Murdoch Mysteries (2008–…): Season 1, Episode 10 - Child's Play - full transcript

Howard Rookwood is murdered in the horse stables of his glue factory, but who would want to kill a humanitarian involved with placing troubled English youth in foster homes?

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[ l ndistinct conversations ]

[ Glass tinkling ]


Ladies and gentlemen.

Each year,
more than 1,400 children

are rescued from England's
most impoverished neighborhoods.

They are brought here to Canada

and given a second chance
at life.

Baker House
has made great strides

in ensuring placement
for these young waifs.

And now it is time for us
to play a part.

With your contributions
tonight --

And l daresay a sizable donation
from you, eh, Howard?

[ Laughter ]

With your contributions tonight,

l believe that the future
of these children

will be significantly brighter.

-Hear, hear.
-[ Applause ]

Of course, none of this
would be possible

if not for the director of
Baker House, Mr. Calvin Baker.

This is as much a party
as it is a fund-raiser,

so everyone drink, enjoy,
and give generously, yes?

And now it is time for us
to say our good nights.

We only just got here, Father.

l'm afraid l still have some
work to finish up at the office.

Work, work, work.
Doesn't our Howard ever play?

But, Mr. Watt, we've been here
for over an hour.

A whole hour.
Why, that's a record, isn't it?

Excuse me a moment.

Flora, allow me.

Thank you.

[ l ndistinct conversation ]

Come, come, the carriage awaits.

[ Horses neighing ]

Who's there?

Whoever you are, show yourself.

What are you doing here?

So, they're just like
field glasses?

Yes, except you can look around
and over objects. Here.

-What do you call it?
-l call it a circumscope.

''Circum'' from the Latin ''around''

about losing his opera glasses
last week?

Did he?

There'll be a blowup
if he doesn't find them soon.

l'm sure he'll recover them
in due time.

Perhaps next Tuesday
or Wednesday.

l magine the uses
for surveillance, George.

Yes, surveillance.

Yes, l can definitely see
how these will be useful.



Dr. Ogden needs you immediately.

Dr. Ogden.

What have we?

Our victim's name
is Howard Rookwood.

The philanthropist.

And proprietor
of this glue factory.

lt appears as though
Mr. Rookwood fell

and was trampled by horses.

lf so, then why call for me?

l said, '' lt appears. ''

You believe otherwise?

The cause of death was this blow
to the back of the head.

You don't think it was caused
by horses' hooves?


l think it was caused
by something

with a flat, hard surface.

So, the killer struck
Mr. Rookwood dead,

and then what?

Thought it would seem as though

he had been trampled to death
by horses?

That's how it appears to me.

lt's such a shame.

He did so much good
for the community.

someone thought otherwise.

MAN : Nothing to see.
Come on. Watch out.

No wallet, watch,
or cuff links were found

on the victim's person.

-Robbery gone wrong?

l've marked all the footprints
in the area as you asked, sir.

Good. Take castings
of all of the prints, George,

and compare them to anyone
who had access to

or were in the corral.

One of the sets
may belong to our killer.



What happened to the horses?

They've been processed by now,


They were on their way
to the rendering vats

when the body was found.

Of course.

Back off!

Howard Rookwood is --
was one of my oldest friends.

And business partner, correct?

Going on 20 years now.

Two fraternity brothers
who wanted to conquer the world.

Of course, we didn't know it
would be the world of adhesives.

When was the last time
you saw Mr. Rookwood?

Last night.

Calvin Baker had
one of his fund-raisers.

Calvin Baker.
The Baker House for Girls?


Did anything unusual happen
at this event?

Not that l recall.

There was one odd thing.

Howard and l had words?

That's a bit
of an overstatement, isn't it?

Even still, what was
the argument about, Mr. Baker?

Howard wanted to change
the architectural drawings

of the dormitory wing.


And that didn't sit well
with you, l take it.

He was such a perfectionist,
and it was so last-minute.

Of course, we'll adhere
to his wishes now.

l n fact, we'll be naming
the wing after him.

l n memoriam?

He deserved it.

He was a self-made man.

l think it helped him to see
the potential in the children.

Do you know of anyone

who might have wanted to harm
Mr. Rookwood?

My dear man,
you'd be hard-pressed

to find anyone
who'd even speak ill of him.

Had there been
any troubling circumstances

in his life lately?

Well, l understand there was
some uncomfortable business

at the house.

She's doing so well.

