NCIS (2003–…): Season 19, Episode 12 - Fight or Flight - full transcript

When the body of a Navy lieutenant is discovered missing an eye, the NCIS investigation leads to the world of cage fighting.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

♪ So whatcha gonna do,
get another crew? ♪

♪ You know you're sweatin',
but you ain't got no flow... ♪

♪ ♪

Quick, quick, okay, done, done.
Get off.

Last chance to tap out.

Hey, man.


You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine. Why?

Looks like you had a late night.

Well, either that or you just
got your pupils dilated.

My pupils are fine, thank you.

Met up with some friends,
I had a late night,

and I just need
to get some sleep.

- That's all.
- Wait a sec.

You were supposed

to meet up with me and Kasie,

but you texted me,
said you were tired

and you wanted to stay in.

Yeah, I got a second wind.

Aka blew us off.

Oh, welcome to the club.

He was gonna join Delilah
and I at a movie last week,

and something came up
at the last minute.


And we spend all day
together at work.

Do we have to spend every second
of our lives together, too?


In an odd
but perfect world, yeah.

Where's Parker?

He's been up in Vance's office
for quite a while now.

Does he have
any of his pastries?

I'm starving.



How much did you have
to drink last night?

What? No, I'm not drinking.

I'm just, I'm just tired.

Just back it up. We're good.

You got to tell me
where you got these.

Food cart on 14th.

Across from the dry cleaners.

Not the cell phone repair place.

Though Cell Phone Guy

makes surprisingly
good gulab jamun.

Why are these two
so friendly all of a sudden?

Oh, uh, night shift is over.

Oh, Agent Sawyer stayed late

to, uh, pitch the director
a few ideas.


It's called giving 110%.

You should give it a try.

Well, that's physically

Thanks for breakfast,
Agent Parker.

Yeah, no problem.

Hey, can Big Daddy
get one of those?

Sorry. Sawyer grabbed
the last one.

Special Agent Parker.

If only you'd shown up
to work on time.

Guess the early bird
gets the brioche.

All right, got it.

Department of Waste Management's
got a dead sailor

at the transfer station.

Let's roll.

You guys need an extra hand?
I'm all done here.

Oh, no, we got it covered.

Car is full.

Too many cooks.

Take a nap.

So, "waste transfer station"
is just a fancy way

of saying "garbage dump."

Yeah, looks like it.
Smells like it, too.

I'm really
beginning to regret

not letting Sawyer
take my place.

Careful what you wish for.

What does that mean?

Well, what do you
think Parker was doing

with him in Vance's office?

Didn't think about it.

Give it a shot.

New people like
to bring in more new people?

I'm thinking it's
way worse than that.

What could possibly be worse

than you having to work
with Sawyer every day?

Well, Parker has our performance
evals from last week.

Maybe he's thinking of
replacing one of us.

He couldn't replace McGee
if he tried.

Yeah, that leaves you or me.


And of course
it would be Sawyer.


I've lost a job before.


Life goes on.

- Yo, yo.
- Hey.

You two get lost
on the way here?

Torres needed to stop
for a coffee.

Late night.

I bet.

I can see your dilated pupils
from here, Torres.

Dead body. Who is it?

Well, this is Lieutenant
Junior Grade Kane Lantz.

Worked as an I.T. specialist.

Speaking of pupils,
he seems to be missing one.

It doesn't appear to be related
to the cause of death, though.

Judging by the cyanosis,
I'd say

that we're looking
at asphyxiation.

Sanitation workers found him
in the back of their truck

after they arrived
at the station.

Yeah, could've been picked up
somewhere along their route.

Maybe, uh,

talk to the workers,
retrace the route.

Maybe we can figure out
where he was dumped.

Knight, talk to Lantz's CO,
see if you can find out, um,

whatever there is to find out.

On it.

I hate to be the bearer
of bad news, but, uh,

we've got a missing eyeball
that we have to...

Oh, please don't
finish that sentence.


Probably somewhere
around here, you know,

just covered
in juicy forensic evidence.

Any volunteers

to help look? Any takers?

Yeah, you know what?
On second thought,

Knight, I uh,
I'm gonna go talk to Lantz's CO.

Uh, have fun
finding that eyeball.

Are you really pulling rank
right now?

It hurts me
more than it hurts you.


