NCIS (2003–…): Season 14, Episode 21 - One Book, Two Covers - full transcript

The murder of a Marine is linked to an old dirt bike gang Torres joined while undercover.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
(bird cawing)

(brakes squealing)

(distant sirens wailing)

Oh, come on. Come on.

(motorcycle engine revving)
Come on.

(distant sirens wailing)



(sirens wailing)

Cutting it a little close, bro.

You trying to get us
busted or something?






So your fingers aren't broken.

What, now?

Oh, just figured that was
the reason you haven't RSVP'd

to my e-vite.

For my painting party?

Oh, I thought that was a joke.

I'm sorry,
what's a painting party?

It is like a
housewarming party,

except instead of
standing around,

you just, you get to get
your hands dirty.

That sounds more like free labor
than a party.

Come on. Painting is fun.

Unless someone is posing nude,
I am not interested.

Mm, fine. But you do not know
what you're missing.

Look, if this is just a ploy
to see me with my shirt off,

I can make that happen
right now.

You have quite the imagination.

The offer still stands. You say
the word, I'll lose my shirt.

And the job, Torres.

Gear up. Got a dead
Marine in Maryland.

McGee and Quinn?
They're already on the way.

Hey, Gibbs.

Did you get Bishop's e-vite?

The hell's an e-vite?

(camera shutter clicking)

(siren chirps)

QUINN: Well, my mom always said,
"If you're not careful,

you'll end up face down
in the mud somewhere."

Always thought
that was a figure of speech.

Tell that to him.

What do we know?

Well, the victim
is Marine Corporal

Kyle Campbell, he is
a cargo clerk stationed

onboard the USS Saipan

out of Norfolk.

A hitchhiker called 911,

and reported the body.

Hitchhiker give you anything?

Not really.

Apparently, he spotted the body

when he was walking past.

All yours, Duck.

Thank you, Timothy.

Come, Dr. Palmer, let's free
this young man from the mud.

All right.

Here we go.

One, two, three.

(shutter clicking)

There you are, Corporal,
your final about-face.

My apologies
for moving you.

JIMMY: This body's
been moved before, Doctor.

There's a blood trail,
leads back to the road.

His killer probably dragged him
back here,

keep him out of sight.

So it would seem.

You looking for new a job,


Hey, Gibbs.

I got something.

What do you got?

Two set of tracks, fresh ones.


A dirt bike.

You sure about that?

Oh, yeah.

There's a larger one.

Maybe a small truck.

Explains why the smaller tracks
stop here.

Loaded onto a truck.

Gibbs, local LEO
said there was a bank robbery

a few miles north
of here, yesterday.

Perp made his getaway
on a dirt bike.

Security footage?
It's on its way to Abby now.

Hey, Gibbs?

I'm gonna need
to take a look at that.

You know something we don't?

Just a hunch.

ABBY: This is Boonsboro Savings
and Loan yesterday morning,

just moments before
the robbery kicks off.

You know, legendary bank robber
Ralphie "Slick" Sommers,

he called this lull...

The calm before the storm.

Can we just skip
to the good part?

Patience, Nick.



He only wanted bills
from the front of the drawer.

Ah, he's avoiding dye packs.

He knows the system.

GIBBS: He ever show his face?

But using the height
of the counter,

I was able to do

a size comparison, and clocked

our bank robber in at six foot,
four inches tall.

Well, that rules out
Corporal Campbell.

He's not even six feet.

Wait, hold on a second.
Can we go back?

The dirt bike.

Can you zoom in on that?

You have a make and model?

I can't zoom in,
it'll distort

the pixelation even more.

I'm afraid this
is as good as gets.

It's a Suzuki RM125,

2002, yellow, with
a red racing stripe,

and a custom exhaust.

You got that from
a blurry video?

There's no way.

How do you know so much
about a bank robber's dirt bike?

'Cause that is not
his dirt bike.

It's mine.

I didn't know you were
in a rap group, Torres.

Make a dope album cover.

(laughs softly)

Meet the Rosewood
Boyz. 2012,

they were a rising crew
mostly known for, uh,

riding dirt bikes,

partying hard,

robbing banks.

Sounds like a well-rounded day.

NCIS asked me to go deep cover.

I became Nick Medina,

a full-fledged Rosewood Boy.


Well, they had
a habit for, uh,

recruiting sailors and Marines
to do their dirty work.

