all different
types of technology.

Everything from dishwashers
to Baker's autonomous robots.

So does that mean that
they can be reprogrammed

to work in weapons

like drones and cruise missiles?

Yes, that's why

companies are prohibited
from exporting them

to enemy countries
like Russia or China,

who are desperate to
get their hands on them.

Which means that those countries

could probably be willing to pay

a hefty sum to
remedy that problem.

And if that's true,
it looks like Baker's

been taking them
up on that offer.

I'll get in touch
with his partner again,

see if we can find
out how many more

are unaccounted for.

Yo, Callen, Sam.

What do you got, Rountree?

We got a
warrant to access

the iCloud account

that was attached to the laptop

you guys found in
Baker's messenger bag.

I'm still searching through
the texts and emails.

It looks like
everything's above board.

Yeah, this guy's made a career

working in technology.

He would never do
anything illegal

on his personal devices.

He's way too smart for that.

Well, luckily so is his
luggage. You were right.

Everything this guy owned
seems to be linked to

its own app, including one

for a ridiculously
expensive smart suitcase.

You don't pay for the suitcase,
you pay for the experience.

Were you able to get
a location on it?

It's been
all over the city,

Looks like it recently
stopped moving

in a parking lot downtown. I'm
sending you the address now.

Thanks, Rountree.

No, I
will not calm down.

I am currently dealing with a
matter of national security.

I not only have the Secretary
of the United States Navy

breathing down my neck,

I also have ONR texting
me four-letter words

that would make
George Carlin blush.

Now, I can barely commit
to a cup of coffee,

and you actually expect
me to commit to dinner?

And dessert.

Where do you keep
your Bundt pan?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Are you back in my house?

Darling, I never left.

But I did have some,
uh, groceries delivered.

Mostly leafy greens

and walnuts, oatmeal.

Well, the last time I
checked, I was not a squirrel,

so I won't be
needing any of that.

Hollace, I'm worried
about your heart.

There's a first
time for everything.

You know, I hate
to admit it, but...

I've missed our fights.

This wouldn't
even make the top 20.


You remember that time
in, uh, Atlantic City,

at the Tropicana?

Oh, how could I forget?

You stabbed me in the
thigh with a king crab leg.

But we did manage

to make up

before the elevator
got to the lobby.

Yeah, two times, if
I remember correctly.

Uh, yeah, look, I've got to go.

I've got a case to solve.

Yeah, and I have a
dinner to prepare.

See you later.

Sir? Are you in the
middle of something?

Well, I was just about

to break my record at Wordle,

but for you, I
will take a break.

Walk and talk, Agent Namazi.

Walk and talk. Yes, sir.

So, I checked every flight

from here to the
D.C. metro area.

So far, no one matches

the description of
Baker's attacker.

Well, she nearly killed
a government contractor,

and potentially made off
with God knows how many

military-grade microchips,

so I wouldn't expect honesty

to be her strong suit.

Yeah, speaking of, uh, the
Navy confirmed that all

23 microchips that we
found at Baker's studio

were manufactured by
Almaya Technautics.

I'm just having a
hard time finding out

how many more are
unaccounted for.

Well, what about
Baker's partner?

What does he have to say?

I can't locate him.

And nobody at the company

will talk without his approval.

Then may I suggest that you

stop telling me things
that you don't know,

and come find me when
there are actually

things that you do know.

Tough crowd.

Well, if it makes
you feel any better,

an atmospheric river could
wipe out the whole Southland

any moment now,

and he won't
remember any of this.

It doesn't.

Listen, if Baker was
trying to sell these

highly restricted microchips,

then he probably had people
lined up to buy them.

And the whole reason
they're restricted

is because they could be used

in hostile drones and missiles.

Right, which means we need to
talk to someone highly skilled

in the weapons trade.

And the pastry trade, too.

You never told me what I get.

What are you talking about?

Well, you know,
when you head out

to that big math
competition in the sky,

what's in it for me?

In what world do I go first?

You think the sixth
food group is "fast."

I think that still
waters run deep.

You keep a lot of
things bottled up,

that's gonna catch up to
you one of these days.

