My Adventures with Superman (2023–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - My Interview with Superman - full transcript

Lois wants to interview Superman and Clark must figure out how to help her while protecting his secret identity. Meanwhile, criminal ring INTERGANG gets their hands on unstable weapons, and a mysterious organization plots in the s...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- Oh, no! Up there!
- It's gonna crash!

Don't look, don't look.

Oh, no!

What was that?

Uh, there's a fire on
the blimp. We have to...


Is everyone okay?

take that as a yes.

Who... Who are you?

Just call me...


I'd like to interview
you for the Daily Planet.

Uh, sorry. No comment.

Uh, got to go... Gotta go
take care of that blimp.

Oh, come on. Not again.

Superman, if I could just
have a minute of your time.

- All right. Listen up.
- Kyle!

Have you found her yet?

How many times do I have to
tell you not to use our real names

while doing crimes, Rough House?

Oh. Sorry, Kyle.

I just... Ugh.

I'll only ask once.

Which jail cell is
Siobhan McDougal in?



- Sis!
- Oh, so she gets to use our names?

What are you guys doing here?

Long story short, a crazy lady
gave us stupid, powerful weapons.

And we're busting
you... Out.

For you.

Amplifies sound.

Aw, you guys.


Missed you too, sis, but...

839 and associates!

Drop your weapons
and stand down.

Uh, no.

What was that?

I said...


Late, late, I'm so late.

Hey, Lo...

Uh, Lois, are you okay?

You're not hurt, are you?

I didn't see you. I mean, I
did, but I got you coffee.

is from Waid's Cafe.

You said it was your favorite.
I happened to jog past.

That's clear across the city.

It was a long jog.

Are you sure you're okay?

I am now, thanks to you.

And I really need this
after the morning I've had.

Oh, uh, really? What were
you, uh, doing this morning?

Oh, I'll tell you what.

I've been trying to interview
Superman, but he keeps running away.

Seriously, what is
that guy so scared of?

Well, just a guess.

Maybe he doesn't want you to find
out all his secrets and publish them?

Yeah, but he doesn't
know that's my plan.

Saying yes to an
interview is simple.

Here, look, I'll be me and
you pretend to be Superman.

Hello, Superman. Lois Lane,
reporter for the Daily Planet.

It's a
pleasure, Ms. Lane.

Clark, come on. With a
little more confidence.

It's a pleasure... ma'am, miss.

You saved my life and I
want to know more about you.

It would mean the world to me
if you let me interview you.

What do you say?

If it was within my power, I
would do anything for you, Lois.

Well, see how easy that was?
So why can't that guy say it?

Back you monsters!

What's going on?

You're getting
scooped is what.

Oh, no.

Allow us to introduce
ourselves. Lights!

You're talking to the Daily
Planet's star news team.

Sports reporter Steve Lombard.

Award-winning journalism,
people-pleasing good looks!

Yeah, gossip and human
interest, Cat Grant.

If you can't say something nice,
darling, then come sit by me!

But not too close.

I'm not doing this.

Ah, come on, Ronnie.

They got to know
who's scooping them.

No. We have real
work to do.

Ronnie Troupe,
investigative journalist.

I apologize about Steve.

He thinks scoop means "to
steal," which it doesn't, Steve.

It just means getting a story
before another reporter.

And I'm scooping this.

- Not the murder board!
- Perry assigned...

No. No, no, no, wait.

You can't just...

Harry assigned us
the Superman beat.

He said you compiled
research we could use,

so we'll take this and
get out of your hair.

This isn't fair.

The Superman story
we wrote was perfect.

Look, you got a lucky break.

But Perry wants real
reporters on this.

We'll make sure you get an additional
reporting credit when we're done.

Thank you.


Also, the copier's broken.
Please fix it by lunch.


Lois, are you all right?

I thought those pictures would
make Perry take us seriously.

But if that didn't work,

then we'll have to beat the Scoop
Troop and get to Superman first.

And I'll get it on Flamebird.

This could get me
to seven followers.

This could be a
seven-follower day.

I still think we'd be better
off finding a different story.

There are other big things happening
in Metropolis besides Superman.

Like what?

Turn it up. prisoners at
a press conference earlier today.

Suspects have reportedly used
unknown tech-weapons to escape.

That looks like the
tech Livewire had!

That's what I've been calling
the electric-woman on Flamebird.

Livewire nearly destroyed half the
city with just one crazy weapon.

With three on the loose...

I have to track down those
criminals and stop them.

I mean, write about them. I
mean, we go to write about them.

This is the story
we should cover!

We get the scoop for the Planet.

And then Perry will have
to take us seriously.

What are we waiting for?
Lead on, Smallville.

Huh. Didn't expect you to give up
on the Superman story so easily.

Who says I am? Hmph.

This is Bethany
Snow for Channel 52 News,

asking the question we
all have on our minds.

With sci-fi weapons and a
Superman becoming the norm,

what is next for Metropolis?

What is it?

The last thing we got
from the crazy lady.

Allow Kyle to demonstrate.

Stand back.



I know, right?

And this button turns it off.


Boys, they've
looked down on us our whole lives.

But now, with this, we are about
to get the respect we deserve.

What do you say?

We say...


Intergang forever!

Okay. We need to find out all
we can about Siobhan McDougal,

her accomplices and where
they could be going next.

Also, how to convince them to let three interns...

talk to the warden.

And how to get her to reveal
the government's secret

meta-human soldier
program on Flamebird.

Uh, maybe not that one.

Yeah, no. I can get us in,

but you have to promise
not to be upset.