How long was the op?

Little over a year, took
us to, uh, to get our guy.

Mitch Monroe, the top dog.

Kept his men in the shadows,
no loose ends.

But I found one.

Royce Layton. Real good kid.

Just mixed up
with some bad dudes.

We got real tight.

When I saw bodies piling up,
and I took my shot,

I blew my cover, and I asked him
to flip on his boss.

He did the right thing.

He did the courageous thing.

By ratting on Monroe?

By testifying.

Because of him,

Mitch Monroe got 20 to life.

He was taken care of
by the Feds.

Witness protection.

Sounds like Royce knows
the gang inside and out.

Let's talk to him.

Easier said than done.

GIBBS: If he's
federally protected,

he's unlisted.

Maybe untouchable.

Even to us?

Especially to us.

Royce's still a marked man.

Nothing brings
more heat than, uh,

agents knocking
on your door.

You think Corporal Campbell's
really the kind of Marine

to get involved
with the Rosewood Boyz?

All right, well, I just got
off the phone with his O.I.C.

I'm gonna go see what she knows.

All right, keep at it,
keep digging.

I want everything
on Corporal Campbell.

McGee, contact
the Department of Justice.

I want to talk to Royce Layton.

Let's go, Bishop.

You're with me.

Where to?

Hey, Gibbs, don't you think
I should go with you guys?

I mean, I know Monroe.

Advantage him, not us.

Yeah, but I lived and breathed
the Rosewoods for over a year.

I mean, I can,
I can be an asset.

Go find a lead on your old bike.

Well, can I at least

brief you
on Mitch Monroe?

Call you from the car, Torres.

(elevator bell dings)

Dr. Mallard?

Can you come look at something
for a second?

What have you found,
Dr. Palmer?

I'm not sure.

Could be, uh, mud.

Maybe, but not exactly.

Ah, that's quite an analysis.

Thank you.

In a vast number of cases,

identifying a mysterious
substance like this one,

is best determined

by searching
for specific markers,

which in this case...

...are not there.

Why don't you take this
up to the lab?

(buzzer sounds)

(indistinct radio transmission)


Mitch Monroe?

Appreciate you
sitting down with us.

It's not like I had
to clear my schedule, hon.

You play chess, Monroe?

Only against myself.

We're working a homicide.

Bank was robbed in Boonsboro,
guy fled on a dirt bike.

We think that he killed
his accomplice, a Marine.

There's reason to believe
it was gang related.

Rosewood Boyz.

You saying the boys
are up and running again?


And you think
I'm running it from in here.

Well, that's been done before.

To be honest,
by the time I got locked up,

I didn't have many friends left.

A bunch of 'em got killed.

Yeah, mostly by you.

Those sick rumors
still floating around?

You can think what you want,

but I'm telling you the truth,
straight up.

I didn't kill my homies.

Sure you did, straight up.

The names Colin Day,
Jamel Jackson,

Mickey Miller ring any bells?

They were just chess pieces
you needed to sacrifice, right?

Colin and Jamel got rolled on by
a couple of crosstown cowards,

and Mickey got silly drunk,
and drowned in a pool.

Yeah, well,
those are the stories.

But we know the truth.

You trying to bring
more charges on me?

'Cause I'm up for parole
in five years.

Then I would start talking.

I might've heard some rumors

that someone
was rallying the troops,

trying to get back in business.

You got a name?

And the boys will make damn sure
that you don't get one either.

Real Rosewoods don't talk.


Mm. Then how'd
you end up in here?

You're NCIS.

Know that Fed that
put me in here?

Called himself Nick Medina?

Give him a
message for me.

I'm not gonna be
in here forever.

(knocking on door)
Come in.

Thank you for seeing me,

Make it quick, Torres.
I will.

The Marine who was
killed yesterday,

seems like he was tied
to a gang I worked on,

five years ago, undercover.

I should not be forced
to sit on the sidelines.

I took down their leader and
gave a year of my life to do it.

And you were paid for your time.

You did your job
then, do it now.

Agent Gibbs made
the personnel choice

he felt best
served our goal

of solving
this investigation.

And that's me.

I'm wasted sitting on the bench.

You ever heard
the name Jack Haley?


NBA journeyman.

'96 Bulls.

Rode the bench
most of his career.

But he was the one person
that the team's star forward,

Dennis Rodman, trusted
the most, opened up to,

often leaned on.

