Murdoch Mysteries (2008–…): Season 13, Episode 18 - Murdoch Mysteries - full transcript

After a shocking and unexpected death, Detective William Murdoch is certain someone close to Station House No. 4 is involved in the matter. Using his great perceptiveness and observation ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
♪ ♪

Mr. Parker's death
will not go unavenged.

We will find out
who did this to him.

Isn't she sitting
in our jail cells?

Suspecting isn't knowing.

Isn't that right, Murdoch?


It was a nice service.

Where was his body?

I'll be sending him
to his family in Pittsburgh.

Not quite yet.

I need Doctor Ogden
to take a proper look.

He'll be released
once we're done.

I see you have
charged me formally.

I have.

Simply because you
do not like me.

What I think of you has
nothing to do with this

one way or the other.

I'm a policeman.

Now, if we could discuss the
events of last Tuesday night.

No, I won't be saying
anything to you

until my lawyer arrives.

She should be
here in a moment.

I see.

Well then I suppose
we'll just have to wait.

Sir, Miss Hart's
attorney is here.

Miss Newsome, come in.

Detective Murdoch,
I have looked at the case

against Miss Hart.

It seems to me you have
insufficient evidence

to charge her.

I don't share
that sentiment.

That's clear.

Miss Newsome, is this your
first criminal defence case?

I'm not sure that matters.

Well, I'm afraid you're
not off to a good start.

Miss Hart here has
murdered a good man.

I didn't do it.

What reason would I
have kill Mr. Parker?

That is what I
intend to find out.

Miss Hart, you have
committed numerous crimes

since arriving here.

It's time you
paid for them.


Miss Newsome.

You do understand
I am simply doing my job.

Of course. As am I.

Am I to understand
Doctor Ogden will be performing

another post mortem
on Mr. Parker.

She still has standing.

Of course. I would
request that I be present.

As you wish.

Thank you.


Have you heard
from George?

No. Why?

He had been writing me
every day on his tour.

It's been going
very well.

Oh, good.

It's wonderful.

But I haven't heard from
him in the last three days.

I'm sure he's fine.

George can sometimes
get preoccupied.

I know.

I do hope all
of this can proceed

with a minimum
of rancour.

Of course.

We both have
our jobs to do.


You think something's
happened to George?

I'm sure it's nothing.

I'll ask around.

Thank you, Henry.

My mother was
a prostitute.

What are you doing?

She was my mother.

If that's what she was,

maybe that's
what I am too.

Don't you like me?

Aren't I beautiful?

Yes, you're beautiful,

but this is -
you don't want this, Amelia.


It is what I was born for.

This is who I am.

This is what I want.

-You don't want this.
-You can love me, George.

No, I can't.
I love somebody else.

-Are you lying to me again?
-I swear.

I swear it, it's my
sweetheart. Effie.

I love her.

They are my paintings
we're talking about.

And you are
supposed to be dead.

And obviously he is not.

So tell us why we shouldn't
throw you in jail.

Not a single one of those men
purchased my paintings.

They were on loan.


They were
prominent people.

I thought if people saw
my art in their homes,

it could lead to sales.

-But it didn't.
-Sadly no.

Until you died.

You want to tell
me about that?

I was a failure.
I was despondent.

I disappeared for a time.

And I reported
him missing.

I honestly didn't
know where he was.

And you were
presumed dead.


And your paintings
became more valuable.

This was not
a part of a plan.

It just simply happened.

The scarcity of an item
inherently increases it's value.

I was completely
surprised by that.

So I tried to retrieve
Philipe's paintings.

And they refused.

They denied
even knowing me.

They denied the fact

the paintings
were not their property.

And the paintings continued
to go up in value.

Which meant I was no
longer a failure.

I was rich.

Not without your
paintings you weren't.

They were our property.

We were simply taking
back what was ours.

I don't think those two
are the criminals here.

Do you concur?

I like the way
you think.

Thank you.

Everything seems
to be in order.

And this would be where
the phenol was injected.

Anyone could
have done that.

Anyone with access.

Phenol is available
in every one of the city's

mortuaries and hospitals.

And why wouldn't she just
lie if the cause of death

was something that
would implicate her?

