Murphy Brown (1988–2018): Season 1, Episode 22 - The Morning Show - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Hi. everybody.
I have an announcement to make:

This is my 200th day without a cigarette.

Two hundred days.
Pretty good. huh. Fran?

Bet you didn't think I could do it.
did you. Marv. you old skeptic.

Okay. everybody. back to work.
We're going to have cake later.

- Jim. guess what?
- I know. Murphy. Everyone knows.

Two hundred days.

Yesterday you told us 199 days.

WhY. it seems like only a week ago
it was 193 days.

What I‘m trying to say. is that as much as
we love you. and we do love you...

...we‘re wondering whether
this is going to go on forever.

Jim. when was the last time
you had sex?

Oh. God. it shows.

Doris and I. we're having
a little problem in our marriage.

And we don‘t seem to be able
to get in step with each other lately.

Maybe you need to put
a little romance in your life.

You know. flowers and candlelight.
A hotel with cable.

It‘s true. After 25 years. we do start
to take each other tor granted.

Since the show‘s preempted this week.
it‘s a good time to plan something nice.

There you go.

Morning. guys. I'd say this is one
ot your better Mondays.

Looks like we'll be able to log
some serious goot-ott time.

Did any ot you get a chance
to see the promo tor that miniseries...

- ...that's preempting us this week?
- You mean Power and Passion?

It's nothing but an exploitative. pandering
piece ot trash that fouls the airwaves...

...eating away at our intelligence
until the country's cerebral level... about the size ot a gnat's butt!

There's a guy
who hasn't sunk a putt lately.

Hi. I'm Murphy Brown.
welcome to my desk.

Yes. ma'am. I know. I'm Edward Pressman.
Pleased to make your acquaintance. ma'am.

Do people ever tell you
you remind them ot someone?

Well. yes. ma'am. they do.
A lot ot tolks say I tavor Roy Orbison.


Hi. Miles Silverberg. executive producer.

- Welcome to FYI.
- Edgar Pressman. Pleased to meet you. sir.

I thought you said it was
Edward Pressman.

Yes. it is. It's Edward Edgar Pressman.

Well. excuse me.
I gotta go mail something.

You know who he reminds me ot.
An older Jay Leno. Am I right?

So. Murphy..-

...I stopped by to ask you something.

Actually. I came by with
an interesting proposition.

You know the show
Another Day. America?

The morning news show that was taken
over by the entertainment division...

...and has come to symbolize the demise ot
broadcast journalism as we know it?

- That Another Day. America?
- That's the one.

Susan Sidwell starts her maternity leave
this week.

And Bob Bates is still recuperating
trom that incident at the tanning salon.

So guess what? The network would
like you to fill in as host tor the week.

- Isn't that great?
- Great? No. it's not great.

Don't look down on this. It takes a special
kind ot person to host the morning show.

Someone with style and charisma.

Someone who can generate
the kind ot ratings you do.

Besides. one week on the morning show...

...will expose your audience
to a whole new side ot you.

I want you to read my lips.

I'd rather walk baretoot through hot coals
than be on the same broadcast... a weatherman who wishes
"Happy Birthday" to people's pets.

- Brownie!
- Gene.

- Mr. Kinsella.
- Silverberg.

I know Silverberg has talked to you about
hosting the morning show this week.

I'm sorry. Gene. She's playing hardball on
this one. I'm atraid the issue is "deadski."

I certainly wouldn't want to torce you
into something you're set against.

But you should know
that Another Day. America... a very important show to the network.

We need someone with style and charisma.

A person who can generate
the kind ot ratings you do.

- I don't know. I don't think I'm the right-
- You see. Murphy...

...stars like you
are very tew and far between.

The big ones. like yourselt and
Connie Chung. have reputations-

Wait a minute. Connie Chung?
I'm a much bigger star than Connie Chung.

OI course you are. We all know that.

I only bring her up because it you
say no to this. we'll ask her next.

Frankly. she's already expressed interest.

She thinks it would be good tor her
audience to see another side to her.

But. hey. that's Connie.

No. you make up your own mind. I certainly
would understand it you want to pass.

Well. you have made a couple
ot good points. Gene...

...and actually it's only tor a week.

- I guess it wouldn't kill me.
- Well. good! Then it's all settled.

But I want you to know
the only reason I'm saying yes... I know it
would mean a lot to Miles.

Well. I certainly am glad to see
that this relationship is working out.

