My Life Is Murder (2019–…): Season 2, Episode 9 - Episode #2.9 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
For goodness sake,

if you know that
I'm always going to be late,

it would be polite
for you to be late, too.

- Just saying.
- Why are you breathing weird?

Because I ran here.
And you're the light of my life

Oh, God. What's wrong?

No, I'm not taking that
till you tell me what's wrong.

This is what's wrong.

Kidnap and murder victim, Marcus Farrow.

28. Entrepreneur, outdoor adventurer.

Owner of Uncharted Tours,
based out west.

He specialized in high venture
tourism for wealthy clients

wanting a boutique
wilderness experience.

Oh, yeah, I've seen the ads.

The cause of death was
blunt-force trauma to the head.

We found a brick next to the body.

No prints.

Police have arrested this man.

Jared O'Loughlin.

Jared worked for Marcus

and was at his house
the morning Marcus went missing.

That night, Marcus's brother
Connor got a ransom call

demanding 100K cash...

And Jared's voice was on
the other end of the line?

Brother thinks so.

They found the body in
Jared's garage three days later.

They're gonna charge Jared
with first-degree murder.

Why do I get the feeling
this is personal?

Oh, you know this kid.

Yeah, I've been mentoring him
in a rehabilitation program

for young offenders.

He's a good kid.

He's turning his life around.

"Is"? Or "was"?

Does Jared have an alibi? Motive?

Money. He was angry about
not being paid.

Why aren't you doing
the digging on this?

Not my case. Conflict of interest.

You pick.

You want me to find him innocent.

I want you to find the truth.

Well, I assume that you traced
the ransom call?

It was made from a phone
belonging to the victim's fiancée.

The fiancée?

She says it was stolen from the house.

We're very sorry for your loss.

The first night, after,
I kept thinking about

all the time I wasted that day.

Thinking about stupid things...


work, dinner,


I didn't think about him.

All those wasted hours.

I didn't think about him once.



Look, it would be really helpful

if we could just start at the beginning.

In your statement,
you said that you let Jared

into the house that morning.



I was running late for a session
with a client at 10:30.

I was...

I was distracted, running around, um...

What time did Jared show up?

10 past, 10:15.

He just went straight
for Marcus, didn't even say hi.

He just went straight into how...

How he hadn't been paid yet,
how he needed money.

Did it get physical?

He's scary when he's mad.

So he didn't get physical?

Well, he didn't have to. He just...

He went on and on like...

It was...
It was like I wasn't even there.

And then I turn my back for
one minute, he took my phone.

You saw him take your phone?

No, but...

I mean, who else could it be?

Where was the last place
you remember seeing your phone?

I put it down when I let him in.

On the table just by the door.

And I went to my bedroom.

I got...

my bag and I came back and it was gone.

He was the only one here.

And did you look for it?

I ran Find My Phone on my laptop, it...

It said it was in the house.

I was...

I was running late, so I-I left it.

So, you got to the gym at 10:30 AM?

Barely just made it.

Are you looking for an alibi?

I'm just trying to get
the details straight.

Powerlifter at 10:30.

Two one-hour sessions
back to back brings me to 12:30,

when I had lunch with a friend.

Then I taught two group classes,
got home at 3:30.

When you realized
that Marcus wasn't here.

Not immediately.

I assumed that he was at work.

Oh, but his car was still at the house.

In the garage.
I didn't look in the garage.

- Why would I?
- Oh, right.

Your statement says that
you called Marcus's brother

at 6:00 PM when you notice
that Marcus still wasn't home.

Well, how did you do that
if your phone was missing?

What are you trying to do?

My fiancé was just found dead
in the garage

of a violent ex-con.

Jared has only been convicted of
crimes against property,

- not people.
- Oh. Are you... are you...

Are you saying that he didn't do it?

No, I don't know who did it.

Just that it's not in keeping
with his record.

Well, you wouldn't be saying that

if you saw him that morning.

And you haven't answered my question.

About calling Marcus' brother
when your phone was missing.

The landline.

I called him from the landline.

Thank you.

For the tea.


Marcus had life insurance, didn't he?

Like $1 million worth?

I only found out he had life
insurance after he was killed.


10:15, Jared shows up at the house.

Two minutes later,
Dennie's phone disappears,

but Find My Phone
places it inside the house.

And six minutes after that,

she leaves for the gym without it.

- Mm-hmm.
- You don't believe her?

Well, I believe her about the gym

'cause like 40 people saw her there.

But the phone stuff... Not so sure.

