Murdoch Mysteries (2008–…): Season 5, Episode 11 - Murdoch in Toyland - full transcript

The kidnapper of a young girl leaves a talking doll in her room which is diabolically designed to lead Murdoch on a quest that is designed by a manipulative, enigmatic and vindictive criminal from the detective's past.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Thank you.

Thank you.

Is something wrong?

Nothing new, I'm afraid.

Must we have this discussion
each and every week?

At 30 years of age, your time
to discuss has nearly run out.

Thank you, Dean.

You certainly know how to charm a lady.

I'm sorry you're so discontented.

Wanting to try for a son is hardly a crime.

Let's get you into bed.

Come on, turn around. Let's go.

Is Father angry with me?

Not at all.

He's simply tired.

Lie back.

Go to sleep, Veronica.

Veronica, time to get up.

Veronica, get up, sleepy.




It doesn't make any sense, Detective.

Why would someone abduct our daughter

and leave behind a doll in her place?

Could she have left of her own accord?

Was she unhappy in any way?

Had she been scolded recently?


That doll does not belong to Veronica.

Someone deliberately left it in her bed.

Do either of you know of anyone

who would want to target
your daughter for abduction?

Target? No, not at all.

You mean for the purposes of extortion?

It is a possibility.

No, stop talking.

Please, stop talking, and find her.

Looks to be fine craftsmanship.

Barely out of its package, I would say.

What's that?

It's a version of Edison's talking doll.

There's a recorded cylinder inside.

Hello, Detective Murdoch.

Will you play with me?

Hello, Detective Murdoch.

Will you play with me?

Why would you be named
personally in this matter?

Have you in some way put
our daughter in jeopardy?

Certainly not on purpose.

I admit, I'm as baffled as you are

that the kidnapper has
mentioned me by name.

So who did this?

I have no idea.

There's no sign of forced entry,

no finger marks on the
doors or windowsills,

not even the girl's.

Her name is Veronica.

Yes, of course.

MY apologies.


Mr. and Mrs. Bowden,

this was a professional operation.

The kidnapper was careful,
and they took their time.

How did the kidnapper get
Veronica out of the house

without her making a noise?

Surely we would have heard something.

Perhaps she knew her abductor,

someone in the neighborhood.

Whereabouts do you live, Mr. Carson?

In the rooming house across the street,

second floor.

When did you last see Veronica?

Yesterday, in the park.

There was a boy about her age.

He often wanted to play with her,

but she was too shy.

It was rather sweet, actually.


Did you see anyone loitering about,

anything suspicious?

No, I didn't.

Thank you for your time.

If you see Veronica or anything unusual,

please contact me directly.

Of course.

Anything, George?

Sir, various sightings

but none more recent than yesterday.

Ms. Balfour here, this spinster,

hadn't seen the girl in days.

But Ms. James, this
blonde lady, a seamstress,

saw her last night
walking with her parents.

This young lad, Gregory,

used to play hide-and-seek
with Veronica.

And then Ms. Rosevear, the
lady I was just speaking with,

used to mind Veronica from time to time.

So Veronica would be familiar with her,

and she would know the layout of the house.

Exactly, and she just asked
me if you were William Murdoch.


Ms. Rosevear?


I understand you minded
Veronica from time to time?

Oh, I did.

She was like a younger sister to me.


Are you going on a trip?

Oh, I just returned from Winnipeg.

Visiting relatives.

I see.

How is it you know who I am?

Doesn't everyone know who you are, sir?

Ah, I doubt that.

Well, I do.

I follow all of your cases in the Gazette.

You are an extremely accomplished man.

Do you have any idea who could
have taken young Veronica?

Uh... no.

Do you know of anyone who may
have wished the family harm?

No one at all.

Thank you.

George, verify her alibi.


I know it's supposed to be adorable,

but to me, it just looks bloody creepy.

I have to agree,

especially considering the circumstances.

There's still no word
on any ransom demands?