Murphy. thank you.
Silverberg. let's have lunch.

Why did you say that?

I don't know. Miles. Sometimes Donna Reed
comes in and takes over my body.

Let's not question it.

Thank you. Murphy. I owe you one.

Wait a minute. I ‘lorgot to ask.

I'm not gonna host the show alone.
Who's my co-host going to be?

Murphy. I just heard the news!

We are going to have so much fun!

Hello. Murphy. pull up a chair.

I got news. I'm gonna host
the morning show.

The morning show?
They asked me to host it once.

As it I really wanted to get up at 3 a.m.
to interview some tlash-in-the-pan starlet...

...or health-tood nut tor the sole purpose
ot entertaining late-to-work slackards...

...or the chronically unemployed and hooking
them on a daylong spree ot soap operas.

- Jim. did you book a hotel yet?
- No.


- Hey there.
- Hi. Phil.

What's this I hear about you
hosting the morning show?

God. Phil. is there anything
you don't know about?

I was a day late on
the Ouayle nomination.

But that was more ot a psychological
denial situation than anything else.

Hi. Murphy. Hi. Jim.

Well. I got the segment list
tor our week.

I was really excited when I saw it.

- We get to interview Charles Pritchard.
- Who?

Murphy. he's a very distinguished author.

He won the Children's Book Award
this year.

He wrote Chinaberry Chuckles
in the Land of the Woogies.

What the hell's a Woogie?

Here's a copy oi the book.
Make sure you study it.

And take a look at this list.
There's some challenging things on it.

"Gitts You Can Make tor Father's Day."
"How to Get Your Dog to Respect You."

Corky. there's no studying here.
This stutt's a snap.

Well. I'm glad you know everything
there is to know...

...about spring fashions
for thick-waisted women.

Me. I have to do my homework.
And I'm making it a short day.

I'm going to bed early so that getting
up at 3:30 isn't a shock to my system.

Think about that. Murphy. You know
how you retain water when you're tired.

I hate this. I have to be in a makeup
chair in five hours and I can't sleep.

Why don't you try reading a book.
That usually works for me.

I tried reading that one.
but I couldn't get through it.

Chinaberry Chuckles
in the Land of the Woogies.

Why don't you lie down.
I'll read to you.

That's stupid. Eldin.

Hey. it's a once in a lifetime offer.
What do you got to lose?

- Comfy?
- Just read it. Eldin.

"And so Chinaberry Chuckles gathered
up all his worldly belongings...

...and went in search of his
dear old friends. the Fifis.

He knew that Kelbo. their leader.
would help him on his fearful mission-"

You know. I had it figured out
by page three.

Any fool could guess that Chinaberry
Chuckles finds the magic key... the ogre's cave and
the Woogies' Christmas is saved.

Well. thanks a lot.

If I were reading Anna Karenina...'d probably tell me
not to get too attached to her.

There's something really nice about
getting up before everyone else.

You get so much done.

I was up at 3. did my aerobics...

...made a good breakfast.
did my hair and nails...

...and still had time left over
to organize my notes.

I brushed my teeth.

You know. you should floss too. Murphy.

A middle-aged mouth is just
a playground for gum disease.

Look. Murphy!
It's Glenn Goodman. the weatherman.

He's my favorite. I'm going over
to introduce myself.

Hi. Mr. Goodman.
I'm Corky Sherwood.

You know. I've been watching this show
for along time. and what strikes me... no matter how bad the weather is...

...your sunny disposition
comes right through that screen.

Well. tell it to someone who cares. okay?

And thanks for taking away
my one big shot at the couch.

Know how long I've been waiting to
feel those cushions under my butt?

Since you were a child. babe.
But no. I'm stuck with this weather crap.

While a couple of tootsies from a big deal
prime-time show get the anchor spots.


I got all cat birthdays here!
Now. get me some dogs or I'll get letters!

Places. please. 30 seconds to air.

Look what they send me. Pathetic.

Hey! Wake up!

This is morning. We don't mess around
down here. These people are my people.

So don't cross me. okay?

Five seconds to air.
Four. three. two...

Good morning. And welcome to
Another Day. America.

I'm Murphy Brown.

And I'm Corky Sherwood.
filling in for Susan Sidwell.

Hope it's a girl. Susan!

And we all send our best wishes
to Bob Bates for a speedy recovery.

You know. I hear he's peeling now.

He's going to talk about his accident
when he gets back.

Maybe through his hardship
he can help others.