What does "uh-oh" mean?

It means we're about
to get screwed.

You know these guys?

No, but, uh,
multiple unmarked SUVs

usually aren't a good sign.

Let's secure the perimeter.

And I want a tarp
around the body now.

Excuse me.

Can we help you?

This is a closed crime scene.

Agent Collins,
Defense Intelligence Agency.

Now it's our closed crime scene.

Alden Parker, NCIS.
Can I ask why?

You can ask,
but the answer's classified.

It's a simple question.

Why is DIA messing
with our case?

As Agent Collins told you,
that's classified.

We got a dead Navy lieutenant.
Cut the crap.

Director Vance,
I would caution your agent

to remember
who he's speaking with.

With all due respect, I would
like an answer to his question.

You want me to say
"pretty please,"

I'm more than happy
to do that, too.

Or perhaps, respectfully,

you could just read us in

on DIA's operation.

Pretty please.


I take it by now you're aware
that Lieutenant Lantz

was assigned to the Office
of Naval Intelligence.

Yeah. He identified
vulnerabilities in your system,

then he built patches
for the weak points.

And he was damn good at it, too.

Unfortunately, when DIA agents

swept Lantz's apartment
this morning,

they discovered his
secure laptop had gone missing.

Lantz took a classified laptop
home with him?

He shouldn't have,
but it happens.

Perhaps with his workload and
the agencies who depend on him,

he thought it was
his only option.

What was on it?

Descriptions of those weak spots

in ONI's servers
that you mentioned.

If exploited, it could
allow our enemies access

to a whole range
of government systems.

That's a problem.

ONI uses the strongest
biometric security in existence,

so, theoretically,
that laptop is only accessible

by Lieutenant Lantz.

Or by anyone
with his eyeball.

Which is currently missing.

So you can appreciate
why DoD's top priority

is to recover that missing
laptop as soon as possible.

And NCIS's top priority
is justice for Lieutenant Lantz.

And his eyeball.

And I'm sure
that we can all walk

and chew gum at the same time.

Joe doesn't chew gum.
He's got TMJ.

I actually had a condylotomy
last month.

I'm right as rain now, Park.

You two know each other?

Long story.

The way you tell it.

Too bad I don't have time.

For the moment,

DIA will look
for the missing laptop.

And we'll track Lantz's killer.

And with any luck, finding one
will lead to the other.

You got a hell of a Rolodex,

And I'd like to hear
that story sometime.

Any word from Knight?

Uh, she and Jimmy are still
rooting around in garbage,

searching for that
missing eyeball.

Well, it's probably not there,

but let's not spoil
their fun just yet.

All right, so, Lieutenant Lantz,

who are you?

Lieutenant Kane Lantz.

He grew up poor,
and his parents died

when he was seven years old.

He bounced around foster
care till he aged out at 18.

No picnic.
Yeah, until
he got into college

on an ROTC scholarship.

He graduated
an officer.

You talk to his CO?

He said that, uh,
Lantz was quiet,

worked hard,
kept to himself.

No red flags.
Well, I got one.

He took home a classified laptop
he wasn't supposed to.

Also, there was some, uh,
unusual bank activity.

The past year,

he was taking out more
than he was putting in.

A lot more.

Gambling problem?

No, whatever the problem is,
we don't think it was his.

Most of the

were being transferred
to this guy.

Alex Russo.

Lantz's former foster brother.

They spent a year together
in a home when they were kids.

Fair to say
we should scoop him up.

Oh, way ahead of you. Waiting
in the conference room.

Oh, you guys work fast.

I don't, I don't know
nothing about nothing, man.

We haven't actually
asked you anything yet.

Well, go on. I still don't know.

Do you know who that is?


Yeah, that's my...
that's my brother.

Or the
closest thing I've got to one.

Seems like you treated him
more like an ATM.

And his bank statement shows
that your brother gave you

quite a bit of money
over the last few years.

Is this really what
you dragged me out of work for?

Why do you need that money?

I ain't got to tell you jack.

Mr. Russo, your brother
was killed yesterday.


We found his body this morning.

Oh, my God. I-I...

So if you know something...

I, I tried to keep him
out of it.

Tried to keep him out of what?

I'm not the best
with money.

Kane would help me
out now and then,

um, when I got into trouble.