None, which may rule out financial motive

for the girl's abduction.

Well, judging from what
the doll has to say,

we know there's at
least one personal angle.

Any idea who'd bother
taunting you like this?


And what's the connection

between myself and the missing girl

or her family?

Seems to me there's one
clue staring you in the face.

There were no finger marks on the doll

or the internal recording cylinder.

Do we know where it came from, who made it?

It was manufactured in
France, at no small cost.

Someone with means, then.

Sirs, I looked into Ms. Rosevear's alibi.

At least three people
confirmed she was in Winnipeg.

I see.

I think it's time you two
went and did a bit of shopping.


Sir, I spoke with the people

at the gifts and novelty shop
down on the corner, and they-

Excuse me, sir.

They have these miniature tractors,

cast iron, all with movable parts.

I feel like I was born too soon, sir.

Talking dolls, George.

Did they sell any dolls?

One and only one
- it was bought and shipped

to Montreal about two months ago.

Right, we'll have to follow up on that.

As for this shop,

the owner recalls selling two talking dolls

but doesn't remember the customers' names.

Society women, apparently.


So where does that leave us?

On the trail of the dolls.

We have to go to the source,

and I've obtained the
name of the distributor.

Oh, excellent.

Toronto Constabulary.
A moment of your time?

Hello again, Detective.

Mr. Carson.

What brings you here?

Veronica Bowden was abducted from her home.

You knew her, knew where she lived.

A talking doll was left on her bed.

A doll that was distributed
from this warehouse.

No, no, no, no, just a minute.

I had nothing to do with
that girl's disappearance.

And I'm not the
distributor. I'm a stock boy.

We have dozens of imports.

The talking doll is just one of them.

I'd like to see your records,

especially those pertaining
to the talking dolls.


As you can see, the dolls
are a specialty item.

Only a handful of shops have carried them,

two or three orders at most.

What about this one,

an order for five of the talking dolls

three weeks ago?

That's right.

Can you describe the customer?

From what I remember,

it was a rather tall blonde woman

in her 20s, maybe 30s.

She wore too much rouge for my liking.

Hmm. And that's it?

She walked out of here carrying five dolls?

No, no, delivery was arranged.

Oh, where to?


Here we are.

A hotel in the East End,

the Empire, room 214.


Are you all right?


You're safe now. We've
come to take you home.

Your mother and father
have been worried about you.


I had cake.

Who are you?

My name is George. I'm a policeman.

And my name is William,
Detective William Murdoch.


This is for you.

Help me, Detective Murdoch!

I've lost my head!

Can you help me find it?

Veronica, who took you
from your bed last night?

Was it a man or a woman?

A man.

A man. Did you know him?


What did the man look like?

Was he a tall man, or was he a small man?

Do you remember what he was wearing?

I never saw him. I was sleeping.

Veronica, did this man hurt you in any way?

No, he was nice.

He said we were
playing hide-and-seek.


Did he say who you were hiding from?

You. But you found me.

Yes. Yes, I did.

Veronica, did the man ever
make a voice like this?

Help me, Detective Murdoch!

I've lost my head!

Can you help me find it?



Well, thank you.

But he said you were a bad person

and that you aren't very clever.

What sort of deranged
person decapitates a doll?

I once sawed the head
off my late sister's doll.

Whatever for?

No particular reason that I recall.

Well, whoever did this, I suspect,

had a very specific reason for doing so.

A threat, perhaps.

To cut off the detective's head?

No, I don't think so, George.


Help me, Detective Murdoch!

I've lost my head!

Can you help me find it?

You see, the doll is
speaking in the first person

and referring to me in the second person.

You think he's referring to his own head?

As in a metaphor?

As in he's off his bloody nut.

I don't know, but what is clear

is that he's gone to elaborate lengths

to capture my attention.

Perhaps the kidnapping of Veronica Bowden.

Was just an opening gambit in
some kind of elaborate game.

