NCIS: Los Angeles (2009–…): Season 10, Episode 1 - To Live and Die in Mexico - full transcript

Callen, Sam and Kensi, along with an unconscious Deeks, search for a safe way out of Mexico, while a cartel boss places a bounty on their heads.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
MOSLEY: Spencer Williams and I
had a child.

He took my boy.

I don't think we should
be getting married.

You Arlo Turk

Friends of Hetty.Agent Gonzalez.

Sinaloa is not Mexico.
It's a different beast.

ERIC: This is the last
known position of Hidoko.

CALLEN: Somebody burned
something last night.

I just hope it wasn't her.

Let's go! Get 'em in the air!

Rocket!Everybody out!



How's he doing?

Oh, my gosh.

A little Blye-Deeks.

Deeks, little Deeks.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

♪ I have loved you
for the last time ♪

♪ Visions of Gideon

♪ Visions of Gideon...


Where's my son?

Where is my son?!

Was he in there?

Is he in there?


Check their pockets.



Give me that cell phone.

Where's Deeks?


Deeks! Aah! Deeks!

Where is my son?

I'll ask once more,

then I put a bullet in her head.

Where is my son?

Kill her.


Who is this?

Local. Runs a
rental business.

This what you're looking for?

Let's do business.


His mouth's taped shut with C4.

Dead man's switch.

Shoot me, the boy dies.

No need for that.

How much do you want?

Four of them for the boy.
We get five miles out,

put your son by the side
of the road, simple.

You're not getting out
of here alive.

Shut up. We'll do it.

At least keep
one of them.

Where are they
going to go?

Send 'em.

You want the dead one?

I got a stretcher in the back.
Send your men to get it.

Okay. All right, baby.

Who's in the bag?

Meet Deogey.

How is he?
Not good.

It's a bad head wound,
but he's breathing.


There's our ride.

We're not home yet.

Vásquez is just letting us
out on a leash.

not even running.

Let's get these guys
out of the back.

Fire her up!

Hey, we got to go!


Take cover!

Go, go, go.

Up here. There.

Got it, got it,
got it, yeah, yeah.

Vásquez is never letting us
out of here.

They're just pinning us down!

They must still think
we have the kid.

You have a knife?

If they saw the dog, they could
put two and two together,

figure out we don't
have the kid.
Then they would
be trying to kill us.

He's got a rocket launcher!Not again.


Guess they saw the dog.

Don't return fire.

Make 'em think we're dead?

Might get 'em to move.

Admiral Hollace

Technical Operator
Eric Beale.


What a nice surprise.
Are you passing through town?

We both wish. I'm here
because you all

are up to your ass
in alligators.Hetty called him.

You dress like
this for work?

Yeah. No.

Where's Henrietta?

That's funny you should ask
because she did call you,

but, um, if you know
Hetty, then...

You have no idea
where she is, do you?

That's correct.

So this is a complete
cluster... bomb.

Oh, you can curse
in front of me, sir.

Yeah, we talk
like sailors in here.

Not that he's insinuating
sailors are prone to profanity.

No, just pirates.

Pirates. Pirates. Arr.

Get me Executive Assistant
Director Mosley on the horn

and find Hetty.

Yup. On it.

And you, Point Break,
give me a sitrep.

Well, this map shows
their last known location.



EAD Mosley, you're on.

Are they out?

No, they are not out.

In fact, we're not even certain
if they're still alive.

Who the hell is this?

Who the hell this is

is Admiral Hollace Kilbride,
Assistant Director.

And you are
in a world of trouble.What happened?

Your team's vehicle
was hit by a rocket.

Did any of them survive?

You ever seen a car
hit by a LAW rocket?

Probably not.

Are you there?

Assistant Director?Yes, I'm here.

On the off chance that
any of them did survive,

I need you to coordinate

getting the first pilot
back out.

Are we leaving?
Not yet.

What about the second
exfil pilot?

We haven't been able
to get in touch with him.

I'm trying to get my son
on a chartered flight.

And we have four, maybe five
dead agents because of it,

so I don't care how you do it,
but you get it done

or you're gonna be wishing
you were in that car

with the rest of your team.

Are we clear

Señora Mosley.

I got to go.

Mosley. Por favor, abre la puerta.

Mom, what's going on?

Where is Hetty?I'm sure Nell will be
in with her any minute.

You got coffee?

Yes, but we're not
allowed to drink in...

Cream and sugar?

Be right back.

TURK: Chopper's fuel tank
is punctured

and drained.

Sat phone's done.

What about the cells?


Vásquez probably shut
the cell towers down.

How's she looking?

Leaking oil and gas.