Yeah, well, hopefully
we catch up with, uh,

Baker's business
partner before it does.

What the hell does Clyde Greene

have to do with this?

Well, he's right there.

And he's gonna run.

Hey, federal agents.

Told you.

This is the end of
the road, Greene.

Hope you got your
affairs in order.

Baker's suitcase is empty.

Fatima's gaining access to
the lot's security cameras.

This is all a big

I see. So you misunderstood

when we said we
were federal agents.

I was scared.

You weren't the same people
I talked to this morning.

So, to be clear, you thought

there was only two
of us in the city?

Budget cuts are no joke.


you should see what they're
doing to our prisons.

Actually, you're about to.

It's not what you think.

Well, that's
a little presumptuous.

'cause we haven't told
you what we think,

but since you brought it up,

we think that you found
out your partner was doing

a little side hustle,
and he cut you out.

Which pissed you off,

so you put a hit out on him,

and then cashed
in on everything.

No. No way.

I didn't hire anyone
to kill anybody.

None of this was
supposed to happen.

Okay, so what was
supposed to happen?

With the supply chain
shortage 'cause of Covid,

the world's desperate for
the microchips we're making.

But your contract with
the Navy has exclusivity

so you can't sell
to anyone else.

Which is why we did
a few side deals.

We only sold a few.

On the dark web.

Sean got greedy, put
out an ad for more.

How many more? 200.

He had them all at
the bar with him.

He was there to meet the buyer,

but he was attacked
before they arrived.

That's because
there was no buyer.

You... You guys were set up.

And now there's enough of
your chips out in the wind

to power an enemy's
entire arsenal.

Which means your charge
just went up to treason.

Come on,
you can do this.

I don't know.


Yes. Yes, it's crazy, right?

And all it took
was a little gin.

Wow. I don't even taste the gin.

Oh, no, no, no, you wouldn't.

I was drinking it when
I came up with the idea.

Um, you know what?

Excuse me for a second.

Would you... get
on out of here.

Sorry to interrupt.

Ah, don't worry about it.

I was just having a little fun

with those not-so-soggy
bottoms over here.

Carry the two...
Yeah, I'm pretty sure

that was... that
was offensive. Yeah.

So, let me guess.

You came all the way down here

to thank me for the rugelach

I sent you for Hanukkah.

No, but truly, what
a mitzvah, huh?

They were delicious.

We actually need your help.

You should really consider
a punch card at this point,

like buy nine arms dealers,
get the tenth for free.

Do you happen to
know who she is?

Girl boss, love to see that,

but, uh, I don't know
her. What's her deal?

We think, uh, La Femme
Nikita here is in the wind

with about 200 stolen
military-grade microchips.

Yeah, well, it was
only a matter of time.

Those little devils
are shaping up to be

the future of arms deals.

I mean, I haven't
worked with them myself,

but I might know
someone who has.

Do you know where she's from?

Uh, we're thinking
somewhere in the South,

but hoping that you
could find out for sure.


And, uh, what do I
get for my troubles?

I will do everything in my power

to secure you a, uh, invite

to the next company barbecue.

Ooh. Isn't he a mensch?

So excited.


Hey. Perfect timing.

Follow me.

Did you get access

to the parking lot
security footage yet?

Yeah, and it wasn't easy.

They wanted $10 for
the first 15 minutes,

$20 for the whole day.

Wow, really tough crowd today.

Anyway, I, uh,
isolated the footage

to the same time stamp we got

from Baker's tracking app

and I found this.

That's the woman from the hotel.

Yeah, and still no ID.

But Kensi and Deeks are
working with Nina Barnes

to see if we can change that.

Whoever she is, she has to know

we're on to her.
I mean, there's

no way she's sticking
around much longer.

This video is
from two hours ago.

She could be on her way to
the Mexican border by now.

She definitely
made a wrong turn.

Kaleidoscope just
got a hit on her SUV.

Looks like she just exited
the 405 North at Victory.

She's in Van Nuys.

There's a private
airfield out there.

Can't be more than two
miles from the exit.

Alert TSA and Air
Traffic Control.

No planes in and out
of that airspace.

You got it.