Be careful how you play it, Murdoch.

This boy means you harm, serious harm.

I don't doubt it.

Sir, that voice-

do you think that's his own, disguised?

I suspect so.

Or maybe it's the woman
who bought the dolls,

a couple, working together.

Or maybe it's simply another element

designed to disconcert me.


Good afternoon, gentlemen.

I was in the area and thought I'd stop by.

Doctor, your practice is in the West End.

Yes. Nevertheless, I-

We must be on our way,

although it was certainly nice
to see you again, Dr. Ogden.

Come on, Crabtree.

Likewise, Inspector. Constable.


Something amiss?

No, everything is exactly
as I remembered it.

Except for this.

Ah, yes, that's evidence in my latest case.

Yes, I heard what happened, William.

How insidious,

abducting a child and
implicating you in some way.

Veronica Bowden's mother
is a patient of mine.

I was relieved to hear
that the girl was unharmed,

but I wanted to see how you were faring.

Oh, I'm fine.

That's very kind of you to ask.

Yes, well...

It was good to see you.


Actually, Julia,

if you could spare the time,

I'd very much like your input on something.

- Crabtree.
- Sir?

How do you think Murdoch's
handling all this?

Well, he seems his usual self, sir.

Perhaps a bit more on edge than usual.

I think, sir, it helps that
Dr. Ogden's been around.


- Speaking of which...
- Go on.

Well, sir, I know it's
not my place to say so,

but it's always puzzled me

as to why Detective Murdoch and Dr. Ogden

have never been able to...

I mean, here are two people;
They're both so learned,

both so perfectly suited for each other.

I'm sure this Dr. Garland is a fine chap,

but-l don't know- it
just breaks my heart, sir.

Matters of the heart are
not always simple, Crabtree.

But this one seems
simple enough to me, sir.

I'm sure Dr. Ogden left
her post here at our morgue

because of it all.

People make choices.

They've made the wrong choice.

Perhaps you should stop fretting

about Murdoch's lost love life, Crabtree,

and concentrate on solving this case.

What kind of person would use
a children's toy to taunt you?

It's an unsettling tactic, I must admit.

And to what end?

No threats have been
directed at you, have they?

Not as yet.

Let's face it, William, you are a target.

Throughout our career together,

you sent many men and
a few women to prison,

some to the end of a rope.

A simple act of revenge.

I suppose it's possible,
but the question is who.

Can you think of any case
that would inspire someone

to seek this kind of retribution?

Not off the top of my head, I'm afraid.

But I'll certainly give it some thought.

Hello, William.

William, are you all right?

Yes, I'm fine.

Whoever's playing this game with you,

the attack is psychological.

Whatever I can do to help,
please know I'm here for you.

Thank you, Julia. That's very kind.

I must say, you have been missed.

I take it you and Darcy are well?

Yes, we...

Do take care of yourself, William.

Sir, you have over 90 cases,

and that number simply
pertains to the perpetrators,

to say nothing of
accomplices, family members,

anybody else who might
have a grudge against you,

and the list goes on, I'm sure.

No doubt.

However, we know the suspect to be male,

based on what Veronica Bowden told me,

so perhaps for the time being,

we can eliminate females from the equation.

Sir, I'm not so sure that we can.

Five talking dolls

were purchased by this unknown blonde lady

and delivered to her hotel.

Good point.

Either way, George,

most of the people on this list
are either dead or in prison.

Exactly, sir, which brings us
back to the civilian population

and the idea that our
suspect might be working

on behalf of somebody
that you've incarcerated.

I'm sorry, George, but this isn't helping.

Help me, Detective Murdoch!

I've lost my head!

Can you help me find it?

Help me, Detective Murdoch!

Right, Murdoch, I'm off for the night.

Sir, have a listen to this.

Pay attention to the
sounds in the background.

Help me, Detective Murdoch!

I've lost my head!

Can you help me find it?

- You hear that?
- I hear church bells.

