My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (2010–…): Season 9, Episode 12 - The Last Crusade - full transcript

Unexpected visitors to Ponyville threaten to break up the Cutie Mark Crusaders forever! Will the Crusaders stay together or will they be forced to learn a valuable lesson about friendship?

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Cutie Mark Crusaders!
Cutie Mark Crusaders!

Cutie Mark Crusaders!

Cutie Mark Crusaders!

We're at my house!

I got my cutie mark!

You did?

That's great, Skeedaddle!

Yeah! What's it for?

Knot tying!

And I never would've gotten it
without all of you!

Did we suggest

First, I tried sailing,
like you said.

Next, I tried fishing,
like YOU said.

Then I tried rowing, like you said.
But my oar broke.

So I used my fishing line
to tie it back together...


I can't wait to tell EVERYPONY!

Yay! - Yeah! - Woohoo!

Oh, how exciting!

You three truly have a
gift for helping ponies.

Aw, thanks, Aunt Holiday.

But I'm not sure we can
take credit for this one.

Of course, you can!

You encouraged that
colt to try new things.

And because you all believed
in him, he succeeded.

I could use that kind of help.

C'mon, Auntie Lofty.
You already HAVE your cutie mark.

Lot of good it does me.

I can't decide what
theme to give this quilt.

I've run out of inspiration.

How about apples?
Puppies? Kites!

Or cotton candy? Or ballet!

What about a Wonderbolt quilt?

Ha ha! See? Leave
it to you three

to come up with more ideas
than I've had in a year.

Now that's talent!

Goodness, we'd better get going

or we'll miss our train home.

I left you plenty of healthy
food for the weekend.

And I left you cookies.

The Cakes will stay with
you tonight, then Rarity,

and Rainbow Dash after that.

Remember, we're just a
few stops from Ponyville

- if you need us.
- She knows, Holiday!

See you next week, slugger.

Bye, Aunt Holiday!
Bye, Auntie Lofty!

Your aunts are so nice!

It's really cool they watch you

while your parents are gone.

I know! I just wish
they lived closer.

Nopony bakes like Auntie Lofty!

They're coming home today!

- Who?

♪ My little pony,
my little pony ♪

♪ Aaaahhh ♪

♪ My little Pony ♪

♪ I used to wonder what
friendship could be. ♪

♪ My Little Pony ♪

♪ Until you all shared
its magic with me. ♪

♪ Big adventure! ♪
♪ Tons of fun ♪

♪ A beautiful heart! ♪ ♪
Faithful and strong! ♪

♪ Sharing kindness ♪
♪ it's an easy feat ♪

♪ And magic makes it
all complete! ♪

♪ To have my little pony ♪

♪ Do you know you're all
my very best ♪

♪ friends? ♪


Season 09 Episode 12

Episode Title:
" The Last Crusade"

Today we're going to learn

about the Pegasus
Weather Factory.

Once everypony is
in their seats.

The factory specializes in
snow, rain, sunshine, and...

Ahem! Scootaloo.
May I help you?

I just noticed
your erasers needed dusting!

Why don't we hold off on the lesson
until after lunch?

How about show and tell?
Does anypony have any...

My parents are coming home
to Ponyville today!

Wait. They don't live here?

Nope. Their jobs are way
too important for that.

They travel to the farthest,
most dangerous places

in Equestria to study unknown
plants and fierce creatures.

And what they learn helps
pony science and medicine!

I'd go with them,
but it's too dangerous.

Once, my mom had to
wing-wrestle a wyvern!

And my dad got trapped
in a chimera's cave

for three moons!
He still has the scars to prove it.


You're making that up.
Nopony has THAT kind of job.


Easy there, Marshmallow.

Time you were in your crate
for your nap!

And that means now, mister!

Mom! Dad!

Still think she's
makin' it all up?


Everypony, meet my parents:
Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood.

Huh! Sorry to make such an entrance.

Just brought back a few mates
from our last adventure.

We couldn't wait another moment
to see Scootaloo!

I hope we didn't
interrupt anything.

No, I... think
class is dismissed.

Crikey! You're nearly as
tall as me now, Scoot!

Aw, c'mon, Dad.

Oh, Scootaloo.
We missed you!

Me too, Mom!
Did you get all my letters?

And read them twenty times!

But they're never as good as
the real thing.

It's so good to see you.

I say we celebrate
with ice cream sundaes!

They don't have THOSE in the
jungle, that's for sure.

Why don't you all come?
Our treat!

And Princess Twilight said

we're such good
friendship tutors,

she might even let
us teach a class!

Good on ya, Scoot!

What an honor!

I can give you a tour of the school
if you want!

I mean, if you're staying
for a while this time.