And you've been getting into
a lot of trouble, I take it?

I got tired of asking Kane
for money.

So I found somebody
else to give me a loan.

But then I, I skipped
a couple payments.

Then one day this
big scary dude

with an Eastern European
accent came by

and he said,
uh, they would

wipe my debt...

if I just...

If you what?

If I give them
my brother's laptop.

His military-grade,
biometrically-protected laptop?

It looked like a normal
computer to me, okay?

And I thought the Navy
would buy him another one.

He was real mad, man,
when he found out.

He said if he reported me,
I could go to jail.

Well, maybe you deserved to.

Let me guess, big brother
tried to fix it on his own?

He said he would go get
the laptop himself.

It just would have been nice

to know the DIA
thinks that Lantz's eye

is with the stolen computer
before I spent two hours

digging through the trash.

It was just a theory, and
we still needed to know.

I would have stayed to help you,
Agent Knight,

but the lieutenant's body
was calling.

Oh, sure, used your job
as an excuse.


Hey, speaking of excuses, uh,

anyone else buying this,
uh, Torres "second wind" thing

as far as blowing you off
last night?


He seemed
a little off this morning, too.

Something has got him in a mood.

Yeah, I don't know.

It's like he's been
more and more...



Ever since...

Would you stop
finishing my sentences?


Yeah, I've noticed that, too.

It's like a delayed reaction
or something.

Maybe he should talk
to Dr. Grace.

That's never gonna happen.

At least one of us?



people have been known
to bare their souls to you.

It's like this basement

has given you mystical powers.

Okay, fine. Yes, I will try

to get him to open up. Try.

After the update, though.

Yes, let's do that.
Cause of death

was a tracheal rupture.

His windpipe was crushed.

Meaning he was choked to death?

Yeah, but it was a rocky road
to get to the end of that line.

You're gonna have
to de-metaphor that for me.

The lieutenant
had multiple breaks

in his proximal phalanges.

His left shoulder
was dislocated.

He had tears in both
of his biceps

as well as massive bruising

all around his torso.

Also, several of his fingernails
were removed.

He wasn't choked to death.

He was tortured.

Yeah, the only question now is,
by who?

I may have an answer.

You always do.

And for the record,
normally that can be annoying,

but it seems to work for you.

Thank you. And you
have nice teeth.

Since we're, you know,

we're giving each
other compliments.

Yeah, or we could just...

Get back to the case.

Yeah, so, as it turns out,
the victim's entire body

was covered in touch DNA.

Let me guess, you got a hit?

Oh, your optimism is cute,
but no. Not a single one.

But using samples from around
the lieutenant's throat,

I'm working on forensic DNA

phenotyping the killer,
which is basically...

Predicting visual traits
based on someone's DNA.

Oh. I may not have
a name to give you,

but at least you'll
have a sketch

of the suspect so you'll know
who to look for.

I guess that's better
than nothing.

Not the enthusiastic reaction
I was hoping for,

but, luckily, there's more.

See those white flecks?

Those are goose down
fiber particles

I pulled from Lantz's abrasions.

they're unprocessed,

like it was plucked
straight from the source.

So our victim was killed
in a petting zoo?

As it turns out, there are
no zoos, petting or otherwise,

within a 20-mile radius of
the sanitation workers' route.

But I found an
apparel factory

that specialized
in winter parkas.

It closed down two years ago.

My guess?
The unprocessed down

came from there.

Isolated street,
blacked-out windows,

excessive number
of padlocks on this fence.

Pretty on-brand
for a torture chamber,

if you ask me.


I'll look for the light.

I'll look
for the dentist's chair.

Well, this doesn't look
like a torture chamber.

What exactly is this place?

Yes, I'll keep you updated,
General Clark.

Um, yeah, my daughter
began her training

at FLETC last week.

How did you
hear about that?

If you can, try and keep that
on the DL, please.

Thank you.

So, uh, I'm just gonna pretend

that I, uh, didn't hear
any of that, right?

Hear what?

Ah, Agent McGee, right on time.

The DIA director
was disappointed

we didn't find Lantz's laptop.

And what did we find?

Well, uh, as far as we can tell,

that warehouse
appears to be some sort of

cage-fighting arena.

Cage fighting?

The, uh, underground type.