Yes, yes, there are seven chimes,

but beyond the bells,
there's another sound.

Help me, Detective Murdoch!

I've lost my head!

Can you help me find it?

Help me, Detective Murdoch!

- Train whistle.
- Yes.

Definitely a train whistle.

Yes, so what church in Toronto

has a train going by at
7:00 a.m. or 7:00 p.m.?

We have a train to Markham

leaving Union Station at 6:55 p.m.

Right, so a train, once up to speed,

travels approximately 40 miles per hour.

So that's 2/3 of a mile for every minute.

6:55, 6:56, 6:57,

6:58, 6:59, 7:00.

He was blowing his
whistle for this crossing.

St. Jude's church overlooks
the valley right there.

What did the rector say?

He always keeps it
locked, unless he's here.

Any signs of a break-in?

No, but that's not to say

that he didn't make the recording

without his knowledge.

There goes the train.

Sir, it occurs to me

that if we were inside right now,

we wouldn't hear the train.

You think he made the recording outside.

Well, no, that would
have required electricity.

Oh, bloody hell.

What the bloody hell is that, Murdoch?

Automatic sprinklers, sir, a new invention.

Huh, well, I don't think that'll catch on.

Sir, these sprinklers would need a pump.

And a pump requires electricity.

It's unlocked, sir.

It's like a bloody tomb down here.

Oh, my God.

You found me, Detective Murdoch.

But who am I?

Oh. m'!-

A resident of Sleepy Hollow?

Ichabod Crane, perhaps.

At any rate, our first priority

will be to find any identifying features.

Aren't you curious to
know how the victim died?

I can hazard a guess.

But by all means, Doctor, continue.

Note the blood spatter on the shoes.

That suggests arterial spray.

His heart was still beating?

The victim's head was removed
while he was still alive,

from the right side,

with what looks to have
been a fine-tooth saw.

Clearly there was anger at work here.

- A revenge killing?
- Possibly.

No rings.

His hands look young, well-manicured.

And he's finely dressed.

He was

I will know more after the post-mortem.

Thank you. I have to take finger marks.

I hate finger-mark duty.

Detective work isn't always
about investigating, Henry.

Sometimes it involves mind-numbing tedium.

I wouldn't mind so much
if it wasn't so futile.


Henry, these finger marks
could identify our victim,

which puts us one step
closer to identifying

whoever's been tormenting
Detective Murdoch.

But who's to say the victim's
finger marks are even on file?

I mean, most people
aren't criminals, George.


However, those most likely
to get their heads sawed off

are probably in league

with those inclined to do the sawing,

who are, ipso facto, criminals.

I can't think of one instance

that we've discovered someone's identity

by going through these files.

- We do it all the time.
- Do we?

Because it's my recollection

that we do this until our eyes fall out,

and then Detective Murdoch
comes Waltzing in here

and says, "Check
on so-and-so,"

and, lo and behold, he's our man.

Detective Murdoch doesn't waltz, Henry.

Believe me, I've seen him try.

Sawed his head off, did he?

Bloody hell, this boy plays rough.

Yes, "plays" seems to be
the operative word, sir.

The dolls, the childlike voice recordings-

he's trying to get under my skin.

Is it working?

File this please, Irving.

- Detective.
- Dr. Grace.

The headless victim has no birthmarks,

no deformities, no scars.

Any identifying features not
accompanied by the word "no"?


What can you tell me about him?

His musculature was underdeveloped,

which suggests youth and
freedom from physical labor.

A young toff.

So how come we've not heard about it, then?

One of theirs goes missing,

we generally find out about it soon enough.

Thank you, Doctor.

Sir, this latest doll,

it's different from the other two.

Different how?

The voice is higher-pitched
and seems more rushed.

See for yourself, sir.


Hello, Detective Murdoch.

Will you play with me?

The recording is different
than the other dolls.


You found me, Detective Murdoch.

But who am I?

So you think it's someone else?

