Murdoch Mysteries (2008–…): Season 10, Episode 13 - Murdoch Mysteries - full transcript

When William and Julia run a training exercise on their new property, they find it has been used as a burial ground.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
(theme music)

(sound of rain and digging)

(sound of thunder)

- (horse nickering)
- (panting)

(Murdoch): Is it done?

(Julia): Yes. Our friend
is fodder for the worms!

Good. Let's go.


We're likely looking
for a shallow grave.

Murderers never dig deep. They're
in a hurry to be rid of the body.

Or can't be bothered to dig any further.

- Let's try by the river.
- Why?

Just seems a restful place.

Higgins, we're looking for a
burial site not a picnic spot, man!

Over here!

I don't believe it.

Eureka! Ha!

Congratulations, Constable Jackson,

- you found our friend!
- Ah!


Thank you, Doctor.

I believe you gents
owe me five cents each.

We made a little wager

as to who would find your
cadaver first, Doctor.

Good, you've embraced the
first part of my training

exercise with enthusiasm.


Miss James, as well as
Miss Baxter and Miss Roy

from the Medical College
for Women are joining us.

Once the Constabulary finds a body

buried under suspicious
circumstances, Medical Inspectors,

or Coroners, are called to the
scene to give their opinion.

Definitely deceased.

- Definitely.
- Thank you, ladies.

Medical Inspectors should
always have an opportunity

to view the body before it is moved.

It is their responsibility to
unlock the corpse's secrets,

some of which can only be
ascertained at the crime scene.

As constables and
doctors working together,

it is your task to determine
identity and time of death.

To that end, collect whatever you need.

We should look for insect
activity and patterns.

Yes. And consider the soil conditions.

What difference does it make
where the fellow was buried?

The presence of micro-organisms,

moisture and warmth are all
factors that help determine

the rate of decomposition
and the time of death.

- Oh God!
- (expressions of disgust)

Perhaps we should...
work on the windward side.

That's a helpful idea. I wish you luck!

(men still reacting to odour)


(light transition music)

I see not even a decomposing corpse

could dampen your appetite!


I should say not.

Post-mortems should never be
conducted on an empty stomach.

Hm. I must say,

a joint forensics exercise

on our land is a brilliant idea, Julia.

Well, we'll see what the
constables and doctors come up with.

When are the builders arriving?

Sometime this week, they claim.

- Oh we'll be long gone by then.
- Hm!

- Whoa!
- (horse nickering)



Good day.

Good day!

I'm Barry Biggs. Frank Walsh.

- You the new people?
- Yes, William Murdoch,

- my wife, Julia.
- Hello.

Our family farms are over yonder.

(with a chuckle): Farming accident.


So, are you planning on
living in this tent, then?

No, no, we plan on building a house.

Builders out there digging?

Uh, no, that's an experiment the
Detective and I are conducting.

Oh, police are you? How much
did old Dawson soak you for?

I believe we settled fairly.

(chuckling): I don't know if
this old place is worth much,

with the river overflowing
the banks every spring.

Best watch that.

Oh, I intend to build a
fair ways from the river.

The maples to the west,
there, will need some pruning,

else a wind'll put a limb
right through your roof.

Now, you are planning on
building a roof I take it.



Why such a foul odour
when it's a new corpse?

Doctor Ogden likely buried
the body shortly after death.

And I believe decomposition doesn't
begin in earnest until it's...

exposed to oxygen.

Correct, Constable.

Can you take hold of this tape?
We need one more measurement.

Oh! Allow me!

We can't let you ladies
put us to shame here...


- (trying to blow it off): OH!
- Ah!

Judging from the size of the
larynx, the cadaver is male.

From the remaining muscularity

we deduce he was likely a working man.

- He was 5 feet 11 inches in height.
- Are you sure?

Quite sure. We took careful
measurement of the long bones.

And his teeth suggest he
was 35 to 40 years old.

So, a tall man in his late thirties,

- likely a labourer?
- Yes.

