My Babysitter's a Vampire (2011–2012): Season 2, Episode 2 - Say You'll Be Maztak - full transcript

White Chapel High gets a substitute, Lucia. But what happens when this substitute is giving you homework like finding; Bloodstone, Frog Hearts and a lot of gold? I'm guessing an evil one! But Lucia has Benny, Ethan and Rory under her spell, so it's up to Erica and Sarah to save the day.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Hey, plants and plantettes,

time for your total
topsoil turnover.

Oh, it's the least I can do

since you chloro-fill
my life with love.


Oh, what is that?

Well, hello!

How long have you been
hiding out down there?

Sorry green gang,

your full root massage
is gonna have to wait.



My students are sure gonna dig

all the archaeological
stuff I dug up on you!



Pardon my nap.

And you are?

I am Lucia.

I have been summoned.

Am I being replaced?

How long have I been out?


Oh, that smarts!

Um, I-uh,

I think I better go
and see the nurse.


Welcome, my young warriors.

I am Lucia.

I heard we have a
sub in for Mr. G!

What prank do we pull first?

Alien fire drill
or sub in a bucket?



Hottest sub EVER!

* She's the girl next door.

* Nice, but not
in a heart that's pure *

* She's the girl next door

* Just for me

* What you get is what you see

* No more maybe
it's may believe *

* She can give you
everything you need *

* She's the girl next door.

* Nice, but not
in a heart that's pure *

* She's the girl next door

* Just for me


Yan ta uicual,
tuxiulli panum uu.

Mackta tu-

What is she saying?


Trying to concentrate.

You understand her?

She's talking?

I didn't notice.


Duvokali uxmaka.


What's going on in there?

Who's the fashion-fail
in the muumuu?

I know, right?

Ms Lucia is subbing for Mr. G.

She's so nice.


Anyway, do you still
have any of those

little wooden-stake darts?

You mean pencils?
Yeah, why?

Some vampire jerk
stood her up.

She wants to make
a point, but I-

All warriors must get to work.

The hour of
judgment approaches.


Uh, so where are
the girl warriors?


Maidens have no use

but to serve their queen
when the hour is at hand.


Well, that was weird.

Makes me want to turn
that sub into a sandwich.

What did Ms. Lucia mean
by "hour of judgment"?

She's talking about a test!


You will all be tested.

Test me first.

Is the question,
"Are you pretty?"

Answer: Uh-huhhhh.

Now, who will help me?

Me, me.
Ms. Lucia!

You have no idea
yet what I ask.

Pick me!
I have even less an idea!

We must make an altar

on which to heap
offerings to the light.

I don't think we can do that.

Last time I tried putting a
hot tub in the science lab-

Your altar shall
be most awesome.

How lame was-
I'm in too!

This is the weirdest
homework ever.

What part of
"sacred list of offerings

to please the heavens"
don't you understand?

Uh, all of it.

Look at this: obsidian,
plumeria rumbra.

I don't even know
what half of this is,

let alone where to find it.

Never question the
orders of a babe.

All right?

Now if you don't mind,

all I need to be
teacher's pet is...


You girls have any bloodstone?

It sounds vampirey!

All outta bloodstone.

But I can make you
bleed with a rock.

So your freaky sub gave
you freaky homework?

And you're not freaked?

Hot teacher-frozen brain.


My brain is not frozen,
I just ...

-have to find frog hearts.


Am I nuts or did we just
get blown off by nerds?

Something messed up
is going on.

Excuse me-
who are you?

Who authorized you
to make a desk fort?

Mind your tone when
addressing Lucia.

I have come to return the world
to endless light.

Oh, I see, so you are crazy.


Your deck is less than full.

As you command, my queen.

Uh, why's she still here?

Don't tell me she's
subbing for our class too.

She's not even all that hot.

Okay, fine, she's a goddess.

But I can still hate her.

Lucia is a queen;
she is not a goddess.

I told you maidens, go.

So you want us to skip class?

We have-
Done and done.

Principal Hicks?

Are you sure you're
cool with this?

Lucia is my queen!

I am her throne!

Please be seated, my queen.



Cow lips, pigeon feet ...

snake liver?

Where'm I gonna find that?


Old hotdogs!

They're crammed full
of weird animal bits!

Ms. Lucia's
going to love me!

I claim these
for my queen.

Get your hands off my hotdogs,
you weenie!

[phone rings]

My queen.
Stop it!

My queen.
My queen.

Ethan, forget the
stupid scavenger hunt.

Your weird sub is
getting weirder.

Sarah, it's no big deal.

She's just--

I know, but you
need to wake up!

Something is seriously wrong!

She just convinced Principal
Hicks to be her throne!