Well, the timeline checks out.

I mean if Jared showed up at 10:15...

The file shows that the phone
was switched off

while Dennie was at home.

So, yeah... It could've been Jared

who took it and turned it off.
But it could've been Marcus.

It could've been Dennie herself.

To stop her being tracked.

The only person insisting
that Marcus was kidnapped

when Dennie was at the gym was Dennie.

How much does this case mean to Harry?

A lot.

Let's visit Unchartered Tours.

I'll talk to Connor.
You talk to the workers.


London Business School Summa Cum Laude.

That's impressive.

Three years and a truck load
of debt, but thank you.

I understand you helped Marcus

get this place up off the ground?

I herded the cash.

Investors, start up, pitching.

All that nerdy stuff
Marcus hated, that's me.

Well, you seem eminently
qualified for adventure tourism.

Well, I guess I'm a jack of all trades.

But Marcus... he was special.

He walks into a room,
everybody lights up.

Everybody orbits.

And then then when
our parents died, he just...

I... I had to come back.

He wasn't in any shape
to take care of this place,

and if he'd lost it...

You're a good brother.

Not good enough.

Right through this way, guys.

Head on through.

Welcome, welcome.

Oh, just through there on your left.

Madison Feliciano.

You must be Vincent.

I've already spoken to the police.

Well, I'm not the police.

I'm with the police but not the police.

It's a subtle
but significant difference.

I'm sorry for your loss.

So you wanna get to it?

Did you see Marcus
on the day he was killed?

Nah. Oh, he was meant to come in.

He's a hands-on kinda boss.

He was gonna check out some new tracks.

Maybe see if we can open up
a new tour next year and expand.

He never showed up.

First timers?

First timers.

You know, after we got the news,
I thought about quitting.

Was gonna head down south,
get some time.

But, ah, then I remembered

Marcus would never cancel a booking

for anything except bad weather.

You were really close.

Yeah, you can say that.

When did you learn he was missing?

When Dennie called.

That was after work,
so that would've been...

6:00, 6:30?

She asked if I'd seen him.

I told her I hadn't, and then...

that's when
she started to sound worried.

And she called you from her landline?

- And the ransom call came...
- A few hours later.

Almost at 9:00.

Where were you?

At home.

With my wife.

We were both here working.

I'm a freelancer.

A lot of my clients are international,

so we're usually on different schedules.

So you work from home,
and you bring work home.

Just accounting.

When Dennie called to ask
if Marcus was here,

I didn't think anything of it.

And then the ransom call
from Dennie's phone came in.

At 8:53.

I looked at the clock.

Well, tell me about the ransom call.

It wasn't very long.

Maybe only a minute.

46 seconds.

Phone records.

It felt like forever.

Jared had done something to his voice,

or he was... He was putting on a voice.

Well, how did you know it was Jared?

What did he say?

He wanted 100 K in cash.

He said not to call the police.

And then he...

put Marcus on the phone.

He was begging...


Then Jared said to wait
for instructions.

But you did call the police.

I made him do that.

Yeah. I stayed up all night

trying to cobble together the money.

I had 30 grand in a deposit box,

Lena had 20 K stashed for emergencies,

and then I had to dip
into the safe at Uncharted...

But the instructions never came.

They never came.

There's something else.

Honey, you don't... You don't have to...

It was my fault.

The young offenders' program
Jared was in,

they came in to do a tour,
and I liked him.

I felt sorry for him.

If it hadn't been for me,

Jared would never have been
working for Marcus.

- You can't blame yourself
- CONNOR: Can't I?

Marcus didn't want to hire Jared.

I talked him into it.

I got my little brother killed.

The ransom call came
from here at 8:53 PM.

Here's what I don't get.

Marcus's house is five minutes that way.

The tour office is five minutes
in that direction.

But Jared's lock up is
half an hour in that direction.

So why would he come here
to make the ransom call?

A diversion?
Out of his neck of the woods.

He must've known that he'd be suspected

because Dennie saw him at the house.

- So?
- So, why on earth

would he leave Marcus's body
to be found at his lockup

if he's trying to divert
attention away from himself?

Wait. Not again.

Oh, no...



The fuses are fine.

Five days it took me to ferment this,

and now it's nothing but a petri dish.

Your gremlin's under the table!

- I'm so sorry.
- It's fine.

It's probably just something
wrong with the switch board.

Nah, I'm talking to the cat.

Hello, my baby.

Hello, my baby.

So what do we do know?

Well, I just wanna talk to Jared.

No, I meant about the power.