Why would I...

You stole their badges?

No, I borrowed
them... secretly.

When they weren't looking.

That's the definition
of stealing.

There is no way me and Jimmy
are going to go along with...

Dibs on anyone who is not Steve.


Fine. I'm not doing this.


Then we can go back and brainstorm
how to interview Superman.

I'm sorry. Who are you?

We're the Daily
Planet's star news team.

Cat Grant, human interest.

If it's not real news,
then tell me all about it.

Ronnie Troupe,
investigative journalist.

A little patronizing,
but mostly professional.



Anyway, we're here about
the breakout, darling.

What can you tell us
about the escapee?

Exactly what I said
at the press conference.

Siobhan's the
leader of Intergang.

A crew of small-time crooks
who rob convenience stores.

Kyle! Siobhan!
Cops are outside.

Stop using
our real names!

Wait. Is that a camera?

And they are bad at it.

Siobhan spent most of her time here yelling
that one day she'd land a big score.

Wait, I don't remember
seeing you at the conference.

We don't like to bring attention
to ourselves.

You literally pirouetted into
my office two seconds ago.

Yeah, that was fun.

Anyways, we were hoping we
could interview inmates,

investigate the cell?

Absolutely not.

I can't let the press
waltz through my prison.

There's protocols, as you know...

Yeah, No. The Planet
reporters are already here.

Of course I'm sure. I'm looking at them right...


Okay, the exit has
to be somewhere.

Once we get out, we can regroup,
try to figure out something else.

Or we investigate the site of the breakout.

But the door's locked.

Unless someone had
the warden's keycard.

Oh, look.

Wait a minute.
Was that a smile?

- No, of course not.
- Uh-huh.

I'm very perturbed
by your actions.

- Of course.
- Because stealing is wrong.


Okay, look for anything that could give us a clue...

to where they might be going
next, and let's do it fast.

written down times.


Yeah? Well, find where
those imposters went, okay?

And bring 'em back here.


We got to get out of here.

Okay. So, we know Siobhan wants
to do something big. But what?

Oh, my friends, this is why
you have me on your side.

Bam! It was on the
back of her poster.

That's a bank layout.

They're planning to rob a bank.

But it won't be just any bank.

Siobhan wants respect.

That means it's going to have to be the
biggest financial center in the city.

The hardest one to crack.

Metropolitan City Bank.

Those times, they must be
when armored cars come in

with cash transfers.

It's a quarter till
5:00 now, which means...

It's all going down
in the next 15 minutes.


Well, gang, what do you say?

Let's get rich!


That's what I'm talking about.

Hey, come on.
Let's get this and go.

Relax, Mist.

This isn't like the smash
and grabs we did before.

This time, we have
everything under control.

There it is.

Stay here, out of
sight where it's safe.

I'll call the authorities.

And we'll go get captured.

Wait. What?

You call for help, Jimmy and
I will get taken hostage,

and then Superman
will come and save us.

That's when we'll get
our interview with him.

This was your plan
the whole time?

To find trouble, then ambush
Superman when he flies in?

I mean, it worked when
we did it with Livewire.

You did that on purpose?

Hands up!

The authorities are on
their way, so just leave.

Watch out!

Clark, are you okay?

Ms. Lane, Mr. Olsen.

Get to safety.


For the well-being of
the people of Metropolis,

I need you to unfreeze everyone.

How about no?


Then I'll do it.

Mist, do your thing.

Mist, this guy
ain't staying down.



Code names!

Turn it off.

It's jammed.

I can't move.

I got it.

Wait, not
with the gloves.

- Everybody get back.
- Oh, no!

Go! Go!

It's not stopping. At this rate,
it'll overtake the whole city.

What do we do?

We evacuate everyone and
keep looking for Clark.

Come on.


No! Aah!

- Huh?
- Let's go people. This way. Come on.

Lois, Jimmy, run!

How'd you...


I took out the machine causing this,
but the people in the back got hit hard.

They need help.


- Clark! Where are you?
- Clark! Come on, man.

Ms. Lane, Mr. Olsen.

Superman. We can't find Clark.

He's okay.

I, uh... I saw him phoning
for help before I flew in.

I understand you want
an interview, Ms. Lane?

Superman! Oh, hello!

- Superman! Superman, it's me.
- Yo, Superman!

What do you say we take
this interview elsewhere?

I'd say... hold on.

Is this how you see the world?

It's beautiful.

Yeah. Beautiful.

Phew, well, that's
one way to, um...

Um, sorry.

It's all right. I'm...
I'm nervous too.

Then why agree to this?

I think we've pretty firmly
established, I can't outrun you.

Because when I told you and Jimmy to save
yourselves, you stayed to help others.

If you can face down a
city-destroying freeze ray,

I think I can answer
a couple of questions.

Well, let's start
with the basics.

Where do you come from?

I don't know.

How do your powers work?

I'm still figuring that out.

Who are you?

What are you?

I'm kind of figuring
that out too.

Ms. Lane, the truth is, I'm still piecing
together who I am and what I can do.

But at the end of the day, I'm here
to help the people of Metropolis.

That's what matters.



You're all right.

I'm so sorry I didn't tell you
my plan to interview Superman.

- I put you in danger because of it and I...
- It's okay, Lois.

I know how important
this is for you,

and I promise, from here on out,

I'll do whatever I can to
help you get that interview.

Actually, I just got it.

Wow! You got the interview?

That's incredible.

I... I knew you'd get it.

So, what'd you
think of Superman?

Pretty great guy, right?

Oh, he's a liar.

Grea... What?