Whoa, that is not right.

Principal Hicks
hates being sat on.

Don't worry,
I'll look into it, okay?

Okay, bye.

Guys, stop!

It's all fun and games

till someone gets a
hotdog in the eye-

What are you talking about?
Ow! My eye!

Ugh! See?

Praise the Sun King.

Praise the Sun King!

Ms. L! Hey!
I did it!

Wildflowers, animal parts,
and frog hearts-bam!

You can't beat any
of my frog hearts

'cause they are
still beating!

Sarah was right.

This is really messed up.

The offerings are pleasing.

Next, the altar must be
made to shine like the Sun.

No problemo.

By covering it
with purest gold.

Uno problemo.

Did somebody leave a
window open or something?

Excuse me.

Benny, where are you going?

Relax, dude.
I seek gold for my queen!

Oh, and praise the Sun King.

Yeah, praise the Sun King.

You have no offering,
scrawny one?

Then you must bring me
extra gold.

Most teachers are happy
with getting an apple.

No gold for me.

It is for him.

My love.

Bringer of Light.

You're not from this
school district, are you?

Something wrong,
little funny face?

Uh, I think I have
some gold stars

on my algebra test.

They're extra shiny.
I'll go get them.

Do as your queen commands.

Praise the Sun King.

Jane, is Ethan here?

Yeah, but he's
acting kinda insane.

Even for him.

Let's go see.

Silver, rubies, diamonds:
worthless junk!

Lucia demands gold!

What's a Lucia?

Gold for my queen!

I think Ethan and
the guys at school

are under
some sort of spell.

It's up to the girls
to save the day.

All right!
Count me in!

I meant me and Erica.

Of course you did.

I got your gold.

Thousands of years' worth

of grandma's
antique jewellery.

And I have filled my pockets

with gold coins for my queen!

Oh man.

The chocolate part melted.

Close enough, young warriors.

Put them in the fire.


Where did you get that?

Pried loose from the
bosom of mother Earth!

I dug it up.

The Sun King will
be most pleased.

You kiss HIM? No fair!
He's immortal!

How can we compete!


Now melt the gold and
pour it over the altar.

Get to work!

Now hang on a jiffy!

I'm feeling ship-shape

so if you don't mind,
I'd like my class back.

And, ooh, my crystal skull.

Oh guys, what would
the fire marshal say

about this open flame?

Fire marshal here:
Guys, that is a no-no!

You called me forth.

You shall be the bearer
of the sacred vessel.

Well, that's a
persuasive offer.

And you are
more smouldering

than that fire but uh-

Well, as I was saying:

praise the Sun King and
call me sacred vessel.


Praise the Sun King!

Masta toocha-

Lucia da.

Masta eecha Lucia na.

Masta eecha Lucia na.

Masta eecha Lucia na.

Masta eecha Lucia na.

Masta eecha Lucia na.

Praise the Sun King!

I am totally praising
the Sun King!

I praise him twice
as hard as you!

The Sun King is pleased.

He will soon return to us.

You may cheer.

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Soon the final ceremony will
demand the ultimate sacrifice.

Who among you is worthy
to be my chosen one?


No, I want to be!


Eecha Lucia na.

Masta eecha Lucia na.

Masta eecha Lucia na.

That Lucia thinks
she's so hot,

it makes my blood boil!

Ah, ow!

That's not the only
thing that's boiling!

Lucia's heating
the whole world up.

The Sun is turning my
skin into human fondue!

If I find that Sun King,

I am going to knock
his teeth out.

We need a plan and fast.

Think-what would
Ethan and Benny do?

No offence, but that's
a really stupid idea.

You know saying "no offence"
doesn't make it less mean.

Why think like nerdlings

when we can kick
butt like vampires?

Eecha Lucia na.

Masta eecha Lucia na.

No, you admit-

You wish you're chosen!


Okay, where's whatser-face?

The queen prepares for
the Sun King's return!

I'm gonna be the chosen one!


I'm not leaving without
smashing something.

Well, she seems to
like that skull.

We will die in defence
of the sacred skull.

Especially Rory.



They're under a spell!

We need to retreat and
come up with a better plan.

But we'll be back.

Praise the Sun King!

Masta eecha Lucia na.

Masta eecha Lucia na.

If that's not a spell,

this is the worst
glee club ever.

Masta eecha Lucia na.

Masta eecha Lucia na.

Masta eecha Lucia na.

Now there are some folks,
like my wife,

who are worried about reports
from certain scientists

about a visibly swollen
solar corona, or Sun,

that may melt the
entire planet.

But there's no need to panic.

This just means
we're gonna have

a doozy of a sunset tonight
at the hour of judgment.