Oh, you'll be seeing
plenty of us.


Mm hm. Because we've
taken a new job assignment

that will let ALL of us
live together.

I can't believe it!
That's awesome!

- All right, Scootaloo!
- Woo hoo!

We never planned to be away for
so long in the first place.

We just kept discovering things

that could help
Equestria, and nopony else

had the experience
to finish our job.

But with all that's happened
lately: Sombra's return,

the destruction of
the Tree of Harmony,

we decided our family
should be together.

This is the best day of my life.

We'll stay in town
for the weekend

so you can pack
your things.


We're all moving
to Shirelanka.

That's where our
new job is.

my friends are in Ponyville!

You can come back
and visit 'em.

Or they can take the train to us.
There's one every month.

But Scootaloo can't leave!

We've been together
our whole lives!

It'll be a big
change for everypony.

But it'll be a good change!
Give it time; you'll see.

The only thing I see...

is the end of the
Cutie Mark Crusaders!

I now call our last ever

Cutie Mark Crusader
meeting to order.

First item of business, cry!

You can't let the blank flanks
down just cause I'm gone.

You gotta keep being
CMCs without me!

How? There's only two of us.

Maybe you can find
a replacement for me.

No, we can't!
You're the only you!

Nothin's gonna be the same.

Who's gonna ride their scooter
ahead of us everywhere we go?

Or... or put on plays with us?

Or go camping with us?
Or just... hang out with us?

Well, it's worse for me!
I have to say goodbye to BOTH of you!

Guess who just got
three front-row tickets

to the Wonderbolts
show next week?

Uh, that is NOT the reaction
I was expecting.

Thanks for the tickets, Rainbow Dash.
But I can't go.

Her parents are making
her move

super far away
from Ponyville!

What? No way!
Scootaloo belongs HERE!

And now we'll probably never
see her again! It's HOPELESS!

Whoa whoa whoa.

I cannot believe you're
giving up so easily!

You're the Cutie
Mark Crusaders!

Solving tough problems
is what you do!

We are pretty good
at coming up with ideas.

That's right!
When we work together,

we're unstoppable!

I can't believe
we didn't think of it before!

It's list time, y'all!

First question,

why do Scootaloo's parents
want to move to Shirelanka?

That's where their new job is.

What if we get
them a job here instead?

They like dangerous creatures, right?

We gotta have some of those
around here.

Like... Timberwolves!

Dad knows all about those.
And cockatrices, and bugbears.

They only study
super-rare animals.

Then maybe
we need to give them an animal

nopony's ever heard of!

Uh then
how would we hear about it?

Because we're making it up!

So... you want these
tickets, or...?


This is what I
wanted to show you!

The tracks of the mysterious
Everfree Banshee Beast.

Hmm, they're like
nothing I've ever seen.

Legend says
it has five claws and three wings,

and it's super-dangerous
if you get close.

If only somepony
could prove it exists!

Hmm. Easy enough.
We'll follow the spoor.

I think
I heard something this way!

♪ ♪

So the plan is,
we let 'em get a picture,

then we hide again, right?

Now the plan is run!


Heh-heh. Guess you
solved the mystery.

We'd better get back.
There's a lot to get ready

before the house goes
up for sale tomorrow.

Don't worry, Scootaloo.

We have a NEW plan to
keep you in Ponyville.

We just gotta show your
parents we're a set of three!

Then they'll have to let you
stay here with us!

Scoot? Are these yours?

Yeah, thanks, Dad.

We're sending them to
the Pony Book of Records.

We're the only three
ponies in Equestria

with the SAME
cutie mark!

The chances of that
are so rare,

it means we belong together,

Yeah, but you don't have
the same cutie mark.

Uh, sure we do! Look!

Well, this part is the same,
but the picture inside,

each of these is different.

I think it means
you'll stay best friends,

no matter where you go.
And that's really special.

But... we...
How do you argue with that?

All right, y'all.
Time to take things up a notch.

With prune juice?

It's a potion I mixed up
from Zecora's book!

Prune is only ONE
of the ingredients.

What's it do?

On this potion, please depend.
Any separation, mend.

Friends together
till the end!

We just gotta
dab a little on our hooves.

Sounds perfect, right?

Better than perfect!


Is something supposed to happen?

Is THIS the something
that's supposed to happen?

The book didn't really say.


Thanks for trying,
Apple Bloom.

But I might as
well face it.

I'm gonna have to
leave Ponyville.

Don't give up, Scootaloo.

This just gave me
an even BETTER idea

how to keep you here.


Maybe we'd better see Zecora
about fixing this first.

We're running out of time.

This HAS to work!