Well that is a
comprehensive description.

There's only one problem:

this is not the cadaver I buried.

But you marked the burial
site, did you not, Doctor?

Of course. Animals or
weather likely moved it.


Detective Watts.

I heard you had found
an unidentified corpse.

I was hoping to take a
gander. Male or female?

- Male.
- Ah.

So I see.

Detective Watts has been on the
hunt for a number of missing women.

Some of them have been gone
a considerable amount of time.

- I'm sorry I can't help you.
- That's all right.

It means the people I am
searching for may still be alive.

Youth and optimism.

It's a delightful
combination, Detective Watts.

Uh, though not helpful in this instance.

Good day.

(Julia sighs.)

So ladies,

- who is this?
- (chuckling): I have no idea.

but it seems he was beaten to death.

Multiple fractures on his
skull and defensive injuries.

He put up quite the fight,

judging from the severe
blows to his hands.

From the size and
shape of the contusions,

they were inflicted with some force.

Likely with a hammer.

So, we have an unidentified murdered man

buried on our land, Julia.

Any idea how long he's been here?

At least a year, I'd say.

We'll work on establishing a
more accurate time of death.

We'll conduct the post-mortem
right away, Miss James.

Out here?

We may as well take
advantage of the fresh air.

And my students still
have a body to find.


Indentations in the land
are a clear sign of a grave,

but so too can be vegetation.

The Detective once found a body ...

well, a skeleton, I suppose
by observing a nonnative plant

- amongst the wild species.
- But the dead are dead.

Beyond help.

Caring for the living
interests me far more.

Then, why are you here, may I ask?

I needed an excuse to avoid a wedding.

Well, I'm telling you,
there's nothing more satisfying

than solving a murder.

Just last year we found
these gold-plated statues

that turned out to be human bod...

Look here.

See these flowers?

They're the only one of
their kind in this area.

The soil here is richer,


fertilized by organic matter.

Like a rotting corpse?

You're a quick study, Miss Baxter.

I don't recall burying the body

this close to the river, Julia.

Yes. Well, according to the neighbours,

the shoreline changes every year.

- Sir.
- What have you?

Looking at the size of these boots,

I would say we're looking at a man.

It's not him. This is not my cadaver.

- Are you sure, Julia?
- Yes.

The body I buried wasn't wearing boots.

What else are we gonna find?

(birds chirping)

What do you have there?

A bullet.

- (Julia sighs.)
- (Murdoch): Murder, then.


it seems somebody's making
foul use of your land.

Indeed. It seems we're
harvesting bodies.


(music amplifying)


As this one is a pile of bones

and the first body much less decayed,

it would appear that they were
killed months, if not years, apart.

There are furrows in the soil

from the maggots leaving in
droves after polishing off

- the flesh of the corpse.
- Two dead bodies, William.

Who did you say you
bought this land from?

A man named Dawson.

I never met him, his lawyer
handled the transaction.

George, I'll need your assistance

- down at the Station House.
- Sir.

Let me know how you
fare with an identity

- and a time of death, Doctor.
- Oh!

Throwing down a rather large gauntlet,

- wouldn't you say, Miss James?
- Indeed.

Constable Jackson?

- Yes.
- Constable Crabtree suggests

we keep looking for Doctor
Ogden's missing cadaver.

Yes, great, I'm...
Yeah, I'm... I'm ready.

- Excellent. Let's get going.
- There ya go.


You're leaving me with a constable

who does nothing but leer?

Thank you very much.

He's not all that bad.

You just have to give him
really clear instruction.

I have a better idea, Anne.

We work on the soil research and

leave the constables to
tramp around the land.

Sorry to desert you.

Shall we, Constable?

Yes, we shall. (little chuckle)

All this area north of the city

would have been settled
by farmers in the 1840's.

As the city began to
encroach in the last decade,

developers started to
buy up the land including,

I expect, our Mr. Dawson.

From everything I hear, sir,
he seems a slippery fish,

always hiding behind his lawyer.

Hm... How long did he own the land?