Because I was right
here with her.

I would have noticed.

I see.

-Doctor Ogden.

It was a full eight hours
from the time Mr. Parker

was found dead until he was
delivered to the morgue.

Is that unusual?

I'm sure there
was a reason.

But would you say
it was unusual?

Effie, I don't
care for your tone.

If there was a delay
in delivering the body

I am sure William
had his reasons.

I'm sure he did.

But I will have to
raise this discrepancy

if this goes to trial.

Thank you for
letting me observe.

I would like a copy
of the post-mortem.

You will have it.


We've caught
the actual thieves.

But not the real ones.

Stop talking in riddles, Watts,
I don't have the time for it.

I believe the people who
had their paintings stolen

in fact stole them
in the first place.

From who?

Uh, the artist.

Isn't he bloody dead?

Apparently he went missing
and was presumed dead.

In fact, he was simply
trying to obtain his stolen -

Watts, that's enough.

Just resolve it,
then help Murdoch.

Of course.

And what have you
been doing, Higgins?

Been out driving that
bloody taxi cab around?

I'm trying to find
George Crabtree.

He's on a book
signing tour.

Not according
to Miss Newsome.

She says he hasn't been
heard from in over three days.

Where was he last seen?

Belleville, sir.

Have you been to
the train station?


Bloody hell.
Come with me, Higgins.

Yeah, I remember him.

You do?

Gave me one of his books.

Anything else
you can tell us?

He left with a woman.

You're sure?

Oh yeah, and she was a real
piece of goods that one.

Way above his station.

Thank you.

-Well, that's settled.
-Is it now?

He's getting a leg over
behind Effie's back, sir.

Guess that's what
you get if you're a writer.

I should try
my hand at it.

That doesn't sound
like Crabtree.

Who knows what evil lurks
in the hearts of men, sir.

So who's going to
tell Miss Newsome?

You're the one
related to her.

And you are prepared to
state in a court of law

that you saw this woman
with the deceased.

I am.

And that they
left together?

I don't know.

Well, you said you saw
her buying him drinks.

They were together.

Do you not know
when they left?

I was finished for the night.
I left before they did.

Who closed down
the bar that night?

Uh... My assistant, Jeffrey.

Have you seen this man?


And this woman?

-You're sure?

We don't get a lot
of them in the place.

I'm sure.

So they were here.

Did you see them
leave together?

No. She left first.

And the man?

He was joined later
by another fellow.

They left together.

Can you describe him?

White man.
Seemed like a nice fellow.

Did you get his name?

Some kind of President.


Yes, that's right.

The one who
freed the slaves.

-It is the way it is.
-I don't accept it.

I've just been to the Crown's
office - it's been decided.

Release her.

-Sir, I have evidence.
-Yes, but not enough.

The Crown is not going to
proceed in the prosecution

of a city official
with what you have.

-Just do it, Murdoch.

So we're going to
play it by the letter

and let a criminal go free?

Yes, that's
the way it works.

You say that despite
what happened to Parker.

You'd be wise to stop
talking right now, Murdoch.

Thank you.

A good man has died
because of you.

I had nothing
to do with it.

Then what can you tell me
about this Mr. Lincoln

that Parker was pursuing.

I know nothing about him.

Now, if you don't mind
I have work to do.

Congratulations on your
first win, Miss Newsome.

The evidence is
circumstantial at best.

but no less damning.

So this is done?

No it isn't.

Far from it.

Take him to the hospital.

Think we're well
past that, ma'am.

Just do it please.

What do you want?

Since Mr. MacAuley
appears to be alive,

we are here to retrieve
his other paintings.

They don't belong to him.

We recently spoke with him.
He says they do.

Then he is a liar.

He told us he loaned
you these paintings.

I purchased them.

Oh. Excellent,
then let us see a bill of sale

and we'll be on our way.

I'm not required to
provide you with--

A man has accused you
of stealing his property.

You say you bought it.

A bill of sale will
solve the matter.

There was no bill of sale.

It was a handshake

One that
Mr. MacAuley disputes.

What are you doing?

Preparing to return this
to its rightful owner.