I know you're having fun with your friends,

but we need to get all our
things to the station.

We can't miss tomorrow's train.

It's the only one for a month.

Then you'll just have
to go without me!

I'm staying with the CMCs!

We are chained to this post!

And nuthin' and nopony is
gonna move us, no matter...


We just sold the house, Scoot.

I know this is hard
to accept, but...

It's more than hard!
It's not fair!

You're making me pick between
my family and my friends.

Oh, Scootaloo.
Moving away won't stop you three

from caring about each other.
Why don't you sleep over

with Sweetie Belle and
Apple Bloom tonight?

It'll give you a chance
to say a real goodbye.

But I don't WANT to say goodbye!

You're changing my whole life

without even asking how I feel!


Where are you going?

To stay with my aunts.
You heard my parents!

There isn't another train
to Shirelanka for a month.

If I'm not on it,
they'll have to go without me.

Then we're comin' with ya!

Are you sure?
I don't want to get you in trouble.

Rarity won't be mad.

Applejack neither!

I bet she'd do the same
thing for her friends.

You're the best, you know that?

WE'RE the best.


What a nice surprise!

And I've got a surprise for you!

You three inspired me
to finish my quilt.

See? It's Cutie Mark
Crusader themed!

We love hearing stories about
all the ponies you've helped.

So Lofty decided to celebrate
the special job you three do!

It's still a work
in progress.

It's not your quilt we're
sad about, Auntie Lofty.

Mom and Dad are back.

And they're making me move
to Shirelanka with them!

Snap and Mane are back?
They didn't tell me that!

Oh. I think the
mailpony delivered

your letter to my house.

I love my family!
But I love being with my friends, too.

I don't want to have to choose.

Well then, why
don't your parents

just stay in Ponyville?

Their job is too important.

That's it!

Is this another
potion idea?

No! Scootaloo's parents are
the only ponies in Equestria

that can do what they do, right?


Well, so are we! Our
cutie marks prove it!

Yeah! Our job is to help other
ponies find their purpose!

And nopony else can do that!
So, if my parents split us up,

it'd be just as bad as
them quitting their jobs!


Now how do we explain that
to 'em?

you don't have to explain it.

THEY will.

Feeling better, Scootaloo?

A little.

I just wanna show you
something before we go.

All right, but let's make it swift.
That train won't wait.

Sweet Celestia's

What is all this?

It's Cutie Mark Crusader
Appreciation Day!

But we couldn't start
without all of them here!


These three ponies
share a rare ability

to help others
find their true purpose.

It's a job only they can do,
and only together.

That sounds familiar.

In honor of all
they have done

and continue to do for
the ponies of this town,

I would like to present
the Cutie Mark Crusaders

with a three-handled
key to the city!

A full Wonderbolt

Oh, I'm not sure you know
just how important

Scootaloo and her friends
are, little brother!

But you're about to find out.

The CMCs used their free time
to set up a camp

to help us blank flanks
find our cutie marks.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders
see the best in everypony.

Even when that pony can't see it
in themselves.

Well, I'll be a
three-tailed bandicoot.

I had no idea how important
Scoot's club was.

Oh, it's way more
than just a club.

The CMCs have made a difference

for everypony here.

And not just ponies!
They help everycreature.

Whether it's encouraging others

to discover their
special talent.

Or inspiring them to do
what's in their heart.

These three fillies
offer the town

something no other pony can.

No way! After all that,
you're still gonna make her leave?

We just want
what's best for Scootaloo.

And until now...
we thought we knew what that was.

Turns out,
you're just like us, Scoot.

You have an important
job that only you can do.

You love it,
and it helps all of Equestria.

Sometimes that means missing
out on other things you love.

Like watching our
daughter grow into a pony

we're very proud of.

Which is a long way to say:

Scoot, if you want to stay,
we understand.

Really? Thanks, Dad.
Thanks, Mom!

Oh, sweetie.
I'm just sorry we didn't realize it sooner.

Our work is our life's purpose.
We could never quit.

So there's no way
we could ask you to do the same.

Maybe you should've
thought of that

BEFORE you sold
the house.

don't tease my brother!

We already have
a solution worked out.

Since the CMCs make
Ponyville such a nice place,

we've decided to move here.

You can live with us, Scootaloo.
If you'd like.

That would be amazing!

Will you...
still come and visit?

Of course!

Rabid bugbears
couldn't keep us away.

You get to stay here!
You get to stay here!

You get to stay here!

Uh, you are staying here,

Are you kidding?
CMCs forever!


♪ My Little Pony! ♪
Sync corrections by srjanapala

♪ My Little Pony! ♪

♪ My Little Pony! ♪

♪ Friends! ♪

D h x