Three years. He owes
money left and right, sir.

What's more, he's skipped
out on his landlord.

- Right. Try to find him.
- Sir.

Perhaps your neighbour would
know something about him.

That would be...

... Alvin Nash.

Mr. Nash!

Detective William Murdoch,
Toronto Constabulary.

You bought the place up the road.

- Yes, I did.
- So, neighbours.

Well, eventually, we
haven't broken ground yet.

This is my wife, Mavis.
My daughter, Dorothy.

- Afternoon, ladies.
- Good day.

Mavis doesn't say much.

We're doing our best to keep
her happy, aren't we, Dorothy?

We are that.

Um, Mr. Nash, if I may, what
do you know about Mr. Dawson,

the previous owner of my land?

Dawson, no. He kept to himself.

Why are you asking?

Well, we discovered two
graves on the property.

You don't say...

- on the Dawson land?
- Yes.

See, Dorothy, what'd I tell you?

I always thought there was
something funny about him.

What do you mean?

Dawson hardly ever came up here.

But when he did, it was at night.

We seen him one time, Dorothy and me,

lifting something heavy off a wagon.

What was it?

I don't know. It was
wrapped in a tarpaulin.

When was this?

That would've been just after
I got out of the sanitarium.

That was two years ago. Maybe longer.

Did you not suspect anything?

Pff... His business, not mine.

Whoever thinks a neighbour
is burying bodies?

- (mooing and door opening)
- (dog barking nearby)

That's Frank and Barry.

They're good lads.

They help me keep the place going now.

(soft transition music)

(indistinct conversations)

- Out of the way! Out of the way!
- I'm walking here...

Miss Cherry?

(chuckling): For the love of...

Hello Constable Crabtree.

Do you like it?

I do!

I'm the proud owner. Almost,
that is. I'm on a trial drive.

This must cost a fortune.

It does, but it's still a bargain.

The owner only wants $100.

A hundred dollars, that's far too cheap.

There must be something wrong with it.

I thought it was too good to be true.

Well at least I got
to take it for a spin.

I look pretty good behind
the wheel, don't you think?

You do!

You know, maybe somebody
could look at it for you.

- Take a peek under the hood.
- Who?

I just might know somebody.

It must be quite rewarding,
you saving people.

I'm not quite a doctor yet.

I still have a residency to
complete, but my studies are finished.

(ducks quacking)

Can I ask you a question?


What do you know about dropsy?

(breathing in): Dropsy,
such an odd word.

Um, it's swelling caused by
accumulation of fluid in the body.

It usually happens because the
heart isn't pumping efficiently.

Heart. I see.

Quite difficult to treat, unfortunately.


Clumsy oaf!

Wait. An indentation is exactly

what Constable Crabtree said
to look for. Hand me that spade.


Let me guess. This
still is not your corpse.

No, not mine.

This looks like a more
recent burial, Doctor.

Puncture wounds to the abdomen.

A better name for your body
farm might well be murder farm.

The bullet in the skull of the corpse

was from a hunting rifle.

His left femur was broken in two places,

- likely pre-mortem.
- Really? Strange.

The next one to die was
the first body we found.

Beaten to death but he
put up quite a fight.

The third victim was only
buried in the last month or so.

So, after we purchased the land, Julia?

He was stabbed with a pitchfork.

Judging by the puncture wounds,

one of the tines was
shorter than the others,

worn down by use, no doubt.

- Hm...
- Unload here, lads.

Who's that?

(sighing): The builders.

Uh, excuse me. I'm sorry,
but there's a problem.

Well, you did book us to start today.

I understand that, but
unfortunately this land

has become the site of
a police investigation.

So, why did you ask
about dropsy? You seem...

too robust to have heart problems.

Uh, no, it's not me. My...

(hesitantly): ... my
wife died some years ago.

Oh no, I...

They said it was to do with her dropsy.

I didn't know what that was.

I suppose they didn't explain it to me

- because they didn't think I'd understand.
- What?