No, the voice is the same,
but the tone is different,

and the cadence is off somehow.

The words are clipped,

as if it was recorded at a slower speed

and then sped up somehow.

You found me, Detective Murdoch.

But who am I?

You found me, Detective Murdoch.

What is it?

I've heard that voice.

When? Where?

But who am I?

- I can't place it.

Take a break for a bit. It'll come to you.

It's like when someone's name
is on the tip of your tongue.

No, sir, it's not that sort of thing.

It's not a voice I'm familiar with

and can't recall.

It's... it's more distant than that.

- A voice from your past?
- Yes.

- From your childhood?
- No.

No, more recent
- years, not decades.

You know what you need, Murdoch?

A nice quiet sit-down with
your favorite head doctor.

Dr. Roberts?

As we know, he has a unique
way of unlocking the mind.

You are floating,

free from every constraint,

released from the bounds of time and space.

You have no body.

Can you feel the chair beneath you?


You are going to hear a voice.

You found me, Detective Murdoch.

But who am I?

This man is talking to you.

Do you know him?


Who is it? Do you know?

Where are you?

Where are you when you hear the voice?

What do you see?

You found me, Detective Murdoch.

- Trees.
- But who am I?


Are you in the park?

No. No, there are buildings.

Who do you see?

Young people.

They're hurrying,

carrying books.

You're at school.

Not my school.

You found me, Detective Murdoch.

But who am I?

Turn around, Detective.

Look around.

Who do you see?

- Detective, James Gillies.
- Robert Perry.

We were students of Professor Bennett's.

- It wasn't my idea.
- Shut up, you fool.

You tried to kill me.

No, I didn't.

Whatever they said, it was a trick.

Who is it, Detective?

James Gillies.


Very good.

I've got it. Higgins, I've got it.

I've identified our
victim. It's Robert Perry.

Do you remember this?

He and an associate of his

killed a university professor a while back.

I do remember it.

- George.
- Sir, our headless victim...

I believe it's the body of Robert Perry.

Oh, and, George,

please look into the
status of James Gillies

at Kingston Penitentiary.

- Sir.
- Thank you.

Surprised, George?

No, I suppose not.

I remember this arrogant little bastard

and his pal Robert Perry.

Perry made a nice deal, I seem to recall.

Yes, only two years in prison

in exchange for testimony
against James Gillies.

Gillies was sentenced
to be hanged, was he not?

- Yes.
- So how's he doing this, then?

He would have to be near the church

to make the recordings,

and yet he's in prison.

Unless he has an accomplice
carrying out his dirty work.

Seems to be his pattern.

What have you, George?

I was just on the telephone
with Kingston Penitentiary.

Apparently James Gillies
was executed three weeks ago.

- Executed?
- Hanged by the neck until dead.

And according to his family,

he was buried here in Toronto last week.

Well, he didn't rise from the grave.

Let's make sure of that.

We're there, sir.


It's a miniature casket.

I don't remember James
Gillies being dwarfish.

Bring it up.

There's something else.

Keep digging-

Is that James Gillies?

I don't know, George.

He was clean-shaven last time I saw him.

Let's get his body to the morgue.



Please stop. No, don't!

William, please help me!

That's Julia.

George, he has Julia.

Please stop. No, don't!

William, please help me!

Dr. Ogden didn't show up
to her clinic this morning,

and no one's seen her since last night.

Where's her husband?

Dr. Garland's on his way back
from a conference in Montreal.

He'll be home in a couple of hours.

I'll deal with informing
him of the situation.

The body we pulled out of the casket

was not that of James Gillies.

So who was it, then?

And how did he end up

at the end of a rope meant for Gillies?

Please stop. No, don't!

William, please help me!

I don't think you'll get anything

off this recording, Murdoch.

It's too noisy.

Yes, there appears to
be the sound of a motor

in the distant background.

But beyond that, there's another sound.

It occurs at the beginning
and repeats twice.