You take that and I
will see you in court.

Do as you please,
Mr. Ferdinand,

and the court will see a rich
gallery owner stealing paintings

from a destitute artist.

Return them to us
and the matter is forgotten.

And you think something
has happened to Mr. Crabtree?

I didn't say that.

Well, if it has it will
boost sales on his first book.

But it certainly won't
do much for his second.

Had you noticed an attractive
woman at any of his readings?

An attractive woman.
At a book reading?

That's an oxymoron.

Very good.

Nevertheless, George
Crabtree was seen

with an attractive woman
when he arrived in Toronto.

And he hasn't
been seen since.

Lucky George.

And you don't know
anything about a woman

with an unusual interest
in George Crabtree.

There were letters.

-Scads of them.

He had a reader who wrote
him almost every day.

I have some
if you'd like.

I would.

I'll have them sent over.

She was desperate
to talk to George.

-About what?
-Her mother.

She accused him
of stealing her story.

Did you find this unusual?

Not in the slightest.

Authors are always getting
accused of stealing

other people's stories.

In fact,
many of them do.

And when they're not
getting accused of theft

they are getting suggestions
from their readers.

They seem to think
they know better.

-I have an idea.
-What's that?

We are going to
make everything better.

Don't move.

No Amelia,
don't do this!

-Don't do what?
-Put that away!


I'm not gonna hurt you,
George Crabtree.

That's all that was for.

Now, we are going
to fix this.

You are going to
write me a story.

That does my mother's
memory justice.

I thought you
wanted the truth.

We can write
our own truth, can't we?


I heard they
found you innocent.

Of a crime you committed.

That's a baseless accusation.

And then set me up.
By using phenol.

Maybe I wanted to just see
if you still had it in you.

You always were
a master of duplicity.

Get out.

I think I'm going to be sticking
around here a while, kid.

Might be time to for us
to renew our old partnership.

You got morphine,
codeine, cocaine -

you got your own little
regular candy shop here.

They're for
scientific tests.

And for more than that.

Government's gonna be making
a lot of these things

illegal soon.

So I heard.

So there's gonna be a big
market for this stuff.

We could make out
like bandits.

Just like old times.

Old times are over.

No they're not.

They are for me.

Well, I don't
think so, Violet.

So how about you
get to procuring

some of this stuff for me.

I'll take as much
as you can muster.

And don't worry, I'll
make sure the split is amicable.

The exit wound
on Mr. Kingman's body

was not made by a bullet.

So it was created.

Crudely, but yes.

And while it's difficult
to accurately conclude,

given the deterioration
of the body,

it's possible
the bullet was extracted.

Miss Hart said she found
no bullet inside the body.

Then Miss Hart
is quite probably a liar.

Thank you, Julia.

Do you need me further?

Do you not want
to see her arrest?

I brought Miss Hart
into the fold.

I have no stomach
for witnessing her downfall.

Do you mind?

Does it matter?

No, I suppose it doesn't.

Well, it seems you've managed
to avoid a murder charge.

You mean I was wrongly
charged for a crime

I didn't commit
and then was released.

It's hardly avoidance.
It's justice.

That's strange words
to hear coming from your lips.

I don't know how much
clearer I can be,

but I did not
kill Mr. Parker.

I tend to believe you.

But that doesn't mean
you haven't committed a crime.

I've ordered the exhumation
of Mr. Kingman's body.

I believe you tampered
with evidence

regarding his death.

You can believe
what you want.

Doctor Ogden
has confirmed it.

I see.

And you plan
to pursue this?

Your days at
the coroner's office

have come to an end,
Miss Hart.

Well, if that's the case,
so has your wife's freedom.

I have proof that she
administered a fatal dose

of morphine to a patient
in her care.

A Miss Cooper if I recall.

What Julia did can hardly
be considered the same.

Perhaps we'll leave that
for the courts to decide.

She extended
you a courtesy.

Gave you a chance.

That is all true,
and I am grateful.

That's why I am leaving
what happens to her

in your hands.

Did you arrest
Miss Hart?

I've been unable
to locate her.


Well, I'm sure you
will soon enough.

William, I think I should
get back to the University

to finish my obligations.