Well. anyway. we have an exciting week
lined up for you.

We'll be starting our five-part series
of visits to celebrity homes.

Today. Earl Holliman.

But first. here's our favorite weatherman.
Glenn Goodman.

Thank you. Corky. And I must say
what a pleasure it is to have...

...two gorgeous stars from FYI
here with us this week.

Glenn will be back with
the complete weather picture later.

But first. we have a special guest
in our studio. Charles Pritchard.

Mr. Pritchard is the author of
that best-selling new children's book:

Chinaberry Chuckles
in the Land of the Woogies.

This is the fourth in the series.
correct. Mr. Pritchard?

Yes. and it's so gratifying that
the character has been so well received.

Well. I for one couldn't help noticing
that the male-dominated Woogie kingdom...

...seems to mirror our own adult struggle
for sexual equality in the workplace.

Oh. I wouldn't call the Woogie kingdom

In fact. I don't know that the Woogies
have a particular sex.

Tell me. Aren't the Fifis actually
an oppressed minority of sorts?

Oh. no. The Fifis are very
happy little creatures.

Well. I'm sure that's what
you'd like us to believe.

But there's a subliminal message
being sent here.

Case in point.
Chinaberry Chuckles himself.

He shows up. does nothing
to liberate the Fifis...

...just passes out the Christmas presents.
and only to the rich Woogies.

Do you have little ones. Ms. Brown?

I think I can intelligently discuss
your 37-page book...

...without the benefit of having
experienced childbirth.

Well. I for one loved the part...

...where the big Woogie cried
because there would be no Christmas.

Oh. did you?

- I hear there's going to be a sequel.
- Yes. there is. Chinaberry Chuckles... going to have a rematch
with the ogre!

You know. there are so many ways
of looking at these things. It is possible... see the ogre as a symbol of the
unregulated growth of government power.

But I for one. would like to remember
him as just a great big hairy fellow...

...who's been misunderstood.

I couldn't agree with you more.

Charles Pritchard. we're out of time. I hope
you'll be writing books for years to come.


And in our next half-hour.
Brad Heflin. a real news guy...

...will have an interview with the new
secretary of Health and Human Services.

It's very short.

Look. Murphy. you're just going to have
to lighten up. and that's all there is to it.

We're not doing Meet the Press.
You're dragging me down out there.

I was being light.

Why did you insist to that poor actor that
he's always being typecast? Who cares?

He always plays the same innocent kid.

He's 10!

Now. Murphy. you're just going
to have to get better at this.

I can't do all the work
by myself out there.

Frankly. you're embarrassing me.

Hello. ma'am.

I just want to say I've enjoyed your
work on the morning show very much.

Oh. thank you. Isn't that sweet.
And you are?

Elwood Pressler. Happy to make
your acquaintance. ma'am.

Corky. Excellent job you're doing.
Everyone upstairs is highly impressed.

And the audience response
has been very favorable.

Well. thank you. sir. I'm doing my best.

Please. call me Gene.

- Hi. Gene.
- Hi. Brownie.

- I've been watching you on the show.
- Yes?

Lighten up.

Come on. I'm not that bad. am I?


Frankly. I've rarely seen anyone so ill suited
for a situation as you are...

...for the morning show. You're acerbic.
humorless. inflexible and unprepared.

In a nutshell. you make Sam Donaldson
look like Pinky Lee.

Jim. I thought you went to a hotel
with Doris last night.

I did. It was great.
Thanks for the advice. Murphy.

But you still suck.

Murphy. I feel terrible about this.
It's all my fault.

Who ever knew you could be
so bad at anything.

I'm not bad. Miles. I'm just not good.

- It's harder than you thought. isn't it?
- Yes.

It takes a certain kind of person
to ease people into their day.

- Corky knows how. I hate that.
- Murphy.

Maybe you just have to accept the fact that
there are some things you'll never master.

What do you mean?
You think I can't do morning?

I can do it. I can do it great.

You just watch tomorrow.
Corky gave me the gardening segment.

I'm gonna tell you everything
you ever wanted to know about bulbs.

People will be talking about mulch
on their way to work tomorrow.

The word "tuberous begonias"
will be on everyone's lips.

Elwood. get me the Georgetown Nursery.

No. no. I said the jumbo bucket
of chicken.

Ms. Brown. we've had a change of plans.

Mr. Kurtz. the plant expert.
he had an accident on the I-95.