She's like a walking
Rosetta Stone.

Yeah, with the gravitas
of a Fellini film.

Phil Collins.

Phil Collins.


Grazie. Grazie.

Ciao bella.


my Italian's a little rusty.

Did you just track down
an organized criminal

or is Genesis reuniting?

Oh, God, I wish.

Those British bad boys got
me through grad school.

Tell me more. Let's just say

that my contact

once mistook a German gunrunner

for Sir Collins himself.

Okay, do you have a name for us?

Yeah, Paulina Kaminska.

Kaminska. Is that,
uh, Appalachian? What?

Polish, I think.

Turns out your girl is one half

of a very elusive European duo.

She and her partner
broker deals for everyone

from French royalty to
Irish crime syndicates.

Oh, so she's an equal
opportunity arms broker.

She was. Rumor has it
they had a falling out.

My guy says she got out of
the game a few years ago.

So why get back in now?

I mean, considering how much
people are willing to pay

for those microchips,
I'm guessing money.

But she had to get
her paws on it first,

which is why she set
up Baker and Greene

and stole them.

Look, this
woman has done deals

with some very dangerous people.

She's talented.

And the reason you
couldn't get an ID on her

is because she's
never been caught.

Bring me up to speed.

This is Paulina Kaminska,

a confirmed Polish national

and alleged former arms broker

with contacts all
over the globe.

Meaning if she gets
out of the country,

it's "so long" to her
and those microchips.

And in the meantime, we
will have single-handedly

given one of our
enemies enough power

to start the next
major global conflict.

Which is why

we're doing everything we can

to stop her from leaving.

ATC has grounded
every single flight

in and out of Van Nuys Airport.

And we just tracked her SUV

to a closed-down night club
on the airfield's perimeter.

She could be trying
to dump the vehicle.

It's only a matter of
time until she realizes

what's going on
and changes course.

Where are Callen and Sam?

Just got here.

We got eyes on Kaminska.
She's got two men with her.

Kensi and Deeks?

Ten minutes until
we get there, sir.

And when we do, it's arrivederci

to this little field mouse.

Don't mind him, sir. He's
feeling inspired today.

We don't have time.
She's on the move.

Hang on.

Looks like we got company.

Two more men.

I'm sending you photos.

Got them.

Rountree, go.

Yes, sir.

They're going inside
the club with her.

Gentlemen, what the
hell's going on out there?

She didn't come here to flee.

She's here to make the sale.

I've got one gunman
at the front.

I've got the
south side covered.

I got the east side.

Do we have any idea what
we're looking at yet?

I was only
able to ID one of them,

but luckily he's the
only one that matters.

His name is Anton Kusev,

former SVR turned very much
wanted Russian arms broker.

And so I very much
don't want you

to let him walk
away with this sale.

Say the word and we'll make sure

they barely walk away at all.

Do we have eyes
on the microchips?

We do now. So do we have a plan?

I've got an idea.

Well, then, ladies
and gentlemen,

what are you waiting for?

Start the show.

Kensi, I got one down.

I got him. Go.

Is this the
way to the buffet?

Looks like the buffet is closed.


Don't move.

Going somewhere?

Hands on the wheel.

Kusev had a plane waiting
to take him to Ensenada.

We stopped him just in time.

Good job today, everybody.

See what happens
when you have a plan?

We got everybody.

Kensi's inside
doing a final sweep.

Let's eat. Who's hungry?

I could go to town on
some Camembert. Yeah?

I mean, I do have
a few hours left.

A few hours left until what?

Rosa's curfew. She's
got a 9:00 curfew,

so I figured we should probably
be home at the same time.

That's funny.

I remember when I
thought curfews worked.

Yeah, they never stopped me.

Wha... Stop...

Stopped you from
doing what, exactly?

I don't think you want to know.

Guys, we just stopped

a Russian arms dealer

from escaping with these
little Johnny 5's, right?

If we can't reign in a teenager,

I'm pretty sure
that we've got a...

problem. Hold on a second.

Uh, these microchips,
the ones we found before

were inscribed with "AT,"
which is the initials

for Baker's company.

This is... This is blank.