What a good boy.

Hi, Jared.

I'm Alexa Crowe.

Harry's friend.


How're you holding up?

I'm alright.

It's okay to say you're afraid.

Prison's scary.

You've been in juvie before.


This is worse.

I know.

I shouldn't even be here.

I didn't do it.

Tell me what you're more afraid of.

Prison or confessing?

I'm not going to confess.

Why would I?

You know, I know that Harry
wouldn't have called me

unless he saw something in you
that was worth the trouble.

And I know you trust Harry,

because otherwise you wouldn't
have agreed to see me.

So I think we know enough
about each other

to call one another by our first names.

Do we?

Well, you know I trust Harry,

because otherwise I wouldn't be here.

Do you believe me?

Let's just say I want to.

Now tell me about Dennie's phone.

She says you took it.

She's lying.

Okay, you tell me through your
version of events that morning.

I went to work, like every Friday.

But I wasn't gonna do anything
until he paid me.

And that's what you
and Marcus argued about?


I mean...

He hadn't paid me in over a month.

I've got bills to pay.

Cousins who depend on me.

It got... I'll admit, it got ugly.


I said some things, he said some things,

but we sorted it.

I never even touched him.

Sorted it how?

Dennie cooled him down.

He promised to pay me later.
Then I left.

I was only there for like 20 minutes.

Wait a minute.

Dennie cooled him down
before she left for the gym?

No, after. She rang.

He went to talk to her and
he was chill when he came back.

Are you sure that it was
Dennie on the line?

Yeah. I mean, other than his girlfriend,

who else would he call "baby"?


Marcus Farrow's phone records,
ladies and gentlemen and cat.

He got a call at 10:37 AM.

But it didn't come from Dennie's phone.

It came from a landline.

Have you got a number?


Is it registered to an address?

It is.

Well, would you look at that.

- Signing in?
- Oh, that's what these are?

- Sign in sheets, huh?
- Yeah.

Just in case we lose anyone in the bush.

- Oh.
- Alexa, right?

Yeah. Vincent?

Hey. Can I interest you in our three-day

White Water Rafting Tour?
It's discounted.

Mm, that seems like a lot of fun.

Yeah. Well, Connor said I should
work on my salesmanship.

Nah, I'm sure you do great.

Good-looking young guy like you...

Connor should put you on the cover.

That's what I said.

So you were here Friday, right?

In the morning?

I saw the sign-in sheet.

Oh, yeah. I was.

Anyone else?

Not in the morning.

Not Marcus's girlfriend?


Not that I saw.

See, there was a phone call to Marcus

from that phone at about 10:30 AM.

10:37, to be exact.

4 minutes and 32 seconds long.

- Ring a bell?
- Ah, yeah.

That was me.

I don't know when exactly.

But he was coming in,
so I just asked for an ETA.

Well, you didn't tell Madison
or the police that.

Is it important?

Yeah, maybe.

It means that you could've been
the last person

to speak to Marcus
before he was kidnapped.


You alright?


Did Marcus call you "baby"?

What? "Baby"?

Even in jest.


Nah, he just called me "Vince."

Macchiato Man! You want a Danish?

I'm watching my sugar.

It's probably smart.

So, is that enough small talk?

I want to see Jared.

It's hard enough convincing him
to meet with Alexa.

I'm pretty low on goodwill.

Did Alexa tell you
how I got into police work?

The youngest forensics data analyst

in the department's history.

- Quit bragging.
- Yeah, but did she tell you how?

I was 16.

And illegally accessed
a government inquiry

- on climate change.
- So shoplifting for nerds.

Ah, excuse you, bank robbing for nerds.


The guy who caught me,

he sat me down and he gave me a choice.

A long prison sentence
and a permanent record,

or a good, respectable job
where I could help people.

Having someone extend a hand
when you need it...

it's rare.

That guy did it for me.
You did it for Jared.

And I'd like to join that club.

You'd tell me if you thought
I was wrong about Jared, right?

You think you might be?

When I first met him,

I thought he was just another kid

on the fast track to a long sentence.

Then I found out that he took
the fall for his uncle

so that his cousins
wouldn't have to go into a home.

So maybe you're not wrong.

It's easy to believe the worst
in people.

Believing the best... That's hard.

But it's worth doing.

I'm gonna take a stab
in the dark and say

Alexa didn't send you here
with my sourdough.

We're having electrical problems
at the apartment.

Right. Dog ate your homework.

Hey. Would I lie to you?

- Yes.
- Yeah.