What is your point, sir?

Haley made the biggest
impact of his career

from a seat on the bench.

And the only thing stopping
you from doing the same

is you.

(soft chuckle)

With all due respect, sir,

I didn't give eight years
of my life to deep cover

to be a Jack Haley.

Your move, Torres.

I'm going home.

Come on,
it's not worth

throwing away your career.

No, I'm going home
to get my old notes.

Early in the op,

we were partying,
I caught a little buzz,

I almost took my shirt off
and jumped in the pool.

I was wearing a wire.

Not good.
No, not good.

Ever since that day,
I never wore a wire again.

I wrote notes on every hour,
every day on a little planner.

That little planner is
stashed away deep in my closet.

Then you need to go home.

(door closes)
Enjoyed the talk, Torres.

(man speaks indistinctly
over P.A.)

I was about to report

Campbell U.A. again
when I got your call.

"Again?" Why, has
it been a problem?

It has been lately.


Corporal Campbell was quiet,

a good Marine.

But the last few months,
he seemed to change.

He was distracted.

Had to write him up
a couple times.

Any idea what was wrong?

I suspected drugs.

But we just did a random
sweep, and he was clean.

Was there anyone he was
particularly close to

on the ship?

No, not lately.

He seemed withdrawn.

He had a girlfriend,
but I heard they broke up.

I can get her name.

Maybe she knows
what his problem was.

(dog barking in distance)





What you got, Abbs?

Your old chariot,
or what's left of it.

Yeah, the universe has
a cruel sense of humor.

Hey, Nick.

It works out better
for everybody

if you just go ahead
and give me the Caf-POW!

before it becomes a problem.

Oh, yeah.

When exactly does it
become a problem?

As soon as I have to ask.
Got it.

Oh, it's really hard
to see her like this.

I mean, if it helps,
your baby didn't feel a thing.

She was packed with
so much black powder,

it could've blown up a rhino.

I mean, thankfully,
it did not blow up a rhino.

How nice
that I'm still alive, too.

Oh, no, yeah.

Oh, it totally sucks
that you almost got killed.

But, you know, rhinos are on
the endangered species list.

Okay, I get it,
you love rhinos.

Moving on. Detonator.

So the bad guys
used a jerry-rigged

cell phone as a detonator.

Prepaid burner, untraceable?

That word is blasphemous

in the house of Sciuto.

Like John Paul Jones said...

Ramble on.

No, no, the other
John Paul Jones.

"I have not yet begun to fight."

I don't doubt it.

Seriously, Nick,
you got to promise me

you're gonna be careful
around these dudes.

You're lucky to be alive.

Abby, luck has a funny way of
evaporating when you need it.

If the bomb was
meant to kill me,

it would have.

They wanted me alive.


Well, that's what I intend
to find out.

BISHOP: You took all
your case notes in that?

I logged every conversation,
every person I met.

Wow, it seems more dangerous
carrying that around

than wearing a wire.

Well, at least I was able
to show the goods.

(both chuckle)

Wow, must've been

so hard for you
being undercover.

You know,
sometimes it was so hard.

You find anything actually
useful in there?

Not yet.


we need to find a connection

between Campbell
and the Rosewoods.

You want a connection
between Campbell and that gang?

Look in the
mirror, Torres.


The same guys

that killed Campbell just
tried to blow your ass up. Why?

BISHOP: Revenge, I assume.
I mean, they've probably been

looking for Nick all this time.

No, if it was a revenge hit,
I'd be dead.

BISHOP: The explosion
must have something to do

with Campbell, I mean, the
timing can't be a coincidence.

Where are the Rosewood Boyz
hanging out?

I may have a lead on that.

Turns out Campbell
had an ex-girlfriend,

and I managed to
track down her address.

You want us to
pick her up?
Oh, she's on her way in.

Guys like Kyle don't come
around too often these days.

Yeah, tell us about him.

The Kyle I choose to
remember was... generous.

He had a kindness.

But he also had no filter.

The Kyle you choose to remember
seems like a pretty good guy.

What about the other Kyle?

Um... about six months ago,
he started to change.

He'd become obsessed with
fantasy baseball, of all things.



Big time.

He went into debt pretty bad.

We were just... fighting
about it nonstop, and...

and then, suddenly,

Kyle just started
paying off his debt.