Might be losing air
in the tires.

Well, somebody should take
it as far as it'll go.

I mean, it'll take two.

You guys go.
You know I'm not leaving him.

What about you?

I know this desert.
I can make my way out of here.

Where are you headed?

It's safer for me
if you don't know that.

Oh, you think
we're gonna get caught?

Well, both of you
can barely walk.

Bike's not gonna make it
more than 20 miles.

As long as they don't
find me or the dog...

They'll think Derrick
might still be alive.

Deogey and I need to disappear.

That's what's gonna keep us
all alive a little bit longer.

We're not leaving them.

Just a big, old love fest, huh?

Guys, get out of here.

I'm the only one who can
carry this stretcher.

We'll find a
place to hide.

Look, best bet,
head straight south.

If you're lucky,
there's a small village

that doesn't even
have a name,

but somebody there
may be nice enough

to take you to a hospital.

Here, take some water.

It's all I got.

Thank you.

Better get going.

I'll take my knife,
one of these rifles.

You're the one that wanted
to come to Mexico.

All three of these plans
are awful.

Sucks to be us.

Sutures must have opened up.

Like the man said,
it sucks to be us.

Come on!

No more gas.

Should get it off the road
and out of sight.

You okay?
Yeah, just having
a little trouble breathing.

You might've cracked a rib.

Let me hide this,
then I'll take a look at it.

You got to get off your feet.

Look who's talking.

Martin Deeks,

if you are faking this,
I will kill you myself.

Come on, baby.

Come on, sweetie.

Oh, come on.

You know what?
If you wake up right now,

I will have sex
with you right here.

Hot desert sex,
just think about that.

Hot desert sex.

Baby, wake up.

Desert sex?

I think that's
gonna be

getting us pretty sunburned

in all of our vulnerable parts.

Don't you think?

Damn it, Deeks.

That was not funny.

I'm definitely not
having sex with you now.

Let's go.

This is crazy.

You're unconscious
and I'm still fighting with you.


What about here?

How about here?Ow. Okay.

Now you're just doing this
on purpose.

I think you broke
a couple of ribs.

We got to get off
this road.

Help me get up, will you?

Let me get up first.Easy.

Oh, God.


We're gonna be
in a lot of trouble

if he tells anybody
we're here.

Yeah, we can't
let him get away.

He's gonna run.


¿Hablas inglés?


That's got to hurt.

Come on, all right?

Aah! He bit me! Look.

Think I'm starting
to like this kid.

We're not gonna
get far with him.

Well, we weren't gonna
get very far anyway.

He had to come from somewhere.

That was a good talk.

Come on, we got
to get out of here.

Let's get off
this road. Come on.

Let's go.I'll get the gun.

Aah! Stop biting me!



Come on.

More coffee, sir?

You people call this coffee?

You don't like hazelnut?

I asked for coffee, not dessert.
God, I hate California.

And please
don't tell me

you still haven't found
your operations manager.

I'm sorry, sir,
we've looked everywhere,

but now she's
turned her phone off.

Well, knowing Hetty,
she's commandeered a SEAL team

to drop her into Mexico.

Any further word
from EAD Mosley?

Uh, no, we can't reach her
by phone or comms.

And the human remains?

Well, they haven't been
positively identified

as Agent Hidoko's, so...

She could
still be alive.


Oh, hey, sweetie.

Why's your hand so cold, bud?


Why are you so cold? It's like
a hundred degrees outside.

We'll just stay here and
rest for a while, okay?

We'll just sleep.

I realize that's all you've
been doing.

You know I can carry you
through this desert.

I can do that.

But I really need you
to open your eyes right now.

I really need you
to wake up, baby.

Baby, just, just open your eyes
for one minute,

then you can rest, okay?

'Cause I can carry you anywhere.

I'll carry you
for the rest of your life.

But I really need you
to wake up.

I really need you
to open your eyes

and tell me it's gonna be okay.

Please, baby.

Please wake up.

Please, please, God,
just help him wake up. Please.

I can't go
any further.


Let me see.

Think your rib
punctured your lung.

It's collapsing from the air
inside your chest cavity.

If I could find a tube
or pen and a knife,

I could, uh,
cut a hole,

push it in between there
and let the air out.

That sounds fun.

You okay?

Just give me a sec.

I was feeling
a little light-headed.

You're losing too much blood.

It's just a matter of time

before one of us goes down.


Open your eyes, please.

What happened to the baby?

Open your eyes, please.

Where's the baby?Deeks, open your eyes.

Where's the baby?Deeks, I need you to open
your eyes and look at me.

I need you to come back to me.
Please open your eyes.