You're paying.


You're a bit young to be a detective.

Yes, I am. Thank you for noticing.

So you work for Alexa.

No, I work with Alexa.



Jared, none of this is set in stone.

Alexa asked if it had got
violent with Marcus.

I said no.

But it almost did.

What do you mean?

Standing in his nice house.

This guy who's never had to skip
a meal so someone else can eat.

I wanted to put my fist to his face.

Show him who he's messing with.

But you didn't.

Before I met Harry, I would've.

The only reason why I didn't

was 'cause I didn't
want to let him down.

So I went up north.

Calmed down.

We're gonna get you out of here.

All three of us.

Thanks. But I don't wanna
get my hopes up.

- How'd it go with Vincent?
- Oh, my...

Do not do that!

Well, I didn't wanna turn the light on

and have to jiggle the alarm again.

So we still have power for now.

If you would just let me
call an electrician...

Do you know what's weird?

- What?
- Vincent called Marcus

while Jared was still at the
house... something about work.

At the same time, Jared heard enough

of the conversation to be convinced

that it was Dennie
on the other end of the line.

Somebody is being a big fat liar.

Well, I don't think Jared's a liar.

How do you know?

I went to see him.

Did you tell me you were gonna do that?

Look, I've got a theory.

Jared was arguing with Marcus
about not getting paid, right?

If he took Dennie's phone

and turned it off three minutes later,

that had to have happened
while they were arguing.

Yeah, go on.

Well, who formulates
a kidnap and ransom plan

in the middle of a blow-up argument?

So crime of passion
or a crime of premeditation...

- It can't be both.
- Exactly.

And guess what else?

Marcus's finances.


Insolvents don't take
two-week trips to Paris

and stay in the Hôtel Valdaro
for 600 Euros a night in...

Oh, the Lovers' Suite.

- Mm.
- What?

So who was he with?


Why do the fire alarms go off

every time the bloody power blows?

Because it mimics the effects
of smoke in the air,

which reduces the current.

- So, when the power...
- Rhetorical, Madison.

Jared likes you.

Well, it took him a minute to warm up.

But, uh...

He likes Madison more.

Comparisons are odious.

So do you think he's innocent?

I don't know yet.

But there's some
reasonable doubt forming.

Want some more?


There was a theft

at Hôtel Valdaro in Paris last year,

so the staff started giving
the guests the option

of leaving their valuables
in the industrial safe.

Which Marcus and his guest did.

The security manager took photos
of their passports.

Yeah, who's the guest?

You know who that is?

This is Alexa Crowe.

Can you call me back when you get this?

Thank you.

Okay. No, I'm sorry. I'm in a rush.

The powerlifter?

Yeah. She's got a competition next week.

- It's nationals.
- Ooh, nationals. Cool.

Hey, why did Marcus go to Paris
two months ago?

What... for the investors convention?

Uh, you know, to find an investor?

Look, I know that you're just
trying to do your job.

But you really need to leave me alone.

There's a kid rotting
in a cell right now, Dennie.

And I need to know
if he deserves to be there.

Jared deserves to die in there.

Now if you will excuse me.

Marcus did not go to Paris alone.


Who was he with?

They took the Lovers' Suite.

You and Marcus had an open relationship?

We closed it after we got engaged.

So you knew that he was
sleeping with Vincent?

Not specifically.

He slept with a lot of people.

Doesn't mean he didn't love me any less.

And vacations with boyfriends is
okay in the polyamory rule book?

He was under a lot of pressure.


Well, you pick.

Connor coming back,
trouble with the business.

What stuff with the business?

You might as well tell me,

otherwise I'll just find out
like I did with this.

After his parents died,
Marcus had issues.

With addiction.

The business struggled.

Connor came back to help,
Marcus got better.

He was trying to earn back trust.

He was trying to prove
that he could take charge again.

There now. Was that so hard?

You know you don't have to do that.

That painting him as perfect
to explain why you loved him.

Marcus was imperfect.

You loved him.

That's all.

We found Marcus's body inside.

But no witnesses saw Jared
bring him here.

So the police found
no forensic evidence in here?

Blood, hair, prints...


Not as much as you'd expect.

Could've been cleaned up.

Or maybe Marcus wasn't killed here.

Maybe his body was just left here.

Hang on.

You took that?

Yeah, I was proud of him.

That's the lock that Jared
put on the door.

And that's the one
the police broke to get in.

They look like
different padlocks to you?

The lock was changed.

Yeah, somebody must have
cut the old one and replaced it.