Jimmy confirms
that our lieutenant's

asphyxiation could be consistent
with injuries from a fight.

So his death could
have been an accident.

Well, the accident
doesn't explain

why somebody ripped his eye out.

Well, none of it explains
how a Navy lieutenant

who tried to get back
his stolen laptop

ends up in an underground
fight club instead.

So, this is our killer?

A phenotype rendering of him,

Uh, Caucasian, blond hair,

blue eyes.

About six-two, 200 pounds.

And according to his DNA,
he probably sneezes

when he looks at the sun, but...

I'm not sure
that's relevant.

Can you print
that out for me?

Coming PDQ.

Torres, I need you
to show this image

to our victim's brother
in the morning.

See if he recognizes
the face, all right?

Sure. Unless you'd rather
have Agent Sawyer do it.

Do you think I should have
Agent Sawyer do it?

Haven't really thought about it.


You know, if you have a problem,
Agent Torres,

my door is always open.

Especially since
I don't have one.

No, no. No problem.

Just tell me what to do
and I'll do it.

A job is a job.

Sorry, did you
still want this?

I can come back.

I mean, it is my office, but...

Is this hot-cold thing
normal for him?

No, that was super weird.

Okay. Great, no, yeah,
he just walked in.

I'll let him know. Thanks.

Good news.

Torres just talked
to the victim's brother.

Turns out the guy
in the CGI image

is the same guy that had him
steal that laptop.

So we got our killer.

Did the brother
happen to catch

a name, by any chance?
No, but at least we have

a face to go with that scary
Eastern European accent.

Well, that narrows it down
to 292 million people.

Well, I just narrowed it down
even further to one.

for the record,

it is strange that you know

the exact population
of Eastern Europe.

I compared the image
to the traffic cam footage

from an intersection
near the cage-fighting warehouse

and I got a hit.

Does that guy look familiar?

Looks like we found

our scary European.

I assume you ran the plates?

They're fake.

But look what is on the dash.

"Metro Discount Tires."

He works there. And I already
got the employee records.


Hello, Maxim Dovhal.

Only problem is, Maxim
Dovhal doesn't exist.

There are no records
of someone by that name

outside of these
payroll records.

He could be
an undocumented worker,

looking to stay off the radar.

Well, let's stake out
the tire shop

and wait for him
to come to work.

That works for me.

Uh, listen, but, uh,
before you two go,

uh, I want to ask you something.

Does Torres have some kind of
an issue with Agent Sawyer?

Um, well, I-I think,
uh, everyone does

at some point or another. Why?

Well, he's acting,
I don't know... something.

Yeah, you're not the only one
who's noticed something.

Although I don't
think it's Sawyer.

I think he's just
icing on the cake.

What's the cake?

Don't know.

And I'm not sure
you're gonna get Nick

to talk about it either,
you know?

The more you-you push him,
the more he shuts down.

Well, then, let's stop pushing.

You know him best, McGee.
You got any ideas?


Stakeout gets boring, you know,
it may get him talking.

All right, sounds good.

Why don't you sit this
one out, tag Torres in,

and you put your hostage
negotiating skills to work.

You want me to get the sealed
black box to open up?


I'll give it a shot.
Wish me luck.

- No sign of Dovhal.
- You got anything?


Could you look
a little less bored

while we're trying
to find this guy?

It's a stakeout. It's boring.

Well, we could be here
for a while,

so you got to keep
your energy up.

Okay, let's play
Carpool Karaoke.

Not in your lifetime.

You don't sing?

Not in front of people.

At least not until
I've had a few drinks.

How about 20 questions?

It's a hard pass.
Oh, come on.

Ask me anything.

Okay. So would you rather

shave Vance's mustache
or Parker's beard?


You said anything. Which one?


Nope. You got to pick one.

Is this something that
you've thought about before?

Can you just answer
the damn question?

Fine. Parker.

Wow. Interesting.

Why is that interesting?

Is that your question?

No. No.

I have got a much better one.

Okay. Lay it on me.


...are you doing?

What kind of question is that?

The kind you ask a friend
if you're worried about them.

Is this a game
or an intervention?

Do you think you need
an intervention?

Next question.

I answered your
weird question about

our bosses' facial hair, so...

I'm fine.

So just drop it. Okay?

I'm just trying to be
a good friend, okay?