Trying to be brave.

l'm very sorry for your loss,
Mrs. Rookwood.

lt's all just very difficult
to comprehend.

Do you mind?


Mr. Baker suggested
that there had been some trouble

at the house.

A manservant, l believe.

He must be referring
to Mr. Gorman.


Miles Gorman.

He was Howard's valet.

He was very uppity,
if you ask me.

And he was let go?


lt started about six months ago.

Small things
began to go missing.

Silverware, vases,
that sort of thing.

l suspected Mr. Gorman

and asked Howard to relieve him
of his duties.

And how did Mr. Gorman
take that?

l n a word, sir, poorly.

l'm very sorry
about your father, miss.

He really is gone, isn't he?

l can assure you,
l will find out who did this.

l have also lost people
very close to me.

You can only say goodbye
when you're ready.


l believe l have found
the murder weapon.

Excellent, George.

Have you dusted it
for fingermarks?

l did, but they're too smudged
to be of use.

Where was it?

l n an alley by the glue factory.

This has got to be blood.

Yes, it's blood, all right.

There's also some hair on it.

George, l need you to locate
Mr. Rookwood's former valet,

a Miles Gorman.

Miles Gorman, right away.

Oh, and how are the shoeprints
coming along at the stables?

Oh, Higgins is on it.

-He's having a bit of trouble.
-MURDOCH : Right.

Tell him l'll be by
to help shortly.

But, first,
l have to make a brief stop.


OGDEN : The back of the shovel
is consistent with the wound.

But given the size and the shape
of the fractured area,

it suggests the blow came
from an overhead swing.

How tall is Rookwood?


lf he was hit from behind
with an overhead swing,

then why is the wound so low
on the back of the head?

And not closer to the crown.

l was wondering the same thing.

The angle
still needs to be lower.


That matches
Mr. Rookwood's wound exactly.

Now, don't move.

Quickly, please.

Don't tell me those cycling legs
of yours can't hold up.

l'm simply anxious to learn
our killer's height.

Otherwise, l could maintain
this position for hours.

Right. Perhaps hours
is a bit of a stretch.

64 inches.


So, our killer is very short.

l ndeed.

Constable Higgins, how are the
shoe impressions coming along?

Honestly, sir,
the soil just crumbles

as soon as the plaster hits.

l've ruined
three shoe impressions already.

Uh, only left ones.
The others are all still intact.

Let me show you.

Notice how the heel is deeper
than the toe.

Someone with a limp, perhaps.

Except we have four
similar unaccounted sets.


And now consider
that the death blow was struck

by someone short.

Obviously, you have a theory.
So, come on, out with it.

Sir, l believe
children were involved.

But this is an adult shoe.

Yes, but sometimes street
children wear hand-me-down shoes

that are too big for them

and stuff rags in the toes
to make them fit.

Hence much more weight
in the heel.

And we also found
a child-size boot impression.

Do you have any idea
who these kids are?


However, l did see some children
working at the glue factory.

Little buggers,
like a bloody epidemic.

l'll round them up.

CHARLl E: So, l knocked him
on his rear end.

[ Laughter ]


l'm Detective Murdoch.

This is Constable Crabtree.

We'd like to ask you
a few questions.

You boys work here
at the factory?

A man was murdered here
last night.

Did any of you see anything?

Go near the body maybe?

Anything you could tell us
would be helpful, lads.

We weren't there, sir.

[ Laughter ]

That's interesting.

Because we have proof
that your shoes were.

How do you suppose they got
there without you in them?

Run !

Oi ! Here!

Come here, you little brat.

Ow! Jesus!

l lost them, George.

CRABTREE: They gave me the slip
as well, sir.

l fear our killer
may have gotten away.

l fear he may have done so
on your bicycle, sir.

Oh, for the love of --

Lord's name, sir.

Yes, George, thank you.

Let me get this straight.

You found the suspects,
you couldn't get them to talk,

they wounded a constable,
nicked a detective's bicycle,

and then got away on it?

Yes, sir.

A stellar performance.

l believe l can identify
the ringleader.

Well, that's a start.

Any other riveting insights?

Yes, he had an accent.

-Home children.
-Most likely.

Not surprising.

Probably trash off the streets
of East London.

What makes you say that?

Have you ever been to
the East End of London, Murdoch?

No, l haven't.

lt's a filthy, dirty place
full of criminals and derelicts

who do nothing
but drink and breed.

Well, then, sir, l thank God

for places like the
Barnardo Homes and Baker Houses

for rescuing children
from such places.