That's no way to treat
a bereaved husband.

She never did have a
strong constitution,

so her passing wasn't a surprise.

Sweet girl, she was.

(sweet, soft music)

I'm so sorry.

Thank you for the explanation.

It's a comfort to know.

(birds chirping)

(same sweet, soft music)

Constable Jackson...


There appears to be a lot of
animal activity right there.

I wonder what they were after.

(sighing): Finally!

Congratulations, you two.

If you don't mind me asking, Doctor,

where did you get him from?

The subject saw the value

of donating his body
to scientific research.

So let's make good use of it.

You know, I'm not sure that
there are no more bodies

yet to be found, Constable.

Then, perhaps we should
keep looking, Miss Baxter.

Please, call me Anne.

Mr. Dawson.

Detective Murdoch.

Has your lawyer explained why
you're being questioned today?

Something about the land I sold you.

Judging by your demeanor...

maybe I should have brought him along.

You owned the property for three years,

yet you never built on it.

The city's moving north; I
thought it was a good investment.

Land prices haven't
increased significantly, so

- why sell?
- (sniveling)

To be truthful, my vision tends
to exceed my business acumen.

Is this why I'm here?

(breathing out)

We're investigating three murders.

Three bodies were buried on that land.


And you think I had
something to do with it?

Did you?

Look, I've, uh,

dodged the law, taxes and
that, but I'm no murderer.

I hardly went near the place.

There have been reports
that you were seen there

late at night. Explain that.

I'm a bit of an amateur astronomer.

Sometimes I'd drive up
there with my telescope to...

look at the stars without
the lights of the city.

And while you were there,
did you ever witness any

disturbances on the property?

- It was usually dark as pitch.
- Of course.

Can you think

of any reason why someone

would bury bodies on my land?

It could have something to
do with the Hobbins family.

- Who are they?
- They were one of the first families up there.

Had a place further north.

Thought they owned the whole county.

Liars and cheats by all accounts.

No reason to think
they'd stop at murder.

- Do they still live there?
- (sighing): I don't know.

But I'd stay clear if I were you.

Badge or no badge.

(clucking nearby)

(goat bleating)

Excuse me.


Detective Murdoch, Toronto Constabulary.

I have nothing to say to the police.

Is this the home of a William Hobbins?

Get a judge's warrant.

(somber music)

(more bleating)

Sir, you likely met Minnie
Hobbins, William's daughter.

By all accounts she's a
real chip off the old block.

I anticipate no shortage of
colour in their history, George.

Indeed not, sir. They've
cut a swath of violence

and intimidation since they
arrived from England in 1870.

They set up house in the north
part of the county and just

decided it was their
own personal fiefdom.

- Any arrest record?
- Plenty of arrests, sir.

Robbery, intimidation,
suspected in a number of

violent homicides, but no
jail time until recently.

- What happened?
- Well, two and half years ago,

William and his two
sons, Patrick and Daniel,

were finally sentenced
for illegal liquor running.

They're all locked up in
Kingston Penitentiary now.

Well, it seems we may
have found our murderers.

- Off to Kingston, then.
- Right.

- Yes, George?
- Sir, I was just wondering

if you needed any further assistance.

Uh, Miss Cherry had
asked me to assist her

- in the purchase of an automobile.
- Miss Cherry?

The reporter, sir. Surely you remember.

Of course I do.

She seems full of bright
ideas and energy, George.

- An auto suits her.
- Yes indeed, it does, sir.


(quirky music)

(birds chirping)

There is a species of moth
which hatches in open wounds.

In the process, it excretes a
mucus which seals the lesion.

Preventing other insects from entering.

Which would explain why there
is so little insect activity

- in such a recent corpse.
- Yes,

yet it still gives us no further insight

as to when the third victim was killed

- or when he was buried.
- (Miss James sighs.)

I wonder if the students
are having more luck.

I'll see.

Miss Roy.

We're testing each soil sample,

measuring the moisture retention
of the different types of soil

in which the bodies were found.