Where'd he get the money?
He wouldn't tell me.

Not at first, but I knew
it had something to do

with his new friends.

New friends have a name?

(scoffs) Fools called themselves
the Rosewood Boyz,

that's the only name
that I ever knew.

I confronted Kyle.

He said he just needed to make
a little bit more money

and then he'd make
a clean break.

I just... I didn't believe him.

Why not?

He was still gambling.

Then one day
his friends

gave him a second cell phone,
to use only with them.

Kyle said that
they were paranoid

about keeping
their identities secret.

So, when they called Kyle to
meet, do you know where he'd go?

He wouldn't tell me.

So, I...


"Um," what?

I put a GPS tracker on his car.

I thought that
he was cheating on me.

Hey, nobody's judging you.

I am.

Well done.

So, did you find out
where he was going?

Uh, Miller's Motocross.

It's a pretty popular track.


You know, I wasn't sure
what I was expecting,

but it definitely
wasn't this.


Welcome to motocross, McGee!

This is fun stuff.

This is not fun, this is every
mother's worst nightmare.


Over there.

You sure?

He's sure.

Nice run.

Looking a little choppy
before you hit the triple.

Yeah, I spun out
on a dime.

I thought for sure we were
gonna end up stacking bodies.

Yeah, me too. You really need
a guardrail, something padded.

And there's only one thing
that I dislike more

than catching a bad batch

and losing my wheels--

being hassled by cops.


Ask you a few
questions about

the death of
Corporal Kyle Campbell?

And I need a little pillow talk
with Kate Upton.

QUINN: Look, you
knew Kyle, right?

If you have
nothing to hide,

then there's nothing
to be quiet over.

Oh, okay, yeah, I-I guess
I'll talk to you guys, then.


Nice dime-store
interrogation tactic.

Where'd you pick it up,
"Mind Games for Morons"?

It's a nice bike.
(clears throat)

What are you doing, buddy?

It's probably best you stop
touching on the bike.

Or what?

Better start showing
me some respect.

I would hate to
see you get hurt.

Hey, hey, drop it!

He wants to touch your bike...
let him touch.

He's screwing with me.

He's playing you.

He's good at that.

At least we know
who's running the show now.

Thanks for the look.

Been thinking about
buying a bike myself.

And? What's the verdict?

I'm gonna stick with a sedan.

Gets good gas mileage, not too
flashy, and you know what?

It is comfy.

Quinn, take a picture.



Onward and upward, boys.
Let's go.

Boss, how'd you even know
that was the Rosewood Boyz?

The bike tipped me off.

How'd you know which bike?

The one with the big rose
painted on the side.

He look familiar, Torres?

No. Are you sure this Alonzo
guy's the one calling the shots?


That's a hell of a mountain
to climb in only five years.

You sure he wasn't
in the gang back then?

Maybe he was so low level,

he wasn't even on your radar.

Not likely.

What about your guy

who was put in the Witness
Protection Program?

Royce Layton?
I have no idea where he is.

What about him?

Might know something
about this Alonzo guy.

Boss, just spoke
with the DOJ.

They want approval
from the Marshals Service

before they'll release
Layton's whereabouts.
Get it.

I've been working on it,

but the Marshals Service
won't give their approval

until DOJ signs off on it.

Okay, we focus on Alonzo.

Need something to turn
the screws. Bishop?

Checking his credit card
and bank records

to see if I can connect him
to any large deposits.


I'm gonna check
his cell phone records.

Maybe I can place him
in Boonsboro

the day Corporal Campbell
was killed.

I'm gonna take another whack
at the Justice Department.

Torres, maybe you can check...
Where is he?

(birds squawking)


What up, Royce?

Witness protection
looks good on you.

Hey, man, I like what you
done to the place.

You said you'd check in on
me every few weeks, Nick,

and five years
later, here we are.


Hey, man, the Feds said
it was dangerous for me

to be coming
around too often.

Right, right, the Feds.

You were safe, though, Royce.

You know, I trusted you
like a brother and...

here's where it got me.

Well, it beats the hell
out of a Cellblock "E."


You think?

Ah, this place...

this place is its own kind
of cellblock, believe me.

Well, you had yourself
a nice run with the Rosewoods

until you smartened up
and you testified.

Nah, destroying
people's lives isn't smart.

Take down Monroe
we had to take down

a bunch of friends with him.

Friends... who were criminals.