Yes, that's probably
for the best.


It's beautiful.

I'm glad you like it.

So what will happen next?

Will she find
her daughter?

Why don't I leave
you in suspense?

Whatever do you mean?

Let me go.

I'll send you the rest.



where will you go
on that foot of yours?

You must stay here
so I can take care of you.

Now hurry up and finish
my mother's story.

I can't, I can't
stay here any longer.

People will be
looking for me.

Well, then you'd
better hurry.

I'm anxious to see
how it turns out.


You wanted to see me?

Interesting developments, it
appears Mr. MacAuley's paintings

have only continued
to increase in value.

Apparently the remarkable
newspaper story and the news

of the thefts have
spurred desire even further.

You learn that from
the fruitcase?

This is an 1890
Fume De Pouilly -

a very fine vintage.

For solving
your first case.

I don't want it.

You don't like wine?

I don't like
your kind.

What kind is that?

A disgrace.

This isn't the last of it.

And if you are looking for
your friend from last night.

He's in the cells
at Station House One.

-Miss Newsome.

-Any news about George?

Something must have
happened to him.

Out on the road
or somewhere.

Please don't worry,
Miss Newsome,

I believe he is in Toronto.

Then where is he?
Is he all right?

I'm sure it's nothing.

But he was seen leaving
the train station with a woman.

We're still
looking for him.

A woman, I see.

Well, please
find him regardless.

So do you want me
to rip this up now

or after you leave
this office?

Neither, sir.
It's my intention to resign.

That's just ridiculous.

No, it's not.

Sir, if I pursue Miss Hart
she will reveal that

Dr. Ogden was responsible
for a murder.

An act of mercy.

But murder none the less.

If I can't do my job
without bias

or under compromise then
it's best I not do it at all.

You can't resign.

I can't change
what I believe.

And I will not
put Julia at risk.

I'm sorry, sir.

Your friend brought me
in here last night.

Let some of the others
know who and what I was.

I'm going to get you out.

No. Just let me handle it.

You can't be implicated.

He already suspects me.

Let him.

I'll tell anyone
who will listen

that you were immune
to my advances.

You're a policeman,

Don't throw that away.

And he didn't discuss
this with you?

He didn't say a word.

I thought you were
one of those couples

who talked
everything through.

Kept no secrets.

[Julia] I'm not sure those
people really exist.

William is a very
private person.

And you're not.

We all have secrets,

Mistakes we've made -
fortunately sometimes

we're given a chance
to make things right.

Can you get him
to change his mind?

Just leave this one alone.

He is the finest policeman
I'll ever work with.

William's not one
to change his mind.

But I may be
able to help.

Do you like it?

I do.

But it is
a fairy tale.

I thought that's
what you wanted.

I wanted a mother
who loved me.

Not one that would
throw me away.

Amelia, you don't know
your mother's circumstance.

Perhaps her leaving
was for the best.

The truth is I am the child
of a fallen woman.

Nobody cares about me

the way the mother cares
about the child in your story.

I care about you.

You do?

Yes, I do.

I think you're probably
a good person.

I think your mother
was a good person.

I think those women,
those prostitutes, my aunts.

They were mostly
good people.

Who just tried
to make it through.

Just trying to make it
through this world

the best they knew how.

For some of them,
the only way they knew how.

Look, let me go, I promise
to say nothing of this.

I'll protect you.


Because I know
how you feel.

We've both been abandoned.

We've both sought
comfort from stories.

But that's all
they are, though.

Yes, but stories
can be wonderful.

I mean, your story
has barely begun.

Look, I will say nothing
of this, on my word.

You go out there
and write your own story.

But what about
your broken foot?

I'm a clumsy man.

I, I tripped
over a podium.

That's my story.

Jack Walker is being held in
custody in Station One's cells.

On what charge?


Well, I don't know
what I can do about it.

He's a good man,

If he's guilty of
what he is charged with,

my hands are tied.

Then charge me.


I'm as indecent
as Jack Walker.

Charge me.

You shouldn't have
told me that.

Well I did.

Bloody hell, Watts.

Jack Walker should
not be persecuted

for being a human being.