Please stop. No, don't!

William, please help me!

I can barely hear anything.

I can.

There's a clue here somewhere.

Gillies has left nothing to chance.

But what is it about this recording

he wants me to find?

I think you're wasting your time, Murdoch.

Sir, sounds seldom repeat themselves.

Now, if I can eliminate
the foreground noise,

then perhaps I can identify it.

Is that possible?

Sir, a motor turns at
a fixed rate of speed.

That means the whine of the motor

will oscillate at a fixed frequency.

Now, if I can create a standing wave

180 degrees out of phase with that wave,

then the two waves will
cancel each other out,

and the net amplitude of
that frequency will be zero.

In plain English, Murdoch,
what would all that get us?

A clean recording!

And possibly a clue as to
Dr. Ogden's whereabouts.

Constable Worsley,

Alexander Graham Bell is
staying at the Queen's Hotel.

I need him to come here

and to bring his audiograph with him.

Please hurry. It's an emergency.


Dr. Grace is here to see you.
And when you have a moment-

- I'll be right with you, George.

Dr. Grace, do you have an update?

Yes, the man in the casket

had an advanced brain tumor
in the left temporal lobe.

But from what I can determine so far,

the tumor was not lethal
in its current stage.

But he was dying from it, yes?

Yes, a painful, slow way to go.

Thank you, Doctor. What
do you have, George?

Sir, I spoke to the warden
at Kingston Penitentiary.

He's surprised that James
Gillies escaped the noose,

but he thinks he knows how.


In the months prior to Gillies' death,

he grew a beard, much like
one of the guards there,

a Robert Shoucair.

Apparently the two looked almost identical.

Where is this guard?

Well, he resigned due to health problems.

- When was he discharged?
- October 4th.

The very same day

that James Gillies was supposedly hanged.

Now, he has a widow that
lives just up on Dundas Street.

I'd like to speak with her.

Sir, I've asked someone to fetch her.

Very good, George. Thank you.

Good work, Crabtree.

We didn't know what to do.

I was-l am with child,

and the doctor told Bobby he
had less than a year to live.

He was hurting, and it
was only getting worse.

So your husband made a deal.


I didn't like it, but we
knew he was going to die.

How much money did Mr. Gillies give you?

$3,000 in cash.

You're not gonna take it, are you?

My husband died for that money.

I'm not going to confiscate
your money, Mrs. Shoucair.

I just need to know how you received it.

Did you meet Mr. Gillies?


His wife brought it to me in a suitcase.

His wife?

Yes, is that strange?

Insofar as Mr. Gillies never married.

What did this woman look like?

Tall, not very attractive.

Done up like a doxy, if you ask me.

Hello, William.

She had blonde hair.

George, you interviewed a woman earlier-

blonde hair, heavily rouged,

lives near Veronica Bowden's home.

- Ms. James.
- Yes, what's her address?

It's right here, sir, Ms. Gillian James.

Gillian James?

James Gillies.

399 Berkeley Street.

It's the Empire Hotel, where
we found the little girl.

I'm going in.

Sir, you should wait.
There are more men on the-

He has Julia.

Detective Murdoch, please come in.

Where is she?

You thought I was gonna tell you?

Oh, Detective, you are
wasting such precious time.

You should have tried to find her, not me.

I'm afraid Dr. Ogden only
has less than an hour to live.

- Where is she?
- Sir!

Do you really think you'd be here

if I hadn't led you here?

Think, Detective.

I wanted you to find me.


So I could watch

as you lost the thing you
love most in this world.

Don't deny it.

You really are wasting time, Detective.

How much time do I have?

37 minutes by my calculations,

less if she loses faith
you'll find her in time.

You mean if she panics.

You've rigged some sort of device

to be triggered by her heart rate.

Oh, I like that.

I almost wish I had done it, but no.

You know what's funny?

Well, I guess you won't
find it that amusing,

but you will appreciate the
irony when you discover it.