All hail the Sun King,
am I right, Ms Lucia?

The altar is ready.

The ceremony soon begins.

Prepare to welcome
the Sun King.

Back to you, Vance.


Sounds like the
hour of judgment

is tonight at sundown.

And if we don't act fast,

the Sun's gonna take
down our friends with it!

I'm glad you called me.

I figured we needed
to come up with a plan

like Ethan and Benny would.

And then give up, call you.

Like Ethan and Benny would.

Lucia is an ancient
Maztak name.

Now, the Maztaks
were pretty big

on gold and animal hearts too.


"The Sun King and the Sky Queen
created the earth together,

but an argument
between the two

brought eternal
night to the world."

Too bad they didn't have
couples counselling.


"Prophets say one day

a queen will make an
offering so pleasing,

the Sun King will
return to the earth

in an explosion of light

that will end the
mortal world"?

At least I won't have
to finish that essay.


Lucia had the boys build
an altar at school.

She said the hour of judgment
was tonight at sundown.

Well, what're you doing
yammering with an old lady?

It's up to you girls
to save the world!

Grandma's right.

It's girl power or nothing.

We need to get our geek on
and come up with a plan fast.


She said girl power,
not little girl power.


The ceremony will soon begin.


The light must hit
at the perfect angle.

Prepare the chosen one!

This final offering must
please the Sun King.

Chosen one coming through.

I'm number one!
I'm number one!

I can't believe the guy
who always gets picked last

gets to be the chosen one.

I can't believe
I'm jealous of Rory.

Wow, it's kinda
warm up here.

Can't the chosen one
get someone to fan him?

The warmth will not last long,
oh chosen one.

Neither will any of you.

Where's our big plan?

I'm trying to find
Lucia's weakness

and her power source.

What exactly are
you doing to help?

Lucia's only weakness
is her taste in robes.

And glass heads.

Her crystal skull!

I bet that's her power source!

Check this out.

The Sun's rays are
lighting up the skull!

So what?

So, what happened in
the original myth?

Why did the Sun and the Earth
split up in the first place?

Uh, long-distance
relationships never work out?

Nice one.
Here it is:

they split because the Moon
Goddess came between them.


Gotta give the Moon
Goddess a call.

Got her cell number?

Maybe we don't need
the actual Moon.

Just something that will
channel the Moon's energy.

Well, maybe I'm just
a "little girl,"

but I know a big geek who
paid six months' allowance

to buy moonstones online.

He even sleeps with
them under his pillow.



Now I'm gonna have to
go chew off this hand.

Okay, got 'em.

Let's go.

You're welcome!

You two may now
anoint the chosen one

with precious oils.


I mean, must we, my Queen?

It'd be faster to spray him.

You heard our Queen!

Anoint me!


Good anointing.


That's hurting the chosen one!

Do not move!

The chosen one
is the sacrifice.

Obey your queen!


You are unpure!

You are cursed!

You are not the chosen one.

Great, we rubbed
oil all over him

and he's not even pure!

But I smell like coconut!

Off the altar at once.


Better luck next time, Buddy.


Puppy face.

You have a pure heart.

You are the final offering.

Yes, my Queen.

Ah, no way!

No fair!


No, guys, this is wrong.

This is bad.

We have to stop this!

Oh, suck it up, puppy face!

If that's what the Queen wants,
then so be it.

It's the end of the world!

We've got our moon rocks-

-and paint for the windows.

Sarah, we're risking our
lives with a flimsy plan

based on one old legend.

You're under a spell!
I am not the chosen one!

So modest.
I was not worthy.

She's gonna
destroy all of you!

Nobody likes a
sore winner, Ethan.

Come on.
Time to dethrone a queen.

Who dares defile the Sun
King's sacred temple?

* [rock music]

The weather girls are here
with an updated forecast.

Yeah, cloudy with
a 100 percent chance

of butt kicking.




Wow, you guys look hot!

It's a shame we're gonna
have to destroy you.

Chosen one needs your help!


What happened?

Why are my hands so oily?

Why do I look like
a basted turkey?


Accept this sacrifice
my Sun King!

Purify the Earth
in eternal fire!

Here's one final offering!

From the Moon Goddess!


[thunderous noise]



What-what happened?

We saved the world.

And we looked pretty
amazing while doing it.

True story.

You smashed my moon rocks!

It took me my whole life
to save up for those.

Well, I just saved your
whole life, for free!


I guess the way you stopped
Lucia was pretty cool.

I just wish Mr. G
thought it was cool.

He gave us a week's detention
for smashing his skull.


Not literally!



Mr. G has never given
anyone detention!

He's way too nice!

You and Erica are
gonna be legends!

We prefer the term