Open your eyes, please.

My eyes are open.
What happened to the baby?

Deeks, open your eyes.

Where's the baby?Come back to me.

What happened to the baby?

You're awake. You're awake.

Where am I?

Oh, you're gonna be okay.

We're gonna be,
we're gonna be fine.

We're gonna be fine now.

What happened?

Well, we're in Mexico.

Like Cabo?

N-No, honey,
we're not in Cabo at all.

Oh, my God, I love you.


My God, there's something
wrong with my head.

Yeah.Baby, what happened?

It's a concussion.

We were all in a car
that got hit by a rocket.

What, are you okay?

Yeah, I'm okay.

Something's not right.

I think I should probably
be at a hospital.

Yeah, Callen and Sam
already went for help.


Callen and Sam.

Oh, my gosh, Deeks,

can-- Deeks...

I'm kidding.

I love that you're
trying to be funny.

That's a good sign.

I'm sorry.

Where are we? Are we in a ch...
are we in a church?

Yeah, I guess we are.

That means we can't
have sex, right?

Probably would have made
my head feel better.

Probably... my...
brain from bleeding.

I had this dream
that you were pregnant.Really?

What did I look like?

You looked really fat.

No, you looked amazing.

You looked so beautiful.

You looked so

Getting harder...
to breathe.

If I had a knife, I could
cut a hole in your chest...

...release some
of the air.

Hold it open
with my finger.

That's the best
you got for me?

I'm gonna try to find help.

You can't walk.

You barely made it in here.

I'm not losing you, too.

I can't.

I'll be back.

Hey, wait! Hey!

The kid got away.

He's gonna be back here
soon with people.

Cheer up.

We've been in worse jams.


Shot... five times.

I'm bleeding out from a
gunshot wound right now.


Yeah, what?

This is the worst.

You're right.

Oh, my goodness,

it takes us both dying
for you to admit I'm right.

That's so messed up, G.

We had a good ru--
good run.

Helped a lot of people.

I-I can't... talk anymore.

It's okay. Rest.

Rest, brother.

Deeks, can you open your eyes?Mm...

Kens. What?

We need to keep moving.

Do you think you can stand up?




How does that feel?

God, I'm so dizzy, I feel
like I'm gonna throw up.

What is that?

I'll go and check it out.
Just lie back down.

No, baby, hold on
a second.

It's a guy on a motorcycle.
He might have a cell phone.

Okay, I'll go.
Hold on, baby. Hold...

KENSI: Hola.MAN: Hola.

Okay. Gracias.



so, the guy has a motorcycle.

He said he can take you
to the nearest hospital.

You have to go...

You are American.

I thought it might be
the two of you.

There's a bounty on your heads.

General Vásquez, right?

There are trucks all over
the roads looking for you.

It's like a contest out there.

Oh, no, no, don't worry.

This is just for hunting
white-wing doves.

I was going to camp out

and go hunting in the morning
after the sun came up.

Just relax.

My wife will be here soon.

Okay, babe.I'm good.

I'm okay.


Francisco, could we try
your phone again?

There's a lot of people
worried about us.

Of course, of course.

Ah, uh, my battery just died.

I-I'm so sorry.

When do you think your
wife's gonna get here?Any minute.

Unless something went wrong
and she sent me a text,

and I didn't get it.

Right. Well, is there
anyone else around here?

AThere used to be.

When I was a child.

There were a lot more
people back then.

You know, it's funny.

When I was a little boy,
I used to think this church

is where I would work
when I grew up.

You wanted to be a priest?

I was a priest.What happened?

I was a little too outspoken
for the cartels.

And then I fell in love.

That'll get you every time.

Ah, my wife.

You know, I could marry
the two of you.

I still have my credentials
for civil marriages.

I mean, I don't know
if you guys

are even thinking
about getting married.

Somebody likes the idea.

You could really do it?

Well, he would have to
be conscious, though.

You guys should
get married.


Come on, stay with
me, buddy. Hey!

I think you need this.

A pen, right?

Thank you.

I need a knife.

A knife. Un cuchillo.

Un cuchillo. Cuchillo.



Come on, G.

Come on.

You with me?
All right.


You saved my friend.

I'm sorry I bit you.

What's your name?


That's... that's my name...



Where are we going?

Los Mochis.Los Mochis?

This is the road--To General Vásquez's compound.

I'm sorry.

You're worth
too much money.




the plan didn't suck completely.

Don't get too excited.
It ain't over.

Got to get you out of here.
Can you walk?

That doesn't help me.

Guess it's all about you.What about Callen?

He's worse than me.

Ayuda! Ayuda!