Any results so far?

It's too premature to
draw any conclusions.

Happy though I am to be
working with you, Miss Roy,

I don't know why you are
having me repeat this test.

What's the complaint now, Constable?

Well, this soil from Dr.
Ogden's body site... it's clay.

The same type of soil the
first body was found in.

It's a waste of time to repeat the test.

So the two corpses were found
in the same kind of soil?

That's what I just said.

Katherine, do you know what this means?

Yes. We can work out a timeline

for when the first body was buried.

What are you talking about?

I can find out from Doctor
Ogden when her subject died

and the exact date she buried it.

That will give us a baseline

to calculate the rate of
decomposition in clay soil.

And we may be able to find out
when the first victim was murdered.

(little snicker)

(breathing out)

We have covered the
property several times over

and I've dug up every indentation

and unusual piece of
vegetation we have come across.

Perhaps there's a body in the river.


I'm sorry to disappoint,
but I don't think there are

any more bodies to be found.

You know, I really think
forensic work could be my calling.

That would be a terrible waste,
if you don't mind my saying.

You don't think I would be good at it?

No, no, I think given your
determination and thoroughness,

I think you'd be quite excellent.

But you have a special way
of dealing with the living.

How do you mean?

You talk to people like they're people.

That's a rare thing for doctor.

Well, I will take that as
a compliment, Constable.

(birds chirping and light music)

My name's Augustus. But I prefer Gus.

So, Gus,

you sure there are no more bodies?

(quiet chuckles)

Quite sure.

Well George,

you really are a dark horse.

I had no idea you had such
an entrepreneurial streak.

Oh, it's really just a sideline.

No, it's a stroke of
genius on your part.

No one knows how to fix autos.

Well, Sam's the brains really,

I'm just more of a silent partner.

Don't be so modest, George.

Bloom and Crabtree...

Crabtree and Bloom has
more of a ring to it.

It's funny you should say that.

What do you think, Samuel?

- How much is the seller asking?
- One hundred dollars.

(Samuel whistles)

Have I been handed a lemon?

You found yourself a steal.

It runs like a top.

If you don't buy it,
I'll snap it up myself.

- Excellent. Thank you, Samuel.
- My pleasure.

I'm just glad you brought this
beaut by for me to take a look at.

Is he always so forward
with his customers?

I think he was actually
talking about the automobile.

Shop talk, I get it.

The secret language of mechanics.

You know, I believe this garage

could be the making of you, George.

It seems likely the Hobbins family

buried their victims on our property.

Where we are building
our home. How charming!

Though there is some irony
to it, don't you think?

That a detective and the city coroner

should buy land that's being used
as a disposal site for bodies?

Ironic for us, yes.

And unfortunate for the perpetrators,

albeit ones already in jail.

Yes. And when I meet
them, I intend to find out

just who their victims were.

But there's something wrong
with the timeline, William.

- Of course.
- If the Hobbins are securely behind bars

- at Kingston Penitentiary...
- Then how did they bury their last victim

- only a few months ago?
- (quiet chuckle)

(smooth music)

(indistinct laughs and conversations)

- Mr. Bruce.
- What do you want now?

- Still miss your wife...
- I Didn't.

- Until you brought her up again.
- Sorry for that.

Now all I want is for her to come back.

Do you believe she's alive?

I don't know.

That's what I'm trying to find out.

She was seen with two
other missing women.

So far, I have had little luck

ascertaining any of their whereabouts.

Likely mouldering in a grave somewhere.

Likely, but not definitely.

Mr. Bruce,

are you still in possession
of your wife's belongings?

I haven't thrown out a thing.

I haven't had the heart.

Can I take a look?

I suppose so.

(indistinct laugh)

- (sad music)
- I miss her something terrible.

(indistinct voices)


- George, what brings you here?
- Sir, I hate to bother you at home,

but there's no point in
your traveling to Kingston.

What do you mean?

The Hobbins are not incarcerated
in Kingston Penitentiary.

I spoke to the Warden there.