And sending them to Canada,
where we have to look after 'em.

ls that the little toe rag?

You can see the glint of trouble
in his eye.

Sir, the cards
are without expression.

Oh, it's there, Murdoch.
Look close.

WATT: Sorry, Detective,
l don't know who this is.

l'm afraid they all look
the same to me.

But this boy claims to have
worked here.

That may well be, but it was
Howard who dealt with them.

l don't suppose you have
any employment records?

He paid them in cash.

Enough to put something
in their stomachs.

Do you think this boy was
involved with Howard's death?

lt's very likely.

Those little bastards.

After everything
he did for them.

Do you have any idea

where l might be able to find
these boys?

All l can think of is you
might speak to Calvin Baker.

What does Mr. Baker have to do
with this?

His home
only accommodates girls.

Baker House also has a home
for boys.

lt's in Peterborough.

Now, if there's nothing else...

Actually, there is.

We believe this boy
may be involved

in Mr. Rookwood's murder.

Do you recognize him?

No, sorry.

You barely looked at it.

So many children come through
our doors, Detective.

And l'm in the middle
of organizing

another important fund-raiser.

Well, l'm terribly sorry

if Mr. Rookwood's
murder investigation

is upsetting your schedule.

l'm sorry.
l'll ask my staff.

Perhaps they'll remember him.
May l keep this?

Of course.

Good day, sir.

Miles Gorman's address.

Well done, George.

Mr. Gorman.
Toronto Police.

A word, please.

Oi, Gorman.
Open up.

[ Clinking ]

[ Thudding ]

He appears not to be home.

l guess not, sir.

[ Lock rattling ]

Mr. Gorman, a word.

[ Coughing ]

lt's positively rank in here.

l'm sure you'll be fine.

l'm sure l'll catch glanders
or head lice or some such thing.

You'll catch much worse

if l throw you in the drunk tank
for not cooperating.

Your former employer,
Howard Rookwood, was murdered.

Terrible shame.

Where were you
the night of the murder?

l attended ''The Mikado''
at the opera,

and then l took a spot of
ginger beer at the Rossin House.

Such an extravagant lifestyle
for an unemployed valet.

l save a few pennies
here and there

for some of the finer things
in life.

You were Mr. Rookwood's valet
for four years?

And l must say a superior one.

And what constitutes superior
in the world of valets?

A skilled valet is always
at his employer's service,

conducting himself with
civility, morality, and decency.

And which were you lacking?

l beg your pardon?

When Mr. Rookwood fired you for
theft, which were you lacking?

Civility, morality, or decency?

Those accusations were false.

ltems of value did go missing
from the home?


How do you explain that?

There was a boy loitering about.

A boy?

l caught glimpses of him
near the house,

but he vanished
before l could catch him.

ls this the boy?

So, we're back to the boy,
are we?

So it would seem.

Gorman's shoes don't match any
of the ones at the crime scene.

However, he could simply
have disposed of them.

But he spotted the boy loitering
outside the victim's home.

From a place where he was let go
for theft.

-Hardly an impartial witness.
-Suspected theft.

Gorman could be innocent
in all of this.

Yes, but how does a child go
from theft to murder?

l already told you.

Kids like this,
it's in their blood.

-l can't believe that.
-Take my word for it.

Now, what you need to do
is go back to Rookwood House

and see if anyone else
saw this lad hanging around.


Thank you.

Hyah !

And you say this boy was seen
near the house?

Yes, Mr. Gorman claims to have
recognized him

from this picture.

Hardly a reliable witness.

do you recognize him?

Why, that's Charlie.
l'm sure of it.


lt is.

Who's Charlie?

Charlie Dunlap.

He's my brother, sir.

He looks older.

Do you think he had something
to do with Howard's death?


We also think he may be involved
in the robberies

here at the home.

There must be some mistake.

lt can't be Charlie.

-Why not?
-lt just can't be!

-Mrs. Rookwood.

l have to see to her.

Just a few more questions,

Clearly, Charlie's not your son,
yet he's Eva's brother?

Eva's adopted.

Her real name is Polly Dunlap.

lf her name is Polly,
why do you call her Eva?

She's named
after our first daughter.

Your first daughter?

She died in an accident
two years ago.

l'm sorry.

l was very lonely afterwards.

Howard suggested a lady's maid.

-So you took in Polly?

From Baker House.

We hired her.
We got close.

Eventually, we adopted her.

And Charlie?

l've only seen him in pictures.