A load of potting soil shifted
and his truck jackknifed.

He's okay. just so you know. He's stuck
in Virginia till sometime this afternoon.

But we got another gardening guy. right?

Actually we got Ida Mae Johnson.

She does green things. right?
Plants. little growing green things?

Says here "winner of the
1988 National Bake-Off."

That sounds like cooking.
Do you mean cooking?

Morning. everybody.
I brought doughnuts for the crew again.

Murphy. you're here early.

I was ready for the gardening segment.
I bought a spade and those goatskin gloves.

I read everything ever written on perennials.
Mr. Kurtz jackknifed!

- What are you talking about?
- The garden guy.

He's been replaced by a lady
who bakes things!

Murphy. this is no reason to panic.
So we've been thrown a curve ball.

We're professionals. We'll handle it.

You don't understand.
The last time I baked brownies...

...I had to call in
an industrial cleaning service.

Just follow me on this one.
okay. Murphy?

Do we have any idea what
Mrs. Johnson is going to bake?

Well. judging from the ingredients
and utensils. looks like a dessert soufflé.

Why don't we just build
a Titan Missile for God's sake!

Murphy. it's all right.
we'll get through this.

Just tell yourself. ''I can do this."

We're here this morning with Ida Mae
Johnson of Oklahoma City. Oklahoma.

Winner of this year's National Bake-Off.

That's right. and Mrs. Johnson is going
to show us how to make an orange soufflé.

Now. Mrs. Johnson. this is the recipe
you won with. right?

Oh. no. That was my fruitcake.

But this was on kind of short notice and
my nuts have to be rum-soaked for a week.

- I see.
- As you can see. we've melted the butter.

- Now we're going to blend in the flour.
- That's right.

We've melted the butter.
and now we're going to blend in the flour.

We've poured the flour.

We blend the flour.

Notice the way in which she blends.
Nice even strokes.

Stirring. I believe. counter-clockwise.

Mrs. Johnson. what exactly
is that utensil Corky's using?

A spoon.

No special name for it.
no special kind of spoon?

- No.
- Just an ordinary. common spoon.

You know. some people think a soufflé
is hard. But it isn't really.

Not as long as you have the right utensils
and you time everything just right.

So. what's next?

While we're waiting for the milk to boil.
we need to separate four eggs.

Why don't you do that while
I grate the orange peel.

Okay. Separate the eggs. huh?

- Would you like me to do that. Murphy?
- No. it's okay. I can handle it.

Here we go.

Clean up on aisle six.

Why don't I do that. Murphy.
You stir the flour.

Now. there's an easy way to separate eggs.
It's all in the wrist. Watch this.

Hey. that's pretty good. Let me try that.

- No. Murphy. you stir the flour.
- No. I can get this.

Best two out of three.

Now see here. it's time for the milk and
this girl's still not got the flour mixed in!

Why don't you tell everyone the importance
of keeping your countertops tidy.

- Here's a sponge.
- Just one more egg.

- Settle down. we gotta beat the egg whites.
- I'll beat the egg whites.

- No. I'll beat the egg whites.
- I don't care who beats the egg whites.

Just beat them. Beat them!
They gotta go into the sauce now!

Oh. those whites won't beat!
There's yolk in them!

So they'll be a little yellow.

You don't know what you're doing!
You ruined my soufflé!

There's a butcher knife. Why don't you
just cut out my heart with it!

Lady. what do you want from me?

It's 8:00 in the morning. I haven't
had a cigarette in 205 days!

It's a morning show. Lighten up!

Listen. it's been fun. but we need
to shut the studio down.

Okay. just one more.

Murphy. I'm sorry I had to get rough
with you on set. I hope you're not mad.

No. Actually I should thank you for taking
that meat mallet away from Mrs. Johnson.

Good. See you upstairs.

Hey. CorkY?

I've been meaning to tell you something.

You really surprised me this week.
You were good.

Oh. Murphy. thank you for saying that.
It means a lot to me.

I wish I could say the same about you.

It's okay. I've accepted
my shortcomings. Sort of.

You know. this week you're probably
feeling a lot like I do most of the time.

Somebody throws you into a situation
you're not prepared for...

...and you fall on your face a lot.

But I believe a person can learn. if they
study hard and really apply themselves.

At least I hope they can.

I really would love to be like you. Murphy.

I guess that's about the nicest compliment
anyone has ever given me.

Come here. Murphy.

I knew you wouldn't do it.