The question is, who and when?

Okay. Can I plug these things
back in now?

Yeah, one by one until we find the one

that's causing the problem.

Or, you know, we could call
an electrician.

Nah, it's much more fun this way.

Could Dennie and Vincent
have been working together?

Yep, possible.

But why call?

I mean, why leave that thread
dangling at all?

To check whether Jared was still
at the house.

I mean, that's the linchpin
of whole the plan, right?

Vincent cannot come and kidnap Marcus

until they know that the scapegoat,

Jared, has been to the house
and gone again.

So the fiancée and the lover team up

and split the life insurance.

Unexpected, but oddly empowering.

Marcus did come back from Paris

and immediately propose to Dennie.

So motive wise...

The fact that he went
in the first place?

Hell hath no fury.

Yeah, but Vincent was scorned, too.

Right? Marcus takes him on this
romantic Parisian holiday,

goes the whole nine yards
with the Lovers' Suite,

and then he comes home and immediately

gets engaged to Dennie.

- Yeah, I'd kill him.
- Yeah.

You know, if they always intended

to collect the life insurance,

then Marcus always had to die.

So the ransom call was a red herring?

We're not going to be able
to prove any of this

until we crack Vincent.



Did Marcus say anything
in the ransom call?

Any clue?

If he did, I missed it.

I missed a lot of things.

- When's the funeral?
- Monday.

This morning I picked the spot
to scatter his ashes.

Looks right out over the Waitemata.

It's gonna be a closed-casket
funeral, though.

Which is a shame, 'cause he was...

Well, he was real proud
of being the hotter brother.

Connor, just 'cause you don't
know everything about him

doesn't make what you do know
any less real.



What the hell are you doing here?

How was Paris?

We've got your passport.

Hôtel Valdaro?

The Lovers' Suite?

Why are you doing this?

'Cause I want to know who killed Marcus.

Well, the guy who killed him
is in a cell.

Look, why don't you leave me alone?

Why don't you leave Dennie alone?

Let's talk about Dennie.

Did you two ever chat about

being screwed over by the same guy?

Where were you the rest of the day

when Marcus was kidnapped?

You're sick in the head.

Were you angry that he came back
and proposed to Dennie?

Look, he was going to come back to me.

He was always going to come
back to me because he loved me.

Did he tell you that?



He told me that he loved me right here.


Where the hell are you?

I've been calling you for an hour.

What do you have?

Vincent's got a solid alibi
for the day Marcus disappeared.

He picked up a tour group
from town at 9:00,

drove them to HQ, and took them out

right after his call to Marcus.

Overnighter. Multiple witnesses.

And there's more.

The trip to Paris?

Marcus didn't just go for the investors.

He went for the casinos.

- What?
- 20 K at Club Elyses,

30 at the poker room
of Clichy Montmartre,

and 70 at the Aviation Club.

Where the hell did he get the money

if he couldn't even pay Jared?

No, no. He couldn't pay Jared
because of all this money.

He'd been taking it out
of Uncharted's accounts.

I mean, dodgy invoices for
equipment and services that,

as far as I can tell,
were never delivered.

Marcus was stealing?

From his own business?

From his own brother.

Connor had been shoring up the
funds ever since he got back.

And he's inheriting Marcus's house,

which he had valued two days ago.

How much is it worth?

1.5 million,

enough to pull
the business out of the hole.

So there's Connor's motive.


Alexa, where are you?

Vincent headed on back.

I think you ruined his happy place.

This is Alexa Crowe.

You know what to do.

Alexa, you're really scaring me.

Are you out of range
or just ignoring me or what?

Just please call me back.

She went looking for Vincent.

No, I'm not sure
if she found him or not,

but what if she's lost out there?

No, Harry, I'm not over-reacting!

Any news?

Look. Hey, tell me where
the search party's starting,

and I'll meet you there.

No, I'm not just going
to stay here and wait!

Miss me?

You've got a sick sense
of humor, you know that?

It was Connor.

Connor and I both called the police

to tell them you were missing.

Well, he's smart. I'll give him that.

We just need some solid evidence.

Alexa, he left you to die.

It's my word against his.

- On the bright side...
- Oh, there's a bright side?

...we know that Harry
is right about Jared.

But proving it... Hmm.

Don't do that again.

Yeah, okay.

So how did he do it?

I don't know.

See, it's all about timing.

Dennie's phone made
the ransom call from the park.

Connor got it at home with a witness.

- Could she be lying about it?
- No, no.

His phone was at his house
when the ransom call came.