So, you know nothing about him?

l'm sorry.
Eva almost never spoke of him.

l suppose l was trying to forget
about him.

lt was easier than worrying
about what might have happened.

When was the last time
you saw Charlie?

After Father died,

Mother felt she couldn't provide
for us.

So she took Charlie and me
to the Baker House people.

l n London.

They have a home there
where you stay

and a school where they make
sure you can read and write.

And when you were ready,
you were sent here?

They gave us a trunk
for the trip.

l n it was everything
they thought we'd need.

l n mine was a dress, a dolly,
and a Bible.

Then you were put on the boat?

Charlie and l had never seen
a boat,

let alone been on one.

None of the children had.

We were all so sick
from the waves.

But then we got used to it.

Things got better.

We saw dolphins and whales
and icebergs.

-The Lord's wonders.

lt was so different than home.

So bright and sunny.

lt all seemed so grand.

But then something happened.

After the boat docked
in Quebec City,

we were put on a train
to Cobourg.

We didn't know anyone.

We missed Mother so.

l was holding Charlie's hand
when we were pulled apart.

And you came here to Toronto,
and he went on to Peterborough.

No one told us
we'd be separated.

We didn't even get to say

And you haven't seen him since?


lf Charlie was here,
why wouldn't he come see me?

What do you have for me, George?

Charlie Dunlap stayed

at the Baker House for Boys
in Peterborough

for about eight months.

He was placed with a family,

but vanished
about six months ago.

Roughly when the robberies
started to occur

at the Rookwood home.

Now, by my way of thinking,
that's far too coincidental.

Wouldn't you agree, sir?

[ Horses neighing,
hooves clopping ]

George, we'll need to return
to the scene of the crime.

-We will?

And we'll need the shoeprint
impression kit again.

Sir, we've taken casts
of all the prints.

Not all of them.

BRACKENREl D: A hoofprint?
And this proves what?

That there were horses
at a glue factory?

Wearing horseshoes, sir.


Why would anyone waste
a perfectly good horseshoe

on a nag?

And if that's the case,

what were healthy horses
doing there?

All right, l see your point.

Something's going on
at the glue factory.

But what's it got to do
with this case?

That's what l intend
to find out.

Several shoed horses were sent
to your rendering vats.

there's been a mistake.

Why would a glue factory
be slaughtering

perfectly healthy animals?

ls it because
you were buying stolen ones

for virtually nothing?

Absolutely not.

Tell me,
did you steal them yourself,

or did you engage others
to steal them for you?

Perhaps street children.

l think this meeting is over,
sir, unless l'm under arrest.


But consider this.

Last year, a man in Wyoming
was caught stealing horses.

The courts would have given him
jail time,

but, sadly, his neighbors
got to him first.

lt was Howard's idea
to use the children.

The boy.
Where do l find him?

l don't know.

As l told you, it was Howard
who dealt with them.

l never thought
it would end like this.


CRABTREE: l nspector,
l believe l've come up

with a plan of attack.

Have you now?

Ah, your prot?g?'s been thinking
again, Murdoch.

lt's dangerous.

There have been
16 reported horse thefts

in the last five months.

All of which have taken place

within a 2-mile radius
of the glue factory.

Now, the first question is
''When do they strike?''

Every 10th night.

Tonight is the 10th night.

The second question, obviously,
is ''Where?''

Now, there are only two barns.

-Two what?

-Oh, barns, yeah.

Two stables within this target
area that have not yet been hit.

Right here and here.

Now, l propose we stake out
these two locations.

Wait for the perpetrators
to strike.

Let me get this straight.

You're suggesting
we stake out a location

where something might happen?



George, perhaps we should work
from what we already know.

Such as?

Well, we know for certain

where the stolen horses
will end up, don't we?

-The glue factory.

That's good work anyway, George.

Good work?

You're going to turn him
into another bloody Murdoch.

Bloody hell, this thing's heavy.


Sir, may l ask you a question?


From the beginning
of this investigation,

you've been singularly hard
on these children.

-No, l haven't.
-Yes, sir, you have.

You've assumed their guilt
right from the start.

These children are given
every chance in the world

and look what they do with it.

They live in abject poverty.

They're torn from their parents,
shipped to another country.

What about the kids
who aren't quite poor enough?

Whose parents work themselves
into an early grave?

What do they do?

l don't know.

They pack school in
after 3 years

and start work to support
four brothers,

that's what they do.

Aye, aye.

What have we got here?

That's Charlie.