But we're colleagues,
we're not friends.

We're supposed to have
each other's backs on the job,

and that is it.

What are you talking about?

I've only been here
for a minute and I know

that's not
how Gibbs' team works.

Well, this isn't
Gibbs' team anymore.

Is it?

Two o'clock.

Yeah, that's him.

Maxim Dovhal? NCIS.

You need to step over here
and put your hands

behind your head.

You're under arrest
for the murder

of Lieutenant Kane Lantz.

I go right!

Dovhal, stop!

Where the hell is he?

Where'd he go?


Kick me harder.


It has to look convincing.

Don't move, man.

Hit me.

Please. They could be watching.

So, how do you know
Lieutenant Lantz?

I don't know this man.

I find that very hard to
believe, since your DNA

was all over him.

Which happens sometimes
after you murder someone.

I had no choice.
I-I didn't want to hurt him.

Well, you hurt him.

They forced us to fight.

They said they'd kill my wife

if I didn't do
exactly as I was told.

Who is "they"?

I don't know. I don't
know who's in charge.

I just... do as they say.

And where's your wife?

I don't know.

We can help you find her

if you tell us

how you got involved

in an underground fight club
in the first place.

My wife Elena and I,
we're from Belarus.

We've always dreamed
of coming to America.

Then, last year

we saw an advertisement
promising good jobs here,

bypassing official
immigration rules for a fee.

It doesn't work that way.

It does where I come from.

But when we got here,

we were separated and sent
to different locations.

They said if we spoke
to the police, we'd be killed.

They made me collect
money from people.


They made you fight.

I haven't heard
from my wife in months.

If they make me fight
against my will,

I cannot even think what Elena
is being forced to do.

I'll pay the price
for killing this man.

But please...

...find my Elena.

Our underground fight club case
just turned

into a human trafficking case.

Well, do we know why these
traffickers were so interested

in Lantz's laptop?

We think they wanted access

to ONI servers to
backdoor their way

into Homeland Security's

When Lantz went to get
his laptop back,

they told him
he could fight for it.

But they were never
gonna let him go.

They needed his eye.

Do we know who "they" is yet?

A buddy at the Bureau
thinks that these traffickers

are part of a nationwide network
of other fight clubs

and prostitution rings.

So, we take them down.

I mean, we know where one
of them is operating.

Well, yeah, but if we go
through the front door

without knowing where
those others clubs are,

they could disappear
into thin air.

Along with the other victims
like Maxim and his wife.

We need to figure out
who the head guy is

before we make a move.

Are you saying we should
go undercover as fighters?

Maxim says that they hold
challenge matches

every few weeks.

What are the chances
that the head

of a trafficking organization
is actually gonna show his face?

Not good.

But Maxim did say that he likes
to meet privately

with the really good newcomers
who win their fights.

All right, so we
need to sign up,

win, get a meeting
with the boss.

Right, I'm thinking that you
and Torres go in together

to fight each other,
then no matter who wins,

we meet the boss.

No, no, no. Not McGee.

What, you don't think I'd make
a convincing cage fighter?

Okay, fine.

I wouldn't make
a convincing cage fighter.

I appreciate
the vote of confidence.

'Cause if we're doing this,

it's got to be real.

I would have to hurt you, and...

I can't do that.

Then I guess we need to find
somebody you can hurt.

Any suggestions?

I may have one in mind, yeah.

Oh, this might just be the worst
decision I've ever made.

All right, Torres,
let's hear it.

Tiago Morales.

Born February 4, 1979,


Moved to Nevada
when I was three.

- Sawyer?
- Scott Blake.

Born August 11, 1985.

From Fayette County,

Once we take the trafficking
ring down, I'd love to talk

to you about making
undercover work

my regular assignment.

My talents are wasted
behind a desk.

All you and Agent Torres need to
focus on right now is the fight.

I'll be ringside,
part of the team.

Knight and I will run comms
from the van.

If at any time you need
to stop the fight,

Agent McGee will throw
the white towel.

That won't be necessary.

All right, Torres,
you are winning.

You're gonna get
our meeting with the boss.

Torres, Sawyer, why don't
you two get comfortable

with each other's styles
before you go live, okay?

Well, this should be fun.

What it needs to be
is convincing.