What's more, there's no record
of them ever having been there.

Were they sent to a different prison?

Sir, there are no inmates by that name

in any prison in the province.

But George, there is a
record of their conviction.

I know sir, I don't
understand myself, unless...

they escaped before being transported.

Well, if that were the case,

we surely would have heard about it.

Yes, surely we would have.

So, you're telling me we have a
family of criminals on the loose.

Perhaps with plans on burying
more bodies on your land, sir.

I believe Miss James and I

have gleaned all that
we can from the bodies.

Are we interrupting?

We have the results of the soil testing.

Not at all. What have you?

We measured water retention
in the soil from each grave.

The more water retained,
the wetter the soil.

Creating an opportunistic
environment for tissue decomposition.

As I've learned from Miss Roy.

We discovered three
distinct environments.

The first body was found in clay soil.

Now, clay holds water unless
there's very good drainage,

which there was at
the first burial site.

And the skeletal body was
buried in very moist soil.

A cubic foot of that soil
retained two gallons of water.

But the third body, however,
was in sandy soil and subsoil.

Much drier conditions.

And the grave was on higher
ground and in full sun.

It was also wrapped in a blanket.

Dramatically different conditions.

Yes, and ones that could
substantially effect decomposition.

- Good work! Thank you.
- (little chuckle)

The body found in the wet conditions
would have decomposed faster

than the one in the
hot, dry environment.

Hot and dry would have
slowed the process.

These victims could have been
killed within a much smaller

window than we first thought.

Have you been able to
establish their ages?

Yes, we examined the teeth.

Judging from the condition of the
enamel and the remaining molars,

the skeleton was that of an older man

and the other victims were
likely in their thirties.


I believe the Hobbins family
remains at the centre of this...


But perhaps in a different
way than we first thought.

(smooth transition music)

You again.

You recognize these?

Pair of old boots, it looks like.

Yes. Did they belong to your father?

If you say so, I suppose they do.

Where are your father and brothers now?

Last time I saw them they
were getting hauled off

to the Kingston prison.

Did you ever visit them there?

- Why would I do that?
- (birds cawing)

Miss Hobbins, I am sorry to say this

but I believe your father
and brothers are dead.

(rooster crowing nearby)

He die with those on or off?

(somber music)

George, the warden you spoke
with at Kingston Penitentiary,

- how long had he been there?
- Not that long, sir.

The previous warden had just retired.

That's who we need to
speak with. Find him.


Everything in here is Muriel's.

You kept it.

(breathing deeply in):
For when she came back.

- Tried getting rid of it a number of times...
- And you never could.

Good to have faith.

I went to the police a couple of
days after she disappeared, you know.

They never did anything.

Said it was my fault she ran off.

Aside from her blonde hair,
anything you can tell me

to help identify her?

- You think she might be dead.
- I... don't know.

(sighing): Well, uh,

she has a birthmark on her right calf.

Shaped like an hourglass.

- What do you know about this?
- It's her book.

She wasn't much of a reader.

Would take her a couple
hours to get through a page!


last few days I was with her,

she was never without it.

What can you tell me
about your wife's cousin?

Caroline McGovern, isn't it?


Well, not much.

Last I heard she was
working in some tavern.

May I keep this?

How much did the Hobbins
offer you to let them go?

Enough to retire on?

Where did you get that idea?

You were the warden at
Kingston Penitentiary

when William, Patrick, and
Daniel Hobbins were sent there.

Yet, there's no record
of them whatsoever.

You were the only person who
had access to those records.

- You made a deal to let them go.
- You're wrong.

I had as little to do
with them as I could.

Then who did you take money from?


How dare you sugg... I wouldn't
take a penny from that poor man.

From who?


Alvin Nash.

Alvin Nash... the neighbour?

- What does he have to...
- I was happy to help any way I could

after what he told me.

I'm afraid I don't follow, sir.

Did you not know what they did?

Those Hobbins burned down Nash's barn

in revenge over some old land dispute.