Ah, see, see, see?

Friends to you.

Family to me.

Come on, man.

What you spinning out here, man?

Potter's wheel.

Artista top.

Helps me forget
what I've become.

And what's that?

A rat.

The kind of rat can't
make peace with what I did,

what I did... for you.

Well, I guess it's a bad
time to ask you for a favor.


Ah, so you got jokes, huh?

Not jokes, man.

The Rosewoods are running again.

I have a dead Marine.

We have a suspect,
but it's thin.

I was hoping you could
help us with some intel.


(chuckles) Man, he's harmless,
small-time hustler.

No, man, he's the new boss.

Since you knew him
better than I did...

You want me to rat again.

I prefer to call it help.

Funny, I do bad things,
I end up here.

You do bad things
and you still get to play cop.

I did what I had to do.

And if NCIS knew what that was,

what would they
think of you then?

Are you gonna
help me out or what?

Lucky I'm a better friend to you
than you ever were to me.

Alonzo, he's been...

he's been keeping a secret
for a long time.

Come on.
Come on.

We're happy
to see you, too, Abby.

BISHOP: Ah, so this
is what it'll be like

when Abby finally gets a wax
figure at Madame Tussauds.

What do you got?

Don't you want to know

why I'm smiling like this first?


The smile train hit me
head-on in the face

for the same reason
we are gathered here.

Less than an hour ago,

I raised my forensics game

into the stratosphere

or the Sciuto-Sphere.
Isn't that the phone

that was used to detonate
the bomb on Torres' bike?

We already knew
about that, Abb.

But what we never stopped and
asked ourselves is what happened

to the phone

that called the phone

that made the bike go boom.

See, even Gibbs is smiling,

and he's gonna smile more
when he sees this.

Burn phone as detonator.

Cash purchase two days ago.

Metro found it in a Dumpster
after I traced its whereabouts.

Where was that?

Whoever called did so from...

the 400 block of Sherman Road
in Greenbelt.

Alonzo's last
registered address.

493 Sherman Road.

I'll call Torres.


Hey, Gibbs.

The helmet our Marine killer
wore at the bank robbery.

Yeah, our man's here.

Alonzo, come out!

They're dead.


Yeah, it looks like
Alonzo had a secret.

Double tap.

Rosewood Boyz.

Question is, which one?


(phone ringing)


Alonzo Marcel ordered the hit

on Corporal Campbell, and now
he's a gift from me to you.

Your investigation ends here.

You have your killer;
now walk away,

or NCIS will find out

what you've been hiding
all this time.

It's sad when they
come in so young.
It is indeed,

but then you and I both
know that all of life

is a near-death experience.

We must never cease
to give thanks

for the gift of today.

Isn't that right, Jethro?

I'll tell you tomorrow.

Well, if one is an incident

and two is a coincidence,

then three is most
certainly a pattern.

Like our Marine,

these two died of double tap.

Same technique,

bigger weapon.

DUCKY: Yeah, well, these
head wounds tell me

that a higher-caliber weapon

was used here

than the one that killed
Corporal Campbell.

Well, different gun doesn't
mean different shooter.

There any evidence
of a struggle?

Mm, quite the opposite.

The position they were
found in indicates

inactivity at the time of death.


Yes, Jethro.

They were ambushed.

Oh, just one more thing.

Remember the mysterious
substance we found

under the fingernails
of Corporal Campbell?

Yeah, Abby's compared every mud
in North America.

Nothing matched.

Yeah, except for the remarkably
similar substance

we found
on Alonzo Marcel's boots.

If they are
one in the same,

then that would directly connect
the two attacks.

It's a whole lot of ifs, Ducky.

Why you hit the-the
emergency button?

Because I can.

We don't have an
emergency, Gibbs.

Or do we?

Tell me.

Tell you what?

What you're hiding.

Okay. Let's talk.

Where to start?

The truth.

What if I'm not sure
I know it anymore?

We find it.

I can't help unless
you help yourself.

Time to tear off that Band-Aid.

I planted evidence.

I planted evidence

to get Monroe off the streets
so no other people,

especially my friends,
would get murdered.

Gang members.

What they do,
not who they are.

Any regrets?

Zero. No regrets.

That Rosewood investigation
swallowed me up whole.

And when another two
Rosewoods got smoked...

I swiped the pistol
he used to do it

and I tossed it in the bushes
next to the victims.