Yo, they all are.

Son of a bitch.

They're fakes.

You guys, go
home. We got this.

Give us a minute. Yes, sir.

I was
hoping I'd at least get a nap

before you figured it out.

Where are they?

They're... gone.

I destroyed them.

You don't expect us to
believe that, do you?

I don't expect you to
believe anything I say.

But I'll give you the address.

You can see for yourself.

You were out of the game.

Why go through all this trouble?

I have a cottage back home.

Outside Medyka.

Near eastern border.

Quiet place.

At least it was.

And now it's a crossing point

for thousands of
fleeing refugees.

I've played a part in some
bad things in the past.

Things I can't take back.

Now I have a front row seat
to the realities of them.

Yeah. Karma's a bitch.

So you knew Baker
was making a sale.

And you knew exactly where
the microchips were headed.

Russia, China, Iran.

Doesn't matter where
they're headed.

Wherever their
final destination,

it was nevergoing to

end well.

So I figure,

what's one last job?

But you did it.

You took them out of play.

Why sell the fake ones?

A girl's got to eat.

Hey, you're back.

How'd it go out there?

Well, we're all still alive,

so not too bad.

Well, REACT finished searching

the address Kaminska gave us.

They recovered all 200
of the real microchips.

Then I change my answer.

Things went pretty
great out there.

Oh, now that's the
classic Rountree

optimism I've been missing.

Ah, well, you know,

if a natural disaster's
coming for us all,

we might as well enjoy the
good times while they last.

Hmm. Well, if you really
want to enjoy the good times,

there is that new retro
club in the Fashion District

that has our names
written all over it.

Eh, you want to go
to a club right now?

Yeah, before it
gets too crowded.

Or the Big One hits
and knocks it down.

You know, whatever's first.

The Big One?

We'll listen to the podcast

on the way. Let's go.

Uh, what's the Big One?

Okay, so, basically, imagine

everything everywhere
falling down all at once.

I didn't want the
food to get cold.

Sorry I'm late.


I was going to text you
a few four-letter words,

but, uh, I figured

you'd heard enough
of that today.

Do you want some wine?

Doctors are saying it's
good for your heart again.

Well, then, I guess you
better pour me a glass

before they change their minds.

Do you know what was

the happiest day
of our marriage?

Yeah, the day your
mother moved away.


bite your tongue.

That woman loved you.

Although that was
a close second.

It was the, uh,

the night after
Alexander was born.

We were still in the hospital,

and I was still in pain.

I couldn't sleep.

So you told me that
you wouldn't either.

Even though you had
just gotten back

from... wherever
they had sent you.


We were in and out in 36 hours.

Yeah, you were exhausted.

So there you were,
holding Alex, and...

fighting like hell
to stay awake for me.

Then you fell asleep.

Now, I may have
been young and...

but I was smart enough to know

that there are very few
certain things in this world.

And seeing the two
of you like that...

I said, "Damn it,
one thing is sure.

That man will always
be there for his boy."

You let me down, Hollace.

But more importantly,

you let Alex down, too.

Should have known
this was coming.

I couldn't talk
about it last night.

I had to make sure
you had changed first.

Alex is an adult.

He made choices,

choices that left
no room for me.

And I tried to help, many times.

But he just cut me
out of his life.

Okay, well, now's your chance
to fight your way back in.

I mean...

The last few years have
been very hard on Alex.

But he's clean now,

and I worry every damn day
that that's gonna change.

And I'm tired of worrying alone.

What do you expect me to do?

He goes to a treatment program.

It's outpatient,

but he's really
sticking with it.

And they have these family
groups that-that I'm going to,


and I want you to show up.

For him.

He doesn't want me there.

But he needs you there.

Look, I'm not even saying

you have to jump on
a plane tonight. I...

You don't even have to
give me an answer now.


Just promise me

that you will think about it.



And now, I didn't cook all day

for you to have this meal cold.

What are we having?

Crab legs.

Do you want some more wine?

No, no, no.

No, I think I'll
switch to Scotch.

Think I'll make it a double.

♪ You'll make my heart ♪

♪ The warmest place ♪

♪ In town. ♪

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