You nick Charlie,
and l'll grab the others.

And don't let him get away
this time.

What did you bring me?


[ Whispering ]


l compared the boy's shoes
to the castings we took.

They match.

So he was at the crime scene.

And his sister lied to you

about not knowing
where her brother was.

Clearly, they were robbing
the family home.

But why murder Mr. Rookwood?

That's what
we're about to find out.

This little toe rag's
about to get an eye-opening.

l want to speak with my sister,

''Sir. ''
You have to talk to me first.

Start with Rookwood.
Did you kill him?

No, sir.

Your footprints were found
all around his body.

Funny that.
How'd they get there? By magic?

-l don't know.
-Well, how about this, then?

You went to rob him, smacked him
on the back of the head.

He died.
You ran.

-That's not how it happened !
-Then how did it?

The lads and me
was bringing a horse back.

Rookwood was lying there.

We thought he was passed out
drunk, so we rolled him.

-Was your sister involved?

Really? Because we know
you're a little tea leaf.

And, clearly,
it runs in the family.

-You take that back!
-Or what?

Or l'll take a round out of you.

-Oh, will you, now?

[ Clears throat ]

Take a seat.

Let's start at the beginning,
shall we?

How did you get
out of your placement?

l was sent to this farm.

They made me work
until my hands bled.

They wouldn't let me eat
with their children

and made me sleep in the barn.

So one day,
l just left to find Polly.

How did you find her?

l knew she was in Toronto,
so l made my way here.

But l didn't know where to look.
lt's a big city.

Then what did you do?

l heard about this factory
where lads like me

could make an honest buck.

And a dishonest one.

They thought the horses up,
not me.

Right, then.

So, you were working
in the factory.

One day, a carriage rolls up

and, through the window,
l see Polly,

only she's all swank.

So l followed her home.

You must have been surprised to
see her in all that fancy setup.

l was happy for her, sir,
but l was hungry.

She started to bring me food
from the house.

And then you wanted more, maybe?
You got greedy.

Got her to steal stuff
from the house.

That's not true!

l'm sure that you are not bad,

and l don't think
your sister Polly is either.

But a man did get fired
because of you.

l know it's wrong,
but we needed the money.

So Polly took little things
from the house

and gave them to me to pawn.

Your sister wanted for nothing.
Why would she need money?

We were planning to run away.

From all that luxury?

l needed to get her out of
that house, away from him.

-From who?
-Mr. Rookwood.

He was hurting her.

Was he beating her?


Not like that.

You have to tell me the truth,

Because it's not looking good
for your brother.

We think he killed your father.

That man wasn't my father.

My father is dead and buried.

And your father
never would have done

what Mr. Rookwood did to you.


He wouldn't have.

What happened, Polly?

At first, it was just the way
he looked at me.

And then it got worse.

He came into my room one night.

Polly, if l was your brother,
l would have killed him.

Charlie wanted to,
only l wouldn't let him.

And Charlie would never do
anything against my wishes.

You have to believe me.

How could the mother
let that go on?

Maybe she didn't know.

She couldn't have been
that naive.

Perhaps she was too frightened
to do anything.

She could have been in on it.

Or maybe
she just didn't do anything.

l hope neither is the case.

And the first daughter?

You can't tell me
he wasn't all over her as well.

What, in God's name,
was going on in that house?

Your tea, ma'am.


My darling.
Are you all right?


What's wrong?

Did they do something to you?

l'd like to go to my room now.


What did you do to her?

Nothing, l can assure you.

How dare you treat my daughter
like a common criminal?

Your daughter has been stealing
from your home

like a common criminal.

That's impossible.
She would never --

However, theft is the least
of my worries at this point.

What are you talking about?

Eva has leveled very serious
accusations at your husband.

What sort of accusations?

She claims he made advances
on her.

That is a monstrous thing to say
about my husband.

So, now your daughter is a liar
as well as a thief?

How dare you?

Mrs. Rookwood...

... please tell me the truth.

Then you leave me no recourse
but to find it myself.

Good evening.

Any luck, George?

l was so insistent the president
of the bank himself appeared.

l believe this is
what you're looking for, sir.

Yes, this is precisely
what l'm looking for.

Well, cigars, steak, fine wine.

To what do l owe this pleasure?

Bank statements?

Howard Rookwood's
bank statements.

Your point?

Howard Rookwood had been
withdrawing $50 a month

for some time.


the same amount had been being
deposited into your account.

You were blackmailing him,
weren't you?