Nor should I.

So Inspector, I leave it to you
to do what you think is right.

City morgue.
I'll be right there.


the Inspector told me
of your intention to resign.

You would give up
all that you do for me?


But you wouldn't tell me.

You wouldn't let me.

You would
convince me to stay.

Which is why
I'm giving you this.

Violet Hart has
nothing on me now.

You stole this.

Don't ask
that question.

From now on, whatever
accusation Violet Hart makes

against me
cannot be proven.

Now William,
I have to go back to London.

There's business there that
needs to be taken care of.

Thank you, Julia.

No William,
thank you.

Morphine, codeine, cocaine --

you got your own
little regular candy shop here.

So how about you
get to procuring

some of this
stuff for me.

I'll take as much
as you can muster.

Can you put me through
to the dispensary?

Hello Jacob, this is
Violet Hart from the morgue.

I need to re-order
some supplies,

there was a flood
in here last night and...

I'll telephone you back.

Are these seats free?

I'm waiting for someone.


You can't save
them all night.

Police business.

But you're drinking!

Would you like
to see a badge?

There you are.


Never mind.

So you are free
to go after her.

So it would seem.

Cold feet?

We have stolen evidence
for our own aims.

Leaves me wondering if
we're any better than she is.

Well, I'll leave you to
mull that over, Murdoch.

I've got other
things on my mind.

Such as?

Watts told me
he's a left footer.

You don't seem surprised.

Look, it troubled me when
I forced Detective Scott

out of the constabulary,
I don't want to do that again.

Not so easy to
be by the book.

Don't get smart
with me, Murdoch.

It's just
a statement, sir.

And something it seems
we're both wrestling with.

Are you George Crabtree?

Yes I am.

THE George Crabtree.

One and the same.

-Could you sign my book?
-Yes, of course.

What's your name?

Lizzie Drake.

To Lizzie Drake

from the George Crabtree.

Alright then.


There you go, Lizzie, now
Lizzie I need you to be off,

I have to
perform a ruse.


-Ow! My foot! My ankle!

Are you alright?

I'm blinded by pain,
who is it?

It's Higgins, who do you think--

Oh, Higgins.

What happened
to your foot?

Thank g-- Higgins, Higgins,
I was abducted.

For days!

By a beautiful woman?


I've been looking for you.

We heard you ran off
with a beautiful woman.

I hadn't ran off, Higgins.

I was adducted
properly at gunpoint.

Where is she now?

She's gone.
She's left town.

No point looking for her.

it's just us men here.

Oh, Higgins, just help me
get back to the station.


You really do think
the worse of me sometimes.

Penny for your thoughts.

Excuse me?

It seems you have
a lot on your mind.

I do.

Care to
unburden yourself?

It's a long ride.

Well, if you want the truth,

I'm going off
to break a young man's heart.

Lucky you.

It's been a long time since
I've broke someone's heart.

I never meant it to go that far.

We rarely do.

I have a man I'm
dearly in love with.

A man who would do
anything for me.

And I him.

It's a shame.

A shame?

Sometimes doing the right thing
can be so dreary.

If the higher ups find out
I've done nothing about it

then I'll lose my job.

Then you lose your job.

What about
your sister?

Oh. We'll find a way
to help her.

Maybe you can become
a bricklayer or something.

A bricklayer,
I'm not a bloody Italian.

Then a plumber.

They make more money
than policemen do.

Thomas, I married you
for the man that you are.

A man who will do
the right thing.

Watts is a good man,
he doesn't deserve this.

Then fix it.

Thank you, Margaret.

Hard to believe though,
isn't it?

Detective Watts?

Oh, Thomas it was as clear
as the nose on your face.

Honestly, sometimes
you are so dense.

Oy, look who's back!

The conquering
hero returns.

What happened to
you then, bugalugs?

Sir, I was
abducted by a fan.

Scarcely escaped
with my life.

-Is that so?


It's good
to see you're well.

Just a moment. Just a moment.


I need to talk to you.

Is everything alright?

It's fine. Yeah.

It's fine.


We were uh, when you left --

There's no need.

I just wanted to tell you
that you'll have to finish

the lectures alone.