Nash's boy was killed in the fire.

Fourteen years old, he was. Still a lad.

His wife was so grieved
it drove her mad.

But how did you know Alvin Nash?

We were both in a
sanitarium near Peterborough.


Two years ago.

We got talking and he learned
I was the warden at Kingston.

Terrible thing, losing a son.

- Surely there was an investigation?
- Ha!

Of sorts.

But those Hobbins
covered for each other,

said they were nowhere near the place.

Nash got no satisfaction
from the courts.

They got away scot-free,
can you believe that?

It was eating him up inside.

After many years, he finally found a way

to get justice the only way he could.

So you had the Hobbins
released to Mr. Nash.


I told them they were part
of a special work detail.

I escorted them out of the prison.

Nash's wagon was waiting
for them outside the gates.

They climbed in, never
suspected a thing.

That's was the last I saw of them.

(soft piano music)

I will be charging you, sir.

Go ahead. I'll never see the courts.

I'm dying.

So it doesn't matter to me what you do.

I know I ended my life
doing one good thing.

Mr. Nash...

the Hobbins were neighbours
of yours for many years.

They were.

And there were disputes
between the families

going back all the way to your
fathers' days, is that correct?


They were liars and thieves.

What do you know of William,
Daniel and Patrick Hobbins' deaths?

What about them?

Theirs are the bodies that
were buried on my land.

But then, you already
knew that, didn't you?

I spoke with Warden Smith.
He told me what happened.

Whatever he did,

the burden should be on me, not him.

That will be for the courts to decide.

The Hobbins were vile,
terrible human beings.

Yes, I got them out.

- Why?
- So I could kill them.

It had to be done.

But they were locked up! Behind bars...

No danger to you.

For two lousy years.

Then, they'd be released and back
to making our lives a living hell.

It was my chance to be
rid of them for good.

So you took the law into your own hands.

The law?

What did the law do for my boy?

He was burned alive by those animals.

My wife went into a grief
she'll never come out of.

Somebody had to stop them.

And it wasn't just the
Nashs they picked on, either.

- They were bullies to the whole county.
- How so?

Frank's hand...

wasn't injured in any farming accident.

The Hobbins boys crushed it.

Punishment for some...

supposed theft.

They crippled Barry's horse...

just for the fun of it.

He had to shoot her.

So you killed them to avenge
your neighbours, as well.

They got what they deserved,
it's all I'm saying.

And where are the murder weapons?

The pitchfork's in my barn.

And what of the other weapons?

I used Frank's hammer...

and Barry's rifle.

Poetic justice for the
injuries they suffered.

The bodies were buried
in three different graves.

Why not just one?

Took my time.

Locked them up...

killed them one by one.

I'll be needing that
pitchfork, Mr. Nash.

Just let it be.

We're all better off without them.

You murdered and buried
three men, Mr. Nash.

You're in no position to judge.

There's no question,
the pitchfork matches

the wounds on the third body.

Then, Mr. Nash's
confession closes the case.


Something wrong?

The Hobbins were a
family of violent thugs.

Mr. Nash is an older man barely
able to tend to his own farm.

Where did he find the
strength to kill and bury

three grown men?

Revenge is a mighty fuel.

Doctor Ogden, Detective.

Miss Roy and I have
done some calculations

based on the rate of decomposition

of the two corpses we
found buried in clay.

- Our baseline was the body you buried...
- Six months ago.

Yes. So, accounting for
some physical differences

which might affect the results,

we have determined the body
was buried two years ago.

That's excellent work, Miss James.

That gives you your timeline
for the Hobbins murders.

Two years ago. Are you sure?

It's actually quite a
conservative estimate.

It could be two years
and three months. Why?

Well, Alvin Nash should
thank you, Miss James.

You've just handed him an alibi.

(soft piano music)

Watch your step, old man.

Get your hands off me, sonny boy.

Is it common practice to
let murderers out of jail?

You're no murderer, Mr. Nash.

Don't be ridiculous.