Well, if you want it to be
convincing, Director,

I should probably be the winner.

Or, Director,
I can just kick

the crap out of him,
and then it would be

really, really convincing.

Okay, why don't we just
stick to the plan,

or McGee and I will
get in the ring?

Nobody wants to see that.

All right, ready.

What the hell are you doing?
Just showing moves,

in case the director
wants to change his mind.

It's not an audition, man.

You're lucky enough to be here

and not pushing papers
on night shift.

Okay. Calm down.
Take it easy, Nick.

Why are you so
threatened by me, Torres?

I mean, I guess
I get the jealousy.

Say that again.

That I'm twice the agent
you'll ever be?

Hey, hey, hey!

All right, all right,
that's enough.

Nick, Nick, Nick...
Knock it off!

Come on! Back off.
All right, fight's over.

Come on, man.

Well, this is certainly going
how I thought it would.

At least my part's done.

We're on for tonight?

I just spoke
with Maxim's contact.

The normal buy-in
for a challenge fight is $500,

but I struck a deal-- a thousand
each-- and Torres and Sawyer

are guaranteed to
fight each other.
Good work, Agent Knight.

All we have
to do now

is keep these two
from killing each other.

- Comm check?
- Go for Torres.

Go for McGee.
Go for Sawyer.

All right, move in. Remember,
your contact's name is Sammy.

All right, guys, we ready?

Let's go, team.

Team. Right.

You good?

Let's just get
this over with.

Whoa, whoa!

We're not open
to the public.

You want in on the action,
go online at www...
No, no, no.

We're actually here
for the challenge fight.

Sammy's expecting us.

Tiago Morales and, uh,

Scott Blake.
Check the list.

You the money guy?

Small bills, non-sequential,
just like Sammy asked.


Keys, phones, wallets.

You'll get 'em back
at the end of the night.

Wait back there
until you hear your names.


Who the hell are you?

Ah, name's Eddy.

This is Tiago Morales,

this is Scott Blake.

And this is for you.

Oh, yeah, challenge fighters.

Your girl told me to expect you.
You know the rules?

Everything goes, right?

Yeah, as long
as you put on a good show.

All right, boys,
let's go get loose.

Yeah, oh, except one more thing.

Uh, Morales,

you're gonna fight Vern first,
not your buddy here.

Whoa, whoa. Hold on. No, no.

That wasn't the deal.
My boys fight each other.

Oh, yeah? Whatever.

It's not how it works.

You don't get
to request your opponent.

Why not?

Because for all I know,

the three of you have some kind
of arrangement.

Maybe you got
some outside bets on this one.

You're calling me a cheat?

Look around, pal.

This place ain't exactly
full of saints.

And, um, I'm not one either.

So, he fights Vern,

or we got a problem.

Yeah, it's no problem.

Don't worry about it.

I'm pretty sure
I can take a guy named Vern.

Good. Yo, Vern?

Come meet
your new opponent.

Guy's pretty big.

It's your call, Nick.
Whatever you want to do, man.

Actually, it's my call.

All right, the operation's off.

We'll find another way
to get to

whoever's running this thing.
Hold on. Hold on. Hold on.

What if we don't get
this close again?

Maybe we wait and see
who Sawyer's paired up with

before we make any decisions.

Yeah, works for me.

Everybody just chill out.

I can take this guy.

Nick, I don't know
about this one, man.

Did you see what they did
to the lieutenant?

Yeah. So?

Wait. What's going on
with you, man?


You see this guy's
arms? Each one

is the size of my torso.

Tim, I've done

more dangerous operations
than this.

That's the job.

Screw the job.

Well, that's easy
for you to say.


Vern, you're up.


Ladies and gentlemen, it's time.

Our first battle tonight,
a challenger bout

featuring a newcomer--
Tiago Morales--

and the Malice from Dallas--

How about a big round
of applause for these fighters?

Time now for the refs...

McGee, do we have a problem?

What do you think?

Looks like we have a problem.

- Sawyer?
- Copy.

We can't count
on Torres winning this thing,

so we better improvise.

I want you to scour the place
and find

any useful intel you can

before our boy loses
consciousness, all right?


* Adrenaline rush

♪ So whatcha gonna do,
get another crew? ♪

♪ You know you're sweatin',
but you ain't got no flow ♪

Does it look as bad in there
as it does on the livestream?