Discover what?

That it was you who killed her.

You were so hell-bent on finding me,

you sealed her fate.

Of course, I knew you'd do that.

You're so predictable.
It's really not fair.

Tell you what, Detective. Here's a hint.

You already have all the
clues you need to find her.

The question is,

are you smart enough to
figure it out in time?

- Where is she?
- This is fun.

Whoa, Murdoch. Hey, leave him.

Your friend Alexander Graham Bell is here.


Now, then, laughing boy,

let's see if we can't fix
that smile of yours, eh?

- Mr. Bell.
- Ah.

Thank you.

Yes, I came as quick as I could, Murdoch.

How can I help?

Have a listen to this.

Please stop. No, don't!

William, please help me!

- My goodness.
- Yes.

There's a sound that
repeats in the background,

but it's obscured by the
sound of a motor running.


I want to eliminate the sound of the motor.

Then we need to determine
the motor's audio frequency.


Well, let's get to work, shall we?

Is this still fun?

Or maybe you'd rather talk.

Tell me where Dr. Ogden is.

I believe I have a right to a barrister.

I have a right too.

And a left.

Please stop. No, don't!

William, please help me!

Yes, yes.

The frequency of the foreground noise

appears to be at 2,000
oscillations per second.

Make a minor adjustment.

- William, please
help me! - Ah, mm-hmm.

Right, and we know that sound travels

at 1,125 feet per second.


So if we take 1,125 into 2,000..


6.75 times 1...



10.125 inches.

Let's calibrate the reflectors.

A little more.

No, no, too much.

Go back.

Back, back, back.



That's as good as we're gonna get it.

Please stop. No, don't!

William, please help me!

I've heard that sound before.


The cemetery.

37 minutes by my calculations,

less if she loses faith
you'll find her in time.

There were two fresh graves.


He's buried her alive.

You already have all the
clues you need to find her.


William, help! Help!

You were so hell-bent on finding me,

you sealed her fate.

Here! Start digging!

William, help!

' Quickly!

She's running out of air.

Julia. God, please.


It's all right. You're with me now.

I'm so sorry.

What took you so long?

Mr. Gillies.

Nicely played, Detective Murdoch.

Looks like you win again.

I'm going to watch you
hang in person this time,

Mr. Gillies.

I'm flattered.

Why do this?

You could have walked away a free man.

I don't like to be bested.

You beat me the first
time. I wanted a rematch.

Well, the game is good and over now.

But I am curious
- why Veronica Bowden?

Of all the girls in the
city, why kidnap her?

Her house is where I grew up.
They never changed the locks.

If you'd have simply checked the records,

you'd have figured that out,

but I knew you'd over think it all.

Your genius will be your undoing.

Yours as well, Mr. Gillies,

perhaps sooner than you might like.


I'm completely fine, William.

You almost died because of me.

You can't blame yourself

for the actions of a deranged criminal.

And Darcy?

He must find me at fault to some degree.

He's admittedly curious to know

why someone would seek their revenge on you

by endangering me.

And if I may ask, what did you tell him?

The truth:

That somehow Mr. Gillies knew

how much we meant to one another-

our history, working together,

and our friendship.

And I apologize for putting that at risk.

Never again do I want
to feel such desperation.

Do you know how I survived?

I knew you'd come, William.

Even if you had to move
heaven and Earth to do it,

I knew you'd find me.

Detective? This arrived for you.

It was mailed yesterday, no return address.

A final gift from James Gillies.

So it would seem.


Just had word from the
Durham County Police.

Apparently the jail wagon
transporting James Gillies

overturned on the Rouge River Bridge.

The whole wagon plunged
into the river below.

Guard and driver were both killed.

And James Gillies?

They haven't been able to find his body.

Detective Murdoch, I hope
you enjoyed our reunion,

but I do wonder when we'll meet again.

Until the next time.

So he's alive?

I think it's safe to assume that he's...

I don't know.