You may have persuaded
the Warden to release

the Hobbins men to you,
but you didn't kill them.

Of course I did.

You were in a sanitarium in
Peterborough two years ago.

You're wrong!

I stuck that pitchfork in
Patrick Hobbins as sure as day.

Then, I took care of the other two.

The pitchfork was used
for one of the murders...

but it wasn't in your hands.

Who are you protecting?

Who is the real killer?

Leave him be.

What do you know about
the Hobbins men, Miss Nash?

She doesn't know anything.

Miss Nash, you have
something you'd like to say?

You don't know what they did to us.

Horrible things I'm
not putting a name to.

- Hush, Dorothy!
- No, I'm not staying quiet.

Look at her.

Look at my mother. She's hardly human.

And my brother...

after what they did to him,

there wasn't even a
body left for us to bury.

Just ashes.

That's what they left us with: ashes!

She doesn't know what
she's talking about.

I'm not ashamed of what we did.

Who else, Miss Nash?


- What's going here, Alvin?
- Just business...

between me and the Detective.

Nothing to get involved in.

You have a question for Alvin,
you have a question for all of us.

- Severe blows to the hands.
- Frank's hand

wasn't injured in any farming...
Hobbins boys crushed it.

His left femur was broken in
two places, likely pre-mortem.

They crippled Barry's
horse, just for fun.

Three killers from
three wronged families...

exacting the same injuries.

I should've done that.

I should've set Patrick Hobbins on fire.

The pitchfork was too quick.

You deny this, Mr. Walsh?

No one misses them. Not
even their girl, Minnie.

They would've terrorized us
'til we were all crazy or dead.

No court will punish us

for doing what we did.

We did the right thing.

(dramatic music)

Welcome to the neighbourhood, Detective.


Police constable runs
auto garage you can trust.


What do you think?

Well, it's...

It's very well written.

The publicity is sure
to attract new customers.

What is it?

It's not entirely true, is it?

I mean, I don't run the garage.

- Of course you do.
- But I don't, Louise. As I said, I'm a...

I'm a silent partner.

So you think Mr. Bloom could
have pulled it off on his own?

No. Probably not.

George, it's a good idea for you
to be the face of the business.

Everyone trusts a police
constable to be honest.

There will be autos
lined up around the block.

You could even start another shop.

I don't know what my bosses
will think about this.

Perhaps if it takes
off, it won't matter.

How do you mean?

In a year from now you might
not even be a Constable.

You could be running a
string of auto garages.

Crabtree and Bloom's.

(chuckling): Do you think so?

Certainly, George, if you would
just stop hiding your talent.

Perhaps you're right.

And you're sure there
are no more bodies?

Uh-huh! I believe Miss
Baxter and Constable Jackson

searched quite thoroughly.

Wouldn't want the builders
to find anything untoward.

They start again tomorrow.

It's hard to believe this is the
same idyllic setting you chose.

Given that we found murdered
victims buried on it.

And we arrested all our neighbours.

I don't think that we should live here.

I couldn't agree with you more.

- I'm so relieved to hear you say that!
- I'll put it on the market tomorrow.

(giggling and shushing)


- Uh...
- Doctor Ogden!

(with a chuckle): Miss Baxter!

Doing some final research, I take it.

- Yes!
- Uh, Sir, we, uh...

we were inspecting... behind...

- and um...
- Constable Jackson,

I believe you may be needed
down at the station house.

- Yes. Going.
- Hm. Sir.

- With your clothes on.
- (Julia lets a laugh escape.)

Uh, ah...

Um, eh... Hm.


I suppose a tent is a
rather romantic place.

Even if it served as a morgue?

The dead will never tell.


Announcer: On the next Murdoch.

Just one dose of Pendramine.

- I'm a young man again.
- Announcer: Eternal youth,

is it worth going to jail?

Even the wealthiest company in the world

- could not pay your price.
- Detective Murdoch lied to me.

Announcer: On an all
new Murdoch Mysteries,

next Monday at 8:00 on CBC.