Yeah, a defense lawyer's gonna ask

how he could be in two places at once.

Hell, I'm asking how he could be
in two places at once.

Got any ice cream?

Oh, that poor, scapegoated toaster.

Look, I'll check the switchboard.

Don't worry. I'll get it myself.


Okay, so power circuit
number 3 is tripping out,

and that's throwing out the main.

I think that that means

that there's a problem
somewhere in the kitchen.

Are you listening to me?

- Look at the oven.
- No. It's not the oven.

Look, I really, really, really think

that we should just call an electrician.

Nah. Forget the electricity.


I think I know how he did it.

Oh, my God.

Connor told me what happened.
Are you okay?

Yeah. Yeah.

Hey, um, Lena, I just wanted

to ask you a question about the case.

Oh, Connor's at work.

No, this one's for you.

The night that Connor got
the ransom call,

he said you were here at home.

- Yeah.
- What did you have for dinner?

Um, Chinese.


No, Connor went to pick it up.

Can I look at your clocks?

Hey, babe.

Got lunch.

What's wrong?

Condolences from Nancy and Bob.

I was gonna come by,
see how you were doing.

That is so sweet of you.

- Honey.
- Don't.

No, no.

So, did you get any offers on the house?

- What?
- Marcus's house.

Well, your parents' house.

You know, the one that you knew
well enough to slip into

on the day that Marcus disappeared.

You waited until after
Dennie and Jared left.

And then you killed your own brother.

Do you have a warrant?

Ah, I don't need one of those.

Lena let me in.

Sit down.

You took Marcus to Jared's garage...

...and you replaced the lock.

See, I don't think that
Marcus died on Friday night.

I think he died on Friday morning.

Who did I talk to on the ransom call?

Honey, you heard me.

Don't be silly.
There was no ransom call.

Just a shoddy little trick.

When you left Dennie's house
that morning,

you turned off her phone
so it couldn't be tracked.

And then that night, you told Lena

that you were going out
to pick up dinner.

Which I did.

Which you did.

But you left your phone here,
probably right outside the door.

And you switched on
the "auto-answer" function.

Then you made a stop at the park
to make your ransom call.

Then you came home where
you pretended to get the call.

Saying it was Jared on the phone.

Check the time!

But you see, what Lena didn't know

is that you'd set the clocks
back 20 minutes.

20 minutes is all you needed.

So, that when she went to
check the time, it said 8:53,

when in actual fact,
it was 20 minutes later.

You'd given yourself an alibi.

You can't seriously believe this.

You reset the time on my phone.

Were you angry, Connor?

I mean, you'd given up a lot,
hadn't you?

To come back here
and look after your brother.

To rescue the business.

And you didn't even mind,
as long as you were appreciated.

But when you were fixing his accounts,

you found out not only
were you unappreciated,

but he had just been
gambling away all your money

and hard work all over Europe.

In romantic hotel trysts and casinos.


How could you do this?
He was your brother.

And you set up an
innocent man to take the fall.

That's just... everything you
just said is circumstantial.

You know what's not circumstantial?

Marcus's blood.

In the boot of your car.


And you owe me a phone.


Why're you so bloody early
all the time, man?

I don't know. Bad habit.


- Oh, man.
- You okay?

- Yeah, man.
- You look good.

- Look at this.
- Yeah, bro.

Bro, almost, eh?

I thought Madison called an electrician.

No, I don't like having people
I don't know in my house.

- Can you fix it?
- God, no.

I thought we were just staring
at it together in solidarity.

Hey, Jared might know.

I could ask him to come
and take a look this weekend.

Is he an electrician?

No, but at least you know him.

Thank you.

I probably don't say it enough.
But thank you.

Weren't you and Jared supposed
to be out on a boys' night?

We were. And then I thought about you.

Sad and alone on a Friday night,
channel surfing,

eating a microwave dinner.

He ditched you for Madison, didn't he?


First pat down by a cop?


But I have had a scary interrogation.

Two-way mirror,
good cop, bad cop, the works.


First pat down by a cop at 11.

Yeah, stole my neighbor's car
and went for a joyride.

Alright. First arrest?
Together, on three.

- Okay.
- One, two, three.

- 16.
- 13.

Oh, you're beating me!

I'm a delinquent.
What did they get you for?

Activism. Well, okay.
I say it's activism now,

but really I just did it
for the fun of it.

We've come a long way, eh?

We had help.

You ever think about
what it'd be like if...

All the time.

But now?

Now I mostly just think
about where I'm going.