Come on, baby. Oh, I got you.

It's okay. We got you.


Wh... hey.

Glad you made it.

You okay?

Yes, you are.
He's alive.

You did that.

The CT scan shows

that there is swelling
in his brain.

Because of his concussion,
the second blow

was just about the worst thing
that could have happened to him.

For right now we just
have to wait and see.

Can he be moved?

He needs to be monitored.

He needs a repeat scan
in six hours.

What about with a medevac
and a trauma team on board?

That could be okay, but I'd
still prefer to keep him here.

Okay, thank you.
Thank you so much.

You know what's
really dangerous?

Not moving him.

Spoke to Hetty,
but the problem is

Williams and Vásquez
are not gonna stop.

They know your team had
to get to a hospital.

They're gonna be
looking for us.What did Hetty say?

She said she might know
a couple people willing to help,

some agent named Gonzalez.

The operative word
being "might."

Cover your weapon.

How long till
they get here?

She was hoping
a couple hours.

Look, I don't know
who they are.

I don't know how
many are coming.

They see us overwhelmed,
they could turn and walk.

As far as I'm concerned,
we're on our own.

Hey, don't hide your
weapon too much.

We want them to think that we're
just the first line of defense.

KENSI: Maybe they'll hold off
until Hetty's people get here.

Check out the black Honda.

Those are Williams' men.

Hired cartel members.
That's a good sign.

How do you figure that
that's a good sign?

'Cause General Vásquez doesn't
have any skin in the game.

He's making Williams deal
with his own problems.

Guess it's better than the
Mexican military assaulting us.

Four more.

Honda's back.
That makes eight.

All heavily armed.

Let's see who blinks first.

Signaling our imaginary backup,
are we?

Got to make 'em believe.

And that makes 12.


Hey, smile like
I just told you a joke.

See? It's all good.


Until it's not.

This is
between me and you.

Pull your men from the hospital
and we can talk about it.

You haven't aged
a day, Shay.

Do you...

Pull your men from the hospital.

You don't want the attention,
and neither do we.

Let's figure out what's best
for our son.


Spencer, you're
running out of men.

They're not buying it.

Signal our
imaginary friends again.

I don't think they have
a very good imagination.

All right. They're coming.
Take cover.

You tell 'em to back off.

You're never going
to give me back my son,

so why should I?


Pick up the damn phone, Hetty.

Take them out.

You pick up that walkie

and you explain to them
that he's dead.

Nobody's getting paid today.

And you make sure they back the
hell away from that hospital.



We're out of time.
How far out's your cavalry?

Minutes.We have seconds.

What the hell?

Why are they retreating?
Something happened.

Who the hell
are these guys?

Let's find out.

Identify yourselves
or you're dead!

Special Agent Diego Gonzalez,
friend of Hetty's.

You are NCIS
Special Agents Arlo Turk,

Kensi Blye.


We all have our flaws.

That's us.

You're late.

We got medical evac helos
with doctors on board.

We're gonna move everybody to
Balboa Naval Hospital right now.

I guess you're forgiven then.

Let's go.

It's over.

I'll stay
till I see the helo take off.

Now, I know you don't believe
in God,

but I need you to pray for them.

It's all I've been doing
the last two days.

Well, that makes two of us.

Thank you.

See you in a few.

How are they?

Everyone is stable.

Deeks and Sam are conscious.

Callen's got a long way to go.

A punctured lung,
internal bleeding,

and fractured vertebra.

And your son?

My son is back in L.A.
with family.

From what I hear,

the father won't be a problem.

Is that what you hear?

Found in a car
with two other dead bodies.

You've gotten everything
you wanted.

You make this sound
like a wish list on Amazon.

I did what I had to do

to get my son back.

I hope you understand the cost.

I don't have to have
this conversation with you.

Yes, you do.

Of course I understand the cost.

But it was worth it.

Good night, Mosley.


You got confirmation.

The lab just called.

The remains were
Agent Hidoko's.

She was, what, 26, 27?


She was a brave
young woman.

She never should have
gone down there.

None of your people should have
gone down there.

I will need to speak
with her family.

Isn't that something
Mosley should do?

There's lots of things
Mosley should've done.


I'll get you
the contact info.




Does anything hurt?

You okay? You
need anything?

Yeah, I need an aspirin like
the size of a basketball.


Maybe a sponge bath?

Should get some
rest, okay?

Listen, I need
to be with you.

I was wrong. I want to,
I want to marry you.

And if you marry me,

I swear to God,
I will give you

everything I have
in this life.

I love you so much.

I don't want to do
this without you.

: And I will give you
everything I have in this life.

I love you.

I love you.

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