His victims?

You're sure?

He looked me in the eye and
said, "I killed them both."

And that was just
the tip of the spear.

Gibbs, he was
cleaning house.

I had no choice.
I had to do it.

I was hoping this is
the part where you'd say,

"Hey, Torres, your
job is secure.

When I was a young
NIS agent, uh..."

(clears throat)

(imitating Gibbs):
"I did the same thing."


we got a lot more
in common than you think.

But my Band-Aids,
they always stay on.

Abby. Mud. Go.

Don't come back
without an answer.

Hey, Torres.


Hey, Abbs.

Please tell me
this is mud.

Uh, most of it.

Well, that was

the hand that I was dealt
and I played the hell out of it.

I mean, this is
totally, like,

a straight royal flush.

That's not actually
a thing, is it?

Analogy still worked.

So, what are you saying, Abby?
You identified the mud?

I shipped in samples
of every variation

and every strain of mud

that I could get my filthy
little hands on.

And just when I thought
I couldn't keep trudging,

the major mass spec

got a match...

...and made
beautiful music.

Kaolin mud?

Actually, it's clay.

Like pottery clay?

It's like the
Rolls-Royce of mud.

Huh. So, how'd
the same pottery clay

end up on two
of the three victims?

You got any theories,

He just bail
on us again?

Royce, I know it was you.

Don't do something
we're both going to regret.

What do you want?

(wind chime tinkles softly)

(screen door creaks open)

Were you expecting anyone else?

If I'm not the only friend
you're blackmailing today,

well, I'd like to know that.

Wouldn't call it blackmail.

Think of it as restitution.

I don't owe you anything.

Then why are you
standing there

holding that bag full of cash?

Is all 200
of it there?

It's all here.


How did you know Alonzo
had 200 K in his safe?

Because he was
holding it for me.

He was a good earner,
useful, but...

then he got greedy
and the envelopes were lighter.

So you had him killed?

He was not content

with the Rosewoods'
current leadership.

And that'd be you.

You can't take
what somebody else earns.

I've had to teach
a lot of people that.

Now, how the hell did you
run the Rosewood Boyz

from witness protection?

Monroe was feared,
hated, so,

when we put him away,
I wasn't seen as a snitch.

No, I was a savior,
so I capitalized.

Made all the right promises
to all the right people,

and made sure to get rid of
all the wrong ones.

Like Corporal Campbell.

Why'd you have him killed?

Ah, kid made
a couple of scores for us,

but he was a degenerate gambler,
a liability.

Do I really need to explain
how all this works?

I mean,
not to be an impolite host,

but I think it's about time we
both got what we came here for.

So, please,
put the bag on the table.

I need to check it.

All right, now your turn.

Where's this audio
you claim you have on me?

Do you remember that night
you came back to the crib

and told me how you
planted Monroe's gun?

You recorded our conversation?

On this drive is an audio file.

200 Gs in exchange
for your freedom.

Not a bad deal.

How do I know it's the only one?

You don't.

(zipper opens)


And here I was worried you were
gonna try something stupid.

(clicks tongue, laughs)

Hey, Royce.


There's something else
in there for you.

You son of a bitch.

Go ahead and try 'em on.
I think they're your size.

(handcuffs clink on table)
And what do you think

will happen
when I give this to the Feds?

I have no idea, but why don't
you ask them yourself?

They're right outside.
Go ahead, say hi.

You're out of moves, Royce.

Turn around.

Royce... please turn around.


(bike engine revs)

(engine revs)

(tires skidding on gravel)

Torres! Geez!

(engines revving)

(engine revs)



Hey, Royce!


You forgot these.

Breathe, Nick. Breathe.

I just listened

to the audio file that Royce
tried to blackmail you with.

I didn't understand a word.

Nothing but a lot
of mumbling.

No way to know
that it's even you.

Wait, so he was bluffing?

Why would he even think that
I would give him 200 K

without even listening
to the audio file first?

So, uh, Abby said
she was sure, right?

I mean, she scanned through
the whole entire file

and said I was good to go?

No. Not Abby.


By yourself?

(papers shuffling)

I mean, you know
how to scan

for audio files
on an external hard drive?

You did the wrong thing
for the right reasons.

Never do that again.

(papers tap on desk)

Been a long week, Torres.

(taps keyboard)

Go home.

(papers shuffling)

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