I'm needed at home.


Please, Doctor Dixon,
enjoy yourself.


Did you do what I asked?

I did not.

Well, you best get to it.


I've done all that
I'm going to do for you.

I don't recall a time
in our association

where you gave
the orders.

Well, that time has come.


Free at last are you?

Get out of here.

Leave town. Leave me alone.

Look at you, what,
they give you in an office

and you decide you
can get all uppity.

You don't ever
tell me what to do.

Miss Hart.


I have just killed
John Lincoln.

I surrender
myself to you.

What did she say
of the circumstances?

She confessed to
having been involved

with this Lincoln fellow
some years ago.

Apparently not all
their activities

were on the straight
and narrow.

Big surprise.

Regardless, she said that
Lincoln tied to involve her

in some
shady dealings.

He attacked her,
she fought back.

She's claiming

She's claiming nothing.

She simply told me
what happened.

Did you conceal evidence

in the murder case
of Walter Kingman?

I did.

-To protect myself.

Why didn't you tell us?

I didn't trust what
you would do to me.

Did you also falsify
evidence in the case

that nearly put John
Brackenreid behind bars?

I did.

But I had no knowledge
that what I was doing

would harm your son.

I'm truly sorry.

At the time I believed it
was the only way for me

to get ahead.

Why did you think that?

When I petitioned
Dr. Ogden for the job

of coroner I was rejected.

Why not simply
wait for your time?

The coroner in London,
no training at all.

In Kingston,
a retired police officer.

I had the experience
and the education

and I was still passed over -

and then a man who
could give me what I wanted

offered me a chance, I took it.

It was wrong.

You knew it was
wrong the first time,

and yet you did it again.


I was scared of
losing what I had.

I was scared I'd have to go
back to being what I was.

You had my prisoner released.

I did.

You're aware
of what he is?

A good butcher.

You know you have
another "butcher"

working in this
Station House.

You're new to your position
as a Detective aren't you?

I am.

Well, if you want
to stay there,

I'd advise that you
leave this matter alone.

I could have you out on your
ear by the end of the day.

You condone
their behaviour.

It's their business,
not ours.

Close the door
on your way out.

And knock next time.

You wanted to see me?

Let me ask you
a question.

Who among us
is without sin?

None of us, I suppose.

No. She gets another chance.


You and I don't know
the circumstances

of Miss Hart's life.

She broke the law.

We've all broken the law.

And I will say that if
you choose to pursue this,

I won't stop you.

I just think
you shouldn't.

This is a long way
from "by the book".

Well sometimes the bloody
book needs be rewritten.

And that's
the truth of it.

[Effie] Then you were
right to let her go.

I hope you brought
some peace to her.

I just wanted her to know
that her future is unwritten.

That's a beautiful
sentiment, George.

Mind you, it'd be untruthful
of me to tell you

she didn't make
advances on me.

Of course she did.

I resisted, of course --

What do you mean
of course she did?

What woman in her right
mind wouldn't want to bed

a successful writer?

Is that what I am to you,
Miss Newsome,

just another
notch on your belt?

Don't be silly, George,
I don't wear a belt.

What do you wear?

I wear a corset.

A corset?

And I thought you were
such a modern woman.

I am plenty modern,
George Crabtree.

Well, belts, corsets,
I say we do away

with the lot of them.

Shall we get the bill?

Are you safe?

As safe as I'll ever be.

Edwards has no proof on
either Watts or Jack Walker.

Well that's good, I'd hate
to give up our butcher.

Oh, my cane.

[Watts] A gift for
a man of honour.

My since--
uh, my deepest respect.

Good choice.

Oh, wow.

I hope they weren't
too disappointed

to lose you in London.

I think they'll manage.



I need to
tell you something.

I almost strayed
with Doctor Dixon.


I contemplated it.

But you didn't?


And you don't plan
to in the future?


Then I don't think I need
to hear any more about it.

You're not upset?

I've thought about
other women as well,

I'm not a saint,
I don't expect you to be one.

But I do have
one question.

I'll answer it.

The sheets
are still cold.

What shall we do about it?

I have a few ideas.

So do I.

♪ ♪