That's how you could afford
this lavish lifestyle.

Why are you wasting my time?

You knew he had a proclivity
for young girls, didn't you?

Probably starting
with his own daughter,

but certainly
with his adopted one.

-What of it?
-''What of it?''

How many wealthy households
do we both know

where the master takes advantage
of his station?

A maid, a cook, a daughter.

So you admit
to blackmailing him, then?


But let me give you a little
lesson in blackmail, Detective.

You must have something
truly damaging on your victim

in order to make him pay.

So, Eva Rookwood.
14 years.

Cause of death?

A broken neck incurred during
a fall down the stairs.

Most convenient.

Bruising to the temporal lobe,
thighs, back.

Gorman claims he suffocated her.

ls there anything
to support that?

There's petechial hemorrhaging.

That would be consistent
with suffocation.

So, Howard Rookwood
was molesting his own daughter.

He then killed her.

And later brought another girl
into the home.

Starts all over again.

Are you suggesting that he would
have killed Polly as well?

lt's a reasonable extrapolation.

Well, the killer
certainly wasn't Mr. Gorman.

Why kill your blackmail victim?

And you seem to have ruled out
the children.

That leaves only...

You knew what Howard
was doing to Polly.

Howard doted on that child.

And what about
your first daughter?

Did he dote on her as well?

l will not defile my daughter's
name by talking about this.

You knew he killed her,
didn't you?


You were worried he was going
to do the same thing to Polly,

weren't you?

This is ridiculous.

All right.

You recognize this?

You should.

lt was found by a constable
in your garden shed.

And this is a casting taken

from the scene
of your husband's murder.

At first l thought it was
a child's boot,

but you have very small feet.

You were there that night.

You killed your husband.

The doctor said Eva's death
was an accident.

But you knew something
wasn't quite right.

l suspected.

And, still, you took
in Polly Dunlap?

l was so distressed
after Eva's death.

lt was Howard's idea
to procure a girl.

lt was his idea to adopt her
as well.

Everything was his idea.

What happened
after the fund-raiser?

Howard took us back
to the house.

He wanted to say good night
to Eva before he went to work.

He told me to go to bed.

But you didn't.

l'd noticed
how he looked at her.

So l waited.

And l followed him.

l saw him with her.

l couldn't let him do it again.

So you followed him
to the factory.

l didn't have a plan.

l just knew
l had to do something.

[ Horses neighing ]

What are you doing here?

l know what's going on.

Go home, Flora.

FLORA: l saw the shovel, and the
rest just seemed to make sense.

Truth be told, l never felt
better in my life.



l'm so sorry.

l should never have brought you
into that house.


You have to forgive me.

You did it to protect me,
didn't you?

That's what mothers do
for their children.



That was left
outside the station.

Oh, my bike.

At least, it looks like my bike.

What will happen
to Polly and Charlie?

Children's Aid will look after
their immediate futures.

What about Mrs. Rookwood?

l believe the courts will see

she acted
in her daughter's interests.

l'll testify to that effect,
if needed.

You've softened your position.

l'm not made of stone, Murdoch.

lt just makes you wonder how
many kids are in the same boat.

lt sickens me to think of it.

Well, then,
grab your hat and let's go.


To see if two coppers
can make a difference.

[ l ndistinct conversations ]

-How do you do?

Henry, nice to see you again.

Hello, Rita.
How are the children?

-Very good.


Detective Murdoch.


l nspector Brackenreid.

l heard about Flora.
l couldn't believe it.

What about the Dunlap children?

l would have thought
their well-being

would have been utmost
in your mind.

Well, of course, it is, but --

Mr. Baker, do you ever follow up
with the children

once they're sent
to their placements?

We can't be everywhere,

That's not much of an answer,

You've got a nice, swanky setup
here, real moneymaker.

Suppose these people
were to find out

what really happens
to some of these children.

That you never actually check in
on the children

once they're sent
to their placements.

That you just assume everything
has a fairy-tale ending.

Do you think these people would
continue to support Baker House

if they knew?

-You're threatening me?

Not at all.

Think of it as an opportunity.

Yes, an opportunity.

To refine your system.

Ladies and gentlemen.

There's a matter of concern

that's been brought
to my attention.

lt involves making
some important changes

at Baker House.

Changes for the better,
l believe.

When l started...

You keep doing things like this,

l might just become
a bit of a Brackenreid myself.

One can only hope, Murdoch.

One can only hope.

Rip: DevilsBackbone