He's not dead yet.

How much longer
you think he's got?

About three minutes.

Then you've got two minutes

to find something
that will lead us to the boss.

♪ Adrenaline rush now

♪ Adrenaline rush,
adrenaline rush now ♪

♪ Adrenaline rush, adrenaline
rush now ♪

♪ Here we go... ♪

Okay, hold it.

All right, ready?
You ready? Go!

Found some kind of office.

Just grab
whatever you can.

Nah, there's nothing here.

Just an old desk, and
the filing cabinets are empty.

All right, all right.
Get out of there.

Hang on.

Got a brand-new fridge.

There's a padlock on it.

Sawyer, you got something?

Yeah. I do.

Quick, quick, okay, done, done.
Get off.

Last chance to tap out.
Want to call it?

What's he doing?

What are you doing out there?
You look

like you're trying
to get yourself killed.

Yeah? So?

What do you mean, "So?"

Who's left to care, man?


Yeah, until you don't.

Nick, where am I going?
I'm not going anywhere.

I don't know, man,
but you already have a family.

You don't need me.

Let's go!
Fighters, to your corners.

To your corners.
To your corners.


He's done.
He's done. Let go. Let go.

Let go. Let go. He's done.
Let go. Let go.

Get up.

I told you
I would beat that guy's ass.

You did.

It's my bad.

And by the way, I do need you.

All right, everyone out.


You heard the man.

Out. Now.

Uh, we're waiting
for our meeting.

What meeting?

A meeting with the big boss.

Boss doesn't meet anyone
he doesn't know.

We were told that he likes
to meet the new winners.

Who told you that?

Look, if there's a problem,

we're good.

No, we're not good.

Uh, wh-why do you want
to meet the boss? Huh?

Who sent you?

Nobody sent us.

Nobody meets the boss. Ever.

- On the ground!

Get down!

On the ground now!
Let's go!

Move it! Hands out
in front! Move!

McGee, Torres,

meet the boss.

Sammy's real name
is Peter Samkharadze.

No wonder he shortened it.
Never would have

- pegged him as the top dog.
- No one did.

That's why he was able to fly
under the radar for so long.

Jimmy had mentioned
that Lieutenant Lantz's

eyeball could be covered
in forensic evidence.

Well, turns out, it was.

Knight and I were able
to lift prints off the jar

while Torres was getting
his face rearranged.

And Sammy admitted
to using the eye

to access the stolen ONI laptop?

Yeah, not only that.
Once he realized he was looking

at seven life sentences, the guy
couldn't wait to cut a deal.

He admitted to being in charge
of the entire operation.

Gave up the location
of the laptop

and all the human trafficking
rings that he was in charge of.

Victims are being
freed as we speak.

General Clark will be glad
to hear that.

Give him my best.

Elena? Elena.

Look at this.

Where's Torres?
He's missing all the fun.

I sent him down to Jimmy
to get stitched up.

Oh. Smart.

There's something about that
room down there, you know?

Ah, must've felt good to hit
that guy in the face, huh?

Not as good
as I thought it would.

Heard you laid
into Sawyer, as well.


He was at the wrong place
at the wrong time.


are you ready to talk yet?


About why you're so angry.

Oh, okay.

Is that why
McGee sent me down here?

We all care about you, Nick,

but you don't have to explain
yourself to me, all right?

I get it.

Do you?
Yeah, you feel

You feel left behind.
Trust me, I do get that.

Yeah, of course you do.

You were closer
with the old team.

I'm not talking
about the team.

I'm talking about Breena.


you were angry
at your wife for dying?


Even though
she fought like hell to stay.

How crazy is that? Huh?

You hide it well.

Not really, no.

I got Dr. Grace
on speed-dial.

Oh. Right.

What does she have
to say about it?

She usually says, uh,

"And how does that
make you feel, Jimmy?"

Of course she does, but isn't
that what you pay her for--

to, uh, answer that question?

That's what I thought at
first, but then I realized

it's better to come
to your own conclusions.

And what I've come to is...

...sometimes people leave.

Even fathers.

And it's got nothing
to do with you.

What if it does?

Well, that's when it's time

to lean on the people
that are still here for you.


you have to open yourself up
to getting hurt again

if you ever want to heal.

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